Plugging in SWISH-E

It’s time to plug in a real search engine. We’ll start with SWISH-E, which is freely available in source form from It’s a Unix-style program that compiles, most comfortably, in a GNU environment. What if you want to use SWISH-E on Windows NT? There are a variety of solutions:

Port SWISH-E to Win32.

If you’re more ambitious than I am, you could convert the program into a Win32 console application.

Build a Win32 version of SWISH-E.

This isn’t the same thing as a native port. Rather, it’s a build that uses a Win32-based GNU environment. Several of these are freely available. I’ve used MingW32 ( successfully with SWISH-E.

Find a SWISH-E Win32 binary.

I found a Win32 SWISH-E binary at I’m sure there are others elsewhere.

Buy a copy of WebSite Pro.

If you’re using this NT-based web server from O’Reilly & Associates, it includes a version of SWISH-E.

Run SWISH-E on Unix.

SWISH-E will compile and run effortlessly on a Unix system. How does that help you use it in an NT environment? Think in terms of clustered components. Let’s say your primary web server is NT-based and that it supports Active-Server-Pages- or Cold-Fusion-based applications. That doesn’t mean your search system has to run on the primary server. It’s delightfully easy to build a web site as a loosely coupled cluster of servers, bound together with file sharing and URLs.

For example, if your NT server exports Network File System (NFS) drives, a Linux-based indexer can mount the NT drives in order to index them. Or, since NFS isn’t standard with NT, you can go the other route. NT can mount Linux drives exported by Samba as Windows-style Server Message Block (SMB) shares. Then you can copy the NT-based content to the Linux server. Either way, the Linux-based SWISH-E indexer can now index the content. The same Linux SWISH-E, under the control of an Apache-based Perl script, can search the content and return results to browsers.

Note that although the indexer and search engine may live on the Linux server, there is no need to serve found documents from that server. The search-results script already has to translate the pathname returned by the searcher into a URL. It’s trivial to redirect hits produced by a search server at to a primary document server at Why would you want to do that? It’s a form of load balancing. And you may want the pageviews produced by the search engine to show up in the same log file, and in the same format, as pageviews produced by the site’s navigation system.

The point is that web APIs make it easy to build heterogenous clusters. As a result, you can avail yourself of the widest possible selection of tools. Lots of useful tools born in the Unix environment run best there. Sometimes it’s less trouble to host them on a Unix box than to port them to NT. The reverse holds true as well: a Unix-oriented site or intranet can profit by having an NT box as a member of its cluster. Thanks to URL middleware, you really can have the best of both worlds!

Running the SWISH-E Indexer

SWISH stands for Simple Web Indexing System for Humans, and, while not the world’s fanciest or most powerful search tool, SWISH-E is admirably simple to use. To index files, you just point it at a bunch of directories and let it rip. For our two-docbase example, here’s the SWISH-E configuration file:

IndexDir /web/Docbase/ProductAnalysis/docs
IndexDir /netscape/suitespot/news-udell/spool/analyst

If the configuration file is called swish-e.conf, here’s the indexing command:

swish-e -f index.swish -c swish-e.conf

The indexer walks each root recursively, so we’ll pick up analyst/contacts and analyst/sources. The resulting index is named index.swish.

There are more elaborate ways to run the indexer. You can restrict it to certain classes of files, such as .htm or .html—though we wouldn’t want to do that here, because we’d miss the numerically named conference messages. Or you can exclude classes of directories, so that if the pathname component /img/ denotes GIF or JPEG files, the indexer can skip those. SWISH-E can also build field indexes based on <meta> tags. To activate that feature, add a directive like this to SWISH-E :

MetaNames company product analyst duedate

After reindexing with this directive in effect, there are now two ways to search. The command:

swish-e -f index.swish -w Microsoft

returns documents whose HTML bodies contain “Microsoft.” However, the command:

swish-e -f index.swish -w "company=Microsoft"

returns only documents that contain <META NAME="company" CONTENT= "Microsoft">. Users of the ProductAnalysis docbase will greatly appreciate this capability. There’s a huge difference between the diffuse set of documents that merely mention Microsoft and the more focused set that is actually about Microsoft products.

