Chapter 13



This chapter contains contributions from two companies concerning their approach to enterprise architecture and TOGAF. These two contributions come from two rather different contexts. The first is provided by Marc Laburte, Enterprise Architecture Manager for higher education and research establishments. Reporting directly to the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research, this organization coordinates several higher education establishments, while respecting their autonomy with regard to their functioning and diversity. The second contribution is provided by EDF, one of the global leaders in the field of electric energy. Roland Gueye, Senior Project Officer with the Information Systems Division of the EDF Group, presents the work being carried out within the EDG group to take into account the emergence of new client services.

Key Words


EDF Group

Marc Laburte

Roland Gueye

13.1 Introduction

This chapter contains contributions from two companies concerning their approach to enterprise architecture and TOGAF. These two contributions come from two rather different contexts. The first is provided by Marc Laburte, Enterprise Architecture Manager for Higher Education and Research Establishments. Reporting directly to the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research, this organization coordinates several higher education establishments, while respecting their autonomy with regard to their functioning and diversity. This is one example of the government system architecture work being carried out all over the world to meet new user needs and handle increased user exchanges.

The second contribution is provided by EDF, one of the global leaders in the field of electric energy. Roland Gueye, Senior Project Officer with the Information Systems Division of the EDF Group, presents the work being carried out within the EDG group to take into account the emergence of new client services. The arrival of Smart Grid-type techniques in particular will have a big impact on systems and collaboration between systems on an international scale (proposals for a reference standard in the field, such as the Smart Grid Architecture Model, reflect the importance of the changes that are underway).

13.2 TOGAF within the AMUE

13.2.1 The author

Marc Laburte is senior consultant in enterprise architecture in charge of elaborating and maintaining the architecture of the IT system for the higher education and research establishments within the AMUE.

13.2.2 Presentation of the AMUE

The AMUEa is the French university service operator in charge of coordinating the information systems used in higher education establishments. The AMUE organizes mutualization between its members (universities, higher education establishments, the Ministry for Higher Education and Research) and supports common projects with a view to improving the quality of their governance and process.

The main missions of the AMUE are as follows:

 To contribute to the development of its member establishments’ information technology system

 To enable its members to use a multifaceted range of software that meets their diverse needs

 To accompany its members in their change and modernization projects with regard to strategy and governance

Some figures: 169 members are represented within the AMUE, including 90 universities and 79 higher education establishments, engineering schools, and institutions.

As an interest group, the AMUE does not manage an organization’s system (such as, an IT system), but rather a community of independent systems. This implies a particular type of organization, based on collaboration between different participants and a common range of high-quality services that meet everyone’s needs (coaching, methodologies, training, provision of solutions, maintenance, start-up assistance, etc.).

It should be noted that historically each French higher education establishment has had a certain level of autonomy with regard to its budget and decision making. This autonomy has been strengthened over the past year since the application of a recent law in this area.b In particular, each university manages its own Information System, its content and architecture.

Naturally, this autonomy, which allows each establishment to closely manage its own mode of functioning, is not contradictory with the existence of similar processes, notably at the heart of the business. These can be translated in information systems through the pooling of components or applications provided by the AMUE. This community must also take into account regulatory evolutions and technological changes, in accordance with international standards. The support that the AMUE provides to higher education establishments also contributes to the implementation of innovations linked to new work modes (dematerialization, mobility, digital) in order to provide its users with optimum services.

13.2.3 The Government Architecture Reference Model (GARM) of the French state’s IS

Since 2011, the French state has been working on a program focused on the modernization of its systems. Continuing the work begun by ministerial and interministerial initiatives already carried out in the digital field, this cross-ministry program will allow a new phase to begin, with work in four main areas:

 Orientation of all those involved in state information and communication systems, through the definition of norms and repositories and the adoption of innovative practices

 Performance steering and risk management by improving the visibility of information system project costs and value

 Conduct of pooling operations between different state departments

 Provision of assistance and advice to ministries, operators, and all those involved in the GARM

These missions therefore apply to universities and higher education and research establishments that depend on the Ministry for Higher Education, for whom they are operators in the same way as the AMUE.

