abandonment policy, 106107, 116117

in employment, 1819, 2630, 3233, 129, 132133, 153, 177

growth and, 17, 8687

accountability. See also performance

on boards of directors, 3132

of school system, 136, 138139


cost of capital in, 65

executive compensation and, 2122

inflation-adjusted, 4

profits versus costs in, 51

agricultural industry, investment in, 220221


of knowledge workers, 109110, 113

Marxian, 176

Allis Chalmers, 235, 236

All-Nippon Airways, 234

antitrusters, 116

asset management, profit planning versus, 56

AT&T, 221

audit committees, mandatory, 31, 34


in agricultural industry, 220

labor force changes and, 169, 191

re-industrialization and, 9293, 219

automobile industry, 121, 204, 206, 219

labor-income ratio in, 95, 9698

production sharing in, 170


consumer demand for, 6869, 81

“planned obsolescence” and, 7071

baby boom generation, 164167

counseling for, 166167

exceptional demands on, 166

expectations of, 165

pace of career moves by, 165

very early versus last cohorts in, 164167

as young executives, 164165

balance sheet, P and L versus, 54, 56

Bancor, 211, 212

banking, commercial, capital management in, 62

Belgium, 171, 174, 176, 194

benefits policies, 41, 108109, 188

in auto and steel industries, 96

for executives, 2122, 56

options in, 148

pension protection in, 175, 176

Blue Cross, 127

boards of directors

accountability of, 3132

changing role of, 32

co-determination and, 194196

as company’s representative, 3536

examination of own role by, 34

independent directors in, 3435

key outside relationships and, 33

management as basic function of, 32, 34

objectives of business and, 33

overseeing of top management by, 3233

pension funds and, 3334

post-retirement executives on, 29, 3435

resource productivity and, 33

staff of, 35

book publishing, size versus profitability in, 85

Boston Consulting Group, 85

Brazil, 183

Bretton Woods Conference, 211

British National Health Service, 128

budgets. See also capital investment and structure

full-employment, 220

full-investment, 219222

short- versus long-term, 4243

Bullock Report, British Royal Commission, 195

business. See also companies

destructive “rational” policies of, 5

growth as hazard for, 14

inflation-proofing of, 37

long-term policies as essential to, 6

public’s economic illiteracy about, 47

business ethics, 227249

authority versus responsibility in, 241

cartels and, 235236

casuistry versus, 232238

as “chic,” 247248

Confucian ethics (relationships of interdependence) and, 242247, 248249

cost-benefit mentality and, 234, 236

extortion and, 230231, 234235

hostility to business and, 247

model role of executives in, 240

organization ethic and, 241, 245, 247, 248249

Prudence Ethic and, 238241, 249

sexual harassment and, 228, 242243

social-cultural mores and, 231232

traditional ethics versus, 230, 232

in Western tradition, 228232

whistle-blowing and, 245246

business growth. See also speculative growth

concentration needed for, 17, 87

desirable versus undesirable, 57, 85, 88

as “different” versus “more,” 16

distortions of inflation and, 88

exploitation of opportunity for, 87

five rules in management of, 1419

goals for, 86, 88

marginal status and, 8586

need in near future for, 5657

“obesity” versus, 85, 88

policy for, 85, 8788

provisions for, as capital charge, 75

realistic appraisals and, 18

risk period following, 75

speculative, aftermath of, 5360

strategy for, 85, 8688

volume versus, 88

what to abandon for, 18, 8788

in zero growth years, 89

business travel, 81

information technology and, 3637

Cahn, Edmond, 228

California, retirement law in, 27

Calvin, John, 232, 233, 234


changes in supply sources of, 5455

cost of, 48, 50, 65, 74, 7576

fixed human, 66

“genuine” savings and, 71

capital charges, in earnings-per-share measure, 7577

capital formation

full-investment budgeting and, 220222

income distribution versus, 59

industrial growth and, 220222

in Keynesian theory, 218219, 220

labor-income ratio and, 95, 9697, 9899

myths about, 7273

savings in, 70

capital investment and structure

after go-go era, 54

board of directors’ role in, 33

as core strategy, 221

in creation of jobs, 50, 54, 220221

feedback on, 63, 65

by foreign managers, 43

growth of business and, 1415

in inflationary period, 5

in management audit, 910

managing productivity of, 6167

meaningful components in, 6364

for rapid growth, 1516

Rostow thesis and, 205

