

: (Colon), 307
, (Comma), 254, 343-344
. (Decimal point), 220
:: (Double colon), 232
. (Period), 220, 238-239
– (Hyphen), 351
/ (Slash), 89, 224, 227, 232, 254
I – (Turnstile symbol), 306
<image> (Angle brackets), 89
* (Asterisk), 91, 351
(Backslash character), 4
$ (Dollar sign character), 5-6, 5f, 220
image” (Double quotation marks), 219
=> (Evaluates to symbol), 306
! (Exclamation point), 89
# (Number sign), 168
+ (Plus sign), 91, 351
? (Question mark), 91
image” (Single quotation marks), 219
| (Vertical bar), 91, 253, 348


Absolute path, 224-225
Accents, 611
AdditiveExpr, 351
Adler, Sharon, xvii
Administrative catalog meta-data, 81
Adobe, 25, 42
Altavista, 598, 625
Analytic functions SQL/XML with, 564-567
Ancestor axes, 228, 231, 237
Ancestor-or-self axes, 229, 232, 237
And operator, 359, 359t
Angle brackets (<image>) DTD with, 89
Anonymous type, 113
API (Application Programming Interface), 497-522
alphabet-soup with, 498-503
data accessing/processing standards with, 502-503
DOM, 501
future of, 521-522
introduction to, 497-498
JAXB, 502
JAXP, 502
JDBC, 499-501
ODBC, 499-501
reason for, 498
SAX, 501
SQL/XML, 520-521
StAX, 501-502
W3C with, 498
XQJ, 503-521
XQJ data source connection in, 504-507
XQJ metadata in, 518
XQJ query execution in, 507-509
XQJ static/dynamic context in, 517-518
XQJ XML data manipulation in, 509-517
AppendChildXML() function of, 489
Application Programming Interface. See API
Arcs, 184-185
Arithmetic expressions
AdditiveExpr as, 351
examples of, 351-353
grammar of, 351
MultiplicativeExpr as, 351
XPath 1.0, 221
XQuery 1.0, 350-353
AskJeeves, 598, 625
Asterisk (*), 91, 351
Atomic datatypes, 299-301
Atomic type, 282
Atomic value, 282
Atomization, 330-331
Attribute axes, 229, 232, 237
Attribute constructor, 369
Attribute information item, 127-128, 134f
attribute type property of, 128
local name property of, 128, 134f
namespace name property of, 128
normalized value property of, 128, 134f
owner name property of, 127, 134f
references property of, 128
specified property of, 128
elements v., 57-58
Attributes property, 284, 290t-291t, 292t
ancestor, 228, 231, 237
ancestor-or-self, 229, 232, 237
attribute, 229, 232, 237
child, 228, 231, 237
descendant, 228, 231, 237
descendant-or-self, 229, 232, 237
following, 229, 231, 237
following-sibling, 229, 231, 237
forward, 237
namespace, 229, 232, 237
parent, 228, 231, 237
preceding, 229, 231-232, 237
preceding-sibling, 229, 231, 237
principal node type with, 239
reverse, 237
self, 229, 232, 237
step expression, 226
XPath 1.0, 226, 228-239, 230f


Backslash character (), 4
Base-uri property, 284, 290t-291t, 292t, 322
Berners-Lee, Tim, 605, 628
Bibliographic catalog metadata, 81
Binary large object (BLOB), 40
Binding sequence, 257
Boag, Scott, 419
Boolean expressions XQuery 1.0, 353-359, 359t
Boolean XPath functions, 247, 255
boolean(object) XPath function, 247
Bounding, 12
Boyce, Ray, 263
Brin, Sergey, 625
Built-in datatypes, 108-110, 108t-110t, 299-301


C/C++, 207
Call-Level Interface (CLI), 500
Canonical composition, 612
Canonical decomposition, 612
Cascading precedence, 419, 456, 458
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), 162
Case sensitivity full text search with, 441
Cast expression, 374, 376
Castable expression, 374, 377
Catalog metadata, 68, 78-82, 80t
administrative, 81
bibliographic, 81
descriptive, 81
Dewey Decimal Number as, 79
Dublin Core with, 79-80, 80t, 81
other types of metadata v., 68
preservational, 81
RDF with, 80-81
three subcategories of, 81
vehicle identification number as, 79
CDATA (Character data), 96
ceiling(number) XPath function, 248
Chamberlin, Don, 263
Character data. See CDATA
Character encoding space, 611f
Character entity notation, 219
Character entity reference notation, 219
Character information item, 130, 134f
character code property of, 130, 134f
comment information item property of, 130
content property of, 130
element content white space property of, 130, 134f
parent property of, 130, 134f
Character LOB (CLOB), 40
Character Model for WWW, 615-618
character string normalization in, 615, 616
Normalization spec in, 616-618
string identity matching in, 616
string indexing in, 616
universal access goal in, 615
visual orientation in, 616
Character sets mapping SQL/XML, 573-574
Character string normalization, 615, 616
Child axes, 228, 231, 237
Children property, 284, 290t-291t, 292t
Clark, James, 116
CLOB. See Character LOB
Cluet, Sophie, 262
COBOL, 207
Codd, E.F., 33
Colon (:), 306
Comma (, ), 254, 343-344
fields separating with, 4-5
complex type definition with, 111
Comment constructors
computed, 367-368
direct, 363
Comparison expressions
general comparisons as, 55, 354-357
grammar of, 354-355
node comparisons as, 357-358
operators, 54-55, 354-355
value comparisons as, 55, 354-355
XPath 1.0, 221
XQuery 1.0, 353-359, 359t
XQueryX, 413-414, 435-436
Compiled type. See Static typing
Complex elements SQL for, 559-563
Complex types, 105, 110-115, 113t-114t, 301-303
anonymous in, 113
comment in, 112
definition example of, 110-112
maxOccurs in, 112
minOccurs in, 112
PSVI with, 140
Composed characters, 612
Computed constructors, 282
attribute in, 369
comment in, 367-368
element in, 370
grammar of, 366-367
processing instruction in, 369
text in, 368
XQuery 1.0, 360, 366-370
concat(string, string, …) XPath function, 245
Concept search, 444-445
Conditional expressions
XPath 2.0, 255
XQuery 1.0, 371-372
element declaration with, 189-191
foreign key, 189
referential integrity, 186, 189
XML schema with, 187, 189
Constructor functions
XQuery 1.0, 341-342
Constructors, 282
computed, 282, 360, 366-370
direct, 282, 361-366
XQuery 1.0, 361-370
Containing expression, 223
contains(string, string) XPath function, 245
Content management system (CMS), 40
Content model, 89
Content property, 322
Context item, 52-53
Context item expressions, 345
Context node, 48
containing expression with, 223
function library as, 222
integer pair as, 222
namespace declarations as, 222
node as, 222
position, 223
size, 223
subexpression with, 223
variable bindings as, 222
XPath 1.0, 222-224
count(nodeset) XPath function, 243
Cube function SQL/XML with, 564, 566-567
Current position, 48


