Quality is one of the most misunderstood concepts that I have ever seen. Oftentimes, behind a so-called justification for quality, we end up doing much more and also spending much more than originally planned. It may a spectacular feat to surprise and innovate when looked under the eyes of differentiation, but on the other hand, it can be very dangerous to do so when we do not grasp the exact meaning of benefit/cost for that quality, meaning what is and what is not worth doing.

The main concept behind quality with respect to planning and project management is that we have to focus on delivering the client needs. If we don't know what the client wants or needs, then we will most definitely have many difficulties in understanding what the quality for the product or service will be.

It is basically a management of expectations. And expectations can't be treated using simple math. Expectations are in fact molded by the cultural, social, and psychological aspects of each stakeholder. You don't have to deliver a product or service that looks just like you. You have to deliver something that looks just like your client.

I know for sure that what I have just said is not unanimously accepted. Steve Jobs was very blunt when he said he didn't take into consideration the need to research the client needs. He always said “…the consumer does not know what is good for him or her. We do!” Apple's current history clearly demonstrates that the products that were created under this model and ‘speech’ are extremely successful.

But this is an atypical case in an atypical company! It will certainly be a theme for discussion when our children and grandchildren read future economy books.


There is a direct connection between quality, cost, and benefits. Being the most expensive thing does not imply that it is the one with the best quality. Everything depends on the context and the objectives you may have.



Is a Ferrari better than a VW Beetle? Oftentimes we think that what is expensive, sophisticated, and luxurious is the one item that bears the best quality. But if we want a car to use on a farm with a dirt road, the good and flexible VW Beetle might be an option of much greater quality.


Quality means fulfilling the needs of the client of the project. If you don't know what your client's expectations are, it will be impossible to know if what you are doing will satisfy his or her needs.


Quality and scope walk side by side. Oftentimes, the manner and the level of detail by which the project is broken down into work packages determine the quality expectations for the project.






A little bit of controversy: “Surprising your client positively is not necessarily a good thing when we look at it under a planning perspective.” The cost and effort of the surprise can be seen as totally superfluous.


It's quite simple: “Understand and deliver what your client wants. Do not deliver less than expected, but be careful with gold plating!”


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