Mixed H2/HNonlinear Control

In this chapter, we discuss the mixed H2/H-control problem for nonlinear systems. This problem arises when a higher-degree of performance for the system is desired, and two criteria are minimized to derive the controller that enjoys both the properties of an H2 (or LQG [174]) and H-controller. A stronger motivation for this problem though is that, because the solution to the H-control problem is nonunique (if it is not optimal, it can hardly be unique) and only the suboptimal problem could be solved easily, then is it possible to formulate another problem that could be solved optimally and obtain a unique solution?

The problem for linear systems was first considered by Bernstein and Haddad [67], where a solution for the output-feedback problem in terms of three coupled algebraic-Riccati-equations (AREs) was obtained by formulating it as an LQG problem with an H constraint. The dual to this problem has also been considered by Doyle, Zhou and Glover [93, 293]. While Mustapha and Glover [205, 206] have considered entropy minimization which provides an upper bound on the H2-cost under an H-constraint.

Another contribution to the linear literature was from Khargonekhar and Rotea [161] and Scherer et al. [238, 239], who considered more general multi-objective problems using convex optimization and/or linear-matrix-inequalities (LMI). And more lately, by Limebeer et al. [179] and Chen and Zhou [81] who considered a two-person nonzero-sum differential game approach with a multi-objective flavor (for the latter). This approach is very transparent and is reminiscent of the minimax approach to H-control by Basar and Bernhard [57]. The state-feedback problem is solved in Limebeer et al. [179], while the output-feedback problem is solved in Chen and Zhou [81]. By-and-large, the outcome of the above endeavors are a parametrization of the solution to the mixed H2/H-control problem in terms of two cross-coupled nonstandard Riccati equations for the state-feedback problem, and an additional standard Riccati equation for the output-feedback problem.

Similarly, the nonlinear control problem has also been considered more recently by Lin [180]. He extended the results of Limebeer et al. [179], and derived a solution to the state-feedback problem in terms of a pair of cross-coupled Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaac’s equations. In this chapter, we discuss mainly this approach to the problem for both continuous-time and discrete-time nonlinear systems.

11.1  Continuous-Time Mixed H2/H Nonlinear Control

In this section, we discuss the mixed H2/H nonlinear control problem using state-feedback. The general set-up for this problem is shown in Figure 11.1 with the plant represented by an affine nonlinear system Σa, while the static controller is represented by K. The disturbance/noise signal w=(w0w1)w=(w0w1), is comprised of two components: (i) a bounded-spectral signal (e.g., a white Gaussian-noise signal) w0SS (the space of bounded-spectral signals), and (ii) a bounded-power signal or L2 signal w1PP (the space of bounded power signals). Thus, the induced norm from the input w0 to z is the L2-norm of the closed-loop system K ∘ Σa, i.e.,




Set-Up for Nonlinear Mixed H2H2/HH H2/H-Control

while the induced norm from w1 to z is the L-norm of the closed-loop system KΣa, i.e.,





and Rww(τ), Sww() are the autocorrelation and power-spectral density matrices of w(t) respectively [152]. Notice also that, (.)pand(.)S(.)pand(.)S are seminorms. In addition, if the plant is stable, we replace the induced L-norms above by their equivalent H-subspace norms. The standard optimal mixed H2/H state-feedback control problem is to synthesize a feedback control of the form



such that the above induced-norms (11.1), (11.2) of the closed-loop system are minimized, and the closed-loop system is also locally asymptotically-stable. However, in this chapter, we do not solve the above problem, instead we solve an associated suboptimal H2/H-control problem which involves a single disturbance wL2 entering the plant, and where the objective is to minimize the output energy z2zH2 of the closed-loop system while rendering KοaγKοaHγ.

The plant is represented by an affine nonlinear causal state-space system defined on a manifold XnXRn containing the origin x = 0 :



where xXxX is the state vector, uUpuURp is the p-dimensional control input, which belongs to the set of admissible controls U2([t0,T],p),wWUL2([t0,T],Rp),wW is the disturbance signal, which belongs to the set WrWRr of admissible disturbances (to be defined more precisely later), the output ymyRm is the measured output of the system, and zszRs is the output to be controlled. The functions f:XV(X),g1:Xn×r(X),g2:Xn×p(X),h1:Xsandk12:n×p(X),f:XV(X),g1:XMn×r(X),g2:XMn×p(X),h1:XRsandk12:Mn×p(X), are real C functions of x.

