An introduction to RL

RL is an area of machine learning that deals with sequential decision-making, aimed at reaching a desired goal. An RL problem is constituted by a decision-maker called an Agent and the physical or virtual world in which the agent interacts, is known as the Environment. The agent interacts with the environment in the form of Action which results in an effect. As a result, the environment will feedback to the agent a new State and Reward. These two signals are the consequences of the action taken by the agent. In particular, the reward is a value indicating how good or bad the action was, and the state is the current representation of the agent and the environment. This cycle is shown in the following diagram:

In this diagram the agent is represented by PacMan that based on the current state of the environment, choose which action to take. Its behavior will influence the environment, like its position and that of the enemies, that will be returned by the environment in the form of a new state and the reward. This cycle is repeated until the game ends.

The ultimate goal of the agent is to maximize the total reward accumulated during
its lifetime. Let's simplify the notation: if  is the action at time  and  is the reward at time , then the agent will take actions , to maximize the sum of all rewards .

To maximize the cumulative reward, the agent has to learn the best behavior in every situation. To do so, the agent has to optimize for a long-term horizon while taking care of every single action. In environments with many discrete or continuous states and actions, learning is difficult because the agent should be accountable for each situation. To make the problem harder, RL can have very sparse and delayed rewards, making the learning process more arduous.

To give an example of an RL problem while explaining the complexity of a sparse reward, consider the well-known story of two siblings, Hansel and Gretel. Their parents led them into the forest to abandon them, but Hansel, who knew of their intentions, had taken a slice of bread with him when they left the house and managed to leave a trail of breadcrumbs that would lead him and his sister home. In the RL framework, the agents are Hansel and Gretel, and the environment is the forest. A reward of +1 is obtained for every crumb of bread reached and a reward of +10 is acquired when they reach home. In this case, the denser the trail of bread, the easier it will be for the siblings to find their way home. This is because to go from one piece of bread to another, they have to explore a smaller area. Unfortunately, sparse rewards are far more common than dense rewards in the real world.

An important characteristic of RL is that it can deal with environments that are dynamic, uncertain, and non-deterministic. These qualities are essential for the adoption of RL in the real world. The following points are examples of how real-world problems can be reframed in RL settings:

  • Self-driving cars are a popular, yet difficult, concept to approach with RL. This is because of the many aspects to be taken into consideration while driving on the road (such as pedestrians, other cars, bikes, and traffic lights) and the highly uncertain environment. In this case, the self-driving car is the agent that can act on the steering wheel, accelerator, and brakes. The environment is the world around it. Obviously, the agent cannot be aware of the whole world around it, as it can only capture limited information via its sensors (for example, the camera, radar, and GPS). The goal of the self-driving car is to reach the destination in the minimum amount of time while following the rules of the road and without damaging anything. Consequently, the agent can receive a negative reward if a negative event occurs and a positive reward can be received in proportion to the driving time when the agent reaches its destination.
  • In the game of chess, the goal is to checkmate the opponent's piece. In an RL framework, the player is the agent and the environment is the current state of the board. The agent is allowed to move the game pieces according to their own way of moving. As a result of an action, the environment returns a positive or negative reward corresponding to a win or a loss for the agent. In all other situations, the reward is 0 and the next state is the state of the board after the opponent has moved. Unlike the self-driving car example, here, the environment state equals the agent state. In other words, the agent has a perfect view of the environment.
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