
Academy of Management (AoM), 190, 221

Adam (vignette), 70–71

Adler, Alfred

Frankl and, 15, 17

will to power and, 50–55

American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), 221

Andy (vignette), 118–119

Angela (vignette), 88–90

Anthrocapitalism, 201, 202

Anticipatory anxiety, 89–91. See also Fear

Anxiety. See also Fear; Phobias anticipatory, 89–91

Apology (Plato), 148

Aristotle, 153, 203

Armstrong, Karen, 230n4

Art of Happiness at Work, The (Dalai Lama and Cutler), 106

Asian Tsunami, xvii

Attitude, freedom to choose one’s, xix, 43–44. See also Embrace life with attitude

affirmation of, 44

Christopher and Dana Reeve and, 28–30

coping and, 31–33

Frankl and, 19, 23, 143

Nelson Mandela and, 28

Ten Positive Things Exercise, 36–44

true optimism and, 32–36

in work and personal life, 124, 188

Awareness, importance of, 74–79

Barsoux, Jean-Louis, 94

Beast, The (television program), 117

Benigni, Roberto, 123–124

Berwick, Donald, 184

Borowitz, Andy, 108


learning from, 91–92

treatment of weaker performers by, 94

unappreciative, 75

Brooks, Albert, 103

Buber, Martin, 60

Bullying, 51–52

Business. See Work

“Calvin and Hobbes” (cartoon), 112

Camus, Albert, 213

Cancer, 3–4, 30, 41, 117, 182

Capitalism, 203. See also Anthrocapitalism

Care of the Soul (Moore), 2, 202

Chappell, Kate, 58, 231n4

Chappell, Tom, 58–61, 149, 231n4

Charlotte (vignette), 56–57

Cheerfulness, 107

Childhood, reconnecting with one’s, 161

Cimiluca, Mary, 222

Clearlake laundry detergent, 59

Clinton, Bill, 27

Coaching, use of Frankl’s ideas in, 219

Collective guilt, 134

Coming into Our Own: Understanding the Adult Metamorphosis (Gerzon), 165

Community. See also “Village” creating a more humanistic, 180

Complaining, 24–26

Conference and corporate culture, 186

Conflict, 120–121

Connect meaningfully with others (O), 140, 152–156, 178–181, 190, 191–199. See also OPA! Formula for Meaning

Control, and finding meaning, 55

Coping, and learning to cope, 31–33

Core essence, 10

recommendations for finding one’s, 159–161

Core of meaning, 175, 176f, 179, 210

Corporate culture, 186–187, 200–201. See also Academy of Management; Organizational culture; Work; Work village

Corporate executives, 188–189

Corporate social responsibility, 201

Covey, Stephen R., 216, 225–226

Creative distraction, 123–126. See also De-reflection

Cretan labyrinth, 57

Crisis Impact Poll, 147

Crowell, Rodney, 231n5

Cry for meaning, 53–55

Culture, 207

meaning-centered, 180–181. See also Meaning culture

Cutler, Howard, 106

Dalai Lama, Fourteenth (Tenzin Gyatso), 106, 134

De-reflection, 123–126

Andy (vignette), 118–119

Frankl on, 117, 120, 121, 123

practicing, 4, 120

Defending Your Life (motion picture), 71, 113

Dialogue, 16–17

Diplomat patient of Frankl, 75–76

Disasters, xvii–xviii, 197. See also Emergency responders

Disengaged employees, 172

Disengagement, 171–174

Doctor and the Soul, The (Frankl), 18

employment ad story, 102–103

on life as a task, 82

Mountain Range Exercise, 64–65

Dylan, Bob, 226

“Echo, The” (story), 132–133

Economic crisis, 147–148, 197–198

Economic growth and success, measures of, 204–205

Education, putting meaning at the core of, 208–209

Educational institutions, 206–208

Edwards, Jonathan, 61

Einstein, Albert, 125

Embrace life with attitude (A), 161–166, 186–190, 209–212. See also OPA! Formula for Meaning

