About this book

Put simply, the new features in Java 8 along with the (less-obvious) changes in Java 9 are the biggest change to Java in the 21 years since Java 1.0 was released. Nothing has been taken away, so all your existing Java code continues to work—but the new features provide powerful new idioms and design patterns to help you write clearer, more concise code. At first you might think (as with all new features), “Why are they changing my language again?” But then, after a bit of practice, comes the revelation that you’ve just used the features to write shorter, clearer code in half the time you expected—and you realize you could never go back to “old Java” again.

The second edition of this book, Modern Java in Action: Lambdas, Streams, Functional and Reactive Programming, is written to get you over that initial hump of “sounds good in principle, but it’s all a bit new and unfamiliar” and into coding like a native.

“Perhaps,” you might think, “but lambdas, functional programming—aren’t those the sort of things that bearded sandal-wearing academics talk about in their ivory towers?” They might be, but Java 8 has incorporated just the right balance of ideas into Java to gain many of their advantages in a way that’s comprehensible to ordinary Java programmers. And this book tells the story from the ordinary-programmer viewpoint, with an occasional “how this arose” for perspective.

“Lambdas—that sounds Greek to me!” Yes, it does, but it’s a great idea for enabling you to write concise Java programs. Many of you are familiar with event handlers and callbacks, where you register an object containing a method to be used when some event happens. Lambdas make this sort of idea much more widely usable in Java. Put simply, lambdas and their friends, method references, provide the ability to concisely pass code or methods as arguments to be executed in the middle of doing something else. You’ll see in this book how this idea occurs more frequently than you might think: from simply parameterizing a sort method with code to do the comparison to expressing complex queries on collections of data using the new Streams API.

“Streams—what are they?” They’re a great new Java 8 addition. They behave like collections but have several advantages that enable new styles of programming. First, if you’ve ever programmed using a database-query language such as SQL, you’ll recognize that it enables queries to be written in a few lines that would take many lines in Java. Java 8 streams support this concise database-queries style of programming—but with Java syntax and none of the need to know about databases! Second, streams are designed so that not all their data needs to be in memory (or even computed) at once. Thus, you can process streams that are too big to fit in your computer memory. But Java 8 can optimize operations on streams in a way that Java can’t do for collections—for example, it can group together several operations on the same stream so that the data is traversed only once instead of expensively traversing it multiple times. Even better, Java can automatically parallelize stream operations for you (unlike collections).

“And functional-style programming, what’s that?” It’s another style of programming, just like object-oriented programming, but centered on using functions as values, just as we mentioned previously when discussing lambdas.

What’s great about Java 8 is that it incorporates many of the best ideas from functional programming into the familiar Java syntax. The fine design choices enable you to see functional-style programming in Java 8 as an additional set of design patterns and idioms to enable you to write clearer, more concise code in less time. Think of it as having a wider range of weapons in your programming armory.

Oh yes, in addition to these features that lean on big conceptual additions to Java, we also explain the many other useful Java 8 features and updates such as default methods, the new Optional class, CompletableFuture, and the new Date and Time API.

And there are the Java 9 additions: a new module system, support for reactive programming via the Flow API, and various other enhancements.

But hey, this is an overview, and it’s time now for us to leave you to read the book.

How this book is organized: a roadmap

Modern Java in Action is divided into six parts: “Fundamentals,” “Functional-style data processing with streams,” “Effective programming with streams and lambdas,” “Everyday Java,” “Enhanced Java concurrency,” and “Functional programming and future Java evolution.” While we strongly recommend that you read the chapters in the first two parts first (and in order because many of the concepts presented build on previous chapters), the remaining four parts can be read reasonably independently. Most chapters include several quizzes to help you work through the material.

The first part of the book provides the fundamentals to help you get started with the new Java ideas introduced in Java 8. By the end of this first part, you’ll have a full understanding of what lambda expressions are, and you’ll be able to write code that’s both concise and flexible enough to easily adapt to changing requirements.

  • In chapter 1, we summarize the main changes to Java (lambda expressions, method references, streams, and default methods) and set the scene for the book.
  • In chapter 2, you’ll learn about behavior parameterization, a software-development- pattern that Java 8 relies heavily on and is the motivation for lambda expressions.
  • Chapter 3 gives a full explanation, with code examples and quizzes at every step, of the concepts of lambda expressions and method references.

The second part of this book is a deep exploration of the new Streams API, which lets you write powerful code that processes a collection of data in a declarative way. By the end of this second part, you’ll have a full understanding of what streams are and how you can use them in your codebase to process a collection of data concisely and efficiently.

