10. Prepare and deliver presentations

Practice files

For this chapter, use the practice files from the PowerPoint2016SBSCh10 folder. For practice file download instructions, see the introduction.

If your presentation includes information that you want to deliver to some audiences but not others, you can create custom slide shows that each contain a subset of the slides in the presentation. The custom slide shows are saved with the presentation, so you need to maintain only one presentation for all audiences rather than individual presentations for each.

Before you deliver a presentation, you can rehearse it and, if you want to, set specific times for the slides to advance without you having to click or press anything. You can set slide timings to match the speed of your narration, or if the slide show will run on its own, to provide the right amount of time for audience members to read the information on each slide.

While you deliver a presentation, you can use the tools that are available in Slide Show view to navigate through the slides, draw attention to specific information with a digital laser pointer, and even draw on or annotate the slides with an on-screen pen or highlighter. If you’re presenting on a remote screen, you can use Presenter view to display your slide notes and cue yourself to upcoming slides.

This chapter guides you through procedures related to adapting presentations for different audiences, rehearsing a presentation and setting slide timings, and presenting slide shows.

Adapt presentations for different audiences

If you’re going to deliver a presentation to a live audience, you can manually control the movement between slides, or configure slide timings to automatically move between slides. If your presentation will run unaccompanied—for example, as an informational display in a trade show booth—you can set it up to run continuously without external input.


The default slide show settings and other options

If you plan to deliver variations of the same presentation to different audiences, you can save time by preparing one presentation that contains the slides for all the audiences, and then creating a custom slide show for each audience. Each custom slide show displays only the slides you select.

After you create a custom slide show, you can start it by selecting it from the Custom Slide Show menu on the Slide Show tab. If you want to set the custom slide show as the default show that runs when you click the From Beginning button or press F5, you can do so from the Set Up Show dialog box.


Customize slide shows for different audiences

To set up a slide show to run manually

1. On the Slide Show tab, in the Set Up group, click the Set Up Slide Show button.

2. In the Set Up Show dialog box, do the following, and then click OK.

• In the Show type area, click Presented by a speaker (full screen).

• In the Advance slides area, click Manually.

To set up a slide show so that it runs automatically

1. On the Slide Show tab, in the Set Up group, click the Set Up Slide Show button to open the Set Up Show dialog box.

2. In the Show type area, do either of the following:

• Click Browsed at a kiosk (full screen) to loop the show continuously until someone presses Esc.

• Click Browsed by an individual (window) if the presentation will be viewed by viewers one at a time. In this case, the presentation will loop continuously by default, but you can disable this setting.

Image TIP

Any narration or animation attached to the presentation will play with the presentation unless you select the Show Without Narration or Show Without Animation check box. For information about narration, see “Rehearse a presentation and set slide timings” later in this chapter. For information about animation, see Chapter 8, “Add sound and movement to slides.

To create a custom slide show from scratch

1. Open the presentation you want to customize for different audiences.

2. On the Slide Show tab, in the Start Slide Show group, click the Custom Slide Show button, and then click Custom Shows.

3. In the Custom Shows dialog box, click New to open the Define Custom Show dialog box.

4. In the Slide show name box, enter a name for the custom slide show (for example, a name that identifies the audience).

5. In the Slides in presentation list, select the check box for each slide you want to include in the custom slide show.


Hidden slides are indicated by square brackets around the slide number

6. Click Add to transfer the selected slides to the Slides In Custom Show list.

7. If you want to reorder the slides in the custom slide show, click a slide that you want to move in the Slides In Custom Show list, and then click the Up or Down button. The slide order in the slide show doesn’t affect the slide order in the presentation.

Image TIP

To remove a slide from the custom slide show, click the slide in the Slides In Custom Show list, and then click the Delete button.

8. Click OK to return to the Custom Shows dialog box.


Manage custom slide shows from this dialog box

9. To test the custom slide show, click the slide show name, and then click Show.

To create a custom slide show based on an existing slide show

1. On the Slide Show tab, in the Start Slide Show group, click the Custom Slide Show button, and then click Custom Shows.

2. In the Custom Shows dialog box, click the slide show that you want to start from, and then click Copy to create a copy in the list.

3. With the Copy of slide show selected, click Edit to open the Define Custom Show dialog box.

4. In the Slide show name box, rename the custom slide show.

5. Modify the slide show by doing any of the following:

• Add slides from the Slides in presentation list to the Slides in custom show list.

