


movie properties for active movie, 22

previously opened libraries, 46

title screen in Viewer, 133

active movies, accessing (movie properties), 22



from GarageBand, 148

iPhone/iPad, 201-202

backgrounds, 131

Green/Blue Screen effect, 120-124

clip transitions, 71-73

credits at the end of your movie, 138-140

freeze-frame images, 79-80

interactive maps, 129-130

locations, video themes, 170

maps to movies, 129-130

movie clips

with different frame per second rate to movies, 113

to movie projects, 65-68

to timelines, 67

music from iTunes, 146

photos, 81

iPhone/iPad, 201

from iPhoto, 77-78

to movie projects, 77-80

sound effects, 147


iPhone/iPad, 203

to movies, 132-137

title style to background screen clips, 135

title text to movie clips, 134-135


iPhone/iPad, 199-200

as picture in picture, 200

video themes to existing projects, 167-171

Adjust button (Context menu), 121


audio pitch, 115

clip display size, 91

clip duration, 140

clip playback speed, 112

clip speed, 110-111

clip thumbnails

Event Browser, 18

Project Browser, 19

color balance, 154-156

Green/Blue Screen effect, 123-124

look of trailers, 180

skin tone, 156

title screen clip duration, 133

volume, 159-160

white balance, 155

adjustments, copying to other clips, 163

Adjust menu, 153-154

Adjust Toolbar, 83

Advanced Options icon, 200

All Events, 4

All Projects, 5

Aperture, importing files from, 39-42

arrow keys, skimming through movie clips, 91

aspect ratio, 65



from GarageBand, 148

iPhone/iPad, 201-202

detaching from movie clips, iPhone/iPad, 210

editing, 149

in original videos, 151

fading, iPhone/iPad, 212

playing, 26

sound effects, adding, 147

speed of, 150

switching between foreground and background, iPhone/iPad, 213

unavailable songs, 202

unmuting, 145

audio effects, 161-163

audio files, importing from other libraries, 39

audio pitch, adjusting, 115

audio tracks, 211

Automatic Content, 24

automatic effects, turning off, 86-87


background images, Green/Blue Screen effect, 122

backgrounds, adding, 131

with Green/Blue Screen effect, 120-124

background screen clips, adding title styles, 135

blurry or distorted video, correcting, 101-103

browsers, selecting multiple movie clips, 69

Browser window, 7


calculating clips and transition duration, 25

click and drag, importing files, 37

clip display size, adjusting, 91

clip duration

adjusting, 140

calculating, 25

changing, Precision Editor, 96-98

clip playback speed, adjusting, 112

clips, tweaking for trailers, 179-180

clip speed, adjusting, 110-111

clip thumbnails, adjusting

Event Browser, 18

Project Browser, 19

clip transitions

adding, 71-73

editing duration time, 75-76

previewing, 72

switching, 74-75

Clip Trimmer, trimming movie clips, 92-93

clips. See also movie clips.

