
accurate statements, falsehoods and, 28

acquisitions and mergers, the real value of, 90

advisers, the importance of trusted, 17

affiliations, group, 73

akrasia, 27

alternative explanations,

considering, 36

implementing, 43

alternative explanations and debiasing, 31

alternative evidence, finding, 36

alternative options,

considering, 3637

implementing, 43

alternative options and debiasing, 31


examining, 81

expanding options through, 36

next best, 37

Amazon and avoiding failure, 147148

analysis paralysis, 16, 54

anchoring bias, fighting against the, 40

anxiety, decreasing, 12

AOL, merger of, 15

arguments, in-person, 2627


halo effect and, 96

horns effect and, 96

attention judgment errors, solving, 149152

attention, ways to apply your, 130

attention-related cognitive bias, 149

attentional bias, 132133

evolutionary perspectives and, 134

falling for, 134

attribution errors, addressing, 8081

authentic self, the, 5

automatic learned behavior, 27

automatic thinking, intentional system and changing, 26

autopilot system and intentional system,

differences between the, 2526

tension between, 2627

autopilot system, 24

addressing the, 31

reacting with your, 33

relying on the, 97

tasks and your, 70

autopilot system errors and cognitive biases, 29

Avon Products, 114, 122, 125

bankruptcy, avoiding the causes of, 11

Barings Bank, bankruptcy of, 9495

base rate probability, 83

evaluating new evidence with, 34

Bayes, Reverend Thomas, 33

Bayesian reasoning, 33

behavior, attributing a situation to, 71

behavior and negative personality traits, 79

behaviors, misattributing problematic group, 76

behaviors and your gut reaction, 27

belief bias, 92, 93, 174

Berkshire Hathaway, 137

Best Buy, success of, 147

bets, the effectiveness of making, 3536

Better Business Bureau, 41

bias blind spot, 10, 173174


belief, 92, 93

confirmation, 9193

hindsight, 116118

omission, 141

optimism and pessimism, 124

optimism, 116118

outcome, 143149

self-serving, 9596

survivorship, 146148

biased mental patterns, advisers and, 17

bikeshedding, 142, 143, 151, 170

blame, misattributing, 7072

Blue Bell recall, 111, 124

body awareness, focusing on, 60

Brandenburg Willy Brandt Airport, cost

overruns of the, 120, 123

breathing, focusing on your, 5960

business, working on your, 138139

business decision-making, luck and, 145

business decision-making and cognitive

biases, 18

business decisions,

improving your, 30

situations that lead to bad, 21

business problems and cognitive bias, 9

business strategic assessments, flaws of, 6

career problems and cognitive bias, 9

change efforts and status quo bias, 5354

checklists, creating, 40

Circuit City, 151

bankruptcy of, 141142

failure of, 147

cognitive bias, 8

attention-related, 149

dangerous, 10

problems in business and, 9

cognitive bias

and loss version, 5253

and mindfulness meditation, 5960

cognitive biases, 2830

addressing, 39

business decision-making and, 18

categories of, 29

debiasing, 30

judgment errors and, 159

loss aversion-related, 65

mental processing capacities and, 29

commitments, public nature of, 41

competition, healthy, 115116


balancing humility and, 110

internal, 110

confirmation bias, 9193, 170

confirmation biases, avoiding, 94

conflicts and attentional bias, 133

connections, estimating the value of, 63

consideration of

alternative explanations, 81, 84, 9798, 104, 153

alternative options, 81, 84, 9798, 104, 153

alternative scenarios, 104, 153

long-term scenarios, 104

other people's perspectives, 100101, 104105, 124, 126

other people's points of view, 3839, 81, 85

past experiences and the planning fallacy, 123

past experiences, 43, 6162, 126, 151, 153

repeating scenarios, 104, 151152, 153

the long-term future, 151152, 153

constructive criticism, receiving, 2324

correspondence bias, 71

counterintuitive behaviors, 7

daily habits and the autopilot system, 24


cognitive biases, 30

shifting your thinking and, 3233


