Chapter 6. Exploring Your Database

You can create a variety of different objects in an Oracle database. You can create tables, indexes on those tables, objects, constraints, and so forth. It’s important to be able to get information about the objects you have created. After a while you are going to find yourself asking questions like: “What tables do I have defined?” and “What do they look like?” You may have an application fail because of a constraint violation. In order to understand why the error occurred, you need to know what the definition is for that constraint. Unless you have an extremely good memory, you will need to go to the database itself for this information.

Using SQL*Plus, there are two ways you can display information about objects within your database. The easiest way is to use the DESCRIBE command. DESCRIBE will tell you about columns in a table or view. DESCRIBE will also show you the definition of an object type or of a PL/SQL package. The second method for getting information about objects in your database is to query the Oracle data dictionary. The data dictionary is a set of tables Oracle uses to keep track of object definitions. To facilitate your use of the data dictionary, Oracle provides a set of views known as data dictionary views. This chapter will show you how some of these views work and how you can write scripts to query them.

The DESCRIBE Command

You may already be familiar with the SQL*Plus DESCRIBE command. DESCRIBE may be used to get a list of columns in a table or view, together with their datatypes. Beginning with Oracle8, DESCRIBE may also be used to see the definition of an Oracle8 object type, or to list definitions for all the functions and procedures in a stored PL/SQL package.

Syntax for DESCRIBE

The syntax for the DESCRIBE command looks like this:

DESC[RIBE] [schema.]object_name[@database_link_name]



Is the command, which may be abbreviated to DESC.


Is the name of the object’s owner. This defaults to your username.


Is the name of the object, often a table or a view, that you want to describe. You can describe any of the following: a table, a view, a stored procedure, a stored function, a stored package, or an Oracle8 object type.


Is the name of a database link pointing to the database where the object exists. You only need to use this if the object you want to describe exists in a database other than the one to which you are currently connected. Your DBA can help create a database link if you need one.

Describing a Table

DESCRIBE is most often used to view the definition of a table or a view. Simply enter the command DESCRIBE, followed by the name of the table or view you are interested in, as the following example shows:

SQL> DESCRIBE employee
 Name                            Null?    Type
 ------------------------------- -------- ----
 EMPLOYEE_ID                     NOT NULL NUMBER
 EMPLOYEE_NAME                            VARCHAR2(40)
 EMPLOYEE_HIRE_DATE                       DATE

If you aren’t the owner of the table, you can qualify the table or view name using the standard owner.table_name notation. This next example describes the ALL_USERS view, which is owned by the user SYS.

SQL> DESCRIBE sys.all_users
 Name                            Null?    Type
 ------------------------------- -------- ----
 USERNAME                        NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
 USER_ID                         NOT NULL NUMBER
 CREATED                         NOT NULL DATE

As you can see, DESCRIBE just gives you a list of columns in the table or view, along with their resulting datatypes, lengths, and nullability. If you need to know more, such as whether or not a column has a default value, you will need to query the data dictionary directly. You will see how to do this later in the chapter.


In early releases of Oracle8, in particular the 8.0.3 release, the DESCRIBE command does not function correctly when used with a public synonym. Thus, DESCRIBE ALL_TABLES will fail because ALL_TABLES is a public synonym. DESCRIBE SYS.ALL_TABLES will succeed because the view name is fully qualified. You can also create private synonyms that match public synonyms for objects you frequently look at. Create a private synonym named ALL_TABLES that refers to SYS.ALL_TABLES, and DESCRIBE will correctly interpret it.

