
AAA (Adult Album Alternative) chart 93

AccuRadio 100

Acoustic Alternative 99

Acutrak 39

ADA 49

Addictomatic 83

Administration Deal 23

ad schedule 108

advance, defined 23

advertising 8, 77; promotional campaigns and 108

Aguilera, C. 27

“Airplay 101” (Farrish series) 39

airplay chart 93

airtime availability 1314

Alleyne, R. 56

Allgame 66

Alliance Entertainment Corporation 50, 52, 84, 119

Alliance of Independent Media Stores 84

All Media Guide (AMG) 65

All Media Network 66

Allmovie 66

Allmusic 66

alternative selling, total exposure and 759; advertising 77; corporate sponsorship support, adding 79; cutout product 75; mail order 76; music branding 778; repackaging 75

A&M 48

Amazon 3, 10, 39, 65

Amazon Advantage 84

American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) 25, 26, 70, 86

AMG see All Media Guide (AMG)

Amoeba Music 119

Anderson Merchandisers 51, 119

Andrew, D. 7, 9

Anthony, M. 26

AOL Radio 3, 71

Apple 3, 9, 10, 12

Arista 48

Artfest 46

artist and repertoire (A&R) division, record label organization 1201

Artistdata 12

artist development, revival of 10

artist development department, record label organization 124

Artist Management Agreement 14653

artists, company stakes in 9

ASCAP see American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) 83

Atlantic 48

A2IM (American Association of Independent Music) 53

Audiosocket 33

Australian music market 11

Bandcamp 12

bar code maker, online 72

bar codes 712

Barnes & Noble 84, 119

BDS see Nielsen BDS

BeatPick 33

Beatz, S. 27

Believe Digital 52

Bernstein, L. 26

Best Buy 10, 84, 119

Beyoncé 26, 27

big box store shelf space: increase in global 10; reduction in 10

Billboard magazine 28, 68, 90, 91

Bing News 83

Blige, M. J. 27

blogging 85

blogs, promoting music videos through 1718

BMG 23

BMG/Chrysalis 33

BMG/Sony 48

BMI see Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI)

Bonneville 71

booking agents, touring and 1045

Boosey & Hawkes 33

brand equity 77

branding, artist 9

brand loyalty 77

brick-and-mortar retailers vs. e-commerce 127

Bridge Ratings 98

broadcast corporations 89

Broadcast Data Systems (BDS) 26; see also Nielsen BDS

Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI) 25, 27, 86

Broadjam 33

Bryan Farrish Radio Promotions 39

budget, music video production and 423

business affairs administration department, record label organization 124

buy-in 412, 48, 57, 58

buzz, generate/create 56, 123

Buzzdeck 12

Caldeiro, J. 6

calendar times to push radio campaigns 956

campaign management 1078

Canadian music market 11

Canon 5D Mark II 43

Capitol 48

Carey, M. 27

CBS Radio 71

C corporations 11314

CD Baby 52, 834

celebrity culture 45

certificate of registration 22

check digit number 72

chief executive officer (CEO) 117

Chmielewski, D. 14

Citadel 71

Clear Channel Communications 69, 71

club promotion 107

CMG (Competitor Media Guide) 70

Coalition for Independent Music Stores 84

collection, from distributors 623

College Music Journal (CMJ) 40, 41, 86, 89, 90, 923, 97

college radio 40, 89; promo campaigns 978

Columbia 48

commercial mix-show 40

commercial radio 89

company structure 10916; C corporations 11314; corporate, advantages of 10910; Dun & Bradstreet and 11516; Employer Identification Number (EIN) 115; freely transferable shares and 110; general partnerships 11213; investors and 110; limited liability company (LLC) 112; limited liability protection and 109; management structure and 110; nonprofit corporations 11415; owner/employee benefits 110; Paydex score and 116; perpetual existence and 110; S corporations 113; sole proprietorships 111; stock structure and 110; tax treatment and 110; type of, understanding 109

Competitor Media Guide (CMG) 70

comScore, Inc. 14

Connexus Corporation 70

Consent to Mechanical License 1389

Constant Contact 13

controlled composition clause 25

Co-Publishing Deal 23

CopyCat Music Licensing, LLC 33

copyright, music 202; categories of 201; by mail 22; online instructions for 212; in UK 24; in US 24

