The WSGI standard

What strikes most web developers who start with Python is how easy it is to get a web application up and running.

The Python web community has created a standard (inspired by the Common Gateway Interface or CGI) called Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI). It simplifies a lot how you can write a Python application in order to serve HTTP requests.

When your code uses that standard, your project can be executed by standard web servers like Apache or nginx, using WSGI extensions like uwsgi or mod_wsgi.

Your application just has to deal with incoming requests and send back JSON responses, and Python includes all that goodness in its standard library.

You can create a fully functional microservice that returns the server's local time with a vanilla Python module of fewer than 10 lines. It is given as follows:

    import json
import time

def application(environ, start_response):
headers = [('Content-type', 'application/json')]
start_response('200 OK', headers)
return [bytes(json.dumps({'time': time.time()}), 'utf8')]

Since its introduction, the WSGI protocol became an essential standard, and the Python web community widely adopted it. Developers wrote middlewares, which are functions you can hook before or after the WSGI application function itself, to do something within the environment.

Some web frameworks, like Bottle (, were created specifically around that standard, and soon enough, every framework out there could be used through WSGI in one way or another.

The biggest problem with WSGI though is its synchronous nature. The application function you saw in the preceding code is called exactly once per incoming request, and when the function returns, it has to send back the response. That means that every time you call the function, it will block until the response is ready.

And writing microservices means your code will have to wait for responses from various network resources all the time. In other words, your application will be idle, and just block the client until everything is ready.

That's an entirely okay behavior for HTTP APIs. We're not talking about building bidirectional applications like web socket-based ones. But what happens when you have several incoming requests that call your application at the same time?

WSGI servers will let you run a pool of threads to serve several requests concurrently. But you can't run thousands of them, and as soon as the pool is exhausted, the next request will block the client's access even if your microservice is doing nothing but idling and waiting for backend services' responses.

That's one of the reasons why non-WSGI frameworks like Twisted and Tornado, and in JavaScript land, Node.js, became very successful--it's fully async.

When you're coding a Twisted application, you can use callbacks to pause and resume the work done to build a response. That means that you can accept new requests and start to treat them. That model dramatically reduces the idling time in your process. It can serve thousands of concurrent requests. Of course, that does not mean the application will return each single response faster. It just means one process can accept more concurrent requests, and juggle between them as the data is getting ready to be sent back.

There's no simple way with the WSGI standard to introduce something similar, and the community has debated for years to come up with a consensus--and failed. The odds are that the community will eventually drop the WSGI standard for something else.

In the meantime, building microservices with synchronous frameworks is still possible and completely fine if your deployments take into account the one request == one thread limitation of the WSGI standard.

There's, however, one trick to boost synchronous web applications--Greenlet, which is explained in the following section.

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