rules for managing productivity and, 6466


job as property right and, 177

Marx’s view of, 61, 62

profit and, 51

CARE, 106

Carlyle, Thomas, 224

cartels, business ethics and, 235236

Carter, Jimmy, 114, 118, 120, 124, 209

cash flow, emphasis on, 54, 56


as apology for power, 234

business ethics versus, 232238

as discredited, 237, 241

political nature of, 234

catastrophic-illness insurance, 125126

China, People’s Republic of, 59, 92, 203

Japanese exports to, 192, 200, 201

Chrysler Corporation, 86, 168, 170, 195

churches, role of, 106

co-determination issue, 194196

disenfranchisement of managers and, 195195

political aspects of, 194, 195

college recruiting, 166

Common Market

production sharing in, 182

U.S. export surplus with, 96

Communist economies

downward capital productivity in, 62

profit and, 51

companies. See also executives

audit committee of independent directors in, 31, 35

board of directors’ role in (See boards of directors)

mandatory audits and, 9

pension funds as controlling element in, 177

in wrong business, 13, 33

computers, changes caused by, 3739

Confucian ethics of interdependence, 242247

appropriateness for modern society of, 248249

five basic relationships in, 242

Legalists and, 246

obligation versus power in, 244246

“sincerity” in, 242

consumer demand

capital investment and, 54

economic activity linked to, 6869

employment rate and, 158159

explanations of, 8084

for health-care services, 124, 128

Keynesian theory and, 218219, 220, 222, 224, 225

of married working women, 8384

of retired people, 8283

of young adults, 83

consumer market

historical changes in, 84

new segmentation of, 8284

corporation income tax, as regressive, 7172

“cost of capital,” 48


capital charges as, 7576

profits versus, 4952

counselors, post-retirement executives as, 2829


capital management policies and, 6566

crunches, 4, 6

currencies, 207212. See also transnational currencies

political aspects of, 210, 211212

two-tier structure for, 207208, 212

U.S. dollar, 208, 210, 211, 223

cyclical earnings, 77

deficiency of revenue, as capital charge, 75

deficits, government, 55, 219, 220, 224

“demand-management,” 179

in Keynesian theory, 218222, 224, 225

demography, 156

baby boom problem and, 164167

consumer demand and, 6869

growth planning and, 87

labor supply and, 51, 54, 6669, 9192, 121, 142, 144, 150151, 169, 182183, 187190, 221

re-industrialization and, 9192, 9293, 94

school enrollments and, 135

Social Security program and, 117

world economy and, 121, 169170, 180, 182183

dental insurance plans, 126

developed countries

downward capital productivity in, 62

job as property right in, 174177

Keynesian investment theory in, 218219, 222

obsolete economic policies in, 179

re-industrialization in, 9193

unionism versus production sharing in, 122, 170, 184

developing countries

appropriate technologies for, 202206

capital investment theory in, 205

demographic shifts in, 9192

Japanese exports to, 192, 193

production sharing and, 122, 169170, 182184

“smallness” rhetoric in, 203, 205206

unskilled workers in, 39, 92, 182183

DuPont Company, 44, 77

earnings per share

capital charges and, 7577

as measure of performance, 5556, 7479

as misnomer, 75

“taxable earnings” versus, 75

economic myths, 6873

capital formation and, 7273

on corporation income tax, 7172

on income distribution, 72

on nature of consumer demand, 6869, 8081

on oversaving, 71

on “planned obsolescence,” 7071

on unemployment, 6869

“economic progress,” definition of, 50

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 126

Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), 55

energy problems, capital formation and, 219

“equivalent” figures as possibility for, 161

measurement difficulties in, 161

official figures for, 160161

Phillips Curve and, 159

political aspects of, 160161

traditional index and, 158159

ethics. See also business ethics

Confucian, 242244, 246247

Ethics of Prudence and, 238239, 249

fundamental axiom of, 228230, 241

Ethics (Spinoza), 237

Eurocurrencies. See transnational currencies

Eurodollar, 208, 209210

European Community High Court ruling on redundancy rights, 174

European Monetary System, 209

exchange rates, floating, 207

executive management programs, 7, 155

executives. See also top management; young executives

agenda for evaluations of and by, 344

auditing performance of, 813, 32

business ethics and (See business ethics)

