
  • 20-225 (20/225) rule, 50–51, 93
  • A
  • Accountability, importance, 204–205
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS), resource leverging, 189–195
  • AmeCast, Give-Gets (application), 177
  • Analytics, 45
    • investment, 7, 43
    • usage, 7
  • Architectural innovation, 121
  • Arussy, Lion, 50
  • ASML, triopsony, 118–119
  • Attitudes, drivers, 73
  • B
  • Backbone, 12, 122, 124
    • absence, 17
    • adoption, 206
    • building, 16–17, 163
    • elements, 166–168
    • executive team usage, 177
    • inflation, relationship, 175–177
    • senior executive support, 177
  • Beyer, Ken, 10
  • Biases, presence, 86
  • Big data analytics, usage, 45
  • Brand, repositioning, 99
  • BTB markets, demand (derivation), 101
  • Buffett, Warren, 20–21
  • Bundles
    • competitive advantage, 158
    • prices, reduction, 158
    • usage, 155
  • Bundling
    • basics, 157–159
    • dual-level bundling approach, 124
    • failure, avoidance, 159–161
    • importance, 157–158
    • usage, 136, 154–157
  • Businesses
    • decisions, 11
    • questions, customer appreciation, 79
    • success, processes (improvement), 203
  • Business-to-business (B2B) pricing, focus, 69–70
  • Business-to-business (B2B) procurements, 200
  • Buyer behaviors, inflation (relationship), 168
  • C
  • Capabilities, requirement (understanding), 6–8
  • Capability matrix, 83, 84f
  • Capacity
    • costs, impact, 26–27
    • share, equalization, 108
  • Capital-intensive businesses, price strategy, 108
  • Cardinal pricing orientations, 87f
  • Caterpillar, customer retention, 106
  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO), organization integrator, 25
  • Christensen, Clayton, 69
  • Client contracts/renewals, adjustments (planning), 152
  • Client customers, depth research, 79
  • Client product, differentiation, 164
  • Closing rates, improvement, 9
  • Cohort analysis, 141
  • Commercial teams, B2B business leader assistance, 24
  • Companies
    • business category, decision, 40
    • capabilities, differentiation, 40
    • cost control, capabilities (requirement), 25
    • failure, reasons, 198–199
    • growth tracking sources, 123
    • neutral pricing usage, 97
    • penetration pricing strategy usage, 97
    • pricing strategies, adjustments, 22–23
    • problems, 59–60
    • resilience (increase), capabilities (requirement), 25
    • sales confidence, building, 114–115
    • sales incentives, financial goals (misalignment), 112
    • strategy, pricing (alignment), 7
  • Competition, offering value (relationship), 96
  • Competitive advantage, 15, 201
    • company exploitation, decision, 40
    • competitive disadvantages, 26–27
  • Competitive dynamics, importance, 96
  • Competitive performance, meeting/beating, 124
  • Competitors
    • discipline, absence, 28
    • offerings, introduction, 110
    • proactive approach, 138–140
    • problems, 59–60
    • understanding, 7, 137–138
    • value, understanding (limitation), 112
  • Confidence, 197
  • Confidence-building pricing process, 36–37
  • Consumer Price Index (CPI), 135
    • increase, 20
  • Cooper, Robin, 50
  • Costing systems, impact, 27
  • Cost-plus pricing model, adjustment, 33
  • Cost-plus strategy, 28
  • Cost-push inflation, occurrence, 133
  • Costs
    • competitive disadvantages, 26–27
    • coverage, pricing (usage), 28–29
    • increases, impact, 21–22
    • perspective, improvement, 27–30
    • reduction, 49, 79
    • turbulence, 1
  • COVID-19 pandemic, impact, 1, 91, 95, 133, 180
  • Credibility, issues, 175
  • Cross, Dax, 141
  • Cross-functionality, alignment, 185
  • Customers
    • behavior, impact, 101
    • businesses, value (providing), 73
    • client customers, depth research, 79
    • company response, percentage, 50f
    • contracts, terms (enforcement), 181
    • expectations, management, 137
    • experience, focus, 205–207
    • financial value, creation, 114–115
    • firing, 93–94
    • fuel price increases, passing, 205
    • identification, service profitability, 49–52
    • information, sharing (reasons), 75
    • interviews, 79–87
    • longevity, 153
    • long-term customer needs, alignment, 136–137
    • long-term relationship, 170
    • needs, competitive performance (meeting/beating), 124
    • negotiation, insights (absence), 112