Data. See also Metadata
adding markup to, 3-14
document type definition for, 8-9
groff represented, 24
grouping fields in, 5-6
HTML represented, 27-28
LaTeX represented, 24-25
marked-up content with, 62
meaningfulness of, 12-13
messages, 20, 21t
metadata with, 62
naming fields in, 6-8
PDF represented, 25-26
PostScript represented, 25
presentation language representing, 24-26
raw, 4
representing without XML, 21-28, 22f
roff represented, 24
semantics of, 62-63
separating field in, 4-5
SGML represented, 26-27
SQL represented, 21-24, 22f
structural map of, 8-12
structure of, 61-62
structured, 19-20, 21t
TeX represented, 24-25
troff represented, 24
types of, 62
unstructured, 20, 21t
XML, 19-20, 21t
XML advantages for, 13-14
XML Schema for, 9-12
Data field, 68
Data Packet Specification, 42
Database management system (DBMS), 186, 195
object-oriented, 197-199
performance management with, 195
query tools with, 195
relational, 196-197
robustness with, 195
scalability with, 195
security management with, 195
transaction capabilities with, 195
Databases, 193-211, 204t
accessing nonpersistent XML data in, 209-211
accessing persistent XML data in, 207-209
defined, 195
finding stuff in, 624
introduction to, 193-194
management system, 186, 195
native XML, 199-200
object-oriented, 197-199
performance management with, 195
persistence needed with, 194-206, 204t
persistent media with, 200-201
relational, 196-197
robustness with, 195
scalability with, 195
security management with, 195
shredding with, 197, 201-206, 204t
SQL/XML with, 206-207
streaming with, 193
transaction capabilities with, 195
Datatypes, 299-301
Date, Chris, 33
Decimal point (.), 220
Declarative language, 338
Declared type. See Static typing
Decorations, 610
Definition Schema, 69, 72, 73
DeleteXML() function of, 489
Derived types
PSVI with, 141
Descendant axes, 228, 231, 237
Descendant-or-self axes, 229, 232, 237
Descriptive catalog metadata, 81
Detail table, 556
Dewey Decimal Number, 79
DirCommentConstructor, 363
Direct constructors, 282
comment in, 363
element constructor in, 364
example of, 365-366
grammar of, 361-363
processing instruction in, 364
XQuery 1.0, 361-366
DISCO, 643
DocBook, 17-18, 42
empty elements in, 136
infoset v., 133-136
order of attributes in, 136
source of characters in, 136
Document information item, 125-126, 134f
children property of, 126, 134f
document element property of, 125, 134f
Document object model (DOM), 38, 63, 142-146, 144t-145t
attr node types of, 144t
CDATA Section node types of, 145t
Comment node types of, 145t
document node types of, 144t
document type node types of, 145t
DOMTimeStamp data type with, 143
element node types of, 144t
entity node types of, 145t
infoset v., 142
NamedNodeMap of, 145
node types of, 144, 144t-145t
NodeList of, 145
notation node types of, 145t
ODMG with, 198
ProcessingInstruction node types of, 145t
PSVI v., 142
update implementation with, 488
XQuery API of, 501
XQuery output using XQJ to, 515-516
Document Style Semantics and Specification Language (DSSSL), 162
Document type declaration information item, 130-131
Document type definition (DTD), 8-9
angle brackets with, 89
deriving implied schema from, 119-120
element type declaration for, 87, 89-92
example document with, 97-100
exclamation point with, 89
external subset with, 86, 88
grammar for, 86
infoset from, 137
internal subset with, 86, 88
limitations of, 95-96
markup declaration with, 86
mixed content with, 95-96
numeric values with, 96
parsed entity references with, 89
SGML heritage of, 87
slash with, 89
structural metadata with, 86-100
syntax, 88-89
XLink with, 180, 184
XML Schema v., 9, 113t-114t, 114-115
Document-uri property, 322
Dogpile, 598, 625
Dollar sign character ($), 5-6, 5f, 220
Double colon (::), 232
Double quotation marks (“image”), 219
Dublin Core, 16-17, 16t, 79-80, 80t, 81
RDF v., 81, 631
Dynamic context
components of, 336t
context item with, 336t
context position with, 336t
context size with, 336t
function implementations with, 336t
variable values with, 336t
XQJ with, 517-518
XQuery processing model with, 336, 336t
Dynamic type, 305