in career extension planning, 2830

compensation policy for, 5152, 56, 79

feedback to, 34

information as main tool of, 37

information technology and, 3639

Japanese, in Western countries, 215, 216

mandatory retirement policies and, 2630, 153

perception of excessive compensation for, 2025

present versus past functions of, 9

work force as seen by, 141142

exports, U.S. increases in, 96

fair-employment regulations, 175

family, changes in work patterns and, 148149

farm policies, 94, 117

feedback, 34

definitions required in, 13

on performance versus expectation, 1013

on productivity of capital, 63, 65

fee-for-service system, 124125

financial management

for capital productivity, 6566

in growth of business, 1516

inflation-adjusted data in data in, 4, 6

fixed assets, productivity of capital and, 6364

flow systems, re-industrialization and, 9293

food stamp program, 226

Ford Motor Company, labor income ratio at, 9697

foreign management

benefits policies and, 41

labor force and, 4041

marketing and, 4142

national interest and, 43

obsolete rejected by, 42

profits and, 42

short- versus long-term assessments by, 4243

fractional horsepower motor, 3839, 93

France, 194, 209, 224

managerial strategies in, 42, 43

Friedman, Milton, 99, 222

General Electric, 87, 221

electrical apparatus conspiracy and, 235236

General Motors, 44, 69, 81, 84, 92

labor-income ratio at, 96

monitoring of capital investment decisions by, 10

Germany, 92, 127, 128, 224, 225

business ethics in, 231232

co-determination issue in, 194195

currency issues and, 209, 210, 211

labor-income ratios in, 96, 97

managerial strategies in, 40

1920s hyperinflation in, 57

Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, 224, 225

GNP, labor’s share of, 97, 98

go-go era

aftermath of, 5360

growth as viewed in, 89

“going cost of capital,” as capital charge, 76

government bureaucracy, 114118

abandonment policy for, 116117

measurement of performance in, 116

political philosophy and, 116

three steps for streamlining of, 115116

Great Britain, 128, 171, 209

co-determination in, 194, 195

“European Sickness” and, 223, 224, 225

Hayek, F. A., 211212

health-care delivery system, 124128

choices in, 126127

cost to consumer of, 128

fee-for-service basis in, 124125

fee setting in, 127

future shape of, 125

hospital admissions and, 128

hospital cost reviews in, 127128

insurance coverage and, 125126

peer review in, 127

union attitudes and, 125

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), 126127

Henry VIII, king of England, 233

Holland, 194


cost reviews of, 127128

management of, 101, 104, 105

U.S. admission levels to, 128


consumer demand for, 68, 69, 8081

subsidies for, 117

Humphrey-Hawkins Full

Employment Bill, 158159, 159, 160

IBM, 49, 87

income. See also wages

of executives, 2025

extra incentive awards and, 24

hierarchy requirements and, 2223

indexing of, 122123

of managers, 108109

of middle levels, 2223

money versus real, 20

of rank-and-file workers versus executives, 2021, 2223, 24

for “star” employees, 24

tax gimmicks and, 2122

in Third Sector, 103104, 111, 112

income distribution

pension expectations and, 72

used cars in, 7071


appropriate technologies for, 202206

employment problems in, 202

government economic policy in, 203

job expansion industries and, 203204

rural emphasis in, 203204, 206

Individual Physicians Association (IPA), 127

Indonesia, 203


adjusting business figures to, 4

businesses affected by, 37

consumer response and, 82, 83

decline of executives’ income and, 20

“demand-management” and, 179

depreciation adjustments for, 76

financial panics in, 5

fundamental policy risk in, 5

Germany’s 1920s experience of, 57

“growth” and, 88

individuals versus, 67, 146

interest rates and, 55

“liquidity crises” in, 45, 6

long-term policies versus, 67

pension expectations and, 8283, 146