Emergency responders, 108–109

Employee appraisals, 187

Employee Awareness Programs (EAPs), 187–188

Employment, 205

technology and, 205–206

Employment ad story, 102–103

Emptiness. See Cry for meaning; Existential void/existential vacuum

Engage with deeper purpose (P), 156–161, 185–186, 190, 199–209. See also OPA! Formula for Meaning

Engaged employees, 172

Engagement. See Disengagement

Epicurean, 49

Epicurus, 48–49

Eulogy Exercise, 80, 81f, 82

Euripides, 158

Existential analysis, 148, 149f, 217, 218

Existential angst, 145, 147, 209

Existential crisis, 193, 199

Existential Digging Exercise, 73–74

Existential dilemmas and challenges, xx, 3, 34

Existential philosophy, 14, 17–18, 226

Existential questions, 58, 73–74, 206

Existential therapy, 218, 219, 226. See also Logotherapy

Existential void/existential vacuum, 54, 145–147, 194

Experiences can all teach you about yourself, 159

Eye, human, 131

Failure, 95–96, 148, 149f

Faith of My Fathers (McCain), 19

Fallon, Jimmy, 222–223

Fear, 71–72, 96. See also Anticipatory anxiety; Phobias

Feuerstein, Aaron, 199–200

Financial crisis, 147–148, 197–198

Finding meaning, 67–73

First Man, The (Camus), 213

First Things First (Covey et al.), 216

Forgiveness, path of, 133–135

Frankl, Eleonore (Elly), 218

Frankl, Viktor E. See also specific topics

Alex Pattakos and, xx–xxii, 1–2

changing lives, 214–216

coping with Auschwitz, 31–32

core message, 227–228

core principles, 5–8

crossover applications of the contributions of, 218–221

diplomat patient of, 75–76

discovery of meaning by, 26

fellow concentration-camp inmates of, 56, 131

on humor, 105

on hyperintention and hyper-reflection, 89

influence of, xviii, 214–215

key assertions, 143–144

legacy of, 214–217, 223–226

life of, 13–21

overview of, xix

personal use of paradoxical intention, 97–98

on self-transcendence, 130–131

therapeutic use of paradoxical intention, 96–97

transformation of suffering, 134

unheard cry for meaning and, 53–55

use of creative distraction by, 124

on will, 150

Frasier (television program), 58

Freedom. See also Attitude, freedom to choose one’s

responsibility and, 225

Freud, Sigmund, 14, 49–51

Fuel gauge metaphor, 162

Full Catastrophe Living (Kabat-Zinn), 55–56

Future vision, 216

Gallup Organization, 171–174

Gandhi, Mahatma, 134

Gerzon, Mark, 165

Global Meaning Institute, 168, 175, 220

Greece, 197–198, 207–208

Greed, 52

Gross domestic product (GDP), growth as measured by, 204–205

Groundhog Day (motion picture), 160

Health, 188. See also Cancer

Health care, 181–184

Health-care reform, 174

Hedonism, 49

Heraclitus, 15–16, 58

Herodotus, 130

Hippocrates, 164

History of God, A (Armstrong), 230n4

Hudson River, miracle on the, 135–137

Humanistic community, creating a more, 180

Humor. See also Self-detachment

employment ad story, 102–103

importance of, 103–108

Hyper-reflection, 89, 90

Hyperintention, 89, 90

Hypochondria, 90–91

I–Thou relationship, 61

Illness. See Cancer

Illness anxiety disorder, 90–91

Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami of 2004. See Asian Tsunami