EBNF (Extended Backus-Nauer Form), 337
EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval System), 587
Effective Boolean value (EBV), 255, 331
Eisenberg, Andrew, 498, 520
Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval System. See EDGAR
Element constructor
computed, 370
direct, 364
Element declaration
asterisk with, 91
attribute default with, 92
attribute name with, 92
attribute type with, 92
content model with, 89
DTD, 87, 89-92
element name with, 92
family element with, 91
given element with, 91
plus with, 91
question mark with, 91
salutation element with, 91
suffix element with, 92
vertical bar with, 91
Element information item, 126-127, 134f
attributes property of, 126
children property of, 126, 134f
local name property of, 127, 134f
namespace name property of, 127
parent property of, 127, 134f
prefix property of, 127
element() scheme, 171
attributes v., 57-58
documents/collections and, 60
Enterprise search, 638-639
Enumeration, 12
Equal to operator (eq), 55, 354-355
Error handling XQuery 1.0, 393-394
Escape character, 4
Evaluates to symbol (=>), 306
Excite, 625
Exclamation point (!)
DTD with, 89
Expression object, 507
arithmetic, 350-353
Boolean, 353-359, 359t
cast, 374, 376
castable, 374, 377
for clause as, 380-389
comparison, 353-359, 359t
computed constructors as, 361, 366-370
conditional, 371-372
constructor functions with, 341-342
constructors as, 361-370
context item, 345
counting occurrences of, 434-435
direct constructors as, 361-366
filter, 348
FLWOR, 380-393
function calls as, 345-347
instance of, 374-375
let clause as, 380-389
literal expressions in, 340-341
logical, 353-359, 359t
node sequence-combining, 348-350
order by clause as, 390-392
ordered, 370-371
parenthesized, 345
primary expressions in, 339-340
quantified, 372-374
in return clause, 392-393
sequence constructors with, 342-344
sequence type, 374-378
side effects with, 338
treat, 374, 377-378
typeswitch, 374, 375-376
unordered, 370-371
validation, 378-379
variable references with, 344
in where clause, 389-390
XQuery 1.0, 338-379, 359t
XQuery types, 374-378
XQueryX, 411-413
Extended Backus-Nauer Form. See EBNF
Extended Business Reporting Language. See XBRL
Extensible Markup Language
accessing nonpersistent XML data in, 209-211
accessing persistent XML data in, 207-209
adding markup to data in, 3-14
advantages of, 13-14
constraints enforced in, 186-191
data, 19-20, 21t
data meaningfulness with, 12-13
Data Packet Specification, 42
databases with, 193-211, 204t
defined, 3
displaying, 154-163, 162f, 163f
DocBook with, 17-18, 42
document object model for, 142-146, 144t-145t
document relationships with, 163-186, 166t, 172f
document type definition with, 8-9
Dublin Core with, 16-17, 16t
extensible business reporting language with, 15
external entities with, 165
finding structured data of, 624
formatting, 154-163, 162f, 163f
grouping fields in, 5-6
HTML v., 27-28
IDREF with, 186-187
inclusions, 164-168, 166t
infoset, 123-152, 134f, 138f, 143f, 144t, 145t, 149t
languages based on, 14-19, 16t
linking language, 173-186
managing, 153-192, 162f, 163f, 166t, 172f
message data, 20, 21t
missing from, 439-440
movie definition language with, 14-15
naming fields in, 6-8
navigating documents of, 46-61, 46f, 49f, 56f
other schema languages for, 115-119
output method, 321-324
persistence needed with, 194-206, 204t
persistent media with, 200-201
pointer language, 168-173, 172f
post-schema-validation infoset for, 138-142, 143f
presentation language v., 24-26, 27
querying, 45-64
raw data with, 4
referential integrity constraints with, 186
relationship constraints with, 186-191
RELAX NG for, 115-117
Schema, 9-12, 187, 189
Schematron for, 117-118
Semantic Web with, 15
separating field in, 4-5
SGML and, 26-27
shredding with, 197, 201-206, 204t
SOAP with, 161
SQL data type for, 537-540, 539f
SQL v., 21-24, 22f, 73
SQL/XML with, 206-207
storing with, 193-211, 204t
streaming with, 193
structural data map with, 8-12
structured data, 19-20, 21t
structured metadata with, 73
transforming, 154-163, 162f, 163f
unstructured data, 20, 21t
walking tree of, 46f, 48-55, 49f
XPath 1.0 data model for, 136-138, 138f
XQuery data model for, 146-147
XQuery operations with, 154
XSL FO for, 162-163, 163f
XSLT transformation to HTML with, 160-162, 162f,
XSLT with, 155-162, 162f
Extensible Stylesheet Language: Formatting Objects (XSL FO), 162-163, 163f
namespace with, 163
query/publish workflow with, 163, 163f
Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT), 155-162, 162f
HTML output method serialization with, 325-326
HTML transformation example with, 160-162, 162f
movie example with, 156-157
movie transformation results from, 160
output methods of, 155
result set with, 59
stylesheets from, 155
text output method serialization with, 326
XHTML output method serialization with, 324-325
XML output example with, 157-158
XML output method serialization with, 321-324
XPath with, 155
XQuery 1.0 serialization with, 318-326, 320t-321t
External entities, 165
External subset DTD, 86, 88
Ezell, David, xvii


