
accounts payable, 147148

action, in decision-making, 86, 124, 126, 127

Ada Support, 3, 102, 198

Adobe, 214

adoption, timing of, 17, 182184, 206

adversarial machine learning, 211212

advertising, 199200

biases in, 221224

effectiveness of, 224225

gender discrimination in, 222224


hybrid corn, 182184

monoculture in, 227

AI. See artificial intelligence (AI)

AI canvas, 18, 158164

AI-first strategy, 203206, 218

AI Insight, 14

AI moment, 79

AI neuroscience, 223224

Air Canada, 4041

Air France Flight 447, 216217

airline industry, 192195, 216, 241242

airline pilots, 208209, 216217

airport lounges, 117119

AI tools. See tools, AI

AI winter, 46

Alexa, 1, 23

Alibaba, 184, 244

Alipay, 245

AliveCor, 58

Allied bombing raids, 112113

Alphabet, 188

AlphaGo, 8, 211

AlphaGo Zero, 248

Amazon, 133, 134

AI asset acquisition by, 243

AI use by, 1617, 20, 157

Alexa, 1, 23

business model, 1617, 180181

Echo, 157, 246

fulfillment processes at, 167, 168, 180181

low-stakes transactions at, 135136, 138140

Machine Learning, 229

Picking Challenge, 168

privacy and, 214

privacy policy, 246

reviews, 136

robots used by, 117

scale of, 241

American Express, 96

The Americans, 115

analogies, 73, 110

anticipatory shipping, 1617, 180181

Apple, 2

privacy and data, 213215

Siri, 157

Apple Watch, 58, 59, 62

arithmetic, 12, 14, 165

Arrow, Ken, 3637

artificial general intelligence (AGI), 157, 248249

artificial intelligence (AI)

