Chapter 5. Automating Code Generation

In this chapter you’ll learn how to use the Kubernetes code generators in Go projects to write custom resources in a natural way. Code generators are used a lot in the implementation of native Kubernetes resources, and we’ll use the very same generators here.

Why Code Generation

Go is a simple language by design. It lacks higher-level or even metaprogramming-like mechanisms to express algorithms on different data types in a generic (i.e., type-independent) way. The “Go way” is to use external code generation instead.

Very early in the Kubernetes development process, more and more code had to be rewritten as more resources were added to the system. Code generation made the maintenance of this code much easier. Very early on, the Gengo library was created, and eventually, based on Gengo, was developed as an externally usable collection of generators. We will use these generators in the following sections for CRs.

Calling the Generators

Usually, the code generators are called in mostly the same way in every controller project. Only packages, group names, and API versions differ. Calling the script or a bash script like hack/ is the easiest way to add code generation to CR Go types from the build system (see the book’s GitHub repository).

Note that some projects call the generator binaries directly due to very special requirements and often historic reasons. For the use case of building a controller for CRs, it is much easier to just call the script from the repository:

$ vendor/ all 
    --output-base "${GOPATH}/src" 
    --go-header-file "hack/boilerplate.go.txt"

Here, all means to call all four standard code generators for CRs:


Generates func (t *T) DeepCopy() *T and func (t *T) DeepCopyInto(*T) methods.


Creates typed client sets.


Creates informers for CRs that offer an event-based interface to react to changes of CRs on the server.


Creates listers for CRs that offer a read-only caching layer for GET and LIST requests.

The last two are the basis for building controllers (see “Controllers and Operators”). These four code generators make up a powerful basis for building full-featured, production-ready controllers using the same mechanisms and packages that the Kubernetes upstream controllers are using.


There are some more generators in, mostly for other contexts. For example, if you build your own aggregated API server (see Chapter 8), you will work with internal types in addition to versioned types, and you have to define defaulting functions. Then these two generators, which you can access by calling the script from, will become relevant:


Creates functions for converting between internal and external types.


Takes care of defaulting certain fields.

Now let’s look in detail at the parameters to

  • The second parameter is the target package name for the generated clients, listers, and informers.

  • The third parameter is the base package for the API group.

  • The fourth parameter is a space-separated list of API groups with their versions.

  • --output-base is passed as a flag to all generators to define the base directory where the given packages are found.

  • --go-header-file enables us to put copyright headers into generated code.

Some generators, like deepcopy-gen, create files directly inside the API group packages. Those files follow a standard naming scheme with a zz_generated. prefix such that it is easy to exclude them from version control systems (e.g., via .gitignore file), though most projects decide to check generated files in because the Go tooling around code generators is not well developed.1

If the project follows the pattern of—the sample-controller is a blueprint project replicating the patterns established by the many controllers built in Kubernetes itself—then the code generation starts with:

$ hack/

The cnat example in the sample-controller+client-go variant in “Following sample-controller” goes this route.


Usually, in addition to the hack/ script, there is a second script called hack/

This script calls the hack/ script and checks whether anything changed, and then it terminates with a nonzero return code if any of the generated files is not up-to-date.

This is very helpful in a continuous integration (CI) script: if a developer modified the files by accident or if the files are just outdated, CI will notice and complain.

Controlling the Generators with Tags

While some of the code-generator behavior is controlled via command-line flags as described earlier (especially the packages to process), a lot more properties are controlled via tags in your Go files. A tag is a specially formatted Go comment in the following form:

// +some-tag
// +some-other-tag=value

There are two kind of tags:

  • Global tags above the package line in a file called doc.go

  • Local tags above a type declaration (e.g., above a struct definition)

Depending on the tags in question, the position of the comment might be important.