To tackle the complexity of information system change, and to make it simpler, more reactive, and more flexible, the State has adopted an EA approach. This is a long-term legacy change and steering approach, described in the common State EA Framework. This reference framework is based notably on TOGAF in terms of its structure and change processesc (see Figure 13.1).

Figure 13.1 Overview of the GARM EA framework.

The functional view plays a special role in the orientation of change trajectories, notably to increase pooling of cross-organizational functionalities, to organize data sharing, and to refocus the information system on the agent and the user. This functional view, which is more stable over time, enables the reduction of coupling between business and organizational requirements on the one hand, and technical problems and choices on the other hand. Built and maintained independently of technological questions (application and infrastructure view), but also independently of business and organization processes (business view), it facilitates the agility and flexibility of the information system. The functional view thereby constitutes the foundation on which the organization and structuring of the governance necessary to the long-term management of IS change is based.

13.2.4 The AMUE, establishments, and the GARM in the EA approach

The implementation of this common framework has led the AMUE to implement an overall approach with the establishments it supports in order to:

 Respect the GARM as an operator of the Ministry for Higher Education and Research, and therefore the state

 To implement the GARM in a higher education and research context

 To facilitate change in university information systems, in connection with that of the Ministry and the state, by defining trajectories

The work of the AMUE is broken down into three main actions: (1) the elaboration of an inventory of what exists through the application mapping of the different university systems; (2) the development of a common consistency framework with the ministry and the establishments; and (3) the implementation of a first change project concerning reference data and exchange data.


This work is driven by dual-level governance, with a strategic level and an operational level.

Strategic governance through a Higher Education IS steering committee defines the overall strategy of the IS for all higher education operators by validating change trajectories and arbitrates where necessary. This committee includes participants such as the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the Conference of University Presidents, the AMUE, and representatives of AMUE members.

Operational governance through a change steering committee monitors the progress of change and its deployment across the different establishments. This operational governance involves participants who are representatives of establishments, the CPU, and the AMUE.

Mapping what already exists

One of the first activities to carry out is the establishment of an inventory of all the applications that make up the IS of the establishments and their integration (exchanges, etc.), since these exchanges can come from numerous sources such as:

 Applications that belong to the establishment (development or purchase)

 Applications from the AMUE range

 Applications from a range developed via interestablishment collaboration through an association

 Applications developed from shared development forges

 Open-source software from organizations such as Apache, Internet 2, moodle, and so on

This inventory enables the subsequent realization through reengineering of a classification plan at the functional level.

Developing consistency frameworks

Alongside this modeling at the functional and application level, a consistency framework implementation approach is used with the Ministry and the establishments across all support domains, such as finance, human resources, and legacy, as well as the core of the business, schooling, student life, and research. For each domain, these consistency frameworks include the modeling of business processes, listings, regulations, and the data dictionary.

Bearing in mind these two approaches, it is therefore necessary to carry out “docking” operations between these business elements and the functional and application definition of the IS.

It should be noted that in this context, the modeling of an IS varies from one establishment to another, potentially with some identical “bricks” being shared, although not necessarily being implemented in the same way. This point highlights the need for shared mapping repositories, developed in a highly collaborative context. Furthermore, certain establishments have processes of their own that are linked to their specific field of teaching or research.

Reference data and shared data

Earlier work has shown that communication and data sharing were a priority in the work to be carried out. This sharing takes several forms: data exchanged within the IS, between universities, communication with departments of the Ministry for Higher Education, local authorities, or different national or international organizations.

In this context, a project has been launched with a view to steering and putting in place shared data processes and management, along with associated tools.

We have chosen to deal with the following points:

 The identification of reference data and its governance

 The definition of pivot exchange data formats, initially concerning the core of the business

 The realization and deployment of exchange and synchronization tools in establishments

In our context, the diversity of systems, both from a technical standpoint and a functional standpoint, constitutes a key point that must be properly managed. Sharing information means that everyone involved must have a common vision in the form of identical data formats, and also means that all systems must take into account any modifications that are made. This has led us to favor MDM-typed implementations, which facilitate synchronization and ensure better exchange continuity.

Modeling pivot formats is necessary because it must be possible to use this data in the context of a governance strategy, which pertains to businesses. Similarly, the implementation of tools dedicated to managing these repositories (MDM) and that include their modeling must integrate perfectly with the tool in order to ensure a single, reliable model.