International Center for Leading Studies, 207–208

International Journal of Individual Psychology, 15

International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 14

Intrinsic motivation, 175

Introspection. See Self-discovery

Jackson, Phil, 61–62

Jaeger, Andrea, 133

Janet (vignette), 101–102

Jesus, 230n4

Job descriptions, 186–187

Job titles, 186–187

Jobs, Steve, 63, 210

John, Saint, 230n4

Joshua (vignette), 146–147

Kabat-Zinn, Jon, 55–56

Kennedy, John F., 197

Kids’ Stuff Foundation, 133

Labyrinth (of meaning)

in corporate world, 58–61

life as a, 57–61

Pattakos’s personal journey, 57–58

work life as a, 103–104

Laing, R. D., xiv

Larry King Live, 29

Leadership, 184–185


defined, 79–80

drafting our, 79–82

Legend of Bagger Vance, The (motion picture), 70

Levine, Stewart, 231n5

Life Is Beautiful (motion picture), 123

“Living the good life,” 157

Logos, 15–16, 230n4

Logotherapy, xx, 15–21

as approach to discovering meaning, 214

changing lives, 214–216

first use of word, 15

and meaning as foundation of existence, 15

Pattakos as practitioner of, 2

self-transcendence and, 130–131

spiritual dimension of, 139–140

Viktor Frankl Institute and, 20–21, 217

Long, Jerry L., Jr., 215–216

Love, 78, 213

and corporate culture, 186

Malden Mills, 199–200

Management. See Academy of Management; Bosses; Corporate culture; MBWA (management by walking around)

Mandela, Nelson, 27–28, 134

Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl)

diplomat patient, 75–76

feature film of, 222

impact of, 56, 215

original subtitle, 20

on SS officer, 134

Manzoni, Jean-François, 94

Mark (vignette), 41–43

Maslow, Abraham, xii–xiii

Mass murder, 130

Mass neurotic triad, 54, 193, 210

Material possessions and inner emptiness, 54

Materialism, 77

Mayo Clinic, 181–182

MBWA (management by walking around), 94–95

McBurney, Ralph Waldo, 35–36

McCain, John, 19

Meaning. See also specific topics

crisis of, 8–9, 144–148, 154

definitions, 9–10, 77, 151

finding, xix

as foundation of existence, 15

greed and, 52

Meaning, will to, 50, 53, 143, 227. See also specific topics

centrality of, 55, 63

cry for meaning and, 53–55

at Malden Mills, 199–200

Meaning analysis, 148–150, 160

Meaning-centric leadership, 185

Meaning culture, 179. See also Culture: meaning-centered

The Meaning Difference®, 162f

Meaning “ministry,” 61, 217

Meaning mission, 183

Meaning moments

Adam (vignette), 70–71

after midlife, 165–166

awareness, 74–79

drafting legacy, 79–82

finding, 67–73

Michelle (vignette), 69–70

Patrick Swayze, 117

working against oneself and, 92–93

Meaningful engagement, 174–176

MEANINGology®, 150–153, 155–156, 178, 194, 220

defined, 150

Megatrend, search for meaning as, 189–190, 226

Mental Excursion Exercise, 126–127

Michelle (vignette), 69–70

Micromanagement, 94, 95

Midlife, searching for meaning after, 165–166

Mini-meanings, 159

Ministry of meaning, 61, 217

Missing managers, 94–95

Mistakes, 111–112

nature of, 112

Mitsakos, Aliki, 208

Money. See also Financial crisis pursuit of, 52

Moore, Thomas, 2, 202

Motivation, 184

intrinsic, 175

Mountain Range Exercise, 64–65

My First 100 Years (McBurney), 36

Neal (vignette), 92–93

Needs hierarchy theory, xii–xiii

Nihilism, 20

On Hold program, 197–198

OPA! Formula for Meaning, 152–154, 156–158, 162, 163, 178, 189, 194. See also Connect meaningfully with others; Embrace life with attitude; Engage with deeper purpose

OPA! Way: Finding Joy & Meaning in Everyday Life & Work, The (Pattakos and Dundon), 152–153

