
Symbols and Numerics

  • * (asterisk), meaning in displays, 109
  • 1:1 Image Area setting, 65
  • 1.5 focal-length crop factor, 40
  • 16:9 Image Area setting, 65


  • A (Auto) Picture Control option, 182
  • A Shooting mode. See aperture-priority autoexposure Shooting mode
  • AC-adapter connection, 21
  • action photography
    • blurring motion, 195
    • Focus modes, 196
    • freezing motion, 194–195
    • Release modes, 196
  • Active D-Lighting (ADL), 118–121
  • Adobe RGB color space, 180–181
  • AE (autoexposure) lock, 126
  • AEB (auto exposure bracketing). See bracketing
  • AE-L/AF-L/Protect button, 14–15
    • locking autoexposure and focus, 126, 149, 153
    • modifying function, 285
    • protecting files, 256–257
  • AF Activation option, 155
  • AF Speed option, 221–222
  • AF Tracking Sensitivity feature, 222
  • AF-A Focus mode, 141–142
  • AF-area mode, 139–140
    • Auto-area AF, 143–145
    • Auto-area AF (animals), 143–145
    • Auto-area AF (people), 143–145
    • Dynamic-area mode, 148–149, 152
    • Limit AF-area Mode Selection option, 155
    • Pinpoint mode, 146–147, 150
    • relationship to Spot metering, 149
    • Single-point mode, 147, 150
    • subject tracking autofocus, 145, 152–154
    • video recording, 221–222
    • Wide-area AF (L), 148, 151
    • Wide-area AF (L-animals), 148
    • Wide-area AF (L-people), 148
    • Wide-area AF (S), 147, 151
  • AF-assist lamp, 19–20
  • AF-C Focus mode, 141–142
  • AF-C Priority Selection option, 141
  • AF-S (Single-point AF-area mode), 141–143, 147, 150, 153
  • AF-S Priority Selection option, 141
  • after-the-shoot features, 1
  • Airplane mode, 307
  • anti-shake feature, 42, 76–78
  • aperture
    • adjusting, 104–107
    • basics, 82–83
    • depth of field and, 84
    • f-stops, f-stop numbers, 57, 108–109, 160–161, 190, 200–202
    • selecting, 104–105
    • Shooting modes and control over, 90
  • aperture-priority autoexposure (A) Shooting mode
    • adjusting f-stop setting in, 57, 108–109, 190
    • basics, 55
    • defined, 90
  • Apply Settings to Live View option, 167
  • aspect ratio
    • adjusting when cropping photos, 65
    • consideration when composing photos, 75
    • videos, 206
  • asterisk (*), meaning in displays, 109
  • Attenuator feature, 218
  • audio recording
    • attaching external microphone, 215
    • Attenuator feature, 218
    • audio meter, 216
    • Frequency Response option, 217
    • microphone sensitivity, adjusting, 216–217
    • Wind Noise Reduction option, 218
  • Auto (A) Picture Control option, 182
  • Auto Bracketing (mode M) option, 133
  • Auto Bracketing set option, 180
  • Auto Distortion Control setting, 163, 223
  • auto exposure bracketing (AEB). See bracketing
  • Auto Flash ISO Sensitivity Control
    • Maximum Sensitivity setting, 111–112
    • Maximum Sensitivity with Flash setting, 112
    • Minimum Shutter Speed setting, 112
    • overview, 132
  • Auto FP (high-speed flash), 132
  • Auto ISO Sensitivity Control option, 111
  • Auto Mode Exposure Compensation option, 180
  • Auto Shooting mode, 54
    • shooting photos in, 45–49, 182
    • shooting video in, 207
    • shutters in, 94–95
  • Auto-area AF (animals) mode, 143–145
  • Auto-area AF (people) mode, 143–145
  • autoexposure (AE) lock, 126
  • Autofocus section, Custom Settings menu, 154–156
  • autofocusing. See also AF-area mode
    • basics, 41–42, 139–140
    • interrupting, 153
    • Low-light AF option, 155–156
    • selecting customization options, 284
    • still photography, 192–193
    • video recording, 205–206, 222
  • Automatic Display Switch setting, 28