advances in, 12, 46

applications of, 2, 89

automation versus, 124

biases in, 48, 6969, 71, 221224

business transformation and, 191202

cost reductions in, 720

decision-making and, 149

diversity in machines for, 228

early research on, 4546

economics of, 3, 810, 1213, 189

as existential threat, 247249

labor impacts of, 195198

learning from mistakes by, 109

machine learning as, 5154

as magical, 89

as prediction technology, 23

research and development of, 243244

risks from, 19, 221232

role of data in, 57

societal impacts of, 19, 235250

strategy and, 1617, 1819, 20, 179190

superintelligence, 247249

trade-offs, 4, 5

artificial light, 11

artistic achievement, 129

Asimov, Isaac, 127

AT&T, 241

athletic competition, 129

Atomwise, 158162

atrial fibrillation, 5860

automatic teller machines (ATMs), 195196


AI versus, 124

camera, 126127

in decision-making, 123131

of flying, 216217

grasping problem and, 168169

job loss from, 236238

job redesign and, 165175

legal requirements for humans with, 127129

in mining, 124126

missing links in, 166169

stakes of, 133144

when not to use, 129130

when to use, 126127

workflow and, 147155

automobile industry, 168169, 188189, 193194, 195. See also autonomous vehicles

autonomous delivery systems, 117

autonomous vehicles, 90

human deskilling and, 217

learning by, 213

legal requirements on, 128

for mail delivery, 115, 116

in mining, 123126

passengers and, 107

prediction and, 1415, 100101

preferences and, 101

rail systems, 116

reward function engineering, 104

school bus drivers and, 173

security risks, 228

stakes of, 143

tolerance for error in, 143, 209211

training, 209211

trolley problem and, 128

value capture and, 188189

Autopilot AI, 8, 213

average, conditional, 47

Babbage, Charles, 12, 78

back propagation, 52

Baidu, 184, 188, 245

bail-granting decisions, 7071

bank tellers, 195196

baseball players, selection of, 69, 185

Bayesian estimation, 13

Beane, Billy, 69, 185

Beijing Automotive Group, 188189

Bernoulli numbers, 12

beta testing, 208, 210211, 216

Bhalla, Ajay, 25

biases, 19

in advertising, 221222

in prediction, 48, 6869, 71

big companies, control by, 241243

binding affinity, 159162

Bing, 229, 242

biopsies, 120121, 172

BlackBerry, 153154

The Black Swan (Taleb), 7374

Blake, Thomas, 225

blockchain, 246

Blum, Andrew, 38

bookkeeping, 165166

Bostrom, Nick, 247, 248

boundary shifting, 181, 189192

data ownership and, 198200

what to leave in/leave out, 192194

brainpower, 239

Breakout, 207

breast cancer, 7879

Bresnahan, Tim, 12

Bricklin, Dan, 165, 187, 188

A Brief History of Time (Hawking), 236237

Brynjolfsson, Erik, 102103

business models, 11, 1617, 96, 180181

business strategy. See strategy

business transformation, 191202

Camelyon Grand Challenge, 78

camera automation, 126127

cancer diagnosis, 7879

capital, 194195, 197

Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Piketty), 239

Capital One, 111

carbon tax, 129

Cardiio, 58

Cardiogram, 5863

causality, 7677

reverse, 75

CDL. See Creative Destruction Lab (CDL)

