

+ (addition) operator 218

& (concatenation) operator 218

#DIV/0! error code 230

/ (division) operator 218

##### error code 230

^ (exponentiation) operator 218

* (multiplication) operator 218

#NAME? error code 230

- (negation) operator 218

% (percentage) operator 218

#REF! error code 230

– (subtraction) operator 218

#VALUE! error code 230


absolute references

changing from relative 214

creating 217

accepting tracked changes in documents 131132

accessing documents

restricting with passwords 144149

restricting with rights management 149


displaying Office settings 20

managing 1820

Active view 528

Address Block merge field 179181

address books, searching 437438

address boxes 430, 464

address lists

searching 438

troubleshooting 435

address resolution 430, 434

AGGREGATE function 245, 247, 250252

aliases 430

Align Left 71

Align Right 71


decimal points 81

lines of text 80

tabs 83

text, using tab stops 80

All Items list, filtering 463

All Markup view 122

Analysis ToolPak 303304


objects 386, 392394

pictures 386391

pie charts 392

text 386391

animation effects

adding sound 402

applying multiple 391, 395

configuring 390

copying between objects 395

customizing 396402

Emphasis 388, 391

Entrance 387, 391

Exit 389391

fine-tuning 396397

live preview 394

Motion Path 389

removing 396

reordering 400

Animation Painter 396

Animation Pane 395398

animations 386

adding sound effects 402

configuring options 390, 395

fine-tuning 399

indicators 398

as individual events 398

on click 398

opening effect-specific dialog box 400

ordering 391

positioning objects on slides 391

previewing 394, 396

reordering 391

selecting 395, 398

setting duration 401

timing 401

triggering 398, 401

turning off live preview 394

types 386

annotating documents 135136

app windows

changing backgrounds 20

changing color schemes 20

maximizing 13

personalizing 19

Quick Access Toolbar 6

ribbon 69

status bar 1011

title bar 56

appointment window 504

appointments 504, 506

conflicting 504505

converting into events 510511

converting into meetings 512

creating from messages 510511

creating recurrences 517

default availability 513

displaying on calendars 505

editing 507

indicating availability 516

InfoBar 505

modifying 516

opening new appointment windows 506

recurring 513514, 517

reminders 513, 516

resizing 507

scheduling 504508

time zones 512513, 515


array 253

col_index_num 277

definition 207

function_num 248, 252253

fv 207

k 253

lookup_value 277

nper 207

options 251253

pv 207

range_lookup 277

rate 207

ref 252253

table_array 277

type 207

VLOOKUP function 276

array formulas 227229

arrays 253

artistic effects

applying to pictures 361

applying to text 88

ascending order, sorting bulleted lists 94


arranging messages by 482

copies of online files 449

displaying 454456

forwarding messages 465

modifying 445

opening in default app 457

Outlook items 450

previewing 454457

removing 445, 449

saving to storage drives 457458

scanning for viruses 456

sending from File Explorer 449

sharing Office files 447448

attendees 519

adding to meetings 521

optional 523

removing 524

required 523

tracking meeting responses 521


files 53

messages 482486

audio clips

automatically starting 410

bookmarking 402403

downloading 404

fading into/out of 408

inserting onto slides 406

looping 409410

preventing from stopping 409

restricting playback 407408

supported formats 404

audio content

adding narration 404

customizing 406

recording onto slides 406407

starting 405

trimming 408

audio icons 404405, 408

audio playback

automatically starting 409

controls 405

manually starting 409

restricting 407408

auditing formulas for errors 229


summarizing filtered data lists 247

summarizing values 252

Auto-Complete List 434436

AutoCorrect Options 92, 202

AutoFormat As You Type 96, 202

AutoFormatting options 96

automatic calculations 226

AVERAGE function 207, 247248, 250

AVERAGEIF function 220221

AVERAGEIFS function 220


Background Removal tool tab 360

backgrounds (PowerPoint) 336346

Format Background pane 337, 340

gradients 337338, 342343

patterns 339340, 346

removing from pictures 359360

textures 338339, 343

Backstage view 67, 18

app-specific options 2223

managing account information 18


comments 116

displaying markup 125

Bar Tab 81

Bcc field 430, 432

bitmap (BMP) file format 355

bits per pixel (bpp) 355

blind courtesy copies 430

BMP (bitmap) file format 355

bookmarks 402403

Border Lines 96

borders (Word)