If fielded search is such a powerful technique, why is it so seldom deployed? It requires a data-preparation discipline that many sites lack. A key advantage of a Docbase-like system is that it automates data preparation and delivers consistent, well-formed <meta> tags.

Note that SWISH-E is quite literal in its parsing of <meta> tags. It will match <meta name="company" content="Microsoft">, because it doesn’t care about the case of the tag or its attributes. But it won’t match <META NAME=company CONTENT=Microsoft>, because it expects the attributes to be quoted. As we saw in Chapter 6, the Docbase::Input module does quote <meta> tag attributes.

Classifying SWISH-E Results

Let’s load a batch of search results into a Perl variable. We can do that the plain old-fashioned way, using backtick evaluation of a search command to capture its output:

$search_results = `swish-e -f index.swish -w ldap`;

Here’s what ends up in $search_results:

# Swish-e format 1.3
# Saved as: index.swish
# DocumentProperties: Enabled
# Search words: ldap
# Number of hits: 4
668 /web/Docbase/ProductAnalysis/docs/1999-04-15-000006.htm "Microsoft |
  IIS 5.0 | IIS 5.0" 1266
601 /web/Docbase/ProductAnalysis/docs/1999-04-15-000014.htm "Netscape |
  Directory Server 4.0 | Directory Server" 1312
360 /netscape/suitespot/news-udell/spool/analyst/sources/27 "27" 584
311 /netscape/suitespot/news-udell/spool/analyst/contacts/142 "142" 662

The SWISH Search Driver

We need to classify these results relative to the abstract structure we’ve defined, populate an instance of that structure, and pass it to Search::SearchResults in order to produce a web page that displays the results. Example 8.3 shows a search script that does that.

Example 8-3. A SWISH Search Driver

#! /usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Search::SearchResults;
use Search::SwishClassifier;

my $results = `swish-e -f index.swish -w ldap`;  # run the search

my $sc = Search::SwishClassifier->new();         # instantiate a classifer

$sc->classify($results);                         # classify results

my $LoH = $sc->getResults();                     # fetch results

$sr = Search::SearchResults->new                 # format results

print $sr->Results();                            # print results

We’ve seen how Search::SearchResults works. How does Search::SwishClassifier produce the list-of-hashes that it passes to Search::SearchResults ? The answer turns out to be an interesting case study in object-oriented Perl, combining inheritance with polymorphism.

To understand why both approaches are needed, consider what Search::SwishClassifier has to do. It receives a batch of results from the SWISH-E searcher. For each result, it has to map specific values (e.g., Netscape) to the abstract markers (e.g., SUBTYPE) required by Search::SearchResults. It builds a hash of these mappings and accumulates these hashes in a list.

The Classifier Family Tree

Parallel versions of this module for other engines ( e.g., Search::ExciteClassifier or Search::MicrosoftIndexClassifier) would need to do exactly the same tasks, so it makes sense for each of these engine-specific classifiers to inherit from a base class, Search::Classifier, shown in Example 8.4.

Example 8-4. Base Class for Classifier Modules

package Search::Classifier;

use strict;

my $LoH = [];

sub new 
  my ($pkg) = @_;
  my $self = {};
  bless $self,$pkg;
  return $self;

sub getResults        # return my LoH
  my $self = shift;
  return $LoH;

sub addResult         # accumulate into my LoH
  my ($self,$hash) = @_;
  push (@{$LoH},$hash);


The Search::Classifier module is nothing more than a private list-of-hashes variable, an addResult( ) method that adds a hash to the LoH, and a getResults( ) method that returns the LoH. The SWISH-E search script uses the specific module Search::SwishClassifier, but when it calls $sc->getResults( ), no implementation of getResults( ) is found. Perl therefore climbs up the inheritance chain, finds getResults( ) in the base class, and invokes that method. The same will hold true for scripts that process MS Index Server’s, Excite’s, or any other engine’s results. An engine-specific classifier will inherit bookkeeping capability from an engine-neutral superclass.