Global Tags

Global tags are written into a package’s doc.go. A typical pkg/apis/group/version/doc.go file looks like this:

// +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package

// Package v1 is the v1alpha1 version of the API.
package v1alpha1

The first line of this file tells deepcopy-gen to create deep-copy methods by default for every type in that package. If you have types where deep copy is not necessary, not desired, or even not possible, you can opt out for them with the local tag // +k8s:deepcopy-gen=false. If you do not enable package-wide deep copy, you have to opt in to deep copy for each desired type via // +k8s:deepcopy-gen=true.

The second tag, //, defines the fully qualified API group name. This tag is necessary if the Go parent package name does not match the group name.

The file shown here actually comes from the cnat client-go example pkg/apis/cnat/v1alpha1/doc.go file (see “Following sample-controller”). There, cnat is the parent package, but is the group name.

With the // +groupName tag, the client generator (see “Typed client created via client-gen”) will generate a client using the correct HTTP path /apis/ Besides +groupName there is also +groupGoName, which defines a custom Go identifier (for variable and type names) to be used instead of the parent package name. For example, the generators will use the uppercase parent package name for identifies by default, which in our example is Cnat. A better identifier would be CNAt for “Cloud Native At.” With // +groupGoName=CNAt we could use that instead of Cnat (though we don’t do that in this example—we’ve stayed with Cnat), and the client-gen result would look like the following:

type Interface interface {
    Discovery() discovery.DiscoveryInterface
    CNatV1() atv1alpha1.CNatV1alpha1Interface

Local Tags

Local tags are written either directly above an API type or in the second comment block above it. Here are the main types in the types.go file of the cnat example:

// AtSpec defines the desired state of At
type AtSpec struct {
    // Schedule is the desired time the command is supposed to be executed.
    // Note: the format used here is UTC time
    Schedule string `json:"schedule,omitempty"`
    // Command is the desired command (executed in a Bash shell) to be executed.
    Command string `json:"command,omitempty"`
    // Important: Run "make" to regenerate code after modifying this file

// AtStatus defines the observed state of At
type AtStatus struct {
    // Phase represents the state of the schedule: until the command is executed
    // it is PENDING, afterwards it is DONE.
    Phase string `json:"phase,omitempty"`
    // Important: Run "make" to regenerate code after modifying this file

// +genclient

// At runs a command at a given schedule.
type At struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

    Spec   AtSpec   `json:"spec,omitempty"`
    Status AtStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`


// AtList contains a list of At
type AtList struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    Items           []At `json:"items"`

In the following sections we’ll walk through the tags of this example.


In this example, the API documentation is in the first comment block, while we put the tags into the second comment block. This helps to keep the tags out of the API documentation, if you use some tool to extract the Go doc comments for that purpose.

deepcopy-gen Tags

Deep-copy method generation is usually enabled for all types by default via the global // +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package tag (see “Global Tags”)—that is, with possible opt-out. However, in the preceding example file (and actually the whole package), all API types need deep-copy methods. Hence, we don’t have to opt out locally.

If we had a helper struct in the API types package (this is usually discouraged to keep API packages clean), we would have to disable deep-copy generation. For example:

// +k8s:deepcopy-gen=false
// Helper is a helper struct, not an API type.
type Helper struct {

runtime.Object and DeepCopyObject

There is a special deep-copy tag that needs more explanation:


In “Kubernetes Objects in Go” we saw that runtime.Objects have to implement the DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object method. The reason is that generic code within Kubernetes has to be able to create deep copies of objects. This method allows that.

The DeepCopyObject() method does nothing other than calling the generated DeepCopy method. The signature of the latter varies from type to type (DeepCopy() *T depends on T). The signature of the former is always DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object:

func (in *T) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object {
    if c := in.DeepCopy(); c != nil {
        return c
    } else {
        return nil

Put the local tag // above your top-level API types to generate this method with deepcopy-gen. This tells deepcopy-gen to create such a method for runtime.Object, called DeepCopyObject().


In the previous example, both At and AtList are top-level types because they are used as runtime.Objects.

As a rule of thumb, top-level types are those that have metav1.TypeMeta embedded.