false(object) XPath function, 247
Federated search, 640-641
full-text query with, 641
parallel search with, 640
query language with, 640-641
relevance with, 641
result set with, 641
search engines with, 640-641
Fields, 68
comma separating, 4-5
grouping, 5-6
naming, 6-8
relational database, 21
Filter expressions, 348
Finding stuff, 623-645. See also Search engines
databases for, 624
DISCO for, 643
enterprise search for, 638-639
federated search in, 640-641
Google for, 625-626
link analysis with, 639
metadata in, 627-628
natural way for, 644-645
people’s stuff in, 640-641
quality v. width in, 637-638
RDDL for, 643
RDF in, 629-635, 631f
Semantic Web in, 628-637, 631f
services for, 641-644
SPARQL in, 634-636
structured data for, 624
UDDI for, 642-643
URL/URI/URIRef in, 629
web search for, 625-638
work related, 638-639
WSDL for, 642
WSIL for, 642
YAXQL in, 636
floor(number) XPath function, 248
Florescu, Daniela, 263
FLWOR expressions, 380-393
for clause in, 380-389
let clause in, 380-389
order by clause as, 390-392
in return clause, 392-393
SELECT related to, 404f
in where clause, 389-390
XQuery 1.0, 380-393
XQueryX, 411, 425
F&O spec (Functions & Operators specification)
error handling in, 393-394
XPath 2.0, 277-278
XQuery 1.0, 277-278, 312-318
Following axes, 229, 231, 237
Following-sibling axes, 229, 231, 237
for clause, 380-389
examples of, 382-387, 388-389
multiple variable bindings with, 383-386
positional variable with, 389
return clause with, 381
tuple stream with, 382-383
for/return expression
binding sequence in, 257
range variable in, 257
return expression in, 257
XPath 2.0, 256-258
XQuery, 256-258
Foreign key, 186, 187, 557
constraints, 189
Formal Semantics spec
inference rules with, 306
judgments with, 306-307, 309
mapping rules with, 306, 309
notations with, 306-310
static typing with, 310-312
XPath 2.0, 277
XQuery 1.0, 277, 305-312
Forward axes, 237
Fragment identifier, 168-169
Full stop, 220, 239
Full-Text index, 446-448
Full-text search. See Text search, full
Function calls
example of, 347
syntax of, 345-347
XQuery 1.0, 345-347
Function library, 312
Functional language XQuery 1.0 as, 338-340
Boolean, 247
boolean(object), 247
ceiling(number), 248
concat(string, string, …), 245
contains(string, string), 245
count(nodeset), 243
false(object), 247
floor(number), 248
id(object), 243-244
invocation, 220-221
lang(string), 247
last(), 243
local-name(nodeset?), 244
name(nodeset?), 244
namespace-url(nodeset?), 244
nodeset, 243-245
normalize-space(string?), 246
not(object), 247, 315
number(object), 247-248
numeric values, 248
overloaded, 313
position(), 243
reverse(), 315
round(number), 248
signature, 312
starts-with(string, string), 245
string-length(string?), 246
string values, 244-247
string(object?), 244-245
substring-after(string, string) XPath function, 245-246
substring-before(string, string) XPath function, 245, 313-314
substring(string, number, number?) XPath function, 246
sum(nodeset), 248
translate(string, string, string), 246-247
true(object), 247
XPath 1.0, 220-221, 243-248
XQuery 1.0, 312-315
XQuery examples with, 313-315
Functions & Operators specification. See F&O spec


Galax, 474
ge (Greater than or equal to operator), 55, 354-355
General comparisons, 55, 354-357
Google, 445-446, 598
enterprise search with, 638-639
finding stuff with, 625-626
link analysis with, 625-626
PageRank algorithm with, 626
Grapheme cluster, 619
Greater than operator (gt), 55, 354-355
Greater than or equal to operator (ge), 55, 354-355
Groff, 24
gt (Greater than operator), 55, 354-355


Hotbot, 625
Href attribute, 174-175
HTML, 27-28
full-text search with, 448-449
metadata in, 627
Web Service with, 599, 600
XQuery serialization with, 325-326
XSLT transformation to, 160-162, 162f
Hyphen (−), 351


update implementation by, 490
XQuery Full-Text implementation at, 475
Identity constraint binding information item, 140
Identity constraint table, 139
id (object) XPath function, 243-244
Imperative language, 338-340
Inference rules
dynamic semantics with, 312
Formal Semantics spec, 306
Information Schema, 69
Information Set. See Infoset
Infoset (Information Set), 123-152, 134f, 138f, 143f, 144t, 145t, 149t
attribute information item of, 127-128, 134f
character information item of, 130, 134f
data model terminology with, 147-148
defined, 124
document information item of, 125-126, 134f
document type declaration
information item of, 130-131
document v., 133-136
DOM v., 142
DTD with, 137
element information item of, 126-127, 134f
empty elements in, 136
information items with, 125-133, 134f
introduction to, 123-124
namespace information item of, 132
notation information item of, 131-132
order of attributes in, 136
post-schema-validation, 138-142
processing instruction information item of, 129
Schema 1 additions to, 139-140
source of characters in, 136
summary for, 149-152, 149t
unexpanded entity reference information item of, 129-130
unparsed entity information item of, 131
XQuery data model with, 279-280
XQuery v., 147
Inktomi, 625
InsertChildXML() function of, 489
InsertXMLBefore() function of, 489
Instance of expression, 374-375
Integration metadata, 68, 82-84, 84t
other types of metadata v., 68
InterMedia, 40, 41
Internal subset DTD, 86, 88
International Organization for Standardization. See ISO
International standard semantic metadata in, 76-77
Internationalization, 605-621, 611f
defined, 606-607
introduction to, 605
ISO with, 608, 610
multilingual plane with, 609
SQL/XML implications from, 618-621
UCS with, 609-610, 611f, 613-614
Unicode with, 609-615, 611f, 619-621
universal access with, 608
W3C Character Model with, 615-618
world wide web with, 607-618, 611f
XPath implications from, 618-621
XQuery implications from, 618-621
Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI)
href attribute with, 166
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 170
Inverted list structure, 447-448
Is-id property, 285
Is-idref property, 285
ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
internationalization with, 608, 610


Java, 207-208
typing, 298
update implementation with, 489
Java API for XML Binding (JAXB), 502
Java API for XML Processing (JAXP), 502
Java Community Process. See JCP
Java Naming and Directory Interface. See JNDI
JCP (Java Community Process), 504
XQuery API with, 499-501
JDBC API, 207-208
JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface), 506
Join, 33-34, 36
Formal Semantics spec, 306-307, 309