  • B (Bulb) shutter speed, 107–108
  • Backup Destination tab, Nikon NX Studio software, 267
  • barrel distortion, eliminating, 163
  • battery, installing, 9
  • battery, removing, 9
  • battery-status symbol, 30
  • Beep Options setting, 43
  • bit depth, 71
  • bit rate, 211–212
  • “blinkies” mode (Highlight playback display mode), 248
  • blocked shadows, 97
  • blown highlights, 248
  • Blue Creative Picture Control setting, 183
  • Bluetooth wireless features, 306–309, 318
  • bounce flash, 193
  • bracketing
    • basics, 133
    • choosing bracketing settings, 134
    • defined, 199
    • shooting a bracketed series, 134–135
    • white-balance bracketing, 180
  • Bracketing Order option, 136
  • brightness and color, adjusting, 35–36
  • Brightness histogram
    • displaying and reading, 96–97
    • interpreting, 249
  • buffer, 60
  • Built-In AF-Assist Illuminator option, 156
  • Bulb (B) shutter speed, 107–108
  • burst-mode shooting, 13, 60, 196
  • buttons, customizing, 282–283


  • Calendar view playback, 239–240
  • camera malfunction warning, 32
  • camera shake, 76
  • Card-access light, 16
  • Center-Weighted Area option, 101
  • center-weighted metering, 101–102
  • CH (Continuous High) Release mode, 59
  • Change Main/Sub option, 284
  • Choose Image Area option, 75–76
  • CL (Continuous Low) Release mode, 58
  • CL Mode Shooting Speed option, 58
  • clipped highlights, 248
  • clipping, 97
  • clock reset needed symbol, 32
  • close-up photography, 200–202
  • Cloudy White Balance setting, 170
  • color
    • basics, 165
    • correcting with White Balance features, 165–179
    • effect of Picture Control settings on, 181–185
    • modifying with Retouch menu filters, 295–296
    • sRGB color space, 180–181
  • color shift marker, 172
  • Color Space option, 180–181
  • color temperature, 165
  • command dials, customizing, 283–284
  • comments, adding hidden, 300–301
  • Conformity Marking option, 44
  • Connect to Smart Device option, 310
  • Continuous High (CH) Release mode, 59
  • Continuous High Extended Release mode, 59
  • Continuous Low (CL) Release mode, 58
  • continuous shooting (burst mode), 13, 60, 196
  • Control panel, 18
  • convergence, correcting, 294
  • Copyright Information option, 300–301
  • Count-up method setting, 224
  • Creative Picture Control option, 183
  • crop factor, lens focal length and, 40
  • cropping photos, 242, 295–296
  • Custom Control option (for video), 285
  • Custom Controls (Playback) option, 282
  • Custom Controls (Shooting) option, 282, 283
  • Custom Settings menu
    • Autofocus section, 154–156
    • Controls section, 282–283
    • restoring default settings, 45
    • selecting options from, 23–25
    • Video section, 208–209
  • Customize Command Dials option, 283
  • Customize i Menu option, 277–278


  • date, setting, 11
  • decibels (dB), 11
  • default settings, restoring, 45
  • Delete button, Playback menu, 14, 259
  • deleting photos and videos
    • deleting all files, 258–259
    • deleting files by date taken, 260
    • deleting selected files, 259–261
    • deleting single file, 258
    • overview, 257–258
  • depth of field, 40, 162
    • aperture and, 84
    • close-up photography, 200–201
    • defined, 137, 159–160
    • effect of zooming on, 201
    • focus stacking, 303
    • portrait photography and, 190
  • Diffraction Compensation setting, 223, 269–270
  • diopter adjustment dial, 12, 19
  • diopters, adding for close-up photos, 202
  • Disable option, touchscreen, 23
  • display modes, enabling and changing, 245
  • displays
    • customizing, 33–36
    • magnifying, 36–37
    • Monitor mode, 28–30
    • photo-shooting data, 30–33
  • Distortion Control tool, 293
  • D-Lighting tool, 295
  • downloading files to computer, 264–267
  • downsamples, 273
  • Drop Frame setting, 224
  • DX Image Area setting, 65
  • Dynamic-area AF Assist mode, 155
  • Dynamic-area autofocusing, 148–149, 152


