
Image1ILM Super Series study links

This workbook addresses the issues of Providing Quality to Customers. Should you wish to extend your study to other Super Series workbooks covering related or different subject areas, you will find a comprehensive list at the back of this book.

Image2Links to ILM qualifications

This workbook relates to the learning outcomes of Unit M3.19 Providing quality to customers from the ILM Level 3 Award, Certificate and Diploma in First Line Management.

Image3Links to S/NVQs in Management

This workbook relates to the following Unit of the Management Standards which are used in S/NVQs in Management, as well as a range of other S/NVQs:

D6. Allocate and monitor the progress and quality of work in your area of responsibility

Image4Workbook objectives

‘In general use, we tend to speak of high quality as being superior to low quality. In so doing, we imply that some attribute, such as designed life, has a higher value to us. A pair of shoes is, in these terms, of high quality if it gives five years’ wear instead of two.Yet, what of the people who do not want shoes to last five years? To these customers, fitting the fashion may rank more highly than fitting the foot! In short, they prefer a different combination of attributes. Clearly, in any product, there are many. Customers search for those that most closely fit what they want.’

John Naylor (1995), Operations Management, Pitman

This paragraph expresses the difficulty we encounter when trying to understand quality, for quality does not mean the same to everyone. At the same time, the last sentence contains a definition of quality.A good answer to the question ‘What is quality?’ is that quality is whatever the customer wants it to mean.

The customer comes first, second and third, so far as quality is concerned; this is one of the themes of this workbook.

There are three sessions. Session A deals with definitions, and looks at various aspects of the subject: design quality and process quality; quality systems; the benefits and the beneficiaries; costs; reliability; and accreditation against standards.

Session B is all about total quality management: what it is, and its main components, which are total commitment, a focus on the customer, continuous improvement and teamwork.

Then, in Session C, we try to find ways of applying the knowledge we’ve gained.


When you have completed this workbook you will be better able to:

Image   explain what quality means;

Image   recognize the benefits of quality improvement and development in your work, and appreciate methods of establishing the costs of quality;

Image   have a good understanding of total quality management;

Image   identify your customers and find ways of improving the quality of the goods and services you provide for them;

Image   lead your team in taking practical and positive steps towards higher work quality.

Image5Activity planner

You may want to look at the following Activities now so that you can make prior arrangements.

Activity 23. Invites you to consider communication with your team.

Activity 24. Here you are being asked to give an example of a recommendation you have made, or intend to make, regarding improvements to quality.


Some or all of these Activities may provide the basis of evidence for your S/NVQ portfolio.All Portfolio Activities and the Work-based assignment are signposted with this icon.

The icon states the elements to which the Portfolio Activities and Work-based assignment relate.

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