Kernigan, Brian, 24
Knuth, Donald, 24, 587
Krishnaprasad, Murali, 476, xvi, xvii


Lamport, Leslie, 24
lang(string) XPath function, 247
Large OBject. See LOB
last() XPath function, 243
LaTeX, 24-25
Lazy deletes, 447
le (Less than or equal to operator), 55, 354-355
Less than (It), 55, 354-355
XQueryX, 413-414
Less than or equal to operator (le), 354-355
let clause, 380-389
Library modules
XQuery 1.0, 394, 400-402
Lightweight Object REpository. See Lore
Link, 174
Link analysis, 639
Link text, 627
Linking element, 174
Literal expressions
XQuery 1.0, 340-341
XQueryX, 414-416
LOB (Large OBject), 40, 572
local-name(nodeset?) XPath function, 244
Localization, 596
Location, 172
Location path. See Path expressions
Logical comparison
XPath 1.0, 221
Logical operators
and, 359, 359t
grammar of, 358-359
or, 359, 359t
XQuery 1.0, 353-359, 359t
Lore (Lightweight Object REpository), 262
Lorel, 262
It (Less than), 55, 354-355
L10n. See Localization
Lui, Zhen Hua, 476, xvi, xvii
Lycos, 625


Main modules
XQuery 1.0, 394, 398-400
Malhotra, Ashok, xvii
Mamma, 598
Mapping metadata. See Integration metadata
Mapping rules
Formal Semantics spec, 306, 309
Mapping SQL/XML, 573-580
casting functions for, 577-579
character sets, 573-574
names, 574-575
SQL tables/schemas/catalogs to XML, 575-577
SQL types to XML Schema, 575-577
types, 575-580
values, 575-580
XML Schema to SQL values, 577
XMLCAST function for, 577-579
XMLPARSE function for, 577-579
XMLSERIALIZE function for, 577-579
Mark Logic
update implementation by, 491-492
XQuery Full-Text implementation at, 477-478
Markup querying with, 41-42
Markup declaration DTD, 86
Master-detail relationship, 556-557
Master table, 556
MathML, 587-591
content markup with, 587-590
defined, 587
element categories of, 587-588
equation examples with, 588-590
presentation markup with, 587-590
TeX v., 587
XPath expression with, 590-591
maxOccurs, 112
Messages, 20, 21t
Metadata, 67-85
catalog, 68, 78-82, 80t
defined, 67
finding stuff with, 627-628
four uses of, 68
introduction to, 67-69
link text with, 627
querying, 40-41
registries, 76, 77
semantic, 68, 75-78, 628
SQL with, 69-71, 71t
structural, 68-75, 71t, 72t
XQJ, 518
XQJ content, 519
XQJ datasource, 519
update implementation by, 490-491
XQuery Full-Text implementation at, 475
Microsoft Office, 42
minOccurs, 112
Modularization, 164
defined, 394
library, 394, 400-402
main, 394, 398-400
namespace declaration, 394
prologs with, 395-398
query prolog with, 395-398
XQuery 1.0, 394-402
XQueryX, 419, 422, 424, 425
Most-specific type, 305
Movie definition language (MDL), 14-15
MultiplicativeExpr, 351
Murata, Mokoto, 115
Myers, Jack E., 67


NamedNodeMap, 145
name(nodeset?) XPath function, 244
axes, 229, 232, 237
RELAX NG with, 116
Schematron with, 117
XML Schema defined, 103-104, 110
XSL FO, 163
Namespace information item, 132
Namespace name property, 284
Namespace prefix. See xs
Namespace schema information item, 140
namespace-url(nodeset?) XPath function, 244
Namespaces property, 284, 290t-291t, 292t
Native XML databases, 199-200
ne (Not equal to operator), 55, 354-355
Nilled property, 284, 290t-291t, 292t, 322
Node comparisons, 357-358
Node-name property, 284, 290t-291t, 292t
Node sequence-combining expression
example of, 349-350
syntax of, 348-350
XQuery 1.0, 348-350
Node set, 137, 172
Node test, 48
name test as, 239-241
node type test as, 239, 241
principal node type with, 239
QName, 240
step expression, 226-227
XPath 1.0, 226-227, 239-241
XPath 2.0, 254
NodeList, 145
Nodes, XQuery data model, 283-292, 290t-291t, 292t
accessors with, 289-292, 290t-291t, 292t
attributes property of, 284, 290t-291t, 292t
base-uri property of, 284, 290t-291t, 292t, 322
children property of, 284, 290t-291t, 292t
element, 284-286
is-id property of, 285
is-idref property of, 285
namespace name property of, 284
namespaces property of, 284, 290t-291t, 292t
nilled property of, 284, 290t-291t, 292t, 322
node-name property of, 284, 290t-291t, 292t
parent property of, 284, 290t-291t, 292t
properties of, 283-286
string-value property of, 285, 290t-291t, 292t
type-name property of, 284, 322
typed-value property of, 285-286, 287-289, 292t, 322
nodeset XPath function, 243-245
Nontraditional data
content with, 43
defined, 39
markup with, 41-42
metadata with, 40-41
objects with, 41
querying, 39-43
Normalization, 553
character string, 615, 616
normalize-space(string?) XPath function, 246
Not equal to operator (ne), 55, 354-355
Notation information item, 131-132
not(object), 247, 315
NS XQuery use case scenario, 274
Number sign (#), 168
number(object) XPath function, 247-248
Numbers XPath 1.0, 220
Numeric XPath functions, 247-248


OASIS, 599
Object-oriented database management system (OODBMS), 37, 197-199
Object-oriented databases, 197-199
Object-oriented programming languages (OOPL), 197-198
Object-relational database management systems (ORDBMS), 37
ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity)
XQuery APIs, 499-501
ODMG, 198
Ontology, 633-634
defined, 77-78
metadata registry with, 77
Open DataBase Connectivity. See ODBC
Open source community update implementation by, 492-495
numeric-equal(), 316-317
numeric-mod(), 317-318
XQuery 1.0, 315-318
XQuery examples using, 316-318
XQueryX, 413-414
OQL, 198
Or operator, 359, 359t
Oracle, 40, 41
enterprise search with, 639-639
update implementation by, 488-490
XQuery Full-Text implementation at, 475-477
order by clause, 390-392
Ordered expressions XQuery 1.0, 370-371
Ossana, Joe, 24
Overloaded functions, 313
OWL, 632-634


