Chapter 2

NanoImprint Lithography 1

2.1. From printing to NanoImprint

Today, printing has become a common thing thanks to several technological revolutions. After the development of the first written forms 30,000 years B.C., cuneiform writing, invented by Mesopotamian Sumerians, appeared 4000 years B.C. This form of writing was mainly produced using a sharpened reed on a clay tablet. The Sumerians also created the cylinder seal, today considered to be the first impression technique: symbols were carved into a stone cylinder which was then rolled over fresh clay; the imprinted pattern constituted a seal.

It was only in 1908 that an Italian archeologist, Luigi Pernier, discovered what is considered to be the earliest imprinted item: the Phaistos disk (Figure 2.1), dating from the 17th Century B.C, which is a clay disk covered with hieroglyphs embossed by stamps. It has a 16 cm diameter, is only 1.2 cm thick and was made by pressing sculpted symbols into wet clay, which was then baked and attached to a support. The disk is covered with unknown pictograms on both faces. The first traces of seals or stamp impressions on clay can thus be dated from many centuries before our age.

Ten centuries later, the first imprinted coins appear in ancient Greece and Asia. The impressions consist of a symbol to represent a value, and that value in writing. They are therefore considered to be the first examples of products from a mass impression technique. In Western Europe, between the 1st and the 15th Century A.D., books were copied by scribe monks, called copyists, who handwrote them with a goose feather. However, during the 6th Century in China, xylography was invented. An impression was accomplished thanks to sculpted wood or engraved ceramic blocks. In 868, a Chinese man, Wan Jie, printed the first book. It was a xylographical edition of the Diamond Sutra, a buddhist text, of which only a few fragments are left and kept at the British Library in London. A century and a half later, in 1401, Corean Pi Cheng, printed the first book using mobile clay characters.

Figure 2.1. Pictures of the Phaistos disk. Heraklion Archaeological Museum, Crete [PHA 10]


Around 1400, the first metallographic books appeared. Molten lead was deposited on a copper plate which had been struck with punches. The lead block was then taken out of its mold, covered with ink and placed under a sheet of paper. A few decades later, in about 1430, the lead matrix was replaced with wooden boards, carved in reverse. Once the boards were coated with ink, they were pressed against paper sheets. In 1436, Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press with removable wood or metal characters.

It was only in 1517, with Luther and the Reformation, that these impression techniques became a way of spreading mass information. And it was only in c.1790 that a rotary motion was introduced into the process, with the invention of the first impression cylinder by William Nicholson.

Lithography, based on the incompatibility between ink (oil) and water, was created in 1796 thanks to Senefelder's work. But it was only in 1829 that relief lithography was invented by the Frenchman Louis Braille, to allow blind people to have access to information media. With the help of progress in science and the twentieth century's developments in technologies, numerous techniques have appeared and modified impression methods (Figure 2.2).

Figure 2.2. From imprint to NanoImprint


It was only in about 1974 that hot embossing of millimetric and micrometric structures appeared. Stephen Benton and Michael Foster first developed a process using this technology to produce holograms on plastic. In 1983, MasterCard International became the first user of this reproduction technique for security holograms on their cards.

In 1992, two IBM scientists, Mamin and Rugar, developed a thermomechanical writing process using an AFM tip [MAM 92]. This method consisted of embossing a locally heated polymer with the tip of a near-field microscope. Initially this approach was used to manufacture data storage supports. However, since the information is written as a chain, the process was quite slow.

In the mean time, Whiteside's team, at Harvard University, developed the microcontact imprint technique [KUM 94], allowing them to generate molecular transfers from a stamp to a specific substrate. This technology is based on the alkanethiol adsorption principle on a gold surface (a monolayer) at the scale of from 0.2 to 100 µm. To do so, a soft elastomer stamp was used to process the areas where the gold surface was covered with this organized monolayer.

In 1995, Stephen Chou [CHO 95] from the University of Michigan published thermal imprints of patterns smaller than 200 nm. Although the concept was very similar to that developed by IBM at the same time, here, the printing was done in parallel. The support (a mold) contained numerous patterns and was embossed in a melted polymer. As de-embossing happened once the polymer was hardened, a mirror image was reproduced: nanoimprinting was born. In the same year, Kim [KIM 95] published an article about the first imprints made by filling a mold using capillary effects between a liquid resist and the surface (“micromolding in capillaries”, or MIMIC).

In 1996, a research team from Philips [HAI 96] wrote an article about the first results for UV assisted impressions to create CDs. The idea consisted of using a liquid polymer at room temperature and shaping it with a mold engraved with patterns. The final stack was stabilized by a UV flash through the transparent mold. Chou, on the other hand, used a silicon mold. Even though the targeted application was CD fabrication, the authors [HAI 96] mentioned a possible use of this technology as a lithographic process.

Based on work done at Philips, Wilson and Sreenvasan's teams [COL 99], from the University of Texas, elaborated the first UV assisted imprinting equipment with a local resist drop dispenser. This technology optimized the volume of resin required locally to fill the die. Transparent molds of a reasonable size (a few cm2) used the same concept of photorepetition in photolithography to print much larger surfaces than the size of the mold.

After these three original breakthroughs, countless research teams started studying NanoImprint. Numerous variations and enhancements on Chou, Whiteside and Wilson's articles emerged and established NanoImprint as one of the ten technologies that could change the future [MIT 03].

2.2. A few words about NanoImprint

NanoImprint is a generic technology involving various approaches but keeping a common goal: the use of a stamp or mold to transfer a 2D or 3D pattern onto a surface or in a material's thickness. All these technologies assume an intimate contact between the original information media (the mold) and the receiving support (the substrate).

A full description of all these techniques (presented in Table 2.1) goes way beyond the frame of this chapter and we will focus instead on two of the technologies which have had the biggest impact on micro- and nanofabrication of electronic, optical, biological or magnetic devices: thermal and UV assisted nanimprint lithography (see Figure 2.3).

NanoImprint techniques stick out from other more conventional lithography processes (photolithography, electronic lithography, X-ray, EUV lithography, etc.) because of the fundamental mechanism of creating the structures. In classical approaches, structures are created through a physical and chemical contrast. The resist positive or negative can be selectively developed. In the case of NanoImprint, the contrast is topographic and the flow of the resist through the stamp's cavities shapes the pattern.

Table 2.1. Different technologies using a mold brought into contact with a surface to structure


Figure 2.3. Description of thermally and UV assisted NanoImprint processes


Based on this principle, two solutions (thermal or UV NIL) are employed to solidify the displaced matter. Either the thermal properties of the material are used (in thermally assisted NanoImprint) by exploiting its liquid and solid states, or its physical and chemical properties are thermally modified (with thermoset materials) or modified by exposing to utlraviolet (UV assisted NanoImprint), establishing a crosslinkage or polymerization process.

Dispensing the resist requires it to be liquid with the lowest possible viscosity to reduce printing time. For thermal NanoImprint this operating point is reached by heating the material above its glass point (for polymers) or fusion transition temperature. Then a force is applied on the reverse of the mold to deform the liquid material. Depending on the structures to be reproduced and the flowing properties (mainly surface energy and viscosity), the force and heating applied to the stamp is held from a few seconds to several minutes. Then the system cools down under the glass transition or fusion temperature to harden the structures created. The mold and the substrate can be separated (de-embossing). Once all this is done, a thin layer of resist is still present below the imprinted features (residual layer) and needs to be removed to obtain a resin mask on a substrate, as in other traditional techniques (Figure 2.3).

For UV assisted impression, the resist is aleady liquid at room temperature and generally has a lower viscosity (a few mPa/s). The temperature cycle is no longer needed, allowing an improvement of throughput. The solidification of the material is done by photocrosslinking (Figure 2.3). We can immediately see that the mold has to be transparent to the wavelengths used, making its fabrication a lot more complicated. Once the resist is crosslinked, it is then solid enough to allow the separation of the mold. As with thermal NanoImprint, the residual layer has to be removed. Alignment between different pressed levels is achieved with a precision lower than 50 nm thanks to the transparency of the mold [FUC 04]. For obvious reason, the same cannot be done for thermal NanoImprint and alignment is still a major issue.

In UV assisted NanoImprint, a technique using a local drop dispenser was proposed by Colburn [COL 05]. This solution has the advantage of optimizing the volume of matter required locally to fill the mold cavities but keeps the residual layer as thin as possible. This is why this solution was widely developed for application in nanoelectronics [SCH 07].

These techniques are contact technologies since the mold embosses the resin. However, during the last decade, significant efforts have been made to overcome the contact between the material containing the information and that receiving the transfer. This has helped limit the defects and increase resolution (mainly for optical lithography). Moreover, the dimensions of the imprinted pattern correspond to the those of the mold's object; this technology is called 1x, unlike scanners or step and repeat tools for optical lithography that use reduction factors of 4 or 5.

Finally, even though the topographic contrast (unlike chemical contrast) allows exact reproduction of the inverse image of the stamp, the existence of a residual layer (unlike with a chemical contrast) requires an extra etching step to end up with a classical resist mask on a substrate ready to be etched. We present the consequences of such specificity below. The main asset of this technology is the ability to reach better resolutions than optical lithography, with higher yields than with electronic lithography.

Their respective potentials led to a huge development, in ten years, of fabrication processes for the stamps, equipment, and their respective processes. Even though these technologies were created to imprint relatively small plane surfaces (of a few square microns [CHO 95]), it is interesting to notice that larger surfaces can now be imprinted [PER 04].

Figure 2.4. Different NanoImprint modes: full wafer, step and repeat, and roll to roll


Three reproduction modes can now be clearly identified (see Figure 2.4):

– wafer to wafer NanoImprint [PER 04];

– step and flash imprint lithography [COL 99], or thermorepeated (step and stamp imprint lithography) [HAA 00];

– roller imprint or roll to roll, either thermal [TAN 98] or UV assisted [AHN 06].

Figure 2.5. Evolution of the number of publications (top) and patents (bottom) mentioning NanoImprint, over the years. Three databases were searched for publications [INS,ISI, SCI]. The Micropatent database [MIC] was interrogated for patent


There has been a growing interest in these technologies, proposed over a decade ago. Figure 2.5 shows a significant evolution in the amount of publications (from three databases) directly related to the technology itself or using NanoImprint to design objects or components. This tendency confirms the enthusiasm for the subject and is strengthened by the constantly growing number of patents deposited each year that mention NanoImprint (Figure 2.5). These two factors show that NanoImprint is of industrial as well as academic interest, a necessary condition to ensure its future.

Moreover, in 2003, less than ten years after the first paper was published, NanoImprint appeared in the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) as a potential solution to ensure the shrinkage of future electronic components [ITR]. This document is established through an agreement of industrial, academic and equipment partners, and bring together the major actors of the microelectronic industry: Europe, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and the United States. The point of the document is to identify blockages for future technologies but also the innovative solutions. It also sets future markers and technical objectives required to overcome micro- and nanoelectronic constraints.

The presence of NanoImprint in this roadmap significantly boosted interest in this technology, creating a link between research technology and industry.

2.3. The fabrication of the mold

The key element of the process, the mold or stamp, is to NanoImprint what the mask is to optical lithography. However, unlike optical lithography through projection, NanoImprint is called a 1x technology because there is no reduction factor between the mask and the resist. Therefore, the structures reproduced in the resist have the same size as the ones on the mold. The conception of such an object requires advanced micro- and nanofabrication processes (mainly etching and lithography). An exhaustive review of all the more or less standard processes and tricks used for the fabrication of such objects go beyond the limits of this chapter.