Phillips Curve and, 159

protection of capital in, 76

short-term focus in, 5

systematic money management in, 4, 6

tax gimmicks and, 2122

tax rates adjusted for, 23

information. See also feedback

capacity policy on, 38

defining of, 37

deliberate distortion of, 2122

explosion, 3639

inflation accounting as, 4

rapid growth and, 1617

information technology

mini-processor, 36, 37, 38

production processes and, 38, 39

innovations, 42

appraisals of, 1112, 32

in inflationary periods, 6


health, 125128, 152

risk (See risk premiums)

interest rates

after go-go era, 55

“European Sickness” and, 223224, 225

money management and, 4

Internal Revenue Service, U.S., 184

inventory, productivity of capital and, 6364

investment policies (See capital investment and structure)

Iran, 203

Japan, 62, 91, 187193

automation in, 191

balance of payments surplus in, 197, 200

business ethics in, 231232

consumer prices in, 199, 200

currency issues in, 197, 200, 210

demographic shifts in, 187190, 193

economic malaise in, 198

educational status and job eligibility in, 189

employment practices in, 43, 120, 152, 170, 171, 174, 175, 176, 187193, 213, 214, 231

entrenched social mores in, 213215, 216217

export losses taken by, 199200

family obligations in, 214, 216

inflexibility in job crossovers in, 189, 190

international trade issues in, 191193, 197201

labor costs in, 188189, 190191

labor-income ratios in, 96, 97

managerial expertise in, 4044, 141

nepotism in, 213

nine-to-five westernization in, 215

as non-Keynesian economy, 218219

overstocked inventories in, 198199, 200201

production sharing in, 170, 182

redundancy planning in, 172

re-industrialization and, 92, 93, 122, 179

seniority-wage system in, 188, 190

social innovations in, 190

women’s status in, 213214, 216

Jesuits, 232, 234, 237

jobs, 141176. See also labor force; unions

after go-go era, 54

as “ownership of means of production,” 142, 175176

capital formation and, 99, 218222

class of ‘68 and, 154157

in direct production work, 108

distribution of skilled/unskilled, 39, 9192, 120123, 151, 169, 170, 182184

entrance, restructuring of, 166

flexibility versus rights in, 176177

gender discrimination in, 146147

international production sharing and, 122, 169170

investment per, 51, 54, 220221

in Japan, 43, 120, 152, 170, 171, 174, 175, 176, 187193, 213, 214, 231

Keynesian theory and, 218219, 220

in knowledge work (See knowledge workers)

monopolies and, 98

profit and, 48, 50

as property right, 174177

prospects in 1980s for, 6869

protectionism and, 122

redundancy planning for, 168, 172173, 177

re-industrialization and, 9091, 93

“soft area,” 155

standards and reviews for, 177

technological displacement and, 120

in Third Sector, 101, 104

Kennedy, Edward, 125

Keynes, John Maynard, 211, 212

Keynesian economics, 59, 224

investment theory in, 218219, 222

labor-income ratio and, 97, 9899

knowledge workers, 91, 92, 93, 108113

achievement needs of, 110111

appraisal of contributions of, 110

assignment control for, 111112

capital investment and, 220221

contribution as motivation for, 110

as expensive resource, 111, 112

income of, 108

increased number of, 108, 169

management of, 109113

managers as, 108

productivity of, 109, 111112, 113

social capital investment represented in, 112113

work assignments as frustrations for, 110112

Labor Department, U.S., 158

labor force, 141176

baby boom generation in, 164167

demography of, 51, 54, 6869, 9192, 120, 142, 144, 150151, 164, 169, 182183

“education explosion” and, 169, 221

as employees of organizations, 176

executives’ view of, 141142

married working women in, 8384, 143144, 146, 147, 148

moonlighting and, 145

part-time, 147, 148, 153

redundant workers in, 120, 122, 168173, 185

as resource versus cost, 92

responsibility of, 4041

retirement policies and (See retirement policies)

