From software data to software theory

The path less traveled

J. Whitehead    University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, United States


Software engineering is a pragmatic discipline. From the very beginning, the mindset of the software engineering research community has been focused on solving problems faced by practicing software engineers [1], and hence, much of software engineering work is motivated by pragmatic outcomes. To this day, software engineering research results typically require at least a semi-plausible scenario by which they can be used by practicing software engineers to assist in their development of software. Consistent with the broader software engineering community, Software Analytics also has a pragmatic bent. While this has generated many useful results, it has come at the expense of considering more theoretical outcomes from this data.


Software repository research; Observational research; Theory formation; Software power laws; Software entropy; Preferential attachment

Software engineering is a pragmatic discipline. From the very beginning, the mindset of the software engineering research community has been focused on solving problems faced by practicing software engineers [1], and hence, much of software engineering work is motivated by pragmatic outcomes. To this day, software engineering research results typically require at least a semi-plausible scenario by which they can be used by practicing software engineers to assist in their development of software. Consistent with the broader software engineering community, Software Analytics also has a pragmatic bent. While this has generated many useful results, it has come at the expense of considering more theoretical outcomes from this data.

This chapter argues in favor of greater theory formation in software engineering in general, and software analytics in particular. While repository mining has yielded useful tools and techniques for practicing developers, it has also highlighted fundamental theoretical questions that remain unanswered. Examples abound. Consider the fact that most frequency distributions observed in software projects follow a power law or log normal distribution, to the extent that it is unusual to find one that is not. Why is that? To date, we have only partial explanations [2].

Pathways of Software Repository Research

In software repository analysis, researchers use or create tools to make a local copy of project data, and then compute software metrics or software relationship networks. Examples include calculating the size of every file in a project, or finding all of the inheritance relationships among classes. This ability to compute a wide range of metrics and relationships forms a powerful new scientific instrument, a kind of software mass spectrometer. It provides researchers powerful new ways of observing software, letting us “see” things that were previously hidden, or impractical to compute. In a very real sense, this software mass spectrometer changes our understanding of the world by making the previously invisible, visible, allowing us to ponder what it means.

The typical pathway for software repository research starts with an observational research phase. Just as a traditional mass spectrometer provides a frequency distribution of the atoms or molecules available in a physical sample, typical outputs of our software mass spectrometer are frequency distributions computed over observed software metrics and relationships. These distributions are the frontline outputs of software repository analysis, the primary observations that researchers use as initial building blocks in their work. For example, directly measuring file size across all files in a project yields a (power law) frequency distribution of file size.

The most common next phase is application of the observational knowledge toward the betterment of software engineers. This usually takes the form of information or visualizations that can support managerial decision making, or some tool that provides benefits for software engineers. We term these pragmatic outcomes, since the explicit goal is improving the direct practice of software engineering activities. A software team presented with a list of the 20 largest code files, ordered by change frequency, could use this list to refactor and break apart these large files, thereby creating smaller, easier to maintain files that are changed less often.

A less common path forward from the observational step is theory formation. Here the goal is to use the frequency distributions and relationship networks to support fundamental understandings of what software is, and to understand the phenomena which occur during the development of software over time, and their underlying causes. This work seeks scientific outcomes, pure advances in our understanding of software and its development, and is not concerned with whether these understandings have any immediate pragmatic application.

From Observation, to Theory, to Practice

Two examples highlight the benefits of forming theories about software repository data: software power laws and software entropy.

The software analytics community has observed power law distributions for many different measures of software systems, such as file size [3], change sizes [4], and number of subclasses [5]. Recent work by Zhongpeng Lin provides one explanation for why power laws are so prevalent [2] via the simulated evolution of a large software system. Two generative mechanisms are used. One mechanism, preferential attachment, results in simulated software changes being made to larger files more commonly than smaller ones—the software version of the rich getting richer. A self-organized criticality process determines the size of software commits. Outside of software, self-organized criticality can be seen in growing sand piles, which have avalanches of varying sizes as sand trickles down. This generative simulation is able to render power law distributions out of fine-grained code changes, suggesting preferential attachment and self-organized criticality are the underlying mechanisms causing the power law distributions in software systems.