The most common approach consists of using other highly resolving lithography techniques for stamp manufacturing: electron beam lithography, EUV, X-rays, advanced optical (193 nm dry immersion lithography), or even FIB lithography, to cite a few. Readers can refer to [LAN 10] to understand the limits of these technologies. All these approaches are commonly called top-down because the organization of matter is realized via a mechanical (etching), chemical (development of a resist) or mechanical and chemical (Reactive Ion Etching (RIE)) machining. However other approaches take advantage of the auto-organizing capacity of matter at a scale of a few nanometers, or even tenths of nanometers. These techniques are generally classified as bottom-up solutions and are able to reach resolutions comparable with electronic lithography and with a much simpler implementation.

To conclude this discussion of the different approaches, there is one method which consists of taking advantage of certain materials’ capacity to be deposited as ultra thin films. The technique is to realize a multilayer deposition on a substrate, which is diced. This way the multilayer coatings are accessible and can be selectively etched. Thus, the edge of the wafer contains nanometric structures defined by the thicknesses of the deposited layers [AUS 04, MEL 03]. Despite the exceptional resolutions accessible through this method, the size of the stamp created is far too small because it is limited by the number of layers deposited. However, it is possible to extend this approach to larger surfaces by coating the edge of a predefined pattern with multiple layers. This process is commonly called the “PEDAL process” (PEDAL being an acronym of “planar edge defined alternate layer”) [SON 05].

By choosing a two materials wisely, so that one can selectively remove one of them through an etch step, it is possible to achieve very dense and large wafers (up to 8 or 12 inches, or 200 to 300 mm) of nanometric patterns (of a few nanometers depending on the thickness of the layer deposited for the material), by using structures with larger dimensions (of a few hundred nanometers). In this configuration, the multilayer is revealed by etching, or by a chemical mechanical polishing/planarization (CMP) step (Figure 2.6).

Figure 2.6. Illustration of the PEDAL stamp manufacturing process


All these approaches have specific benefits and limitations. Depending on the application targeted with NanoImprint, they can be used together or separately. So-called top-down techniques generally constitute the majority of the methods encountered in NanoImprint.

Further, improvements in micro- and nanoelectronic equipment have made stamp manufacturing over very large surfaces possible (up to hundreds or thousands of centimeters square), even though the process can take several days for serial writing lithography (with Gaussian beam electronic lithography, for instance). Resolutions around 10 nm can be obtained thanks to electron beam lithography (Figure 2.7) with either positive or negative resists (see [LAN 10], Chapter 3).

Figure 2.7. SEM pictures. Top views of an object made with (left) electron beam lithography and (right) after RIE etching in silicon with a minimal size of 12 nm


By contrast, the less expensive bottom-up solutions like copolymer systems (for which resolutions around a few nanometers can easily be achieved) can be used for stamp manufacturing. The main issues with these approaches are: the limited choice in the form and density of patterns imposed by the auto-organization of the system itself; the relatively small total surface; and, very often, the lack of ways to position a given pattern accurately. Nevertheless, recent papers [BIT 08, RUI 08, SEG 08] have raised the possibility of solving these main issues, like the size of the structured surface and positioning of nano-objects, through a combination of top-down and bottom-up techniques. Finally, it can be noticed that these bottom-up approaches are often achieved using coatings with thicknesses lower than one hundred nanometers. It is therefore very complicated or even impossible to obtain molds with aspect ratios (pattern height/width) of above one.

UV assisted NanoImprint technologies can be implemented with hard stamps, like quartz, or soft stamps usually made of organic materials. Quartz molds are generally limited to a few centimeters square but soft stamps can be as big as an 8 or 12 inch wafer, or even larger. Hard stamps are fabricated with silicon molds by lithography and an etching step (usually more challenging than using silicon) for the substrate. When creating a soft stamp, a first mold (usually in silicon) has to be fabricated. A liquid material (cured thermally or through UV exposure) is deposited on the mold to create a mirrored copy. Then the copy is used as a soft stamp for further steps. In that case, good mechanical behavior of the patterns during the imprint is required [MIC 01]. Various polymers can be used to realize these molds; elastomer is, amongst others, a very attractive choice. The material most used so far is poly(dimethyl-siloxane) (PDMS). Other materials like polyurethane (PU), polymide or a Novolac cured resist have been used to manufacture such molds. Poly(dimethylsiloxane) is particularly adapted to the fabrication of molds for soft lithography. In fact, it is just a silicon rubber. It is rather stable with time, non-toxic, inert with most materials required to be structured, and resistant to most solvents except many apolar solvents [LEE 03]. Furthermore, it is transparent to wavelengths over 300 nm, thermally stable under 150°C, flexible (Young modulus of 1.8 MPa), and undergoes 160% stretching. PDMS can be cured at low temperature (from ambient to 60°C) minimizing thermal expansion. This material is low cost and simple to implement. Besides, it is compatible with a large variety of organic or organometallic molecules, ceramics, sol-gels, colloids, biological micromolecules, acids or silane [XIA 98B, XIA 98B]. Its surface energy is only 22 mJ/m2 and can even be reduced to 12 mJ/m2 by using fluoropolymer-based treatments [PER 98]. This low surface energy enhances the demolding of the stamp from the shaped material and limits the contamination of the mold by particles or organic vapors. Its elasticity improves the conformity of the contact at the molecular scale, removing Van der Waals forces.

In reality, the mold, structured by lithography and etching, is realized by coating a stiff substrate. Sylgard 184 is the most commonly used PDMS formulation. Even though this material presents lots of advantages, some restrictions arise depending on the density and the size of the patterns. The standard formulation of PDMS allows the reproduction of features with sizes around 300 nm, with no significant deformations. The main issue is a low Young modulus that can induce many different types of mechanical deformations of the stamp, therefore limiting the potential resolution of this technique. A study of the collapse of the mold versus curing time of the PDMS enabled shrinkage of the printed structures by using a mold with higher elastic modulus and surface hardness. However, if those two components are too large, the stamp becomes fragile and contact with the substrate can be less homogeneous. To counter this problem, Schmid [SCH 00] suggested using a mixture of prepolymer bases with vynilic and hyrdosilane functions, and varying the length of the polymer chains between crosslinking points. Schmid [SCH 00] emphasized the fact that a thermal curing of the PDMS intrinsically limits the fabrication of the stamp for high resolutions. In fact, the cooling cycle can induce mechanical stress in the material and therefore restrict its resolution. Even though using a thin film can solve this issue, it seems very important to create molds with no residual constraints to enhance the resolution and the alignment of the imprinted patterns. The use of photo-crosslinkers or curing agents at room temperature seems to be an attractive solution, in spite of the few results available today.

For the roller imprint method, fabrication of the mold remains to this day the limiting factor for the development of this technology. Indeed, well-known nanostructuring tools and associated processes are perfectly adapted for planar samples. The adaptation of these approaches to curved substrates is not possible yet and the fabrication of cylindrical stamp is done by coating a thin and deformable metallic [TAN 98] or soft [AHN 08, LEE 08] layer. Even though this trick has allowed a few research teams to achieve very good results in terms of imprint, the issue of connection fields between each wafer edge on the cylindrical stamp is still unsolved.

Even though the methods presented can help realize high-resolution molds on various sizes of surface, in most cases the structures have different heights (so-called 3D). Unlike most of the other lithography techniques, NanoImprint can easily achieve patterns of different heights on the same sample (true 3D) if the mold is also 3D [TOR 07].

The fabrication of 3D stamps is thus a major scientific and technologic challenge for the near future. The implementation of such processes would allow the application fields of NanoImprint to be significantly extended.

2.4. Separating the mold and the resist after imprint: de-embossing

2.4.1. The problem

The specifics of NanoImprint processes, namely the intimate contact between the surface of the mold and the material, most of the time organic, require the development of strategies to make the separation of the support containing the information (the mold) and the shaped polymer easier. This demolding is a key step in the implementation of NanoImprint.

The mechanisms acting during this separation can affect not only the mold but also the resist printed, creating many irreversible defects. Adhesion at the interface and friction between the surface of the mold and the resist can induce elastic [HIR 01, MOH 06] or plastic [CHE 06, CRO 05] deformation or even lifting of the patterns (Figure 2.8) [GOU 07, HIR 03].

Figure 2.8. Cross-section SEM image of a line network in a resist after the lifting of the structure during demolding [HIR 03]


Right from the start, the NanoImprint scientific community tried not only to optimize this de-embossing step to reduce the defects generated but also reduce the mechanical stress on the mold and in the resist, allowing an improvement in the resistance of the mold and its life expectancy.

Given the few theoretical results dedicated to the study of the mechanisms in action during de-embossing, most results presented are process oriented or experimental findings, and offer more qualitative than quantitative solutions for their implementation. For the experimenter, there are two possibilities to separate the stamp from the resist: either a parallel separation of the mold and the resist [MER 07, TRA 08] (parallel demolding); or the insertion of a thickness between the substrate and the mold creating the propagation of a crack line (a separation wave) at the interface [HOU 07a, LAN 08] (peeling de-embossing).

The parallel separation of a mold from a resist requires a perfectly vertical relative motion, which constitutes a major experimental challenge. This is the reason why, in most situations, the de-embossing is either done by propagating a crack at the interface or by mixing parallel de-embossing and peeling. In all cases, it is necessary to consider both adhesion and friction phenomena during this stage (Figure 2.9(b) and 2.9(c)).

Figure 2.9. (a) Peeling demolding principle with propagation of the de-embossing line between the resist and the mold; (b) and (c) adhesion and friction effects during the demolding stage


Even if the mechanical and adhesion behaviors of the mold on the resist are key parameters for the de-embossing process, most effort has been focused on an enhancement of the physicochemical properties of the mold–resist interface [BUN 00, DEV 04, HOU 07b, MEN 84, SCH 05a, SIL 91]. This results in a reduction of the surface energy, making the demolding easier.

2.4.2. Adhesion

Adhesion involves physico-chemical phenomena arising when two surfaces are in contact. These phenomena can generate specific interactions or linking between materials. The causes of adhesion, and things contributing to it, can be numerous and complex. Mechanical anchorage, strong or weak electrostatic and acido-basic interaction, inter-diffusion phenomena, the creation of covalent bonding or wetability of the components can all factor in the de-embossing process, together or separately [DAR 03].

Since most of the fundamental adhesion mechanisms in solids are not fully understood, many models have been proposed. Nevertheless, to this day there is no unified theory for adhesion and sticking.

The computation of the attraction force (adhesion force), whether on a micro- or nanoscopic scale, as a function of the distance between the solids, does not imply the strength of adhesion. Therefore, the transposition and implementation of knowledge on this de-embossing step in thermally and UV assisted NanoImprint are not trivial. A precise and complete analysis of this stage is still missing today. However, many research teams have shown that an improvement of the surface properties (mainly surface energy) of the different materials used reduces the adherence between the mold and the shaped resist. The main studies performed so far consist of reducing the surface of the mold to reduce the work of adhesion of the system.

2.4.3. Adhesion and physico-chemical surface properties

A complete description of surface properties and wetting theory go beyond the aim of this book; see the specialized literature for further details [DAR 03, GEN 04].

The goal of this section is to recall a few essential definitions and concepts, to get a better grasp of the experimental results obtained.

During the NanoImprint process, a mold with a solid surface is placed in contact with a liquid polymer or organic material with a viscosity between a few mPa/s and a few GPa/s. This contact between a solid and a liquid refers directly to wetting theories. The capacity of a liquid to fully or partially wet a solid surface is directly linked to one of its surface properties: surface energy.

Internal intermolecular forces ensure the cohesion of a material. Inside its own volume, each molecule comes under the influence of its neighbors. On the surface of the material, this symmetry is broken and a force is generated. Each atom or molecule on the surface sustains an attraction pulling it back into the volume. This force tends to reduce the surface of the material versus its available volume.