and mindfulness meditation, 59

methods in the workplace, 31

decision disasters, questions to avoid, 1617


delaying, 31, 6061, 65, 84

implementing delayed, 43

probabilistic thinking and, 150


and dangerous judgment errors, 146

and luck, 144

decision–making criteria,

developing clear, 14

options and your, 17

decision-making impulses, 8

decision-making model, eight-step, 1315

decision-making outcomes, advisers and, 17

decision-making process, internal confidence and the, 110

decision-making strategy, adjustments to your, 5253


delaying your, 33

identifying the need for, 13

long-term consequences of, 38

long-term impact of, 38


and toxic cultures, 41

as repeating patterns, 64

that involve risk, 4142


decision-making, 6061, 65, 84

judgments, 8081


ethnic, 83

gender, 8384

invisible, 9697

visible, 96

Dunning-Kruger effect, 114

falling for the, 115

overconfidence and the, 125

protecting yourself from the, 122

effective tactical techniques, 21

egocentric bias, 175

EGRIP method, 102, 103, 105

eight-step decision-making model, 1315

emails, delaying your response to, 3940

emotional connections with colleagues, 102

emotions, underestimating the strength of, 78

emotions of colleagues, figuring out the, 102

empathy gap, 78, 80, 177178

employees and rumors, 95

endowment effect, 56, 57

Enron, 11, 89, 90, 92, 137

envisioning your outcome, 17

Equifax security breach, 22

ethnic diversity, benefits of, 83

evaluating the implementation process, 15

evaluations, different types of, 166167

evaluations and cognitive biases, 29


finding alternative, 36

looking for the right, 16


considering past, 6162, 153

using past, 66

explanations, considering alternative, 36, 81, 84, 9798

extended warranties, 56

external perspective,

getting an, 85, 124125, 126

using an outside view to get, 39

external perspective on situations, 81

Facebook, success of, 147

false consensus effect, 79, 80, 177

falsehoods, accurate statements and, 28

fight-flight-freeze defensive response, 77

fight-flight-freeze response, 24

activation of the, 33

financial incentives, lack of improvement from, 79

financial incentives for employees, 78

five questions to avoid decision disasters, 1617

fundamental attribution error, 71, 72, 174

future, making predictions about the, 84, 126

gathering information, steps for, 16

GE, failures of, 15, 147

gender diversity, benefits of, 8384


deciding on your, 14

generating viable options and achieving, 14

Golden Rule, 38

Great Recession, devastation of the, 94

group affiliations, types of, 73

group attribution error, 73, 78

irrational behavior and, 74

group behaviors, misattributing problematic, 76

group belonging, 63


internal characteristics of, 76

problematic intentions and, 78

snap judgments about, 7378

groupthink, 110

growth model, S-curve, 54

gut reaction, behaviors and your, 27

habitual instincts, changing your, 31

halo effect, 9697, 170171

falling for the, 97

HCR ManorCare bankruptcy, 8889

healthy competition, 115116

Heath, Chip, 26

Heath, Dan, 26

hindsight bias, 115116, 123, 172

horns effect, 9697, 170171

humility, 122

balancing confidence with, 110

hyperbolic discounting, 137, 141, 175

ideas, placing low value on, 58

identifying dangerous judgment errors, 31

ignoring negative information, 96

IKEA effect, 57, 58, 172

illusion of transparency, 121, 169

illusory superiority, 176

illusory truth bias, 173

illusory truth effect, 95

looking for evidence to fight the, 97


new information and, 1718

options and, 17

implementation process, evaluating the, 15

in-person arguments, 2627

individuals, placing low value on, 58


gathering relevant, 14

ignoring negative, 96

sharing uncomfortable, 102

steps for gathering, 16

information bias, 54, 55, 176177

innovation and the S-curve, 55

insurance coverage, 56

intentional system

and autopilot system, 2526

and changing automatic thinking, 26

and rational thinking, 25

and the prefrontal cortex, 25