  • Easy Exposure Compensation option, 117
  • Edit comment option, 179
  • Edit Video option, 229
  • editing photos
    • Nikon NX Studio software, 261–263, 265–267
    • Retouch tools, 288–296
  • Electronic Front-Curtain shutter option, 93–94
  • Electronic shutter, 92, 94
  • Electronic VR for video recording, 222
  • Enable option, touchscreen, 23
  • Energy Saving (Photo Mode) option, 44
  • EXE setting, 269
  • exposure. See also aperture; Metering mode setting; shutter speed
    • autoexposure lock, 126
    • basic concepts, 81–89
    • checking exposure meter, 98–100
    • correcting exposure problems, 114–125
    • displaying Brightness histogram, 96–97
    • finding right balance, 88–89
    • High ISO Noise Reduction filter, 113
    • ISO, 82–83, 87–88, 110–113
    • Live Preview option, 95–96
    • Long Exposure NR filter, 113
    • M mode, 90–91
    • A mode, 90, 91, 108–109
    • P mode, 90, 91, 109–110
    • S mode, 90, 109
    • shutter speed, 82–83, 85–86, 104–107
  • Exposure Comp. for Flash setting, 118
  • Exposure Compensation, 46
    • basics, 114–118
    • C Exposure Compensation dial setting, 117
    • enabling in Auto mode, 114
    • in M (manual) Shooting mode, 219
  • Exposure Compensation dial, 19, 46, 117
  • Exposure Data playback display mode, 244, 247
  • Exposure Delay mode, 298
  • exposure meter, 98–100
  • exposure metering. See Metering Mode setting
  • exposure modes. See Shooting mode
  • Extended Shutter Speeds (M) option, 106
  • Eye sensor, 12, 14
  • eye-detection focus box, 47


  • File Information playback display mode, 244, 245–247
  • File Naming option, 221
  • File Number Sequence option, 281–282
  • filenames, 246, 279–280
  • Fill Flash mode, 127
  • Fine-Tune Optimal Exposure option, 100
  • Firmware Version option, 44
  • first-curtain sync flash, 92
  • FL (Flat) Picture Control option, 183
  • Flash Compensation option, 130–131
  • Flash Control option, 131
  • flash hot shoe, 18
  • Flash mode
    • Fill Flash mode, 127
    • Rear-Curtain Sync mode, 128–129
    • Red-Eye Reduction mode, 127
    • Slow Sync mode, 127
    • Slow Sync with Red-Eye Reduction mode, 127
    • viewing and adjusting, 129–130
  • flash photography
    • Auto ISO preferences, 132
    • basics, 126–127
    • bounce flash, 193
    • close-up photography, 201
    • flash bracketing, 118, 133
    • FV Lock, 131–132
    • high-speed flash (Auto FP), 132
    • metering mode and, 126
    • modifying flash strength, 130
    • portraits, 191–193
    • shutter speed and flash, 132
    • understanding the Flash mode setting, 127–130
    • using flash outdoors, 201
  • Flash Shutter Speed option, 132
  • Flash Sync Speed option, 132
  • Flash Value Lock (FV Lock), 131–132
  • Flat (FL) Picture Control option, 183
  • Flicker Reduction setting, 223
  • Fluorescent White Balance setting, 170
  • Fn (Function) button, 20, 168–169, 175, 177
  • focal length, 40, 161
  • focal length indicator on lens, 11–12, 40
  • focal length multiplier, lens focal length and, 40
  • Focal plane mark, 19
  • focus, 137, 139. See also autofocusing; Focus mode; manual focusing
  • Focus Mode
    • AF-A mode, 141–142
    • AF-C mode, 141–142
    • AF-S mode, 141–143, 153
    • basics, 140–141
    • MF mode, 157
    • video recording, 221
  • Focus Peaking option, 158–159
  • Focus Point Options, 155
  • Focus Point Options setting, 155
  • Focus Point Wrap-Around option, 155
  • focus points
    • AF-area mode and, 154–156
    • displaying, 261–262
    • Dynamic-area AF Assist mode, 155
    • Manual Focus Mode, 155
    • selecting, 155
    • setting number of available points, 139
    • Store Points by Orientation option, 154
    • viewing during playback, 244, 247
  • Focus Points Used option, 154
  • Focus Shift Shooting option, 303
  • focus stacking, 303
  • Focus Tracking with Lock-On option, 153
  • focusing. See autofocusing; manual focusing
  • folders
    • checking name of current folder, 235
    • choosing folder to view during playback, 235
    • creating new folders, 280
    • viewing folder name during playback, 235
  • fps. See frames per second
  • Frame rate/Frame size option, 210–213
  • frames per second (fps)
    • for burst-mode photography, 58–59
    • for video recording, 210–211
  • Framing Grid Display option, 35
  • Frequency Response option, 217
  • f-stop value. See aperture
  • FTZ adapter (Z-mount lens adapter), 8, 38–39
  • full-frame cameras, 40–41
  • Function (Fn) button, 20, 168–169, 175, 177
  • FV Lock (Flash Value Lock), 131–132