adding lines 96

paragraphs 79

bpp (bits per pixel) 355

branches, conversations 477

build slides 392

built-in styles, applying to text 97103

built-in themes, applying to documents 106

bulleted lists 91

See also lists

animating on slides 390, 392

converting from paragraphs 93

formatting on the fly 92

sorting into ascending/descending order 94

starting new 92

bullets 94


Cached Exchange Mode, enabling 463


See also formulas; iterative calculations

automatic 226

dependents 231

error codes 230

finding errors 229

linear 299

manual 226

setting options 226227

stepping through 234235

calendar items

appointments 504, 506

assiging importance 515

configuring options 512517

converting 510512

events 505, 510

indicating availability 513, 516

modifying 516

privacy 514

recurring 513514, 517

reminders 513, 516

time zones 512, 515

Calendar view 505, 528


Active view 528

adding holidays 508509

arrangements 529531

Calendar view 528

changing displayed time period 531

connecting to 503

date areas 505

Day arrangement 529

displaying seven-day week 534

displaying specific day 534

displaying task lists 534

displaying today’s schedule 534

displaying week numbers 531

displaying work week schedule 534

List view 528

Month arrangement 529

navigating in Month view 531

Preview view 528

privacy indicator 514

reminder icon 513

removing holidays 509

resetting views 530

returning to default settings 535

Schedule view arrangement 529

ScreenTips 505

time slots 505

views 528531, 534535

Week arrangement 529

Work Week arrangement 529

Call or Call All message responses 466

capturing screen clippings 372374


See also messages

appointments 515

arranging messages by 483

assigning 486, 492

assigning colors 488

assigning shortcut keys 488

assigning to notes 490

Categorize menu 489

conversations 488

creating 488, 493

deleting 494

elements 488

events 515

filtering by 489

grouping items by 489

holidays 509

meetings 515

naming 488

Quick Click 488, 492, 494

removing 493

renaming 487, 493494

searching 486

sorting by 489

viewing in Reading Pane 488

Categorize menu 489

Cc field 430, 432

cell colors, sorting data by 267

cell formats and VLOOKUP 278

cell ranges

converting tables to 205

creating tables from 202

defining value sets 255257

named 198

watching values in 234

with numbers, counting 222

cell references

absolute 217

circular 225

in formulas 211214

relative 217

cells, in worksheets

blank, counting 222223

dependents 231, 233

error codes 230

error indicators 233

excluding from tables 202

expanding selection 210

meeting conditions 223

named ranges 198

precedents 230, 233

references 211214

selecting in formulas 209

setting watches 232

validation rules 255256

Center Shadow Rectangle picture frame style 376

Center Tab 81

changes, tracking See tracked changes

character formatting 8490

applying 85

best practices 91

definition 84

removing 90

types 84

character spacing, changing 85, 9091

characters, subscript/superscript 88

Check Spelling As You Type option 133

chiclet 459

circular references 225

cleaning up conversations 480

closing files 60

cloud storage 20, 59

coauthoring 115

documents 149153

inserting comments into documents 116118

col_index_num argument 277

collaborating 115118

Color Categories dialog box, opening 492

color schemes, changing for all apps 20

color sets in themes 104


applying to presentations 334

categories 486, 488

comments 117118

fonts 88

non-theme 344

notes 490

tracking changes using 119120

column input cell 294

columns, in worksheets

adding to Excel tables 202, 204

as sort criteria 264266

combining documents 134136


adding to custom groups 3334

formatting 364

Quick Access Toolbar 2631

repeating formatting 90


adding to data set scenarios 287

balloons 116

colors 117118

deleting 130

displaying 126

editing 130

hidden 116

inserting into documents 116118

marking as done 130

moving between 129

responding to 128130

reviewing 128130

specifying user name 2324

viewing 123124

comparing documents 133137

Compatibility mode 55

Compound Frame, Black picture frame style 376

compressing media 415417

conditional formulas

averages that meet conditions 224

counting cells 222224

creating 219

summarizing data 222

sums that meet conditions 223

conditional functions 220

connecting shapes 371372

connection points 371372