internal characteristics of groups, 76

internal confidence and the decision-making process, 110

intuition, snap judgments and, 24


fighting your, 40

transforming your, 31

intuitive aversion to losing resources, 52

investors, predictions of, 112

invisible diversity, 9697

irrational behavior and group attribution error, 74

irrational behavior, cognitive biases and, 28

Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream,

considering past experiences and, 123124

listeria recall of, 108109, 111

JPMorgan Chase, 137

judgment errors,

addressing dangerous, 16, 31, 168

avoiding dangerous, 18

decision-making and dangerous, 146

identifying dangerous, 4243, 158

intentional system and, 63

making predictions about the future and, 122123

minimizing, 16

relationships and addressing, 84

solving attention, 149152

the dangers of, 15

judgment errors

and applying your attention, 130

and cognitive biases, 159

and hyperbolic discounting, 137


delaying, 8081

humility and making, 122

overconfidence effect and, 109

snap, 71

Kahneman, Daniel, 24, 52

Kodak, bankruptcy of, 15

lateness, chronic, 37

letting go of thoughts, focusing on, 60

lies, detecting, 28

long-term consequences of decisions, 38

long-term future,

considering the, 151152

the ostrich effect and your, 100

long-term future scenarios,

considering, 104

evaluating, 38

implementing consideration of, 44

using, 66

long-term future scenarios and debiasing, 31

long-term impact of major decisions, 38

long-term planning and quarterly earnings, 137

long-term positive change, short-term profits and, 137

loss aversion–related cognitive biases, 65

loss aversion, 5253, 173

office furnishings and, 5657

pragmatic dangers of, 5355

recognizing the dangers of, 63

losses, avoiding, 52


and business decision-making, 145

and decision-making, 144

and organizational settings, 145

making a precommitment, 105, 152, 154

making predictions about the future, 43, 100, 104, 122123, 151, 153

ManorCare, 90, 91, 92, 100

mental errors, irrational behavior and, 28

mental errors and debiasing, 3233

mental habits, building up, 30

mental processing capacities, cognitive biases and, 29

mere exposure effect, 95

mergers and acquisitions,

shareholder value and, 111112

strategies for addressing, 124

the real value of, 90

micromanaging, avoiding, 7

mindfulness meditation, 33

debiasing and, 31, 59

implementing, 43

misattributing blame, 7072

misattribution of problematic intentions, 78

misattributions, solving, 8084

mistakes, unwillingness to admit, 90

MUM effect, 94, 171

making a precommitment and the, 101

MySpace, the failure of, 147

negative emotions, empowering strong, 31

negative information, ignoring, 96

negative personality traits and behavior, 79

negative reality, 93

negative teamwork dynamics, 7576

next best alternatives, developing, 37

normalcy bias, 9394, 174

falling for the, 94

not invented here bias, 5758, 172

office furnishings, loss aversion and, 5657

omission bias, 141, 143, 177

optimism, calibrating, 123

optimism bias, 116118, 124, 171

optimists, 117118


considering alterative, 3637, 81, 84, 9798, 104, 153

expanding your range of, 36

implementing your, 15

weighing your, 14

options and implementation, 17


setting a policy for your future, 66, 125

setting policies that guide your, 3940

organizational change and short-term planning, 137

organizational settings and luck, 145

organizations, placing low value on, 58

ostrich effect, 93, 94, 100, 175

outcome bias, 143149, 175176

overconfidence, 110111, 113, 114


and other people's perspectives, 124

and external perspectives, 124125

and probabilistic thinking, 122

and the illusion of transparency, 121

overconfidence bias, 169

overconfidence effect, 109, 113

Papa John's, 22

Pareto principle, 58

Parkinson's law of triviality, 142, 170

past experience, considering, 3738, 66, 126, 153

past experiences and debiasing and, 31

personal recognition of employees, 78

personality, attributing a situation to, 71


