Chapter 1

Getting Started


  • What jQuery is Good At
  • The jQuery “Hello World” Code Conventions and Development Tools

You probably spend more time in front of a computer than with your significant other. Hence, having a nice comfortable seat, a fast computer, and software that accelerates development is essential.

Starting with the basics, we’ll review requirements, different ways to obtain jQuery, and how to run it on both client and server, and set up some conventions for the rest of the book, using Google’s JavaScript standards.

In this chapter you set up your work environment for developing and debugging jQuery and JavaScript code. A major portion of development time goes into debugging, so a good debugger isn’t really an option. After reviewing Firebug, Chrome, and IE debuggers a portion of this chapter covers debugging JSON, tools for inspecting HTTP headers, and the JSLint code quality tool.

You learn to package your .js files for production use, explore tools, and establish some coding conventions.


Without a doubt, one of the strong points of using jQuery is how it diminishes many cross-browser concerns. Without it, writing cross-browser-compatible JavaScript code is a tedious, and unnecessary, exercise. It’s difficult not to marvel at how much time is saved getting things running in both IE and Firefox with jQuery. The core is also excellent at traversing the DOM tree and selecting elements. It’s also very lightweight, with the production version standing at 29 kb, which is minified and compressed. That’s a lot of kick for a small file. When debugging and testing, you’re better off using the uncompressed development version, which is 212 kb.

jQuery is also good at handling fairly complex JavaScript code with relatively little code. This was one of my initial attractions to the framework. For a newbie trying to learn the “ropes” with Ajax, jQuery lowers the learning curve. Understanding what’s going on under the hood is important, but as a first step, using $.ajax() isn’t a bad start.

An active user community means active support. Googling jQuery returns about 36.8 million results at the time of this writing. New official and third-party plugins come out every day, extending its core functionality. With so many projects dependent upon jQuery, it’s easy to find help online (and really cool print books too).

With that said, it might be overkill in some cases. Remember that including the jQuery library has some overhead, even if it’s small, and if you’re only using the selectors to get an element by its ID, then the built-in JavaScript capability of the browser is enough. But, if you plan to build a feature-rich, dynamic Ajax web application, jQuery is the way to go.


Your requirements for running jQuery are very light: a computer, smart phone, or device capable of running a modern browser. The browser requirements are fairly liberal as well. The official site lists the following browsers that are supported as well:

  • Firefox 2.0+
  • Internet Explorer 6+
  • Safari 3+
  • Opera 10.6+
  • Chrome 8+

The following browsers are known to give problems:

  • Mozilla Firefox 1.0.x
  • Internet Explorer 1.0–5.x
  • Safari 1.0–2.0.1
  • Opera 1.0–9.x
  • Konqueror

Quirksmode has a great page detailing the CSS compatibilities of different browsers, including CSS3. To find out more visit


Besides the links found on for downloading the production and development versions, you have a few other options for obtaining or linking to the jQuery libraries. You can link to several content delivery networks (CDNs) in your applications such as Google, Microsoft, and the jQuery CDN that are mentioned on the official jQuery website.

The following code illustrates obtaining jQuery from the various available CDNs. Simply add a script tag, point it at the proper URL and you’re ready to go.

<script src=””></script>
<script src=””></script>
<script src=””></script>

Code snippet is from cdns.txt

A Git repository also hosts a “Work in Progress,” or WIP, build. This is a constantly revised development version, which is not meant for production. The WIP build is generated every minute. To use this bleeding-edge version you can directly link from or you can clone the Git repository to build jQuery from scratch. The following code shows the Git command used to clone the latest version of the library.

$ git clone jquery-build

In order to build, you’ll need GNU to make 3.8+ and Node.js .2+. After cloning the repo, change into the jQuery directory and execute the make command. This will generate a complete minified version of jQuery, and run through JSLint (more on JSLint later). If you don’t want this, run make jquery instead of make.


No programming text is complete without the ubiquitous “Hello World” program:

                alert('Hello World'),

Code snippet is from hello-world.txt

In a nutshell, a minified version of jQuery is loaded from an online CDN over the Web. The jQuery function is called with the document object passed in as a parameter. This creates a jQuery wrapper object which has a ready() method whose only argument is a function. This function is invoked when the browser has finished converting the HTML on the page into the document object model (or DOM). At that moment, your function displays an alert, “Hello World.” There’s much more going on here than meets the eye and if you don’t understand yet, don’t worry. Chapter 2 revisits JavaScript, and most importantly, JavaScript’s way of managing functions. There you’ll understand the reason for the anonymous function. In Chapters 3 and 4, you see the concepts behind the jQuery wrapper, and using selectors to get elements from the DOM. Then you’ll have a better idea of what jQuery(document) means. Finally, in Chapter 5 you get acquainted with event handling, such as the aforementioned .ready(). So, although the code written for this example is rather brief, it’s rather dense and will be unpacked later.


