Looking at Your Database

The SHOW command may be used to review information regarding the current state of your database. Use SHOW SGA to see the information about the size of your System Global Area, or SGA. With SHOW PARAMETER, you can look at the current settings for the database initialization parameters. SHOW LOGSOURCE and SHOW AUTORECOVERY give you information about archive logging and recovery.


Remember that the SHOW command options described in this chapter are new with release 8.1 of SQL*Plus, which was shipped with Oracle8i. In previous versions of Oracle, these SHOW commands were implemented only in Server Manager.

Looking at the SGA

The SHOW SGA command may be used to display information regarding the size of the System Global Area. The SGA is shared by all Oracle processes and contains the database buffer cache, the redo log buffer, shared SQL statements, and a number of other items. Here is an example of SHOW SGA being used:

Total System Global Area       5508612 bytes
Fixed Size                       45584 bytes
Variable Size                  4529140 bytes
Database Buffers                409600 bytes
Redo Buffers                    524288 bytes

The values returned by SHOW SGA are as follows:

Total System Global Area

The total maximum size of the SGA.

Fixed Size

This is the minimum size of the SGA, and is the size used when the SGA is first allocated.

Variable Size

This is the amount by which the SGA may expand.

Database Buffers

The number of bytes allocated for buffering of data blocks from the data files. Oracle tries to keep the most recently used data in memory, in case it is needed again.

Redo Buffers

The number of bytes allocated for buffering of redo log data. The log writer (LGWR) process reads these buffers and writes the information they contain to the redo log files.

For more information about the SGA, the structures within it, and the purpose of each of those structures, see Chapter 7 of the Oracle8 Concepts manual.

Looking at Initialization Parameters

Each Oracle database has a number of initialization parameters that control its behavior. These parameters control a wide range of things, such as the number of job queue processes to run, the database block size, the shared pool size, and more. When an Oracle database starts, the initial settings for these parameters are read from an initialization file. Some of these parameters may be changed dynamically, while the database is up and running. Others may only be changed while the instance is shut down. Still others, such as the database block size, may never be changed at all.

The SHOW PARAMETERS command may be used to display the value of one or more selected parameters, or of all parameters. SHOW PARAMETERS with no arguments will get you a listing of everything, as shown in the following example:

NAME                                TYPE    VALUE
----------------------------------- ------- ------------------------------
O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY         boolean TRUE                          
allow_partial_sn_results            boolean FALSE                         
always_anti_join                    string  NESTED_LOOPS                  
aq_tm_processes                     integer 0                             
arch_io_slaves                      integer 0                             
audit_trail                         string  NONE                          
b_tree_bitmap_plans                 boolean FALSE                         
background_dump_dest                string  %RDBMS80%	race               
backup_disk_io_slaves               integer 0                             
backup_tape_io_slaves               boolean FALSE                         
bitmap_merge_area_size              integer 1048576                       
blank_trimming                      boolean FALSE                         
buffer_pool_keep                    string                                
buffer_pool_recycle                 string                                
cache_size_threshold                integer 20                            
cleanup_rollback_entries            integer 20                   

You can narrow down the results by using a specific parameter name as an argument, for example:

SQL> SHOW PARAMETERS log_checkpoint_interval
NAME                                TYPE    VALUE
----------------------------------- ------- ------------------------------
log_checkpoint_interval             integer 10000

A useful variation on this theme is that you may specify any string you like as an argument to SHOW PARAMETERS, and SQL*Plus will display all the parameters whose names contain that string. The following example shows all the LOG-related parameters, plus a few others containing the string “LOG”:

NAME                                TYPE    VALUE
----------------------------------- ------- ------------------------------
dblink_encrypt_login                boolean FALSE
delayed_logging_block_cleanouts     boolean TRUE
log_archive_buffer_size             integer 127
log_archive_buffers                 integer 4
log_archive_dest                    string  %RDBMS80%
log_archive_duplex_dest             string
log_archive_format                  string  ARC%s.%t
log_archive_min_succeed_dest        integer 1
log_archive_start                   boolean FALSE
log_block_checksum                  boolean FALSE
log_buffer                          integer 8192
log_checkpoint_interval             integer 10000
log_checkpoint_timeout              integer 0
log_checkpoints_to_alert            boolean FALSE
log_file_name_convert               string
log_files                           integer 255
log_simultaneous_copies             integer 0
log_small_entry_max_size            integer 80
mts_rate_log_size                   string
remote_login_passwordfile           string  SHARED

Looking at Archive and Recovery Information

SQL*Plus implements three commands that let you view information about archive logging and recovery. The SHOW LOGSOURCE command may be used to find out what directory your database’s archive log files are being written to. Here’s an example:

Logsource                       G:INSTANCESPLUMLOGS

If you want to see more information about the status of archive logging, use the ARCHIVE LOG LIST command as shown in this example:

Database log mode              Archive Mode
Automatic archival             Enabled
Archive destination            G:INSTANCESPLUMLOGS
Oldest online log sequence     35
Next log sequence to archive   36
Current log sequence           36

The output from ARCHIVE LOG LIST is as follows:

Database log mode

Tells you whether or not your database is running in archive mode. The value will be either “Archive Mode” or “NOArchive Mode”.

Automatic archival

Tells you whether or not redo logs are automatically being archived. If automatic archival is enabled, that means you have an archiver process (ARCH) running, and your redo logs are automatically being copied to another device as each one is closed.

Archive destination

Tells you the archive destination. This is the same information you get from the SHOW LOGSOURCE command.

Oldest online log sequence

Tells you the sequence number of the oldest redo log group that hasn’t been archived yet. Oracle increments this sequence each time a log switch occurs.

Next log sequence to archive

Tells you the sequence number of the next group of log files to be archived. If automatic archiving is disabled, this line won’t be displayed. This value will always be less than the current log sequence.

Current log sequence

Tells you the sequence number of the redo log group currently in use.

You can get an idea of how well the archiving process, which is named ARCH, is keeping up by looking at the values for the next log sequence archive and the current log sequence. A large difference between these two values indicates that the ARCH process is falling behind. If the archiver falls too far behind, the log writer process won’t be able to open another group, and database users will have to wait for one to be archived. If this happens frequently, you may be able to resolve the situation by creating more redo log groups, making your existing groups larger, or starting more archive processes.

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