The surface tension, or surface energy γ, can be defined as the effort dW required to increase the surface by an elementary area dS:


We can also link surface energy to the cohesion effort Wco of a solid or liquid. Wco corresponds to the required reversible effort per surface unit to bring two identical surfaces in contact, in a vacuum:


Ideally, this surface energy should correspond to the energy needed to split a body in two. However, since this process is irreversible and disperses energy, it is important to introduce an adhesion effort Wad and interface energy γ12. If we consider two surfaces 1 and 2, this adhesion effort or Dupré’s adhesion energy is defined by:

[2.1] images

with γi the surface energy of phase i with respect to the vapor phase (Figure 2.10).

Figure 2.10. Definition of the contact angle between phases 1 (solid) ad 2 (liquid) and interfaceenergyγ12.ThisrepresentationgivesrisetoYoung'sequation


In the case of a liquid phase 2 and a solid substrate 1, wetting is only effective if the adhesion energy Wad is higher than the cohesion energy Wco.

[2.2] images

This equation is commonly called the wetting factor or criteria, and S is defined as the spreading parameter. With S ≥ 0 wetting is full and the liquid deposited on the solid spreads completely; in the case where S < 0, the wetting is only partial and the liquid will remain as drops. By combining the Young equation:

[2.3] images

and Dupré’s equation [2.1], the adhesion effort of the liquid on the solid, the spreading parameter, can be expressed under the form:

[2.4] images

[2.5] images

with θ the contact angle of phase 2 on phase 1.

As a consequence, the measurement of the contact angle of a liquid on a solid allows the adhesion energy to be determined. At this point, various approaches have been studied to decompose the surface energy of a liquid or a solid as a dispersive (linked to dispersive, induction or dipole-dipole interactions) and a polar or acid-base component (linked to Debye, Keeson or hydrogen interactions).

When a liquid comes in contact with a surface (or another non-miscible liquid), numerous microscopic forces act and allow it to wet, to a greater or lesser extent. These forces are among others, van der Waals, or dispersive forces, created by the relocation of electron clouds of the two bodies, and polar forces regrouping electrostatic forces (electronegativity of atoms) and eventually surface charges, and hydrogen bonds. These forces can be computed through macroscopic values, surfaces energies that can be expressed in mN.m–1 or mJ.m2.

The surface energies of the liquid (surface tension) or of the substrate are the sum of their dispersive (γd) and polar (γp) components. Various models can numerically estimate these components and sub-components.

Owens et al. [OWE 78] assumed that surfaces could have a dispersive and a polar fraction. In the same way, polar surface energy can be divided into two components [WIE 99], one linked to electrostatic bonds (γe), and the other linked to hydrogen bondings (γH).

[2.6] images

To compute the surface energy of a substrate based on its contact angle with a known liquid (specifically its surface energy), we need to calculate the interface energy γ12. The adhesion effort of a liquid on a substrate can be determined thanks to a geometrical mean between surface energy of a substrate and a liquid (see Girifalco & Good [GOO 60], Fowkes [FOW 64]):

[2.7] images

Using equation [2.6], this becomes:

[2.8] images

If we allow only similar interactions to remain (for instance: dispersive-dispersive), namely only the same type of effort exist, then:

[2.9] images

After combining [2.4] and [2.8], we obtain the following relation:

[2.10] images

which corresponds to the equation used in the extended Fowkes method.

Fowkes, extended Fowkes (EF), and Owens et al. are a part of the same family in which the adhesion effort corresponds to the geometrical mean value of the particle surface tensions (components). These methods, in particular extended Fowkes, answer an important range of surface energy values. The difference between the Fowkes method (or EF) and Owens’ approach is the computation technique: Owens et al. use linear regression to solve the equation system, whereas Fowkes and EF use iterative determinations with different liquids allowing the exclusion of some components after each calculation step.

Nevertheless, other models exist. The Wu model [WU 82] is more adapted to small surface energies (< 35 mN.m–1) than for large surface energies, as it diverges strongly. In this model, the adhesion effort corresponds to the harmonic mean of the surface tensions. The Wu method is solved using two unknown parameters in a two equations system, but it is possible to solve it by excluding components, as in the Fowkes’ method:

[2.11] images

Finally, the Oss and Good [OSS 90] method, which is also based on a geometrical mean value of the two components of the surface energy, considers that the polar fraction is divided into two components, an acid fraction (γ+) linked to the presence of acid groups at the surface (proton donors), and a basic fraction (.γ-) caused by the existence of basic groups on the surface (electron donors):

[2.12] images

All these models can be useful, even though the extended Fowkes model is probably the best known for surface energy calculations.

Even if adherence is not simply linked to adhesion effort, it is possible, in certain cases [DAR 03], to establish a relationship between Dupré’s adhesion energy and the rate of energy returned to the system (G in J/m2) that allows the energy required for a crack to propagate in a material or a system to be calculated, which corresponds perfectly to the de-embossing step in NanoImprint.

The consideration of these elastoviscoplastic energy dissipation phenomena during the de-embossing of the mold and the resist would allow Dupré’s adhesion and the adherence with an amplification coefficient that can achieve 103 to be linked. To this day, no research has been conducted with such detailed descriptions of NanoImprint processes. On the other hand, it seems clear today that the evolution of adherence is linked to Dupré’s adhesion. Reducing Wad implies an adherence reduction. According to equation [2.8], a reduction in adhesion means a reduction in the components of the surface energy of both materials implemented. This is the reason why most research done so far has focused on enhancing the release step, through the reduction of the surface energy of the mold or, more rarely, the resist.

2.4.4. Surface treatment of the mold

Fluorine compounds are known for their anti-adhesive properties. They are used in various fields with mechanical applications like kitchen tools, waterproof coatings for fabrics, in electronics and also for medical applications. Because of their chemical components and the strong presence of fluorine atoms, these products have very low surface energies (a few mJ/m2). In general, the wetting of organic surfaces is set by the nature and the organization of the atoms on the surface. Shafrin and Zisman [SHA 60] demonstrated that the surface with the lowest achievable surface energy is obtained by condensation of a monolayer of perfluoroloric acid. The surface presents a dense arrangement of CF3 groups, and this was later confirmed by Nishino's work [NIS 99]. Table 2.2 summarizes surface energy as a function of surface chemistry.

Table 2.2. Surface free energy as a function of the chemical composition of the surface; from [SHA 60]


It appears that the mold's surface needs to have the largest number of CF3 at the surface to reduce the adherence with the resist. To achieve this result, many processes have been suggested. The second constraint of these approaches, is the fact that the deposition has to be homogeneous on the stamp's patterns to reduce not only adherence at the top of the structures and on the bottom of the trenches, but also friction on the sidewalls of the micro- and nanostructures. Finally, the lifetime of such a coating also has to be considered (several thousands of imprint cycles). For this, the film has to be mechanically and thermally stable, have covalent bonds with the surface of the mold if possible, and be inert regarding the chemical reactions taking place during thermal or UV curing.

The first processes implemented to reduce the surface energy of a mold consisted of a very thin fluoropolymer film deposition (a few nanometers). These polymers need a composition and properties similar to polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). The main techniques used for deposition are plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition [GOU 02, GOU 04, JAS 99] or sputtering [JAS 99]. In the case of PECVD, precursor gases like octofluorocyclobutane (C4F8) or tetrafluoromethane (CF4) can be used. Sputtering uses a Teflon target with trifluoromethane (CHF3) as a carrying gas.

A layer deposited in this way has many carbon and fluorine based chemical species and they need to be quantified to optimize the anti-adhesive properties. To do so, X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS) is used to quantify the amount of the species present: CF3, CF2, CF, CCF, CCC.

A high quantity of CF2 species and a small amount of CF and CCF ensure good anti-adhesive properties very close to Teflon (PTFE 18 mJ/m2).

Figure 2.11. Comparison between the surface composition of Teflon type films deposited by plasma or sputtering. Spectra intensity are normalized with respect to the CF2 signal intensity. The presence of this CF2 ray, higher in the case of a plasma deposited layer, shows the presence of a long linear chain similar to the composition of pure PTFE [JAS 99]


Figure 2.11 [JAS 99] represents different species deposited by sputtering (ion sputtered film) and plasma deposition (plasma polymerized film). These depositions have been realized on nickel substrates as (C-Ni), appearing on the XPS spectra.

It is interesting to notice that the deposition technique influences the chemical composition of the surface and therefore its properties. Obviously, fine adjustments in the deposition process enable an improvement in the CF2 proportion of the layer [ROO 01]. The sputtering deposition creates a more heterogeneous deposition than PECVD, which is closer to a Teflon film.

Jaszewski et al. [JAS 99] showed that imprinting using a mold covered with coatings such as polycarbonate (PC) or methyle polymethacrylate (PMMA) generated a transfer of fluorine species to the imprinted polymer. Jaszewski et al. also demonstrated that two mechanisms were responsible for the fluorine transfers: a diffusing mechanism, mainly active during the first ten imprints, then an abrasive mechanism is responsible for the fluorine transfer in the resist film.

Even though it is possible to obtain a high proportion of fluorine in the unmolding agent after deposition, a good amount of the fluoride molecules is weakly bonded to the carbon-rich polymer network and therefore easily transferable to the resin. It is important to notice that the printing time presents a cumulative effect in the diffusive regime, whereas only the number of imprints is relevant in the abrasive regime. Jaszewski et al. finally showed that more than half of the CF2 species are transferred in the polymer after only 50 imprints.

Even though the procedures for such depositions are relatively simple, the coatings obtained have a few downsides: a premature aging of the layer with a strong decrease in the CF2 proportion (20%) after 24 hours when it is kept in vacuum; a complicated deposition process, hard to optimize to achieve an ultra thin film homogenous with the nanostructures; and a high transfer rate of fluorine from the mold and therefore a limited life expectancy, namely lower than 100 impressions.

A solution to counter the thick and non-homogeneous depositions of those fluoropolymers is to use an organic monolayer that has fluoride terminations. For UV NIL technology, Colburn [COL 99] suggested a solution that is widely used nowadays, using fluoride based alkylsilanes to reduce the surface energy of the mold. As a matter of fact, these products set off an auto-assembled homogeneous deposition on very thin structures, of about a few nanometers [JUN 05]. Also, a silicon or silicon oxide mold's surface energy is reduced from 60 mJ/m2 to values close to 15 mJ/m2. Their covalent bonds to the subtrate provide a good resistance to external, mostly thermal (for temperatures above 200°C) and mechanical, aggressions.

These materials’ deposition processes are done by silanization of the substrate. In other words, a reaction of SiCl3 takes place on a surface with hydroxyl groups (OH). This process, initially developed for chromatographic applications, became used, much later, to realize monolayers with antisticking properties [BIG 46].

A detailed description of the deposition process and a procedure were then proposed to achieve a sufficient yield to expand the field of applications of such materials. Brzoska [BRZ 94] obtained critical surface energies for deposition of around 6 ± 1 mJ/m2 by silanizing a silicon oxide with a solution of C10F21(CH2)2SiCl3. These products are now widely used in NanoImprint and can be deposited in vapor [BEC 02] or liquid [LAN 06a] phase. The silanization reaction requires the presence of SiOH groups on the surface, which restricts these depositions to silicon, or silicon oxide surfaces [GAR 07, PAR 04], or even titanium oxide [KEI 05]. The transplantation process is presented in Figure 2.12.

In the process described in Figure 2.12, the substrate is first carefully cleaned, either by a piranha like cleaning, or ozonolysis, to remove all traces of organic leftovers. The native oxide of silicon or silicon oxide's surface being very hydrophilic, because of the OH groups, a thin water layer is thus present.

The hydrophilic function of the products places itself spontaneously at the surface of the water film. This is called the physisorption mechanism (step 1). The molecules spontaneously deposit themselves on the substrate as a film, and ideally all are oriented perpendicular to the substrate forming a dense and well-organized structure with a low surface tension.

