Code metrics

For some microservices, it can also be useful to get performance metrics inside the code.

New Relic, for instance, will track Jinja2 and database call performances by wrapping some calls inside Flask to measure how long it takes to generate a template or perform a database call.

But adding your instrumentation inside the code needs to be done carefully if that instrumentation ships in production. Slowing down the service is easy. For instance, it's unthinkable to use Python built-in profilers because they add a significant overhead.

A simple pattern is to measure the time taken by some of your functions explicitly.

In the following example, the @timeit decorator will collect execution times for the fast_stuff() ;and some_slow_stuff() functions and a message will be sent to Graylog at the end of the request with the duration for each call:

    import functools 
    import logging 
    import graypy 
    import json 
    import time 
    import random 
    from collections import defaultdict, deque 
    from flask import Flask, jsonify, g 
    app = Flask(__name__) 
    class Encoder(json.JSONEncoder): 
        def default(self, obj): 
            base = super(Encoder, self).default 
            # specific encoder for the timed functions 
            if isinstance(obj, deque): 
                calls = list(obj) 
                return {'num_calls': len(calls), 'min': min(calls), 
                        'max': max(calls), 'values': calls} 
            return base(obj) 
    def timeit(func): 
        def _timeit(*args, **kw): 
            start = time.time() 
                return func(*args, **kw) 
                if 'timers' not in g: 
                    g.timers = defaultdict(functools.partial(deque, maxlen=5)) 
                g.timers[func.__name__].append(time.time() - start) 
        return _timeit 
    def fast_stuff(): 
    def some_slow_stuff(): 
        time.sleep(random.randint(1, 100) / 100.) 
    def set_view_metrics(view_func): 
        def _set_view_metrics(*args, **kw): 
                return view_func(*args, **kw) 
      , cls=Encoder)) 
        return _set_view_metrics 
    def set_app_metrics(app): 
        for endpoint, func in app.view_functions.items(): 
            app.view_functions[endpoint] = set_view_metrics(func) 
    @app.route('/api', methods=['GET', 'POST']) 
    def my_microservice(): 
        for i in range(12): 
        resp = jsonify({'result': 'OK', 'Hello': 'World!'}) 
        return resp 
    if __name__ == '__main__': 
        handler = graypy.GELFHandler('localhost', 12201) 

Using such instrumentation, you will be able to track down each call duration in Graylog:

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