contact cards

displaying for message participants 459462

initiating contact from 462463

pinning 460

conversation bubble icons, hidden comments 116

Conversation view 476477

conversations 476

See also messages

benefits of using 477

branches 477

cleaning up 478, 480481

deleting 478

deleting messages from folders 478481

displaying all messages 476, 478

displaying color category blocks 488

displaying message lists 480

displaying messages 480

displaying messages in any folder 478

displaying most recent messages 476

expanding 476478

headers 476, 478

history 462

ignoring 478, 482

indenting older messages 478

moving from folders 497

multiple responses 477

participants 461

selecting all messages 477, 480

sent messages 477478

stop ignoring 482

unique messages 476

unread messages 477


formatting from one shape to another 369

formulas 211, 214, 217218

slide content 317324

slides 317324

values 270

copyrighted pictures 352

COUNT function 207, 220, 248, 250

COUNTA function 220, 248, 250

COUNTBLANK function 220

COUNTIF function 220

COUNTIFS function 220

courtesy copies 430

cropping pictures 357

cursor movement and keyboard 45

custom color model 345

custom groups in subtotals 275

custom lists, sorting data using 268270


Daily Task List 534


analyzing using data tables 292295

analyzing using descriptive statistics 303304

analyzing using Quick Analysis Lens 284286

circling invalid data 257

data tables 292295

filtering in worksheets 262268

organizing into levels 271275

sorting in worksheets 262268

sorting using custom lists 268270

summarizing 247253

summarizing in tables 202

summarizing with AutoCalculate 252

using tables 201205

validation rules 255

Data Analysis add-ins, adding to ribbon 304

data lists

creating custom groups in 275

hiding/showing details in 274

removing custom groups 275

removing subtotals from 275

data, mail merge

merging to new documents 182183

refreshing 178

data ranges

adding total columns/rows 285

header cells in 240, 250

data sets

See also scenarios

adding tables 286

adding totals 286

analysis tools 303304

defining alternative values 287, 289

defining multiple alternative values 290291

deleting 290

displaying 289

editing 289290

finding target values 296297

finding unique values 253254

formatting summaries 285

Quick Analysis Lens 284286

scenarios 287292

Solver 297303

using descriptive statistics 304

varying for specific results 295297

data sources, mail merge

creating new 172173

filtering records 174175

linking to merge fields 178

mail merge 160

mail merge requirements 168169

refining records 173

removing records 173174

selecting existing 169172

sorting records 177178

types 169170

data tables

changing variables 293

column input cell 294

location in cell ranges 292

one-variable 293294

row input cell 294

two-variable 293295

date and time, displaying current 215

date areas on calendars 505

Day calendar arrangement 529

decimal points, aligning 81

Decimal Tab 81


See also removing

comments 130

slides 324326

dependents 231, 233

descending order, sorting bulleted lists 94

details, hiding/showing in subtotal summary lists 274

digital signatures See signatures

Display For Review options 122123


author of tracked change 131

coauthor changes 152

comments 126

document markup 122128

time of tracked change 131

distribution lists 461

docking panes 99

Document Formatting gallery 98

Document Themes folder location 106107


accessing restricted 144149

adding envelopes 186

annotating 135136

applying built-in themes 106

browsing objects 48

changing theme elements 106

closing 60

coauthoring 115, 149153

collaborating 115

combining 134136

comparing 133137

content restriction 137149

creating based on templates 42

default theme 106

editing 152

expanding/collapsing sections 103

formatting marks 52

formatting restrictions 138144

hiding/unhiding gridlines 52

hiding/unhiding guides 52

hiding/unhiding rulers 52

highlighting merge fields 180

identifying locked areas 152

merging 133137

nonprinting characters 52

opening 4647

opening protected documents 146147

previewing merged 182

restricting edits 138144

restricting styles 139142

saving 59

spelling checks 133

tracking changes 119122

versions 136139

dots (pixels) 355

Draft view 49


automatic saving increments 441

modifying messages 442443

saving messages as 438439, 441442