The hydrolysis reaction between the SiCl3 group and the OH function forms a strongly polar trisilanol group (step 2) and goes along with a release of hydrochloric acid. The presence of a very thin liquid film allows the mobility of silane chains to be enhanced. Their reorganization is thus facilitated to form a dense monolayer with a compact arrangement of CH3 or CF3 groups at the surface. Then, condensation and formation of covalent bonds (step 3) lets a molecular coating form itself at the surface of the mold. Finally (step 4), a transverse cross-linking reaction happens between neighbor molecules and stabilizes the monolayer.

As far as antisticking applications targeted by NanoImprint are concerned, the main compounds used for deposition are [SCH 05a]:

1. tridecafluoro-1,1,2,2-tetrahydrooctyl-dimethylchlorosilane or F13-OMCS;

2. tridecafluoro-1,1,2,2-tetrahydrooctyl-trichlorosilane or F13-OTCS which contains three (SiCl) groups;

3. heptadecafluoro-1,1,2,2-tetrahydrooctyl-trichlorosilane or F17-DTCS which possesses a longer alkyl chain and three reactive groups.

The molecules are all constituted of a hydrophobic surface group (CF3) and a reactive group (SiCl3) both linked by an alkyl chain (Figure 2.13). These compounds can be used separately or mixed [SCH 05a] to enhance the properties of the monolayer.

Figure 2.12. Transplantation mechanisms of a monolayer on a silanol group according to Brzoska [BRZ 94]


The description of this process (Figure 2.12) remains schematic because condensation and covalent transposition of the molecules can interact simultaneously during the deposition. This generates deflections regarding a perfect auto-assembly on the surface and is characterized mainly by a lack of CF3 groups or a disorientation of molecules with respect to the mean orientation of the alkyl chains.

Figure 2.13. Representation of the principal molecules used for the surface treatment of the molds used in NanoImprint, according to [SCHI 05]


Nevertheless, trends can be identified. This monolayer transplantation process improves the reproduction capacity regarding surface properties, with a wide variety of procedures. The amount of water present during the deposition plays a crucial role on the quality and organization of the layer. The transverse silane chain cross-linking is favored over a transfer to the mold because of too high a proportion of water. Furthermore, a low deposition temperature favors the organization of molecules and thus increases the density of CF3 functions at the surface. The deposition of a blend of F13-OMCS–F13-OTCS or F17-DTCS–F13-OMCS, significantly reduces the polymerization of silane chains with each other and the roughness of the monolayer [SCH 05a]. Moreover, unlike fluoride polymer deposition of a Teflon type, the transfer of fluoride species in the imprinted resist has not to this day been demonstrated, showing the stability of this type of monolayer.

2.4.5. Treatment of the resist

Even though the treatment of the mold is usually enough to ensure a proper unmolding, while maintaining the integrity of the patterns formed, the life expectancy of this surface treatment was raised from the start. How many imprints can be realized with a single surface treatment?

This question raised even more interest with the development of UV assisted NanoImprint and its potential application in micro-electronic device fabrication. Thanks to the photo cross-linking process that is specific for this process, it has been shown [GAR 07] that successive imprints, especially exposures, generate chemical reactions between the free radicals and the surface treatment of the mold. As a consequence, after just a few tens of imprints, the antisticking properties deteriorate, which is a major setback for industrial applications.

Very quickly, a solution was developed [BEN 02] to improve the anti-adherence of the mold and the resist. To do so, the composition of the resist is modified by adding fluoride compounds [BEN 02, KIM 05, LIN 08, WU 07] so that their migration at the resist–mold interface is controlled.

The goal of such a procedure is to create an asymmetry between the substrate– resist and mold–resist interfaces. Furthermore, the resist needs to have a strong adhesion with the substrate and a weak one with the mold. This is the reason why the portion of fluoride has to be carefully controlled, several percent in mass [BEN 02, LIN 08, WU 07].

2.4.6. Characterization of the demolding process

The quality of the de-embossing is based on a controlled balance of the adhesion forces between the substrate–resist and mold–resist interfaces. To this day, only a few theoretical studies have been conducted and most of the experimental researches give a qualitative approach to this step. There exist two commonly employed solutions for performing a demolding step: a separation through a vertical motion of the mold relatively to the resist (parallel demolding) or via a so-called peeling process (peel demolding, Figure 2.14).

In most peel demolding cases, the step is realized manually thanks to a scalpel blade inserted between the mold and the imprinted resist. For parallel demolding, it is implemented via automatic systems and uses smaller molds (20 × 20 mm2) in thermal or photo-repeated approaches (Figure 2.4). However, even in a parallel demolding configuration, it is difficult to get execute a peeling motion for a mold– resist separation. Moreover, the imprint stack usually contains soft layers (compliance layers) to obtain a more uniform print. The evaluation of the required de-embossing force is then extremely complicated or even impossible.

Because of the friction and adhesion generated during the de-embossing of the mold, it seems obvious that the unmolding force greatly depends on the geometry of the stamp (size, density, and shape of the patterns). Therefore, the separation force needs to be locally controlled so that it never exceeds the stress fracture limit of the material.

To master this step, it becomes necessary to understand the macroscopic (mechanical deformation of the mold during separation) and both micro- and nanoscopic mechanisms (friction and adhesion at those structures’ levels) in place. Thereby, it is possible to figure out an automatic separation process applying sufficient effort to keep the resist intact. The computation of the separation force, in the case of parallel demolding, requires equipping the parts applying pressure with a fixation system to hold the mold and the substrate.

Figure 2.14. Schematic representation of parallel and peel demolding


In fact, during the de-embossing step, the applied force progresses from a set point (from a few bars to several hundreds of bars) to zero. By measuring the evolution of the force felt by the piston as a function of time, the separation of the mold from the wafer can be studied.

Figure 2.15 shows the evolution of the applied pressure as a function of printing time. The curve on the left illustrates the full evolution of the force applied along the various steps (vacuum in the chamber, contact, imprint, unmolding, venting); the curve on the right is a magnified image of the force applied on the piston during the demolding step. We have labeled the spike on the force curve the de-embossing force.

Figure 2.15. Evolution of the force applied on a mold during an impression process [TRA 08]. The diagram on the left shows a full cycle, including a step where vacuum is established in the chamber, the imprint step, the de-embossing and the venting of the chamber. The graph on the right is a detailed view of the negatives forces acting at the end of the demolding step


This irregularity is also studied by Park [PAR 09] using another experimental setup. In both cases the unmolding force required is estimated at around a few tens of Newtons, for a total surface close to 100 cm2.

When the demolding is realized by introducing an air gap between the mold and the imprinted resist (Figure 2.16), the induced bending is usually so low that the separation of the stack can be considered vertical, thus easing a quantitative approach. Although a huge research effort has been concentrated on understanding the mechanisms acting during molecular bonding [VAL 05] and issues relating to propagation of fracture [MAU 00], there are, to this day, only a few results concerning a predictable demolding.

Maszara [MAS 88] obtained results when measuring the sticking energy between a mold and a wafer by using the double cantilever method (DCB, Figure 2.9). Therefore it is possible to estimate the impact of nanostructures on the propagation of a split in a stack [LAN 08], or to measure the aging of an anti-sticking treatment [HOU 07a, HOU 07b].

The experimental implementation (Figure 2.16) of this test cannot be linked back to demolding. Actually, it gives access to a split energy G [GIL 60, GIL 64, MAS 88] required to separate the wafers, such that:


Figure 2.16. Peeling demolding realized by introducing a air gap between the mold and the wafer. All three images have been captured by an infra-red camera and reveal the propagation of a unmolding crack between both plates. The unmolded zone corresponds to the lighter parts on the pictures


which depends on Young's modulus E of the mold and substrate (usually the same), on the thickness of the used substrates h, and on the thickness of the object inserted y and the distance L between the edge of the object and the splitting line.

The computation of G can be understood as a way of testing the efficiency of a specific surface treatment. The use of molds and square wafers (Figure 2.17) can present a more developed quantitative approach [LAN 08]. In fact, it has been established that the presence of structures on the mold implies a significant rise in the splitting energy G and thus in the demolding force [LAN 08].

Moreover, Landis et al. [LAN 08] have shown that the energy required to unmold trenches with their length parallel to the splitting wave (Figure 2.17, right) is much lower than the energy required to de-emboss trenches with their length perpendicular to the splitting wave (Figure 2.17, left). The equation of the mold and the deflected mold–substrate system [KAN 74, PEN 93] can be used to calculate the elastic energy stored during the peel test and to compare it with the adhesion energy. Considering a mold and a substrate with a width b (m), a detachment energy G (J/m2), and a constant (8,446) determined by the geometry of the system (plate, mold and resin), the force per unit length required to unmold the system can then be expressed simply by [LAN 08]:


For the standard configurations usually encountered in NanoImprint, energy G is close to several tens or even hundreds of mJ/m2 which translates into a force release of a few tens to hundreds of newtons for a 35 mm wide mold. This result agrees with measurements made in the case of parallel release [TRA 08, PAR 09].

Figure 2.17. Peeling demolding realized on rectangular samples with two pattern geometries. Both images were captured by infra-red cameras and reveal the propagation of the crack between the substrate and the mold. The unmolded zone corresponds to the darker zone on the pictures


2.5. The residual layer problem in NanoImprint

2.5.1. The residual layer: a NanoImprint specific issue

Without taking into account issues related to the creation of defects due to the intimate contact between the mold and resin [CHE 05, HIR 03, LAN 07, MCM 08], this technique of NanoImprint, at first glance, could present another major drawback: the repeated contact between the nano-scale geometries of the mold and the substrate's surface. These points of contact between two hard materials could then mechanically weaken the patterns, especially smaller ones.

Figure 2.18. Schematic representation of resist printing with a stamp, showing the definition of a residual layer under the imprinted features


The properties of materials used as resists (monomers, oligomers or polymers) are such that in most experimental conditions, i.e. pressure, temperature and pressing time of less than 100 bars, Tg + 100°C and 1 hour, respectively, the mold does not reach the resist–substrate interface. Therefore, a resist layer, with thickness depending on imprint conditions, initial available resist volume and the mold's geometry, exists between the surface of the wafer and the mold's structure (Figure 2.18). This residual layer can be considered as a cushioning layer that reduces the mechanical stress on the mold's patterns.

2.5.2. Is the thickness of the residual layer predictable?

An early demonstration of the high resolution capabilities of this technology [CHO 97, AUS 04] and its straightforward implementation gave rise to an important development in the academic world. Users rapidly showed interest in a predictive approach to the printing process, especially with regard to the residual layer, as a function of mold geometry and the available resist volume. During the imprint, the vertical motion of the stamp with respect to the resist, induces very complex flows of polymer into the mold cavities (by vertical flow) but also parallel to the substrate's plane, called planar flow (Figure 2.19) which can generate patterns very different from the initial design of the mold [SCH 01b].

Figure 2.19. Resist imprinting with a stamp. Arrows schematically indicate the complexity of the resist flow


These material flows can both minimize the residual thickness and fill cavities. Depending on the flow properties (viscosity and surface energy) of the material to be embossed, we can expect that the extension of such planar flows may vary by several orders of magnitude. Consequently residual thickness control requires an understanding and control of these two flows. An analogy with a simple and cheap experiment illustrates the importance of these flows. Take a thin piece of clay (a thermoplastic resin) between your thumb and forefinger. Tighten it firmly between your fingers (representing the mold and substrate). It will initially replicate your fingerprint on an area about the size of the piece of clay and, as you increase the pressure applied, the pressed surface becomes larger. This little experiment shows that the clay initially fills the fingerprints with the up and down movements (in the mold cavities) and then spreads to the rest of the finger (planar flow). Based on this experiment, we can wonder if the imprint can be considered roughly as:

– a filling regime for a stamp's structure with mainly vertical short displacements of the imprinted material (from a few to a few hundred nanometers);

– a planar flowing regime for the pressed material between the substrate and the mold over larger distances (a few micrometers to a few millimeters).

