Chapter 1

X-ray Lithography: Fundamentals and Applications 1

1.1. Introduction

The invention of X-ray proximity lithography [SPE 72] dates back to the early 1970s, when the declared objective was overcoming the resolution of the lithographic techniques then employed in the semiconductor industry. At that time, UV projection lithography was the leading technology, having reached a scale resolution of one micrometer [WIL 29]. Nevertheless, a very problematic future was forecast for UV-lithography, given the expected requirements of the microelectronics industry to achieve sizes as small as 250 nm. In fact, the physical barrier represented by diffraction was believed to be insuperable. Therefore, the quite obvious idea of using radiation of shorter wavelengths for exposures was seen as the only viable option to keep pace with Moore's law [MOO 65] and the semiconductor industry roadmaps [ITRS] for device miniaturization.

However, shifting to shorter wavelengths, down to the region of Extreme UV (EUV) which extends between approximately 30 and 250 eV, raises new problems. One fundamental problem is represented by the low transparency of most materials. At these photon energies, the radiation is so strongly absorbed by any dense material that it is difficult or even impossible to find suitable materials to be used as transparent substrates for photomasks and for the sophisticated demagnification optics of the projection system.

One viable solution to the low transparency problem considered was that of exploring even shorter wavelengths. It has been known, since Röntgen's discoveries concerning the properties of X-rays, that the region of soft to hard X-rays offers a sufficient penetration depth in materials. This possibility of selecting materials with sufficient transparency is likely to have played an important role in convincing the pioneers of X-ray lithography to undertake the development of a new lithographic technique based on the use of electromagnetic radiation in the spectral region of X-rays. One might have expected that jumping from the spectral region of Deep UV ( λ~200 nm) to that of X-rays with at least two orders of magnitude shorter wavelengths ( λ~1 nm) would have ensured a “resolution reserve” for all the technological nodes ahead in the microelectronics industry. This fact in itself would have represented an enormous advantage for X-ray lithography, compared to DUV lithography which requires the complete renewal of fabrication facilities at every new technological node. It was this fact, therefore, that motivated a large initial effort devoted to establishing X-ray lithography (XRL) as the “next generation” lithography.

Between the 1970s and the end of the century very intense activity was reported in the field of X-ray lithography, in particular in the development of exposure systems (steppers) [SEI 98, SIL 97], in the optimization of different protocols for mask fabrication [RAV 96, ROM 97, SHI 96, ROU 90, WAN 04], in the foundation of the theoretical background, and in the development of codes for quantitative analysis and simulations [AIG 98, GRI 04, ZUM 97, PRE 97]. In the meantime, mainly driven by their use in the study of the physics of matter, in chemistry and biology, third generation synchrotron radiation sources [BIL 05] were reaching a high level of maturity as high brilliance sources of nearly collimated X-ray beams on a wide range of energies. These sources have almost ideal performances for X-ray lithography, and represented a major improvement with respect to X-ray tubes [MAR 95].

A brilliant future seemed to be paved for XRL: it had all the crucial elements necessary to satisfy industrial requirements and accompany microelectronics for many years along the innovation steps forecast by Moore's law. Almost all the crucial elements were matched from XRL: all except one! No refractive lens in the X-ray region exists that is capable of focusing X-ray radiation with high efficiency, and this fact has a series of consequences that will become evident below.

Unlike with UV projection lithography, where a system of lenses is used to project a demagnified image of the mask pattern, the same technique is not possible for lithographic technology based on X-rays. In fact, Fresnel lenses, also known as “zone plates”, can be used to focus X-rays but are limited in diameter (~1 mm) and have a multiplicity of focal spots, corresponding to different diffractive orders, with rather low efficiency (~10% up to 30% in the best cases) [FEN 07]. Moreover, zone plates are highly chromatic optical devices, with a focal length depending on the wavelength of λ-1 . Using them to build a projection system would imply the use of monochromatic X-rays to ensure the formation of a demagnified pattern image, in focus, on the substrate. All these problems make X-ray radiation incompatible with the concept of projection lithography.

The development of XRL thus needs to accept proximity as a working configuration, i.e. the mask is placed in close proximity with the surface of the target substrate without interposed optical elements. In this case, a one-to-one replica of the mask pattern is obtained by a simple shadow printing process. The fact that XRL is a proximity lithography has two main consequences from the viewpoint of mask fabrication and alignment. In the case of UV projection lithography, mask fabrication is simplified by the fact that the pattern has to be written on a larger scale to pre-compensate for the rescaling by the demagnifying optics during exposure. In modern steppers, this fact relaxes the typical resolution at which a mask is written by a factor of 4 or 5. Secondly, the tolerances (mask distortion and placement errors, and alignment accuracy) are relaxed by a factor of 4 or 5. In X-ray lithography, the features are instead printed at the same scale as they are on the mask, which makes the lithographic steps for producing the mask much more challenging, and makes the entire process of pattern replication more prone to placement errors or pattern distortion in the mask, which are transferred onto the target substrate at the same scale.

In fact, during the development of XRL technology, several problems began to emerge, the most severe of which related mainly to aspects of the X-ray mask. The latter consists typically of a pattern in a strongly X-ray absorbing material (Au, W, Ta) supported by thin membranes of SiC, Diamond or SiNx that, for transparency reasons, are just a few micrometers thick and extend over areas of several square centimeters (in order to fit the entire pattern of a chip in a single undivided window). Given the small ratio between thickness and the lateral dimension, the membranes are inevitably prone to distortions. In particular, the main problem is represented by the distortion of the pattern caused by the residual stress in the absorber deposited on the membrane. An additional source of distortion is represented by thermal expansion [DZI 96] which is induced by the heat that the absorbed radiation causes to the mask.

Compensating all sources of pattern distortions proved to be extremely challenging. In fact, the positioning and registration accuracy of two subsequent lithographic levels of over a number of square centimeters has to remain within the required margin of error, a requirement that today, for microelectronics standards, is of the order of ~10 nm.

A further problem, again related to the mask, is lifetime. Masks are required to last months in order to reproduce the same pattern several thousands to several millions of times. The damage caused by protracted exposure to ionizing radiation and the risks connected to the handling and operation (typically the membrane has to be kept at a distance of 5-10 µm from the substrate in order to keep the diffraction effects low) creates serious risks for the long term survival of the mask. In fact, the membrane can easily be broken by a dust particle that might be present on the wafer when the mask is moved towards it for the exposure.

For several years, X-ray was evaluated as next generation lithography, trying to circumvent all problems and limitations, implementing solutions of increasing complexity. In the meantime, UV projection lithography has continued to serve the purposes of the semiconductor industry, down to the 45 nm node (where ‘45 nm’ refers to the average half-pitch of a memory cell manufactured at that technology level) and will presumably continue down to the 32 nm node with the aid of a variety of additional techniques, such as larger lenses, wavelength reduction by liquid immersion and double patterning. Eventually, the discouraging battle with UV projection lithography was finally lost and XRL was abandoned as being unfit for the purposes of the semiconductor industry.

However, this is just one and probably not the final chapter of the XRL story. As has often happened in the history of science and technology, when all attempts have been made to develop a technology for a very ambitious target, even if that target is not achieved, the technological solutions developed can sometimes be unexpectedly used to target new objectives in different fields of application. XRL failed to satisfy the requirements of the electronics industry. Nonetheless, XRL showed absolutely remarkable properties that make it uniquely suited for many specific purposes in nanodevice design and fabrication. XRL can certainly be considered the best lithographic technique with respect to penetration depth in thick resists and high aspect ratios patterns. It is a unique technique for generating some types of 3D micro- and nanostructures by single or multiple tilted exposures on multi-layer resists. Already, in the fields of micromechanics and optics, LIGA technology, which is based on X-ray lithography with hard X-rays ( λ~0.1 nm), has been used effectively and offers advantages with respect to other competing technologies.

The possibility of X-rays finding niche applications due to the peculiarities of this lithography is possible, avoiding competition with DUV lithography in the field of microelectronics but opening a new frontier of competition in new and innovative applications.

In this chapter we will try to provide a self-consistent description of the key physical concepts and the technology of X-ray lithography, followed by a series of examples and applications. The chapter is organized as follows. The principles of XRL are reviewed and the relevant physical phenomena discussed, in particular the absorption and propagation of X-rays, the equipment used, the role of diffraction in image formation, the interaction of X-rays with matter, and the mechanism of exposure of a resist by X-rays. The fabrication of X-ray masks is described in some detail. Aware that the opportunities for X-ray lithography to be used in the mass production of integrated circuits by the electronics industry have almost vanished, the main focus of the final section is devoted to those applications for which X-ray appears to offer important competitive advantages over all other lithographic technologies. Of particular interest is the technical potential that XRL offers in the field of micromachining, microfluidics and 3D nanopatterning.

1.2. The principle of X-ray lithography

X-ray lithography (XRL) belongs to the class of parallel lithographic techniques, along with UV, deep UV and extreme UV lithography, nanoimprinting, micro contact printing lithography, casting, injection molding, and others. This means that the pattern cannot be originated, just replicated. All constituent points of the pattern are addressed at the same time, and the process is typically fast. However, the pattern has to be first encoded into an object (called a mask) and then transferred entirely in one single parallel step.

X-ray masks consist of absorbing patterns supported by a transparent mask-carrier, which has a weak absorption of X-rays in the range of photon energies required for exposure. They are typically made by patterning by Electron Beam Lithography (EBL) and auxiliary techniques. The process of pattern replication consists of exposing the resist (polymeric material which changes its dissolution rate in a liquid solvent, called a developer, under high energy irradiation) through the mask containing the pattern. Where the beam is not stopped by the adsorbing material, it is transmitted by the membrane and exposes the resist deposited on the target substrate. The resist is defined as positive if the exposed part dissolves in the developer, and defined as negative if it crosslinks upon exposure and the unexposed parts dissolve in the developer. In both cases, after development, the resist exhibits, as a first approximation, the same geometrical features as the original pattern on the mask (see Figure 1.1).

When a feature size approaches the 100 nm scale length, a highly spatially coherent X-ray radiation subjected to a phase and amplitude modulation by high resolution features on the mask leads to a diffracted field that varies, propagating along the gap present between the mask and the target substrate. Therefore, lithographic structures of higher complexity and which are more difficult to be quantitatively explained can be generated.

The XRL technique can only be implemented effectively employing synchrotron radiation sources, which ensure the desired brilliance and collimation of the X-ray beam.

In the following section, XRL is described from the theoretical point of view (characteristics of synchrotron radiation, how phase and intensity of X-rays are altered by interaction with matter, what happens at the resist upon irradiation, the diffraction effects, and how to select the optimal photon range to obtain the desired final structure). Technical aspects are also addressed: how an XRL beamline works, how it is possible to obtain a uniform exposure of the resist, how to prepare a mask. Finally, some examples of microstructures and microdevices fabricated by DXRL are presented.

Figure 1.1. Principle of X-ray lithography, considered to be a parallel writing of a shadow image of a mask using X-rays as the impinging radiation. After exposure, the resist changes its dissolution parameters in a solvent called a developer, and is removed leaving the surrounding pattern in the not-exposed material (a positive resist)


1.2.1. The irradiation system for XRL

As already mentioned, X-ray lithography is essentially a shadow printing process. Patterning is obtained by means of local chemical changes induced in a radiation sensitive material (a resist) by a spatially modulated X-ray beam. The XRL process comprises three basic steps: (i) irradiation (or exposure); (ii) resist development; and (iii) pattern transfer. The step that mainly characterizes XRL is that of irradiation, for which very specific types of tools (radiation sources, steppers), masks and technical solutions are employed, all very distinct from those in use for all other lithographic technologies. Irradiation is also the step that most affects the quality of the XRL results. Optimizing the irradiation involves optimization of the characteristics of the mask, accurate control of the mask/target substrate gap, selection of the spectral range of radiation and of the total dose delivered to the resist.

By contrast, the resist development step, performed typically in organic solvents, and the subsequent pattern transfer, obtained by additive (lift-off, electroforming, ion implantation) or subtractive (dry and wet etching) methods, do not differ significantly from the corresponding steps in other lithographic technologies, and will therefore not be discussed in detail here.

Figure 1.2. Typical X-ray lithography setup at a beamline station. The radiation from the bending magnet is guided through an evacuated tube to the lithographic station. A series of X-ray mirrors and filters are introduced to shape the beam and select the energy spectrum [DEG 96]


The main characteristics of X-ray radiation (namely spectral range, beam divergence, spatial and temporal coherence, and power) are determined by the type of source selected for the exposure. Since synchrotron radiation is outperforming all other types of X-ray radiation sources on all relevant aspects for an advanced use of XRL, we will limit ourselves below to a discussion of this source. A schematics of the typical X-ray lithography setup in a storage ring is presented in Figure 1.2 [DEG 96], showing a series of elements interposed between the X-ray source and the mask for filtering the spectrum and for shaping the beam. Typical setups comprise the following elements: source; filters; mirrors; slits-windows; stepper or scanner; and mask/sample assembly.

The radiation produced by a synchrotron radiation source (typically a bending magnet inserted in the trajectory of a high energy electron beam, see below) propagates inside an ultrahigh vacuum beamline. The length of a typical beamline is in the range of tens of meters, which allows the electromagnetic (e.m.) waves to be considered, to a first approximation, as planar at the surface of the membrane of the X-ray mask. Along the beamline, the radiation interacts with a series of different optical elements. Neglecting the unavoidable scattering of X-rays by the residual gas molecules in the beamline, the beam can be allowed to pass through a series of foils of different materials and to impinge on one or more mirrors necessary to select the wavelength spectral window, before reaching the mask.

In fact, synchrotron radiation sources are able to deliver X-rays covering the entire energy range suited to XRL and, in particular, bending magnets can cover a range from the infrared to few tens of keV. However, this is too broad to provide controlled conditions for lithography. Whilst the hard X-ray region with photon energies higher than 5 keV (and up to 10 keV) can be very useful for exposing sensitive materials thicker than hundreds of microns, the highest lithographic resolution can only be achieved by the so called “soft X-ray lithography” (a name that has become synonymous for High Resolution XRL), in the spectral range between 1 and 2 keV.