Describing Stored Functions and Procedures

DESCRIBE may also be used on stored procedures and functions. When used on a stored function, the DESCRIBE command tells you the data type of the return value, and also gives you a list of arguments that the function expects. For example:

SQL> DESCRIBE terminate_employee
FUNCTION terminate_employee RETURNS NUMBER(38)
 Argument Name                  Type                    In/Out Default?
 ------------------------------ ----------------------- ------ --------
 EMP_ID                         NUMBER                  IN
 EMP_HIRE_DATE                  DATE                    OUT
 EMP_TERM_DATE                  DATE                    IN

As you can see, DESCRIBE returns the following information for each argument:

  • The datatype

  • Whether it is an input, output, or both

  • The default value, if there is one

The order in which the arguments are listed is also the order in which they should be passed into the function when you call it. The DESCRIBE command does not show you the source code for a function. To see that, you need to query the ALL_SOURCE data dictionary view. The following example shows how to get the source for the TERMINATE_EMPLOYEE function:

  2    FROM all_source
  3   WHERE owner = USER

FUNCTION terminate_employee
    (emp_id IN employee.employee_id%TYPE,
     emp_hire_date OUT employee.employee_hire_date%TYPE,
     emp_term_date IN employee.employee_termination_date%TYPE)
  UPDATE employee
     SET employee_termination_date = emp_term_date
   WHERE employee_id = emp_id;

  SELECT employee_hire_date INTO emp_hire_date
    FROM employee
   WHERE employee_id = emp_id;


19 rows selected.

Describing a procedure works the same way as describing a function. The only difference is that procedures do not have a return type.

Describing Packages and Object Types

With the release of Oracle8, the SQL*Plus DESCRIBE command was enhanced to return information about Oracle8 object types. The following example shows how this works:

SQL> DESCRIBE employee_type
 Name                            Null?    Type
 ------------------------------- -------- ----
 EMPLOYEE_NAME                            VARCHAR2(40)
 EMPLOYEE_HIRE_DATE                       DATE
 EMPLOYEE_SALARY                          NUMBER(9,2)

 Argument Name                  Type                    In/Out Default?
 ------------------------------ ----------------------- ------ --------
 EMP_ID                         NUMBER                  IN    
 EMP_TERM_DATE                  DATE                    IN

Another Oracle8 enhancement provides the ability to describe a stored package and get back a list of all functions and procedures that make up the package. This is not surprising, because objects and packages are very similar in nature. For example, you can get a list of all the entry points in the DBMS_OUTPUT package by using DESCRIBE as shown here:

SQL> DESCRIBE sys.dbms_output
 Argument Name                  Type                    In/Out Default?
 ------------------------------ ----------------------- ------ --------
 BUFFER_SIZE                    NUMBER(38)              IN     DEFAULT
 Argument Name                  Type                    In/Out Default?
 ------------------------------ ----------------------- ------ --------
 LINE                           VARCHAR2                OUT
 STATUS                         NUMBER(38)              OUT
 Argument Name                  Type                    In/Out Default?
 ------------------------------ ----------------------- ------ --------
 LINES                          TABLE OF VARCHAR2(255)  OUT
 NUMLINES                       NUMBER(38)              IN/OUT

As with functions and procedures, you can get at the source for a package, or for an Oracle8 object type, by querying the ALL_SOURCE view. See the previous section for an example of how this is done.


There have been some problems with the enhancements to DESCRIBE. Compatibility between different versions of SQL*Plus and different versions of the Oracle server has sometimes suffered. For example, if you use the 8.0.3 version of SQL*Plus, connect to a 7.x database and issue the DESCRIBE command on a table, it will fail. This particular problem was fixed in SQL*Plus 8.0.4.

Why DESCRIBE Is Not Enough

Handy as DESCRIBE is, it just doesn’t return enough information. While it shows you all the columns in a table, there are a lot of important details it leaves out. If you need to know the primary key for a table, DESCRIBE won’t tell you. If you need to know the foreign key constraints defined on a table, DESCRIBE won’t tell you that, either. DESCRIBE won’t show you the indexes. DESCRIBE won’t show you the default values. DESCRIBE won’t show you the triggers, and DESCRIBE won’t tell you anything about the table’s security.

How then do you get at this other information? One way is to install Oracle’s Enterprise Manager software. Enterprise Manager has a GUI-based schema browser that will show you everything there is to see about tables, indexes, views, triggers, and other objects. There are also several third-party software packages on the market that provide the same functionality. However, for many people, SQL*Plus is the only option available, or at least the only one conveniently available. If this is the case for you, you can still get the information you need by querying Oracle’s data dictionary.

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