• Delete slides from the Slides in custom show list.

• Reorder slides in the Slides in custom show list.

6. Click OK to return to the Custom Shows dialog box.

To start a custom slide show

1. Open the presentation that includes the custom slide show.

2. On the Slide Show tab, in the Start Slide Show group, click the Custom Slide Show button.


Custom slide shows are saved with the presentation

3. On the Custom Slide Show menu, click the custom slide show that you want to start.

To set a custom slide show as the default

1. On the Slide Show tab, in the Set Up group, click the Set Up Slide Show button to open the Set Up Show dialog box.

2. In the Show slides area, click Custom show to activate the Custom Show list.


The default slide show runs when you press F5 or click the From Beginning button

3. In the list, click the custom slide show that you want to start by default. Then click OK to close the dialog box.

Rehearse a presentation and set slide timings

When you deliver a presentation, you can move from slide to slide manually by clicking the mouse button, pressing keys, or clicking on-screen commands. (You can also use a remote controller, but that is beyond the scope of this book.) If you prefer to not have to manually advance the slides, you can have PowerPoint display each slide for a predefined length of time and then move to the next slide. The length of time the slide remains on screen is the slide timing. You can set slide timings for every slide in a presentation, or for only specific slides.

The “Add and manage slide transitions” topic in Chapter 8, “Add sound and movement to slides,” touched briefly on slide timings, because you can set a slide exit time that accomplishes the same thing from the Transitions tab. This topic discusses setting the slide timing from the Slide Show tab as part of the process of rehearsing and timing the delivery of a slide show.

Rehearsing a presentation is an opportunity to practice delivering your narrative or to review the content from the point of view of the audience to ensure that it is legible and clearly conveys your message. When you rehearse a presentation, PowerPoint automatically tracks and sets the slide timings for you, reflecting the amount of time you spend on each slide during the rehearsal. Then, during your actual delivery of the presentation, PowerPoint displays each slide for the length of time you indicated during the rehearsal.

While you rehearse the presentation, PowerPoint displays the slides in Slide Show view (at full screen) with the Recording toolbar in the corner of the screen.


You can drag the toolbar to whatever location is convenient

The Recording toolbar has three buttons and two timers.


You can pause and restart the timing process

You can use these tools to manage the timing process as follows:

image Next moves to the next slide. You can also use the standard methods of clicking, clicking on-screen buttons, or pressing keyboard keys.

image Pause pauses the slide timing. If you’re interrupted during the rehearsal, you can pause the timing process to help keep your timing accurate.

image The Slide Time counter shows the time that the current slide has been displayed.

image The Repeat button pauses the slide timing and resets the Slide Time counter so you can start the timing of the current slide from scratch.

image The Presentation Time counter shows the total slide show time during the rehearsal session.

When you complete the rehearsal, PowerPoint displays the total time and asks whether to save it (and overwrite any previously recorded slide timings).


Clicking Yes overwrites any previous slide timings

It isn’t vital to get the slide timing exactly right during the rehearsal; you can modify it manually after you complete the process.

When you finish the rehearsal and save the slide timings, they’re visible in Slide Sorter view. Unlike the exit timings that you can set with transitions, the slide timings are not visible in the Thumbnails pane of Normal view.


The rehearsal process doesn’t display or time hidden slides


By default, each slide timing is divided equally among the animated items on a particular slide. So if a slide has a title and four bullet points that are all animated, and you assign a timing of one minute to the slide, the five elements will appear at 12-second intervals.

You can review the slide timings and then, if you want to modify any of them, you can do so manually.

If you want to record your delivery of a presentation, the process is similar to that of rehearsing it. You can record from the beginning of the presentation or from a specific slide, and you can include your audio narration and on-screen annotations, if you want to. You can use your recording to review your work, or you can distribute it to people or post it online for people to watch on their own.

If you’re not satisfied with the narration for a slide, you can clear the narration from the slide, and then re-record the narration for only that slide. If you decide that you don’t want to use slide timings or narration, you can remove those elements from the slides.

To rehearse a slide show and record slide timings

1. Display the presentation in any development view.

2. On the Slide Show tab, in the Set Up group, click the Rehearse Timings button.

3. Narrate the slide at the speed you intend to when you present the slide show, or wait a sufficient amount of time for your intended audience members to read and comprehend the slide. Then advance to the next slide by clicking the Next button on the Recording toolbar, or by using any of the methods described in the next topic, “Present slide shows.”