Many setups have been proposed for the beamline optics. The simplest ones, for example, allow the beam to be delivered directly as generated from the bending magnets source, just filtered with different foils of material of calibrated thickness. These act as high energy pass filters, that is, they cut out the low energy part of the spectrum [XU 01, DIF 99].

In more elaborate setups, the first element the beam impinges on is typically a mirror (or a couple of mirrors), which redirects and reshapes the beam and filters out the high energy part of the spectrum (that is, it acts as a low energy pass filter). The working principle of X-ray mirrors exploits the phenomenon of total external reflection that will be briefly addressed in this chapter. (In X-rays, the refraction index is lower than 1 which determines that total reflection takes place passing from a lower density to a higher density material).

The combination of mirrors and absorbers represents band pass energy filters that enable the tuning of the spectral distribution of the photon flux employed in the exposures. A beryllium window is generally present to isolate the part of the beamline under high vacuum conditions (10-9 mbar or better) and the part of the beamline which is fluxed with helium at a pressure of 1 atm and open to the external atmosphere. In fact, for practical reasons masks and substrate are not kept under the UHV conditions of the beamline, which would make changing the target substrate or mask unpractical. Therefore, the handling of mask and target substrate is always done in a normal atmosphere; however, during exposure, helium is introduced in a final section of the beamline so as to remove the strongly X-ray absorbing atmospheric gases (such as oxygen, nitrogen and water vapor) from the trajectory of the X-ray beam, also keeping the mask and target substrate under the same He atmosphere. The helium also serves to stop or slow down high energy photoelectrons generated by the interaction of photons with the mask that otherwise would cause unwanted exposure of the resist.

1.2.2. Properties of synchrotron radiation

At present, the most mature X-ray sources are third generation synchrotrons. Whilst a fourth generation of synchrotron radiation sources is under development (the so called free electron lasers [NUH 04]), the conditions provided by third generation sources appear already very satisfactory for lithography, in various respects (intensity, low beam divergence, spectral distribution, source size). Other X-ray sources such as X-ray tubes, or hot dense plasma sources [ATW 99], are not comparable to synchrotron radiation and we will not consider them here.

Though a detailed treatment of the physics and technology of synchrotron radiation is well beyond the scope of this chapter (interested readers are referred to a number of different reviews of the topic [WIE 02, MAR 02, MIL 02]), we will briefly summarize a few relevant aspects for a better understanding of what follows.

In synchrotron radiation sources, radiation is generated at the points where the trajectories of “bunches” of ultra-relativistic electrons injected along the storage ring are bent by a magnetic field (the most simple device is represented by bending magnets, which produce a single deflection of the beam, whereas other devices, e.g. “undulators” and “wigglers” produce multiple deflections). The emitted radiation travels inside long tubes in an ultrahigh vacuum and reaches a laboratory where setups for various type of experiments can be installed (such laboratories connected to an X-ray beam are generally referred to as “beam lines”).

The spectrum of the radiation emitted at a bending magnet depends on the electron energy and on the intensity of the magnetic field (or is equivalent to the radius of curvature of the electron trajectory), and can be parameterized by a single value, known as critical energy:

[1.1] images

where images is the energy of the accelerated electrons in the storage ring normalized to their rest energy. All curves representing the photon flux from a bending magnet can be superimposed on each other if plotted against the photon energy normalized to the critical energy Ec , and after normalization to their total intensity. Therefore, by knowing the critical energy and the total intensity (which depends linearly on the current circulating in the ring) it is easily possible to obtain the photon flux at any given energy.

Figure 1.3. The function H2(y), representing on-axis photon flux from the bending magnet, and G1(y), representing the vertically integrated photon flux, as functions of the photon energy normalized to the critical photon energy


The lower end of the spectrum is in the IR wavelength regime (in principle the spectrum extends at lower energies but with negligible intensity). The flux raises smoothly as a function of photon energy until critical energy Ec , and then drops rapidly (Figure 1.3).

In physical units, the critical wavelength, corresponding to the critical photon energy is given numerically by:

[1.2] images

where the wavelength is given in nanometers, the magnetic field in Tesla and the electron energy in Gigaelectronvolts (GeV). At the Elettra Synchrotron in Trieste (Italy), for example, two operational regimes are possible corresponding to electron energy of 2.0 and 2.4 GeV, for which values of 1.2 T and 1.45 T are selected for the bending magnets, respectively; these operational modes are alternated several times during the year to provide optimal conditions for different kinds of experiments. Therefore, the critical wavelength in these two operational regimes are 0.39 nm and 0.22 nm corresponding to a critical energy of 3.2 keV and 5.6 keV, respectively.

The radiation from a bending magnet is emitted mostly within a narrow cone of angular aperture γ-1 (rad), whose axis is directed along the instantaneous direction of the electron trajectory.

Since the trajectory is circular in the presence of a magnetic field, the emission cone sweeps a “wide” angle, corresponding to the deflection that the electron beam has undergone in the horizontal plane due to the action of the bending magnet. Slits along the beam line are introduced to delimit the width in the horizontal plane of the source. This results in a horizontal “stripe” of radiation that, far from the source, in the experimental station, is typically of 10–50 mm in the horizontal direction and of the order of ~0.5–5 mm vertically.

The exposure of larger areas is obtained by vertically scanning the mask and substrate assembly, held together at a fixed relative position. Scanning the mask/substrate assembly is also fundamental for performing a spectral and intensity average of the photon beam. In fact, while the latter can be considered uniform with respect to the spectral composition and intensity in the horizontal direction (as a result of the superposition of the emission cone at different angles due to the bending of the electrons’ trajectory), in the vertical direction it is highly non-uniform, with maximum intensity and harder spectral composition concentrated on the axis of the emission cone). The difference between the “on-axis photon flux” and the “vertically averaged photon flux” is shown in Figure 1.3.

1.2.3. High Resolution and Deep XRL

Conventionally, XRL is sub-divided into High Resolution XRL (HRXRL) and Deep XRL (DXRL), the latter also known as LIGA when associated with a subsequent step of electroplating and molding (the LIGA acronym derives from the German “LIthografie Galvanofomung und Abformung”, i.e. lithography, electroforming and molding) [BEC 86, EHR 95].

HRXRL is devoted to the fabrication of devices with features of a resolution down to a few tens of nanometers, for applications ranging from electronics to photonics and nanomechanics. DXRL (or LIGA) addresses the fabrication of “tall”, high aspect ratio structures, with smooth and precise vertical sidewalls, but at lower resolution (few hundred of nanometers), such as is needed for some types of Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), for optics or, more recently, for microfluidics.

Technically, the main difference between them consists of the selected spectrum of the radiation used: while high resolution XRL requires relatively low energy photons (1–4 KeV, λ~0.3–1.2 nm) distributed within a narrow band, Deep XRL uses a broader and harder spectrum (2–12 KeV), that allows a deeper penetration into materials up to the millimeter range. Today, the flexibility of X-ray beamlines allows both the central energy and bandwidth of the X-ray beam to be selected [ROM 01], and the distinction between DXRL and HRXRL is perhaps less meaningful, given that the best experimental conditions can be selected almost continuously for any specific application, resist thickness or feature size. However, we will maintain this terminological distinction, as it is of widespread use.

1.2.4. Examples of X-ray lithography beamlines

The layout of a beamline for X-ray lithography can be very simple. For Deep X-ray lithography, the beamline consists only of an evacuated tube including valves, filters and windows to protect the vacuum system for the storage ring. The lithography station is positioned a far distance away (about 20 m) from the source (see F. Pérennès et al. [PER 01]).

Figure 1.4. Layout of a beamline (tangential to the synchrotron ring) from the front end to the scanner station


Just after the front end of the storage ring, a beryllium window separates an ultra high vacuum section (connected to the storage ring, at a very low pressure of 10-10–10-11 mbar) and the high vacuum beamline, in which a lower level vacuum is needed. Filter and beam stoppers are used in order to have a minimum amount of control of the beam. The radiation reaches the experimental chamber, where the scanning stage is located, passing through the HV zone (10-8-10-9 mbar) and through two chambers in series. One chamber typically accommodates a beam stop where the hardest part of the X-ray spectrum can be removed from the beam by interposition of a thin opaque horizontal strip (a beam-stop), and the central part of the beam is blocked. The beam stop absorbs a large part of the incoming beam reducing the total power impinging on the mask and therefore reducing the thermoelastic deformations of the pattern [NEU 97].

In a second chamber, absorber membranes made of different materials and of different thicknesses allow the low energy part of the beam spectrum to be absorbed selectively, thus acting as a high energy pass filter to tailor the spectrum and the flux that reach the sample under exposure. The physics principles describing the X-ray absorption from the thin films is reported in the sections below.

A major improvement in controlling the spectral composition of the X-ray beam is obtained in beamlines which combine mirrors and absorber foils [ROM 01]. The combination of low and high energy band pass results in a continuous, adjustable band pass energy window that allows a spectrum that optimizes contrast, resolution and resist penetration to be selected for each exposure.

Figure 1.5 shows a sample configuration of the layout of the LILIT beamline settings at the Elettra synchrotron. The beamline consists of one plane mirror (M1) and of a second toroidal mirror. The total length of the beamline is 13.3 m and the angles under which the synchrotron radiation is collected have been fixed at 6 mrad and 0.83 mrad (3σ), respectively, in the horizontal and vertical planes. The latter value corresponds to the natural divergence of the synchrotron radiation in the soft X-rays range under the standard operating condition of the beamline. A beryllium window and an additional energy filter are located before the plane mirror. Further adjustable slits for beam shaping and a photon shutter are placed after the toroidal mirror close to the end of the beam line where, after a second beryllium window, the X-ray beam is delivered for exposure in a helium flux at atmospheric pressure.

Figure 1.5. Layout of LILIT beamline at Elettra Synchrothron (Trieste, IT) [ROM 01]


The mirrors perform a low energy pass filter action and are typically made of silicon coated with a low roughness gold film, typically of the order of 0.5 nm. For a given angle of incidence their reflectivity strongly depends on the wavelength of the X-ray beam.

The value of ϑ1can be freely chosen in a range from 0.3 to 2.8 degrees; however, the amplitude of ϑ2 and the height of second mirror are determined by the constrains imposed by the fixed height from the ground of the source and by the desired beam spot size. Figure 1.6 displays the beam energy spectrum as a function of angle ϑ1 (ϑ2 being automatically determined) and shows that the spectral region of interest can be selected. In fact, an increase of the angle ϑ1decreases the mirror reflectivity of the lower wavelengths, and provides a rejection of the hard part of the spectrum energy (acting as a low-pass filter). A soft energy spectrum (1–2 keV) is indicated for the best lithographic resolution.

Figure 1.6. Calculated reflectivity spectrum of the beam as it emerges from the planar mirrors at varying ϑ1 angles


By contrast, high energies are necessary for deep lithography where the requirement of a high aspect ratio can be obtained reducing the lateral resolution [CAR 98]. In that case, the rejection of the low energy part of the spectrum is performed by a series of eight films of different materials (C, SiC, Cr, Cu) and different thicknesses that are accommodated on two different slits. These can independently intercept the beam providing 16 combinations of different high band pass filter energy.

Figure 1.7 shows the transmittance spectrum in the range of energy interesting for X-ray lithography, providing the effect of a high energy band pass performed by different thin films made of different materials and of different thicknesses. It seems clear that by controlling the thickness and using different materials, an almost continual tuning of low band energy can be achieved. We have simulated the effect of increasing beryllium (Be) thickness up to 300 microns which allows a fine tuning of the high pass cut off around 2 keV. A higher cut off requires heavier materials and/or greater thicknesses. Cut offs of around 6–8 keV are very useful for deep X-ray lithography in order to obtain homogeneous depth penetration of incoming energetic radiation.

Figure 1.7. Transmittance values for different materials at different thicknesses, as a function of a photon's energy


It is interesting to note that filters show abrupt steps in the transmittance correspondence with the atomic absorption thresholds of the material with which they have been made. For example, at 1838.9 eV, silicon nitride has a strong absorption due to K1 line of silicon. That is quite important to notice because X-ray masks often use silicon nitride membranes where a gold absorber is patterned. Chromium has a K1 edge at 5989 eV, whereas gold has a strong absorption at 11.919 eV of L3 edges.

Figure 1.8. Power emitted by the LILIT beamline at the Elettra synchrotron, corresponding to two different settings of the beamline mirrors (calculated and measured experimentally) and with or without Beryllium foils as absorbers. The broad tuning capability of the photon spectral distribution can be exploited for the exposure of different resist film thicknesses for “shallow” (~ 1 µm) and “deep” (> 10 µm) lithography


The idea of combining high and low energy passes allows an energy band pass to be obtained. Typical examples are shown in Figure 1.8 where the experimental and simulated spectra are compared for two configurations. A spectrum with a wider energy distribution is more suitable for deep X-ray lithography for a medium resist (of the order of 5–15 μm). The softer spectrum is more suitable for high resolution lithography and thin resists (<300 nm).

1.2.5. Scanner/stepper

The spectral composition and flux of an X-ray beam depends on the precise direction at which photons are collected within the emission cone of γ -1 = mc2 / E radians. Therefore, the exposure of a sample in static conditions would produce a non-uniform dose as a function of the relative position of the irradiated area of the resist, with respect to the center of the beam. While horizontally the intensity and spectral distribution is averaged by the sweeping of the electrons in the plane of their orbit, the non-uniformity in the vertical plane can be averaged out by vertically scanning the mask-resist assembly across the beam. In this manner, uniform exposure doses (with residua1 variation of the order of 1%) can be obtained over rectangular areas with dimensions of a few centimeters.