certainty, 32

Challenger, 167

Champy, James, 147148

chatbots, 133

Chavez, R. Martin, 149

chess, 76

chief executive officer (CEO), AI adoption and, 180


AI research in, 8, 244245

autonomous driving in, 188189

language translation in, 26

Chiou, Lesley, 242

Christensen, Clay, 205

churn, 4650

classification, 13

climate change, 129


learning in the, 212213

untethering from, 228

clustering, 13

codifiable judgment, 102103

coffeehouses, 31

cognitive costs, of judgment, 99100

collaboration, 188189

collaboration, human/machine

bank tellers/ATMs and, 195196

bookkeeping and, 165166

job redesign for, 165175

in medical imaging, 170172

collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), 51

college recruitment, 151153, 162163

competition, 206, 238239, 241, 247, 248

complements, 15. See also data; judgment

complex environments, 52

complexity, 115122

if-then logic and, 116121

computer revolution, 165

computers, 12, 13

impact on jobs, 165166

programming, 54

reengineering use of, 147149

as tools, 157

conditional average, 47

consumer data, 109110, 213215, 245247

consumer demand, 180182

consumer interactions, stakes of, 133135

consumer preferences, data on, 200201

consumer satisfaction, 205

Cook, Tim, 213214

cookies, 199

corn, hybrid, 182184, 205

correlations, 97, 224, 225

unanticipated, 51

cortex, 53


versus control, 717, 193

effects of reduced AI, 911, 1213

of foundational inputs, 1113

of prediction, 1315

strategy and, 1617

counterfactuals, 7576, 110111

country differences, 243247

creative destruction, 241

Creative Destruction Lab (CDL), 2, 8, 158

credit card fraud prevention, 2425, 27, 9699, 103

creditworthiness, 27, 7980, 96

crime rates, 7071

Croesus, King of Lydia, 23

crystal balls, 24

C-suite, AI use by, 179190

customer churn, 4650

customer data, 109110, 213215, 245247

customer service, 3

Daimler, 188

Dartmouth College, 45

data, 13, 18, 5765

in churn prediction, 50

consumer, 109110, 213215, 245247

cost of acquiring, 58

crashes, 226

decisions about, 6163

economies of scale and, 6364

feedback, 57, 60, 86, 187, 230231

humans and, 109110

input, 57, 58, 61, 86, 187, 226228

machine learning and, 4950, 5961, 210211

ownership and control of, 198201

for prediction, 5759, 109110, 198201, 226

privacy, 213215, 245246

real world, 210

roles of, in AI, 57

search engines and, 242

security risks, 225231

selling, 200201

as strategic asset, 187

training, 57, 60, 6162, 86, 187, 210, 228230

unique, 200

value of, 57

data manipulation, 225227

D-Day invasion, 35, 36

decision-making, 8594

AI and, 149

AI canvas for, 18, 158164

anatomy of, 8688

bail granting, 7071

big and small, 85

certainty in, 32

decomposing, 157164

elements of, 158, 159

experiments and, 111

fully automated, 123131

judgment in, 8688, 9093, 95106, 108, 160, 197198

modeling and, 111113

prediction and, 2, 4, 15, 18, 29

satisficing in, 119120, 121

stakes and, 138140

subjective goals and, 197

timing of, 3940

trade-offs, 4, 5

uncertainty in, 3, 3235, 86, 9093

See also uncertainty

decision trees, 13, 9293

Deep Genomics, 3

deep learning, 7, 13

back propagation in, 52

flexibility in, 50

imitation risks, 229230

language translation and, 2527

DeepMind, 78, 207, 211, 248

Deep Thinking (Kasparov), 76

delivery robots, 117

delivery times, 181182

Delphi oracle, 23

demand management, 180182

dependent variables, 59

DePodesta, Paul, 185

deskilling, of humans, 216218

deterministic programming, 54

digital cameras, 14

Discover Weekly, 141142

discrimination, 221224

disparate impact, 222223

disruptive innovation, 179, 205206

diversity, of prediction machines, 228

division of labor, 6782

human/machine collaboration, 7880

human weaknesses in prediction and, 6871

machine weaknesses in prediction and, 7178

prediction by exception and, 8081

“dog fooding,” 208

drone weapons, 128

Dropbox, 214

drug companies, 158162

Dubé, J. P., 105

D-Wave, 212

earthquakes, 73, 110

eBay, 225

economies of scale, 6364, 241243

Edelman, Ben, 222

education, 240

emergency braking, 124

employment. See jobs

Enlitic, 170


consequences of, 143

tolerance for, 208211

ethical dilemmas, 128

Etzioni, Oren, 246

European Union (EU), 242, 245

exceptions, 8081

executive leadership, AI and, 179190

Expedia, 133134

experience, 87, 208

by humans, 216218

scarcity of, 215216, 217

experiments, 111

experts, predictions by, 6869

externalities, 128129

Facebook, 110, 137140

advertising, 222223

dominance of social media, 241

facial recognition, 73, 109, 214215, 245

false negatives, 136, 138, 139, 143

false positives, 136, 138, 139, 143

Fanning, Shawn, 74

Farmers’ Almanac, 37

Federal Trade Commission, 221

feedback data, 57, 60, 86, 187

risks, 230231

films, about AI, 8

financial crisis (2008), 5051

Forbes, Silke, 192

Ford, 147148, 188

Frankston, Bob, 165, 188

fraud detection, 2425, 27, 9699, 103

free-riding effect, 246

free trade, 239

Frey, Carl, 173

fulfillment industry, 167169

function engineering, 238

Furman, Jason, 239

gambling, 3132

Gates, Bill, 187, 236, 239, 247

gender discrimination, 222224

general adversarial networks, 13

Gildert, Suzanne, 169

Go (game), 8

Goizueta, Robert, 57

Goldin, Claudia, 240

Goldman Sachs, 149

goodness of fit, 47

Google, 133, 134

advertising, 200, 221222, 224225

AI development by, 184

AI-first strategy, 203204, 205, 218

AI tool development by, 150

algorithm of, 77

anti-spam team, 229

data of, 57

DeepMind, 78

dominance of, 242243

Gmail, 209, 211

privacy and, 214215

search engine, 10, 19, 64, 157, 229, 241

Translate, 2526, 27

Waymo and, 107

Waze and, 100101

Google Assistant, 118

government expenditure, on AI, 243244

Grammarly, 108

grasping problem, 168169

Griliches, Zvi, 183

Grove, Andy, 179

Hacking, Ian, 54

Hammer, Michael, 147148

Harford, Tim, 217

Hawking, Stephen, 8, 236237

Hawkins, Jeff, 53

health insurance, 2728

heart rate data, 5863

Heifets, Abraham, 159, 160

heuristics, 68, 69

Heyo, Xu, 188189

Hinton, Geoffrey, 169

hiring decisions, 71

ZipRecruiter and, 104106, 111112

Hoffman, Mitchell, 71

homogeneity, 227228

Houston Astros, 185

human resources (HR) management, 197

human senses, 109

Hume, Kathryn, 14

humor, 129

hybrid corn, 182184, 205

IBM, 170

identity verification, 227

iFlytek, 26

if-then logic, 14, 103, 116121

image classification, 2829

ImageNet, 7

ImageNet Challenge, 2829

imitation, 229230

income, 238240

incumbents, 206

independent variables, 59

inequality, 238240

information, missing, 169170

initial public offerings (IPOs), 10, 149

innovation, 193

disruptive, 179, 205206

investment in, 243244

leadership, 243244

innovator’s dilemma, 206

input data, 57, 58, 61, 86, 187

security risks, 226228

Instagram, 77

insurance, 3235, 40, 41, 135

Intel, 15, 241


prediction as, 29, 4555

See also artificial intelligence (AI)

