
This book was made possible because of the support and encouragement of many people. I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to each person who encouraged me to write this book. As G. B. Stern once said, “Silent gratitude isn’t very much use to anyone.” So from me to you, thank you to each one of you.

To Art Carpenter of California Occidental Consultants for believing that a “beyond the basics” type of book on PROC SQL would be useful to SAS users. His support during the book’s early stages is greatly appreciated. Art’s support, encouragement, and suggestions during the development of the first draft helped bring PROC SQL to life.

To Julie Platt of SAS Institute for her guidance and editorial assistance during the editing process and for allowing me to see the light at the end of the long tunnel. Her encouragement and support gave me the inspiration to see this project to completion.

To Patsy Poole of SAS Institute for her support and encouragement during the development of the first draft and for coordinating the technical review process.

To Stephenie Joyner of SAS Institute for her support and encouragement during the development of the second, third, and final manuscript drafts, and for coordinating the technical review process.

To Paul Kent of SAS Institute for his contagious enthusiasm, great examples, clear explanations, and assistance with some of the fine points of PROC SQL and its capabilities over the years.

To David Baggett of SAS Institute for accepting the original PROC SQL manuscript over a decade ago (yes, it’s been that long). Your encouragement and support over the years have meant a great deal to me.

To the technical reviewers who provided valuable feedback and technical accuracy at the completion of each draft.

To the many people at SAS Institute with whom I have developed so many friendships over the years. I’d like to express my thanks to each of you as well as all the knowledgeable people in SAS Technical Support. Thank you for developing and supporting such a great product and making the last 25 years a rewarding and enjoyable journey.

To Charles Edwin Shipp of Shipp Consulting and Sunil Kumar Gupta of Gupta Programming for their support and encouragement through the years.

To SAS User Groups, their leadership, and members throughout the world —you are the greatest group of professional software users anywhere.

To the many teachers I have had in my life I thank you. Special thanks go to Lawrence Delk (6th grade); Mr. Almeida (12th grade); Professor Carl Kromp (Industrial Engineering); Joseph J. Moder, PhD (Management Science); Charles N. Kurucz, PhD (Management Science); John F. Stewart, PhD (Computer Information Systems); Earl Wiener, PhD (Management Science); Howard Seth Gitlow, PhD (Management Science); Dean Paul K. Sugrue, PhD (University of Miami School of Business); Edward K. Baker III, PhD (Management Science); Robert T. Grauer, PhD (Computer Information Systems); and Ulu (Rydacom) for sharing your knowledge and enthusiasm.

To the countless people that I have worked with and the companies I have worked for — the experiences and memories have been invaluable.

To my mother, father, and brother for all the wonderful experiences and memories you have given and shared with me. Your love and encouragement through the years have fueled my desire to live life to the fullest.

Finally, to my wife Darlynn and son Ryan for your love, support, and for giving me a sense of balance between family, work, and play. I love you both so very much.

Thank you all!

~ Kirk ~

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