10.7. Optimization considerations

The tower is a relatively low-technology component that can also be modularized depending on the application. Offshore tower and SbS make up a significant portion of the OWT's total installed cost; therefore they lend themselves to be one of the best candidates for component optimization. The taper of a typical offshore tower, for example, favors an optimal distribution of the wall thickness as the diameter increases, while still retaining a required stiffness level. On land, the maximum outer diameter (OD) at the base of the tower is constrained by transportation considerations. Offshore, stiffness and buckling strength requirements may demand even larger diameters than onshore, but the transportation constraints can be sufficiently relaxed. On the other hand, as discussed in this chapter, offshore SSt must satisfy even more structural requirements than their onshore counterparts, and their structural optimization (SO) is non-trivial.
The discipline of SO has matured mostly within the aerospace industry, where advances in computational resources have opened up new ways to designing innovative solutions leveraging the progress made in CAE and FEA tools. In the wind industry, component optimization and, especially, system automatic optimization are still in their infancy. Several challenges exist, such as the non-linear dynamics of WTGs, the complex and stochastic loading scenarios, the importance of vibrational response and fatigue, and the consequent need for very specialized simulation tools. As far as SO within fatigue FLS-loading scenarios, not much literature support is available; in contrast, the majority of the work has been done within static (or ULS) scenarios, which is more readily achieved, requiring limited knowledge of the system response. In addition, the tight coupling among various components (see Section 10.7.1) demands multidisciplinary design optimization, which, to be accurate, should also be performed in the time domain. Hence, the analysis is quite complex and time-consuming. Frequency domain approaches, however, promise [120] to drastically reduce analysis times. An excellent review of methods and challenges of SO for OWTs is given by Ref. [121]. To try to overcome these challenges, new efforts are underway by turbine OEMs and by research laboratories [52,122126].
In general, SO may encompass three different sets of problem [127]:
1. sizing optimization: eg, the cross-sectional area of the tower segment must be found
2. shape optimization: eg, when the profile of the tower (the taper in a tubular case) is sought as design variable
3. topology optimization: eg, when multiple members are allowed to participate and be removed from a truss, or lattice tower.
The basic constraint within the SO is that the response of the structure should be acceptable as per the various specifications, ie, it should at least be a feasible design per the applicable standards (eg, those of Section 10.3). Since there can be many feasible designs, it is desirable to choose the optimal one in terms of either minimum cost, minimum weight, maximum performance. or a combination of these. For example, in the case of a tubular tower for OWTs, the SO reduces to a sizing optimization with discrete variables (eg, wall thickness and outer diameter of the tower segments) within both ULS and FLS loading scenarios. The ultimate objective should be that of minimizing the system LCOE.
At the base of SO lies the mathematical formulation of a structural problem, which allows for finding optimal solutions via computer algorithms [128]. The mathematical nature of the problem is that of a non-linear programming problem, where approximations and successive linearizations are utilized to arrive at an iterative solution of the problem. The general SO can be written in mathematical terms as:


image [10.49]