closing Precision Editor, 99

CNN iReport, sharing movies, 191

codecs, 36


correcting, 156

matching, 155

White Balance feature, 155

color balance, adjusting, 154-156

Color Balance menu, 154

Color Correction menu, 156

color palette, 137

containers, 36

Content Library, 5

controlling playback of movie clips, 51

converting trailers to movies, 181

copying adjustments to other clips, 163


blurry or distorted video, 101-103

color, 156

rolling shutter, 159

shaky movies, 99-101

stability, 158-159

credits, adding at the end of your movie, 138-140

Crop controls, 107

cropping, 157-158

Ken Burns effect, 158

Cropping menu, 157

customizable font properties, title styles, 137


title font properties, 136

trailers, 177-178

custom speed setting, movie clips, 114

cutaway clips, creating, 71

cutaway images, 79


default setup, 30


events, 42, 56

movie clips, 42, 56, 106

in timelines, 70

iPhone/iPad, 209

photos, 42

transitions, 73

detaching audio from movie clips, iPhone/iPad, 210

digital media file formats, 36

digital video file formats, 36

displaying side-by-side clips, 127-128

duplicating movie clips, iPhone/iPad, 206-207



audio, 149

in original videos, 151

picture in picture, iPhone/iPad, 210

transition duration time, 75-76

transitions, iPhone/iPad, 214

email, sharing movies, 186

Equalizer, 161

Event Browser, 11

adjusting clip thumbnails, 18

file structure, 41

resizing, 14-15

showing event clips by separate days, 20

switching with Project Browser, 13

event clips, showing by separate days, 20

events, 47

creating new, 55-56

deleting, 42, 56

merging, 57

rearranging between libraries, 56-57

scrolling through movie clips, 66


from external drives or mobile devices, 33-34

from older versions of iMovie, 31

viewing library event media, 48

external devices, importing new media files, 39

external drives, updating projects/events, 33-34


Facebook, sharing movies, 189-190

fading audio, iPhone/iPad, 212



from iPhoto or Aperture, 39-42

from other media libraries, 42-46

multiple files, selecting, 38

file structure, Event Browser, 41

Filter By Rating menu, 59

Flash and Hold effect, 80

font properties, title styles, 137

freeze-frame images, adding, 79-80

freeze frames, iPhone/iPad, 207


GarageBand, 5

adding audio, 148

Green/Blue Screen effect, 120

adding backgrounds, 120-124

adjusting, 123-124

background images, 122


hiding sidebars, 16


iCloud, 20, 21


Advanced Options icon, 200

Media Import icon, 199

Identifying movie clips in movie projects, 68


frame images, adding, 79-80

sound images, Green/Blue Screen effect, 122

iMovie v10 default setup, 30

iMovie for iOS, 39

iMovie Library, 5

iMovie Library file, 35

iMovie Library list, 39

iMovie movie creation screen, iPhone/iPad, 197-198

iMovie preferences, setting, 20-21

iMovie sidebar, hiding, 16

iMovie Theater, 20

iMovie toolbar, 8-9

imported media, storing, 47


audio files from other libraries, 39


from iPhoto or Aperture, 39-42

from other media libraries, 42-46

movies, 35-36

new media files, 37-38

new media files, 37-38

from external devices, 39

instant replay, creating, 118-119

interactive maps, adding, 129-130



audio, 201-202

photos, 201

titles, 203

video, 199-200


fading, 212

switching between foreground and background, 213

creating movie projects, 195-197


picture in picture, 210

transitions, 214

freeze frames, 207

iMovie movie creation screen, 197-198

movie clips

deleting, 209

detaching audio, 210

duplicating, 206-207

speeding up/slowing down, 204

splitting, 208

trimming, 205

volume, 209

zooming in, 206

movies, sharing, 216-217

trailers, 215

sharing, 216-217

voiceovers, recording, 213-214


adding photos to movie projects, 77-78

importing files from, 39-42

multiple libraries, 80-81

iPhoto events, skimming, 78

iPhoto Library, 4

iTunes, 5

adding music, 146

unavailable songs, 202


joining split movie clips back into one clip, 105


Ken Burns Effect, 23, 80, 83-85, 158


libraries, 4

accessing previously opened libraries, 46

Content Library, 5

iMovie Library, 5

importing files from, 42-46

iPhoto Library, 4, 80-81

rearranging events, 56-57

renaming, 55

library event media, viewing, 48

locating movie files, 54

locations, adding video themes, 170

location text, 204

Lower Volume feature, 160


Mac hard disk, saving movies, 192

maps, adding, 129-130

Maps & Backgrounds, 5