Figure 1.9. (a) A simple sketch of a scanner, showing the vertical sweeping of the mask-sample assembly, which provides the averaging of the dose applied; (b) the actual X-ray scanner at the DXRL beamline, Elettra (Ts, Italy)


Ideally, a scanner should be able to allow alignment, fine control of the gap, tilt and rotation of the mask–resist assembly with respect to the beam. Easy handling of the mask and substrate mounting are also requisites for such apparatus. For industrial applications for which repeated exposures of the same pattern (dye) on different areas of the same substrate are required, step and repeat processes are used. Pieces of equipment that allow step and repeat operations to be performed are called steppers. The experimental chamber can be evacuated at a low vacuum of 1 to 10 mbar and fluxed with He at low pressure (of up to 100 mbar), which provides an efficient dissipation of the heat generated during irradiation but avoids a strong reduction of the intensity of the X-ray beam that would happen if other gases (such as O2, N2, Ar) were used at the same pressure for the same purpose.

A very simple sketch of a scanner is shown in Figure 1.9, together with a picture of the Jenoptic scanner used at Elettra in its DXRL beamline [PER 01].

1.2.6. The mask

The role of masks in X-ray lithography is to select where the impinging radiation is allowed to reach the resist and where it is not. This section addresses some of the main technical issues in the fabrication of masks, while a deeper discussion concerning the physics of the interaction between radiation and matter (on which their working principle is based) can be found elsewhere in the chapter.

A mask typically consists of a patterned absorber layer (usually a heavy metal such as gold) and a plate or a membrane supporting it, made of a weakly absorbing material with low-atomic number. Beryllium, carbon (amorphous or glassy graphite) and polyimide are suitable substrates with thicknesses ranging from about 50 to 1000 µm, mainly for use with hard X-rays, while thin membranes (0.5 to 4 µm) of silicon nitride, silicon carbide, diamond (Diamond Like Carbon (DLC)) are used with softer radiation. The absorption coefficient as a function of wavelength is shown in Figure 1.11 [BAU 94] for some common materials used for X-ray mask membranes.

The major issue in relation to masks is certainly represented by the requirement that the supporting plate or membrane remains as undistorted as possible against the effect of stress introduced by the absorber layer. In fact, the absorber layer usually has an inner residual stress that, once patterned, induces a non-uniform strain in the membrane, resulting in a distortion of the pattern itself. This effect might be extremely detrimental to the process of alignment of subsequent lithographic levels. Moreover, the membrane has to be highly stable against the distortions caused by heating (i.e. thermal expansion) during irradiation.

Figure 1.10. SEM micrographs of XRL masks. Different pattern of diffractive optical elements fabricated by electron beam lithography, and electroplated with gold on a silicon nitrate membrane are shown in the low magnification image (a zone plate in the center surrounded by special elements for Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) microscopy). The other images shows details at various magnifications


The problem of pattern distortion concerns both Deep and High Resolution XRL, but with different degrees of importance. In the case of Deep XRL the effect is somewhat less severe because of the fact that a much thicker substrate can be chosen (due to the higher penetration depth of the harder spectrum that is used) than the thin membranes used in High Resolution XRL. Moreover, Deep X-ray lithography addresses applications requiring lower lateral resolutions, resulting in a relaxation of the tolerances for subsequent pattern registration.

Beryllium and diamond are among the most favored materials used as mask substrates because of their high X-ray transparency (Figure 1.11) and good mechanical properties (Table 1.1). Beryllium [FEI 95, EHR 86, SCH 91] has slightly poorer mechanical and thermal properties than diamond, but due to its extremely low absorption (enabling the use of substrates about 10 times thicker than diamond) it would be the first choice material, if it were not for the special safety measures required for its working and handling, due to its toxicity. Diamond is also an excellent material, though very expensive. The most common choice is silicon nitride (Si3N4) or silicon carbide (SiC), both of which guarantee a good compromise between properties and cost. For low demanding LIGA applications not requiring the overlaying of subsequent lithographic levels, one possible low cost choice for a substrate is polyimide.

Figure 1.11. Absorption coefficient of selected materials suitable as XRL mask substrates


Table 1.1. Mechanical and thermal properties of some suitable materials for mask substrates. Data reproduced from D.W.L. Tolfree [TOL 98]


The other material that a mask is made of is an absorber. A contrasted shadow pattern can be achieved by interposing high atomic number materials (Au, Pt, W, Ta, either as pure elements or alloyed with others) along the trajectory of the X-ray beam. The choice of the material to be used as a mask absorber is mainly dictated by the type of technological processes selected for their deposition on the substrate and for the patterning. Two different strategies are possible. The first, based on an “additive” process, consists of “adding” the material to the substrate after defining the pattern, which serves as a template for the electrolytic growth of the absorber. The other strategy is based on a “subtractive” process by plasma assisted etching. In this latter case, the absorber structures are obtained by “subtracting” material from a film. This is obtained after patterning a resist film on top of the absorber, which selectively protects areas that are required to be saved from the action of the plasma etching process. The first strategy (the additive process) is convenient for materials for which a plasma etching does not exist or does not work reliably, and for which an electroplating process exists which can be finely controlled exists instead. Gold is the most convenient material for this “additive” strategy. By contrast, materials like tungsten [KAR 87, KU 91], tantalum and their alloys (tungsten or tantalum carbides, nitrides, or silicides) can be etched accurately, with precise vertical sidewalls, using plasmas based on the chemistry of the fluorine.

The wavelength dependent absorption coefficient of convenient X-ray absorbers is shown in Figure 1.12.

Figure 1.12. Absorption coefficient of selected materials suitable as XRL mask absorbers


The value of the absorption coefficients is one of the guiding parameters in the selection of the material and of the absorber thickness. From it, we can see that 1 µm of gold would reduce the radiation intensity down to ~ e-3.5 , i.e. to the ~3% of its initial value with 0.5 nm wavelength radiation, while down only to ~ e -0.6 , i.e. to the ~55% with X-rays of 0.2 nm wavelength. This explains why the highest lithographic resolutions with XRL are not achieved with a very short wavelength. Naively, one might perhaps expect that with very a short wavelength radiation (~0.1 nm) the lithographic resolution limit could be improved with respect to that obtained with softer radiation (let's say ~0.5 nm), because of the reduced diffraction effects. However, a practical limitation arises. While the production of, for example, 50 nm wide features (such as dots or lines) of a thickness of 300–400 nm, sufficient to stop 0.5 nm wavelength radiation, is challenging but yet possible, the fabrication of 50 nm wide features of more than 10 µm thickness (with aspect ratios of 200) to stop 0.1 nm wavelength radiation would clearly be beyond the technical capabilities of nanofabrication technologies.

The fabrication of masks is performed in a series of steps, which depend on the materials chosen for the blank and absorber [EHR 86, MAL 96, CAB 05]. Below, we briefly discuss a fabrication scheme for an X-ray mask for hard and soft X-ray lithography, using silicon nitride as the supporting membrane and gold as the absorber. Figure 1.13 illustrates the sequence of steps.

Using gold as the absorber implies (as we have described above) the choice of an “additive” strategy for the fabrication process, where patterning is performed before the deposition of the absorber. The patterning can be done by several techniques. When a high resolution is required, Electron Beam Lithography (EBL) is the first choice as a patterning technique but others, such as laser writing or photolithography could also be used.

The resist structure resulting from the patterning step is then used as a template for the electrolytic growth of Au. In the fabrication scheme shown in Figure 1.13 the formation of a free standing Si3N4 membrane is obtained after patterning and electrolytic growth of gold, but a scheme with an inverted sequence of steps is possible. Practical issues related to how absorber stress would strain the membrane can motivate which one of the two options is to be preferred.

The formation of a free standing membrane is obtained by opening a rectangular window in the Si3N4 layer present on the reverse of the mask substrate by plasma etching, and wet-etched in a KOH 5M solution to produce a trapezoidal cavity ending at the front of the Si3N4 layer, which therefore becomes a silicon nitride membrane fixed to a silicon frame, supporting the gold structures previously grown on it.

Figure 1.13. Fabrication of a soft X-ray mask (steps a, b and c) and additional process steps (d, e and f) for the production of a mask for DXRL from a soft X-ray mask by amplification of the aspect ratio of the absorber structures. (a) A silicon (001) substrate with a double sided Si3N4 layer deposited by PECVD to a thickness of 1-4 µm, is coated with a metallic bilayer (Cr/Au, 10/20 nm), primed for better resist adhesion (e.g. with a thin layer of negative resist (e.g. SAL)). PMMA (0.5–2 µm), or a different positive resist, is spin-coated and exposed by electron beam lithography (EBL); (b) PMMA is developed, followed by O2 plasma to clear the bottom of the structure of any residual resist and to expose the surface of the Cr/Au bilayer. Gold structures are electroplated from the seed layer to form the absorber structures; (c) a rectangular window with dimensions along the directions (110) and (1-10) is opened by dry etching with Si3N4. A wet etching stage in KOH follows for the anisotropic etching of silicon, stopping on the front of the Si3N4 layer. This step leaves a free open membrane of silicon nitride (the mask blank) supporting the absorbing gold layer. The structure obtained is a working mask for soft X-ray lithography; (d) an intermediate mask (alias the soft X- ray mask produced with the previous steps) is used for the fabrication of a DXRL mask. The penetration depth of soft X-rays is sufficient to expose 10–20 µm, producing high resolution structures with vertical sidewalls. Stages (e) and (f) essentially replicate (b) and (c) with structures in a thicker PMMA film. This allows structures with a sufficient absorber thickness to stop the harder radiation used in DXRL to be produced; (e) growth of gold absorbing layer; (f) fabrication of the free standing membrane


Additional process stages are needed for the fabrication of Deep X-ray lithography masks. Soft X-ray is used instead of EBL for its high penetration depth to transfer the pattern into a much thicker positive resist (up to ~ 20 µm) (in the case of a positive resist). Once the pattern is formed, all other steps (electroplating and formation of the free standing membrane) are performed, essentially in the same manner as for the fabrication of soft XRL masks, except for the thickness of the grown absorber, which is much larger.

1.3. The physics of X-ray Lithography

1.3.1. How phase and intensity of X-rays are altered by interaction with matter

The absorption of X-rays is dominated by the photoelectron effect. X-rays couple effectively with electrons from atomic core levels, inducing the transfer of electrons to unoccupied discrete states (excitation) or to continuum states (ionization). In both cases, the hole left in the core level is filled by an electron decaying from the outer shells, by emission of a photon (fluorescence) or by energy transfer to a third electron (Auger electron) which is ejected into the continuum states. For light elements, the Auger process occurs with the highest probability while fluorescence becomes the dominant process for elements heavier than Cu (Z=28). This is the simplest possible description of the interaction of X-rays with matter.

However, X-rays are electromagnetic waves of wavelength in the 0.1 to 100 Angstroms range (for the particle/wave duality stated by quantum mechanics). Interaction with materials alters both phase and intensity of e.m. waves, and this interaction is described at a macroscopic level (i.e. treating media as continuous) by the complex refraction index n . The interaction of X-rays with matter can be considered weak. The sense of this statement is that photons need to propagate for many wavelengths before they accumulate a phase delay of with respect to the same wave travelling in a vacuum, or before undergoing a reduction to 1/e of their initial intensity. In fact, in the spectral region of X-rays, the refraction index n differs only slightly from unity, and is usually written as n = 1 - δ - iβ where both δ,β<<1.

In Figure 1.14 the value of δ and β are plotted in the range of energy and for selected materials of interest for XRL. The attenuation of e.m. waves travelling in a material is related to the imaginary part of the refraction index (the amplitude decays as images with an attenuation length of images. The attenuation length is plotted in Figure 1.15 for various materials in the energy range of 0.5-10 keV, and in the restricted range relevant to soft X-ray lithography, i.e. 0.5-2.5 keV (in a semi-logarithmic scale). X-ray absorption is the fundamental physical phenomenon on which X-ray lithography is based. It is exploited for producing the modulation of transmitted intensity through a patterned absorber, to create a well-defined shadow pattern of resist preventing the target substrate from being exposed.

Figure 1.14. The values of δ and β in the expression of the refraction index n = 1 - δ - iβ are plotted for various materials in the 500 eV to 10 keV photon energy range


Figure 1.15. Attenuation length for various materials in the 500 eV to 10 keV photon energy range (left), and zoomed in the 500 eV to 2500 eV range (right) in a semi-log scale


The phenomenon of total external X-ray reflection is analogous to the total internal reflection occurring in the visible range, and is related to the real part of the refraction index. Total external reflection occurs for rays impinging at a glancing angle ϑ of incidence on a surface below a critical angle images (see Appendix 1).

The effect of total external reflection finds an important application in the technology of X-ray mirrors. These consist of very smooth and flat surfaces that reflect the rays impinging at a grazing angle images. Given that δ decreases as a function of photon energy (except for energies close to absorption edges), the critical angle also decreases at increasing photon energy. This means that for a given incidence angle ϑ the reflection takes place for photons of energy belowa critical value Ec =ħωc(ϑ),whilephotonsabovethisenergyare transmitted into the material and absorbed protecting a well defined pattern. This provides a method for rejecting high energy photons (i.e. creates a low energy pass filter).

We define here the length Lπ as the distance that a wave needs to travel into a material before accumulating a phase shift of π with respect to a reference wave propagating in a vacuum. Lπ is shown in the left graph of Figure 1.16 for various materials and in the range of interest for X-ray lithography. In the right graph of Figure 1.16, the ratio Lπ / η is also presented. If Lπ / η <<1the material can be effectively used as a phase shift material (to make phase shift masks, for example; see D.H. Malueg et al.[MAL 04]), whereas in the case where Lπ /η > 1 th radiation absorption is the dominant effect, and the radiation is strongly absorbed before penetration in the material to a depth sufficient to produce a significant phase shift.