Even though the current state of research does not establish a relationship between the viscosity of the imprinted material, the volume to fill in the mold, the pressing conditions and the distance traveled by the planar flow, experimental results have been used to deduce some trends for thermally [HEY 00, LAN 06A, SCH 01a] and UV assisted NanoImprints [VOI 07].

Considering that the copy material may flow over distances similar to that of the sample, it is possible to establish a simple test for whether the mold can be completely filled or not. Figure 2.20 represents an arbitrary profile of a 3D structure to print, with hi the initial thickness of the resist, S the surface of the substrate and the mold and p (x, y) the mathematical function describing the profile of the mold. The calculation of the ratio (f) between the volume to be filled in the mold (Vm) and the volume of incompressible material available (Vi) identifies three configurations:

Figure 2.20. Imprint of a 3D surface described by a function p(x) in a material's thickness hi


[2.13] images

For a ratio f <1, the complete filling of the mold is possible because the material is present in excess. In this case the theoretical residual thickness (hr) could be calculated and is given by:

[2.14] images

A ratio of 1 implies that the volume of material available is equivalent to the volume to be filled, thus implying a theoretical residual layer equal to zero.

Finally, for a ratio greater than 1, the mold cavities cannot be completely filled.

Note that this relationship does not show the printing conditions (temperature, pressure, time of printing) or material properties (viscosity, surface energy) and therefore cannot be considered to describe the dynamics of the process. It can only reflect an ideal static state of the process.

Although this simple analysis of the flow of a material does not take into account the full complexity of the system, it nevertheless allows the thickness of resin required to be optimized.

Let us consider initially a network of lines on a uniform large area of several square millimeters, as shown in Figure 2.21. Many results [CHA 07, GOU 07, LEE 05b] have shown that in such cases, specifically when symmetry is kept for the density and size of the design to be printed, the thickness of the final residual layer could be predicted using the formula above. In this simple case, widely implemented for many applications [AHN 05, CHE 02, WAN 99, WU 98], computing the residual thickness, given the geometry of the mold and the initial thickness, is calculated by the formula:

[2.15] images

This relationship simply reflects the conservation of volume at a local level. Therefore, we see an excellent agreement between experimental results and equation [2.15]. It is, however, important to note that these situations are representative of ideal cases, by the uniformity of the density or the size of the patterns on the mold.

Figure 2.21. Imprint of a lines array with a height hm in a material with initial thickness hi and a width L separated by a distance S. Both curves show the evolution of the residual thickness of resist for a 1 mm2 network and a 110 nm deep stamp [GOU 07], as well as the ratio L/S for a 5mm2 network and a 227 nm deep stamp with an initial layer of 185 nm [CHA 07]. The dots represent experimental values and the dotted line equation [2.15]


If we now look at the distribution of the residual thickness at the edge of a uniform network pattern, typically a network of lines (Figure 2.22), we find a significant variation in the printed profile, even though the structures are all identical.

The presence of a symmetry breakdown in the imprinted design can be expressed either by a variation in the size or density (position x = 0, Figure 2.21), and translates systematically in an inhomogeneous distribution of the residual thickness. Depending on the relative position of the area with no pattern at the top of the printable structures, two scenarios are possible even if the physical (mechanical description of the bending of thin plates) behavior of the mold is identical [FUA 05, MER 08, LAN 06b].

Figure 2.22. Distribution of residual layer thicknesses along a line array as a function of the stamps’ design in the structure-free areas. The design of the mold and the deformations occurring during the imprint are also pictured


In a situation where the unstructured region of a mold is at the same level as the top structures to be printed (Figure 2.22, left), the average residual thickness obtained is more important than in the case shown on the right side of the figure. We will see later (fluid section) how this behavior can easily be interpreted with the so-called Stefan law. When the unstructured area is at a different level to the patterns (Figure 2.22, right) the minimum residual thickness is along the edges of the network. These two situations, quite representative of the impact of a stamp's design on the process, show that the greater the contact area between a mold and resin is (in regions where there are no special reasons for printing), the slower the resist flows and penetrates into the mold.

As a consequence, in the case of Figure 2.22 (left), at the edge of the network close to a large mold contact surface, the resist penetrates less rapidly than at the center of the network. The opposite configuration applies in the other case, in Figure 2.22 (right). Having no immediate contact between resin and the mold during the first moments of imprint, near the edge of the network, these structures have a penetration rate far higher than those at the center of the network.

These distributions relate to both the mechanical properties of the mold and the intrinsic flowing properties of the pressed material. The adjustment of the operating points of the process (namely temperature, pressure or printing time) can, to some extent, homogenize the distribution of residual thickness without completely overcoming it [GOU 05, LAZ 04].

These results also show that for most thermoplastic resins used in thermal NanoImprint, the flow of matter in its viscous state over long distances, that is to say a few tens of microns, is nearly impossible. This limitation comes from the high values of dynamic viscosity, usually greater than 104 Pa/s [SCH 05b, LEV 07] for temperatures between Tg + 10°C and Tg + 70°C. Voisin et al. [VOI 07] showed that by using low viscosity (tens or even hundreds of mPa/s) formulations for UV-assisted NanoImprint (UV-NIL), this non-uniformity in the distribution of the residual thickness could be substantially reduced or eliminated.

The analysis of such networks of lines, very simple in terms of design rules, shows very clearly the main experimental issue in thermal NanoImprint: how to obtain an homogeneous residual thickness over the entire printed area. The situation becomes complicated when the imprinted patterns have different shapes [LAN 06B].

2.5.3. How can the process impact the thickness of the residual layer?

This question still raises a lot of interest in the scientific and technological community and many teams have presented various more or less simple approaches to address the issue. There are three main approaches:

– optimize the operating process points, namely temperature, time and imprint pressure as a function of the mold's geometry [BOG 05, GOU 03, GOU 04];

– develop a specific printable material that will present specific flow properties [CHA 06, GUO 07, LEE 05a, SCH 05];

– optimize the stamp's geometry [HOC 07, LAN 06a, MER 08, PED 08] or the imprinted stack [LEV 06].

The first option appears to be the most natural and easiest to implement experimentally. It mainly consists of adjusting the temperature, imprint pressure, and duration of printing. Figure 2.23 shows the impact of the shape of the structures, and especially their density, on the residual layer thickness. For equivalent printing conditions (the patterns are on the same mold) this thickness varies from 30 nm for a dot diameter of 400 nm to 140 nm for a ring of 2 μm outside diameter. This shows that during the thermal imprint, when materials with viscosities close to even a few fractions of MPa/s are employed, matter only flows over very short distances for standard process conditions (Tg + 40°C / 50 bar/5 minutes) [HEY 00].

Figure 2.23. Cross-section SEM images of a printed dot (left image) and a ring (right image), according to [GOU 03]


The results obtained by Gourgon [GOU 03] on a simple structure such as a network of lines printed in an aperiodic thermoplastic resist film, clearly show the impact of pattern density on the residual layer thickness (Figure 2.23).

When the density of the patterns to be printed increases, the penetration of the mold in the material decreases. The residual thickness is thus more important than in an area where the structures are almost isolated. This implies an inhomogeneous distribution of residual thickness: a 27% variation between areas of high (top width = 1 micron) and low density (top width = 10 microns). However, we note that these inhomogeneities depend significantly on process conditions. Indeed, an increase in the printing temperature for the same printing time (Figure 2.24) highlights the possibility of achieving a relatively uniform distribution of residual thickness (less than 4% changes) regardless of the density. This phenomenon is directly related to the viscosity reduction of the imprinted material as the temperature increases. Usually, with the organic materials used in nanoprinting, viscosity is divided by ten when the temperature increases 10°C [LEV 07, SCH 06].

Meanwhile, increasing the printing time at a constant temperature (Figure 2.24) can also avoid these inhomogeneities, but at the expense of a very low throughput. Obviously, we primarily seek to increase the printing temperature, when the material allows it (which is to say, a working temperature below the degradation temperature of the material) to significantly reduce its viscosity and the printing time, rather than working with high viscosity and thus a longer printing time. It is important to note that the distributions of residual thicknesses result systematically in deformations of the mold itself [FUA 05, LAN 06b, LAZ 04, MER 08].

This deformation of the mold can lead to great stresses on the patterns themselves, and especially where the pattern density varies greatly. If the mold is completely filled by the polymer and the yield stress fracture of the material forming the mold is exceeded, a portion or all of the structures can be broken and embossed into the resin itself (Figure 2.25). Furthermore, it has been shown that these deformations and residual thickness distributions could lead to the emergence of structures in the resist in areas where the mold does not have any structures [LAN 05 LAZ 04, SCH 01a, SCH 01b].

Figure 2.24. Cross-section SEM image (right) of a 500 nm wide line network with a variable imprinted period in a thermoplastic resist. Evolution of the residuallayer thickness (graphs on the left) as a function of printing conditions (temperature and time) for a pressure of 50 bars [GOU 03]


The second approach is to use thermosetting formulations, which are liquid at room temperature, and therefore have dynamic viscosity (h <1 Pa) much lower than thermoplastics (h ~ 104 Pa). The imprint process is now changed because pressure can be applied at room temperature. The temperature increase is no longer to cross the glass transition temperature (Tg) (to decrease the viscosity of the polymer) but instead to achieve the crosslinking temperature (Tr) to make the formulation strong and stable at room temperature after the demolding step (Figure 2.26).

Figure 2.25. SEM images of a 200 nm dot array pressed in a polymer. Note that some of the mold's elements have been transferred in the resist at the edges and corners of the die (from [LAZ 04])


Figure 2.26. Imprint process with thermoplastic and thermoset resist


Results obtained by Lee [Lee 05a] show (Figure 2.27) that it is possible to obtain a residual thickness close to zero even when pressing surfaces larger than 100 cm2. However, even though this path sounds promising, many efforts are still needed to reach a level of understanding similar to that developed for more standard formulations and chemistries typically used for resins dedicated to micro- and nanofabrication. This is why many of the results show that it is only possible to impact the capacity of the material to accurately reproduce the mold's patterns by modifying the molecular weight and not the chemistry of the formulations used [CHA 06, SCH 05b].

Figure 2.27. SEM cross-section images of an imprinted resist using Lee's process [LEE 05a]. The various measuring points made on a 150 mm sample highlight the uniformity of the process. A residual layer with thickness almost equal to zero is obtained thanks to this process


More generally, the compounds developed must meet certain requirements to be shaped by NanoImprint. Their Young's modulus must be less than the material's used to make the mold. The pressure used must be greater than the shear modulus of the formulation. The printed material must adhere well to the substrate supporting it but must not stick to the mold, in order to facilitate the release and minimize defects. Moreover, these materials can be either functional, that is to say directly usable as such for the developed application, or resist an etching step to allow the transfer of the patterns formed into the substrate.

It should be noted that, even in the case of a complete filling of the mold, the distribution of residual thickness does not reflect the steady state of the system. Indeed, if the distances over which the polymer can flow are generally a few microns, there is apparently no limit if the printing time is long enough. Whatever the structures on the mold, a much longer printing time (of several hours) than the regular duration accepted for a realistic implementation process (a few minutes), would homogenize the distribution of the residual thickness. In practice, as we saw earlier, it is possible to use materials with lower viscosity to achieve the final state faster. It is also possible to change the stack itself [LEV 06].

Figure 2.28. Imprint of a 200 mm wafer without (left) and with (right) the use of a soft layer in the pressing stack; from [LEV 06]


This latter approach is particularly relevant when the pressure on the back of the mold is applied mechanically with a piston. In this configuration, and because of the roughness on both sides of both the print sample and the mold, the pressure points are not uniformly distributed and fully compliant contact can be achieved only if deformation of the mold and sample are possible. Adding stack layers with low Young's modulus (compared to the mold and the sample) allows a regulation of the pressure applied on the reverse of the mold. The impact is significant, as pictured in Figure 2.28. Leveder [LEV 06] quantified the impact of this experimental trick and demonstrated that uniformity of residual thickness distribution at a short distance (of a few millimeters) and long distance (several tens of centimeters) could be improved from 100% to 1% residual layer thickness. Therefore, it is possible to obtain distributions of residual thickness that do not vary by more than 1% on a whole 200 mm wafer.