Copyright Act of 1976 20

Core Radio chart 93

corporate sponsorship department, record label organization 1234

corporate sponsorship support, adding 79

corporate tax treatment 110

corporation, defined 109

Cox, B- M. 27

Cox Radio 71

Createspace 39

creative exploitation 33

creative production, record label organization 122

creative services department, record label organization 125

Cull TV 14, 15

culture, defined 117

Cumulus 71

cutout product 75

D&B D-U-N-S Number 11516

Deep Emotions 33

Delicious 83

Designer Muzik 78

Diamond, N. 27

digital distribution 523

digital download cards 39

digital fingerprints 68

digital natives, as online consumers 1289

Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings Act 29 70

Director’s Cuts Film Festival 46

Disciple 3

Discmakers 39

Disk Union Japan 51

Disk Union USA 512

Distribution Agreement 1402

distribution outlets, alternate 120

distribution payment terms 589

distribution platforms 48

distribution processes 5663; collection and 623; distributors and 62; getting started in 601; invoicing and 5960; music 567; payment terms and 589; pricing and 578; promotion and 612; protecting yourself and 59; request for return and 60; returns and 57

distribution resources 6474; All Media Network 66; bar codes and 712; commercial radio/college/Internet tracking services 701; 70; Gracenote, Inc. 667; ISRC 724; Mediabase 69; Mediaguide 6970; Nielsen BDS 689; online 834; RadioWave 71; recording catalogs/databases 6470; SoundScan 68; UPC numbers 713; TiVo Corporation 646

distribution system: digital/retail 52; fulfillment and 1; overview of 1; record industry 1

distributors 4855; collection from 623; digital distribution 523; distribution platforms and 48; doing business with 62; exporters 512; independent 49; independent associations of 53; major independent 489; Music Business Association 54; National Association of Music Merchants 545; one-stop 50; pricing and 578; promotion and 612; rack jobbers 501

Distrophonix 39

Ditto Music 52

Dittybase 33

DMDS (Digital Media Distribution System) Music 18, 95

DMI Music Branding 78

Dodd, P. 128

downloading music 67

Downtown Music Publishing 29

Dropcards 39

DRT see

Dun & Bradstreet 11516

Dylan, B. 27

EAN-13 bar code symbol 71

e-commerce vs. brick-and-mortar retailers 127

8Fold Music 33

electronica 40

electronic press kits (EPKs) 104

Elektra 48

Ellington, D. 26

email marketing campaigns 845

EMI 23

Emmis 71

Employer Identification Number (EIN) 115

Entercom 71

entertainment attorneys 11

eOne Distribution 49

Epic 48

Erlewine, M. 66

European Article Number (EAN) 71

European music market 1011

ExactTarget 13

exclusive vs. non-exclusive license 31

exporters, music 512

Facebook 4, 13, 14

Famous 23

fan clubs, promotional campaigns and 106

fans, evaluating 9

Farrish, B. 3940

Federal Tax Identification Number 115

Film Music Network 34

filtered music 30

Flickr 83

FMQB see Friday Morning Quarterback (FMQB)

Foo Fighters 28

45 Sound 14

Franklin, K. 27

free-for-all linking 88

freely transferable corporation shares 110

free policies 12

Friday Morning Quarterback (FMQB) 90, 912

fulfillment 1

Furtado, N. 27

FYE 119

Galaxie MaxTrax 71

GAP Broadcasting 71

Garton, S. 4, 8, 9

Geffen 48

general partnerships 11213

genres, new 10

Gershwin, G. 26

Gomus 78

Google 14, 83

Google Alerts 82

Google Analytics 12

Google Play 3, 101

Gordon, M. 5, 7

Gracenote, Inc. 667

Grey Matter Music 78

GS1 US 71

Harry Fox Agency (HFA) 32

Hills, N. 27

Hip Hop chart 93

Hip Son Music 34

Hits Daily Double magazine 90, 92

Hook Line and Sync 34

HootSuite 82

HowSociable 83

Huxley, T. 64

Hype Machine 7 83 39

iHeart Media, Inc. 69

Imeem 7

IMRadio 99

inbound links 88

inbound marketing 81

incestuous linking 88

incoming links 88

independent distribution associations 53

independent distributors 49; ad discounts 77; major 489

independents (indies), music publishers 23

indie label opportunities 12

indirect exporting 512

industry changes, adaption to 10

InGrooves 52

Inspire Entertainment 78

international environments, understanding 129

international market 12630; brick-and-mortar retailers and 127; digital natives and 1289; international environments, understanding 129; Japan 1267; online global consumers 127