Figure 1.16. Graph of L(left) representing the distance that a wave needs to travel into a material to accumulate a phase shift of π with respect to a reference wave propagating in a vacuum. The ratio Lπ / η (right) between the length Lπ and the attenuation length


1.3.2. X-ray lithography as a shadow printing technique

Following J. Z. Y. Guo et al. [GUO 90], we now introduce some useful terminology. The pattern of intensity (mJ/cm2) of the transmitted e.m. radiation by the mask at the level of the target substrate (i.e. before being absorbed by the resist), is called the “aerial image”. The energy absorbed in the material volume (mJ/cm3) is called the “dose image”. The distribution of chemical species in the resist created by the absorption of X-rays is termed the “latent image”. Finally, the “developed image” is the distribution of material left on the substrate after the resist development. The simplest description of aerial image formation in X-ray lithography represents it as a shadow casting (or shadow printing) process. The laws of geometrical optics are assumed to be valid and diffraction effects are neglected. Refraction at the interface of two media (Snell's law) can be neglected since rays in a typical setup impinge on the mask (on the membrane and on the patterned absorber structures) with almost normal incidence (within a few mrad due to beam divergence), and the real part of the refraction index of materials differs for a value of ~ 10-3-10-5 from unity. Therefore, X-rays essentially propagate straight through the different media, and are only attenuated by the membrane and the supported patterned absorber. The flux Фout(ħω, images) of photons with energy ħω transmitted by the mask is given by:

[1.3] images

where Фin(ħω, images) is the flux impinging at point images on the plane of the mask, and Tmask (ħω, images) is the transmission of the mask at that position for photons of energy ħω. The function Tmask (ħω, images)factorizes in the product of the absorber transmission images and that of the supporting membrane images(where dependence on x has been dropped because the membrane is typically uniform), i.e.

[1.4] images

Reflections and multiple reflections (at the air–membrane, membrane–absorber and absorber–air interfaces) are negligible1 and only absorption has to be considered. Since, generally, the absorber structures have almost vertical sidewalls, the absorber thickness can be mathematically described in most cases as a step function:

[1.5] images

where P represents the set of points in the protruding areas of the absorber features.

The total transmitted flux is obtained by integrating equation [1.3] over all photon energies:

[1.6] images

Masks are characterized by several parameters. An important one is modulation, defined as the difference of intensities between the radiation transmitted by the clear and by the opaque areas of the mask, normalized to their sum.

[1.7] images

Modulation is a measure of the capability of a mask to form a contrasted aerial image of the pattern, and assumes a value between 0 and 1. Obviously, the modulation of a mask depends on the spectrum for which it is evaluated. For monochromatic (or, approximately, for narrow distributed) X-ray radiation, the integral (equation [1.6]) reduces to a product of factors, with the cancelation of the membrane absorption as a constant pre-factor common to all terms. In this case, the modulation reads simply as:

[1.8] images

thus making the modulation dependent only on the absorber thickness.

From equation [1.8] it follows that masks with absorber thickness of 1, 2 and 3 times the attenuation lengths have modulation values of 0.46, 0.76, and 0.90, respectively. Generally, a value of ~0.6 for modulation is sufficient for lithographic purposes. In fact, the development process is highly non-linear, with a rather well defined dose threshold. This determines which volumes of resist are selectively dissolved in an appropriate solvent from the volumes that are below threshold and do not develop. With broadband distributed radiation, the concept does not change, but the calculation of the modulation is slightly less direct, and also the absorption by the membrane affects its value.

In the present description of XRL as a shadow printing process, diffraction effects are neglected in the aerial image formation. In this approximation, the flux reaching the surface of the resist corresponds exactly to that found beyond the mask (we also neglect here the small divergence of the beam). In order to obtain the absorbed dose distribution one needs to calculate the absorbed energy flux at different depths in the resist.

The dose of energy in an infinitesimal layer of thickness d, at depth z in the resist, absorbed from photons of energy between ħω and ħ(ω + )is:

[1.9] images

where μres (ħω)is the attenuation length in the resist for photons of energy ħω .

Often, the attenuation length in a resist is much larger than the thickness of the resist. In that case, the energy absorbed per unit volume (mJ/cm3) has a negligible dependence on the depth inside the film. However, for thick films, the different absorption at different photon energies causes a change of the relative weight of the spectral components of the beam with the depth. In particular, since absorption tends to decrease with increasing photon energies (with the exception of the regions of the edges where new absorption channels are opened), the beam becomes “harder”, i.e. richer in short wavelength photons, as it proceeds into the material (this refers to the relative weight of the components, not to the absolute intensity of each spectral component, which obviously decreases).

1.3.3. X-ray absorption in a resist and physical mechanisms involved in its exposure

The absorption of X-rays within a resist creates photoelectrons in a small volume surrounding the event. Modeling of the photoelectron energy distribution in the photoresist has been carried out by Cerrina et al. [CER 92]. The distribution of the directions of photoemitted electrons is concentrated around the plane perpendicular to the incident X-rays. The resulting non-local energy transfer causes a blurring of the energy distribution with respect to the shadow pattern. An estimate of the maximum penetration depth, Re, of the electrons scattered out into the shadowed region of the resist is given, approximately, by the Grün range Rg(μm) = (0.046/ρ)E1.75(Everhart & Hoff [EVE 71]), where ρ is the density of the resist in g/cm3, and E is the electron energy expressed in keV.

In order to refine the picture outlined above, we have to go deeper into the physical mechanisms of resist exposure by X-rays. It is important to understand that the 3D distribution of photoabsorption events (i.e. the actual atomic site where a photon is absorbed) is not reflected accurately in the distribution of absorbed energy by the resist. In fact, the ejected photo and Auger electrons resulting from photoabsorption events redistribute their energy to the surroundings of the absorption site, by traveling in the material and producing several generations of secondary electrons by scattering. The fact that primary and secondary electrons distribute their energy around the photoabsorber results in a blurring of the dose image. The accurate prediction of the final shape of the structures after resist development requires this effect to be taken into account. Below, we summarize some of the published work on this subject [MUR 85, OCO 93].

In electron-beam lithography, the photoresist is exposed by the chemical changes induced by electron energy loss. In X-ray lithography, the same physical chemical mechanisms are involved in the exposure of the photoresist by fast photo and Auger electrons originated by the photoemission of core electrons. The fact that the direct mechanism of resist exposure in X-ray lithography is electronic (in fact, the direct scission of a bond by photoemission of a valence electron is a rather rare process compared to photoemission from the core level, and can be neglected) has two important practical consequences:

i) all resists suited for electron-beam lithography are also suited for X-ray lithography and vice-versa; and

ii) models developed for the effects of exposure of resists to electron-beams can be applied to the study of the response of a resist to X-rays.

Although we are not very interested here in exploring the first point, it is worth mentioning that common resists such as PMMA, ZEP, SAL, SU-8, HSQ, NEB, etc. have been used successfully in X-ray lithography after first being introduced in electron-beam lithography. We concentrate here more on the second point, i.e. on the possibility of applying the models that describe resist exposure by energetic electrons to the case of X-ray exposure.

As described in Figure 1.17, the main difference between exposing a resist by an electron beam and by X-rays is that, in the latter case, the primary electrons do not form a monoenergetic and almost collimated beam but are distributed both in energy and emission direction. The energy and angular distribution of primary electrons needs to be implemented into the models describing X-ray induced exposure.

As for the chemical effects induced by energetic electrons in a resist, various modeling strategies have been developed since the mid-1980s. The simplest phenomenological models are based on the assumption, proven to be rather accurate, that the effects on resists, in particular the solubility rate and change in the average molecular weight, can be parameterized by a single quantity, i.e. the density of locally absorbed energy D(images)(eV/nm 3 ). In recent years, more refined models have been developed that also allow us to distinguish between different types of electron-matter interaction (elastic scattering, ionization, electronic and plasmonic excitations), and attribute the associated chemical effects accordingly (G. Han et al. [HAN 02]). By this latter approach, the different types of interaction are taken into account with their respective cross-sections in a first principle calculation scheme. The treatment is rather complicated and will only be outlined briefly here, after discussing the simplest approach.

In the simplest description in which the effects of exposure are parameterized by the density of absorbed energy, it is important to make a clear distinction between the energy of absorbed photons Dphoton (ħω,images) and that obtained after the redistribution operated by the electrons Del (images). If Green's function G(ħω,images - images). (also known as the Point Spread Function) describes the non-local effect of energy deposition at a point images caused by the absorption of a photon with energy ħω at position images, Del (images) can be obtained from Dphoton (ħω,images) via a convolution integral extended over the resist volume and summing over all photon energies:

[1.10] images

The dependence of G on images- images and not on r and r' separately, expresses the fact that the Point Spread Function is assumed to be translationally invariant. This is not true in volumes of material close (within the range of primary electrons) to interfaces with other materials, as in the case of thin films on a substrate. In such cases, the function G dependents separately on images and images and the function G has to take into account the fact that the spreading of the energy caused by secondary electrons around the photoabsorber is altered by the presence of other materials in proximity to the resist.

We conclude outlining the scheme of calculation that allows a prediction of the post-development resist structure, but postpone the problem of determining G(ħω,images - images). After determining the energy loss density Del(images) of equation [1.10] the next step is to introduce it as an input parameter in models (mostly phenomenological) describing the solubility rate R(Del)(nm/sec) of the resist as a function of the dose locally delivered. This quantity describes the local velocity at which the resist's front of dissolution proceeds, and depends on the type of resist, on the initial molecular weight and is affected by processing conditions (such as pre bake temperature and time, whose effect is reflected in the amount of residual solvent in the resist film, and the temperature of the developer). As an example, we briefly describe the case of a family of positive-tone resists, consisting of high molecular weight polymers, which undergo chain scission during exposure. Chain scission resists are characterized by a reduction of molecular weight owing to chain scission of the original molecules. Polymer chains have to be thought of as an intricate distribution of molecules entangled with each other. Only a strong solvent can swell this network and make the relative motion of polymer chains possible. However, if radiation breaks them into smaller pieces it becomes easier for them to move. In the appropriate developing solution, usually an organic solvent, the higher solubility resulting from a reduction of the average molecular weight allows the selective dissolution of the volume of polymer that has been irradiated with a dose above a threshold value.

The relationship between theoriginal molecular weight Mn (in general assumed to be monodispersed), the average fragmented molecular weight images and the exposure parameters are described in terms of the absorbed energy density, D (i.e.Del (images)) , by [GRE 75]:

[1.11] images

where ρ is the resist density,A0 is Avogadro's number, and gis an efficiency factor that represents the number of scission events per absorbed energy (events/eV). The above equation descends directly from the observation that each scission event splits a single polymer chain into two polymer chains, with an average molecular weight corresponding to half of the molecular weight of the initial chain.

The solubility rate can be calculated using an empirical formula:

[1.12] images

where the rate R0 , the exponent α, the coefficient β, and the activation energy Ea are considered as fitting parameters. The combination of equations [1.11] and [1.12] allows the dissolution rate to be related to the absorbed energy density.

The first and classic example of a chain-scission resist for e-beam applications, employed since the late 1960s [HAL 68, HAR 82, KAK 77] is poly(methyl methacrylate), or PMMA. This simple resist material has been shown to provide resolution that is among the highest for any resist for any lithographic application.

Using PMMA as a resist with initial molecular weight in the range from 100 to 1000 kDa, the X-ray dose required for the resist to become soluble in a common developer solution (isopropyl alcohol, IPA, or methyl isobutyl ketone, MIBK, diluted IPA) can be as low as ~3.0 kJ cm-3. There is an upper dose limit (to be calculated on the surface of the resist) of ~30 kJ cm-3. This must not be exceeded, as above this value gaseous products associated with thermal effects cause the formation of microbubbles in the resist. For doses less than 100 J cm3, no dissolution of PMMA is observed. These values determine what part of the X-ray spectrum from the synchrotron should be used for a given resist material, its thickness and the thickness of the absorber on the mask.

We now resume the discussion, so far postponed, of how the point spread function G(ħω, images - images) (relating Del(images)to Dphoton(ħω, images) ) is determined.

The energy redistribution operated by primary and secondary electrons in a material is usually performed in the framework of Monte Carlo simulations. In fact, each electron can be involved in several scattering events, producing trajectories that are better described in terms of stochastic processes, rather than deterministically.

In Monte Carlo simulations the entire trajectory of an electron is “constructed” by generating a sequence of segments delimited by points where some type of interaction takes place. At each step, the energy E and direction images of the electron emerging from an interaction is updated. In addition, in the case of ionization events, a secondary electron with a given initial energy and direction of emission is created. Also, the trajectory of the secondary electron is simulated from there with the same stochastic model used for the primary photoelectrons.

In practice, the computation proceeds as follows. For a given electron energy E, the total cross-section σT(E)(which includes all kinds of scattering. i.e. elastic, ionization, excitations) is computed, and the mean free path Λ(E) in the material is derived from it:

[1.13] images

[1.14] images

where n is the numeric density of (all) atoms, ni the numeric density of atoms of type i. σel,i(E) and σinel,i(E) are the elastic and inelastic cross-sections for electron scattering with atom i, and ρplasm(E) is the cross-section for plasmon excitation (normalized to a single atom). The distance l ∈ (0,∞) that is assumed to be travelled before the next interaction takes place is generated stochastically by choosing a uniformly distributed random number γ ∈ (0,1) and mapping it into the value l = -Λ(E)lnγ (which leads to a probability distribution for the mean free path P(l)=Exp[-l/Λ(E)]). The value of / and the position of the previous interaction point and the direction images determines where the new interaction point will take place. Next, the interaction is further specified, by determining which type of interaction event will actually occur on the basis of their relative probabilistic weights, i.e. their total cross-sections. This is again obtained by dividing the interval (0,1) into segments whose lengths are proportional to the relative probabilistic weight of each different type of event they are representing. The type of event that it is assumed to occur is identified by the segment in which a number randomly chosen in the interval (0,1) falls. Finally, the new energy E and direction images of the electron are updated. Also at that step, a map between distribution of random numbers and the distribution probabilities for the occurrence of a scattering event with given scattering parameters (e.g. in an inelastic process the change of energy ∆E and direction θ ) is established on the basis of differential cross-sections. Each electron in the simulation is followed until it reaches an energy at which it cannot further induce chemical effects on the material, which is typically assumed to be ~10 eV. The trajectory of many electrons with the same initial energy is simulated in order to obtain distribution of interest (spatial distribution of the ionization events, spatial distribution of deposited energy etc.).

1.3.4. Physical model of electron energy loss in resists

The scheme outlined above can be implemented at different levels of accuracy, depending on how the scattering events are classified and on the accuracy of the scattering cross-section used in the computations.