    • open-ended questions, 71–72, 205
    • power, 201–202
    • pricing relief, 182
    • purchases (increase), financial incentive (offering), 155
    • targeting
      • deals, usage, 178
      • improvement, 48–55
    • understanding, 7, 93, 134–136
  • Customers, value
    • creation, 82–83
    • discussion, 73–77
    • drivers, differences, 79
    • understanding, power, 74f
    • usage, 80f
  • D
  • Data
    • big data analytics, usage, 45
    • diversity, 86
    • importance/usage, 42–43
    • providing, 64
    • usage, 158
  • Deal (closure), pricing (usage), 30
  • Decision diversity, 86
  • Declining markets, 106–107
  • Dell Computer, market leadership position (loss), 106
  • Dell, Michael, 106
  • Demand
    • cannibalization, 152–153
    • satisfaction, 187–188
  • Depth research, 79
  • Desperation cycles, 59–60
  • Desperation pricing, ineffectiveness, 65–67
  • Discounting, 37
    • concessions, 23
    • control, rules of engagement (usage), 54–55
    • habit, cessation, 5, 12, 14, 57
    • mindset, impact, 63
    • occurrence, vacuum (absence), 63–65
    • success, limitation, 67
    • unsustainability, 61
  • Discounting, discipline
    • absence, signs, 53f
    • enforcement, 23
  • Discounts, effectiveness, 52–54
  • Disruptive innovation, 120
  • Diversification, importance, 6
  • Drilling down, 78
  • Dual-level bundling approach, 124
  • Dumbbell Pricing, impact, 65
  • Dynamic Give-Gets, 149–150
  • E
  • Elasticity analysis, benefits, 16, 46–47
  • End goals, usage, 4–6
  • Execution
    • importance, 14, 39
    • outcome-centric thinking, 42–45
    • strategy, comparison, 39
  • Experiences, presentation process, 25
  • Exploratory depth research, 79
  • F
  • Fairness, concept (importance), 186–188
  • Fences
    • creation, 153
    • criteria, 128
    • usage, 152–161
  • Financial goals, sales incentives (misalignment), 112
  • Financial incentive, offering, 155
  • Financial objectives, meeting (requirement), 199–200
  • Financial projections, resetting, 116
  • Financial value
    • creation, 114–115
    • customers, obtaining, 77–78
  • Fisher, Andrew, 5
  • Franklin, Benjamin, 160–161
  • Fuel
    • costs, increase, 183
    • price increases, passing, 206
    • surcharge, 149
  • G
  • Getting Price Right (Smith), 85–86
  • Give-Gets, 12, 58, 74, 95, 117, 143
    • application, 177
    • development, 159
    • dynamic Give-Gets, 149–150
    • effectiveness, improvement, 194–195
    • goal, 154
    • inflation, relationship, 151–152
    • options, development, 159
    • price reduction, correlation, 150–152
    • support, fences (usage), 152–161
    • usage, 16, 125, 147, 189
  • Global economy, instability, 91
  • Global Price Strategy Chessboard, 144–146, 145f
  • Governance
    • modernization, 152
    • quality, instilling, 137
  • Growth
    • focus, 185
    • impacts
      • price usage, problem, 123–125
      • pricing, approach, 185
    • innovation, usage, 15–16, 117, 119–120
    • markets, 104–105, 111
    • preparation, 137
    • tracking, sources, 123
  • Guaranteed delivery, usage, 151
  • H
  • Hastings, Reed, 41
  • High-impact value messages, creation, 174–178
  • High-value products/services, price reduction, 193
  • I
  • Incentive
    • mismatch problem, 113
    • systems, basis, 22
  • Incremental costs, measurement/management ability (importance), 26
  • Incremental innovation, 120, 121
  • Incremental value, derivation, 165
  • Indirect increases, charging (consideration), 181
  • Industry economics, understanding, 96
  • Industry practice, defining, 59
  • Inflation
    • backbone, relationship, 175–177
    • buyer behaviors, relationship, 168–169
    • causes, 133
    • challenges, navigation, 24–26, 66–67
    • cost increases, relationship, 176
    • cost-push inflation, occurrence, 133
    • desperation pricing, ineffectiveness, 65–67
    • dynamics, impact, 93
    • environment, price increases (representation/implementation), 24
    • fears, management, 12
    • Give-Gets, relationship, 151–152
    • hedging, 181–184
    • increase, impact, 10
    • indicator, cost increases (impact), 21–22
    • innovation, impact, 121–123
    • price strategy, 110–112
      • relationship, 89–91
    • pricing, difficulty, 183
    • profitability, maintenance, 180–181
    • repair, absence, 132, 179–180
    • supply chain, relationship, 91–95