International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) 724

Internet Broadcast chart 93

Internet marketing 818; blogging 85; email campaigns 845; managing your 823; music website, creating 867; newsgroups and 86; online music distribution services 834; overview of 812; search engines and 878; tools 856

Internet radio 98102; AccuRadio 100; Acoustic Alternative 99; Google Play 101; IMRadio 99; Jango Music Network 99; ListenLive 101; NCRA 101; Pandora 99; 102; Radio Paradise 101; Shoutcast 100; Slacker 100; Soma FM 100; Spotify 99; 101; traditional radio and 98; TuneIn 100

Interscope 48

invoicing 5960

ISRC see International Standard Recording Code (ISRC)

Jackson, A. 26

Jango Music Network (JMN) 99

Japan market opportunities 1267

Jay Z 26

Jazz chart 93

John, E. 27

Johnson, R. 27

Jones, C. 83

J-Records 48

Kluge, J. 64

K-Mart 50

Knight, J. 27

Koch International 49

Konsonant 34

Kunaki 39

label liaison 120

Labelsound 34

Lady Gaga 27

LA Times 14

Latin Alternative chart 93

LAUNCHcast 71

legal department, record label organization 118

Lella, A. 14

level of rotation 108 34

License Music Now 34

limited liability company (LLC) 112

limited liability protection 109

link doping 88

LinkedIn 86

Lisn Music 34

ListenLive 101

Live365 71

Lopez, J. 27

Loud Rock chart 93

LoveCat Music 34

McCaskill, A. 128

McClure & Trowbridge 34

McEntire, R. 27

Magnatune 34

mail campaigns 107

Mailchimp 13

mail order sales 76

major independent distributors 489

majors, music publishers 23

manufacturing department, record label organization 123

manufacturing processes 3746; described 378; digital download cards 39; music video production and 424; MVPA and 456; press on demand 389; production process phases 445; product platforms 3942

marketing department, record label organization 11819; objectives of 119

market shares, US radio 15461

mastering 42

Master Use License Agreement 1337

Matchless Music Licensing Library 34

Mechanical Copyright Protection Society (MCPS) 24, 25, 32

mechanical royalties 25, 312

Mediabase 69

Mediaguide 6970

Medianet 3

media relations department, record label organization 123

merchandising, musical 7

merchandising department, record label organization 124

Mercury 48

Michaels, B. 5

Min, S. 7

mini-majors, music publishers 23

minimal delivery commitment (MDC) 24

mix-down 42

mobile music 56

MondoTunes 18, 523

Mood Media 78

Motown 48

Mozes 12

MRI (Music Reports, Inc.) 34


multi-way linking 88

music aggregator 52

musical merchandising 7

music branding 778; companies 78; trends in 78

Music Business Association (MBA) 54

Music Dealers 34

music extras 5

music fingerprinting 67

musicFIRST 28

Musician’s Atlas Directory 93, 105

Musician’s Atlas Online 856

music/industry-related terms 1657

music industry revenues worldwide 4

music industry study/facts 218; advertising and 8; airtime availability 1314; branding, artist 9; celebrity culture and 45; coverage 14; current trend predictions 913; downloading/streaming and 67; hours working 13; merchandising and 7; mobile music and 56; music lifestyle 3; music videos, trends/platforms for 1415; overview of 23; revenues worldwide 4; TV trends 13; YouTube and 1517

music library vs. music licensing 30

music licensing 2933; companies 30, 335; creative exploitation and 33; exclusive vs. non-exclusive 31; fees and 31; filtering and 30; industry relationship status and 30; mechanical rights and 31; methods 32; vs. music library 30; overview of 2930; rights and 31; royalty collection and 323

music licensing companies 30, 335

music lifestyle 3

music managers, adaption of 11

music market trend predictions 913; artist development, revival of 10; for Australian market 11; big box store shelf space reduction 10; for Canadian market 11; company stakes in artists 9; for entertainment attorneys 11; for European market 1011; free policies and 12; global big box store increase 10; Indie label opportunities 12; industry changes, adaption to 10; for managers 11; net neutrality and 13; new genres 10; streaming services 12; technology/techniques, tools for 1213