For example, a relatively simple treatment has been developed by K. Murata [MUR 85], which separates the scattering events into elastic and inelastic. In this case, the continuous loss of energy is not associated with a specific scatter but rather to the polarization of the material surrounding the traveling electron. Each trajectory is divided into small steps of variable length distributed exponentially around the mean free path for elastic scattering. The angular distribution and the energy loss are calculated at each step. The model uses the screened Rutherford equation [1.15] for elastic scattering with the nuclei of atoms (with electron screening of columbic potential) and the Bethe law for continuous energy loss (equation [1.16]):

[1.15] images

[1.16] images

where Ω is the solid angle, Z is the atomic number, θ is the scattering angle, β is the screening parameter, ds is the element of distance along the electron trajectory and J is the average atomic excitation energy. It is well known that Bethe's law is accurate at high energies but needs to be modified for low energies (E<Einf = 6.338J ) into:

[1.17] images

However, even with modification for electron energies, the Bethe formalism is not adequate to describe electron energy loss below 5 keV. Therefore, more recently, an approach using the dielectric response of the material has been used to describe energy loss mechanisms. The complex dielectric function ε(k,ω) describes the response of a medium to a given energy transfer ħω and momentum transfer ħk. The dielectric function contains contributions from both valence and core electrons.

The complex dielectric function describes how the medium is polarized by a variable electric field. This can be produced by an external field, or by a charged particle travelling in the material, creating an e.m. field that can be decomposed by Fourier modes (both for temporal and spatial coordinates). Fast electrons polarize the medium in which they travelling, exciting their modes at a momentum ħk and ħω (which are linked by mode dispersion curves).

For an electron of energy E, the probability of an energy loss ħω per unit distance is given by:

[1.18] images

where images and a02/me2. The quantity τ(E,ħω)is known as the differential inverse mean free path, because by integrating it over all allowed energy transfers the inelastic mean free path is obtained. Furthermore, an integration of ħωτ(E,ħω)overall allowed energy transfers gives the energy loss per unit path length, or stopping power S(E). The stopping power can then be used to calculate the distance it takes to slow an electron down to a given energy. This distance is called the continuous slowing down approximation (CSDA) range, because the calculation assumes that the electron slows down continuously from the initial energy E to the final energy, which is usually taken to be 10 eV. The CSDA range R (E) is given by:

[1.19] images

The calculations for the mean free path and stopping power have been carried out down to 10 eV for a number of materials, including SiO2, polystyrene, polyethylene, silicon, aluminum, nickel, copper, and gold.

A description of the energy loss in materials such as resists has been attempted with Monte Carlo simulations, using the CSDA in between discrete events of elastic scattering. Also, the treatment of elastic scattering has been improved by adopting the relativistic Mott cross-section in the Born approximation for electron elastic scattering with atoms instead of screened Rutherford cross-sections [CZY 90, GRE 74]. Alternatively, Mott cross-sections are reproduced analytically by empirical models based on a few fitting parameters, and the analytical representations of the data are introduced into the calculations [BRO 94].

In more recent research, models of electron energy deposition based on the Monte Carlo method have been further improved by separating inelastic scattering events into various contributions i.e. ionization, excitation and plasmon [HAN 02]. In fact, CSDA only gives the expected value of energy deposition, but is unable to provide detailed information about the generation of secondary electrons. The model developed by G. Han et al. [HAN 03] is based on knowledge of the cross-sections for the different scattering process involved, i.e. elastic, ionization excitation and plasmons, and also gives the spatial distribution of all types of events, with the possibility of identifying those that lead to chain scission events in the case of polymer materials acting as resists [HAN 03].

The typical range of secondary electrons is of the order of angstroms and, therefore, cause chemical modification locally in a resist where they are generated. However, the more energetic primaries (photoelectrons and Auger) can travel a longer distance. Their range depends on the material, on the initial electron energy and on the final energy that is assumed to be a threshold to consider it as ineffective to cause further ionization in the material. The range at which the primary electrons are able to affect the chemical-physical nature of the resist, by scission of bonds and creation of radicals, determines a blurring of the exposed resist volume with respect to the volume where X-ray radiation is absorbed. Although elastic scattering does not contribute (by definition) to the loss of energy, it affects nevertheless the range at which electron energy is deposited in the material by inelastic scattering. In fact, elastic scattering, with its rather large differential cross-section for scattering at large angles, contributes to reducing the range of electrons, due to multiple changes in the direction in their trajectory. Inelastic scattering events (ionization, excitation), are characterized instead by smaller scattering angles.

Figure 1.17. Probabilities of photoelectron emission within the spectrum range of anX-raylithographybeamlinefordiscreteenergies(AlKα).Theprobabilitiesare represented in grey, with darker areas corresponding to higher probabilities. Reproduced from L E. Ocola [OCO 93]


For monochromatic X-ray radiation, photo and Auger electrons are distributed according toadiscretespectrum of energiesgiven by Epe,A=ħω - EA for a photoelectron generated from a level A, and EABC=EA - EB - EC for an Auger electron generated from level C, with the energy transferred in the transition of an electron from level B to the empty level A, where EX represents the binding energy of the level X. In resists, which are typically made of low atomic weight elements (O, C, Si), Auger electrons are produced in KLL transitions. In that case, given that EL << EK the photon energy is essentially split between the kinetic energy of the photoelectron and that of the Auger electron, with energy Epe,K= ħω-EK , and EKLL EK, respectively. It is important to notice that while the photoelectron energy depends linearly on the energy of the absorbed photon, the Auger level is independent of it. This determines the fact that while the blur induced by photoelectrons depends on the exciting photon energy, the blur associated with the Auger electrons is independent of it.

Figure 1.18. Example of 3D point spread function of a 1.3 keV photon in PMMA, fitted with the sum of three Gaussian distributions. The dose per unit volume is represented as a function of the distance from the source. Reproduced from L.E. Ocola [OCO 93]


As resists are mainly organic polymers consisting of light elements – H, C, O, (and in some cases also S, Cl or Si) – Auger electrons are produced with probability close to 1 at each event of photoemission (except of course for H, as Auger is a two-electron process). Therefore resist exposure is the result of the combined effect of photoelectrons and Auger electrons.

The knowledge of the absolute ionization cross-sections allows the calculation of the number of electrons generated at different energies by a monochromatic X-ray beam. This is known both theoretically [OCO 93] and experimentally [HAN 02].

Table 1.2. Table representing the X-ray cross-sections for a few elements found in resist materials for a few selected values of photon energies, in barn/atom. Adapted from W.H. McMaster, et al. [MCM 69]


1.3.5. Diffraction effects in X-ray lithography

In addition to the blurring caused by Auger and photoelectrons, the picture of X-ray lithography as a simple shadow printing process has to be corrected to take into account diffraction effects. The fact that diffraction cannot be neglected, even for a short wavelength λ of ~0.1–1 nm, can be easily seen from the displacement of the first satellite peak in the diffraction pattern. The equation that gives the angle θn at which the diffraction maxima of n-th order occurs when monochromatic radiation is passing through a slit of width d is:

[1.20] images

The first diffraction maximum in the approximation of small angle can be found at images .Considering a gapg between mask and substrate, the position of the first max would be found at a distance of images .

For typical values of the X-ray wavelength used in proximity lithography, λ =1 nm, and for an aperture width of d = 150 nm, that we identify with a mask feature and a mask-substrate gap g of 10 µm, the satellite peak displacement Δ from the central peak would be 100 nm. Therefore, the contribution of the first diffraction peak would alter the dose in the region of the edge of the geometrical shadow of the feature. The linear dependence of Δ on the mask-substrate gap shows that only a zero gap eliminates any diffraction effect. However, because a residual gap cannot be avoided, diffraction plays an important role in one-to-one mask pattern replication, an issue that is widely discussed in the literature [HEC 92, GUO 92].

Fresnel diffraction effects can generate strong modulations of the illumination of the resist. A proper simulation of these effects can be exploited to differentiate the exposure and then the development of the resist. One of the experimental parameters that can be controlled with a degree of freedom is the gap between the mask and the sample spun with the resist. Generally, the wider the gap, the stronger the effect of diffraction, which can be avoided with a zero gap, i.e. placing the mask in full contact with the resist. In the past, simulation programs such as TOOLSET [KHA 94, KHA 97A] have been specifically developed to simulate diffraction effects and the development of a resist in X-ray proximity lithography. The parameters that are required to be given as input are the natural divergence of the incoming beam, the layering of the mask and its pattern, the mask-substrate gap distance, the type of resist (thickness, chemical composition, dissolution rate), the atmosphere where the exposure takes place, the exposure dose and parameters related to the way resists are affected by radiation (contrast, threshold dose).

1.3.6. Coherence of synchrotron radiation from bending magnet devices

A mask illuminated by a spatially coherent source induces diffraction effects that propagate along the mask-substrate gap.

In the theoretical limit of a point source oscillating at a single frequency for all time from -∞ to +∞, the radiated field would be perfectly correlated everywhere. That is, if one knows the electric amplitude and phase at a given point and time, one would know these quantities for all time and throughout space. Real physical sources, however, are made up of spatially distributed radiators that emit a finite spectral bandwidth for a finite period of time. Moreover, in normal sources the emission of individual radiators are not correlated in phase, in contrast to what happens for lasers. Consequently, well defined phase relationships between amplitude and phases at different points in time–space are restricted to a finite spatial–temporal region of coherence.

In synchrotron radiation the radiators are ultra-relativistic electrons spatially distributed in bunches that radiate at specific points of the storage ring where their trajectories are bent by a magnetic field. From bending magnets, the emission of electrons is a white spectrum, and the phase of e.m. waves emitted from each electron is temporally uncorrelated with that from another. In Figure 1.19, a bunch of electrons is depicted, each independently emitting from a point that is in view of the mask. Each electron has its own emission cone of angular aperture γ. The e.m. field of each electron produces a diffraction pattern after the mask. Being uncorrelated in phase, the total intensity pattern is obtained by the superposition of the intensity patterns relative to each independent diffracted photon. However, if the diffraction patterns are not too dissimilar from each other, the modulation of intensity due to diffraction will still be present and recognizable on the final exposed features.

Figure 1.19. Sketch of a bunch of electrons and phase delay introduced by the path that e.m. waves have to travel from different positions inside the bunch to different positions inside a transparent feature on the mask


Our purpose here is to show by a simple and intuitive calculation when the conditions of coherence are sufficient to produce recognizable diffraction effects. With reference to Figure 1.19, the phase at point x on the mask is given by

[1.21] images

Now we look at the phase relationship between the wave front on x1 and x2 relative to a photon emitted by an electron at position s in the bunch. We find that the relative phase shift is given by:

[1.22] images

To understand whether the diffraction pattern of an aperture on the mask will be approximately the same (or not) for photons emitted at point s1 and s2 we have to consider if relative phases of a photon on the points of aperture x1 and x2 are approximately the same for photon waves emitted at s1 and s2 in the bunch. In other words, we have to verify:

[1.23] images

If φ is small with respect to 2π, the photons (with the same energy) generated at different points in the bunch and impinging on an aperture diffraction, the effects will not be cancelled out.

What we have obtained above is essentially the Van Cittert-Zernike theorem, which states that the spatial coherence length is given by:

[1.24] images

If we take s1= 0, s2 = 100 µm, x1 - x2 = 10 µm, L = 10 m, λ= 1 nm,

[1.25] images

In this case, the distribution of relative phases between different points on the aperture will be approximately the same for the waves generated at s1 and s2, with only a small “distortion” of 0.1 radians over the aperture of 10 um, and 0.01 radians for aperture of 1 um. This means that the diffraction pattern obtained after the aperture will be just slightly different for two field components with the same energy but generated by two electrons spatially separated within a bunch. Therefore, the two diffracted patterns almost superimpose over each other.

1.3.7. Basic formulation of diffraction theory for a scalar field

Here, we outline the treatment of the problem of aerial image formation in X-ray lithography in the presence of diffraction effects. As the purpose of this section is not to provide a scheme for quantitative prediction, but more to illustrate the fundamental concepts, we will make further simplifying assumptions, i.e that (i) the mask has a modulation M=1 (i.e. the transmission assumes only the binary values 0 or 1) and (ii) the impinging radiation is a monochromatic plane wave propagating orthogonally to the plane of the mask. Moreover, the use of scalar diffraction theory is justified in this context [GOO 96].

The derivation of the main results will be obtained in the framework of the Rayleigh–Sommerfeld formulation of diffraction, according to the discussion and notations of [LUC 06], to which we refer readers for more details.

The calculation of the complex disturbance U (which represents the complex amplitude of the e.m. field as a scalar) can be obtained with the help of Green's theorem. Let U(P) and G(P) be any two complex-valued functions of position, and let S be a closed surface surrounding a volume V. If U, G, and their first and second partial derivatives are single-valued and continuous in the volume V and on S, then we have:

[1.26] images

The surface integral contains the derivative of the functions in the normal direction to the local orientation of the surface.

From this theorem and with the additional assumption that both functions U and G satisfy the wave equation, i.e. (∇2 + k2)G = 0, and (∇2 + k2)U = 0it follows that the surface integral vanishes:

[1.27] images

A useful integral-differential equation can be derived from the above equation. This will allow us to deduce the value of U at a generic point P0 inside the volume V from the knowledge of U and images on the surface S.

To derive this expression, we consider Gas the function GP (P1)of the generic point P1, defined as:

[1.28] images

where P0 plays the role of a parameter (i.e. it parameterizes a family of functions of P1). This function can be verified to satisfy the wave equation (∇2 + k2 )G = 0, and it is continuous with continuous derivatives, with the exception of the point at which P1 = P0.

The theorem (equation [1.27]) remains valid with the function G expressed by equation [1.28] by excluding, from its domain, an infinitesimal sphere containing the point of divergence; that is, it remains valid if applied to the volume V'= V - Vε from which an infinitesimal sphere Vε (where the condition of continuity of the function G is not verified) of radius ε has been removed around the point P0 (as shown in Figure 1.20). Given the surface,Sε,of the infinitesimal sphereVε , it follows from [1.27] that:

[1.29] images

Figure 1.20. Surface of integration


We calculate the derivative of the function images along the outward-pointing normal to the surface of the volume V' :

[1.30] images

where images is the vector P1 - P0 and r01 its modulus.