internet, 2, 910

intuition, 87

inventory management, 28, 181182


introduction of, 179

QWERTY keyboard, 153154

James, Bill, 69

Jelinek, Frederick, 120


AI’s impact on, 195198, 236238, 239

augmentation of, 166

bias in ads for, 222224

division of labor in, 6782

impact of computers on, 165166

judgment and, 197198

redesigning, 165175

See also workflows

Jobs, Steve, 12, 157, 179

jokes, 129

judgment, 18

cognitive costs of, 99100

in credit card fraud, 9699, 103

in decision-making, 8688, 9093, 95106, 108, 160, 197198

hard-coding, 102103, 104

by humans, 124, 197198

jobs related to, 238

predicting, 107114, 124

prediction and, 186, 197198

preferences and, 100102, 108109

in reward function engineering, 103106

stakes and, 142143

strategic choice and, 186

uncertainty and, 103

value of, 95106

Juhong, Chen, 188

Jurvetson, Steve, 89

Kahn, Lisa, 71

Kahneman, Daniel, 68, 69, 235236

Kapor, Mitch, 187

Kasparov, Garry, 76

Katz, Lawrence, 240

Kie, Ke, 8

Kindred, 169

Kiva, 167

“The Knowledge,” 8890

known knowns, 71, 72, 78

known unknowns, 71, 7273, 78, 110

Kurzweil, Ray, 247

labor, 195198, 239240

division of, 6782

See also jobs

“Lady Lovelace’s Objection,” 13

Lambrecht, Anja, 222, 224

language translation, 2527, 119120


in the cloud versus on the ground, 212213, 228

experience and, 215218

pathways to, 206208

privacy and data for, 213215

reinforcement learning, 13, 207208

by simulation, 211212

strategy for, 203219

supervised, 207

-by-using, 206207, 208, 216

when to deploy, 208211

Lederman, Mara, 192

Lee, Kai-Fu, 245

legal issues, with automation, 127129

Lewis, Michael, 69

Li, Danielle, 71

liability, 129, 222224

lighting, cost of, 11

Lloyd, Edward, 31

Lloyd’s List, 31

Lloyd’s of London, 33

loan decisions, 7980

Lola, 108109

London cab drivers, 8890

loss functions, 142143

Lovelace, Ada, 12, 13

loyalty cards, 110

Lu, Qi, 245

Lyft, 100

Lytvyn, Max, 108

machine learning, 2

advances in, 46, 51

adversarial, 211212

as artificial intelligence, 5154

data use by, 4950, 5961, 210211

experiments in, 49

flexibility in, 50

one-shot, 73

pattern recognition and, 169170

quantum, 212

regression compared with, 4650

statistics, prediction, and, 5154

types of, 207208

undermining, by bad actors, 230231

Mailmobile, 115, 117

mail robot, 115116, 117

mail robots, 118, 119

management by exception, 81

Mastercard, 96

Mazda, 148

MBA program recruitment, 151153, 162163

McAfee, Andrew, 102103

medical diagnosis, 120121, 169172, 191192, 201

medical imaging, 169172

medicine, 3

Mejdal, Sig, 185

Meta, 2, 184, 200, 214

Microsoft, 9, 200, 204, 205, 218, 241, 245

Bing search engine, 229, 242

Tay chatbot, 230231

mining, automation in, 124126

Misra, Sanjog, 105

mistakes, learning from, 109

mobile-first strategy, 204

Mobileye, 15

modeling, 111113

Moneyball (Lewis), 69, 185

monoculture, 227

monopolies, 241

multivariate regression, 47

music, 12

music industry, 74

music streaming, 140142

Musk, Elon, 235, 236, 247

Mutual Benefit Life, 148149

Napster, 74


national income, 239

National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), 248249

navigation apps, 8990, 100101, 215

Neilley, Peter, 39

neocortex, 53

Netflix, 133

Netscape, 910

neural networks, 13

New Economy, 10

New York City Fire Department, 223

Ng, Andrew, 240

Nordhaus, William, 11

Norvig, Peter, 204

Nosko, Chris, 225

Novak, Sharon, 193

Nymi, 227

Oakland A’s, 69, 185

Obama administration, 243244

object identification, 2829, 52, 169170

object recognition, 7

omitted variables, 75

one-shot learning, 73

On Intelligence (Hawkins), 53

Open AI, 2, 236

operational performance, 205

option value, 40

order fulfillment, 167169

organic light-emitting diode (OLED), 212

