SOAP Message Example

To illustrate what SOAP messages look like, we'll show an example of a web service used by an online retailer that accepts a unique product identifier and returns details about the product such as the name, description, price, and availability. Listing B-7 shows an example of such a service called GetProductDetails that accepts one parameter called ProductID. The Envelope namespace will always point to, as described in the specification.

Example. Sample SOAP Request Message from a Client
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
     <getProductDetails xmlns="">

The response from the service also has the same structure of an envelope with the two headers. Listing B-8 shows an example of what the response of the previous GetProductDetails will contain. In this example, the service sends some additional attributes such as Product Name, Description, Price, and a Boolean stating whether the product is in stock.

Example. Sample Response SOAP Message from a Server
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
     <getProductDetailsResponse xmlns="">
         <productName>Wireless Keyboard</productName>
         <description>RF Wireless Keyboard, available in Black</description>

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