    • turbulence, 14, 207–209
  • Inflationary markets
    • conditions, innovation continuation (question), 118–119
    • prices, raising, 151–152
    • sellers, price increases, 168
    • value, power/use, 70–71
  • Inflation-driven price strategy, selection, 97–116
  • Innovation
    • continuation, question, 118
    • focus, 137
    • impact, 121–123
    • sources/types, 120–121
    • usage, 15–16, 117, 119–120
  • Insights
    • creation, analytics (investment), 7
    • discovery, 5, 6
  • Intel
    • pricing strategy, 104
    • pricing training programs, 3–4
  • Introductory markets, 102–103
  • Intuit, Microsoft (competition), 139
  • Inventory, holding (risk), 150
  • Investment decision-making process, data (usage), 158
  • J
  • James, Mark, 206
  • K
  • Kaplan, Robert S., 50
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs), 57, 86
  • Koenigsberg, Oded, 98, 99
  • Kumar, Vishal, 177
  • L
  • Labor shortages, 9–10, 180, 207–209
  • Lao Tzu, 138
  • Leadership
    • importance, 2–4
    • pricing leadership framework, 35f
    • team, interaction, 206–207
  • Legacy pricing practices, toleration, 20–21
  • Lifecycle (life cycle). See Product lifecycle
    • challenges, 103
    • offering location, understanding, 96
    • price strategy, change, 107f
  • List price, setting, 7
  • Long-term customer needs, alignment, 136–137
  • Long-term inflation scenario, hedging, 181–184
  • Long-term objectives, 199
  • M
  • Margins, decrease, 115–116
  • Market
    • changes, coronavirus (impact), 140–142
    • concentration, 152
    • conditions, price changes (revenue impact), 102f
    • declining markets, 106–107
    • elasticity, 100
    • growth markets, 104–105
    • introductory markets, 102–103
    • mature markets, 105–106
    • meeting, pricing (usage), 29–30
    • position, extension, 145
    • share
      • equalization, 108
      • gain, pricing (usage), 29
    • understanding, 16, 92–93, 109, 131, 136
    • volatility, 132–134
  • Market-driven scenarios, attribution (difficulty), 54
  • Mature markets, 105–106
  • Maturity progression, focus, 33
  • McDonald's, bundle (problem), 160
  • Medium-term inflation scenario, hedging, 181–184
  • Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), 137
  • Messaging, importance, 78
  • Metrics
    • implementation, 8
    • price metrics, changes (consideration), 95
    • tracking, analytics (usage), 7
  • Miles, Lawrence D., 168
  • N
  • Needs, drivers, 73
  • Negotiation, 165–166
    • confidence, 15
    • depth, 52–53
    • difficulty, 44
    • table
      • position, 169–171
      • winning, offering structure (usage), 147–149
    • tactics, salespeople identification (assistance), 115–116
  • Netflix, strategic decisions, 41
  • Neutral pricing, company usage, 97
  • O
  • Offering
    • creation, 154
    • creation/communication, value (alignment), 7
    • differentiated P&L impact, articulation, 185
    • financial value, customer (obtaining), 77–79
    • introduction, 110
    • life cycle location, understanding, 96
    • logic, customer observation, 153
    • matching, 124
    • simplification, customer value (usage), 80f
    • skills, usage, 9
    • structure, 127–128
      • usage, 147–149
    • structure, basics, 124–125
    • value, competition (relationship), 96
  • Organization, structural response (development), 198
  • Outcome-based approach, 42f
  • Outcome-centric thinking, 42–45
  • P
  • Parker Hannifin executives, problems, 2–3
  • Partnerships, creation (inflation concern), 25
  • Penetration pricing strategies, company usage, 97, 106, 109, 111
  • Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE), 135
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) surcharges, 95
  • Planning, execution (contrast), 14
  • Plant closings, 9
  • Poker players, 194
    • price increase resistance, 169
    • purchase analysis, 167
  • Poker, playing (improvement), 188–189
  • Polavision (Polaroid), innovation (problem), 121
  • Portfolio, recalibration/cleaning, 98
  • Positioning, usage, 9
  • Price
    • annual increase, adoption, 206
    • bundle prices, reduction, 158
    • changes
      • customer response, 142–143
      • revenue, impact, 102f
    • competition, 138
      • avoidance, 109
      • problems, 200–201
    • decrease, pressure, 102
    • discounting, 14
    • discounts