Classifiers and Mappers

But there’s another dimension to this problem. The results that Search::SwishClassifier sees come from multiple docbases. So while it is necessarily engine-specific, it must also be docbase-neutral. In the current example, it has to recognize hits on the ProductAnalysis docbase and hits on the analyst newsgroups. The code that does that recognition needs to be docbase-specific but engine-neutral. That means it should be packaged by docbase rather than by engine.

We’ll write a mapping module for each of the two docbases we’ve built so far. Search::ProductAnalysisMapper will know how to map search hits on the Product-Analysis docbase into the abstract LoH. Likewise, Search::ConferenceMapper will know how to map hits on newsgroups into that abstract structure. Because these modules will be called by all the Classifiers, they can’t depend on anything engine-specific. A ProductAnalysis hit produced by SWISH-E differs from the same one produced by another engine but also shares something in common. What differs is the way in which each engine formats the pathname and the doctitle. But the pathname and doctitle themselves are the same. There are really two kinds of recognition that need to occur, according to the division of labor shown in Table 8.6:

Table 8-6. Responsibilities of Mappers and Classifiers

Per-Docbase Mappers

Per-Engine Classifiers

Can identify that a raw search hit is of its own type, regardless of the engine that supplies the hit

Can identify the pathname and doctitle in a raw search hit, regardless of the hit’s docbase of origin

Given a pathname and doctitle, can map these to the abstract LoH and return an instance of that structure

Can invite each Mapper to process each pathname and doctitle


Can add an entry to its unordered SearchResults structure

Figure 8.5 depicts the relationships among Classifiers, sets of search results, and Mappers.

Classifiers, search results, and Mappers

Figure 8-5. Classifiers, search results, and Mappers

Figure 8.6 shows the transactions between a Classifier and a set of Mappers for an individual search result.

Transactions between a Classifier and the Mappers

Figure 8-6. Transactions between a Classifier and the Mappers

Inheritance and Polymorphism

Should the Mappers inherit from a base Mapper class that abstracts their common behavior? That sounds reasonable, but let’s first write a Mapper to see how it interacts with the Classifiers. Example 8.5 presents Search::ProductAnalysisMapper.

Example 8-5. The Mapper for ProductAnalysis Records

#! /usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

package Search::ProductAnalysisMapper;

my $app = "ProductAnalysis";
my $docbase_type = "Docbase-$app";

use Docbase::Docbase;
my $db = Docbase::Docbase->new($app);

my $basepath    = "$db->{docbase_web_absolute}/$app/docs/";
my $indexed_fields = $db->getDefaultValue('indexed_fields'),
my $cgi_prefix = "http://hostname" .  "$db->{docbase_cgi_relative}";

sub new 
  my ($pkg) = @_;
  my $self = {'type' => 'ProductAnalysis'};
  bless $self,$pkg;
  return $self;

sub isRecord                              # look for my docbase signature
  my ($self,$record) = @_;
  return ( $record =~ m#($basepath)# );

sub mapResult                             # map pathname, doctitle into LoH
  my ($self,$pathname,$doctitle) = @_;
  my $result = {};
  $result = fieldsFromPathname($result,$pathname);
  $result = fieldsFromDoctitle($result,$doctitle);
  $result = fieldsViaPathname($result,$pathname);
  $result = fieldsFromDocbase($result);
  return $result;

sub fieldsFromDoctitle                    # extract info from doctitle
  my ($result,$doctitle) = @_;
  my ($company, $product, $title) = split(/   |  /,$doctitle);
  $result->{SUBTYPE} = $company;
  $result->{TITLE} = "$product | $title";
  return $result;