Osborne, Michael, 173

OTI Lumionics, 212

Otto, 181182

Oura, 58

outcomes, 86, 87, 88

outsourcing, 193194, 195

Page, Larry, 203

Paravisini, Daniel, 79

pattern recognition, 169170

Pavlov, Ivan, 207

payoffs, 86, 8788, 9293, 99100, 160

Pell, Barney, 2

performance evaluation, 197

personalization, 140142, 245246

pharmaceutical industry, 158162

photography, 14

physical stores, 181

Piketty, Thomas, 239

Pilbara, Australia, 124125

pilots, 208209, 216217

power calculations, 62

prediction, 23, 2343, 46

about, 13

about preferences, 109110

about the present, 2324

accuracy of, 142143

advances in, 2729

AI and, 13

applications of, 2728

biases in, 48, 6869, 71

business strategy and, 34

churn, 4650

in the cloud versus on the ground, 228

consequences of cheap, 29, 5354

credit card fraud prevention and, 2425

data for, 5759, 86, 109110, 198201, 226

decision-making and, 2, 4, 15, 18

definition of, 24

by exception, 8081

of human judgment, 107114

human/machine collaboration for, 7880

human weaknesses in, 6871

if-then logic and, 116121

imperfect, 134

improvements in accuracy of, 2729

insurance coverage and, 3335

as intelligence, 29, 4555

judgment and, 186, 197198

language translation and, 2527

with little data, 110113

machine weaknesses in, 7178

made cheap, 1315

reliability of, 3638

for risk mitigation, 3536, 4042

selling, 200201

stakes of, 133144

statistics and, 68

techniques, 13

on-time, 3840

trade-offs, 20

uncertainty and, 3

uses of, 1415

weather, 3539

preferences, 109110

prejudice, 221222

presidential elections, 7273, 110

prices, 912. See also cost


data, 4, 63, 110, 213215, 245246

search engine, 64

probabilities, 171

probabilistic programming, 54

processes. See workflows

productivity, 148149

product personalization, 140142

product variety, 140141

Project Apollo, 188

protected classes, 223

protection, 135

protection strategy, to mitigate risk, 4042

Puchai, Sundar, 203

Putin, Vladimir, 243

quality risks, 224225

quantum computing, 212

QWERTY keyboard, 153154

racial profiling, 221222

radar, 142, 143

radiologists, 120, 169172

rail systems, 116

randomized control trials, 111

rare events, 73, 110, 113

reason, 53

recruitment, to MBA programs, 151153, 162163

reengineering, 147149

regional airlines, 192193, 194

regression, 13, 4650

failures of, 5051

multivariate, 47

reinforcement learning, 13, 169, 207208

research and development, 243244

resources, 247248

returns to scale, 6364

reverse causality, 75

reverse engineering, 228229

reward function, 91

reward function engineering, 103106

rewards, 99, 186

Rio Olympics (2016), 126127

Rio Tinto, 125

risk aversion, 32

risk mitigation, 32

predictions for, 3536

risks and risk management, 19, 4042, 221232

insurance coverage and, 3235

liability and, 222224

prediction and reducing, 120121

quality and, 224225

security and, 225231

Rivers, Lynn, 244

Robotlandia, 237

robots, 115117

capabilities of, 168169

as caregivers, 129130

grasping problem, 168169

in space, 127

wisdom of, 235236

Roomba, 116

Rose, Geordie, 169

Rosen, Guy, 137138

Rosenberg, Nathan, 206207

Rumsfeld, Donald, 7172

Russakovsky, Olga, 2829

Russia, 243

sabermetrics, 185186

Salesforce, 184, 214

satisficing, 119120, 121

scale economies, 6364, 241243

Schoar, Antoinette, 79

school bus drivers, 173

Schumpeter, Joseph, 241

science-based startups, 2

search engine optimization, 77

search engines, 242

security risks, 225231

Se-dol, Lee, 8

self-driving cars. See autonomous vehicles

sensors, 15, 58

Shevchenko, Alex, 108

Simon, Herbert, 119

simulated learning, 211212

Singularity, 53, 247


loss of, 216218

need for additional, 240

Skynet, 53

smartphones, 58, 59, 179