drawing shapes 361371



comments 130

inviting others to edit 152

photo album settings 380

pictures 356361

removing restrictions 144

restricting edits 138144

tracked changes 119122

Effect Options 399

effect style, applying to presentations 335336


fonts 85

WordArt 86

electronic postage 186

email addresses

comma separators 437

removing from Auto-Complete List 436

email messages See messages

embed code 410

embedded videos, selecting 414

Emphasis animation effects 388, 391

Encrypted option 144

Entrance animation effects 387, 391


adding to documents 186

creating individual 184

editing addresses 184

electronic postage 186

manually entering addresses 186187

positioning addresses 185

printing 187188

saving 188

setting up from addresses 187

storing return addresses 185186

Error Checking tool 232

error codes in calculations 229, 230


changing display options 234

circular references 225

Error Checking tool 232

finding/fixing in calculations 229232

in formulas 231, 233

tracing precedents 230

events 504

converting to appointments 512

converting to invited events 512

creating recurrences 517

displaying on calendars 505

holidays 508509

indicating availability 516

invited 510

modifying 516

recurring 513514

reminders, changing default 516

scheduling 505, 510

time zones 512513

Evolutionary solver method 299

Excel 2016

file extensions 54

file formats 54

views 49

Exit animation effects 389391


Facebook accounts, connecting to 19

faxing messages 448

fields, mail merge 160


accessing from OneDrive 61

attaching to messages 444447

attributes 53

automatically saving 58

creating 4043

creating based on installed templates 42

creating based on online templates 42

displaying different views 4850

displaying multiple 52

displaying properties 56

editing properties 56

extensions 54

formats 5455

magnifying 5152

moving around in 4345

Office version compatibility 5455

opening 40, 4351

opening in web browsers 47

previewing design templates 41

properties 53

saving 5657, 59

saving copies 59

saving in previous Office versions 55

saving to OneDrive 57, 60

saving to SharePoint 57

sending from File Explorer 444, 449

sending from Office apps 444, 447448

settings 53

starting new 41

switching among views 51

switching between 50

templates 40

types 39, 5455

viewing in multiple windows 50

filter arrows 240, 243245

filtered data lists, summarizing visible cells 247


All Items list 463

by categories 489

defining criteria 241

summarizing worksheet data 247253

worksheet data 262268


clearing from worksheets 245

creating rules 244

search 242, 245

selection 244

Top 10 242, 244

Final view (Word 2010) See No Markup view

first line indent, creating 78

First Line Indent marker 7677

flags, arranging messages by 483

Flickr accounts, connecting to 19

flipping shapes 366

folders, messages 496497

Font dialog box 90

font sets

applying to presentations 334335

built-in 104


attributes 8586

changing colors 88

changing for selected text 87

changing sizes 87

default 84

effects 85

size 84

style 85

Format Background pane 337, 340

Format tool tab 353, 356


alignment 71

AutoCorrect Options 92

characters 8490

commands 364

copying to other text 89

graphics 355356

lists 92

messages 428, 432433

paragraph borders 79

paragraph shading 79

pictures 356361

previewing 9

removing 90

removing restrictions 144

repeating previous commands 90

restricting edits 138144

shapes 367370

text 69, 8788, 96

text as you type 96

text on a shape 369

tracked changes 119

formatting marks, displaying 52

Formula AutoComplete 208210


See also calculations

absolute references 214

arrays 227229

averages that meet conditions 224

calculating payments 215

calculating values 206

cell references 217218

conditional 219224

copying 211, 214, 217

counting cells 222224

creating 215

creating AGGREGATE 253

creating subtotals 252

displaying date and time 215

displaying errors 224, 231, 233, 234

duplicate results 228

Error Checking tool 232

error codes 229

Formula AutoComplete 208210

generating specific results 295, 297

identifying dependents 233

identifying precedents 233

incomplete results 228

inserting functions 222

interative calculations 225

moving 217

NOW(), updating 215

operator precedence 218

operators 218

predefined 206

recalculating workbooks 226

