Frequent Hashtags
Hashtags Ordered by Frequency
Long-tail Hashtags
2.0k 4.0k 6.0k 8.0k 10.0k 12.0k 14.0k
Figure 7.2: e statistic of hashtag frequency distribution in Instagram.
existing approaches recommend hashtags while ignoring redundancy among them, therefore,
how to obtain relevant hashtags in consideration of their inter-dependencies is difficult.
In the future, we will tackle this task from the following three directions. First, we plan
to construct a knowledge graph to explore hashtag correlations, and leverage existing structural
knowledge to derive proper dependencies between frequent hashtags and long-tail hashtags.
Second, we will introduce multi-level attention mechanism into the multimodal sequence model
to focus on important cues among the sequential features and multi-modality features. Lastly, we
expect to simulate how human annotators works and generate diverse and distinct micro-video
Micro-video captioning aims to auto generate textual descriptions for micro-videos. Some ex-
amples can be found in Figure 7.3. Due to its representation capability involving both computer
vision and natural language processing techniques, the micro-video captioning shows great po-
tential in aiding visually impaired people better understand visual contents. Moreover, it also
plays a vital role in searching micro-videos and answering questions regarding micro-video con-
tents. As users tend to submit queries and ask questions about micro-video clips through text-
based keywords, a better content descriptor can promote the user satisfaction as well as loyalty for
Figure 7.3: Example of micro-video caption.
micro-video platforms. However, current micro-video systems (e.g., Vine, Instagram, Kuaishou,
TikTok) lack of these content descriptions, resulting in performance degradation of micro-video
retrieval and question-answering systems. Besides, some of the user-annotated captions are not
adequate enough to correctly describe the micro-video contents. erefore, it is crucial to develop
micro-video captioning approaches to auto generate concise and accurate video descriptions.
Although micro-video captioning is an important research task in literature, there are
some challenges:
(1) With the fast development of DNNs, employing more powerful network structures
(e.g., graph neural networks, reinforcement learning techniques) to micro-video captioning will
undoubtedly improve the model performance. (2) Normally the salient part inside a micro-video
consists of a short video clips (e.g., 10 s), which fits well with the attention mechanism. Con-
sidering this, how to utilizing the attention mechanism to generate micro-video descriptions
will be an important research problem. (3) Traditional video captioning is struggled with te-
dious description problem due to the limitation of training corpus. erefore, the novel caption
generation will be a potential direction for the micro-video captioning task. (4) Since construc-
tion of datasets is a fundamental problem in machine learning and current micro-video datasets
are short of these captioning information, more abundant datasets will benefit further related
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