matching color, 155

media files, importing, 37-38

Media Import icon, 199

media libraries, importing from, 42-46

menubar commands, rating events or movie clips, 58


Adjust menu, 154

Color Balance menu, 154

Color Correction menu, 156

Cropping menu, 157

Merge Events command, 57


events, 57

movie clips, 105-106

mobile devices, updating projects/events, 33-34

movie clips, 47


with different frame per second rate to movies, 113

to movie projects, 65-68

to timelines, 67

title text, 134-135

changing duration, Precision Editor, 96-98

deleting, 42, 56, 106

iPhone/iPad, 209

in timelines, 70

detaching audio, iPhone/iPad, 210

duplicating, iPhone/iPad, 206-207

identifying in movie projects, 68

instant replay, creating, 118-119

joining split movie clips back into one clip, 105

locating, 54

merging, 105-106

multiple speed settings, 116

playheads, 52

playing, 50

manually, 53

playback options, 51

previewing video, 49

rating, 58-60

rearranging in timeline, 69-70

replacing in timelines, 70

rotating, 107

scrolling through in events, 66

searching for tags in previous versions, 60

selecting, 46

selecting with shortcuts, 49

selecting multiple, in browsers, 69

selecting part of, 52

selecting portions of, 67

skimmers, 52

skimming with arrow keys, 91

speed, setting, 114

speeding up/slowing down, iPhone/iPad, 204

splitting, 103-104

iPhone/iPad, 208

by swiping, 208

stepping through frame by frame, 53

trimming, 90

adjusting clip display size, 91

Clip Trimmer, 92-93

iPhone/iPad, 205

to playhead, 93

Precision Editor, 94-99

timelines, 90

volume, iPhone/iPad, 209

zooming in, iPhone/iPad, 206

movie creation screen, iPhone/iPad, 197-198

movie files, locating, 54

movie projects


movie clips to, 65-68

photos, 77-80

creating new, 63-65

creating on iPhone/iPad, 195-197

identifying movie clips, 68

Ken Burns effect, 83-85

naming, 197

turning off automatic effects, 86-87

movie properties

accessing for active movie, 22

Automatic Content, 24

setting, 21

troubleshooting, 22


adding titles, 132-137

converting trailers to, 181

correcting blurry or distorted video, 101-103

importing, 35-36

new media files, 37-38

movies, correcting, 99-101

reversing, 115-116

saving to Mac hard disk, 192

sharing, 185

via CNN iReport, 191

via email, 186

via Facebook, 189-190

iPhone/iPad, 216-217

via iTunes, 187

via Vimeo, 190

via YouTube, 188

where movies are shared, 192

movie timelines. See timelines

moving picture-in-picture window, 125

multiple files, selecting, 38

multiple movie clips, selecting in browsers, 69


adding from iTunes, 146

unavailable songs, 202


naming movie projects, 197

new media files, importing, 37-38

from external devices, 39

Noise Reduction, 161


opening Precision Editor, 95



adding, 81

iPhone/iPad, 201

from iPhoto, 77-78

to movie projects, 77-80

as cutaway images, 79

deleting, 42

picture in picture

adding video as, 200

editing, iPhone/iPad, 210

picture-in-picture effect, 124-126

picture-in-picture window, moving, 125

playback of movie clips, controlling, 51

playback options, playing movie clips, 51

playheads, movie clips, 52

trimming, 93


audio, 26

movie clips, 50

manually, 53

playback options, 51

positioning title style, 134

Precision Editor

changing video themes, 171

clip duration, changing, 96-98

closing, 99

opening, 95

trimming movie clips, 94-99

preferences, setting, 20-21


clip transitions, 72

video of movie clips, 49

Project Browser, 11-12

clip thumbnails, adjusting, 19

resizing, 14-15

switching with Event Browsers, 13

projects, updating

from external drives or mobile devices, 33-34

from older versions of iMovie, 31


accessing for active movies, 22

Automatic Content, 24

customizing, 136

theme titles, 169

troubleshooting, 22


quitting iMovie updates, 32


rating movie clips, 58-60


events between libraries, 56-57

movie clips in timeline, 69-70

recording voiceovers, 143-145

iPhone/iPad, 213-214


themes from movie projects, 25

video themes, 172-173

renaming libraries, 55

replacing movie clips in timelines, 70


Event Browser, 14-15

Project Browser, 14-15

sidebars, 14-15

Viewer, 14-15

reversing movies, 115-116


to iMovie workspace, 14

stabilized video to original format, 101

Rewind effect, 117-118

rolling shutter, 159

Rolling Shutter adjustments, undoing, 103

rotating movie clips, 107