Furthermore, we assume without any loss of generality that the system (11.4) has a unique equilibrium-point at x = 0 such that f(0) = 0, h1(0) = h2(0) = 0, and for simplicity, we also make the following assumption.

Assumption 11.1.1 The system matrices are such that



The problem can now be formally defined as follows.

Definition 11.1.1 (State-Feedback Mixed H2/H Nonlinear Control Problem (SFBMH2HINLCP)).

(A) Finite-Horizon Problem (T < ∞): Find (if possible!) a time-varying static state-feedback control law of the form:


such that:

(a) the closed-loop system



is stable with w = 0 and has locally finite 2L2-gain from w to z less or equal to γ* , starting from x0 = 0, for all t ∈ [0,T ] and all wW2[0,T];wWL2[0,T];

(b) the output energy z2zH2 of the system is minimized.

(B) Infinite-Horizon Problem (T → ∞) : In addition to the items (a) and (b) above, it is also required that

(c) the closed-loop system Σcla defined above with w ≡ 0 is locally asymptotically-stable about the equilibrium-point x = 0.

Such a problem can be formulated as a two-player nonzero-sum differential game (Chapter 2) with two cost functionals:





for the finite-horizon problem, with Tt0. Here, the first functional is associated with the H-constraint criterion, while the second functional is related to the output energy of the system or H2-criterion. It can easily be seen that, by making J1 ≥ 0, the H-constraint Kοa=claγKοaH=claHγ is satisfied. Subsequently, minimizing J2 will achieve the H2/H design objective. A Nash-equilibrium solution to the above game is said to exist if we can find a pair of strategies (u*, w) such that





Furthermore, by minimizing the first objective with respect to w and substituting in the second objective which is then minimized with respect to u, the above pair of Nash-equilibrium strategies could be found. A sufficient condition for the solvability of the above differential game is provided from Theorem 2.3.1, Chapter 2, by the following pair of cross-coupled HJIEs for the finite-horizon state-feedback problem:


for some negative-definite function Y:XY:XR and positive-definite function V:XV:XR, where z(x)=h1(x)+k12(x)z(x)=h1(x)+k12(x)u*(x).

In view of the above result, the following theorem gives sufficient conditions for the solvability of the finite-horizon problem.

Theorem 11.1.1 Consider the nonlinear system Σa defined by (11.4) and the finite-horizon SFBMH2HINLCP with cost functionals (11.7), (11.8). Suppose there exists a pair of negative and positive-definite C1-functions (with respect to both arguments) Y, V : N ×[0,T ] R locally defined in a neighborhood N of the origin x = 0, such that Y (0,t) = 0 and V (0,t) = 0, and satisfying the coupled HJIEs:





Then the state-feedback controls





solve the finite-horizon SFBMH2HINLCP for the system. Moreover, the optimal costs are given by





Proof: Assume there exists locally solutions Y < 0, V > 0 to the HJIEs (11.11), (11.12) in NXNX. We prove item (a) of Definition 11.1.1 first. Rearranging the HJIE (11.11) and completing the squares, we have


for some function ˜Y=Y>0Y˜=Y>0. Integrating now the above expression from t0 and x(t0) to t = T and x(T ), we get the dissipation-inequality


Therefore, the system has locally 2gainγL2gainγ from w to z. Furthermore, the closed-loop system with u = u* and w = 0 is given by


Differentiating ˜YY˜ from above along a trajectory of this system, we have


Hence, the closed-loop system is Lyapunov-stable.

Next we prove item (b). Consider the cost functional J1(u,w) first. For any Tt0, the following holds


Using the HJIE (11.11), we have


and substituting u = u*, we have






since Y (x(T),T ) = 0.

Similarly, considering the cost functional J2(u, w), the following holds for any T > 0


Using the HJIE (11.12) in the above, we get


Substituting now w = w we get


and therefore




We can specialize the results of the above theorem to the linear system



under the following assumption.