where xd is the array of design variables; u(xd) is a general (state) function of design variables (eg, as, for instance, the modal coordinates of the reduced model, or more simply the displacements of the elastic axis of a beam); fobj is the objective function; and gcnt represents the constraint function(s). The functions are of the array form, ie, they can have multiple dimensions in output as well as input.
Different methods have been developed to solve Eq. [10.49] depending on whether the problem can be defined as either linear, convex, non-linear, non-convex, or with discrete vs. continuous parameters [127,129132]. Derivatives and Jacobians of the functions fobj and gcnt with respect to the array xd are usually needed to solve Eq. [10.49] (via the so-called gradient based optimization (GBO)). If analytical versions of the derivatives can be attained, the optimization will proceed much faster than the alternative, where numerical derivatives are employed. However, rarely one can confirm the convexity of the structural problem functions; therefore a GBO solution to Eq. [10.49] may not necessarily yield the global optimum, and multiple iterations may be necessary to determine the best solution. To overcome this drawback, genetic algorithms (GAs) can be employed, which are methods suitable for complex optimization problems with either continuous or discrete variables. GAs are robust at locating the global optimum, but at the cost of a large number of function evaluations; therefore they become advantageous when the number of variables is large.
As an example of optimization, a 10-MW turbine tower shell was optimized for mass via a GBO algorithm. The tubular tower was envisioned as mounted on top of a jacket, at a base elevation of approximately 21 m MSL. The steel density was augmented to account for flanges, hardware, secondary steel, and coatings. For sake of simplicity, only two ULS DLCs were considered, and only the tower-base and tower-top cross-sectional properties, and the length (Htwr2) of a constant cross-section segment (tower waist) were selected as design variables. A more refined model could include all of the shell-segment elevations and associated Dsh and ts as optimization variables, as well as more load cases and constraints. Here, this example aims to demonstrate the power of an optimization algorithm during preliminary design, and thus first-order approximations are acceptable. Further verifications would demand higher fidelity, and AHSE could then be used to assess fatigue damage to be included as extra gcnt functions in the SO problem. The main turbine and environmental parameters for this SO example are given in Table 10.8, together with the imposed bounds for manufacturability (eg, minimum and maximum Db, minimum and maximum DTRs for weldability). The main structural checks performed, besides targeting modal performance in terms of desired f0 (see Table 10.8), are those described by Eqs. [10.29][10.31].
Results of the optimization process can be seen in Fig. 10.39 and Table 10.9. Note that, for this example, DLC 1.6 (a maximum thrust, operational condition) tends to drive the design of the tower shell (see Fig. 10.39(b)). This is in agreement with what was mentioned earlier regarding the overall importance of the RNA loads with the exception of very deep-water sites where FLS may be driven by hydrodynamics. In order to further optimize the shell, one could include more shell stations as design variables, and this effect will be shown later.
As visible from the results in Table 10.9, the tower mass is substantially reduced from an initial guess at the layout. Moreover, the target eigenfrequency is better captured, and the ULS maximum local-buckling utilization reaches unity. This is a good starting point for the more detailed design, and it was achieved in a matter of a few minutes on a personal computer. A verification of the results was also conducted through the ANSYS® FEA package (FEA) (see Fig. 10.39(c)–(d)).
The design space could be further investigated for solution improvement, or to assess mass penalties associated with changes in design variables, as for instance due to manufacturing or transportation constraints. In order to address these sensitivities, a sweep over some 4480 cases was carried out by varying the design variables in their allowed ranges, and some of the results are shown in Fig. 10.40. The graph shows contours of tower mass, eigenfrequencies, and structural utilization (ie, global buckling utilization ratio (GLUtil) and shell buckling utilization ratio (EUUtil) that tend to drive the design). Because of the discretization of the various design variables in the sweep analysis, the graph represents only an approximate cross-section of the problem hyperspace in proximity of the attained optimal solution (ie, Dt = 3.5 m, rather than 3.65 m; DTRt = 170, rather than 156; and Htwr2 = 23.95 m, rather than 24 m). Yet, it can be seen how the obtained layout (denoted by the green cross) is indeed a global optimum, and that moving away from that would imply an increase in mass. For example, assuming a hard limit of 7.5 m on Db, a feasible solution (one that satisfies the constraints) would likely result in a penalty of 100 t (the red cross in the graph of Fig. 10.40), at least as long as the Htwr2 parameter is not significantly changed. Similar analyses to that in Fig. 10.40 could very well help in and speed up design decisions.
Other graphs such as that of Fig. 10.41 can be used to further explore the sensitivity of mass and other parameters to the design variables and objectives. In Fig. 10.41(a), the general trend in terms of tower mass and GLUtil is shown together with obtained eigenfrequencies and average DTRs along the tower span. It can be observed how a stiffer tower (higher f0) demands larger steel mass as expected, but also how the wall thickness can be reduced (DTR increased) to save mass for a given target frequency. The two trends show how the DTR-versus-mass surface is less steep than the f0-versus-mass one, illustrting how the wall thickness is not as effective at reducing mass as tower-base diameter, for example, as is shown in the analogous graph in Fig. 10.41(b). Fig. 10.41(c) shows a two-dimensional (2D) view of the same calculated solution space, with emphasis on the EUUtil ratio. This graph demonstrates that if the frequency target is pushed above the current 0.25 Hz, the buckling constraint would no longer be the major driver, being replaced by the modal performance requirement. This, of course, assumes no changes in the boundary conditions, as for example in the stiffness of the SbS. It can also be observed that a change of some 12% in calculated f0 would bring forth a 20% mass penalty.