Smith, Adam, 67, 78

social interactions, 129130

society, 235250

control of big companies and, 241243

country advantages and, 243247

existential threat to, 247249

impacts of AI on, 19

inequality and, 238240

job loss and, 236238

Solow, Robert, 147

space exploration, 127

spammers, 77


camera automation and, 126127

sabermetrics and, 185186

Spotify, 140142

spreadsheets, 165166, 187

Sputnik, 8

stakes, 133144

of consumer interactions, 133135

decisions and, 138140

high versus low, 135138

judgment reveals, 142143

personalization and, 140142


prediction, machine learning, and, 5154

prediction and, 68

stereotypes, 19

Stern, Scott, 193, 244

Stigler, George, 117

strategic choice, 186

strategy, 24, 15

AI-first, 203206, 218

AI’s impact on, 1820, 179190

business transformation and, 191202

cheap AI and, 1617

economics of, 189

judgment and, 186

learning, 203219

organizational structure and, 185186

value capture and, 187189

strong AI, 157

Sullenberg, Chesley “Sully,” 208

superintelligence, 247249

supervised learning, 207

Sweeney, Latanya, 221

systemwide failure, 227228

Tadelis, Steve, 225

Taleb, Nassim Nicholas, 7374

Taming of Chance (Hacking), 54

Tanner, Adam, 221

task analysis, job redesign and, 166169, 173174

taxi industry, 179

Tay chatbot, 230231

technical support services, 102

technological change, price reductions and, 1112

technology adoption, timing of, 17, 182184, 206

technophiles, 7

technophobes, 7

telecommunications, 241

Tencent Holdings, 188, 244

Teradata Center, 49

Tesla, 8, 101, 123124, 126, 128, 133135, 157, 189, 210211, 213

Thinking, Fast and Slow (Kahneman), 235236

Tinder, 213

tools, AI, 18, 20

adoption of, 184

capabilities of, 157158

decisions about using, 157164

for deconstructing workflows, 147155

design of, 149

development of, 184

impact on workflows of, 150153

iPhone keyboard and, 153154

job redesign and, 165175

in radiology, 170172

topological data analysis, 13

trade, 237, 238239

trade-offs, 4, 5, 20, 193194, 204

between human and machine experience, 217218

satisficing and, 119121

of when to deploy, 209

traffic apps, 118


on-the-job, 208, 209

new employees, 208209

training data, 57, 60, 6162, 86, 187, 210

risks, 228230

translation services, 119120

transportation, 14

trolley problem, 128

truck drivers, 173174

true negatives, 136

true positives, 136

Tucker, Catherine, 222, 224, 242

Tunstall-Pedoe, William, 2

Turing, Alan, 13

Turing Award, 119

Turing test, 53

Tversky, Amos, 68

Twitter, 230231

2001: A Space Odyssey, 247

Uber, 89, 100, 189, 214

umbrellas, 9093

uncertainty, 3, 18

about weather, 192193

business boundaries and, 192194

control and, 193

data to reduce, 57

in decision-making, 32, 3335, 86, 9093

increases in, 198

judgment and, 103

prediction and, 118, 119

reducing, 180181, 182, 189

underwriters, 33

unemployment rates, 237

United States, 243244

University of Toronto, 2, 7

unknown knowns, 72, 7478, 110111, 225

unknown unknowns, 7172, 7374, 109, 113

Validere, 3

value capture, 187189

value creation, 1315


dependent, 59

independent, 59

omitted, 75

Varian, Hal, 57

Vinge, Vernor, 247

Visa, 96

VisiCalc, 165166

wages, 238239, 240

Wald, Abraham, 112113

Wanamaker, John, 199

War Games, 143

Watson, 170

Waymo, 107, 188

Waze, 100101, 118, 215

weather forecasts, 3539, 192193

web advertising, 199200, 221225

WeChat, 188

Wells Fargo, 197

Windows 95, 9

wisdom, 235236


deconstructing, 147155

impact of AI tools on, 150153

redesigning for automation, 147150

World War II, 3537, 112113, 142

WTF problem, 141

Xanadu, 212

Yahoo, 242

Y Combinator, 236

Yeomans, Mike, 129

YouTube, 200

ZipRecruiter, 104106, 111112

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