For P1 on Sε, images hence:

[1.31] images

Introducing [1.31] into the expression for images in the left side of equation [1.29] and taking the limit ε → 0 we obtain:

[1.32] images

Where here in evaluating the limit for ε → 0 we have used the continuity of the derivative of images. Finally, the result of the above calculation can be cast into the following equation:

[1.33] images

Equation [1.33] is known as the Helmoltz and Kirchhoff integral theorem, and expresses in integral-differential form the relationship between the value of the function U at a generic pointP0 of the volume V to the values that the same function and its derivative assume on the surface S.

As is shown below, the diffraction by a planar screen can be treated using the formalism above, using a function G satisfying the wave function equation and suitable boundary conditions. In fact, there is some arbitrariness in the choice of function G. In particular, the choice made above of images as a Green's function, is not the most convenient, since the surface integral [1.29] contains both the terms U and images (Fresnel-Kirchhoff) and, as a consequence, the evaluation of the integral [1.29] requires the knowledge or assumption of boundary conditions for both U and its derivative. images

1.3.8. Rayleigh–Sommerfeld formulation of diffraction by a planar screen

In this section, we derive the basic equation describing the diffraction by a planar screen, making use of the results of the previous section. However, a different choice for the function images will be made. In fact, it is well known that the choice of the function images as Green's function in a diffraction problem has the drawback that, for the evaluation of the integral [1.33] both U and images need to be known or somehow “guessed” and imposed as boundary conditions on a surface enclosing the volume where the field U has to be calculated. This has the drawback thatspecifying theseconditions independently can engender inconsistencies between the assumptions made about U and images, and their values calculated instead via the use of equation [1.33].

The origin of this inconsistency is that U and images are not fully independent on the surface S . In some problems, however, the geometry of the problem makes possible the choice of a Green's function G that either vanishes or has a vanishing ∂G derivative images on the surface S where the boundary conditions have to be imposed. The problem is demonstrated in Figure 1.21, which presents diffraction by a planar screen in such circumstances.

Figure 1.21. Schematic representation of the problem of diffraction by a planar screen


By choosing a function Gthat satisfies the condition G|s ≡ 0 , the integral [1.33] becomes independent of images. As a consequence, the boundaries have to be imposed only on the field U , thus removing all inconsistencies in the calculation.

With reference to Figure 1.21, the conditions requested are that the function G vanishes on the plane of the screen, i.e. G|s1 ≡ 0 , while, on the spherical surface S2and in order for the term Gimagesto be neglected, the product Gimages → 0 is faster than images for R∞, a condition that can be verified a posteriori after R2 finding the solution for U.

The function GRS which satisfies such a condition in the case of a planar diffractive screen was found by Sommerfeld [SOM 96]. It is obtained by subtracting the function imagesfrom the function images, which is parameterized by the point P2 = P0 - images which is the mirror image of point P0 with respect to the plane of the diffractive screen:

[1.34] images

By construction, the function images has a parity -1 with respect to the inversion of the axis perpendicular to the screen, and therefore it vanishes at all points P1 that lie on it.

Figure 1.22. Schematic representing the Rayleigh –Sommerfeld construction for the problem of diffraction by a planar screen


From this, and from the assumption that in the limit R → ∞ both gimages → 0 and Uimages → 0 are faster than images (which can be verified easily after finding the solution for U ), it follows that [1.33] becomes:

[1.35] images

The derivative of images reads:

[1.36] images

For points P1 on the screen we have r2l = r01 and images = -images, which leads to:

[1.37] images

If we are interested in the field at distances much larger than the wavelength of the radiation impinging on the mask, the approximation λ << r01 could be used to simplify the expression above into:

[1.38] images

This approximation in particular applies to the case of X-ray lithography where the wavelength is of the order of 0.1–1 nm and the gap between the mask and the resist film where the diffraction pattern is recorded is typically more than 5 µm. Inserting the expression [1.38] into [1.35] we obtain:

[1.39] images

In the next section we will show how it is possible to obtain the far field solution URS(P0 ) from the assumption of the field U (P1) just behind the screen.

1.3.9. An example of diffraction effects: Poisson's spot in X-ray lithography

We want to illustrate here how diffraction plays a role especially in high resolution X-ray lithography. For this purpose, we present an example of how diffraction affects the shape of the printed structures in the resist, making them differ from the absorber. In particular, we show an example of the formation of Poisson's spots.

Here, we are following a very didactic paper by R.L. Lucke [LUC 06]. In the introduction, Lucke supplies a definition of the effect:

“Poisson's spot, also known as the spot of Arago, is the name given to the bright on-axis spot behind a circular obscuration illuminated by a plane wave: on the axis of the disk, all light diffracted at the rim of the disk arrives in phase and interferes constructively. Consequently, even for angles approaching 90°, i.e., for observation points close to the disk, diffraction can result in a significant intensity.”

Here, we will briefly derive the analytical expression of the on-axis and near axis diffracted field amplitude and intensity produced by an obscuring circular disk illuminated by a plane monochromatic wave (in a scalar approximation). The results will be used to interpret the results of a pattern generated by X-ray lithography.

Figure 1.23. Geometry of the Poisson's spot problem


We apply the Rayleigh–Sommerfeld diffraction integral [1.39] to the case of an obscuring disk, with reference to Figure 1.23:

[1.40] images

As boundary conditions for the field U on the plane of the screen, we assume that it equals the input field in the unperturbed field in the transparent areas of the screen, denoted by T , and that it vanishes in the obscuring part of the screen. These conditions, known as the Rayleigh–Sommerfeld conditions, can be written as:

[1.41] images

In the case we are analyzing, the pattern of the mask is an obscuring disk of radius a.

We now exploit the cylindrical symmetry of the problem by defining the cylindrical coordinate system, by (x, y, z) = (ρ cos ϕ, ρ sinϕ, z), 0 ≤ φ < 2π. From the cylindrical symmetry it follows that the complex field amplitude at the point (x',0,z) represents all points (ρcosφ,ρsinφ,z) with ρ = x' and 0 ≤ φ < 2π.

Therefore, in [1.40]r = [(x-x')2 + y2 + z2]1/2 represents the distance between the point (x',0,z) where the field is observed, and the generic point (x,y,0) on the diffracting screen, images is the angle formed by the vector that joins (x,y,0) to (x',0,z) z with the normal to the screen. With these definitions, we can writeimages. The surface element dS = dxdy can be written in cylindrical coordinates as dS = ρdρdφ.

Furthermore, from r2 = z2+ (x- x')2 + y2 = z2 + (ρcos φ - x')2+ ρ2sin φ2 it follows that rdr = (ρ - x' cosφ)ρdρ as long as ρ ≥ a >> x' (i.e. the point of observation (x',0, z) is close to the z axis). For an on-axis point of observation (x' = 0,0,z)the equation rdr = ρdρ is exact. The surface element can be written dS = ρdρdφ rdrdφ for ρ ≥ a >> x', which become exact for x'=0.

In such a case, equation [1.40] reads:

[1.42] images

where changing from ρ to r as an integration variable we have to change the lower integration limit from a to:

[1.43] images

where r0 = images. The integral on r can be evaluated by parts, as:

[1.44] images

where we have kept only the leading term in the approximation rk >> 1.

In the example of X-ray lithography illustrated below, the approximation consisting of neglecting the term images with respect to images is fully justified, as the wavelength is of the order of 1 nm, a ~ 100 nm and R(φ) ~ g is the gap between the mask and resist which is of the order of 10 µm. Finally, we can insert equation [1.44] into [1.42] and, using the approximation:

[1.45] images

where images is the Bessel function of zero order.

The relative intensity of the diffracted beam URS (x',0, g) with respect to the input field Ui , in the additional hypothesis that the gap is much larger than the dimensions of the radius of the obscuring disk, g>>a, which leads to the approximation g r0, is given by:

[1.46] images

The plot of Irel (ρ') with ρ' represented in units of imagesis shown in Figure 1.24.

The conditions in our experiments were E~2 KeV, i.e.λ = 0.56 nm, g = 10 µm a = 90 nm. The full width at half max (FWHM) is 2 in units of images = 9.9 mm. Therefore a hole of ~20 nm diameter is expected.

Figure 1.24. Plot of Ird(ρ') withρ' represented in units of images


1.4. Applications

Here we present a series of examples of High resolution and Deep XRL.

1.4.1. Optimal photon energy range for High resolution and Deep X-ray lithography

In general, the optimization of any procedure needs to be done to maximize or minimize a figure of merit that represents how close the parameter or a weighted combination of parameters is from a desired target value.

In X-ray lithography the choice of the optimal conditions depends very much on the class of applications that are addressed. In particular, two main classes of applications have caused the differentiation of X-ray lithography into High Resolution X-ray Lithography (HRXRL) and Deep X-ray Lithography (DXRL). Though the principle is the same, the applications, technology, equipment, masks and problems all differ.

The main focus of HRXRL is high resolution nanopatterning. The objective is to overcome the resolution limitations of DUV lithography for its main use in the microelectronics industry. In DXRL the target application is micromechanics and MEMS, with tall (hundreds of micrometers) and high aspect ratio (i.e. the ratio between height and lateral size) structures, but with resolutions that are in the range of micrometers. This requires the use of a much more penetrating X-ray radiation, with respect to HRXRL, in order to expose thick resist films.

Figure 1.25. Left: Array of gold absorber pillars on an X-ray mask. Right: Pattern of pillars obtained by X-ray lithography with a mask containing an array of pillars similar to those on the mask on the left, but arranged in an hexagonal array. Strong diffraction effects result in the formation of a hole in the middle of the dots as well as in the modified shape of the dots, reflecting the hexagonal symmetry of the array


In deep X-ray lithography there are two main limitations to achieving high resolution patterning. One is related to the thickness of the absorber, typically gold, where the required thickness is in the range of ~ 10–20 µm in order to provide a sufficient contrast. Therefore printing features at the sub 100 nm resolution would require structures in the absorber with an aspect ratio in excess of 100, which is almost impossible to achieve. The second, more basic limitation, is that the photoelectrons generated by X-ray of 10 keV energy have a correspondingly much higher spreading range in the resist, of up to 100–200 nm.

1.4.2. Diffraction effects on proximity lithography

In this section, we address a study of the diffraction effects using the spectrum generated at LILIT (Elettra, Trieste, Italy). Due to the finite source size and the poly chromaticity of the spectrum, typically 1+/-0.5nm in wavelength, the electromagnetic field responsible for the lithographic aerial image formation is partially coherent. From the Van Cittert–Zernike theorem, the spatial coherence length of the Lilit beamline is:


a value much larger than for typical patterned structures. (The beam line is characterized by a length L=25 m and by a source with cross-section of diameter S=200 µm).

Simple considerations of the role of diffraction effects on proximity lithography can be argued taking into account the diffraction pattern generated by a thin rectangular aperture. The displacement of the first satellite peak in a diffraction pattern is given by: δ = gλ/d . For typical values of an X-ray wavelength used in proximity lithography, X = 1 nm, with an aperture width d = 200 nm that we identify with a typical mask, and with a slit-screen distance that in our example coincides with the mask-substrate gap: g = 15 µm, the displacement, δ, is 75 nm. The linear dependence of δ on the mask-substrate gap shows that only a zero gap eliminates any diffraction effect. Typically in X-ray proximity beamlines, the residual mask-substrate gap can be decreased down to 5 µm, corresponding to a diffraction limit for one-to-one proximity lithography close to 25 nm. Since a residual gap cannot be avoided completely, the result is that diffraction plays an important role in one-to-one mask pattern replication, an issue that is widely discussed in the literature.

Here, we present an experimental investigation of diffraction effects as a function of the gap g between mask and substrate.

Three samples prepared with SAL 601 (negative tone resist) and called S5, S10 and S15 were exposed by setting the mask–substrate gap to 5 µm, 10 µm and 15 µm, respectively (Figure 1.26(a)–(c)). A fourth sample, P15, spun with PMMA (positive tone resist) was exposed with a 15 µm mask–substrate gap (Figure 1.26(d)).

What is interesting to notice is the dependence of the lattice unit cell on the mask–substrate gap distance. In the case of the 5 µm mask–substrate gap (Figure 1.26(a)) the mask features are well reproduced. This is the case for proximity X-ray lithography where almost a one-to-one replica of a mask can be achieved and where diffraction effects are almost completely suppressed by minimizing the mask– substrate gap.

By contrast, the effects of diffraction are evident on the samples exposed with a 15µm mask–substrate gap, with both negative and positive resists (Figure 1.26(c) and (d)). The square shape of the unit cell is strongly smoothed on the corners with a hole (or a pillar, depending on the tone of the resist) at the center. The patterning obtained exposing a negative resist appears to be composed of an array of rings with thin lateral walls (<50 nm). In this case the filling factor of the pattern ranges from 9% with a 15 μm gap to 28% for a 5 μm gap. Of course an opposite patterning with a very high filling factor (78%) can be achieved using a positive (PMMA) resist (Figure 1.26(d) which provides a final structure composed of thin rings etched into the epitaxial multi layer.

An even more complex case is shown by sample S10 exposed with a 10 µm mask–substrate gap (Figure 1.26(b)). In this case, a further central pillar appears, of 100nm diameter and 70 nm away from the external ring whose wall is 45 nm thick.

Several combinations of internal and external radii of the rings or a controlled smoothing of the squared angles can be achieved by choosing the right experimental conditions. The key parameter in this case is the contrast between the absolute and local maxima (and minima) of the diffraction pattern (Figure 1.26) that is high enough (more than 20%) to guarantee the modulation of the lithographic structures. The importance of the mask–substrate gap on the internal and external diameters of the rings for three different development times (30 s, 60 s and 120 s) are reported in Figure 1.28 for a PMMA resist and a dose of 3.5 J/cm2. The results show that a large range of configurations can be achieved. At 30 s, no holes are opened in the base of the lattice that, by contrast, can be obtained at 60 s. A further increase of the development time decreases the external radius and increases the internal one, resulting in a thinning of the ring walls.