  • graduated neutral-density filter, 198–199
  • gray card, 173
  • gridlines, displaying on viewfinder, 35


  • HDMI, 286
  • HDMI connector, 20
  • HDR (high dynamic range) photography, 121–125
  • HDTV, connecting camera to, 20
  • heat warning, 31–32
  • Helicon Focus, 303
  • Help feature, 16
  • help screens, displaying, 16
  • high dynamic range (HDR) photography, 121–125
  • High ISO NR option, 113, 269
  • Highlight Display option (video), 220
  • Highlight playback display mode (“blinkies” mode), 248
  • highlight-weighted metering, 101–102
  • high-speed flash (Auto FP flash), 132
  • Histogram display, 33–34
  • histograms
    • reading Brightness histogram, 96–97, 249
    • reading RGB histogram, 250
  • horizon, leveling, 35
  • hot shoe, 18


  • i button, 16
  • i menu
    • accessing Rating feature from, 254
    • adjusting image quality and size with, 74–75
    • choosing items from, 27
    • customizing, 26, 28, 277–278
    • displaying, 27
    • modifying Picture Control setting with, 185
    • setting microphone sensitivity, 217
    • White Balance setting and, 168, 177
  • image area, selecting, 75–76. See also Choose Image Area option
  • Image Comment option, 300–301
  • Image Dust-Off Reference Photo, 303
  • Image Overlay option, 302
  • Image Quality option
    • adjusting, 73–74
    • defined, 68–69
    • JPEG files, 69–70, 73
    • Raw + JPEG option, 72–73
    • Raw files, 70–72
  • Image Review option, 236–237
  • image sensor, 40, 75
  • Image Size option, 270–271. See also resolution
    • changing setting, 73–74
    • file size, 66
    • pixels, 64–65
    • print size, 66
    • screen display size and, 66
    • selecting, 64–68
  • Incandescent White Balance setting, 170
  • Information display option, 34
  • Interval Timer Shooting, 298–299
  • ISO
    • basics, 82–83
    • effect on noise, 113
    • image noise, 87–88
    • selecting ISO settings, 110
    • using Auto ISO features, 111–113
  • ISO dial, 18
  • ISO Sensitivity Settings option, 113, 219


  • JPEG file format, 69–70, 73


  • K White Balance setting, 170–171, 173
  • Kelvin scale, 165, 173


  • Landscape (LS) Picture Control option, 183
  • landscape photography, 197–200
  • language, setting, 11
  • lens
    • adjusting, 10
    • anti-shake feature, 42
    • attaching, 9
    • autofocusing, 41–42
    • auto/manual focusing switch, 17
    • checking lens compatibility, 39
    • common lens features, 38–42
    • crop factor, 40
    • depth of field, 40
    • detaching, 41
    • focal length, 40, 161, 190–191
    • focal length indicator, 40
    • FTZ adapter, 8, 38–39
    • full-frame cameras, 40–41
    • image sensor, 40
    • macro lens, 202
    • manual focus ring, 42, 142, 156
    • manual focusing, 41–42
    • non-CPU lens data, 43
    • retractable lens, 11–12
    • telephoto lens, 40
    • wide angle lens, 40
    • Z-mount, 8
    • zoom lens, 39–40
  • lens distortion, correcting, 163
  • lens focusing ring, 42, 142, 156–158
  • lens-connection warning, 32
  • Lens-release button, 20
  • Limit AF-area Mode Selection option, 155
  • Limit Monitor Mode Selection option, 29
  • Live Preview option, 95–96
  • Location Data option, 244–245
  • Long Exposure NR filter, 113
  • Low-light AF option, 155–156
  • LS (Landscape) Picture Control option, 183


