
In the course of writing this book we have leaned heavily on the support and wisdom of others. This includes the members of the Teach Like a Champion team and our partners around the world, who have humbly kept their schools and classrooms open to our team for learning during an unprecedented time in education. Many of our colleagues took time out of their very busy work trying to run the best schools and classrooms possible in the wake of a national crisis to discuss the experiences and challenges they were living through. They include David Adams, Jen Brimming, Eric Diamon, Samantha Eaton, Charlie Friedman, Stacey Shells Harvey, Jody Jones, Rhiannon Lewis DeFeo, Shawn Mangar, Ishani Mehta, Lagra Newman, Rebecca Olivarez, Eddie Rangel, Elisha Roberts, and Bill Spirer.

In addition, several colleagues read parts of this book in draft form and offered insightful and often invaluable feedback. They include Robert Pondiscio, Russ Roberts, Tracey Schirra, and Erica Woolway. The videos included here were edited and prepared with skill and wisdom by John Costello. We are grateful to the team at John Wiley & Sons for their flexibility as the idea for this book evolved and their knowledge throughout the process of writing it. Amy Fandrei and Pete Gaughan warrant special mention. Rafe Sagalyn did as he has done with all of the Teach Like a Champion team's books, and helped steer us steadily toward the book we needed and wanted to write.

We also wish to express some personal thanks.

  • Hilary wishes to thank to her family for their immeasurable love and support, and expresses her deepest gratitude to her mother, Linda Lewis, her first and most phenomenal teacher.
  • Darryl wishes to thank his family, particularly his children, Mia and Darryl, for their love, grace, and understanding as he travels the country directly supporting and learning from amazing educators.
  • Denarius wishes to thank his students, for all the countless lessons they have taught over the years; his teachers and mentors, for their patience, support, and guidance along the journey; and his family, for always believing in him and his ability to succeed.
  • Doug wishes to thank his wife, Lisa, and his children, Caden, Maia, and Willa, for their love, support, wisdom, and humor.
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