referring to named ranges 216

referring to table columns 216

relative references 211213

selecting cells 209210

stepping through 232234

summarizing data 222

sums that meet conditions 223

tracer arrows 231

values from named ranges 208


Forward As Attachment message responses 465

Forward message responses 465

forwarding messages 464465, 470

frame styles, pictures 376

framing pictures 358359

function_num argument 248, 252253


AGGREGATE 245, 247, 250252

AVERAGE 207, 247248, 250



COUNT 207, 220, 248, 250

COUNTA 220, 248, 250





IF 222


MAX 207, 248, 250


MIN 207, 249250


NOW 207



PMT 207


RAND 245246



STDEV.P 249, 251

STDEV.S 249, 251

SUBTOTAL 245, 247248, 250

SUM 207, 247, 249, 251



VAR.P 249, 251

VAR.S 249, 251

VLOOKUP 220, 276279

fv argument 207


GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) 355

Goal Seek 295297

gradients, slide backgrounds 337338, 342343

grammar errors, hiding 23


See also pictures; shapes

formats 355356

formatting commands 364

screen clippings 372374

types 351

Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) 355

Greeting Line merge field 179, 181

GRG Nonlinear solver method 299

gridlines, hiding 52

grouping shapes 369

guides, hiding 52


Hanging Indent marker 94

hanging indents

creating 7778

in lists 91

hidden characters 80

hidden comments 116


Animation Pane 395

data list details 274275

document markup 126

grammar errors 23

gridlines 52

guides 52

paragraph marks 82

ribbon 1314

rulers 52

slides 324326

spelling errors 23

tracked changes 120

highlighting text in documents 89

HLOOKUP function 278

holidays 508509

hyperlinks 418419


IF function 222

IFERROR function 220

ignoring conversations 478, 482


custom data lists 269

slide content 317323

slides 317324


lists 93

paragraphs 78

indent markers 7678, 94

InfoBar 505

information rights management (IRM) 149

Insert New Pictures dialog box 377

Insert Picture dialog box 353


comments into documents 116118

on-screen window images onto slides 372373

pictures 352355

screen clippings 372374

simple graphics 351382

slides 316317

integer programming 299

invited events 510, 512

IR (information rights management) 149

italic, applying to text 87

iterative calculations 225227

See also calculations


jelly bean 459

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) 355


k argument 253

keyboard and cursor movement 45

keyboard shortcuts 45

creating tables 202

expanding cell selections 210


labels See mail merge labels; mailing labels

LARGE function 251

layouts, photo albums 375

Left Indent marker 7677

Left Tab 81


merge field placeholders 162

merge fields 179

starting mail merge 162163

templates 162

level buttons in worksheet outlines 273

line break characters 80

line breaks, inserting 82

linear calculations 299

LinkedIn accounts, connecting to 19

List view 528


See also bulleted lists; numbered lists

automatic formatting 92

creating multiple levels 93

customizing 92

definition 91

ending 92

modifying indentation 93

Live Preview 2324

locking documents 152

lookup_value argument 277

lowercase 91


magnifying screen display 13

mail merge

creating new data sources 172173

data source requirements 168169

data sources 159, 160, 162, 169170

definition 159

displaying Mail Merge Recipients list 174

editing custom greetings 167

fields 160

filtering recipients list 174175

filtering records 175176

importing contacts 170

importing data from Exchange 170

labels 163166

letters 162163

manually excluding records 177

merge fields 161

messages 166168

process overview 160161

records 160

refining data source records 173177

refreshing data 178

removing data source records 173174

removing duplicate records 176

selecting existing data sources 169172

sorting records in data sources 177178

starting 166168

tools 160

types of output 161

using the Mail Merge wizard 161

validating addresses 174

mail merge labels

manufacturers and products 164

starting mail merge 163166

uses for 163

Mail Merge wizard 160161

mailing addresses

editing on envelopes 184

validating 174

mailing labels 188190

managing simple graphics 351382

manual calculations 226

markup 116

displaying 122128

hiding 126

responding to comments 128130

reviewing comments 128130

tracking changes 119122

views 122123

mathematical operators

controlling order of 218

list of 218

MAX function 207, 248, 250