4. Repeat step 3 through to the end of the slide show.

Image TIP

Use the buttons on the Recording toolbar to pause the rehearsal or restart the timing for a slide. If you want to stop partway through the slide show, click the Close button (the X) on the Recording toolbar. You will have the option to save the slide timings.

5. When the slide show ends, PowerPoint displays the total delivery time and asks whether you want to save the recorded slide timings. Click Yes to save the timings or No to discard them.

To manually adjust the time for a slide

1. Select or display the slide.

2. On the Transitions tab, in the Timing group, to the right of the slide timing in the After box, type or select the time you want.

To record a presentation and review the recording


Ensure that your computer has a working sound card, audio input device (internal or external microphone), and audio output device (headset or speakers) if you intend to record and review narrations.

1. Display the presentation in any development view.

2. On the Slide Show tab, in the Set Up group, do either of the following to open the Record Slide Show dialog box:

• To record the presentation starting with slide 1, click the Record Slide Show button.

• To record the presentation starting with the current slide, click the Record Slide Show arrow, and then click Start Recording from Current Slide.

3. In the Record Slide Show dialog box, if you don’t want to record timings, clear the Slide and animation timings check box. If you don’t want to record annotations, clear the Narrations, ink, and laser pointer check box.


Recording narrations requires an audio input device

4. Click Start Recording. PowerPoint switches to Slide Show view, starts the presentation, and displays the Recording toolbar in the upper-left corner of the screen.

5. Use the techniques described in the previous procedure to move through the slide show and to pause, restart, and end the recording.

To test recorded narration

1. Display slide 1 (or the first slide that has recorded narration) and then switch to Reading view, where each slide is accompanied by its recorded narration.

To manage slide timings and narration

1. On the Slide Show tab, in the Set Up group, click the Record Slide Show button, click Clear, and then click any of the following:

Clear Timing on Current Slide

Clear Timings on All Slides

Clear Narration on Current Slide

Clear Narrations on All Slides

Image TIP

You can also clear the narration from a slide by displaying the slide in Normal view, and then deleting the audio icon that represents the narration.

Prepare presentations for travel

If you’ll be delivering a presentation on a different computer than you created it on, you need to ensure that all the fonts, linked objects, and other presentation components will be available when and where you need them.

You can use the Package For CD feature to assemble a package that contains one or more presentations and the linked and embedded content (including fonts, sound effects, and audio and video files), and copy the package to a CD, a USB flash drive, or any connected storage location. You can run the Document Inspector or assign a password to each presentation as part of the packaging process. You can then run the presentation from the package by using PowerPoint or the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer, which you can download and install for free from the Microsoft Download Center.


Package a presentation with all its supporting files for delivery from any computer

To package the open presentation, follow these steps:

1. If you want to burn the package to a CD or copy it to a USB flash drive, insert the CD or flash drive. If an AutoPlay or other dialog box related to the media opens, close it.

2. Display the Export page of the Backstage view. In the center pane, click Package Presentation for CD, and then in the right pane, click the Package for CD button.

3. In the Package for CD dialog box, do any of the following:

• Replace the default name (PresentationCD) with a name of 16 or fewer characters.

• To include more presentations in the package, click Add, browse to and select the presentations, and then click Add.

• To reorder presentations in the package, click a presentation and then click the Up or Down button to move it.

4. If you want to change the standard options, click Options. In the Options dialog box, do any of the following, and then click OK:

• To exclude linked files or embedded fonts from the package, clear that check box.

• To password-protect the presentation, enter a password in one or both boxes. (Be sure to remember it, because you can’t retrieve it if you lose it.)

• If you want to run the Document Inspector on each presentation before creating the package, select the Inspect presentation for inappropriate or private information check box.

5. In the Package for CD dialog box, do either of the following:

• To copy the package to a USB flash drive or any connected storage location, click Copy to Folder, browse to the storage drive or location, and then click OK.

• To burn the package to a CD, click Copy to CD.

6. Confirm the actions in each message box that appears, and interact with the Document Inspector if you selected the option to run it. PowerPoint creates the folder, an AutoRun file that you can use to play the presentations in order, the presentations, and a subfolder that contains the supporting content.

SEE ALSO For more information about the Document Inspector, see “Inspect and finalize presentations” in Chapter 9, “Review presentations.” To download the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer, go to www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13, click the Download button, and then follow the on-screen prompts.