Figure 2.29. Schematic representation of a uniformly thinned mold (left) and a locally refined one (right) by Pederson [PED 08].The larger zones are 525 µm and the thinnest are 150 µm


More recently, a solution that consists of modifying the mold itself to allow a larger deformation was proposed with a local thinning of the back of the mold [HOC 07, PED 08]. Figure 2.29 shows schematically the two molds’ structures proposed by Pederson [PED 08]. In both cases, the thinnest areas have a thickness of about 150 µm, while the rest of the mold is 525 μm (standard thickness for a 100 mm silicon substrate). Each mold supports areas of 1 mm² on which lines of 25 μm wide and 1 mm length were realized. Pederson has also characterized the influence of line density on the resulting distribution of residual thickness, by varying the number of line from 8 to 24 in a unit cell (pattern density of 20–60%).

The uniform thinning of the entire reverse of the mold provides a uniform contact while applying light pressure (or force). But this also implies that the active areas (areas that support designs to be printed) will deform more easily. On the other hand, locally thinned molds have thick areas supporting structures that can reduce local deformation of the mold, while allowing a consistent contact thanks to thin membranes.

Figure 2.30 shows the evolution of residual thickness (in angstroms) for both configurations of molds, evenly tapered (Figure 2.30, left) and locally thinned (Figure 2.30, right) with structure densities ranging from 20–60%. In both cases, the higher the filling factor is, the lower the residual thickness because the mold cavities are more important. One can also notice that the residual thickness distribution is less homogeneous when the mold is uniformly thinned, agreeing with the greater capacity of this mold to be deformed. It is therefore quite possible to impact the distributions of residual thickness without changing the points of processes or materials, but only by optimizing the structure of the mold.

Figure 2.30. Distribution of the residual layer (in angstroms) through an elementary cell of 1 mm2 for various filling factors (from 20– 60%) and for both configurations, i.e. uniformly (left) or locally thinned (right) [PED 08]


However, this attractive solution does not resolve the issues concerning differences between absolute values of residual thicknesses for various densities of structures. In fact, allowing a greater deformation of the mold reduces the residual thickness variations but, even for very long pressing times (several hours), it cannot make it uniform.

2.6. Residual layer thickness measurement

The presence of the residual layer of resin, which does not exist with standard lithography techniques, except by using resins with no threshold effect (called a gray scale resist [MUR 06]), is specific to NanoImprint. It gives rise to two completely new issues for the scientific community:

– how to remove the resist layer after printing without affecting the shape and dimensions of the imprinted design, in order to obtain a resin mask with the same characteristics as those obtained by other lithography techniques?

– how to measure its absolute value, commonly called residual thickness, and especially its distribution on a surface?

The first point is not a technological obstacle when the imprinted material will be directly used as an active element in the component [ICH 03, KIM 07, REB 07]. However, in most situations the imprinted resist is used as a mask to transfer topographic information in the underlying material via a wet or dry etching process. Consequently, it is necessary to have the highest anisotropic etching process with a lowest etch rate perpendicular to the substrate. Otherwise every etching step of the remaining thickness would cause changes in dimensions of the imprinted patterns and therefore an unacceptable loss of information (Figure 2.31). The development of a very anisotropic etching process between two materials is a very common constraint in the field of micro- and nanotechnology. It is less common to get such results on a single organic material.

The second point is even more difficult to solve. Indeed, the various techniques commonly used in metrology allow the lateral and vertical dimensions patterns to be measured precisely, or the thickness of a flat film of a given material to be measured. In this case, the information sought is the thickness of a film covered by a gathering of patterns. Before the use of NanoImprint, measurement of the layer thickness could be done before micro- or nano-pattern manufacturing, as these technological flow were made of two different steps: material was first coated and then patterned.

The printing process creates the topography in a single step and with a residual thickness comparable to a continuous layer. The standard metrology techniques available, then, have many limitations for extracting both the topographic characterization and measurement of residual layer thickness.

Figure 2.31. Diagram of an imprinted resist pattern later etched in the subtrate, highlighting the impact of the horizontal and vertical etch rate on the original design


2.6.1. Macro-scale approach: coherence between film color and thickness

The simplest characterization consists of observing the areas printed in the resin by optical microscopy. Obviously this technique has its inherent limitations, and cannot be used for quantitative metrology of structures much thinner than one micron. However, in terms of measuring the residual thickness, even if a local measurement is not possible, this approach, through the color distribution observed, qualitatively assesses the distribution of the residual thickness in the measurement field.

Indeed, the reflection coefficient of the resins is directly connected to the thickness of the observed film. Therefore, a small variation in thickness occurs when the color of the film changes as it is exposed to white light. Although it is possible to establish a mathematical link between the thickness of the film with its reflection coefficient and therefore its color, the implementation of a quantitative technique still faces certain difficulties involving:

– the non-bijective function over the whole domain of resist thickness used;

– the transfer function of the microscope;

– the need to have a reference point in the observation window and that the thickness does not vary too much.

However, this approach can still easily and qualitatively give access to the distribution of the residual thickness at different points of the processed sample. Its implementation is thus fully justified for process development. Figure 2.32 is an example of a 200 mm wafer and the information that can be obtained with such a characterization method. The figure shows the full wafer and five optical microscopy views of different areas of the substrate. The structures are much larger than one micrometer and the color uniformity is typical of an area with a homogeneous residual layer.

Moreover, we note that the color is also similar and consistent between different areas, indicating that the process leads apparently to a uniform result across the entire wafer.

This analysis can therefore very quickly evaluate the quality of a print. The non-uniformity of color does not always mean that the process is or is not poorly controlled. Indeed, depending on the patterns observed, the color distribution may be a direct image of a variation of the residual thickness.

Figure 2.32. A 200 mm wafer printed with 5 different close-ups from different areas of the wafer from [PER 04]


In the case shown in Figure 2.33, a mold containing a 200 μm line array with a 1 micron period, with line width ranging from 150–850 nm, was printed in a 200 nm thick resist. The lines were made so they stick out of the mold with a height of 150 nm. An optical characterization of the printed pattern shows a consistent color around the network meaning that, in this area, the thickness is constant. As the mold contains no structures in this part, the resin has not been printed. In the 200 μm line array, we notice a change in color between the two ends. Given the asymmetry of this pattern on the mold it can be seen that the volume available between the lines varies uniformly between the two ends of the network of lines.

For this experiment, the initial volume of resist is much greater than required to completely fill the mold's cavities. We also know that the resin flows in the layer's plane occurs only for a few micrometers (the case of a thermal imprint). Therefore, the resist cannot compensate residual layer thicknesses over distances greater than a few tens of micrometers. The optical image is thus a representation of the distribution of residual thickness. Without being able to determine the values shown in two cross-sections along the network (Figure 2.33), this method allows the evaluation of a process and the distribution of residual thickness created is either as a result of the mold or the experimental conditions.

Figure 2.33. Stamp pattern description. 200 µm >× 200 µm line array with a 1µm period and line width ranging from 150–850 nm. Optical microscope images of a 200 nm resist layer imprinted, and a schematic representation of the imprinted pattern on both side of the array


2.6.2. Microscopic approach

Quantitative information may be obtained by several approaches. However, these techniques are not simple to carry out experimentally. They can be destructive or not, with a field of view from several μm2 up to a 200 mm wafer. Some are indirect measurement, and others apply only in cases of very specific processes. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

Since scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is widely use to characterize micro-and nano-fabrications it is a very attractive and straightforward technique for the characterization of printed patterns. Two approaches are possible: an observation view (called top view SEM) that does not require a special treatment of the sample but does not measure the residual thickness, and a cross-section observation of a test sample; this latter method is destructive and requires a pre-metallization of the surface to prevent a charge effect during the characterization that could change the printed topography and therefore induce measurement errors.

Figure 2.34. Cross-section SEM image of a hole array of 110 nm with a 90 nm pitch imprinted in a polymer: (a) we can clearly identify upper and lower interfaces of the resist; (b) the observation conditions make the observation of various interfaces more difficult


This characterization remains very local with a measuring range of a few micrometers (Figure 2.34) and does not establish a mapping (except with a large number of observations) of the residual thickness over areas of several millimeters. It is important to note that the SEM cross-section observation also presents some constraints in obtaining very precise quantitative measurements. Indeed, because of the various aberrations inherent to electronic columns, the scale calibration in the directions perpendicular and parallel to the surface of the sample can be difficult to perform. Depending on the nature of the substrate and the resin to be observed, charging effects can occur during image acquisition making the identification of interfaces impossible (Figure 2.34(b)) and even changing the geometry observed. In addition, the electron beam must be as perpendicular as possible to the plane defining the section view, in order to observe the actual heights and not their projection. Atomic force microscopy (AFM)

Atomic force microscopy has the advantage of being harmless to the samples. It allows easy determination of printed geometries (width, length and height), taking into account the convolution of the tip and the patterns characterized. The measurement range can reach 40 μm × 40 μm and be repeated (manually or automatically) at several points on the wafer. However, it is only possible to access the residual thickness under certain conditions. Indeed, AFM characterizations are not absolute measurements of the height but measure relative changes in height. There is no absolute reference for the determination of thicknesses and heights give access to the distribution of the printed depth in the resin. Figure 2.35 clearly shows that two samples with very different initial residual thicknesses but printed with the same patterns present different residual thicknesses, but will lead to the same AFM measurement.

Figure 2.35. Schematic representations of the imprint in two very different initial resist thicknesses and their corresponding profiles obtained by near field microscopy, or profilometry


However, there are some configurations that favor the use of atomic force microscopy or profilometry. The main problem of these techniques is the absence of a reference height. Therefore, with a reference on sample, the absolute measurement of the residual thickness becomes possible. This is likely when the design of the mold, the initial thickness of resin and the process conditions lead to a partial filling of the mold's cavities. If the structures on the mold are sufficiently spaced so that the unprinted resin's surface is not perturbed by the resist flow around the structures, this region of the sample is therefore a reference thickness equivalent to the initial resist thickness. The depth of the imprint is measured by AFM or profilometry. The difference between these two quantities gives direct access to the remaining thickness (Figure 2.36).

Figure 2.36. Schematic representation of an imprint configuration for which a partial filling of the structures of the mold is observed. The unperturbed resist surfaces can establish a reference altitude point for AFM or profilometry measurements


Figure 2.37. Hybrid process combining an imprinting step and an electronic or optical exposure of the imprinted resist to locally strip the subtrate's surface. Top view SEM image of the formed patterns. Dark areas represent the resin and the lighter zone is the surface of the wafer


In cases where the printing conditions do not give a reference value, after pressing, some areas of the resist (for which the resin should be photosensitive or electrosensitive) can be exposed to photons or electrons and therefore obtain a reference point for the thickness of the resin (Figure 2.37).

The initial imprinted structures being substantially modified, this process should be considered destructive. It may help, however, in making resin patterns with different heights for 3D molds, i.e., with different heights for different patterns. Optical scatterometry characterization

Scatterometry is not an optical imaging technique. It is based on the measurement of an optical signal scattered by an array and the simulation of the same spectrum. J.R. Coulombe first proposed this concept in 1998 [COU 98]. The analysis of the diffraction spectrum of a coherent beam on a periodical pattern allows the theoretical characterization of 2D (typically lines) and 3D (holes and dots) structures. This approach can be split into two stages:

– the measurement of the diffraction spectrum;

– the determination of the shapes of the array leading to the measured signal.