Throughout this book, we’ll stick to a small subset of the Google JavaScript Style Guide found at and the jQuery Core Style Guidelines found at The Google JavaScript Style Guide specifies the following:

  • Declarations of variables always use var, except when intentionally creating a global variable.
  • Always use semicolons. This is important for minifying code.
  • Constants are uppercase, with each word separated by an underscore.
  • Functions, variables, and method names all use camel case notation with the first letter lowercase.
  • Classes and enum names also use camel case notation but with the first letter uppercase.

The big exception to any of these rules is when an example demonstrates how not to do something.

The jQuery team also published a set of conventions for development of the core library. The documentation mentions the following:

  • Spacing code: Abundantly use spacing, using tabs to indent code. Don’t use white spaces at the end of lines and empty lines should not have spaces either. This example illustrates the preferred spacing.
if ( test === “test string” ) {
    methodCall( “see”, “our”, “spacing” );
  • Using comments: For multiple-line comments use /∗ ∗/ and for single-line comments use //, with an empty line above the comment. The single-line comment precedes the comment that it refers to, and should be the only thing on the line.
           // my comment
           var x = 'blah';
           var x = 'blah'; // bad
  • Equality: Always use identity (===) comparison over simple quality (==). The jQuery team makes the exception of using simple equality when testing for null. As the guidelines say, “It’s actually quite useful to do == null or != null as it will pass (or fail) if the value is either null or undefined.”
  • Block presentation: Always use braces for control constructs (if/else/for/while/try), and distribute over multiple lines. Don’t use the one liner ifs without braces. Braces should always be placed on the same line as else/else if/catch. It’s also suggested to avoid replacing if/else statements with ternary operators. Here are some examples:
           // bad
           if( stuffHappens ) alert('blaaaah'),
           // good
           if( stuffHappens ) {
           // also good
           if( option ) {
               // code here
           } else {
              // code here
  • Function call format: Include extra spaces around function call arguments with the exception of when a function call is nested, a function call is empty, or object literals and arrays are passed:
           // These are OK
           f( arg );
           f( g(arg) ); 
           f({ });
           f([ ]);
  • Arrays and objects: No extra spacing is preferred for empty object and array literals, but do use a space after commas and colons:
           var a  = {};
           var b = [];
           var c = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
  • Assigning variables/objects: Always use a semicolon at the end of assignments with an endline afterwards. As noted by the Google Style Guide, semicolons should always be used.
  • Type checks: Table 1-1 demonstrates what strings to use when doing a type check.

    TABLE 1-1: Type Checks

    String typeof object === “string”
    Number typeof object === “number”
    Boolean typeof object === “boolean”
    Object typeof object === “object”
    Element object.nodeType
    null object === null
    null or undefined object == null

Table 1-2 illustrates objects that are type checked using the jQuery API.

TABLE 1-2: Type Checks Using the jQuery API

Plain Object jQuery.isPlainObject(object)
Function jQuery.isFunction(object)
Array jQuery.isArray(object)

Table 1-3 illustrates methods for type checking undefined.

TABLE 1-3: Checking undefined

Global Variables typeof variable === “undefined”
Local Variables variable === undefined
Properties object.prop === undefined
  • RegExp: Create regular expressions (RegExp) with .text() .exec().
  • Strings: Double quotes are preferred to single quotes.

The docs also mention validations with JSLint. JSLint is covered in the next section on Development Tools.

There are differences between the Google JavaScript Style Guide and jQuery’s Style Guide. For example, the Google JavaScript Style Guide suggests the use of single quotes, whereas the jQuery team uses double quotes as a standard. For this book, we stick to the jQuery team’s suggestion.


You have several tools at your disposal for developing JavaScript and jQuery, other than the traditional editor/browser setup. If your style of development is more command-line-oriented, you have jconsole and Rhino. jconsole is a web application that enables you to interactively enter JavaScript code. It comes with a few additional functions such as print(), load(), and clear(). Multiple line entries are allowed by pressing Ctrl+Enter after each line. Pressing Enter executes the current code in the text area. jconsole also maintains a history of entered commands, which is accessed by pressing the up or down arrows to use the previous and next entered commands. Figure 1-1 shows jconsole in action.