It happens that other interfaces need a way to be deep-copied. This is usually the case if, for example, API types have a field of interface type Foo:

type SomeAPIType struct {
  Foo Foo `json:"foo"`

As we have seen, API types must be deep-copyable, and hence the field Foo must be deep-copied too. How could you do that in a generic way (without type-casts) without adding DeepCopyFoo() Foo to the Foo interface?

type Foo interface {
    DeepCopyFoo() Foo

In that case the same tag can be used:

// +k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces=<package>.Foo
type FooImplementation struct {

There are a few examples beyond runtime.Object in the Kubernetes source where this tag is actually used:

// +k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces=.../pkg/registry/rbac/reconciliation.RuleOwner
// +k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces=.../pkg/registry/rbac/reconciliation.RoleBinding

client-gen Tags

Finally, there are a number of tags to control client-gen, one of which we saw in the earlier example for At and AtList:

// +genclient

It tells client-gen to create a client for this type (this is always opt-in). Note that you don’t have to and indeed must not put it above the List type of the API objects.

In our cnat example, we use the /status subresource and update the status of the CRs with the UpdateStatus method of the client (see “Status subresource”). There are instances of CRs without a status or without a spec-status split. In those cases, the following tag avoids the generation of that UpdateStatus() method:

// +genclient:noStatus

Without this tag, client-gen will blindly generate the UpdateStatus() method. It is important to understand, however, that the spec-status split works only if the /status subresource is actually enabled in the CustomResourceDefinition manifest (see “Subresources”).

The existence of the method alone in the client has no effect. Requests to it without the change in the manifest will even fail.

The client generator has to choose the right HTTP path, either with or without a namespace. For cluster-wide resources, you have to use the tag:

// +genclient:nonNamespaced

The default is to generate a namespaced client. Again, this has to match the scope setting in the CRD manifest. For special-purpose clients, you might also want to control in detail which HTTP methods are offered. You can do this by using a couple of tags, for example:

// +genclient:noVerbs
// +genclient:onlyVerbs=create,delete
// +genclient:skipVerbs=get,list,create,update,patch,delete,watch
// +genclient:method=Create,verb=create,

The first three should be pretty self-explanatory, but the last one warrants some explanation.

The type this tag is written above will be create-only and will not return the API type itself, but a metav1.Status. For CRs this does not make much sense, but for user-provided API servers written in Go (see Chapter 8) those resources can exist, and they do in practice.

One common case for the // +genclient:method= tag is the addition of a method to scale a resource. In “Scale subresource” we describe how the /scale subresource can be enabled for CRs. The following tags create the corresponding client methods:

// +genclient:method=GetScale,verb=get,subresource=scale,
// +genclient:method=UpdateScale,verb=update,subresource=scale,

The first tag creates the getter GetScale. The second creates the setter UpdateScale.


All CR /scale subresources receive and output the Scale type from the autoscaling/v1 group. In the Kubernetes API there are resources that use other types for historic reasons.

informer-gen and lister-gen

Both informer-gen and lister-gen process the // +genclient tag of client-gen. There is nothing else to configure. Each type that opted in to client generation gets informers and listers automatically that match the client (if the whole suite of generators is called via the script).

The documentation of the Kubernetes generators has a lot of room for improvement and will certainly be refined slowly over time. For more information about the different generators, it is often helpful to look at examples inside Kubernetes itself—for example, and OpenShift API types. Both repositories have many advanced use cases.

Moreover, don’t hesitate to look into the generators themselves. deepcopy-gen has some documentation available inside its main.go file. client-gen has some documentation available in the Kubernetes contributor documentation. informer-gen and lister-gen currently don’t have further documentation, but shows how each is invoked.


In this chapter we showed you how to use the Kubernetes code generators for CRs. With that out of the way, we now move on to higher-level abstraction tooling—that is, solutions for writing custom controllers and operators that enable you to focus on the business logic.

1 The Go tools do not run the generation automatically when needed and lack a way to define dependencies between source and generated files.

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