This program is implemented progressively through deployment in a certain number of pilot establishments before generalized deployment.

Findings and thoughts

In the context of our work, it quickly became clear that modeling is an indispensable activity. Given the volumes involved and the assigned timescales, not to mention the diversity of the stakeholders, it is obvious that this work needs to be managed in order to be better mastered. This means using an iterative approach, which avoids the proliferation of heterogeneous models.

The first goal is not to dive into modeling work full tilt using detailed graphical diagrams. We have chosen to start with more accessible representations such as matrices or catalogs, which are easier to build and communicate on; for example, the application matrix, which should itself provide the elements necessary to the realization of links between different views of the model (function and process, for example).

This representation foundation constitutes an information base that is progressively added to according to identified needs, for example, in the form of detailed modeling of business processes or reference data by domain.

Today, the GARM does not provide detailed models or tools to realize this modeling and change management. A workgroup has been created by the AMUE and establishments to complete the metamodel through the artifacts necessary to the construction of the IS repositories. This work is based, among other things, on the TOGAF concept of “viewpoints” with regard to the choice of models to use. In this context, the TOGAF approach provides highly pertinent recommendations based on best practices for both the selection of models and their implementation in a tool.

This tooling constitutes an essential part of the enterprise architecture repository. Beyond modeling itself, this tool should provide the elements necessary to the context, such as:

 Teamwork management

 Standard-compliant import and export features (UML, BPMN, XML, XMI, etc.)

 Change management functionalities (scenarios, impacts, etc.)

More generally, we have used the TOGAF framework for two points. First, in the context of the French state system architectures, which partially use TOGAF structures and recommendations with regard to modeling (architecture content framework). This aspect introduces a first layer of international normalization that meets the need to exchange and share common terminology. Second, in the steering and implementation of change projects, which are similar to an “ADM cycle”-type path and associated TOGAF practices.

13.2.5 Useful links

See the following references for the common government architecture framework:

 Australian Government Architecture Reference Models:

 Federal enterprise architecture (United States):

13.3 TOGAF within the EDF Group

13.3.1 The author

Roland Gueye is senior project manager in the EDF Group Information Systems Department, where he is in charge of the Enterprise Architecture capabilities. Roland assists lines of business in the realization of strategic change through the use of enterprise architecture. He is currently working on Smart Grid applications and related information and communication technologies. He is TOGAF 9 certified.

13.3.2 EDF Groupe

The EDF Group is a leading electricity player, active in all major electricity businesses: generation, transport, distribution, marketing, and energy trading. It has a turnover of €72.7 billion, an installed capacity of 139.5 GW, 39.3 million customers, an R&D budget of €523 million, and 159,740 employees worldwide. The EDF Group is mostly present in France, the United Kingdom, and Italy. It is also present in many other countries around the world such as Poland, Belgium, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Russia, Brazil, the United States, and China.

13.3.3 Choice of TOGAF and awareness campaign undertaken

Since 2012, the EDF Group has expanded governance of its information systems to its main subsidiaries. In this context, the EDF Group CIO office is pursuing alignment of all its internal practices (governance, enterprise architecture, security, project management, etc.) with international best practices (COBIT, PRINCE2, ISO/IEC 27000, etc.).

In regard to the practice of enterprise architecture, the TOGAF framework has been chosen to serve as a template for the creation of a reference framework specific to the EDF Group and the context of the gas and electricity sector to support the EDF Group in its various change projects.

Several dimensions are dealt with:

 The reference framework (approach, methods, etc.)

 Human and organizational factors (skills, responsibilities, governance)

 The content repository (rules, use cases, IS knowledge, reusable components, etc.) in order to encourage capitalization and reuse

 The tools necessary to modeling activities and the creation of a content repository

In terms of human and organizational factors, several awareness campaigns have been undertaken to facilitate the development of a new TOGAF culture within concerned departments: the inclusion of certified training in the training catalog, the organization of events on enterprise architecture, the creation of an enterprise architecture community, the participation of EDF enterprise architecture practitioners in operations developed by The Open Group, the strengthening of enterprise architecture governance at group level, the reduction of certain overly localized operations, and so on.