To load jQuery into jconsole use the load() function with a CDN URL. For example:

$(document).click(function(){ alert('It worked!'), });

jconsole also has a tab autocompletion feature, and the ability to dynamically change the execution context by entering the scope() function. For quickly testing small bits of code, jconsole really is priceless.

You probably picked up this book for using jQuery in a browser environment, but it’s also possible to use jQuery on the server. Mozilla Rhino is a JavaScript interpreter implemented in Java. It’s commonly used to embed JavaScript into Java applications. It features a JavaScript shell, debugger, and compiler. Along with the framework Envjs, also written by the jQuery creator John Resig, it’s possible to use jQuery in a server environment. Envjs is a portable JavaScript implementation of a “headless browser,” or browser that lacks a user interface that provides a scripting environment. It’s possible to get the same effect with other host environments, such as Google V8, but I’ll stick to Rhino for this example.

Table 1-4 lists the dependencies for getting up and running with jQuery and Rhino.

TABLE 1-4: Dependencies for Running jQuery with Rhino

Rhino Command-line JavaScript interpreter
JLine(optional, but useful) Java console input library, readline-like functionality
Envjs “Headless browser,” scripting environment

To get readline-like functionality, run Rhino with the JLine library. This way you can access the history of commands by pressing the up arrow, and edit entered characters with left and right arrow keys. The following code block shows how to get started with JLine.

java -cp js.jar:jline.jar jline.ConsoleRunner -opt -1 

The following session demonstrates how to get jQuery running with Rhino. Lines with js> indicate input.

js> load('env.rhino.1.2.js'),
[  Envjs/1.6 (Rhino; U; Linux i386 2.6.24-25-generic; en-US; rv:1.7.0.rc2) 
PilotFish/1.2.13  ]
js> window.location = “http://localhost”
js> load('jquery.js'),
js> jQuery
function (selector, context) {
    return new jQuery.fn.init(selector, context);

Back in the regular browser world, Firefox also has plugins for simplifying your life as a developer. One of the most popular is Firebug, a debugging tool for web development. Firebug enables live editing of HTML and CSS, debugging, and monitoring of web applications. Figure 1-2 shows the Firebug interface.

To install Firebug, go to Tools ⇒ Add Ons on the menu bar, click Get Add Ons on the resulting dialog, and search for Firebug. Click Add to Firefox. After installing, you’ll notice a bug icon at the bottom right of the window. Click it to open the Firebug explorer.

You’ll notice Firebug includes six tabs: Console, HTML, CSS, Script, DOM, and .NET. Each tab contains features to simplify your life as a web developer.

The Console tab provides an output interface for viewing warning and error messages, logs, debugging information, general info, and XmlHttp Request and response objects.

Firebug loads into the global namespace an object called console. Use this object to log console messages of the inner workings of your application. The console object contains several methods, which you can check out at Table 1-5 lists a small subset of the methods contained by the console object with descriptions provided by the Firebug Wiki.

TABLE 1-5: Some Console Object Methods

console.log(object[, object, ...]) Writes a message to the console.
console.debug(object[, object, ...]) Writes a message to the console, including a hyperlink to the line where it was called.[, object, ...]) Writes a message to the console with the visual “info” icon and color coding and a hyperlink to the line where it was called.
console.warn(object[, object, ...]) Writes a message to the console with the visual “warning” icon and color coding and a hyperlink to the line where it was called.
console.error(object[, object, ...]) Writes a message to the console with the visual “error” icon and color coding and a hyperlink to the line where it was called.
console.assert(expression[, object, ...]) Tests that an expression is true. If not, it will write a message to the console and throw an exception.
console.clear() Clears the console.

The profiler is used for performance analysis of your application. Profiling is as simple as clicking a button. Load your page, click the Profile button under the Console tab, use your application for a while, and click the Profile button again to generate a report.

The HTML tab enables you to peruse the DOM and edit HTML code “on the fly.” The tags are displayed in a tree widget, which expands to show the children of each node. The CSS tab also enables editing of styles and layout, while neatly displaying the values of each cascading style sheet.

Perhaps one of Firebug’s most useful features is the interactive command line, which allows execution of JavaScript code in the context of the web page you’re developing. There’s no need to manually load jQuery and other dependencies. The console also has command completion. The Script tab also has the ability to add/remove breakpoints, view stack traces, and watch variable values over time.