Present slide shows

You’re finally ready to deliver your slide show to the audience! Here’s what you need to know.

Start the slide show

You can start a slide show from the first slide in the presentation, or from the slide that’s currently selected in PowerPoint. The default view for a slide show is Slide Show view, which shows the slides at full-screen size.


Slide Show view maximizes the slide size

The alternative view for a slide show is Presenter view, which is designed to display Slide Show view to the audience on one monitor, and a presentation control panel to the presenter on another monitor. The presenter’s control panel displays a large version of the current slide, a small version of the next slide, and the slide notes.

Presenter view is intended for use with two displays, but you can also display it on one monitor if you want to.


Presenter view provides additional information and options not visible to the audience

PowerPoint has default slide show settings based on the number of monitors connected to your computer:

image If you have only one monitor, slide shows open by default in Slide Show view. From there, you can switch to Presenter view if you want to.

image If you have multiple monitors, slide shows open by default in Presenter view. You can specify which monitor you want to display the full-screen slide show and which you want to display the presenter’s control panel. If you prefer to open slide shows in Slide Show view, you can turn off the automatic display of Presenter view.

To start a slide show in the default view

1. To start the slide show from the first slide, do any of the following:

• On the Quick Access Toolbar, click the Start From Beginning button.

• On the Slide Show tab, in the Start Slide Show group, click the From Beginning button.

• On the status bar, in the View Shortcuts area, click the Slide Show button.

• Press F5.


To start the slide show from a specific slide, display the slide you want to start with, and then do either of the following:

• On the Slide Show tab, in the Start Slide Show group, click the From Current Slide button.

• Press Shift+F5.

To change the default slide show view on a multiple-monitor system

1. On the Slide Show tab, in the Monitors group, do the following:

• In the Monitor list, click the monitor you want to display the full-screen slide show on.

• Select or clear the Use Presenter View check box.


Select the default full-screen slide show monitor


1. On the Slide Show tab, in the Set Up group, click the Set Up Slide Show button to open the Set Up Show dialog box.

2. In the Multiple monitors section of the dialog box, do the following:

• In the Slide show monitor list, click the monitor you want to display the full-screen slide show on.

• In the Resolution list, click the screen resolution you want the monitor to display the slide show at, if it’s different from the current setting.

Image TIP

The available screen resolution settings vary based on the screen resolutions that the selected monitor supports.

• Select or clear the Use Presenter View check box.


Set the default monitor and screen resolution

3. Click OK.

To switch from Slide Show view to Presenter view

1. Do either of the following:

• At the right end of the pop-up toolbar or presenter’s control panel toolbar, click the Slide Show Options (labeled ...) button, and then click Show Presenter View.

• Right-click the slide, and then click Show Presenter View.

Use the slide show tools

After you start the slide show, if you’ve configured slide timings, the slides advance according to the timings, until the end of the slide show, when a black screen labeled End Of Slide Show appears. Then you click or press any key to exit the slide show.

Image TIP

You can configure the PowerPoint options to not display the End Of Slide Show screen. For information about managing Slide Show view options, see the final procedure in this topic. For information about slide timings, see “Add and manage slide transitions” in Chapter 8, “Add sound and movement to slides,” and “Rehearse a presentation and set slide timings” earlier in this chapter.

If you haven’t configured slide timings, you can advance the slides manually by clicking the mouse button, pressing keyboard keys, or using the on-screen navigation tools. In Slide Show view, these are on the pop-up toolbar that appears in the lower-left corner of the screen when you move the mouse. In Presenter view, the navigation tools are displayed below the current slide.

The tools you use to move through and interact with slides are basically the same in Slide Show view and Presenter view; you simply access them slightly differently.

In Slide Show view, moving the mouse displays a pop-up toolbar in the lower-left corner of the slide. The toolbar buttons are a subtle color that varies based on the background but doesn’t draw attention away from the slide content. (It also isn’t very easy to see.) Pointing to a button brightens its color.


Control the slide show with the mouse, keyboard, or pop-up toolbar controls

Clicking the Slide Show Options button at the right end of the pop-up toolbar displays a menu of additional options.


Less-frequently used commands are available from the Slide Show Options menu

Image TIP

The pop-up toolbar is turned on by default but can be turned off in the PowerPoint Options dialog box.

Presenter view provides additional information about the slide show and has a fixed toolbar with larger buttons.