media, compressing/uncompressing 415417

MEDIAN function 251

meeting invitations, creating from messages 464

meeting requests 466, 518

accepting 526

creating 522

declining 526

editing 524

proposing new time 526528

responding to 526527

tenatively accepting 526


attendee availability 519520, 523

attendees 519, 521

canceling 524525

changing times 521

conference rooms 519

creating recurrences 517

default availability 513

indicating availability 516

inviting groups of people 519

inviting managed resources 519

meeting window 518519

modifying 516

opening new meeting window 521

optional attendees 523

recurring 513514

reminders 513, 516

removing attendees 524

requirements 519

Room Finder 519

scheduling 518525

Scheduling Assistant 518, 520

Skype for Business 504

Suggested Times list 519, 521

time zones 512513, 515

tracking attendee responses 521

menus, resizing 393

merge fields 161

Address Block 179181

Greeting Line 179, 181

highlighting in documents 180

inserting 178181

linking to data sources 178

placeholders 162

previewing results 181182

merged documents, previewing 182


data to new documents 182183

documents 133137

message folders, creating 496497

message headers 430, 452, 476

conversations 476, 478

drafts 439

icons 452

message lists 475

changing default settings 480

changing sort order 483485

default order 475

message participants

communication history 462

contact cards 459462

online status 459

resolving addresses 430, 434

message responses

address boxes 464

etiquette 465

forwarding 465

meeting requests 466

modifying recipients 465

task assignments 466

voting buttons 466


See also categories; conversations

address boxes 464

address resolution 430431

arranging by account 482

arranging by attachments 482

arranging by attributes 482486

arranging by categories 483

arranging by flags 483

arranging by importance 483

arranging by item type 483

arranging by primary recipients 483

arranging by senders 483

arranging by size 483

arranging by subject 483

assigning categories 492

attaching files 444450

attaching online file copies 449

attaching Outlook items 444445, 450

attributes 482483

Auto-Complete List 434435

body 429

categorizing 486489

closing after responding 470471

collapsing groups 484, 486

creating 429434

creating appointments from 510511

creating folders 496497

displaying as conversations 477

displaying content 452453

downloading external content 453

editing custom greetings 167

entering content 432

entering email addresses 432

entering subjects 432

expanding groups 486

faxing 448

fields 429430

formatting 428429, 432433

forwarding 465, 470

grouping/ungrouping 485

headers 430, 439, 452

HTML format 428

icons in headers 452

modifying drafts 442443

moving to folders 496497

multiple categories 487

opening 452

organizing in folders 494497

personalizing 428

Plain Text format 428

previewing 499

printing 498499

Reading Pane 452

recalling 468469

recipients 430

removing attachments 449

Reply 464

Reply All 464

Reply with Meeting 464

resending 468469

resetting arrangements 486

responding to 464467

Rich Text format 428

saving as drafts 438439, 441

security settings 453

selecting groups 485

sending 443

sending from specific accounts 440

sending to aliases 430

signatures 428

sorting by column 485

troubleshooting 434435

verifying sent items 444

MIN function 207, 249250

Mini Toolbar 2324, 85

MODE.SNGL function 251

Month calendar arrangement 529

Motion Path animation effects 389


between comments 129

formulas 217

groups of shapes 370

pictures 352355

shapes 366

between tracked changes 128

multiple data set scenarios 290


named ranges

creating 200

creating from data with headings 200

defining cells as 198

deleting 201

editing 200201

managing 199

referring to in formulas 216

supplying formula values 208

names, removing from Auto-Complete List 436

naming Excel tables 203

narration 402

holidays 508509

Navigation pane 48, 103

new mail notifications 451

No Markup view 123

nonprinting characters, displaying 52

non-theme colors 344345

Normal template styles 97

Normal view 49

Notes Page view 49

notes, storing information in 490491

notifications 451

NOW() formulas, updating 215

NOW function 207

nper argument 207

Number Filters 240

numbered lists 91

See also lists

converting from paragraphs 93