Page, Larry, 625
PageRank algorithm, 626
Parent axes, 228, 231, 237
Parent property, 284, 290t-291t, 292t
Parenthesized expressions, 345
Parsed character data. See PCDATA
Parsed entity references, 89
PARTS XQuery use case scenario, 274
Path expressions, 218, 224-228, 233
XQueryX, 411-412
PCDATA (Parsed character data), 96
Period, 220, 238-239
accessing data with, 207-209
media with, 200-201
XML data needing, 194-206, 204t
Plus sign (+), 91, 351
Point, 172
Pointer parts, 170
Portable Document Format (PDF), 25-26
position() XPath function, 243
Positional predicate, 51-52
Post-schema-validation infoset (PSVI), 138-142, 143f
identity constraint binding information item with, 140
identity constraint table with, 139
limitations of, 141-142
namespace schema information item with, 140
schema document information item with, 140
schema normalized value with, 139
schema validity with, 140
type definition with, 139
types with, 141
validity property with, 139
visualizing, 142, 143f
XQuery data model with, 279-280
PostScript, 25
Preceding axes, 229, 231-232, 237
Preceding-sibling axes, 229, 231, 237
Predicate list, 48
Predicates, 226-228, 241-243
evaluating, 241-243
as filter, 241
step expression, 226-228
Presentation languages, 24-26
groff, 24
LaTeX, 24-25
PDF, 25-26
PostScript, 25
roff, 24
TeX, 24-25
troff, 24
Preservational catalog metadata, 81
Primary key, 186, 187, 557
Primitive datatypes, 299-301
Primitive types, 108-110, 108t-110t
PSVI with, 141
Processing instruction constructors
computed, 369
direct, 364
Processing instruction information item, 129
Progressive relaxation
full-text search with, 444-445
Projection, 33, 35
declare base-uri in, 396
declare boundary-space in, 396
declare construction in, 396
declare copy-namespaces in, 396
declare default collation in, 396
declare default element namespace in, 397
declare default order in, 396
declare function in, 397-398
declare namespace in, 397
declare option in, 398
declare ordering in, 396
declare variable in, 397
import module in, 397
import schema in, 397
XQuery 1.0, 395-398
XQueryX, 418
Pull parsing, 63


Quantified expressions
example of, 374
grammar of, 372-373
XQuery 1.0, 372-374
Quantifier keyword, 373
Query language
definitions of, 32
Query prolog, 395-398. See also Prologs
Querying, 31-43
definitions of, 31-32
introduction to, 31
metadata, 40-41
nontraditional data, 39-43
nontraditional data content, 43
nontraditional data markup, 41-42
nontraditional data objects, 41
relational model with, 33-36
SQL with, 33-38
traditional data, 32-39
XQueryX, 433-436
Question mark (?), 91
Quilt, 263
Quotation marks, 219


R XQuery use case scenario, 273
Range, 172
Range variable, 257
RDDL (Resource Directory Description Language), 643
RDF Primer, 629-631, 631f
RDF-S (RDF Schema), 632-634
relational database, 21
Referential integrity constraints, 186, 189
Registration authority, 76
Regular language description for XML. See RELAX
Relational database, 21, 196-197
shredding with, 201
Relational database management system (RDBMS), 37, 196-197
Relational model
SQL with, 33-36
Relative path, 224
RELAX NG, 12, 115-117
example of, 116
namespaces with, 116
Schematron v., 118
XML Schema v., 118
RELAX (Regular language description for XML), 115
Relevance score
federated search with, 641
full-text search, 445-446
Resource Description Framework (RDF), 80-81
Dublin Core v., 81, 631
graph of, 631f
meaning through, 632-634
ontology with, 633-634
OWL with, 632-634
Primer, 629-631, 631f
querying statements of, 634-635
Schema, 632-634
Semantic Web with, 629-635, 631f
serializing statements of, 629-632, 631f
statements, 629
taxonomy with, 633-634
vocabulary for, 632-634
Resource Directory Description Language. See RDDL
return clause, 392-393
for clause with, 381
Return expression, 257
XPath 2.0, 256-258
reverse(), 315
Reverse axes, 237
Reverse step, 48
Robie, Jonathan, 261, 263
Roff, 24
Rollup function
SQL/XML with, 564-566
Root node, 48
round(number) XPath function, 248
Run-time type, 305


