
AGLAbove ground level
AMDActive mass damper
ANSYS®ANSYS® finite element analysis (FEA) package
AOAAngle of attack
AWEAAmerican Wind Energy Association
AZAtmospheric corrosion zone
BEMTBeam element momentum theory
BOSBalance of station
CACorrosion allowance
CAD/CAMComputer-aided design/manufacturing
CAEComputer-aided engineering
CFDComputational fluid dynamics
CMCenter of mass
CODCo-directional wave and wind
CPCathodic protection
CPSCorrosion protection system
CVACertification and verification agency
DAFDynamic amplification factor
DELDamage equivalent load
DESDamage equivalent stress
DLCDesign load case
Table Continued


DOFDegree of freedom
ECDExtreme coherent gust with direction change
ECMExtreme current model
EDCExtreme direction change
EOGExtreme operating gust
ESSExtreme sea state
ETMExtreme turbulence model
EWHExtreme wave height
EWLRExtreme water level range
EWMExtreme wind speed model
EWSExtreme wind shear
FAST v8CAE tool created by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
FEAFinite element analysis
FEEDFront-end engineering design
FLSFatigue limit state
FWVMFree wake vortex method
GAGenetic algorithm
GBFGravity-based foundation
GBOGradient-based optimization
GDWGeneralized dynamic wake
GFRPGlass fiber-reinforced polymer
GMNIAGeometrically and materially non-linear analyses with imperfection modes
HSWLHighest still-water level
HSWLLowest still-water level
ICCPImpressed current cathodic protection
IPIntellectual property
IPCIndependent pitch control
ISOInternational Standardization Organization
IZIntermediate corrosion zone
LCOELevelized cost of energy
LFLoad factor
LRFDLoad resistance factor design
Table Continued


MICMicrobiologically influenced corrosion
MSLMean sea level
MTMDMultiple tuned mass damper
MULMulti-directional wave directions
NCMNormal current model
NRELNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
NSSNormal sea state
NTMNormal turbulence model
NWLRNormal water level range
NWPNormal wind profile
NZNacelle corrosion zone
O&GOil and gas
O&MOperation and maintenance
OC3Offshore code comparison collaboration
OC4Offshore code comparison collaboration continuation
ODOuter diameter
OEMOriginal equipment manufacturer
OTMOverturning moment
OWTOffshore wind turbine
PSDPower spectral density
PSFPartial safety factor
RCReinforced concrete
RNARotor nacelle assembly
RPReturn period
RSRReserve strength ratio
RWHReduced wave height
RWMReduced wind speed model
SCFStress concentration factor
SLSServiceability limit state
SOStructural optimization
Table Continued


SRBSulfate-reducing bacteria
SSISoil–structure interaction
SSSSevere sea state
SStSupport structure
SWHSevere wave height
SWLStill-water level
SZsplash corrosion zone
TLCDTuned liquid column damper
TLPTension-leg platform
TMDTuned mass damper
TPTransition piece
ULSUltimate limit state
UNIUnidirectional wave
UZUnderwater corrosion zone
WTGWind turbine generator


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