  • M (Extended Shutter Speeds) option, 106
  • M Shooting mode. See manual Shooting mode
  • macro lens, for close-up photography, 202
  • magic hours, 198–199
  • magnifying (zooming), 36–37
  • magnifying images, 239–242
  • Main command dial, 15, 168–169, 177
  • Manage Picture Control option, 185
  • manual (M) Shooting mode
    • adjusting settings in, 107–108
    • changing f-stop in, 107
    • changing shutter speed in, 57, 107
    • checking exposure guides in, 55, 98
    • exposure, 90–91
    • using Bulb shutter speed in, 107–108
    • using Time shutter speed in, 108
  • Manual Focus Mode, 155
  • Manual Focus Ring in AF Mode option, 156
  • manual focusing, 41–42, 157–159
  • Matrix Metering option (Custom Setting menu), 101–102, 218
  • Maximum Shots Per Burst option, 60
  • MC (Monochrome) Picture Control option, 182–183
  • Mechanical shutter, 92, 93
  • megapixels, 64
  • memory buffer, 60
  • memory card reader, 264–265
  • memory cards
    • buying, 13
    • card speeds, 13
    • formatting, 43, 256
    • handling, 8
    • installing, 9
    • locking, 8
    • removing, 9
    • SD card, 8
    • SDHC, 13
    • SDXC card, 8
    • storage capacity, 13
  • memory-card access light, 206
  • memory-card warnings, 32
  • Menu button, 16
  • menus. See also i menu
    • creating custom menu, 25
    • Custom Settings menu, 23–25
    • displaying and selecting options from, 24
    • My Menu/Recent Settings, switching between, 25
    • navigating, 23–25
  • metadata, 263
  • Metering mode setting
    • basics, 101
    • center-weighted mode, 101–102
    • highlight-weighted mode, 101–102
    • matrix mode, 101–102
    • spot mode, 101–102
    • viewing and changing, 103
  • microphone, 19. See also audio recording
    • attaching external microphone, 215
    • setting microphone sensitivity, 216–217
  • microphone jack, 21
  • Microphone Sensitivity option, 216
  • mired, defined, 172
  • ML-L7 (Wireless Remote) Options setting, 60
  • monitor. See also displays
    • adjusting position, 35
    • Automatic Display Switch setting, 28
    • Monitor Brightness option, 35
    • Monitor Color Balance option, 35
    • Monitor Only setting, 28
    • Prioritize Viewfinder setting, 29
    • toggling between settings, 29
    • Viewfinder Only setting, 28
  • Monitor mode, 28–29
  • Monitor mode button, 14
  • Monitor Only setting, 28
  • Monochrome (MC) Picture Control option, 182–183
  • Monochrome tool, 295
  • motion blur, shutter speed and, 85–86
  • MOV video format, 209
  • MP4 video format, 209
  • Multi Selector, 11
  • Multi Selector (OK button), 16
  • Multiple Exposure mode, 301
  • My Menu, 25, 278–279


  • NEF (Nikon Electronic Format). See Image Quality option
  • NEF (Raw) processing, 267–270
  • Neutral (NL) Picture Control option, 182
  • neutral density filter, 198
  • Nikon Image Space, uploading files to, 305
  • Nikon NX Studio software
    • Backup Destination tab, 267
    • Nikon Transfer 2 tool, 261, 265
    • overview, 261–263
    • Preferences tab, 267
    • Primary Destination tab, 266
    • Source tab, 266
  • Nikon SnapBridge app
    • basics, 2, 264
    • Bluetooth connection, 306–309
    • connecting camera to device, 264
    • downloading files to smart device, 312–315
    • setting app preferences, 311–312
    • transferring files to device, 265–267
    • transferring files to smart device, 305
    • uploading files to Nikon Image Space, 305
    • using remote control features, 60
    • using smart device as wireless remote, 305, 316–319
    • viewing downloaded files in, 315–316
    • Wi-Fi connection, 309–311
  • Nikon Transfer 2 tool, 261, 265
  • NL (Neutral) Picture Control option, 182
  • noise, 87–88, 113
  • Non-CPU Lens Data option, 43
  • None (Picture Only) option, 227
  • NTSC video standard, 211


  • Off setting, Touch Shutter, 38
  • OK (Subject-tracking) symbol, 31
  • OK button, 11, 16
  • On/Off switch and shutter button, 18
  • Overlay Pictures option, 287, 288
  • Overview playback display mode, 251–252