      • effectiveness, 52–54
      • usage, 143
    • elasticity, measurement, 46
    • increase, 79, 94–95
      • assigning, 152
      • implementation, decision, 47
      • positioning, messages (importance), 48
    • management, 137
    • metrics, change, 95, 99, 136
    • model
      • change, 136–137
      • replacement, 99
    • negotiation, difficulty, 44, 115
    • primary level role, avoidance, 9
    • raising, 151–152
    • reduction, Give-Gets (correlation), 148, 150–152, 193
    • refreshing, 7
    • response, rapidity (necessity), 23
    • sensitivity, 156–157, 156f
    • strategy, trade-offs, 73–74
    • swapping, consideration, 181
    • up-lift, absorption, 28
    • usage, 192f
      • problem, 123–125
    • war, avoidance, 145
  • Price buyers
    • increase, option, 168
    • profitability, 178
    • purchase analysis, 166
  • Price for Profits, 7, 13, 19
  • Price increases
    • customers, acceptance, 24–25
    • representation/implementation, 24
  • Price setting
    • process/reason, visibility (absence), 112
    • usage, 93
  • Price strategy, 6–7, 90, 97
    • capital-intensive business usage, 108
    • change, preparation, 109–110
    • changes, 107f
    • inflation, 110–112
      • relationship, 89–91
    • options, 109
    • recession, 116
    • salespeople, impact, 112
    • selection, 96–97
    • summarization, 114
  • Pricing
    • approaches, selection, 184–188
    • behavioral-social dimensions, 85–87
    • cardinal pricing orientations, 87f
    • company strategy, alignment, 7
    • confidence, 17, 73, 197
    • confidence-building pricing process, criteria, 36–37
    • customized plan, usage, 182
    • defense, 76
    • desperation pricing, ineffectiveness, 65–67
    • development, 84
    • differentiated plans, 191–194
    • dynamics, 143–144
    • efforts, control, 31–38
    • engagers, identification, 86
    • inside-out approach, 184
    • leverage
      • building, 129
      • creation, services/solutions (development), 126–127
    • maturity model, 32–34
    • occurrence, levels, 34, 36
    • orientation, balance, 87
    • penetration pricing strategies, company usage, 97
    • practices, observation, 21–22
    • product lifecycle (life cycle) pricing, 99–102
    • profit-based pricing approach, shift, 30–31
    • strategic pricing, bundling (usage), 154–157
    • strategies, 142
      • adjustments, 22–23
      • models, alternatives, 98–99
    • systematization, 23
    • usage, 28–30
  • Pricing Leadership Framework, 7, 35f
  • Pricing-related capabilities matrix, 84f
  • Pricing-related competencies, 7
  • Pricing-related decisions, speed (increase), 5
  • Procurement leaders, assistance, 25
  • Producer Price Index (PPI), 135
  • Productizing, 7–8
  • Product lifecycle (product life cycle)
    • competition/position, value (relationship), 96
    • pricing, 99–102
    • stages, 100f
  • Products
    • bundling, 158
    • commodity status, 187
    • differentiation, 40
    • flanking products, offering, 124
    • introduction/availability, 191
    • mix, adjustment, 181
    • offerings, improvement, 15–16
    • portfolio, recalibration/cleaning, 98
    • presentation process, 25
    • prices, rationalization, 158
    • value research, example, 72
  • Profitability, 150
    • customer identification, relationship, 49
    • decline, 67
    • improvement, 135
    • increase, rules, 13
    • maintenance, 180–181
  • path, 178
  • Profitable (Arussy), 50
  • Profit-based pricing approach, 185
    • shift, 30–31
  • Profit Priorities from Activity Based Costing (Cooper/Kaplan), 50
  • Profits
  • R
  • Radical innovation, 121
  • Rational pricing, priority, 32
  • Reagan, Ronald, 98
  • Recession
    • price strategy, 116
    • priorities, 207
  • Red Zones (avoidance), price strategy (change), 107f
  • Relationship buyers
    • interaction, 172–173
    • price increase understanding, 169
    • purchase analysis, 167
  • Requests for Proposal (RFPs), 171–172, 193
    • questions, 171
  • Resources, leveraging (importance), 189–195
  • Revenue
    • focus, problems, 23–24
    • goals, meeting, 116
    • increase, rules, 13
  • Risk management, 6
  • Rogers, Everett, 103
  • Rolilns, Kevin, 106
  • Rules of engagement, 54–55
  • S
  • Sales
    • champions, building, 113
    • confidence, building, 114–115–115
    • force, White Horse Syndrome (impact), 61–63