13.3.4 Enterprise architecture work applied to the emergence of Smart Grid applications

Concerning the work on the initialization of a framework and a content repository specific to the EDF Group, transformation projects undertaken by the group due to the emergence of Smart Gridf applications were chosen. These transformation projects constitute a life-size experiment facilitating the emergence of a reference framework and a content repository, which can then be adapted to other business topics of the group. As highlighted by Philippe Desfray and Gilbert Raymond in the first part of this book, it is better to avoid defining your architecture framework “above ground” and to use a concrete example, based on a real evolution before embarking on your first TOGAF ADM cycle.

Among the factors favorable to these Smart Grid transformation projects, let us mention the following:

 The high level of momentum in Europe around this issue (see an example of the work of the European M/490 mandate below).

 The innovation dynamic within the EDF Group itself, associating R&D, IT, strategy, marketing, sales, and logistics in collaborative work and experimental projects.

 The number of business domains concerned (from electricity distribution network management operations to the marketing of electricity and related services), both in France and in other countries where the EDF Group operates.

 The naturally central role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in these transformation projects.

The TOGAF repository provides elements (principles, concepts, vocabulary, methods, etc.) that already enable participants in the gas and electricity sector in Europe to gradually develop an enterprise architecture reference framework specific to this move toward Smart Grid applications.

The results of several studies clearly show the progressive implementation of the components of this type of sector-based framework, in accordance with numerous TOGAF principles. All are possible candidates for inclusion in the EDF enterprise continuum.

This is the case, for example, with the SGAM (Smart Grid Architecture Model) framework produced by the Smart Grids Task Force in the context of European mandate M/490.g

The SGAM is a model that describes electrical systems from several viewpoints (business, function, information, etc.), and that is adapted to the requirements and particularities of electricity markets in Europe (Figure 13.2).

Figure 13.2 Smart Grid Architecture Model overview.k

If we move beyond the strictly European context and take a look at international standards, the Smart Grid standards identification work carried out by the International Electrotechnical Commission is also worth mentioning.h As a reminder, the IEC is the international standards organization in charge of electricity electronics and related techniques (Figure 13.3).

Figure 13.3 IEC Smart Grid standards mapping tool (©IEC).

On the subject of best practices in methods, we can also mention the work of the Software Engineering Institute (Carnegie Mellon University) on the SGMM (Smart Grid Maturity Model), which is used to assess the maturity of an electricity sector company with regard to Smart Grid transformation based on eight key areas of analysis (see Figure 13.4). This model naturally finds its place in the preliminary phase prior to a TOGAF ADM cycle.

Figure 13.4 Key areas of analysis of the Smart Grid Maturity Model (SGMM).

Still on the subject of best practices in methods, we can cite the work of the International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB) in the field of requirements engineering, work that usefully complements TOGAF’s recommendations on requirements management and that constitutes the central part of the TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM).i

The work on introducing an enterprise architecture framework based on TOGAF (analyzing various materials for inclusion in the EDF enterprise continuum, training, etc.) to support Smart Grid transformation projects within the EDF Group continues on the basis of these few examples of international standards and best practices, as well as many other externalj and internal contributions that are not presented here.

13.3.5 Useful links

a Agence de mutualisation des universités et établissements d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche.

b This law mainly anticipates that by January 1, 2014, all universities will be autonomous with regard to their budgets and the management of their human resources, and that they will be able to become the owners of their real estate properties. This management autonomy has reinforced the need for these operators of the Higher Education Ministry to have their own information systems.


d MDM (Master Data Management).

e See the website.

f Smart Grid is commonly understood as the modernization of the power system to address known shortcomings of the energy delivery infrastructure, leveraging advancement in IT, communication, operational technology (OT), emerging energy technologies, and consumer technologies. In addition to providing ubiquitous, reliable and reasonably priced energy to consumers, the Smart Grid will help society to address energy sustainability concerns (Gartner, Hype Cycle for Smart Grid Technologies, 2013).

g See

k Source: CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Smart Grid Coordination Group.

h See

i See and

j See also Standardization in Smart Grids: Introduction to IT-Related Methodologies, Architecture and Standards (Springer-Verlag, 2013) for an overview of the various building blocks and standards identified by the CEN, CENELEC, and ETSI Smart Grids Coordination Group.

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