sub fieldsFromPathname                    # extract info from pathname
  my ($result,$pathname) = @_;
  $pathname =~ m#($basepath)(.{10,10})#;
  $result->{DATE} = $2;
  $result->{PATH} = $pathname;
  return $result;

sub fieldsViaPathname                     # extract info from file
  my ($result,$pathname) = @_;
  my $metafields = $db->getMetadata($pathname);
  $result->{AUTHOR} = $metafields->{analyst};
  open(F,$pathname) or die "cannot open $pathname $!";
  my $summary = '';
  while (<F>)
    if ( m#<td align="left" class="summary">([^<]+)</td>#i ) 
      $summary = $1;
  close F;
  $result->{SUMMARY} = $summary;
  return $result;

sub fieldsFromDocbase                     # supply docbase-specific info
  my $result = shift;
  $result->{TYPE} = $docbase_type;
  $result->{PATH} =~ m#docs/([^.]+)#;
  my $recnum = $1;
  $result->{URL}  = 
  return $result;


Anatomy of a Mapper

The $basepath variable captures the invariant essence of the docbase. No matter which engine indexed a given record, the search result will contain this pattern. Well, that’s not quite true. The basepath may vary from engine to engine depending on whether, or at what point, it converts a filesystem-oriented path into a web-server-oriented path. But we can safely assume that we can synchronize our Mappers on one or the other of these styles. It won’t matter which, because in either case the Mapper will form the final URL.

The isRecord( ) method answers the question: “Does this raw search result contain the docbase signature of my class?” The mapResult( ) method receives a pathname and a doctitle that, it assumes, pertain to its own class. It performs a series of docbase-specific steps to map its arguments into an instance of the SearchResults structure. Note how each of these steps—fieldsFromPathname( ), fieldsFromDoctitle( ), fieldsViaDoctitle( )—both receives and hands back a hashtable. Each of these methods specializes in a different data source. The hashtable grows incrementally as it’s passed from one data-source expert to the next. Note also how fieldsViaPathname( ), responsible for those things that can’t be found directly in the pathname or the doctitle, calls Docbase::Docbase::getMetadata( ) to fill the AUTHOR slot. When all the data-source experts have run, mapResult( ) returns the completed hashtable.

What, if anything, might Search::ProductAnalysisMapper inherit from a hypothetical base class called Search::Mapper? The Mapper for newsgroups is shown in Example 8.6. Let’s see what commonality emerges.

Example 8-6. The Mapper for Newsgroup Search Results

use strict;

package Search::ConferenceMapper;

my $docbase_type = 'conference-analyst';

my $newshost = 'hostname';

my %months = (

my $basepath = '/netscape/suitespot/news-udell/spool/analyst';

sub new 
  my ($pkg) = @_;
  my $self = {'type' => 'Conference'};
  bless $self,$pkg;
  return $self;

sub isRecord
  my ($self,$record) = @_;
  return ( $record =~ m#($basepath)# );

sub mapResult
  my ($self,$pathname,$doctitle) = @_;
  my $result = {};
  $result = fieldsFromPathname($result,$pathname);
  $result = fieldsFromDoctitle($result,$doctitle);
  $result = fieldsViaPathname($result,$pathname);
  $result = fieldsFromDocbase($result);
  return $result;

sub fieldsFromDoctitle
  my ($result,$doctitle) = @_;
  return $result;

sub fieldsFromPathname
  my ($result,$pathname) = @_;
  $pathname =~ m#($basepath)/(w+)/(d+)#;
  $result->{PATH} = "$1/$2/$3";
  $result->{SUBTYPE} = "$2";
  return $result;

