The RECOVER command initiates media recovery on a database, a tablespace, or a datafile. Chapter 10 provides an explanation of how recovery works. You must be connected as SYSDBA, SYSOPER, or INTERNAL in order to use this command.

RECOVER [DATABASE [[UNTIL {CANCEL|CHANGE system_change_number|TIME date_time}
                  [USING BACKUP CONTROLFILE]
                  [PARALLEL([DEGREE {num_of_procs|DEFAULT}
                  |INSTANCES {num_of_inst|DEFAULT}]...)
                  |TABLESPACE tablespace_name [,tablespace_name...]
                  [PARALLEL([DEGREE {num_of_procs|DEFAULT}
                  |INSTANCES {num_of_inst|DEFAULT}]...)
                  |DATAFILE datafile_name [,datafile_name...]
                  [PARALLEL([DEGREE {num_of_procs|DEFAULT}
                  |INSTANCES {num_of_inst|DEFAULT}]...)



Initiates media recovery on the entire database. The database must be mounted, but not open.

RECOVER TABLESPACE tablespace_name

Initiates media recovery on the specified tablespace or list of tablespaces. A maximum of 16 tablespaces may be recovered with one command. The tablespace(s) must be offline, but the database must be mounted and open.

RECOVER DATAFILE datafile_name

Initiates media recovery on the specified datafile or list of datafiles. Unlike with tablespaces, there is no limit on the number of datafiles you can recover with one command. The datafiles to be recovered must be offline. As long as none of the datafiles are part of the SYSTEM tablespace, the database may remain open.


Allows you to recover one log file at a time, with the opportunity to cancel after each log file has been processed.

UNTIL CHANGE system_change_number

Performs an incomplete recovery based on the system change number. Each transaction in an Oracle database has an assigned number. The UNTIL CHANGE option causes all transactions to be recovered up through the one preceding the system change number you specify. The transaction with the specified number is not recovered.

UNTIL TIME date_time

Similar to UNTIL CHANGE, but performs a time-based recovery. All transactions that were completed prior to the time specified are recovered.


Causes recovery to use a backup control file.


Causes recovery to be done in parallel.


Prevents recovery from being done in parallel.

DEGREE {num_of_procs|DEFAULT}

Controls the number of recovery processes running in parallel for each instance. You may specify a number or use the keyword DEFAULT. DEFAULT causes the number of processes to equal twice the number of datafiles being recovered.

INSTANCES {num_of_procs|DEFAULT}

Controls the number of instances that may be used in a parallel recovery. You may specify a number or use the keyword DEFAULT. The number of instances used when DEFAULT is specified is operating system-specific.

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