In Presenter view, slide show controls aren’t visible to the audience

During a presentation, you can direct the audience’s attention to specific information on the slide by pointing to slide elements with the laser pointer, drawing on the slides with an electronic “pen,” or highlighting text with a highlighter. You have an unlimited choice of colors for the pen and highlighter, and three for the laser pointer.


When the pen or highlighter tool is active in Slide Show view, clicking the mouse button does not advance the presentation to the next slide. You can advance with the pen or highlighter active by clicking the Next button, or you can turn off the tool and then click the slide to advance.


Annotate key points and focus the audience’s attention on the current topic

While you’re delivering a presentation, you might find it necessary to provide information that is not directly related to the current slide—perhaps in response to a question from an audience member. You can opt to pause the display of a presentation if it uses slide timings, and to display a blank black or white slide, so the audience understands that you’re discussing a subject other than that of the slide.

To set the default annotation colors

1. On the Slide Show tab, in the Set Up group, click the Set Up Slide Show button to open the Set Up Show dialog box.

2. In the Show options section, do either of the following:

• In the Pen color list, click the color you want to set as the default for the pen. You can choose from the Theme Colors palette or the Standard Colors palette, or you can click More Colors and choose or enter any color.

• In the Laser pointer color list, click the red, green, or blue color swatch.

Image TIP

The default highlighter color is always yellow, but you can change it within the slide show.

3. Click OK.

To display the pop-up toolbar in Slide Show view

1. Move the mouse.

To move through slides in any view

1. To advance to the next slide, do any of the following:

• Click the slide.

• Click the Next button.

• Press the N, Spacebar, Enter, Down Arrow, Right Arrow, or Page Down key.

• Right-click the slide, and then click Next.

2. To return to the previous slide, do any of the following:

• Click the Previous button.

• Right-click the slide, and then click Previous.

• Press the P, Backspace, Up Arrow, Left Arrow, or Page Up key.

3. To move to a specific slide, press the slide number key and then press Enter. (For example, to move to slide 4, press 4 and then press Enter.)

4. To move to any other slide, do either of the following to display all the slides, and then click the thumbnail of the slide you want to move to:

• Click the All Slides button.

• Press Ctrl+S.

5. To return to the previously viewed slide, click the Slide Show Options button, and then click Last Viewed.

6. To return to slide 1, press and hold the left and right mouse buttons.


For a complete list of keyboard shortcuts, see “Keyboard shortcuts” at the end of this book.

To select and use annotation tools

1. Do any of the following:

• On the pop-up toolbar or presenter’s control panel toolbar, click the Pointer Options button, and then click Laser Pointer, Pen, or Highlighter.

• Right-click the slide, click Pointer Options, and then click Laser Pointer, Pen, or Highlighter.

• Press Ctrl+L to change the pointer to a laser pointer.

• Press Ctrl+P to change the pointer to a pen.

• Press Ctrl+I to change the pointer to a highlighter.

2. Do any of the following:

• Move the pointer over the slide to point with the laser pointer.

• Drag to write on the slide with the pen.

• Drag to highlight slide content.

3. To turn off the active tool, press the Esc key.

To change the pen or highlighter color during a slide show

1. With the pen or highlighter active, do either of the following:

• Click the Pointer Options button.

• Right-click the slide, click Pointer Options, and then click Ink Color.


You can switch to white, black, or the 10 standard colors

2. Click any of the 12 available colors.

Image TIP

You can’t change the laser pointer color during the slide show; you can only change the default color in the Set Up Show dialog box.

To remove annotations from a slide

1. To hide the annotations, do any of the following:

• Click the Slide Show Options button, click Screen, and then click Hide Ink Markup.

• Right-click the slide, click Screen, and then click Show/Hide Ink Markup.

• Press Ctrl+M.


1. To delete the annotations, do any of the following:

• Click the Pointer Options button, and then click Eraser. Then click or drag across each individual annotation that you want to delete.

• Click the Pointer Options button, and then click Erase All Ink on Slide.

• Right-click the slide, click Pointer Options, and then click Erase All Ink on Slide.

• Press Ctrl+E to change the pointer to an eraser. Then click or drag across each individual annotation that you want to delete.

• Press E to erase all pen and highlighter markup on the slide.

To change the magnification of all or part of a slide

1. To zoom in or out of the entire slide, do either of the following:

• To zoom in, press the Plus Sign key or Ctrl+Plus Sign.

• To zoom out, press the Minus Sign key or Ctrl+Minus Sign.

