
To my wife, Kushanthi, and my son, Keshera—you give me a reason to wake up every day and tackle the world head-on. Thank you also to my father, Christopher; mum, Shantha; and my brother, Gayan. It is your blessings and inspirations that get me through the hard times. Last but not least, a big thanks to Mr. Pinto and Mrs. Alwis who played a big part in my secondary education. You gave me wings to fly. I wouldn't have made it this far without your help.

—Chris Peiris

To my wife, Janneke—without your patience I wouldn't have been able to get my first book out of the door. I know that it wasn't easy to go through the past year with Anouk's birth and Amber's "childhood puberty" (she's a three year old). To my parents and my sister—thanks a lot for the heads-up and the interest you expressed in my writing.

—Dennis Mulder

I can safely say that I would've never been able to navigate through the past 16 years without my wife, Donna. She has been there for me countless times and is always someone who provides me with comfort, understanding, and lots of reality. And to my two little girls, Christine and Lauren, who to me represent what life is all about. I love them all dearly and couldn't make it through many days without knowing that I'll see their smiling faces and have enjoyable conversations that makes me feel like a kid again.

—Shawn Cicoria

To my wife, Meenakshi, without her support, patience, endless review sessions, ideas, and desire for perfection, this book would not have been possible. She provides the rational balance to my mad world.

—Amit Bahree

To my grandfather, Late Mahesh Chandra Pathak, for his blessings and moral values. To my parents, Pankaj and Bina Pathak, for being the best parents, and to my lovely sister, Tanwi, for her immense support and for teaching me to do what I believe in. I also appreciate the help, support, and encouragement from my mentor Mr. J.P. Kukreti and my dear friends (Amit Rawat, Piyush Suyal, Vikal Devlal, Harsh Nigam, and Shweta Bashani).

—Nishith Pathak

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