  • P mode. See programmed autoexposure mode
  • Perspective Control tool, 294
  • Photo Shooting menu, 74, 168
  • photos, taking in Video mode, 214–215
  • photo-shooting data
    • battery-status symbol, 30
    • camera malfunction warning, 32
    • clock reset needed symbol, 32
    • heat warning, 31–32
    • lens-connection warning, 32
    • memory-card warnings, 32
    • OK symbol, 31
    • shots-remaining value, 30–31
    • Subject-tracking AF, 31
  • Photo/Video selector switch, 18
  • Picture Control settings
    • Auto Picture Control option, 182
    • Creative Picture Control option, 183
    • customizing, 184–185
    • Flat Picture Control option, 183
    • Landscape Picture Control option, 183
    • Monochrome Picture Control option, 182–183
    • Neutral Picture Control option, 182
    • Portrait Picture Control option, 183
    • sharpening, 181
    • Standard Picture Control option, 182
    • video recording, 223
    • Vivid Picture Control option, 182
  • Picture Review option, 51, 236–237, 285
  • pinch gesture, 22
  • pincushion distortion, correcting, 163
  • Pinpoint mode, 146–147, 150
  • pixel dimensions, 64
  • Pixel Mapping option, 304
  • pixels, 64–65, 66
  • pixels per inch (PPI), 66
  • playback
    • basics of picture and video playback, 233–234
    • Calendar view, 239–240
    • choosing which images to view, 235–236
    • customizing playback controls, 236–237
    • display modes, enabling and changing, 245
    • displaying focus point, 244, 247, 261–262
    • Exposure Data mode, 244, 247
    • File Information mode, 244, 245–247
    • Highlight display mode, 248
    • interpreting Brightness histogram, 249
    • interpreting RGB histogram, 249–250
    • magnifying images, 239–240
    • Overview mode, 251–252
    • Picture (Image) Review option, 236–237
    • Playback Folder option, 235
    • RGB Histogram mode, 248–250
    • rotating vertical images, 237–238
    • Shooting Data mode, 250–251
    • shutoff timing, adjusting, 236–237
    • Thumbnail view, 238–239
    • viewing picture data, 243–252
  • Playback button, 14
  • Playback Display Options setting, 227, 245
  • Playback Folder option, 235
  • Playback menu, rating files from, 255–256
  • Playback Only option, 23
  • Portrait (PT) Picture Control option, 183
  • portrait photography, 189–194
    • depth of field, 190
    • Flash mode, 191–193
    • lens focal length and, 190–191
    • lighting, 191–193
  • Position Focus Point setting, 138
    • Touch Shutter, 38
  • Power Off Delay option, 100, 236–237, 285
  • PPI (pixels per inch), 66
  • PRE (Preset Manual) White Balance setting
    • based on photo, 176
    • creating with direct measurement, 173–175
    • editing, 178–179
    • selecting, 177–178
  • Preferences tab, Nikon NX Studio software, 267
  • Primary Destination tab, Nikon NX Studio software, 266
  • print quality, resolution requirements, 66
  • Prioritize Viewfinder setting, 29
  • programmed autoexposure (P) mode
    • basics, 55–56, 90, 91
    • changing settings in, 109–110
  • progressive video, 213
  • Protect feature, 179, 256–257, 261. See also AE-L/AF-L/Protect button
  • PT (Portrait) Picture Control option, 183


  • rating photos and videos, 254–256
  • Raw (NEF) processing, 262–263, 267–270
  • Raw + JPEG option, 72–73
  • Raw bit depth, 71
  • Raw files, 70–72. See also Image Quality option
  • RAW Recording (bit depth) option, 72, 74
  • Rear-Curtain Sync Flash mode, 128–129
  • Recent Settings menu, 25, 278
  • Record button, 19
  • Record Timecodes setting, 223
  • Red-Eye Correction tool, 291–292
  • red-eye in flash pictures, 127, 289, 291
  • Red-Eye Reduction Flash mode, 19–20, 127, 193
  • Release Button to Use Dial setting, 284
  • Release mode
    • action photography, 196
    • changing, 61–62
    • Continuous High, 59
    • Continuous High Extended, 59
    • Continuous Low, 58
    • overview, 57
    • selecting, 60–61
    • Self-Timer, 19–20, 59
    • Single Frame (S), 58
  • Release Mode (Save Frame) option, 215
  • Reset All Settings option, 45
  • Reset Custom Shooting Menu option, 45
  • Reset Photo Shooting Menu option, 45
  • Reset Video Recording Menu option, 45, 204
  • Resize tool, 271–273
  • resolution
    • defined, 64
    • effect on file size, 66–67
    • effect on print quality, 66
    • megapixels, 64
    • recommended settings for photos, 68
    • setting picture resolution (Image Size option), 64–65, 270–271
    • setting video resolution (Frame Size/Frame Rate option), 212–213
  • Retouch tools
    • accessing, 288–289
    • applying, 290
    • comparing before-and-after views, 290–291
    • Distortion Control tool, 293
    • D-Lighting tool, 295
    • Monochrome tool, 295
    • Overlay Pictures tool, 287, 288
    • Perspective Control tool, 294
    • Raw processing tools, 262–263
    • Red-Eye Correction tool, 291–292
    • Resize tool, 271–273
    • Straighten tool, 292–293
    • symbols displayed during playback, 290
    • Trim tool, 295–296
    • Trim Video tool, 228
  • retractable lens, 11–12
  • Reverse Indicators option, 100
  • RGB Histogram playback display mode, 248–250
  • Rotate Tall option, 237
  • rotating images during playback, 237–238