second careers and, 29, 133, 147

shortages in, 6869, 120, 187

social policy and, 143149

in third industrial revolution, 39

unemployment figures for, 158163

work ethic and, 149

labor-income ratio, 9599

in industrialized countries, compared, 9597

multiplier effect and, 9899

unions and, 9799

leverage, dubious value of, 56

liquidity, 45, 6

growth of business and, 1415

interest rate differentials versus, 55

in post-go-go years, 54, 56

Lockheed Corporation, business ethics and, 230, 231, 234235

Machiavelli, N., 238, 239

Malaysia, 92

management, defined, 101

management audits, 813

of business planning, 1213

business versus management performance in, 89

on capital appropriations, 910

by foreign managers, 4243

of innovations, 1112

of long-term planning, 9

on personnel appointments, 1011

Managing in Turbulent Times (Drucker), 180

Mao Tse-tung, 246, 247

Marcuse, Herbert, 148


consumer segmentation and, 8284, 148

definition of, 86

marginal status as hazard in, 8586

world economy and, 42

marketing, 44, 185

by foreign managers, 41, 192, 200, 201

Marx, Karl, 61, 62, 176

Matthofer, Hans, 209

MBAs, 101, 164

3-M Company, 12

measurement. See performance

Medicaid, 125, 128

Medicare, 125, 152

Meister role, 40, 44

Metropolitan Museum of Art, 103

Mexico, 92, 182183

Mitsui group, 172

Mitterrand, François, 224

Mobil Oil, 237

Monetarists, cures advocated by, 225

money. See currencies

moonlighting, 145

Morita, Akio, 199200

multinationals, 210, 211

management challenges for, 185

in marketing versus manufacturing, 185

opposition in U.S. to, 184

world economy and, 5759, 183184

museums, management of, 103, 104, 105

national interests, managerial interests and, 43, 179180

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 203

Netherlands, 223

New Deal policies, 218

New York Stock Exchange, rules of, 31

New Zealand, 200

Nissan, 92

Nixon Administration, 122

non-profit institutions. See Third Sector

Norway, 223

nurses, as fixed human capital, 66

obsolete, as hindrance to growth, 8687

OPEC countries, 210211, 223

P and L statement, 42, 54, 56

Pascal, B., 237, 248

pension funds, 71

board of directors’ supervision of, 3334

corporation income tax and, 7172

legal protection of, 175

“ownership” of business through, 177


as employees’ most valuable asset, 176

profits and, 50

retirement policy and, 28

performance, 4799

audits of management for, 813

“bottom line” and, 45

of business planning, 1213

business versus management, 89

costs versus profits in measurement of, 4952

earnings-per-share measure of, 5556, 7479

four areas of management responsibility for, 913, 32

fulfilled expectations as measure of, 1013

“full” disclosure” demand on, 79

of government, 115116

measures for, 7479, 116

oversight of, by board of directors, 32, 33

return-on-all-assets measure of, 54, 56, 74, 7779

return-on-selling-space measure of, 78

of school system, 136139

in Third Sector, 105, 106

value-added measure of, 78

personnel appointments

appraisal of, 1011, 32

in growth of business, 1819

pharmaceutical industry, 205, 206

Phillips Curve, 160

planned obsolescence, 70

Poland, 99

price-earnings ratios, 54, 78

Prince,The (Machiavelli), 238

Procter & Gamble, 12

production sharing, 122, 169170, 180, 181186

multinationals and, 184186

as transcultural, 186

productivity, 39, 189. See also performance

of capital, 6167

capital investment and, 220222

defined, 205

growth and, 57, 88

information technology and, 39

of knowledge worker, 109, 111112, 113

labor-income ratio and, 95, 97

oversight of, by board of directors, 33

Rostow thesis and, 205

product mix, productivity of capital and, 6364, 65

professionals, as inflation-proof, 7

professors, university policies for, 129134


capitalism and, 51

Communist economies and, 51

costs versus, 4952

to cover future jobs and pensions, 4950, 50

financial leverage versus, 52

in foreign management policies, 42

inflation-adjusted figures and, 4

measurement of, 47

performance and, 75

productivity of capital and, 6263

risk “insurance” and, 49, 50, 51

in small growing business, 16

surplus versus, 48

“turnover tax” versus, 51

profit sharing, executives’ income and, 21

property, job as, 175

protectionism, 122, 185, 200

Provincial Letters (Pascal), 237

psychotherapy, 126

“quality circles,” 4041, 44

RCA, 93, 169

Reagan Administration, 96, 226

receivables, productivity of capital and, 6566


of 1975–1977, 80, 160

of 1979–1980, 96

employment rate and, 158169

in Japan, 187

redundancy, 168173

Belgian “solution” for, 171, 174, 176

causes of, 169170

emotional security and, 173

European Community ruling on, 174

lifetime employment policy and, 171

planning for, 172173, 177

political aspects of, 170171

production sharing and, 122, 185

unemployment insurance and, 171

regulatory agencies, boards of directors and, 31

Rehn, Gösta, 172

re-industrialization, 39, 9194

automation and, 92, 93

blue-collar employment in, 9192, 93

competitiveness in, 90, 91, 92, 93

demographic factors in, 9192, 93, 94

farm policy and, 94

flow systems in, 93

labor as resource in, 92

managerial attitudes in, 92

mini- and micro-computers in, 93

opposing meanings attached to, 9192

political consideration in, 9394

technology and, 9293

retail sales, consumer response and, 82

retirement policies, 150154

abolishing compulsory age limit in, 151154

age discrimination laws and, 145

career extension options and, 2830, 147, 153

inflation and, 146

in Japan, 43, 152

for management and professional employees, 153

mandatory, 2630, 144146, 150154, 177

moonlighting and, 145

nonfinancial needs and, 146

outside mediator and, 29

pensions and, 28, 145146, 147, 151, 152

population pressures and, 26, 28

profit and, 51

redundancy planning and (see redundancy)