Table 10.8

Main load and environmental parameters for the simple optimization study of an offshore tower

RNA data
CMzoff2.5mRNA CM vertical offset from tower-top flange
Hub height119m
f00.25HzTarget frequency
DLC 1.6
Uref33m/sHub height reference wind speed in simple DLC loads' analysis
Max thrust3.411E+06NRNA ULS unfactored thrust force
MxRNA, MyRNA9.95E+06, 1.322E+07N mRNA ULS moments associated with max thrust load
DLC 6.1
Uref70m/sHub height reference wind speed in simple DLC loads' analysis
Max thrust2.1E+06NRNA ULS unfactored thrust force
MxRNA, MyRNA0.0, 1.572E+06N mRNA ULS moments associated with max thrust load
Boundary data
Cd0.7Tower aerodyanmic drag coefficient assumed constant for simplicity
ρ/fy8740/345kg/m3, MPaSteel density and yield strength; density augmented to account for secondary steel, coatings, hardware, etc.
Kx, Kθx5.8e7, 4.4e10N/m, N m/radEquivalent lateral and rotational spring constants at tower base
Kz, Kθz1.3E9, 6.46e9N/m, N m/radEquivalent vertical and torsional spring constants at tower base
Tower flange interface20.7m MSL
Table Continued


Design variable bounds
Db [min,max][4,7.5]mTower-base OD allowed range
Dt [min,max][3,4]mTower-top OD allowed range
DTRb [min,max][120,200]Tower-base DTR allowed range
DTRt [min,max][120,200]Tower-top DTR allowed range
Htwr2 [min,max][0,18]mTower-constant cross-section top elevation from tower base


Figure 10.39 Tower profile (in the middle of the graphs) and utilization distributions for the DLC 1.6 (denoted by suffix 1) and 6.1 (denoted by suffix 2): (a) shows utilizations for the initial guess configuration, as (b) does for the optimized design. ANSYS® results showing the first eigenmode and the ULS stress distribution are given in panels (c) and (d).

Table 10.9

Initial guesses and optimized configuration for minimum mass [t] of the tower simple optimization study

Design variableInitial guessOptimized valueMultisegment-optimizedUnit
Db6.97.998.42 (8.15)am
Dt43.573.91 (4.89)bm
DTRb100183212 (309)a
DTRt120156236 (185)b
Htwr2152448c, 79cm


a Diameter and DTR at first station above tower base.

b Diameter and DTR at second station above tower base.

c Elevation of intermediate stations above tower base.

Figure 10.40 A cross-section of the design hyperspace: mass-filled contour as a function of tower-base OD and DTR; eigenfrequencies are shown in white line contours, whereas global and local utilizations (denoted by GLutil and EUutil in the graph) are given in black solid and dotted contours. The tower-top diameter and DTR are 3.5 m and 170 respectively; the tower-waist elevation over base is at 23.95 m. The green cross denotes the approximate location of the optimized configuration obtained in this study. The red cross denotes the approximate location of a feasible design with a tower-base OD hard limit at 7.5 m.
Figure 10.41 General trends for the solution space in the preliminary design of an offshore tower supporting a 10-MW turbine: (a) mass (along the z axis) and GLUtil (color-coded markers, with black colors indicating GLUtil > 1) as a function of average DTR (y axis) and first natural frequency (x axis); (b) as in (a) with Db along the x axis and first natural frequency along the y axis; (c) EUUtil ratios (color-coded markers) and associated tower mass (y axis) and calculated eigenfrequency (x axis).
These results were achieved with just a few design variables, ie, with just two tower segments, and keeping a constant cross-section within the bottom segment. By relaxing the latter condition, and by adding one more intermediate station, and thus allowing for three tapered segments, the tower mass can be further reduced as shown in the last column of Table 10.9. A plot of the obtained tower profile and utilization distribution along the span is given in Fig. 10.42.