The first stage is a measure of the average response of a pattern array. This characterization is therefore less sensitive to local variations in geometry, unlike scanning electron microscopy. It appears very clearly that this measuring method will not be affected by localized or isolated printing defects.

The second stage is thus the reverse problem; the geometry of the diffracting system should be identified. The methodology used for this type of problem involves comparing the experimental spectrum with a calculated one. The theoretical spectrum, calculated from a set of parameters describing the periodic pattern, minimizing the mean square error with the experimental spectrum, can then determine the most plausible geometry for the sample. This optimization step can be achieved by creating a library of scattered signals for all geometries considered [COU 98] or standard approaches such as the Levenberg–Marquart algorithm [LEV 44, MAR 63].

To do this, the geometry is set periodically. Maxwell's equations, appropriate boundary conditions and a rigorous diffraction model, typically based on the modal MMFE method (with Fourier expansion) and a rigorous coupled wave analysis (RCWA) are then used to calculate the diffracted light for each set of parameters. This technique has many advantages:

– there is no physical contact between the probe and the sample, thereby reducing any risk of degradation or contamination;

– it is non-destructive since it requires no special preparation of the sample;

– it is very accurate because the information is contained in the phase of the diffracted signal, and the resolution is thus much smaller than the wavelength(s) used. Therefore it is also very sensitive and allows very small changes (~1 nm) in size to be identified;

– it is perfectly reproducible;

– it allows fast characterization of very large areas (several cm2), the acquisition time of a spectrum being of the order of a few seconds;

– simulations of the spectra can take into account multilayer stacks.

This very last point makes the determination of the residual thickness possible. Furthermore, the width, height, slope of the sides of the structures, and the depth and thickness of the printed sub-layers present on the substrate can also be determined.

The main drawbacks of this technique lies in the fact that it is not possible to characterize non-periodic patterns and that this indirect method of determination of geometrical quantities does not measure the sizes of the structures outside of a range of values predetermined by the user. This scatterometry technique can be implemented at different levels of complexity. Quantitative approach

The simplest approach [JUC 04] is to measure the scattered signal from a pattern array and monitor the intensity of a particular diffraction order, usually 1 or - 1, which is very sensitive to the quality of the imprinted features. Without going into the problem of inverse method, this simple approach allows a process window to be determined, i.e. temperature and printing time and the demolding temperature, which maximizes the scattered signal and hence the quality of printed patterns.

Figure 2.38 shows the evolution of the first diffraction order for a line array with a 770 nm period, for three different pressure values (P = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 kN) versus time and printing temperature. At constant pressure, it is clear that the reproduction of the network is enhanced when temperature and pressing time are high. However, we note that at high pressure (0.6 kN cases), demolding at a temperature above 130°C, depending on the imprint time, may induce a deformation of the patterns measured by the reduction of the scattered signal, implying a deterioration of the printing process. The flowing mechanism responsible for this evolution of the printed shapes has been the subject of many studies. The control of the latter allows us to consider thermal printing processes at high production rates.

Figure 2.38. Evolution of the first diffraction order for a line array with a 770 nm period imprinted with a force ranging from 0.2– 0.6 kN. The dependence on time and temperature and corresponding AFM images are presented for 3 imprints; results from [JUC 04]

1-158.jpg Quantitative usage

The implementation of this technique for a quantitative approach is more complex both experimentally and in terms of analysis of measured spectra. In this case, it is necessary to measure not only the scattered spectra but also to generate a library of simulated spectra. For this last point, it is essential to know the values of optical indexes (n and k) of materials making up the system, as well as ranges of geometries to be simulated. Experimentally it has been demonstrated that a simple measurement of the diffraction signal is not sufficient; the determination of materials’ indexes in the electromagnetic spectrum used for measurement can be a very complex problem. In 2005, Fuard [FUA 05] showed that scatterometry appeared the most suitable quantitative method to characterize nanoimprinted patterns.

Figure 2.39. Comparison between experimental spectra (dotted graphs) and scatterometry computed ones (graphs with symbols). Squares/triangular symbols correspond respectively to the rectangular and trapezoidal models. Spectra have 31 energies ranging from 1.5–4.5 eV. Two iso dense 350 and 500 nm line arrays were characterized; from [FUA 05]


Figure 2.39 is a comparison between a sectional scanning electron microscopy characterization and the result of a scatterometry for two dense lines arrays with 350 nm and 500 nm periods. There is also good conformity between the spectra (S1 = cos (2Ψ) and S2 = sin (2Ψ) cos (Δ), with Ψ and Δ angles used in ellipsometric mode) and experimental (dotted curves) and calculated diffractions (curves with square and triangular symbols).

Two models were considered for this study (Figure 2.39): a rectangular description for the pattern printed in the resin and a trapezoidal description divided into five rectangular slices (triangular symbols). The second approach takes into account the slope of the sides of the printed patterns, caused by either the mold or resist flows during the demolding process, for example. If this description is actually more accurate (Table 2.3) and more representative of reality, it requires longer computation times (CT parameter in Table 2.3) for the simulation of the spectrum.

Table 2.3. Comparison between residual thickness measurements (RRT in nm) obtained with SEM and scatterometry methods with two models, considering a rectangular and trapezoidal description. For scatterometry results, the error (in %) and the computation time (CT in s) are specified; from [FUA 05]


Figure 2.39 and Table 2.3 summarize the conformity that can be obtained between measurements made by scanning electron microscopy and scatterometry. We notice very clearly that the error obtained with the trapezoid model is much lower than with the rectangular design. This numerical error can be converted into an error in nanometers; however the conversion factor will depend on the geometrical model considered for simulation, and the size of the measured patterns (Figure 2.40).

Figure 2.40. Comparison between the error measured during the recognition of the best scatteromtrical signature phase and the real equivalent error in nm on the dimension of the pattern simulated from [FUA 05]


Table 2.3 summarizes the results obtained in the case of a partial filling of the mold cavities (the case for a 1,500 nm pattern). In this case, one notices a significant difference between the results of electron microscopy and scatterometry. In this context, this metrology technique becomes quite inappropriate. Indeed, scatterometry, using scattered signal, presupposes a complete filling of the mold or partial but consistent filling from line to line. This configuration is very unlikely, since it has been shown that during the printing, mold filling was not homogeneous [FUA 05].

Even if the numerical error in this case appears to be much greater, it has not yet been determined as a test to discriminate quickly and securely the relevance of the results of scatterometry. Together with the need to minimize the simulated geometric space and, therefore, the number of spectra, these are the main drawbacks of this reverse metrology method. Using real-time tracking of the imprint

The final implementation proposed for this method is to perform a real-time monitoring of the resist flow into the mold [XIA 06, YU 04]. This time-resolved diffractive scatterometry approach (TRDS) can follow the intensity of the first diffraction order on a pattern array during the mold filling stage in real time (for time scales of seconds or even tens of nanoseconds). The use of a transparent mold with a wavelength probe is necessary. During the imprint, the resist fills the mold cavities, gradually changing the refractive index of these areas. The diffraction pattern and thus the measured signal are then directly related to the filling rate of the mold.

Figure 2.41 is an example of the measured signal for a line array of 650 nm wide, with a 1000 nm pitch. The mold and resin are put into contact at room temperature and the whole system is then gradually heated above the glass transition temperature of the polymer to allow the mold to penetrate into the resist layer. The mold cavities are filled with resin, thus changing the refractive index of this area.

The filling of the mold cavities with the resin results in a variation of the average refractive index in these regions, thus changing the intensity of the diffracted signal. Since the indices of the silica used for the mold (n = 1.46) and polymers used for NanoImprint (n > 1.5) are greater than the index of air, an increase in the average index and therefore a reduction of the diffracted intensity is observed during the filling. Although this result does not achieve a real-time tracking of the resist–air interface, the two corresponding points at the beginning (start) and end (end), respectively of the mold filling process is a valuable contribution to the process optimization. Indeed, this approach allows a direct verification of the impact of the applied pressure, the mold's geometry, the resist viscosity or the printing temperature on the filling kinetics of the mold. These experimental results can be understood and simulated with rigorous numerical modeling. However, a scalar theory of diffraction is sufficient to reproduce the experimental results [YU 04].

Figure 2.41. (a) Experimental set up for real time monitoring of the mold displacement into a resist; (b) experimentally measured signal during the imprint (full line) and process temperature (dotted line)

1-162.jpg Characterization by X-ray specular reflectivity

Scatterometry implementation is not limited to wavelengths in the visible range. The use of much smaller wavelengths in the X-ray field has been proposed by Lee [LEE 05c]. This technique is based on X-ray specular reflectivity, usually used to measure the thickness, density and roughness of thin films (typically a few nm to several hundred nanometers). This technique, without changing the experimental protocol, can be applied to layers with topography.

Although this approach allows a much better resolution than offered by optical scatterometry to be considered, it requires a harder and more complicated experiment. Moreover, its use for a qualitative assessment of the imprint is not possible and the use of models based on quantum mechanics is needed to interpret and use the reflectivity spectra. Figure 2.42 shows the evolution of the reflected intensity (in log scale) as a function of the angle of incidence of the X-ray beam expressed in wave vector Q (Q = 4π/λsin (θ)). Two regimes can be identified on these spectra: the first, for small wave vectors (< 40 × 10-3) representing the critical angle of reflection, is directly related to the atomic composition of the material probed [PAR 54] and therefore to its density profile; the second scheme, from which we can identify so-called Kiessig fringes [KIE 31], can usually determine the thickness, surface roughness and density profile of the material deposited in thin layers. Detailed analysis of the position of critical angles identifies the average density of different regions of the sample as shown in Fig 2.42. The density of a layer being directly related to the size of the grounds and spaces filled with air, it is possible to trace the size of the objects characterized.

Figure 2.42. (a) Evolution of reflected intensity as a function of the incident angle of the X-ray beam; (b) schematic representation of equivalent densities in printed structures; and (c) corresponding SEM image. Results from [LEE 05c]


Although the theoretical foundations are different, the philosophy is similar to optical scatterometry. However, while a rough knowledge of quantities that we seek to determine (line width, height pattern, residual thickness, etc.) is sufficient for optical scatterometry, RX scatterometry gives access only to the line–space ratio of the patterns measured. The determination of the absolute value of the width of the line requires the use of another method of characterization to calibrate the simulation, by measuring the width of either the line or the trench (in the case of a line network). Moreover, it is not possible to differentiate the left and right corners of the patterns and the simulation yields only to a mean angle. Finally, this method seems best for characterizing patterns with dimensions of the order of a hundred nanometers, significantly reducing its range of application compared to optical scatterometry.

2.7. A few remarks on the mechanical behavior of molds and flow properties of the NanoImprint process

The complete modeling of a manufacturing process makes the optimization of process windows easier. This approach, generally well controlled in the macroscopic domain, is fully transferable to NanoImprint with some adjustments. Without considering the physical chemistry of interfaces, i.e. the wettability of a polymer in its molten state on an area of the mold with low surface energy, modeling the printing process requires consideration of fluid (polymer pressed)–structures (mold) interaction. Although we have seen that it is possible in most situations to predict the final state of the system based on a simple conservation of volume of materials moved, knowledge of the state of the system can be considered at any moment by an analytical approach. The real-time penetration monitoring of an assembly of patterns in the resin above its glass transition temperature requires the use of specific numerical approaches.

Many authors [HIR 04, MEN 06, ROW 04, CRS 07] have proposed various solutions to enhance experimental results modeling. However, for given geometries (we consider, in the following case, infinitely long line arrays), it is possible to provide an analytical description of the mold penetration within the resin at any moment. This oversimplified representation of the imprint, allows a better understanding of some experimental results [COL 04, LEV 07, SCH 03] and of the impact of the properties of material used during pressing. The scope of such representation is relatively small and only applies to designs with low aspect ratios (height/width of the pattern to be printed) and very low densities (almost isolated). In other situations, the assumption of laminar flow is no longer sufficient to describe more complex configurations.