Salton algorithm, 446
Scalable vector graphics (SVG), 42, 594-597, 596f, 597f
images example of, 595-596, 596f
purpose of, 594
slanted blue rectangle example of, 597, 597f
SMIL features in, 594
XHTML linking, 595
Schema 1
identity constraint table with, 139
infoset additions of, 139
normalized value, 139
type definition with, 139
validity with, 139
Schema document information item, 140
Schema normalized value, 139
Schematron, 117-118
assert elements with, 117-118
report elements with, 117-118
namespaces with, 117
RELAX NG v., 118
Scheme-based pointer, 169-171
pointer parts with, 170
XPointer processor with, 170
Search engines
Altavista as, 598, 625
Askjeeves as, 598, 625
Dogpile as, 598, 625
Excite as, 625
federated search with, 640-641
Google as, 598
Hotbot as, 625
Inktomi as, 625
Lycos as, 625
Mamma as, 598
XML-derived markup languages with, 598
Yahoo as, 598
Searches. See Finding stuff
Selection, 33-35
Self axes, 229, 232, 237
Semantic metadata, 68, 75-78, 628
defined, 75
international standard with, 76-77
meaning of names with, 75-76
other types of metadata v., 68
two applications of, 75
values with, 75
Semantic Web, 15, 628-637, 631f
quality v. width in, 637-638
RDF in, 629-635, 631f
search for meaning with, 636-637
SPARQL in, 634-636
URL/URI/URIRef in, 629
YAXQL in, 636
SEQ XQuery use case scenario, 273
Sequence, 294-296, 330
Sequence constructors, 342-344
Sequence expressions XPath 2.0, 254
Sequence type, 374-378
Serialization specification
byte-order-mark parameter for, 320t
parameter for, 320t
doctype-public parameter for, 320t
doctype-system parameter for, 320t
encoding parameter for, 320t
escape-uri-attributes parameter for, 320t
include-content-type parameter for, 320t
indent parameter for, 320t
media-type parameter for, 320t
method parameter for, 321t
normalization-form parameter for, 321t
omit-xml-declaration parameter for, 321t
parameters for, 319, 320t-321t
standalone parameter for, 321t
parameter for, 321t
use-character-maps parameter for, 321t
version parameter for, 321t
XPath 2.0, 278-279
XQuery 1.0, 278-279, 281, 319, 320t-321t
XQuery data model, 281
SGML XQuery use case scenario, 274
Shorthand notations
. as, 238-239
image as, 239
/nodename as, 238
nodename as, 238
@nodename as, 238
XPath 1.0, 238-239
Shorthand pointer, 169-170
Show attribute, 184
Shredding, 197, 201-206, 204t
movie example of, 202-204, 204t
purpose of, 202
relational database with, 201-203
Side effects
SQL with, 339
XQuery with, 339
Signature, 312
Siméon, Jérôme, 262
Simple API for XML (SAX), 63
XQuery API of, 501
XQuery output using XQJ to, 515-516
Simple Object Access Protocol. See SOAP
Simple types, 105, 107-110, 108t-110t, 299-301
allowing attributes with, 114
PSVI with, 141
Single quotation marks (’image’), 219
Slash (/), 224, 227, 232, 254
DTD with, 89
SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language), 591-594
<body> element for, 592-593
defined, 591
document with, 592
<layout> element for, 592
multimedia with, 592
<smil> element for, 592
SVG with, 594
syntax of, 591-592
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 161, 600
SPARQL (SPARQL Protocol And RDF Query Language), 634-636
Sperberg-McQueen, Michael, 26, 150, xvii
SQL Query Language (SQL), 21-24, 22f
accessing persistent XML
data with, 207-209
data types v. XQuery types, 405t-406t
Definition Schema of, 69, 72, 73
extensions to, 36-38
foreign key constraints with, 189
foreign key with, 186, 187
Information Schema of, 69
1999 standard, 38
object extensions to, 38
object relational quality of, 23
object-relational storage with, 37-38
ODBC with, 500
origin of, 263
primary key with, 186, 187
referential integrity constraints with, 186, 189
relational model with, 33-36
SELECT in, 380, 404, 404f
single-value cells with, 37
SQL/CLI with, 207
SQL*Plus for, 499
standards, 525
structured metadata with, 69-71, 71t
subtables with, 23
table definition, 70
typing, 298
XML v., 21-24, 22f, 73
XQuery 1.0 history with, 261
XQuery 1.0 related to, 404-406, 404f, 405t-406t
SQL/XML, 523-581
analytic functions with, 564-567
AppendChildXML() function of, 489
casting functions for, 577-579
column definitions with, 549-553
cube function with, 564, 566-567
data type hierarchy with, 539f
databases with, 206-207
DeleteXMLQ function of, 489
denormalizing data for, 553-554
finding structured data with, 624
functions, 525
InsertChildXML() function of, 489
InsertXMLBefore() function of, 489
internationalization implications for, 618-621
introduction to, 523-525
managing XML in database with, 572-573
mapping character sets for, 573-574
mapping for, 573-580
mapping names for, 574-575
mapping SQL tables/schemas/catalogs to XML for, 575-577
mapping SQL types to XML Schema for, 575-577
mapping types for, 575-580
mapping values for, 575-580
mapping XML Schema to SQL values for, 577
proprietary extensions with, 571-572
publishing functions, 526-537, 527f, 536t
rollup function with, 564-566
SQLX group with, 523-524
SQLXML with, 524
standards, 525
Unicode implications for, 619-621
update approach using, 489-490
UpdateXML() function of, 489
XML data type with, 537-540, 539f
XML publishing examples using, 526-530, 527f
XML type with, 206-207
XMLAGG function of, 528, 529-531, 536t
XMLATTRIBUTES function of, 528, 529, 536t
XMLCAST function for, 577-579
XMLCONCAT function of, 535-536, 536t
XMLELEMENT function of, 526-530, 527f, 536t
XMLEXISTS function with, 570-572
XMLFOREST function of, 531-535, 536t
XMLPARSE function for, 577-579
XMLQUERY function with, 541-546
XMLSERIALIZE function for, 577-579
XMLTABLE function with, 546-570
XQuery APIs with, 520-521
XQuery functions with, 540-572
SQL*Plus, 499
SQLX group, 523-524
Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), 26-27, 162
Annex B, 87
DTD heritage in, 87
starts-with(string, string) XPath function, 245
Static context
base URI with, 335t
boundary-space policy with, 335t
components of, 333-336, 334t-335t
construction mode with, 335t
copy-namespaces mode with, 335t
default collation with, 335t
default element namespace with, 334t
default function namespace with, 334t
default ordering for empty sequences with, 335t
function signatures with, 335t
in-scope attribute declaration with, 334t
in-scope element declaration with, 334t
in-scope schema types with, 334t
in-scope variables with, 335t
ordering mode with, 335t
static type of context item with, 335t
statically-known collations with, 335t
statically-known collection default type with, 335t
statically-known collections with, 335t
statically-known documents with, 335t
statically-known namespaces with, 334t
XQJ with, 517-518
XQuery processing model with, 333-336, 333f, 334t-335t
Static typing, 298
Formal Semantics spec with, 305, 310-312
Step, 48
Step expression, 226-228, 233
axis of, 226
node test of, 226-227
predicates of, 226-228
three parts to, 226
XPath 2.0, 254
Streaming, 193
Streaming API for XML (StAX), 63
XQuery API of, 501-502
XQuery output using XQJ to, 515-516
String identity matching, 616
String indexing, 616
string-length(string?) XPath function, 246
String literals
XPath 1.0, 219
String-value property, 285, 290t-291t, 292t
XQuery 1.0, 331
String XPath functions, 244-247
STRING XQuery use case scenario, 274
string(object?) XPath function, 244-245
STRONG XQuery use case scenario, 274
Structural metadata, 68-75, 71t, 72t, 85-121
axiomatic type definitions in, 107
built-in types for, 108-110, 108t-110t
complex type for, 105, 110-115, 113t-114t
defined, 69, 85
deriving implied schema from DTD for, 119-120
DTD limitations for, 95-96
DTDs with, 86-100
element type declaration for, 87, 89-92
example DTD document with, 97-100
introduction to, 85-86
other schema languages for, 115-119
other types of metadata v., 68
primitive types for, 108-110, 108t-110t
RELAX NG for, 115-117
Schematron for, 117-118
simple type in, 105, 107-110, 108t-110t
SQL with, 69-71, 71t
summary of, 120-121
types structures for, 113t-114t
XML schema with, 100-115, 108t-110t, 113t-114t
Structure types, 301-303
XSLT for, 155
Subexpression, 223
Substitution group, 412
substring-after(string, string) XPath function, 245-246
substring-before(string, string), 313-314
substring-before(string, string) XPath function, 245
substring(string, number, number?) XPath function, 246
SQL with, 23
sum(nodeset) XPath function, 248
Surrogates, 612
Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language. See SMIL