Figure 1.26. Images obtained showing the changing mask–substrate gap. (a) sample S5: resist SAL601, 5 µm gap; (b) sample S10: resist SAL601, 10 µm gap; (c) sample S15: resist SAL601, 15 µm gap; (d) sample P15: resist PMMA, 15 µm gap. For each sample, the relative X-ray lithography simulations performed by TOOLSET code have been attached


Modeling the diffraction pattern is important to evaluate and compensate for the distortion generated by diffraction. For this purpose, we used TOOLSET [KHA 97A, GOO 96], a computer program specifically developed to simulate the exposure and development of a resist in X-ray proximity lithography. The program requires knowledge of the parameters describing the X-ray source and X-ray mask. The input parameters are, therefore, the natural divergence of the incoming beam, the layering of the mask and its pattern, the type of resist (thickness, chemical composition, dissolution rate), the atmosphere where the exposure takes place, the exposure and development time, and finally, the mask–substrate gap distance.

Figure 1.27. Comparison between aerial diffraction pattern simulations generated by: (left) an X-ray mask pattern obtained by increasing the spatial blur from the real value of 1nm; and (right) a spatial blur of 10 nm. In both cases a 15 µm mask–substrate gap has been used. The bottom panels report the intensity profiles along the cut linesin the aerial diffraction patterns


Figure 1.27(a) shows the aerial diffraction pattern obtained for a gap of 15 µm, i.e. the gap used for samples S15 and P15 (Figures 1.26(c) and 1.26(d)). The presence of peaks and troughs with position and intensity dependent on the geometrical configuration of the lattice appears clearly. The diffraction pattern intensity along a straight line crossing the squares of the pattern is shown to highlight the resist profile. It is worth noting the single strong minimum of the center of the transmitted beam that is responsible of the hole in the lattice unit base in Figure 1.26(c).

In order to show the previously discussed effect of X-ray beam coherence, in Figure 1.27(b) we have reported for comparison the diffraction pattern obtained by increasing the blur of the beam from 1 nm to 10 nm. In the latter case, we noticed a strong decrease in the intensity modulation of the illumination pattern. The evolution of diffraction patterns along the same cut lines simulated for different values of the mask–substrate gaps and for 1nm blur is reported in Figure 1.29 showing the appearance and the development of several diffraction maxima and minima. The single strong minimum of the center of the transmitted beam for a 15 µm gap and the small secondary peak for an 11 µm gap are responsible, respectively, for the hole in the sample in Figure 1.27(a) and for the central pillar in the sample in Figure 1.26(b).

Figure 1.28. Internal and external radius of a 2D lattice basis obtained for different mask–substrate gaps and developing times


Figure 1.29. Comparison of the intensity profiles obtained by varying the mask–substrate gap from 3 to 15 µm


Diffraction is not the only effect that must be controlled to achieve the final lithographic pattern. In order to correctly develop the exposed resist, an accurate optimization of the exposure dose and development time are required. A study of these has also been performed exploiting the part of TOOLSET devoted to resist development. PMMA and SAL 601 resist dissolution rates [KHA 97B] were introduced to compute the evolution of resist development time on a representative area. A good agreement with the experimental features has been obtained; as an example, the square shape of the internal hole in Figure 1.26(d) is reproduced well.

1.4.3. High resolution 3D nano structuring

3D high resolution structures can be obtained using hybrid lithographic techniques. In fact, by combining different fabrication techniques it is possible to overcome the limitations and fully exploit the advantages of every single process, and to enlarge the class of micro- and nanostructures that can be fabricated. Below, two examples of such an approach are presented in order to give an idea of what can be achieved. We will describe the fabrication of optical waveguides embedded in 3D photonic crystals fabricated by a binary resist process, using X-ray Lithography (XRL) and Electron beam Lithography (EBL).

Photonic crystals (PhC) are periodic dielectric structures exhibiting a photonic band gap (PBG) – a wavelength range in which light cannot propagate [YAB 87, YAB 91, JOH 87, JOA 95, SAK 01]. Because of their ability to efficiently trap [FOR 97], reflect [JOA 97], and guide [LIN 98] light in 3D, photonic crystals designed for optical wavelengths are expected to greatly increase the density of integrated optical circuits. The ability of directing light is based on the capability of designing and fabricating structural defects locally breaking the discrete translational symmetry of the PhC lattice. Isolated photonic levels arise inside the PBG compelling light of the appropriate energy-frequency to be effectively confined in the region defined by the defect itself [JOH 02]. In the case of a waveguide, a line-defect in the regular lattice of a PhC compels light to follow the defect path through a µm-scale sharp bend [ZHI 03]. This scheme had already been successfully implemented for the realization of two dimensional (2D) PhC using a layer-by-layer fabrication approach [BAB 01]. However, such waveguides in 2D PhC show strong dissipation effects due to an unavoidable loss of light out of the plane [LI 04, AND 03]. A complete photonic band can occur only in 3D PhC [LIN 99], widely studied theoretically. However, their experimental fabrication still remains a challenge. An original fabrication method was proposed by Yablonovitch using millimeter-scale periodic arrays of holes drilled into a dielectric medium to realize 3D PhC at microwave frequencies. The resulting lattice structure is called Yablonovite (after his name) [YAB 91]. A parallel lithographic approach suitable for mass production has been implemented using tilted X-ray lithography on PMMA for the fabrication of Yablonovite structures with lattice parameters in the range of hundreds of micron [FEI 97] and subsequently in the range of 1 µm by Cuisin et al. [CUI 00a].

We applied a hybrid lithography method for the fabrication of linear defects embedded in a 3D metallic Yablonovite structure that satisfies the requirements for a waveguide.

The process developed exploits the combination of two resist exposures by using a protocol sequence of EBL and XRL (Figure 1.30). A 5 µm thick PMMA was previously spun on a silicon substrate coated with a base plating layer and successively baked. On top of this layer, a 500 nm thick film of SAL-601 negative resist is spun and pre-baked (Figure 1.30(b)). EBL is performed (Figure 1.30(c)) with an exposure dose high enough to expose SAL-601 but unaffecting the bottom PMMA resist layer.

After the EBL exposure, post exposure baking and development are performed resulting in a chemical polymerization of SAL-601 shaped in the designated pattern lying on the top of the first PMMA layer (Figure 1.30(d)). Subsequently, a second 5 µm thick PMMA layer is spun on top of the previously patterned sample and baked to assure the perfect homogeneity of the two PMMA layers, embedding the predefined SAL-601 pattern (Figure 1.30(e)). XRL is then performed in a multi-tilted configuration (Figure 1.30(f)).

XRL has been performed on the LILIT beamline located at the Elettra Synchrotron (Trieste) [ROM 01]. After XRL, the whole block of the PMMA layer pattern is developed without any further baking. The SAL-601 structure at this point is completely embedded in the PMMA resist structure, which is used as a template for a final electroplating metal growth, followed by stripping of the PMMA in a warm acetone at 50°C (Figure 1.30(g)).

Figure 1.30. Flowchart of a hybrid lithography process. Resists of opposite tone are combined in two distinct lithographic processes. After a first PMMA coating and baking (a), a second resist SAL-601 is spun, baked (b), exposed by electron beam lithography (c) and developed with MF312 (d). Following this, a second PMMA coating is spun and baked (e). X-ray lithography is performed in the tilted configuration (f) without affecting the SAL-601 patterning. The final structure can be used as a template for a final electroplating metal growth (g)


From a fabrication point of view, a metallic structure can be used as a more stable and resistant template for infiltration of high refraction index materials. Metallic structures per se can have, however, interesting photonic crystals as verified by preliminary optical characterization [ROM 03b]. The resulting structure, a line-defect in a 3D metallic Yablonovite structure, is shown in Figure 1.31. The resist wire is perfectly embedded in the structure and thereby defines a perfect tubelike defect.

Figure 1.31. Waveguide defect made of a resist included in 3D metallic Yablonovite structures without any distortion of the lattice structure. The defect runs along the whole length (500 µm) of the sample and can be seen through an occasionally un-grown zone of the 3D lattice


1.4.4. 3D polymer structures by combination of NanoImprint (NIL) and X-ray lithography (XRL)

NIL is a high resolution (sub-10 nm), low cost, high throughput technique that has intrinsically 3D replication potential, having the capability to form smooth curved surfaces over large areas [MIN 01]. Due to these characteristics it is emerging as a possible mass-production technology in the field of micro- and nanosystems. A large variety of 3D master profiles can be transferred into a polymer film by NIL. However limitations exist for arbitrary shapes. First, there is the difficulty of fabricating arrays of structures non-perpendicular to the substrate or having overhanging parts. This problem relates to the possibility/impossibility of releasing the mold from the polymer, due to the interlocking of the nanostructures of the stamp and polymer. A further limit is the maximum aspect ratio (~3) of the structures due to the stresses produced by shear and tensile forces at the surface of micro/nanostructures during the release of the master.

By contrast, XRL is well known to provide aspect ratios attaining values of ~20 (for structures with µm scale resolution), and a resolution that, in its present state of development, can go below 50 nm. Geometrically, the structures obtainable by XRL can be described as the intersection of (a) the volume shadowed by a two-dimensional pattern defined on a mask with (b) the volume of the resist film. As the two-dimensional pattern of the mask can be projected in arbitrary directions with respect to the resist film, XRL also allows tilted structures to be defined. Furthermore, by performing single or multiple exposures at tilted angles, it has been possible to build complex 3D structures containing voids and overhanging parts [CUI 00b, [ROM 03a].

We have developed an innovative lithographic approach that combines NanoImprint (NIL) and X-ray lithography (XRL) for fabricating unconventional 3D polymer structures. The use of XRL to structure a pre-patterned resist by NIL gives rise to high-resolution high-aspect-ratio structures whose overall profile is enveloped by the original 3D imprinted profile [TOR 04]. A master with continuous 3D profile was fabricated using isotropic etching of a fused silica substrate in order to form an array of hemispherical cavities of ~20 µm diameter. For the imprinting step, a silicon substrate was coated with 6 µm of PMMA, and hot embossing was performed according to standard procedures, at a pressure of 20 MPa and a temperature of 210°C [MIN 03].

Figure 1.32. (a–c) Zone plate structure superimposed on the 3D profile of an array of hemispheres; (d) inverted 3D structure by nickel electroplating. Scale bars correspond to 10 µm


After the process of hemisphere imprinting, a set of samples was exposed at the XRL LILIT beamline selecting a spectrum energy window that allowed the full exposure of the thickest (9 µm) part of the hemispheres. One of the samples three dimensionally structured by NIL/XRL was further processed in order to demonstrate the possibility of generating a master for imprinting or injection molding, and therefore suitable for mass production. The sample was sputter coated with a 40 nm film of palladium-gold which was used as base plating for the electrochemical growth of Ni. Figures 1.32(a–c) show the results of the process demonstrating that special optical elements containing refractive and diffractive components could be produced. Figure 1.32(d) shows the negative of the central part of the 3D object obtained by nickel electroplating.

Such a technique could become particularly suitable for prototyping masters for imprinting and injection molding, thus requiring the limited use of a highly expensive technique, while mass production would be committed to low cost techniques.

1.4.5. Micromachining and the LIGA process

DXRL is a competitive technology for the production of micro-fabricated parts of high accuracy and high aspect ratio. It can be used in small or medium volume production batches or to supply high throughput replication techniques, such as injection molding, with very high quality metal molds. In recent years, in addition to micro-electro mechanical systems (MEMS), interest from the scientific community, start-ups and industries has been growing for the production of microfluidic systems. Microfluidics is a field of applied science and technology, whose aim is to develop ways of using, mixing and multiplexing fluids (liquids and gases, typically highly expensive or only available in small amounts) in channels and reservoirs which range in size from 1–1000 μm. In a microfluidic system, micro channels, micro pumps, micro valves and filters have to be integrated, as well as providing a connection to the macroscopic world (involving liquid reagents, pressures, temperatures) [WHI 06]. The characteristics of DXRL [SCH 94] can offer important advantages to the development of some microfluidic applications, for the following reasons:

1. It is possible to do a sequence of aligned exposure in order to integrate different levels and parts in the same device;

2. DXRL provides high aspect ratio for the production of deep channels with smooth surfaces (optically finished);

3. DXRL permits the use of plastic materials, for the production of disposable and cheap devices (very interesting for bio-medical applications).

Three examples follow in which DXRL has been very useful in solving the technological challenges imposed by the applications. Micro-mixer

The purpose of the device we present here is the study of the evolution of chemical reactions within the first milliseconds and with high time resolution (i.e. monitoring the consumption of reagents and growth of products) [MAR 09].

Two reagents have to be mixed to initiate a chemical reaction. Mixing two liquids at the macroscopic level introduces a large uncertainty in the time that can be taken as t=0 for the reaction, as this depends on the timescale at which intermixing occurs, which is mainly determined by convection. Therefore, different volumes of the mixture of the reagents can be at different stages of the reaction. A micromixer with a configuration like the one shown in Figure 1.33 was selected because the flux is laminar in the microchannels even at high flow rates, and mixing is based only on diffusion which can be precisely described, leading to a much lower uncertainty in setting t=0 for the reaction [KNI 98]. One of the two chemical reagents is inserted in the central channel, while the other is put in the two lateral ones. The central flux is squeezed by the lateral ones, obtaining a so-called hydrodynamic focusing.

Figure 1.33. (a) Device layout optimized for rapid mixing of two reagents; and (b) simulated concentration of chemical species. The inlet and outlet nozzles were designed to obtain complete mixing inside the mixer and a jet at the exit with a velocity of 10 m/s


Simulations of microfluidics (conducted with COMSOL multiphysics commercial Finite Element Analysis software) have been based on the following requirements:

1. Channels with high aspect ratio (>10).

2. A 6 µm inlet nozzle with a particular shape to avoid recirculation of fluids and better focusing performance.

3. A precise profile of the features, with vertical walls down to the bottom of the device (otherwise the mixing of liquid A and B at the top and the bottom of the micro channels would occur at different timescales).

