Deploying INN on Linux

The latest version of INN is available at, so you can always grab the source and build your own INN if you really want to. But Linux distributions come with a prebuilt INN that you can just install and use. For example, if you ask the Red Hat installer to include INN, Linux will boot up with a news server running and ready for use.

There are a lot more moving parts in INN than you’ll need to run local discussions. It’s a complex beast and has grown more so over time. In addition to the server itself, innd , there are: inndstart , which launches the server; nnrpd , which is started once per connection to handle conversations between newsreaders and the main server; innwatch, which monitors the server; and a handful of other helpers. There are also news-related crontab entries for scheduled replication and expiration tasks.

If you’re setting up a Usenet node, you’ll need to understand and work with many of INN ’s components. To find out how, see O’Reilly & Associates’ Managing Usenet by Henry Spencer and David Lawrence. For light-duty local conferencing, though, you don’t need to worry about most of that machinery. I’ll focus here on just the minimum setup.

Start by editing the configuration file called inn.conf—on my Red Hat system, it’s /etc/news/inn.conf—and name your company or department in the organization: field. If you don’t, all messages posted to your server will carry the header:

Organization: A poorly installed InterNetNews site

In the same file, add your fully qualified domain name (e.g. to the pathname: field.

Then edit expire.ctl, the expiration policy. The default setup includes the line:


That says: “Keep all (A) articles from any site (*) for one (1) to ten (10) days, and never purge articles.” To shut off expiration, change the line to:


Connecting to INN and Creating Newsgroups

To verify that INN is working, try connecting to it using your newsreader or just by pointing telnet at port 119. If you don’t get a response, look for clues in the system message log—/var/log/messages on my system. Then check the INN FAQ files. The section called “Reasons why INN isn’t starting” covers the most common cases. These FAQ files are on the Red Hat CD, but if you don’t have them locally, check the Usenet group or search the Web. One of the most common problems is that the server, running as user news, can’t access a file that you’ve edited and rewritten while logged in as root. You can run inncheck to find these kinds of permission glitches. If that was indeed the problem, you can use:

$ chown news:news filename

to restablish news as the owner and group for filename.

Once you’ve got INN up and running, use the ctlinnd command to create your own newsgroups, for example:

$ ctlinnd newgroup public
$ ctlinnd newgroup watercooler
$ ctlinnd newgroup thinktank
$ ctlinnd newgroup saleslounge

The names of these groups imply their intended scopes: public for discussion involving Ronin Group staff and the outside world; watercooler for internal but companywide discussion; thinktank for exclusive use by analysts; saleslounge for the sales force.

Controlling Access to Scoped Newsgroups in INN

You enforce scoping in the configuration file called nnrp.access, which might look like this:


The five fields of an nnrp.access entry are: permitted hosts, permissions (Read, Post), username, password, and affected groups. The first line of this example says: “Newsreaders connecting from any host (*) can read and post (RP) to thinktank, watercooler and public, after authenticating as user analyst and typing the password bigideas.” The second line is like the first, but the user is sales, the password is bigbucks, and the exclusive group is saleslounge rather than thinktank. The third line says: “Anybody (*) can read and post (RP), without authenticating, in the public group.” The rules have to be ordered from most restrictive to least restrictive; that’s why the public rule comes last.

nnrp.access can be tricky, so it’s a good idea to verify what each class of user can do. The telnet transcript shown in Example 13.1 shows that only the public group is open to nonuthenticated users. After authenticating as user analyst, both watercooler (the companywide group) and thinktank (the analysts-only group) are available.

Example 13-1. Testing INN Access Controls

telnet localhost 119
200 InterNetNews server INN 1.7.2 08-Dec-1997 ready
mode reader
200 InterNetNews NNRP server INN 1.7.2 08-Dec-1997 ready (posting ok).
215 Newsgroups in form "group high low flags".
public 0000000001 0000000001 y
group thinktank
411 No such group
authinfo user analyst
381 PASS required
authinfo pass bigideas
281 Ok
215 Newsgroups in form "group high low flags".
public 0000000001 0000000001 y
watercooler 0000000000 0000000001 y
thinktank 0000000000 0000000001 y

That’s the basic setup for INN. If you’re going to deploy INN-based discussions on an Internet-visible server, you should look carefully at how your version of INN works and consider disabling unneeded—and potentially dangerous—behavior. For example, the version of INN shown in these examples automatically starts up a replication daemon called innfeed , governed by a configuration file (innfeed.conf) that names some default replication partners. To be on the safe side and ensure that nothing will leak from your server to the outside world, it’s probably a good idea to shut down that daemon and/or remove those replication partners from the configuration file.

If your discussion service is isolated on a LAN or intranet, there’s less reason to worry about information leakage. In this environment, a Linux-based INN server can transform an aging PC from a boat anchor into a really useful collaborative resource.

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