    • Give-Gets, usage, 125
    • incentives, financial goals (misalignment), 112
    • myth, 23–24
    • negotiation, 184
    • projections, 90–91
    • tools
      • creation, 174–178
      • development, 175
  • Salespeople
    • culture, creation, 70
    • internal/external forces, impact, 113
    • negotiation tactics identification, assistance, 115–116
    • price strategy champions, 112–113
    • training, 47, 60, 125
  • Scalability, 118
  • Schwarzkopf, Norman, 40
  • Seller negotiating skills, usage, 9
  • Selling backbone, 12, 66, 122, 124, 182
    • building, 16–17, 163
    • elements, 177–178
  • Senior executives, accountability, 204–205
  • Senior sales/marketing vice presidents, questions, 9
  • Services
    • bundling, 158
    • development, 126–127
    • differentiation, 40
    • focus, 77–78
    • offerings, improvement, 15–16
    • presentation process, 25
    • profitability, 49–52
    • role, importance, 125–128
    • usage, 49
    • value, 81
      • improvement, 33
  • Shareholder value, creation, 207
  • Short-term goals, meeting, 199
  • Silos, impact, 84
  • Simons, Robert, 40
  • Skimming strategy, 108
  • Skim price/pricing
    • precondition, 97
    • strategy, 103–105
  • Smith, Gerald, 85, 86
  • Solutions
    • development, 126–127
    • role, importance, 125–128
    • value, increase, 136
  • Stiglitz, Joseph, 89
  • Stochastic analysis, 141
  • Strategic exceptions, 23
  • Strategic implementation, 132
  • Strategic mindsets, creation (inflation concern), 25
  • Strategic pricing, bundling (usage), 154–157
  • Strategy. See Price strategy
  • Sub-second price changes, 5
  • Sub-second timing, 141
  • Supplier solutions, value (estimation), 79
  • Supply chains
    • constraints, 133–134
    • cost turbulence, 1
    • distribution, frustration, 94
    • inflation, relationship, 91–95
    • interruptions, 12
    • protection, 144
    • reinforcement process, 25
    • stabilization, 93
    • volatility, 20, 207–209
  • Supply reliability, 122
    • long-term thinking, 95
  • T
  • Tao Te Ching (Lao Tzu), 138
  • Techniques of Value Analysis and Engineering (Miles), 168
  • Tenaris SA, market growth, 119–120
  • “Touched,” meaning, 8
  • Transportation costs, increase, 206
  • Trend analysis, 157
  • Triopsony, 119
  • Trust
    • absence, 204
    • basis, 75
    • importance, 172–174
    • usage, 203–204
  • U
  • Understand Value, Price Fairly (UVPF), 3, 17, 186
    • formula, 187–188
    • pricing approach, 209
  • Unit sales volume growth, deceleration, 109–110
  • UPS, pricing leverage, 194
  • Urgency, avoidance, 9–12
  • Utilization (control), price (usage), 192f
  • V
  • Value
    • addition, 136–137
    • capture, opportunities (creation), 155
    • creation, questions, 9
    • customer discussion
      • importance, 75–77
      • reasons, 73–75
    • delivery, 132
      • products/services/experiences, presentation process, 25
    • discussion, change, 202
    • documentation, 174
    • embracing, 178
    • end user perception, 25
    • features/benefits, connections, 77f
    • financial value, creation, 114–115
    • hunt, 164
    • improvement, 193–194
    • knowledge/understanding, 14–15, 27, 69, 134
      • limitation, 112
    • leader, support, 8–9
    • location, providing, 73
    • messages, improvement, 48–55
    • mindset, adoption, 71–72
    • offerings, creation/communication (alignment), 7
    • ownership, 198
    • perception, process (questions), 73
    • positioning, impact, 74
    • power, 70–71
    • product life cycle, competition/position (relationship), 96
    • providing, opportunities, 79
    • shareholder value, creation, 207
    • study, 81–83
    • usage, 70–71
      • reasons, 69–70
  • Value-added enhancements, 166
  • Value-added options, 125–128
  • Value-adding services, 127–128
  • Value-based pricing team, building, 4
  • Value buyers
    • choices, requirement, 169
    • interaction, 172–173
    • purchase analysis, 167
  • Value-focused organization, capabilities (requirement), 83–85
  • Value, understanding, 7
  • Vendors
    • interaction, 164–165
    • trust, 174
  • Vision, reality, 204
  • W
  • Washkewicz, Donald, 2
  • Whiteboard exercise, usage, 168
  • White Horse Syndrome, 60–61
  • Z
  • Zone of utilization, 191–193
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