This theoretical result highlights the pathway going directly from observation to theory, without an intervening practical result. Yet the results have profound practical implications. “Preferential attachment” means that a trend toward large software files is inevitable in software systems, unless large files are continually refactored. Self-organized criticality implies that large, systemwide changes, though infrequent, are inevitable. A significant external change (hardware, requirement, market, etc.) is not required to trigger large software changes.

In our second example, Abram Hindle and collaborators use the concept of entropy from information theory to explore the surprisingness of sequences of tokens appearing in source code [6]. In natural language, entropy can be viewed as a measure of how surprising a word is, in context with preceding words. If you see the word “phone”, it is not surprising if the following word is “call” or “book”, but very surprising if it is “slug”. Hindle et al. had the insight that since software is programmed using languages, it must be possible to measure the entropy of software. They mined a large corpus of Java language software, and then measured its average entropy for sequences of two, three, four, etc., language tokens in a row (called n-grams). These software entropy values were then compared against entropy computed in an English language corpus, revealing that software is much more predictable (less surprising) than English (~ 2.5–3.5 bits for software n-grams of 3 tokens and greater, as compared with ~ 7.5 bits for English for n-grams of the same length).

This deeply theoretical result provides a different way of thinking about software. Compared to the prevailing view of software as a complex clockwork, software entropy values reveal software as having a high degree of local regularity. If there is a sequence of 3 or more programming language tokens, the following token tends to draw from a very small set of possibilities, and is easy to predict. This supports a view of software as being deeply idiomatic, and locally predictable. A beautiful theoretical result.

However, the authors didn’t stop there. In a science focused field, reporting a major theoretical result would be sufficient. Software engineering, with its pragmatic focus, expected more. In the same paper announcing the entropy calculation, they also explored just how well this approach could predict the next token, so as to support the construction of an improved suggestion engine for integrated development environments. They found that the improved token suggestions were substantially better than those found in native Eclipse. The paper thus provides a pragmatic, utilitarian application for the research that could plausibly aid real world software engineers in their daily work. In case that was not sufficient, the paper also contains an extensive future work section that details several additional plausible utilitarian applications of the work.

We hope this inspires practitioners of software analytics work to not just stop after achieving a pragmatic result, but also to understand this work in a broader context, and ask the deeper questions that yield deeper theoretical understandings. Indeed, consideration of theory can prevent critical misunderstandings. A recent parody by Andreas Zeller and collaborators [7] shows the risk. After analyzing the source code from several releases of Eclipse, they find that the characters I, R, O, and P are highly correlated with software defects. Based on this, they create a keyboard with those characters removed, to eliminate these high-risk letters! While the flaws are obvious in this case, other problems with correlation and causation are more subtle. The implication? Software theory is important for everyone, academics and practitioners alike.


[1] Naur P., Randell B., eds. Software engineering: report on a conference sponsored by the NATO Science Committee, Garmisch, Germany, October, 1968 (published January, 1969); 1968 Version accessed at

[2] Lin Z., Whitehead J. Why power laws? An explanation from fine-grained changes. In: Proceedings of 12th working conference on mining software repositories (MSR 2015), Florence, Italy, May 16–17; 2015.

[3] Herraiz D.G., Hassan A. On the distribution of source code file sizes. In: International conference on software and data technologies; Seville, Spain: SciTe Press; 2011.

[4] Gorshenev A., Pis’mak Y. Punctuated equilibrium in software evolution. Phys Rev E. 2004;70(6) :067103.

[5] Turnu I., Concas G., Marchesi M., Pinna S., Tonelli R. A modified Yule process to model the evolution of some object-oriented system properties. Inform Sci. 2011;181(4):883–902.

[6] Hindle A., Barr E.T., Su Z., Gabel M., Devanbu P. On the naturalness of software. In: Proceedings of 2012 international conference on software engineering (ICSE 2012), Zurich, Switzerland, June 2–9; 2012.

[7] Zeller A., Zimmermann T., Bird C. Failure is a four-letter word: a parody in empirical research. In: Proceedings of the 7th international conference on predictive models in software engineering (Promise 2011); 2011.

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