MusicMonitor 70

music production, pre-and post-production 412

music publishers: job description 24; song registration and 245; types of 23

music publishing 224

music supervisors 30

music video production 424; approval process and 43; budget and 423; stylistic approach and 43; time frame and 44

Music Video Production Association (MVPA) 456

music videos: approval process 43; blogs to promote 1718; budget 423; DMDS Music and 18; MondoTunes and 18; Muzu tv and 17; pre- and post-production 424; promotional strategies of 1618; stylistic approach 43; time frame 44; trends/platforms for 1415; Vimeo and 17; Vydia and 18; YouTube and 1517

music website, creating 867

music workstation 412

Musik Messe 54

Musync 34

Muzak 78

Muze see TiVo Corporation

Muzu tv 17

MVPA see Music Video Production Association (MVPA)

MVPA Annual Awards 46

Napster 71

National Association of Independent Record Distributors (NAIRD) 53

National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) 545

National Association of Recording Merchandisers (NARM) 54

National Campus and Community Radio Association (NCRA) 1012

national outbound marketing campaign 81

NCRA see National Campus and Community Radio Association (NCRA)

net neutrality 13

new releases 75

newsgroups 86

New World chart 93

New York Times 126

NextBigSound 12

NextMedia 71

Nielsen 23

Nielsen BDS 689

Nielsen Global 127; Retail Format Preferences Survey 1289

Nielsen SoundScan 39, 68

Nightingale Music 34

Nike 9

Nimbit 12

NOMA Music 34

non-commercial radio 89

non-exclusive license 31

nonprofit corporations 11415

Norris, S. 52

Northstar Media 34

NTT DoCoMo 127

Ocean Park Music Group 34

on-demand streaming 3

one-sheet 60, 61

one-stop distributors 50

one-way links 878

online: bar code maker 72; consumer packaged goods (CPG) sales 128; global consumers 127; music distribution services 834

online marketing, record label organization 121

operational structure, corporations and 110

optimization, search engines and 878

optimizing your metadata 17

outbound marketing 81

overlinking 88

owner/employee benefits 110

Pandora 71, 99

paradigm, mastering 53

Paydex score 116

performing rights organization (PRO) 25, 27; ASCAP 26; BMI 27; SESAC 267; SoundExchange 28

performing rights societies 25

Perry, J. 27

Perry, K. 26

Pink 27

Pollstar Booking Agency Directory 105

population, world cities by 1624

post-production phase 45 34

pre-production phase 445

Prescriptive Music 78

president, record label organization 118

press on demand 389

PressPlay Media 34

pricing, distribution process and 578

prime time 13

Procards 39

Production, Manufacture and Distribution Agreement 1435

production phase 45

production process, phases of 445

product platforms 3942; defined 39; examples of 39; music production and, pre-and post-production 412; overview of 3940; quantity of 41

Prometheus Global Media 91

promotion: distributors and 612; of music videos, strategies for 1618; online 1212; YouTube and 16

promotional campaigns 1048; advertising 108; booking agents, touring and 1045; club promotion 107; fan clubs 106; mail campaigns 107; management 1078; show sales 1056

promotions department, record label organization 121; online 1212

PROs see performing rights organization (PRO)

publicity department, record label organization 123

publishers, defined 23

publishing music 224

Pump Audio 34

Pussycat Dolls 27

Quest Worldwide Production Music 34

rack jobbers 501

radio 89103; Billboard 91; calendar times to push 956; CMJ 923; college, promo campaigns 978; FMQB 912; Hits Daily Double 92; importance of, airplay 8990; industry trades 901; Internet 98102; market shares, US 15461; overview of 89; promo, new trends in 935; promotional delivery trends 95; satellite 1023; touring support 95

radio airplay, importance of 8990

radio campaign spreadsheet codes 1312 102

Radio Paradise 101

radio promo, new trends in 935

radio touring support 95

Radio 200 Adds chart 93

RadioWave 70; monitoring system 71

RCA 48

Reachli 83

Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) 28

record label organization 11725; artist and repertoire (A&R) division 1201; artist development department 124; business affairs administration department 124; chief executive officer 117; corporate sponsorship department 1234; creative production 122; creative services department 125; distribution outlets, alternate 120; legal department 118; manufacturing 123; marketing department 11819; media relations 123; merchandising department 124; online marketing 121; online promotions 1212; overview of 117; president 118; promotions department 121; publicity department 123; retail co-op advertising 120; sales and distribution department 11920; social networking team 122