  • S mode. See shutter-priority autoexposure mode
  • Save/Load settings, 298
  • saving video frame as still image, 228
  • screening videos, 225–227
  • SD (Secure Digital) memory card, 8
  • SD (Standard) Picture Control option, 182
  • SD Speed Class rating, 13
  • SDHC (Secure Digital High Capacity) memory card, 13
  • SDXC (Secure Digital eXtended Capacity) memory card, 8
  • Select for Upload to Smart Device option, 314
  • Select Picture option, 179
  • Self-Portrait mode, 13, 49–51, 206
  • Self-Timer option (Custom Setting menu), 50
  • Self-timer Release mode, 19–20, 59
  • sepia effect, adding, 295
  • Set Picture Control option, 207, 223, 269
  • Shade White Balance setting, 170
  • sharpening, 181
  • Shooting Data playback display mode, 250–251
  • Shooting mode
    • Auto Mode, 45–49, 54
    • defined, 17
    • exposure mode, 17
    • M mode, 55, 57
    • A mode, 55, 57
    • P mode, 55–56
    • Release mode, 57–62
    • S mode, 55, 56
    • selecting, 54–57
    • Self-Portrait mode, 13, 49–51
  • Shooting mode selector switch, 17
  • shots-remaining value, 30–31
  • shutoff timing, adjusting, 236–237, 285
  • shutter, 91–95. See also exposure
    • in Auto mode, 94–95
    • Electronic Front-Curtain shutter option, 93–94
    • Electronic shutter option, 92, 94
    • Mechanical shutter option, 92, 93
    • overview, 91–92
    • Shutter Type setting, 61, 64
    • Silent Photography mode, 62–64
    • slow-shutter blur, 139
  • Shutter button, 18, 285
  • shutter release options. See Release mode
  • shutter shock, 92
  • shutter speed
    • adjusting, 104–107
    • defined, 18
    • effect on exposure, 83
    • effect on motion blur, 85–86
    • flash and, 132
    • overview, 82–83
    • selecting in M and S exposure modes, 56–57, 107
    • viewing current setting, 104
  • Shutter Speed dial, 18
  • shutter-priority autoexposure (S) mode
    • basics, 55, 90
    • changing settings in, 109
    • setting shutter speed in, 56
  • Shutter-release Button AE-L option, 285
  • Side-by-Side Comparison option, 290
  • Silent Photography mode, 62–64
  • Single AF Focus mode, 141–143
  • Single-point AF-area mode (AF-S), 141–143, 147, 150, 153
  • Slide Show feature, 301
  • Slot Empty Release Lock option, 44
  • Slow Sync mode, 127
  • Slow Sync with Red-Eye Reduction mode, 127
  • slow-shutter blur, 139
  • smart device
    • downloading files to, 312–315
    • transferring files to, 305
    • using as wireless remote, 305, 316–319
  • SnapBridge. See Nikon SnapBridge app
  • speakers, 17
  • spot metering, 101–102, 149
  • sRGB color space, 180–181
  • Standard (SD) Picture Control option, 182
  • Standby Timer option, 44
  • still photography, 189–194
  • stops, 83. See also aperture
  • Storage Folder option, 280–281
  • Store Points by Orientation option, 154
  • Straighten tool, 292–293
  • stretch gesture, 22
  • Sub-command dial, 19
  • subject tracking, 31, 144, 145, 152–154