Taxonomy, 633-634
TeX, 24-25
MathML v., 587
TeXQuery, 471
Text constructors, 368
Text node, 137
Text output method XQuery serialization with, 326
Text search, full (Full-text search), 439-479, 495. See also XQuery Full-Text
accumulate operation in, 443
case sensitivity in, 441
AND combination in, 450
combining operations in, 443
concept search in, 444-445
defined, 449-455
federated search with, 641
Full-Text index in, 446-448
full-text query defined, 440-448
functions approach to, 452-453
higher-level operations in, 444-445
HTML with, 448-449
IBM implementation of, 475
implementations of, 474-478
inexact answers in, 445-446
inverted list structure in, 447-448
lazy deletes with, 447
many functions approach to, 453-455
Mark Logic implementation of, 477-478
matching options in, 442
Microsoft implementation of, 475
NOT combination in, 443, 450
object approach to, 451
OR combination in, 450
Oracle implementation of, 475-477
ordering results in, 445-446
performance in, 446-448
phrase search in, 450
positional/proximity operations in, 442-443, 450
progressive relaxation in, 444-445
relevance in, 445-446, 450
Salton algorithm with, 446
single character suffix in, 450
single-word in, 450
special operations in, 441-443
SQL approach to, 451
stop word support in, 450
structured search v., 441
tokens in, 440-441
W3C XQuery API v. solution, 474
W3C XQuery defining query options in, 474
W3C XQuery discussion topics for, 471-474
W3C XQuery embedded expressions discussion on, 473-474
W3C XQuery examples of, 468-470
W3C XQuery grammar extension for, 455-472
W3C XQuery score in, 467-468, 471-472
W3C XQuery semantics in, 470-471
W3C XQuery standards discussion on, 473
word normalization/diacritics in, 450
words expansions in, 442
words in, 440-441
XML missing, 439-440
full text search with, 440-441
Top node, 48
Traditional data
extensions to SQL with, 36-38
querying, 32-39
relational model with, 33-36
translate(string, string, string) XPath function, 246-247
Treat expression, 374, 377-378
Tree diagram, 46f
adding positional predicate in, 51-52
adding value predicate in, 50-51
context item in, 52-53
context node in, 48
current position in, 48
DOM, 144
node test in, 48
predicate list in, 48
PSVI, 143f
reverse step in, 48
root node in, 48
step in, 48
subtree comparison with, 53-55
terminology with, 149t
top node in, 48
walking, 48-55, 49f
walking down, 53
XPath, 53
XPath 1.0 data model, 137, 138f
XQuery 1.0 data model specification, 292-293, 293f
Tree regular language expressions for XML. See TREX
TREE XQuery use case scenario, 273
TREX (Tree regular language expressions for XML), 115
Troff, 24
true(object) XPath function, 247
Tuple stream
for clause with, 382-383
Tuples, 33, 380
Turnstile symbol (|–), 306
Type ID, 8
Type-name property, 284, 322
Typed-value property, 285-286, 287-289, 292t, 322
anonymous, 113
built-in, 108-110, 108t-110t
casting, 255-256
complex, 105, 110-115, 113t-114t
dynamic, 305
dynamic typing with, 298
Java, 298
mapping SQL/XML, 575-580
most-specific, 305
primitive, 108-110, 108t-110t
PSVI with, 141
queries with, 304-305
run-time, 305
SQL, 298
SQL data, 405t-406t
static typing with, 298, 305, 310-312
structures, 113t-114t
XLink attribute, 174-175
XML data, 537-540, 539f
XML Schema atomic datatypes, 299-301
XML Schema built-in datatypes, 299-301
XML Schema complex types, 301-303
XML Schema primitive datatypes, 299-301
XML Schema simple types, 299-301
XML Schema structure types, 301-303
XPath 2.0, 255-256
XQuery 1.0, 296-305, 331-332, 405t-406t
Typeswitch expression, 374, 375-376
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