Record Play 34

record pools 40

recouping, defined 23

Red 49

Red One camera 43

regional marketing campaign 81

regular rotation 40

repackaging products 75 83

request for return 60

re-releases 75

retail co-op advertising 120

retail promotion 61

return privileges 57

revenues worldwide, music industry 4 82

Rhapsody 3, 12, 71

RIAA see Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)

Rihanna 27

Rockdex 12

Rock River Music 35, 78

Rootmusic 12

rotation level 108

royalty collection 323

royalty rates 245

RPM chart 93

Rudman, K. 91

Rumblefish 35


sales and distribution department, record label organization 11920

satellite radio 1023

saturated advertising 81

S corporations 113

search engines 878

Seeqpod 7

sell-through 37, 50, 52, 578

SESAC see Society of European Stage Authors and Composers (SESAC) 35

Shoutcast 71, 100

show sales, promotional campaigns and 1056

Simuls 98

SiriusXM 1023

Sisario, B. 126

Slacker 3, 100

small run manufacturers 38

Snap 65

Social Mention 83

social networking team, record label organization 122

social reputation, managing 823

Society of European Stage Authors and Composers (SESAC) 25, 267

sole proprietorships 111

Soma FM 100

Songcatalog 35

song registration 245

Songtrust 289

Sony Music 23, 48

Sony Music Licensing 35

SoundCloud 3, 12

SoundExchange 25, 28

sound recordings, defined 29

SoundScan 68, 106

Sounds Like Branding 78

Soundtrax Music Services, Inc. 35, 39

Sparks, J. 27

Spears, B. 27

spin rate 108

Spirit Music Group 78

split, defined 23

Spotify 3, 7, 10, 12, 99

statutory mechanical rate 24, 25

Sting 27

stock structure, corporation 110

Streamies 98

streaming music 67

streaming services 12

street teams 121

stylistic approach 43

Subotnick, S. 64

Sugaroo! 35

Sugartrax 35

Super D 50, 52, 84, 119

Supremes 28 101

Swift, T. 27

synchronization royalties 323

Synovate 4, 59

Target 10, 119

technology/techniques, tools for 1213

Tele Music 35

television: coverage 14; trends 13

term, defined 23

territory, defined 23

The Music Bridge 35

The Orchard 52, 119

The Syllabus Agency 78

Tidal 3

Tidal Video 3

Timberlake, J. 27

Title 17, US Copyright Code 29

TiVo Corporation 646; history of 645; music data and 65; submitting products to 656

Topspin 12

touring, booking agents and 1045

Tower Records 127

tracker (campaign manager) 108

Track Licensing 35

Tuna Music 35

TuneCore 52

TuneIn 100

Twazzup 83

TweetDeck 83

Twitter 4, 13, 83

ultimate music aggregator 523

UMG 48

Underwood, C. 27

Uniform Code Council (UCC) 72

United Entertainment and Media Limited 35

Universal 23

Universal Music 48, 53

Universal Product Code (UPC) Identification Number, obtaining 713

UPC-A bar code symbol 71

URP Music Distributors 50

Usher 27

Ustream 14

U2 27

Variety 90

Vevo 14

Viacom 71

Vimeo 14, 17

vinyl 3940; pricing and 58; return policies and 57

Virgin 48

volume economics 57

Vydia 14, 15, 18

Walmart 10, 50

Warner Brothers Music 48

Warner Chappell 23

WEA 48

Weir, B. 64

We7 7

West, K. 27

West Coast Entertainment 65

Westwood Entertainment Group 35

Wilson, C. 27

Wix 87

WordPress 83

working hours 13

world cities by population 1624

Xbox Music 3

Yahoo! 65, 71

Youlicense 35

YouTube 3, 1516, 83; channel, starting 16; channel distribution 1617; mobile 16; as music video promotion strategy 16; product 16

YouTube videos 14, 1517; channel distribution of 1617; label and tag on 17

Zullo, P. 64

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