Assumption 11.1.2


Then we have the following corollary.

Corollary 11.1.1 Consider the linear system Σl under the Assumption 11.1.2. Suppose there exist P1(t) ≤ 0 and P2(t) ≥ 0 solutions of the cross-coupled Riccati ordinary-differential-equations (ODEs):


on [0,T]. Then, the Nash-equilibrium strategies uniquely specified by


solve the finite-horizon SFBMH2HICP for the system. Moreover, the optimal costs for the game associated with the system are given by


Proof: Take


and apply the results of the Theorem. □

Remark 11.1.1 In the above corollary, we considered negative and positive-(semi)definite solutions of the Riccati (ODEs), while in Theorem 11.1.1 we considered strict definite solutions of the HJIEs. However, it is generally sufficient to consider semidefinite solutions of the HJIEs.

11.1.1  The Infinite-Horizon Problem

In this subsection, we consider the infinite-horizon SFBMH2HINLCP for the affine nonlinear system Σa. In this case, we let T → ∞, and seek time-invariant functions and feedback gains that solve the HJIEs. Because of this, it is necessary to require that the closed-loop system is locally asymptotically-stable as stated in item (c) of the definition. However, to achieve this, some additional assumptions on the system might be necessary. The following theorem gives sufficient conditions for the solvability of this problem. We recall the definition of detectability first.

Definition 11.1.2 The pair {f,h} is said to be locally zero-state detectable if there exists a neighborhood OO of x = 0 such that, if x(t) is a trajectory of ˙xx˙(t) = f(x) satisfying x(t0)Ox(t0)O, then h(x(t)) is defined for all t ≥ t0, and h(x(t)) ≡ 0, for all t ≥ ts, implies limtx(t)=0limtx(t)=0. Moreover,{f,h} is detectable if O=XO=X.

Theorem 11.1.2 Consider the nonlinear system Σa defined by (11.4) and the infinitehorizon SFBMH2HINLCP with cost functions (11.7), (11.8). Suppose

(H1) the pair {f,h1} is zero-state detectable;

(H2) there exists a pair of negative and positive-definite C1-functions ˜Y,˜V:˜NY˜,V˜:N˜R locally defined in a neighborhood ˜NN˜of the origin x = 0, and satisfying the coupled HJIEs:





Then the state-feedback controls





solve the infinite-horizon SFBMH2HINLCP for the system. Moreover, the optimal costs are given by





Proof: We only prove item (c) in the definition, since the proofs of items (a) and (b) are similar to the finite-horizon case. Using similar manipulations as in the proof of item (a) of Theorem 11.1.1, it can be shown that with w ≡0,


for some function Y=˜YY=Y˜ > 0. Therefore the closed-loop system is Lyapunov-stable. Further, the condition ˙Y0ttsY˙0tts, for some tst0, implies that u* ≡ 0, h1(x) ≡ 0. By hypothesis (H1), this implies limt→∞ x(t) = 0, and we can conclude asymptotic-stability by LaSalle’s invariance-principle. □

The above theorem can again be specialized to the linear system Σl in the following corollary.

Corollary 11.1.2 Consider the linear system Σl under the Assumption 11.1.2. Suppose (C1, A) is detectable and there exists symmetric solutions ˉP10andˉP20P¯¯¯10andP¯¯¯20 of the cross-coupled AREs:



Then, the Nash-equilibrium strategies uniquely specified by





solve the infinite-horizon SFBMH2HINLCP for the system. Moreover, the optimal costs for the game associated with the system are given by





Proof: Take


and apply the result of the theorem. □

Remark 11.1.2 Sufficient conditions for the existence of the asymptotic solutions to the coupled algebraic-Riccati equations are discussed in Reference [222].

The following proposition can also be proven.

Proposition 11.1.1 Consider the nonlinear system (11.4) and the infinite-horizon SFBMH2HINLCP for this system. Suppose the following hold:

(a1) {f + g1w, h1} is locally zero-state detectable;

(a2) there exists a pair of C1 negative and positive-definite functions ˜Y,˜VY˜,V˜ : ˜NN˜R respectively, locally defined in a neighborhood NXNX of the origin x = 0 satisfying the pair of coupled HJIEs (11.18), (11.19).