sub fieldsViaPathname
  my ($result,$pathname) = @_;
  open (F, $pathname) or die "cannot open pathname $pathname $!";
  while (<F>)
    last if ( m#^
#);          # end of headers
    if ( m#(Subject: )(.+)# )   # Subject: Classifiers and mappers
      {   $result->{TITLE} = $2; }

    if ( m#(Date: )(.+)# )      # Tue, 04 Aug 1998 13:00:49 -0400
      my $date = $2;
      $date =~ m#[^d]+(d{2,2})s+(w+)s+(d+)#;
      $result->{DATE} = "$3-$months{$2}-$1";

    if ( m#(From: )(.+)# )      # From: Jon Udell <[email protected]>
      my $author = $2;
      $author =~ s#s+<[^>]+>##;
      $result->{AUTHOR} = $author; 

    if ( m#(Message-ID: )(.+)# )
      my $msgid = "news://$newshost/$2";
      $result->{URL} = $msgid;
  $result->{SUMMARY} = <F>;
  close F;
  return $result;

sub fieldsFromDocbase
  my $result = shift;
  $result->{TYPE} = $docbase_type;
  return $result;


Again isRecord( ) identifies the docbase signature, and mapResult( ) calls a series of data-source experts—minus fieldsFromDoctitle( ), since conference messages aren’t HTML documents—and returns a completed hash. But these data-source experts differ from the others in exactly the ways that define the differences between the two docbases. Can we boost isRecord( ) and mapResult( ) into a superclass? Nope. They only make sense in the context of their own modules’ data and methods. Nevertheless, it’s significant that these identically named methods exist in both Mappers. To see why, we need to look at one of the specific Classifiers.

A Specific Classifier

Example 8.7 shows Search::SwishClassifier, the member of the Classifier family that specializes in SWISH.

Example 8-7. The Classifier for SWISH-E Results

package Search::SwishClassifier;

use Search::Classifier;
@ISA = ('Search::Classifier'),

use strict;

use Search::ConferenceMapper;
my $con = Search::ConferenceMapper->new();

use Search::ProductAnalysisMapper;
my $pa = Search::ProductAnalysisMapper->new();

sub new 
  my ($pkg) = @_;
  my $self =  {};
  bless $self,$pkg;
  return $self;

sub classify
  my ($self,$results) = @_;
  my @resultlist = split (/
  foreach my $raw_result (@resultlist)               # for each search result
    foreach my $obj ($pa, $con)                      # for each Mapper
      if ( $obj->isRecord($raw_result) )             # ask Mapper to claim result
        print STDERR "Found: $obj->{type}
        $raw_result =~ m#(d+)([^"]+)(")([^"]+)#; # parse path and doctitle
        my $pathname = $2;
        my $doctitle = $4;
        my $href =                                   # hand path/doctitle
          $obj->mapResult($pathname,$doctitle);      # to Mapper
        $self->addResult($href);                     # add hashtable to 
        }                                            # unordered LoH


Anatomy of a Classifier

Search::SwishClassifier creates a Mapper for each kind of docbase. For each search hit, it invites each of these Mappers to claim the hit as its own. When a Mapper does claim a hit, Search::SwishClassifier extracts the pathname and the doctitle. Then it asks the Mapper to map this pair of values into an abstract result instance. Finally, it calls $self->addResult( ) to add that instance to the unordered LoH that its base class, Search::Classifier, is accumulating.

This isn’t inheritance; it’s just polymorphism. If Java rather than Perl were the implementation language, we could expect to see something like this:

public interface Mapper
  public boolean isRecord (String searchResult );
  public Hashtable mapResult (String pathname, String doctitle);

Then, each Mapper would begin like this:

public class ConferenceMapper implements Mapper
  public ConferenceMapper() {}

It’s fascinating to see how you can get exactly the same effect in Perl. Well, OK, not quite exactly. The Perl modules don’t know that they implement the Mapper interface, so the compiler can’t warn you if you deviate from it. But it’s not hard to pretend that the interface really exists, and when you do, things work out just fine.

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