  • Chapter 4 introduces the concept of a stream and explains how it compares with a collection.
  • Chapter 5 investigates in detail the stream operations available to express sophisticated data-processing queries. You’ll look at many patterns such as filtering, slicing, finding, matching, mapping, and reducing.
  • Chapter 6 covers collectors—a feature of the Streams API that lets you express even more complex data-processing queries.
  • In chapter 7, you’ll learn about how streams can automatically run in parallel and leverage your multicore architectures. In addition, you’ll learn about various pitfalls to avoid when using parallel streams correctly and effectively.

The third part of this book explores various Java 8 and Java 9 topics that will make you more effective at using Java and will enhance your codebase with modern idioms. Because it is oriented toward more-advanced programming ideas we have arranged, nothing later in the book depends on the techniques described here.

  • Chapter 8 is a new chapter for the second edition and explores the Collection API Enhancements of Java 8 and Java 9. It covers using collection factories and learning new idiomatic patterns to work with List and Set collections along with idiomatic patterns involving Map.
  • Chapter 9 explores how you can improve your existing code using new Java 8 features and a few recipes. In addition, it explores vital software-development techniques such as design patterns, refactoring, testing, and debugging.
  • Chapter 10 is also new for the second edition. It explores the idea of basing an API on a domain-specific language (DSL). This is not only a powerful way of designing APIs but one which is both becoming increasingly popular and is already appearing in the Java classes such as Comparators, Stream, and Collectors.

The fourth part of this book explores various new features in Java 8 and Java 9 centered around making it easier and more reliable to code your projects. We start with two APIs introduced in Java 8.

  • Chapter 11 covers the java.util.Optional class, which allows you to both design better APIs and reduce null pointer exceptions.
  • Chapter 12 explores the Date and Time API, which greatly improves the previous error-prone APIs for working with dates and time.
  • In chapter 13, you’ll learn what default methods are, how you can use them to evolve APIs in a compatible way, some practical usage patterns, and rules for using default methods effectively.
  • Chapter 14 is new for this second edition and explores the Java Module System—a major enhancement in Java 9 that enables huge systems to be modularized in a documented and enforceable way, rather than being “just a haphazard collection of packages.”

The fifth part of this book explores the more advanced ways of structuring concurrent programs in Java—beyond the ideas of easy-to-use parallel processing for streams introduced in chapters 6 and 7. Chapter 15 is new to this second edition and covers the “big-picture” idea of asynchronous APIs—including the ideas of Futures and the Publish-Subscribe protocol behind Reactive Programming and encapsulated in the Java 9 Flow API.

  • Chapter 16 explores CompletableFuture, which lets you express complex asynchronous computations in a declarative way—paralleling the design of the Streams API.
  • Chapter 17 is again new to this second edition and explores the Java 9 Flow API in detail, focusing on practical reactive programming code.

In the sixth and final part of this book, we draw back a little with a tutorial introduction to writing effective functional-style programs in Java, along with a comparison of Java 8 features with those of Scala.

  • Chapter 18 gives a full tutorial on functional programming, introduces some of its terminology, and explains how to write functional-style programs in Java.
  • Chapter 19 covers more advanced functional programming techniques including higher-order functions, currying persistent data structures, lazy lists, and pattern matching. You can view this chapter as a mix of practical techniques to apply in your codebase as well as academic information that will make you a more knowledgeable programmer.
  • Chapter 20 follows by discussing how Java 8 features compare to features in the Scala language—a language that, like Java, is implemented on top of the JVM and that has evolved quickly to threaten some aspects of Java’s niche in the programming language ecosystem.
  • In chapter 21, we review the journey of learning about Java 8 and the gentle push toward functional-style programming. In addition, we speculate on what future enhancements and great new features may be in Java’s pipeline beyond Java 8, Java 9, and the small additions in Java 10.

Finally, there are four appendixes, which cover a number of other topics related to Java 8. Appendix A summarizes minor Java 8 language features that we didn’t discuss in the book. Appendix B gives an overview of other main additions to the Java library that you may find useful. Appendix C is a continuation of part 2 and looks at advanced uses of streams. Appendix D explores how the Java compiler implements lambda expressions behind the scenes.

About the code

All source code in listings or in text is in a fixed-width font like this to separate it from ordinary text. Code annotations accompany many of the listings, highlighting important concepts.

Source code for all the working examples in the book and instructions to run them are available on a GitHub repository and as a download via the book’s website. Both links to the source code may be found at www.manning.com/books/modern-java-in-action.

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