resistance to promotion and, 27

for small- and middle-sized businesses, 30

white-collar versus blue-collar views on, 27, 152

return-on-selling-space, as measure of performance, 78

return on total assets

execution compensation and, 79

maximizing of, 54, 56

as measure of performance, 74, 7779

Ricardo, David, 97

risk premiums

as capital charge, 76

of economic activity, 4849, 49, 51

robots, in industry, 92

Rostow, Walt W., 205

sales, economic versus accounting definition of, 16

sales force, as fixed human capital, 66

satellite transmission, for business subscribers, 37

Saudi Arabia, 192

savings, 87

capital formation and, 71

stagflation and, 82

of wage earners, 98

Say’s Law, 222

Schmidt, Helmut, 225

school system, 135139. See also universities

continuing professional education and, 136137, 138

demographic factors in, 135

diversity of teaching approaches required in, 137138

fundamentalist and evangelical schools in, 139

humanities displaced in, 137

near-future objectives of, 136138

social changes and, 135136

“voucher” system in, 138

Schumpeter, Joseph, 61

Seattle Art Museum, 104

second careers, 29, 133, 147, 153

Securities and Exchange Commission, 31, 184

shoe workers, 121122

Siemens, 6

Simons, Henry, 98

Singapore, 181

Sloan, Alfred, 84

Smith, Adam, 98

social policies

changes toward age and gender in, 144149

on displaced workers, 121

government bureaucracies and, 117118

managerial policies and, 43

nineteenth-century, 143

profit linked to responsibility in, 52

social responsibility, casuistry and, 232238

Social Security program, 117, 145146, 151, 152, 226

Solomon, Ezra, 48

Sony Corporation, 199

South Korea, 122, 169, 181

Soviet Union, 62, 201, 208

Spain, 174

speculative growth

aftermath of, 5360

structural changes in economy and, 5456

world economy and, 5759

Spinoza, B., 237

Stages of Economic Growth,The (Rostow), 205

stages of production process, 121, 169, 181182, 183

stagflation, 219

consumer response and, 8182

steel industry, 120, 121, 168, 170, 203, 204 labor-income ratio in, 95, 96, 9798

Stigler, George, 98

Stinnes, Hugo, 5

stock market, valuation criteria of, 7879

stock options, executives’ income and, 2122, 56

student-exchange programs, 106

sunset laws, 118

supply-side economics, 222, 224, 225, 226

surplus, as “profit,” 48

Sweden, 120, 128, 172, 185

systems approach, for multinationals, 185

taxes, tax policies

executives’ shelters and, 21

gimmicks, 2122

indexing compensation and, 122123

money versus real income and, 2021

myths about, 7172

reform, union and business agreement on, 23

stimulation of capital formation and, 193

technological changes, 3739. See also information technology; knowledge workers

appropriateness of, 202206

class of ‘68 and, 155156

jobs and, 170

re-industrialization and, 92

textile industry, 182

Thatcher, Margaret, 224, 225

third industrial revolution, 3839, 93

Third Sector (public-service enterprises), 101136

abandonment policy for, 106107, 129

academic systems in, 129139

compensation levels in, 103104, 111, 112

components of, 104105

defined, 101102

employment levels in, 104

growth in size and complexity, 104, 105

health-care delivery system in, 124128