4. A transparent plastic body, transparent for ease in assembling the parts and plastic to guarantee a chemical compatibility with the reagents of interest.

5. A stable free jet at the exit of the device, where measurements of the chemical reaction evolution can be conducted without interference from the channel walls. The mixing of the reagents is obtained inside the device, while the measurements start just at the outlet nozzle.

The geometry of the channels should be able to provide perfect control of the flux of the reagents, as the reproducibility and consistency of the measuring results depend on knowledge of the mixing zone (i.e. time) and on the flow rate inside and outside the device.

The resulting velocity of the jet from the nozzle is ~10 m/s, which ensures a time resolution of less than 100 µs. In this experiment, the measurements have been conducted with Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS), using the SAXS beamline at Elettra [AME 98].

Figure 1.34. (a) SEM picture of the final mask; the thickness of the gold layer is 1.7 µm; (b) device channels after developing the exposed PMMA slab; a close up view of the inlet channels is shown in the inset (bottom right)


Such stringent requirements on the device geometry required the use of DXRL. First, a DXRL mask was obtained using a two step process based on the fabrication of an X-ray mask by EBL, which is replicated with soft X-ray lithography, to obtain the final working mask (see Figure 1.13). The final mask, together with an SEM image of the device after exposure and development, is shown in Figure 1.34.

The exposure was made on a slab of PMMA 1 mm thick. The sample was mounted on the mask using a 50 µm Kapton© foil as a spacer to avoid dangerous contact between the surface of the sample and the fragile nitride membrane of the mask. A Jenoptic Gmbh scanner provides an average constant dose on the exposed area, scanning in the vertical direction with a velocity of 20 mm/s; the dose was calculated to obtain a depth in the channels of 60 µm, where the dose imposed should be between 3 and 4 kJ/cm3.

Figure 1.35. Image of the free jet obtained at the exit of the final device mounted in the steel sample holder. The three inlets are fed by means of syringe pumps connected via HPLC-type connections (not visible in the photograph)


The microfluidic device was sealed by thermally bonding a thin sheet of PMMA (0.5 mm thick). A pumping system composed of three syringe pumps, able to provide constant flux of reagents at high pressure (up to 16 bar), was used to introduce liquids A and B. Figure 1.35 shows the device mounted with the sample holder, and fed by the pump; the free jet is also visible, with a cross-section of 8x60 µm and speed of ~10 m/s.

The device for micro-mixing, producing a free jet suitable for the measurement of the kinetics of chemical reactions in ultra-fast regimes (i.e stable in air and with laminar flow) is shown to work as predicted by simulations in the design step process. By using DXRL, very high quality micro-channels, using PMMA sheets, have been fabricated. The sealing system and the assembly set-up engineered for this experiment made it possible to use devices produced with ease and fast mounting, implementing the idea of fast and reliable use of disposable devices in a new kind of time-resolved scientific experiments. Micro-needle fabricated by LIGA and casting

The controlled delivery of drugs to specific organs or parts of the body at a well defined rate is becoming an important therapeutic objective in modern medicine. Several invasive and non-invasive techniques have been developed already, such as silicon micro needles, implanted micro-chips or micro particle reservoirs [TAO 03]. Transdermal delivery based on micro needle arrays is recognized as one of the most promising methods, because of the possibilities of offering a wide range of delivery rates compared to other systems, and of using disposable devices, minimum invasiveness and high patient comfort.

Human skin is made up of three layers, as shown in Figure 1.36. The outer layer (the epidermis or Stratum Corneum), is 20 μm thick and is mainly made up of dead cells. The layer underneath (the dermis), consists of capillaries with blood vessels and living cells, but contains few nerves; its thickness is around 50–100 μm. The bottom layer is the hypodermis, which forms the bulk of the skin's volume, and contains nerves and capillaries.

Figure 1.36. Structure of human skin, in which three layers are visible


Effective delivery of drugs through the skin requires reaching the hypodermis layer so that interstitial fluid can absorb the drug and then diffuse it into the blood stream through capillaries; at the same time, skin penetration has to be limited to lower the chance of causing pain through nerve pinching.

Figure 1.37. SEM image of a polymeric micro needle fabricated by DXRL


Figure 1.38. (a) Pattern of a DXRL mask; (b) exposure of a sawtooth grating, laying on a 2.7 mm thick PMMA sheet substrate; (c) and (d) fillets of PMMA with sawtooth structures assembled and glued on a conductive substrate


The first process used to fabricate hollow microneedles was based on silicon technology [MCA 00]. However, silicon is a brittle material. Instead, we used DXRL to build micro needle arrays made of polymer materials [PER 06]. The SEM image in Figure 1.37 shows the final result.

Using an X-ray mask with sawtooth pattern (shown in Figure 1.38(a)), a series of 2.7 mm thick slabs of PMMA are exposed. Three of them are glued onto a conductive substrate. The resulting structure is shown in Figure 1.38(c), with a total area covered of 8x10 cm. This assembly is then exposed again using DXRL, with a second mask containing an array of equilateral triangles. Each of them has a hole of controlled diameter and positioned near a corner which will act as the future needle tip, and symmetrically distant from the other two (see Figure 1.39).

Figure 1.39. Using a mask with a pattern made by an equilateral triangle with a hole near one corner. Exposure to X-rays produces the needles array starting from the building block prepared before


The developing of the assembled structure after this second exposure is stopped before fully opening the internal holes. Since the developing rate is different between large and small open areas, inside the holes a residual PMMA layer, remains, as shown in Figure 1.40(a).

Copper is then deposited by electrolytic growth on the fully developed parts around the needles, and not in the holes where residual undeveloped PMMA remains. The thickness of this metal layer will determine the offset hm between the base of the needle and the central pillar that will serve for molding holes through the entire thickness (see Figures 1.40(a) and (b)). Growth is stopped leaving the tip free, for a thickness which is that of the final device's tip. A final development of the structure opens the bottom of the holes.

Figure 1.40. Mold preparation and replication via soft polymer casting: (a) electrolytic growth of Cu layer in the partially developed structure (outside the needle triangles; (b) full development after Cu layer growth; (c) casting with soft polymer (i.e. PVA); (d) Negative replica of the mold; (e) casting of liquid PMMA in the negative replica; (f) back polishing to open the needle hole; (g) release of the PMMA replica from the PVA; this is the final device


The structure obtained in this way is the working master for the replication process. A soft material (PVA) is cast in its liquid state and peeled off once it has solidified (Figures 1.40(c) and (d)). The soft replica is filled with liquid PMMA and left to polymerize into its solid state using appropriate heat treatment. The base of this casting is usually closed, because the casting of the polymer is thicker than the master base. To open the needle channel, this excess thickness must be removed, avoiding damage to the structure: for a few microns thickness, a dry etching using oxygen plasma is used; otherwise mechanical lapping is used.

Once the PMMA has hardened, the needle array has to be de-molded. Since PVA is soluble in water while PMMA is not, the de-molding process consists of dissolving the master in water, leaving the PMMA device undamaged (Figures 1.40(e–g)). Microturbine rotors for power generation in portable systems

LIGA can be employed for the production of metallic structures with a high aspect ratio and surface roughness better than that usually obtained with micro-mechanical tools. The example presented here describes the whole process from lithography to micro-machining for the production of microturbine rotors [MAR 04].

Figure 1.41 shows a rocket engine layout. It is based on a microturbine powered by compressed gas to generate electricity. Such a power generator is of interest in astronautics, in particular for micro-satellites, for position and orientation control, and could be applied to provide energy requirements for small portable devices for a long term stability and functionality without recharge. The application field benefits very much from a lowering of the size and weight of the structural and service parts of the device.

Figure 1.41. Diagram of a rocket engine layout. A micro turbine is used as an electrical generator for satellite applications. The combustion of ethanol and oxygen peroxide produces pressurized gases, which drive the turbine. The rotation of the rotor is coupled with a micro motor, used in reverse mode for power generation


The turbine in this system was designed to be magnetically coupled with a commercial micro motor, working in reverse mode as a generator, and driven by pressurized gas produced by the combustion of a mixture of ethanol and hydrogen peroxide. The blades of the turbine were designed with a constant section area (Figure 1.42(a), so that the gas flowing in the channels between them could expand only at the exit nozzle. In this way, only kinetic energy is exchanged, without a contribution from enthalpic phase changes (which occur only in the nozzle).

Whereas most of the microturbine components had dimensions compatible with conventional high precision micromachining techniques, the complex shape of the rotor blades required LIGA and electro discharge machining (EDM) (details of this technology are well discussed by Ajit Singh and Amitabha Ghosh [SIN 99]). The fabrication process is shown in Figure 1.42(b).

Figure 1.42. (a) Design of the turbine rotor, with geometrical dimensions; (b) DXRL and electroforming process for production of the rotor's metallic mold. The metallic mold is then used as a template for electro discharge machining, producing a replica of the rotor in a bulk metallic ingot


PMMA, 1 mm thick, is glued to a conductive substrate (a silicon wafer covered by a 2 μm thick layer of TiO) and exposed to X-rays through an appropriate mask. After development of the shadow image, a metallic structure is grown in a copper sulphate electrolytic bath. At the end of this process, the top surface of the sample is polished in order to obtain electrodes with a smooth surface. The silicon wafer is then etched in a KOH bath to release the structures.

The final product is an array of copper microelectrodes and microrotors, each with a diameter of 10 mm (see Figure 1.43). Each of them is then cut and mounted on a copper holder for the EDM machine. Electro Discharge Machining consists of the generation of pulsed electric sparks between an electrode and the electrically conductive work piece which are separated by a dielectric liquid. The sparks melt and erode the material, which is then removed by mechanical impact and flushed away by the dielectric liquid.

Figure 1.43. Rotors obtained after electroplating. The structure is used as a master electrode for the Electro Discharge Machining process


Figure 1.44. Rotors produced by EDM: (left) showing a 10 mm diameter structure; and (right) an SEM image of a 3.2 mm diameter rotor


EDM allows the parts to be obtained by erosion from a solid bulk ingot of metal, instead of forming it by electroplating which leads to metallic parts of lower mechanical strength, and limits the choice of materials to the available electrolytic solutions. Rotors with diameters of 10 and 3.2 mm were fabricated using different metallic materials such as stainless steel, aluminum and a magnetic alloy (FeNdB). Images are presented in Figure 1.44.

Tests performed with the stainless steel rotors of 10 mm diameter, using cold air as a driving fluid, showed the capability of this system to deliver a power up to 4 W at 80,000 rpm with an inlet pressure of 0.5 MPa.

1.4.9. Micro-optical element for distance measurement

Positioning measurement is one of the most important features of equipment and system characteristics in factory automation (FA) and semiconductor manufacturing. Among the different possibilities, a micro optical distance sensor based on the triangulation principle is widely chosen because of its non-contact inspection and high resolution.

Figure 1.45. (a) Side view of an optical system for distance measurement; (b) top view of the device: a laser diode illuminates the target, from which reflected light is collected by a cylindrical lens, and travels through several mirrors to the photo detector


T. Oka et al. [OKA 03] presented a production scheme based on LIGA and injection molding. Their optical triangulation distance sensor consists of an illumination optical system and a detection optical system, both shown in Figure 1.45.

The operating principle of this class of device is as follows. An electronic photo sensitive detector (PSD) is used to record the position of a target object. The target object is illuminated by a photo diode emitter embedded in the device; the light produced by the diode is focused horizontally by the mirror and vertically by the cylindrical lens. Then, part of the scattered light returns to the device, where it comes in through a window and meets a second cylindrical lens. To enhance the resolution of the measurements, the optical path of this light is increased using four mirrors; a final 45° mirror just above the PSD deflects the light by 90°. As the incident position of the light on the PSD depends on the target position, the distance between the sensor and the target can be measured.

All mirrors and lenses should have surface roughness suitable for optical applications and be of a shape calculated for the geometry of the sensor. These requirements, together with the necessity to integrate small parts in a small system, achieving a light pathway inside the device that is as long as possible, suggest the LIGA process for fabrication of a suitable master, and injection molding for the high throughput achievable.

Figure 1.46. Left: fabrication procedure for the free space micro optical system: 1. the perpendicular structure is first exposed; 2. a 45° mirror is patterned, then tilts the target and mask together; 3. the resulting structure after development. Right: an SEM image of the structure obtained


This device was produced in PMMA with the fabrication procedure shown in the left part of Figure 1.46. The right part shows a SEM picture of the resulting structure, where the pathway of the laser light is shown.

For the final application, the device is plated by evaporation with a thin layer of gold, to improve the reflectivity of the mirrors’ surfaces. The two cylindrical grooves visible in the SEM image are used for alignment in the mounting of the device with a packaging system.

The final device is then a sensor with an electrical I/O interface (embedded in the base of the package) able to measure displacement in the range 5.5 to 6.5 mm with an error of less than ± 2.0 %, and repeatability of the single measure with an error of 0.3 % (3 µm absolute maximum value).

1.5. Appendix 1

This Appendix comes from Snell's law (or the law of refraction), n1 sin φ1 = n2sin φ2 which is reduced to n sin φv = nm sin φm where φv and φm are the angles that a refracted ray makes with the normal to the surface in vacuum and inside the material, respectively. The phenomenon of total reflection (internal in the visible range, external in the case of X-rays) is explained by the bifurcation in Snell's equation, corresponding to the physical condition that the refracted ray is parallel to the surface, i.e. θ ≡ π/2 - φ = 0 where θ is the angle of incidence with the surface. For X-rays traveling in a vacuum and impinging at a grazing angle on a material, the bifurcation condition in Snell's law is written as sin(π/2 - θc) = nm sin π /2 , which can be approximated for the small angle θ by 1 - θc2 / 2 ≈ 1 - δ(E = ħω), from which follows ϑc = images.

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1 Chapter written by Massimo TORMEN, Gianluca GRENCI, Benedetta MARMIROLI and Filippo ROMANATO.

1 The reflection coefficients fornormal incidence are given by images[ATW 99] The reflection at the gold surface, for example, for photon of energy higher than 1 keV is R < 106.

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