  • T (Time) shutter speed, 108
  • telephoto lenses, 40
  • text entry on keyboard screens, 179
  • through the lens (TTL) mode, 131
  • Thumbnail display, 238–239
  • Time (T) shutter speed, 108
  • time, setting, 11
  • Time Zone and Date option, 32
  • time zone, setting, 11
  • Timecode option, 223–224
  • Timecode origin setting, 224
  • time-lapse photography, 298–299
  • Time-Lapse Video feature, 299–300
  • tonal range, 97, 118
  • Touch Controls option, 22–23, 234
  • Touch Shutter
    • Off setting, 38
    • overview, 37–38
    • Position Focus Point setting, 38, 138
    • Touch AF setting, 38, 138
    • Touch Shutter/Touch AF setting, 38
  • touchscreen
    • basics, 21–22
    • Beep Options setting, 43
    • disabling, 23
    • enabling, 23
    • pinch gesture, 22
    • Playback Only option, 23
    • setting focus by tapping, 138
    • stretch gesture, 22
  • Trim tool, 295–296
  • Trim Video tool, 228
  • trimming videos, 227–228
  • TTL (through the lens) mode, 131


  • UHD (Ultra High Definition) video, 203, 210
  • UHS (Ultra Health Speed) memory cards, 13
  • upsampling, 66
  • USB (Universal Serial Bus) port, 21, 264
  • USB Power Delivery option, 21


  • vertical images, rotating, 237–238
  • VI (Vivid) Picture Control setting, 182
  • Vibration Reduction (VR), 76–78, 222
  • Video File Type option, 209
  • video playback. See playback
  • Video Quality option, 213–214
  • video record button, 162
  • video recording
    • adjusting video settings, 207–208
    • AF Speed option, 221–222
    • AF Tracking Sensitivity feature, 222
    • AF-area mode, 221–222
    • basic recording steps, 204–206
    • bit rate, 211–212
    • exposure settings, 218–221
    • Frame rate option, 210–213
    • Frame size option, 210, 212–213
    • Highlight display mode, 220
    • MOV format, 209
    • MP4 format, 209
    • overview, 203–204
    • recording audio, 215–218
    • reviewing other options, 221–224
    • saving video frame as still image, 228
    • screening videos, 225–227
    • Self Portrait mode, 206
    • trimming videos, 227–228
    • Video File Type option, 209
    • Video Quality setting, 213–214
  • Video Recording menu, 168, 217
  • viewfinder
    • adjusting to eyesight, 12, 159
    • customizing display, 33
    • displaying Brightness histogram, 35
    • displaying grid, 35
    • displaying virtual horizon, 35
    • eye sensor, 12, 14, 28, 29
    • viewing battery status, 30
    • viewing shots-remaining value, 30
  • Viewfinder Brightness setting, 35
  • Viewfinder Color Balance setting, 35
  • Viewfinder Only setting, 28
  • viewing photos and videos. See playback
  • viewing picture data. See playback
  • Vignette Control option, 269
  • vignetting, 125
  • Virtual Horizon display, 35
  • Vivid (VI) Picture Control setting, 182
  • VR (Vibration Reduction), 76–78, 222


  • White Balance setting
    • basics, 165–167
    • bracketing white balance, 180
    • changing, 167–171
    • color temperature, 165
    • custom presets, 173–179
    • fine-tuning, 171–173
    • RGB Histogram mode, 250
    • video colors, 222–223
  • whole-frame metering. See Matrix Metering option
  • wide angle lenses, 40
  • Wide-area AF (L), 148, 151
  • Wide-area AF (L-animals), 148
  • Wide-area AF (L-people), 148
  • Wide-area AF (S), 147, 151
  • Wi-Fi connection, 309–311
  • wind filter, 218
  • Wind Noise Reduction option, 218
  • wireless features. See Nikon SnapBridge app
  • wireless remote control, 60
  • Wireless Remote (ML-L7) Options setting, 60
  • Wireless Transmitter Utility software, 264. See also Nikon SnapBridge app


  • yellow face-detection focus box, 47


  • zebra warning, 220
  • Z-mount lens adapter (FTZ adapter), 8, 38–39
  • Z-mount lenses, 8
  • zoom barrel, 11–12
  • Zoom In button, 16, 240–242
  • zoom lenses, 39–40
  • Zoom Out button, 16, 36–37, 239–242
  • zooming to affect depth of field, 201
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