10.7.1. Component versus system optimization

Traditionally, towers have been specified by the turbine OEM and designed by either the same OEM or in collaboration with a third-party manufacturing firm.
Figure 10.42 Tower profile (in the middle of the graph) and utilization distributions for the DLC 1.6 (denoted by suffix 1) and 6.1 (denoted by suffix 2) for the tower with multiple segment optimization.
SbS and foundation, on the other hand, are normally designed by civil engineering firms, which would also define the TP. As such, there has been a need to iteratively exchange information among the RNA and tower OEM engineers, and those in charge of the rest of the SSt. The turbine OEM would pass the admissible system frequency bands to the SbS OEM together with the predicted loads at the base of the tower; the SbS engineers would in turn couple those loads to hydrodynamic calculations and ensure the verification of the limit states for the SbS-foundation system. New stiffness values at the tower base would also be returned to the turbine OEM that would then repeat the loads' analysis based on this new information. The iterations would continue until a balance is reached between calculated loads and modal constraints. Communication and data-sharing protocols must thus be put in place for this process, which can raise intellectual property (IP) questions and difficulties in the informational exchange.
In principle, ULS analysis can employ the sequential approach because ultimate loads can be more easily superimposed under the various DLCs, though potentially yielding a very conservative solutions. FLS analysis, however, is more complicated as it must capture the vibrational coupling excited by the combined hydro-aero-elastic-servo-dynamics, and time domain simulations conducted in sequentially coupled fashion are very onerous. Nonetheless, the sequential approach has worked relatively well for the smaller installations of the North Sea (eg, 3-MW turbine ratings and 20 m water depths) with only a few structural problems. In some cases, fatigue issues concerning monopile TP grouted sections have led to some expensive retrofits. As a result, newer monopile TP designs incorporate shear keys and tapered sections to minimize the tensile stresses in the concrete. Lattice SbSs, or jackets, have also witnessed a few fatigue issues, especially near the welded joints.
Another flaw of the sequentially coupled design is that system optimization is inherently hampered, because a systems engineering approach cannot be directly applied. As a result, the burden may be passed from the tower designers onto the SbS and foundation engineers, who may need to increase the amount of steel to guarantee modal compliance beyond what is needed for pure load resistance. This normally leads to suboptimal utilizations. The simultaneous optimization of the entire SSt, in contrast, could lead to an overall minimum mass if one accepts some small penalty on the tower mass.
So far, the optimization has been limited to a single component and to a single objective function, eg, the tower mass. However, the optimal design of a complex system, such as an OWT, should satisfy several merit functions, including cost functions for manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and decommissioning. Even more importantly, optimum design through subsystem objectives, as the component mass minimization, does not necessarily lead to optimal designs of the entire system LCOE. Ideally, multiobjective function optimization should therefore be employed, which requires accurate models of not only the OWT structural dynamics, but also of the system interaction across a wind plant, and of the processes associated with the entire BOS. As should be clearly deduced from reading this chapter, the design of the offshore tower is intimately connected to that of the SbS. Consequently, in order to arrive at the optimal design of the entire SSt, the tower and SbS should be simultaneously designed and analyzed.
As an example, a simple mass optimization of a jacket-tower SSt for a 5-MW turbine was performed. The main environmental, geometric and loading parameters are given in Table 10.10, which also lists the RNA data relevant for this study and the assigned modal constraint. First, an example of sequential optimization was pursued, where the four-legged SbS was optimized assuming a frozen tower configuration. The tower was modified from an onshore design that was originally devised to sustain the same loads as those of the offshore system, and for the same target frequency. The original tower's peak ULS utilizations can be seen in Fig. 10.43(a). The structure had to be truncated at a height of 22 m (flange level as shown in Table 10.10) to be fitted on top of the TP. The final tower profile and utilizations are shown in Fig. 10.43(b). The jacket geometry (batter, dimensions for the members in the legs, braces, TP girder, as well as pile including embedment length) was optimized under the additional constraints on joint, member, and pile utilizations per [19]. Only two ULS DLCs (see Table 10.10) were considered for the sake of simplicity, with no marine growth or corrosion effects, no windewave misalignment, and load directed along two non-adjacent piles. A 3D view of the optimized SSt skeleton above the seabed is presented in Fig 10.43(c). The associated mass schedule is given in Table 10.11.
The optimization exercise was repeated, but this time by simultaneously seeking an optimum design for the entire SSt. Again, the objective was to minimize the overall system mass, and constraints were set to satisfy modal performance criteria and design code checks, for both the tower and the SbS. The mass schedule resulting from the optimized configuration is given in Table 10.11. As can be seen from that table, all subcomponents benefited from the simultaneous approach, with an overall mass saving of some 6%. This example did not consider FLS cases, but one could make the argument that similar conclusions may be derived for those DLCs as well, for a given constant modal response.