Considering that the flow, in the material we want to model, is homogeneous, two assumptions can simplify the equations of conservation (conservation of mass and motion) used: the hypothesis of a Stokes flow and the lubrication approximation. A Stokes flow is a flow in which inertial effects are negligible compared to viscous effects. To determine if this flow regime is reached, the Reynolds number, Re (Re = ρUL/ŋ) is usually estimated, where ρ is the density of the material (~ 1040 kg/m3 for resins), U the characteristic velocity of flow (~ a few tens of nm/s, or less), L a characteristic dimension of the system (typically the pressed line width ~ 10-6 m across) and ŋ the dynamic viscosity of the printed material (~ 105 Pa).

In the context of nanoprinting, this Reynolds number is extremely low (~ 10-17 or less), thus validating the assumption of a Stokes flow. As for the lubrication approximation, it is justified when a flow is very small compared to the others. In this case, this implies that the width of these lines (a few hundred nanometers) is very small compared to its length (several millimeters). This assumption allows the restriction of spatial dependencies of the components of the velocity field and pressure, which makes an analytic integration possible.

The last simplifying assumption reflects a greater surface stress than volume stress (gravity) and is quantified by the capillary length k–1 (k-1 = images(where ρ is density, g is the gravitational constant and γ the surface energy of the polymer) [GEN 89]. The characteristic dimensions of our system are well below the capillary length, so gravity is negligible, thus simplifying the flow equation.

Given these considerations, in the absence of a mass source term (no creation or destruction of fluid) and body force, the laws of conservation of mass balance and momentum, respectively, may be written as:

[2.16] images

[2.17] images

with ρ the density of the fluid and images its velocity, P the corrected pressure (P = Ps +ρgz with Ps being the static pressure) and ŋthe dynamic velocity of the fluid.

Figure 2.43. Representation of the model used to imagine the penetration of a line of width l and height Hm in a resist film with thickness h


The surfaces of the mold and the substrate are resist-proof; the x and z components of the velocity field are zero at z = 0 and z = h (Figure 2.43). In addition, assuming a two-dimensional system and lubrication we can also consider that the pressure field is constant under z. By using and integrating equations [2.16] and [2.17] along z in the unit pattern printing the fluid, we can then determine the component of the velocity field along the line of the mold:


with z being the altitude between the surface of the substrate and the mold line. The Stokes equation can then determine the field pressure in the fluid and, by integrating over x, the force felt by the line of the mold. It is then possible to establish a relationship between the rate of sinking of a single line, its geometric characteristics, the pressing conditions and the viscosity of the material:


with η the viscosity of the resist, F the applied force by a single pattern on the fluid, L the dimension of the line along y, h the height of the resist under the structure at any time and l the width of the imprinted line. Considering an initial thickness of resist h0, the following relation expresses the evolution of the thickness of resin under the structures:




Note that increasing the viscosity or the width of the line increases the characteristic time τ and vice versa for an increase of the initial thickness or the applied force. An increase in τ implies a slowdown in the penetrating rate of the mold in the resin (Figure 2.44).

Figure 2.44. Evolution of resist thickness under a 5 µm or 10 µm long and 1 mm wide line. Initial thickness is 100 nm with a 400 N force applied on each line and a 107 or 109 Pa/s viscosity


To carry out further quantitative analysis, it is necessary to implement numerical approaches. To do so, three approaches can be considered to simulate thermal NanoImprint: finite differences; finite elements in which the resin is considered as a viscous solid [HIR 04]; a mixed approach with a finite element to model the behavior of the mold and a Volume of Fluid (VOF) approach, specific to the inclusion of specific behaviors, to model the resist fluid. Only the latter approach allows consideration of the fluid structure during printing, essential to take into account the deformation of the mold during a pressing. It should be noted, however, that the latter approach, despite being the most accurate, requires a significant computing time of several hours, for an area far less than the size of an entire stamp/mold.

King's team [ROW 05] from the Georgia Institute of Technology has specifically studied the various filling modes in different cavities. According to available experimental results [ROW 04, HIR 01, CRO 04, HEY 00], Rowland [ROW 05] was able to model the deformation of the free surface of a resist in the viscous regime during filling, identified as the single peak and dual peak filling modes (Figure 2.45). In the first mode, we notice that the filling of the mold cavity is essentially a vertical motion of the resin with a principal strain at the center of the cavity. For the second mode, there is flow both through the sidewalls of cavities but also in a plane parallel to the substrate, thus spreading the deformation of the free surface of the resin in the middle of the cavity. This behavior, also observed by Mendels [MEN 06], has been systematically studied in terms of the geometry of a mold and the initial thickness of a resist to flow with low Reynolds and capillary numbers, which are, respectively, very low (<<1, i.e. dominant viscosity) and high (>> 1, i.e. dominant viscous forces over forces related to surface tension).

Figure 2.45. Single and dual peak filling modes of a cavity by a resist


Rowland [ROW 05] was able to show that the ratio of the cavity width and the initial thickness of resin S/2hi allowed the identification of the filling mode (Figure 2.45) in the cavity (predominantly horizontal or vertical resin flow). Furthermore, the relationship between the size of the printed pattern and thickness of resist available at any moment under this structure, L/2hr, identifies the nature of the flow, squeeze or shear flow, which impacts the filling time. Finally, the definition of a capillary number specific to NanoImprint (CaNIL = ηVNIL / σ, where VNIL is the characteristic velocity, η the viscosity and σ the surface energy of the resist) can predict what major mechanism acts during filling (Table 2.3). VNIL can be obtained, for example, by dividing the time needed to fill the cavity by its height hc.

Table 2.3. Characteristic filling time and capillary numbers associated as a function of mold geometries [ROW 05]


Rowland's work allowed a detailed analysis of a cavity, or a few cavities, from the stamp/mold. However, NanoImprint mold modeling requires a multi-scale approach: across the entire mold in order to understand the pressure distribution, its deformations and its residual thickness distributions; at the patterns level, to accommodate the flow of displaced fluid; and, finally, at the relevant molecular scale for molecular interactions at the interface between the fluid and the mold. Each level of simulation involves the use of specific tools and concepts.

Mendels [MEN 06] proposed a multi-scale approach based on finite element modeling to determine the correct boundary conditions at the mold scale. Although significant efforts have been made to model at the molecular level, the choice to describe the system with a continuum approach is used to represent the flow in a volume adapted to the mold's geometry. To date, molecular modeling cannot easily achieve such modeling by standard means.

Initially, a finite element modeling of the fluid–structure interaction is performed on a single cavity. Subsequently, the mold is described as an assembly of elementary cells by exploiting the symmetries of the system and making sure of the connections of boundary conditions between each cell, namely: continuous force and displacement for the solid system and continuous velocity and pressure for the fluid parts. The calculations were compared with experimental results and the contribution of simulation has been highlighted (description of the resist edge, influence of structures’ density) even for very simple geometries [SIR 06, SIR 07].

UV-NIL modeling requires new phenomena neglected in thermal NanoImprint to be taken into account. Printing a layer of resist with high viscosity (in the case of thermal printing) does not look as attractive and effective, at first glance, as the impression of a liquid with very low viscosity (the case of UV assisted printing) dispensed in drops and taking advantage of filling the micro- and nanocavities by capillary effects. Indeed, the printing time in the second case can be significantly reduced [COL 04]. Apart from modeling the flow of fluid between a mold and a substrate, UV-assisted NanoImprint coupled with a drop dispense unit raises new problems: what might be the impact of the number of drops and their respective volumes on the filling of the mold? The imprint being carried out at room pressure, what might be the impact of potential air bubbles trapped between the mold and the edge of the printed monomer [LIA 07b]? Can capillary effects fully compensate viscous dissipation?

In this case, the comprehension of the mechanisms governing the motion of a liquid (with a very low capillary number ~10-3) through a rectangular nano-scale cavity is essential to predict its air-filling or air-trapping within the cavity (Figure 2.46). Bonnecaze's team [RED 05a, RED 05b, RED 06] proposed a 2D model of the motion of such a fluid, considering the capillary but also the viscous flow and deformation of the mold in the lubrication regime.

The fluid–structure interaction manifests itself in the equations governing the evolution of the mold or substrate (then regarded as a thin plate) and height available for liquid flows between the mold and the substrate. Through an iterative approach and a coupled resolution of the two systems (fluid flow and deformation of the mold) until convergence of deformation fields and pressure, the dynamic filling (horizontal and vertical movement) of the mold has been simulated. It has been shown that in the absence of a force applied on the reverse of the mold, a capillary effect generates a force high enough to attract the mold and counterbalance viscous dissipation. In this case, the deformation of the mold is negligible. Of course, the application of a printing force reduces the imprint time but also results in an increased pressure within the fluid, causing significant distortions in the mold or the substrate [RED 06, VOI 07].

Figure 2.46. Resist edge during a UV-NIL coupled with a drop dispense unit


When the mold is pressed into the resist, it generates a flow of resist, resulting in a pressure gradient in the fluid (from the center toward the edges of the printed chip), as described in Figure 2.47. This pressure gradient in the resin puts pressure on the sidewalls in contact with the resin (mold and substrate), which then generate a deformation. In UV-assisted NanoImprint lithography, the mold is considered rigid and dimensionally stable compared to the silicon substrate, thus implying a deformation mainly of the substrate. This deformation is then translated by a non-uniform resin thickness in the chip after exposure and stripping. This pressure gradient is enhanced when the chip size increases and implies an increase in the distribution of the residual thickness (Figure 2.47).

Figure 2.47. Flow velocity and pressure gradients distribution within the resist during the imprint of a chip with no patterns (experimental measurements of hr through two chips, of different areas, printed with a pressing time of 300 seconds; from [VOI 07]). The stamp used supported different die areas (from 2 × 2 mm to4× 4 mm stamp size) and a 145 nm depth. The pressure applied is 1 bar over 300 seconds in a 185 nm thick resist film of NILTM105


Reddy [RED 06] has well demonstrated that the use of a large number of droplets in UV-assisted NanoImprint, allowed reducing the printing time. Indeed, the use of 50 drops is equivalent to applying a 50 N force (at the back of the 25 mm × 25 mm mold) when a single drop is used [RED 05a]. Although this research has shed light on the moving edge of fluid through a nanometer-sized cavity, and the impact on the number of drop on pressing time and capillary forces, the application of this approach to a group of patterns representative of a mold (different densities, sizes, orientations, etc.) is not yet possible.

2.8. Conclusion

Through the various aspects discussed in this chapter, NanoImprint really appears as a low-cost nano-lithography technique that achieves small structures over large areas. In less than a decade and with les financial investment than other solutions such as EUV lithography, immersion at 193 nm, or electronic multibeam, its incredible development suggests an increase of nanomanufacturing workshops. Indeed, it opens the doors to laboratories, R&D centers or small-scale businesses manufacturing technologies to structure matter at the nano-scale, to explore new properties and to develop new features.

However, as with most alternative technology solutions, transition from the research and development stage to the production process will require more time. Indeed, this evolution towards economic sectors will only happen if the gains in production costs are significantly reduced by the use of NanoImprint. These industries always seek to minimize the risk of introducing new technologies in developing solutions, even if sometimes it is very expensive to push the boundaries of processes and equipment already in place in an industrial environment. An incremental development will always be preferred to a big leap into the unknown.

The development of new objects, or the discovery of new properties of matter requiring a structure that cannot be achieved with current process technology could be a factor promoting the introduction of NanoImprint in an industrial context.

It took less than ten years for NanoImprint to evolve from a laboratory process to an R&D process in pre-industrial environments. Will it need another decade to reach the stage of a mass production process for nano-object fabrication?

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1 Chapter written by Stefan LANDIS.

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