It’s also possible to use Firebug with other browsers via Firebug Lite. To do so, include in your HTML file a script tag that links to the .js file online:

<script  src=””></script>

Along with Firebug, Live HTTP Headers, another Firefox plugin, gives a nice rounded view of the data flowing in and about your application. The “Live” means that the HTTP header information is displayed in real time.

To install, follow the same procedure you used for Firebug. After installing, you can access Live HTTP Headers from the menu bar by selecting Tools ⇒ Live HTTP Headers. A dialog displays the get requests with all kinds of useful debug information such as server type, encoding type, cookies, host, and so on. The replay feature enables you to edit request headers and resend a URL, great for debugging Ajax.

When trying to load JSON data directly from Firefox, the default behavior of the browser is to give you a Download File dialog. Using the JSONView extension Firefox will interpret and display JSON data in a nice legible manner. Furthermore, the nodes are collapsible, similar to when Firefox interprets XML data directly. For example, say you have the following .json file:

  “users”: {
     “user”: [{
         “email”:”[email protected]”,
         “email”:”[email protected]”,
         “email”:”[email protected]”,
         “email”:”[email protected]”,

With JSONView, the output should look similar to the following code snippet. The minus sign indicates a collapsible node, and a plus sign indicates an already collapsed node. The last two records are collapsed.

  - users: {
    - user: [
        - {
              name: “Tom”,
              email: “[email protected]”,
              role: “admin”
        - {
              name: “Nick”,
              email: “[email protected]”,
              role: “admin”
              + { ... },
              + { ... }
}name: “Lynn”email: “[email protected]”
role: “manager”

Google Chrome also offers a top-notch development environment. A set of developer tools comes by default with Chrome. These are in active development, so the feature set is constantly evolving and improving. The Chrome Developer Tools come with all the same goodies as Firebug: an interactive command line, element inspector, the ability to add/remove breakpoints, and so on. To access the developer tools press Shift+Ctrl+I.

Figure 1-3 shows the Chrome Developer Tools.

Microsoft, never one to be left behind, includes its own set of development tools with Internet Explorer, although not as complete as Firefox’s plugins and extensions. They’re called the F12 Developer Tools, which is a handy reminder of the key needed to access them. The F12 Developer Tools are quite similar to Chrome’s Inspector and Firebug’s. Figure 1-4 shows Internet Explorer’s F12.

Another essential tool is JSLint, the “JavaScript code quality tool,” which checks and validates code. Douglas Crockford explains it best: “JSLint takes a JavaScript source and scans it. If it finds a problem, it returns a message describing the problem and an approximate location within the source.” Just like jconsole, there’s a convenient web application for validating your JavaScript code; see In the source code you’ll find fulljslint.js, which you can run outside of a web browser. Using Mozilla Rhino, you can use a short script for validating JavaScript/jQuery code from a command line.

var src = readFile(arguments[0]);
var passes = JSLINT(src);
print(passes ? 'Passes Lint Validation' : 'Failed Validation'),

The functions load(), readFile(), and print() are Rhino-specific functions. The load() function takes the input string pointing to the fulljslint.js file, loads the code into memory, and executes it giving you access to the JSLINT() function. The readFile() function obtains the first parameter passed in from the command line, using the arguments array, and reads the source into a string. The JSLINT() function then validates the content of the src variable, and returns a Boolean object signaling whether or not the string validated. With a ternary operator a message is then printed to the console depending on whether the file read passed validation. Open a terminal, and try validating a simple JavaScript file:

$ rhino runLint.js test.js
Passes Lint Validation

If the above seems like too much work, you can also take a look at the project, jslint4java at, which simplifies the command to the single line seen in the following code snippet.

$ java -jar jslint4java-1.4.jar test.js

In addition to JSLint, there’s an alternative code quality tool that’s gaining popularity, JSHint Originally forked from JSLint in order to create a more configurable version of JSLint that didn’t enforce one particular coding style, JSHint has grown into a project of its own, with its own goals and ideals. If you find yourself running up against specific, non-configurable rules in JSLint or merely want to try out an alternative then JSHint might be a good option for you.