considering other people's, 104105

implementing consideration of other people's, 44

reflecting on other people's, 81

perspectives and debiasing, 31

pessimism, calibrating, 123

pessimism bias, 117119, 124, 171

pessimists, 117118

planning fallacy, 119121, 169

planning fallacy and considering past experiences, 12

Platinum Rule, 38, 39

points of view, considering other people's, 3839, 81, 85

positive reinforcement, colleagues and, 103

pragmatic dangers of loss aversion, 5355

precommitment, making a, 4041, 101, 105, 152, 153


and debiasing, 31

and a Schelling point, 4142

precommitments, implementing, 44

predictions about the future, making, 35, 6566, 84, 85

preexisting beliefs, information that confirms, 9192

prefrontal cortex and intentional system, 25

prior probability, evaluating new evidence with, 34

Pro-Truth Pledge, 41

probabilistic thinking, 33, 61, 85, 98, 104, 153

attention judgment errors and, 150

debiasing and, 31

implementing, 43

key aspect of, 33

using, 65, 125

probabilistic thinking

and decision-making, 150

and overconfidence, 122

and sample size, 8182

probabilistic thinking base rate approach, 100


base rate, 3435

prior, 3435

problematic group behaviors, misattributing, 76

process, rewarding outcomes over, 144


halo effect and, 96

horns effect and, 96

public nature of commitments, 41

quantitative data, reliance on, 6

quarterly earnings and long-term planning, 137

quarterly earnings and short-term focus, 137

R&D and the S-curve, 55

rapport with colleagues, building, 102

rational thinking and the intentional system, 25

reaction, delaying your, 33

reality, denying negative, 93

relationships and addressing dangerous

judgment errors, 84

repeating patterns, decisions as, 64

repeating scenarios,

considering, 151153

evaluating, 38

implementing consideration of, 44

the ostrich effect and your, 100

using, 66

rewarding outcomes over process, 144

risk, decisions that involve, 4142

risks and rewards, patterns of, 50

rude behavior, circumstances of, 71

rumors, employees and, 95


and innovation, 55

and R&D, 55

growth model, 54

sample size, probabilistic thinking and, 8182


considering alternative, 104, 153

considering repeating, 104, 153

Schelling point, precommitments and a, 4142

self-evaluations, 166

self-reflective goals, going against your, 27

self-serving bias, 9596

fixing the problem of, 100101

self, setting policies for your future, 3940, 66, 125

shareholder value, mergers and acquisitions

and, 111112


focus and quarterly earnings, 137


planning and organizational change, 137

short-term profits, long-term positive change and, 137

situations, external perspective on, 81

snap judgments, the dangers of, 71

snap judgments

about groups, 7378

and intuition, 24

sports and the value of avoiding gut reactions, 6

status quo bias, 5354, 55, 173

stereotyping and group attribution error, 73

stereotyping, different, 75

strategic assessments, flaws of, 6

strategic evaluations, 167

stress, decreasing, 12

stress and the autopilot system, 24

success, creating an appearance of, 90

sunk costs, 56, 57

sunk costs bias, 172

surrogation, 135136, 176

survivorship bias, 146148, 149

sympathetic nervous system, cooling down the, 33

tactical evaluations, 167

tactical techniques, effective, 21

tasks and your autopilot system, 70

team conflict, optimism and pessimism bias and, 124

teams, placing low value on, 58

teamwork dynamics, negative, 7576

technological disruption, increase in, 2425


planning fallacy of, 120

SEC investigation of, 22

Time Warner, merger of, 15

toxic cultures and decisions, 41

tribal affiliation, your perception of, 96

Tyco accounting fraud, 89

typical mind fallacy, 177

ultimate attribution error, 76, 78

utilitarianism, 11

viable options, achieving your goals and

generating, 14

visible diversity, 96

Volkswagen, 81, 89, 90, 92, 100

WorldCom accounting fraud, 89

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