management in, 105, 107108, 109113, 115116, 127128, 129134, 137139

MBAs in, 101, 103

measurement of performance in, 106, 109, 116

as need- versus want-oriented, 106

productivity in, 19, 111112, 113

productivity of capital in, 63, 105

purposes of institutions in, 106107

unionization in, 119120

time, as cost item in capital management, 66

time-not-worked, in productivity of assets, 65

top management. See also executives

board of directors and, 3233, 34

levels of, 2223

Peter Principle and, 11

replacement policy for, 1819, 2830, 3233

“senility” of, 26

young executives’ view of, 157

trade statistics, production sharing and, 185

transnational currencies, 180, 207212

description of, 210

Eurocurrencies as, 208

loans based on, 211

as protection against devaluation, 211

transportation problems, capital formation and, 219

unemployment statistics, 158163

adult male heads of household employment rate and, 160161

employment rate and, 158

unions, 119123, 136, 148, 192

blue-collar workers in, 120

co-determination and, 194196

decline in, 119120, 120

employment security issue and, 120

health-care benefits and, 125, 127

jobs outside traditional molds and, 121

jurisdictional strife between, 121

labor-income ratios and, 9799

leadership of, 120

as monopoly, 99

need for, 9

political power of, 120

production sharing opposed by, 121, 170, 184

protectionism and, 121, 200

in public-service sector, 119120

redundancy planning demand of, 168

security of, 120

technological changes and, 120121

United Automobile Workers, 195


faculty policies for, 129134

management of, 109, 129

merely competent faculty as burden to, 129, 130, 132133

personnel development program in, 129, 131132

placement services for mid-life faculty of, 129, 133

salary pressures in, 130

tenure policy in, 129131, 165

value added

labor-income ratio and, 95

as measure of performance, 78

Veredelungsverkehr, 181182

wage fund, capital fund versus, 97

wages, 108109

in auto and steel industries, 95, 96

welfare programs, abandonment policy for, 117

Western Europe. See also specific countries, 195

co-determination issue in, 194196

downward capital productivity in, 62

hard economic choices for, 225226

hospital admissions in, 128

labor-income ratios in, 96, 97

managerial expertise in, 4044

“Sickness” of, 223226

Socialists in, 195

Westinghouse Electric, 28, 235

Williams, Harold, 34

working assets, productivity of capital and, 6364, 6566

world economy, 179226

currency structure in, 207212

future planning and, 42, 5759, 179180

sovereignty doctrines versus, 5859, 180

Xerox, 49, 87

young executives (class of ‘68), 154157

ambitiousness of, 156

baby boom cohorts as, 164165

background of, 154

career planning by, 156157

demographic pressures on, 156, 165

differences from older executives of, 157

expectations from management of, 157

in “hard” versus “soft” areas, 155

leadership moves of, 155

organization as seen by, 156157

promotions and, 166

social and political stance of, 156

Zama car plant, 92

Zara census, 144

zero-budgeting, 114

zero growth, 89

zero-revenue planning, 114

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