saving movies to Mac hard disk, 192

scrolling through clips in events, 66


for tags applied in previous versions of iMovie, 60

for title style, 132


movie clips, shortcuts, 49

multiple files, 38

multiple movie clips in browsers, 69

multiple movie clips/events, 46

parts of movie clips, 52

portions of movie clips, 67

shaky movies, correcting, 99-101


movies, 186

via CNN iReport, 191

via email, 186

via Facebook, 189-190

iPhone/iPad, 216-217

via iTunes, 187

via Vimeo, 190

via YouTube, 188

where movies are shared, 192

trailers, 181-182

iPhone/iPad, 216-217

shortcuts, selecting movie clips, 49

Short List tab, 180

showing event clips by separate days, 20


hiding, 16

resizing, 14-15

side-by-side clips, creating, 127-128

skimmers, movie clips, 52


iPhoto events, 78

through movie clips with arrow keys, 91

Skin Tone Balance feature, 156

slo-mo (slow motion), 205

slowing down, audio, 150


audio effects, 161-163

Equalizer, 161

Noise Reduction, 161

volume, adjusting, 159-160

sound effects, 5

adding, 147

sound tracks, playing, 26

special effects

Green/Blue Screen effect, 120

picture-in-picture effect, 124-126

Rewind effect, 117-118

side-by-side clips, creating, 127-128


adjusting clip playback speed, 110-112

of audio, 150

applying to movie clips, 116

movie clips

iPhone/iPad, 204

setting, 114

Speed Editor, 113

speeding up audio, 150

Speed settings, undoing, 116

splitting movie clips, 103-104

iPhone/iPad, 208

by swiping, 208

stability, correcting, 158-159

stabilizing video, 100

storing imported media, 47

storyboards, 178

swiping, splitting movie clips, 208


audio from foreground to background, iPhone/iPad, 213

clip transitions, 74-75

Project and Event Browsers, 13


tags, searching for in previous versions, 60

Theater, 8-9

themes, 64, 165, 197

adding location, 170

adding to existing projects, 167-171

changing titles, 169

changing transitions, 170

creating, 166

Precision Editor, 171

removing, 25, 172-173

timelines, 6

adding movie clips, 67

deleting movie clips, 70

rearranging movie clips, 69-70

replacing movie clips, 70

trimming movie clips, 90

wrapping, 17

title font properties, customizing, 136

titles, 5


iPhone/iPad, 203

to movies, 132-137

title screen, accessing in Viewer, 133

title screen clip duration, adjusting, 133

title style

adding to background screen clips, 135

positioning, 134

searching for, 132

title styles, customizable font properties, 137

title text, adding to movie clips, 134-135


Adjust Toolbar, 83

iMovie toolbar, 8-9

trailers, 175

adjusting look of, 180

converting to movies, 181

creating, 175-176

customizing, 177-178

iPhone/iPad, 215

sharing, 181-182

iPhone/iPad, 216-217

Shot List, 180

tweaking clips, 179-180

trailer template, 176

transition duration, calculating, 25

Transition icon, 75

transitions, 5

adding, 71-73

changing in video themes, 170

deleting, 73

editing, iPhone/iPad, 214

Trim Background Music, 26

trimming movie clips, 90

adjusting clip display size, 91

Clip Trimmer, 92-93

iPhone/iPad, 205

to playhead, 93

Precision Editor, 94-99

timelines, 90

troubleshooting movie properties, 22

turning off automatic effects, 86-87

tweaking clips for trailers, 179-180


Undo command, 112


Rolling Shutter adjustments, 103

Speed settings, 116

unmuting audio, 145

update process, 34-35

updates, quitting, 32

UpdateToiMovie file, 34



from external drives or mobile devices, 33-34

from older versions of iMovie, 31


from external drives or mobile devices, 33-34

from older versions of iMovie, 31




as picture in picture, 200

iPhone/iPad, 199-200

stabilizing, 100

Video and Audio Effects icon, 161-163

video themes, 165-167

adding to existing projects, 167-171

changing titles, 169

changing transitions, 170

creating, 166

locations, adding, 170

Precision Editor, 171

removing, 172-173

Viewer, 7

accessing title screen, 133

resizing, 14-15

viewing library event media, 48

Vimeo, sharing movies, 190

VOB (Video Object) file format, 37

voiceovers, recording, 143-145

iPhone/iPad, 213-214


adjusting, 159-160

Lower Volume feature, 160

movie clips, iPhone/iPad, 209


White Balance feature, 155

workspace, 11-12

to iMovie workspace, 14

wrapping movie timeline, 17


YouTube, sharing movies, 188


Zoom feature, 18

zooming in on movie clips, iPhone/iPad, 206

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