Finally, after finishing development of any modules or plugins, and validating using JSLint, you’ll probably want to minify your .js files for production. Several options are available on the market, but I’ll just discuss a few. Some popular open source options are the YUI Compressor, the Google Closure Compiler, UglifyJS, and JSMin. YUI Compressor offers the additional ability to minify CSS alongside your JS. While it is convenient to have one-stop shopping for all of your minification needs, the two dominant choices right now are UglifyJS, a NodeJS-based utility, and Google’s Closure Compiler. Both are in use at major JavaScript performance-obsessed projects. UglifyJS is the minifier of choice for the jQuery project itself and the Java-based Closure Compiler is the minification choice for HTML5 Boilerplate Both can be run from the command line, which allows you to automate this minification process alongside any JSLint tests you may also be running. The HTML5 Boilerplate project offers a full-featured Ant build script which does both minification and JSLint or JSHint tests (and more).

If you’re interested in getting your hands dirty, the following code samples show how easy it is to run both UglifyJS and Closure Compiler from the command line.

Assuming you’re running NodeJS, installing UglifyJS is as simple as the following:

npm install -g uglify-js

Running it is as simple as calling UglifyJS, setting the -o (output) flag, and setting an output filename and passing in the input filename to be mininfied:

uglifyjs -o app.min.js app.js

Using Closure Compiler is also very simple. Simply download the latest jar from, unzip it and then run the following from the command line. It follows a similar pattern with an input file and an output file provided as command line arguments.

java -jar compiler.jar --js app.js --js_output_file app.min.js

If you aren’t a guru, or don’t understand how to use a command line, don’t sweat it. There are the web-based applications to get the same results.


It’s time to use the tools discussed in this chapter, especially Firebug (or the Chrome developer tools) and JSLint—they’ll catch many errors for you. Rather than using alert calls with variables and objects, place breakpoints and inspect the values of each object/variable as they are manipulated by your scripts. Also, make liberal use of the real-time editing.

Separating markup from functionality is the way of modern web development, for many reasons. One reason for keeping your JavaScript/jQuery code in an external .js file is that it helps the debugger correctly match the error with the actual line number, not to mention it keeps your code unobtrusive.

Make your projects test driven. Later in the book, I describe how to use QUnit to add unit tests to your projects. As you probably already know, although jQuery handles most cross-browser concerns, it’s still necessary to test in different browsers and environments, including portable devices like iPhones. Having a full test suite will make it easier to detect and squash cross-browser bugs.

For small bits of code, like one-liners, use console applications like jconsole and Rhino to make sure you’re getting the expected results.

Make sure of the obvious. The most experienced programmer may miss something obvious. Who hasn’t added a script tag for including jQuery, only to find out much later, to great dismay, that the path was mistyped? The debuggers will let you know quickly if the $ variable is undefined.

Being aware of browser-specific issues and their particular behaviors is important. That trailing comma in an object literal is just priceless after you’ve developed in a browser like Firefox or Safari for hours, only to have your beautifully scripted project explode in IE.

One point we mention time and again in this book is the necessity to really grok JavaScript. The learning curve for jQuery is low; it’s a wonderful framework for beginners to create dazzling JavaScript effects. However, advanced users doing full development shouldn’t treat it as a black box. It embraces and extends JavaScript, and thus requires JavaScript understanding.

Of course, there are all the other regular tips as well. For example, make sure your HTML and XML are well formed, use version control tools like Mercurial or Git, and call on the Google or Stack overflow gods when you’re really stuck.


There’s another Firefox plugin for your jQuery repertoire: the FireQuery plugin, which enhances Firebug for better handling of jQuery. Features include:

  • Elements and handlers dynamically added by jQuery at run time can be visually inspected in the console.
  • Elements that are members of a jQuery “collection” are highlighted in the window on a mouseover event.
  • jQuery-specific expressions are recognized and presented in the Firebug console.

One of its more interesting features is the “jQuerify” button, which dynamically loads jQuery into any web page viewed by the browser. This is very useful if you’re running tests with jconsole, because it cuts out the step of loading jQuery from a CDN using the load() command in the console.

After you install FireQuery, you can check that everything is working correctly by visiting the test page at Figure 1-5 shows a successful install of FireQuery.


In this chapter you explored a couple of different options for obtaining, building, and running jQuery. Not only that, but you know now how to run JavaScript code from the server, instead of just the traditional browser client. After you’ve learned to develop your own jQuery plugins, you can use the techniques in this chapter to minify and prepare your code for deployment to a larger audience. You’ve also sipped a taste of the many debugging tools out there.

In the following chapter you go full blast into coding, and put all these tools to use, but our focus is more toward general JavaScript before getting back to jQuery-focused code.

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