Table 10.10

Main load and environmental parameters for the simple optimization study carried to show the differences between component optimization and system optimization

RNA data
Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixz1.15E+08, 2.20E+07, 1.88E+07, 5.04e5kg m2Inertial quantities
CMxoff, CMyoff, CMzoff1.13, 0.0, 50.9e-1mRNA CM offsets from tower-top centerline
Hub height90m
f00.28HzTarget frequency
DLC 1.6
Uref33m/sHub height reference wind speed in simple DLC loads' analysis
FxRNA, FyRNA, FzRNA1.28E+06, 0., 1.12E+05NRNA ULS forces
MxRNA, MyRNA, MzRNA3.96E+06, 8.96E+05, 3.47E+05N mRNA ULS moments
DLC 6.1
Uref70m/sHub height reference wind speed in simple DLC loads' analysis
FxRNA, FyRNA, FzRNA1.88E+05, 0.,1.65E+04NRNA ULS forces
MxRNA, MyRNA, MzRNA0.0, 1.31E+05, 0.0N mRNA ULS moments
Environmental data
SoilSand, stiffGeneric stiff soil assumed
Water depth41m
Wave height17.6m50-year wave
Tp12.5sWave period associated with 50-year wave
Additional auxiliary data
Cd0.7Tower aerodynamic drag coefficient assumed constant for simplicity
Table Continued


ρ/fy8740/345kg/m3, MPaSteel density and yield strength; density augmented to account for secondary steel, coatings, hardware, etc.
Deck height16m MSL
Tower flange interface22m MSL
Max footprint16mMudline distance between legs
Max pile Lp70mMax pile embedment length


Figure 10.43 Examples of jacket optimization based on a fixed tower previously optimized for onshore, and modified to fit the jacket: (a) initial tower configuration and utilizations; (b) modified tower and utilization profiles for the offshore application; (c) jacket-tower configuration obtained.

Table 10.11

Mass [t] schedule for the various components of the SSt in simple optimization study

ComponentSequential optimizationSimultaneous optimizationRelative difference (simultaneous vs. sequential optimization)
Jacket lattice3202900.09
Jacket TP2502300.08
Total jacket5705200.09


In other situations, it could be shown that increasing the stiffness of the tower, hence its mass, could actually amount to an overall reduced system mass due to a significantly lighter SbS, or yield an SSt reduced footprint [133]. A smaller footprint can even bring positive repercussions on transportation costs. It is important to try to capture these “collateral” effects, as they participate in the final project cost-budget. Note, for example, that if the jacket legs' OD could be lessened, the associated hydrodynamic loads would further decrease with a positive feedback on the design of the entire OWT and render a compounded effect toward mass savings. While these and other collateral consequences on the LCOE are not captured in this simple example, it is easy to appreciate the effects of simpler manufacturing, transportation, and installation of the SSt.
Emphasis should therefore be placed on a system engineering approach to the design of OWTs, as their components (including tower and SbS) are technically and economically more interconnected than their onshore counterparts.
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