2. To magnify a specific area of the screen, do either of the following, then move the magnifier to highlight the area you want to magnify, and click:

• Click the Zoom In button.

• Right-click the slide, and then click Zoom In.

3. To stop using the Zoom tool, press the Esc key.

To pause the play of a timed presentation

1. Do any of the following:

• Click the Slide Show Options button, and then click Pause.

• Right-click the slide, and then click Pause.

• Press the S key on your keyboard.

To display a blank black or white screen during a slide show

1. Do any of the following:

• Click the Slide Show Options button, click Screen, and then click Black Screen or White Screen.

• Right-click the slide, click Screen, and then click Black Screen or White Screen.

• Press B or the Period key to display a black screen.

• Press W or the Comma key to display a white screen.

To return from a blank screen to the slide show

1. Do any of the following:

• Click the Slide Show Options button, click Screen, and then click Unblack Screen or Unwhite Screen.

• Right-click the slide, click Screen, and then click Unblack Screen or Unwhite Screen.

• Press B or the Period key to hide a black screen.

• Press W or the Comma key to hide a white screen.

To resume the play of a timed presentation

1. Do any of the following:

• Click the Slide Show Options button, and then click Resume.

• Right-click the slide, and then click Resume.

• Press the S key on your keyboard.

To end the presentation of a slide show

1. Do any of the following:

• On the Slide Show Options menu, click End Show.

• Right-click the slide, and then click End Show.

• Press Esc or Ctrl+Break.

If you used the Pen or Highlighter tool to draw on any of the slides in the presentation, PowerPoint prompts you to keep or discard the annotations.

2. Do either of the following:

• Click Keep to keep the annotations in the presentation.

• Click Discard to delete the annotations.

To manage Slide Show view options

1. In the Backstage view, click Options to open the PowerPoint Options dialog box.

2. Display the Advanced page, and then scroll to the Slide Show section.


Default slide show options that can be turned off

3. Select or clear any of the following check boxes:

Show menu on right mouse click

Show popup toolbar

Prompt to keep ink annotations when exiting

End with black slide

Skills review

In this chapter, you learned how to:

image Adapt presentations for different audiences

image Rehearse a presentation and set slide timings

image Present slide shows

image Practice tasks

The practice files for these tasks are located in the PowerPoint2016SBSCh10 folder. You can save the results of the tasks in the same folder.

Adapt presentations for different audiences

Open the CreateShows presentation, and then perform the following tasks:

1. Create a custom slide show named Managers that includes slides 1 through 6, 9, 10, and 14 through 16.

2. Start the Managers custom slide show.

3. Advance through all the slides, including the blank one at the end of the show. As you move from slide to slide, notice the slide numbers in the lower-right corner of the screen.

4. Remove slide 3 from the Managers slide show.

5. Set the Managers slide show as the default slide show.

6. Save and close the presentation.

Rehearse a presentation and set slide timings

Open the RecordTimings presentation, and then perform the following tasks:

1. Rehearse the presentation, and then save the recorded slide timings.

2. Display the presentation in Slide Sorter view and locate the slide timings.

3. Adjust the slide timing for slide 1 until it is a whole number of seconds.

4. If you have audio input and output devices on your computer, record the presentation, and read the slide content aloud. Then display the presentation in Reading view and listen to your narration.

5. Save and close the presentation.

Present slide shows

Open the DeliverShows presentation, and then perform the following tasks:

1. Open the Set Up Show dialog box, and then do the following:

• Set the default pen color to a color of your choice.

• Set the default laser pointer color to green.

• Examine your settings in the Multiple monitors section. Find out what screen resolutions are available on your computer, and consider reasons that you might specify a screen resolution here.

• If your computer is connected to multiple monitors, select the Presenter view check box to continue this set of practice tasks in Presenter view. Otherwise, you’ll be in Slide Show view.

2. Close the dialog box, and then start the slide show.

3. Advance to slide 2.

4. Move directly from slide 2 to slide 6.

5. Return directly to slide 2.

6. Move to slide 3, and use the Laser Pointer to point to each bullet as you read it.

7. Zoom in on the bulleted list, and then return to the standard magnification.

8. Highlight the words unique and successful.

9. Draw a line in the default color below the word shared.

10. Erase all the ink annotations on the slide.

11. Move to slide 4.

12. Change the pen color to Dark Red.

13. Draw a line below the word overview.

14. End the slide show, and discard your ink annotations.

15. Save and close the presentation.

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