Then fg2gT2˜VTx1γ2g1gT1˜YTxfg2gT2V˜Tx1γ2g1gT1Y˜Tx is locally asymptotically-stable.

Proof: Rewrite the HJIE (11.19) as


Again the condition ˙˜V0ttsV˜˙0tts, implies that u0,h1(x)0ttsu0,h1(x)0tts. By Assumption (a1), this implies limt→∞ x(t) = 0, and by the LaSalle’s invariance-principle, we conclude asymptotic-stability of the vector-field fg2gT2˜VTx1γ2g1gT1˜YTxfg2gT2V˜Tx1γ2g1gT1Y˜Tx.□

Remark 11.1.3 The proof of the equivalent result for the linear system Σl can be pursued along the same lines. Moreover, many interesting corollaries could also be derived (see also Reference [179]).

11.1.2  Extension to a General Class of Nonlinear Systems

In this subsection, we consider the SFBMH2HINLCP for a general class of nonlinear systems which are not necessarily affine, and extend the approach developed above to this class of systems. We consider the class of nonlinear systems described by



where all the variables have their previous meanings and dimensions, while F:X×W×Un,Z:X×UsF:X×W×URn,Z:X×URs are smooth functions of their arguments. It is also assumed that F(0, 0, 0) = 0 and Z(0, 0) = 0 and the system has a unique equilibrium-point at x = 0. The infinite-horizon SFBMH2HINLCP for the above system can similarly be formulated as a dynamic two-person nonzero-sum differential game with the same cost functionals (11.7), (11.8). In addition, we also assume the following for simplicity.

Assumption 11.1.3 The system matrices satisfy the following conditions:

(i) det[(Zu(0,0))T(Zu(0,0))]0;det[(Zu(0,0))T(Zu(0,0))]0;

(ii) Z(x,u)=0u=0Z(x,u)=0u=0

Define now the Hamiltonian functions Ki:TX×W×U,i=1,2Ki:TX×W×UR,i=1,2 corresponding to the cost functionals (11.7), (11.8) respectively:


for some smooth functions ˉY,ˉV:X,andwherep1=ˉYTx,p2=ˉVTxY¯¯¯,V¯¯¯:XR,andwherep1=Y¯¯¯Tx,p2=V¯¯¯Tx are the adjoint variables. Then, it can be shown that


is nonsingular by Assumption 11.1.3. Therefore, by the Implicit-function Theorem, there exists an open neighborhood ˉXX¯¯¯ of x = 0 such that the equations



have unique solutions (ˉu(x),ˉw(x)),withˉu(0)=0,ˉw(0)=0(u¯(x),w¯¯¯(x)),withu¯(0)=0,w¯¯¯(0)=0. Moreover, the pair (ˉu,ˉw)(u¯,w¯¯¯) constitutes a Nash-equilibrium solution to the dynamic game (11.28), (11.7), (11.8). The following theorem summarizes the solution to the infinite-horizon problem for the general class of nonlinear systems (11.28).

Theorem 11.1.3 Consider the nonlinear system (11.28) and the SFBMH2HINLCP for it. Suppose Assumption 11.1.3 holds, and also the following:

(A1) the pair {F (x, 0, 0),Z(x,0)} is zero-state detectable;

(A2) there exists a pair of C1 locally negative and positive-definite functions ˉY,ˉV:ˉNY¯¯¯,V¯¯¯:N¯¯¯R

respectively, defined in a neighborhood ˉNN¯¯¯ of x = 0, vanishing at x = 0 and satisfying the pair of coupled HJIEs:



(A3) the pair {F(x,ˉw(x),0),Z(x,0)}{F(x,w¯¯¯(x),0),Z(x,0)} is zero-state detectable.

Then, the state-feedback controls (ˉu(x),ˉw(x))(u¯(x),w¯¯¯(x)) solve the dynamic game problem and the SFBMH2HINLCP for the system (11.28). Moreover, the optimal costs of the policies are given by


Proof: The proof can be pursued along the same lines as the previous results. □

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