It is a pleasure to acknowledge many colleagues who have made this time-consuming book
project possible and enjoyable. In particular, many members of the iLearn Center in Shandong
University and the LMS Lab in National University of Singapore have co-worked on various
aspects of multimodal learning and its applications in micro-video understanding. eir efforts
have supplied ingredients for insightful discussions related to the writing of this book, and hence
we are greatly appreciative.
Our first thanks undoubtedly goes to Dr. Peiguang Jing at Tianjin University,
Dr. Jingyuan Chen at Alibaba Group, Dr. Jianglong Zhang at Information & Telecommu-
nication Company SGCC, as well as Mr. Yongqi Li and Mr. Yinwei Wei at Shandong Uni-
versity. We consulted with them on some specific technical chapters of the book and they are
also the major contributors of some chapters. eir constructive feedback and comments at var-
ious stages have been significantly helpful in shaping the book. We also take this opportunity to
thank Prof. Tat-Seng Chua at National University of Singapore who never hesitated to offer his
advice and share his valuable experience whenever the authors needed him. Particular thanks go
to Miss Qian Liu and Miss Xiaoli Li, who read the earlier drafts of the manuscript and provided
helpful comments to improve the readability.
We are very grateful to the anonymous reviewers. Despite their busy schedules, they read
the book very carefully and gave us many insightful suggestions, which were the key to making
this book as sound as possible.
We are grateful to Morgan & Claypool and particularly the Vice President & Publisher
Mr. Joel Claypool for his help and patience throughout the writing of this book. He has managed
to get everything done on time and provided us with many pieces of valuable advice. is book
would not have been completed, or at least not be what it looks like now, without the support,
direction, and help of him and his team.
Last, but certainly no least, our thanks go to our beloved families for their unwavering
support during this fun book project, as well as for their understanding and tolerance of many
weekends and long nights spent on the book by the authors. We dedicate this book to them,
with love.
Liqiang Nie, Meng Liu, and Xuemeng Song
July 2019
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