Optimism, true, 32–36

Organizational culture, 183, 190. See also Corporate culture; Work; Work village

Out-group assignments, 94

Paradoxical intention, 189

applying, 96–98

Frankl’s personal use of, 97–98

Frankl’s therapeutic use of, 96–97

in workplace, 91–96, 189

Paul (Forest Service workshop participant), 39

Paul VI,

Pope, 215

Performance, work, 87–88

Peters, Tom, 95–96

Philo of Alexandria, 16

Phobias, 96, 97

Picasso, Pablo, 161

Plato, 111, 147–148

Pleasure, 47–48

and finding meaning, 55

will to, 48–50

Pleasure principle, 49

Postmodernism, 193–194

Power, 9

will to, 50–55

Prison inmates, 40–41

Promise/anticipation of pleasure, 47

Psychoanalysis. See Freud, Sigmund

Purpose. See also Engage with deeper purpose

looking beyond oneself to find, 161

Questioning one’s life, 161

Rage, 130

Rambler’s Way Farm, 231n4

Rebecca (creativity consultant), 34–36

Redgrave, Vanessa, 198

Reeve, Christopher, 28–30, 150

Reeve, Dana, 29–30, 150

Reframing one’s life in a larger context, 159–160

Refugee crises, 197–198


Christopher Reeve and, 30

nurturing, at work, 93–94

paradoxical intention and, 91

at work, 88–91

Resilience, 163

Responsibility, xix, 225

Retirement, 34–35

finding meaning after, 165

Rita (vignette), 122–123

Roddick, Anita, 187

Rose, Pete, 231n5

Sacred Hoops (Jackson), 61

Self-actualization, xiii

Self-detachment. See also Humor developing skills at, 108–111

Pattakos’s experience with, 4

Self-discovery, 61–63

and asking others for their insights, 160

Self-transcendence, 130–133

Selye, Hans, ix–x

“Set-Up-to-Fail Syndrome, The” (Manzoni and Barsoux), 94

7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey), 216

Shadow side, learning about one’s, 160

Silver Lining Ranch, 133

Skalleberg, Öystein, 186–187

Skiles, Jeffrey, 136

Socrates, 63, 148

Soulful times, 2

Soul’s code, x

Spaciousness, 62

Statue of Responsibility, proposed, 225–226

Still Me (Reeve), 29

Stress, 188


forgiveness and, 133–135

is not a prerequisite for finding meaning, xix, 19

learning from, 19

will to meaning and, 56

Sullenberger, Chesley B. “Sully,” 135–137

Suu Kyi, Aung San, 134

Swayze, Patrick, 117–118

SWOT analysis, 160

Team spirit, 137–138

Technology, human beings replaced with, 205–206

Ten Positive Things Exercise, 36–44

The International Center for Leading Studies (TICLS), 207–208

Thinking patterns, automaticity of, 23

Thoughts, not being prisoner of one’s, xix

Tom (vignette), 33–34

Tom’s of Maine, 58–61, 231n4

Trust, 154

Ubuntu, 131–132

Ultimate meaning, 139–140

Unemployment, 33–34, 102–103, 205

technology and, 205–206

UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), xvii

UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund), xvii

Utne Reader Online, 193–194

Values, 200–201

meaning analysis and, 148

in Mountain Range Exercise, 64

Vancity, 176–177

Vesely, Alexander, 223

Viktor Frankl Center Vienna, 224

Viktor Frankl Institute, 20–21, 217–218, 224

Viktor Frankl Museum, 223–224

Viktor & I (documentary), 223

“Village,” 154–155, 178–179

being part of a, 154

breakdown of and loss of connection to our, 195–197

building a, 155, 180, 181

practicing the “village” concept, 197–198

sense of belonging to the collective, 178–179

Violence, 130

Vita (mail carrier), 129–130

Volunteers’ Readiness Program, xvii–xviii

Walls of Kindness program, 197–198

Who Moved My Soup? (Borowitz), 108

Will to meaning. See Meaning, will to

Will to power. See Power: will to

Winston (bus driver), 103–106, 178

Wong, Paul T. P., 219

Work. See also OPA! Formula for Meaning

defined, 78

finding meaning in, 24–26, 75, 184–185, 219–220

humanization of, 184, 220

lack/loss of meaning in, 167–171

meaning at the core of, 174–178, 176f, 201–204

relationships at, 88–91

Work village. See also “Village” creating the, 180, 181

Working against oneself paradoxical intention, 91–98

Pattakos’s experience of, 85–88

performance and, 87–88

work relationships and, 88–91

Workplace Options, 188

Zeig, Jeffrey, 213

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