formatting on the fly 92

predefined numbering 95

restarting 95

starting 95

starting new 92


changing styles 94

defining custom styles 95



animating on slides 386, 392394

applying multiple animation effects 391

applying multiple effects 395

attaching hyperlinks 418419

browsing in documents 48

copying effects 395

positioning on slides 391

removing animations 396

Office 365 subscriptions 18, 21

Office 2016 3

managing updates 21

Quick Access Toolbar 6

ribbon 69

starting 4

title bar 56

window elements 48

Office themes 19

on click animations 398

OneDrive 60

accessing files 61

connecting to 19

saving files to 57, 6061

OneDrive for Business 61

one-variable data tables 293294

opening protected documents 146147

options argument 251253

organization levels in worksheets 273


Inbox 494497

items in folders 495

messages in folders 494497

Original view 123

outdenting paragraphs 7778

outline area, worksheets 273

Outline Level settings 102

Outline view 49


displaying in Navigation pane 103

expanding/collapsing 103

levels 102

managing with styles 101103

subheadings 103

Outlook items, attaching to messages 444445, 450

Outlook Options dialog box, opening 436


Page Break Preview view 49

paragraph indent 76

paragraph marks, displaying/hiding 82

Paragraph Spacing options 73


adjusting spacing between lines 75

breaking lines 80

configuring borders 79

converting to lists 93

first line indents 78

formatting 70

formatting as lists 92

hanging indents 7778

hidden characters 80

indenting 7678

indenting beyond margins 78

indenting right edge 78

inserting line breaks 82

line break characters 80

line spacing 72

manually positioning text 79

outdented 7778

outdenting right edge 78

setting alignment 72

shading 79

soft returns 80

spacing 72

tab characters 80

wrapping lines 80

parentheses, controlling operator order 218

passwords 144149

patterns, slide backgrounds 339340, 346

People Pane 461463

PERCENTILE.EXC function 251

PERCENTILE.INC function 251

personalizing messages 428

Photo Album dialog box 375

photo albums, creating 375380

Picture Tools tab group 353


See also graphics

pictures animating 386391

artistic effects 361

copyrights 352

editing and formatting 356361

inserting, moving, and resizing 352355

pie charts, animating 392

pinning contact cards 460

pixels 355

placeholders, merge fields 162

Plain Text format 428

PMT function 207

PNG (Portable Network Graphic) 355

Portable Network Graphic (PNG) 355

PowerPoint 2016

file extensions 55

file formats 55

views 4950

precedence of operators 218


identifying 233

tracing 230

presence information 459


adding slides 314326

applying themes 331336

closing 60

color schemes 334

copying slides 317324

creating based on templates 42

deleting slides 324326

dividing into sections 326328

effect style 335336

font sets 334335

hiding slides 324326

hiding/unhiding gridlines 52

hiding/unhiding guides 52

hiding/unhiding rulers 52

importing slides 317324

opening 4647

rearranging sections 329331

rearranging slides 329331

saving 59

standard themes 333

Preview view 528


animation effects 394

animations 396

attachments 456457

formatting 9

merged documents 182

messages 499

primary key 276

primary key column 276

primary slide master, attaching hyperlinks 418

Print Layout view 48


envelopes 188

messages 498499

PRODUCT function 249250


displaying 5354

editing 56

pv argument 207


QUARTILE.EXC function 251

QUARTILE.INC function 251

Quick Access Toolbar 6

adding commands 25, 26, 28

customizing 26

defining for specific files 28

displaying separators 2829

moving 28

moving buttons 29

resetting to default 29

Quick Analysis Lens

adding tables 286

adding totals 286

formatting cells 285

Quick Click category 488

assigning 492

changing 494

removing 492

setting 494


RAND function 245246

RANDBETWEEN function 245246

range_lookup argument 277

ranges See named ranges

rate argument 207

Read Mode view 48

Reading Pane

displaying 452

displaying attachments 454

magnifying 453

meeting requests 526

scrolling messages 454

viewing categories 488

Reading view 50

rearranging slides and sections 329331


filtering recipients list 174176

mail merge 160

manually excluding from recipients list 177

removing duplicates 176

sorting in data sources 177178

Rectangle picture frame style 376

recurring appointments 513514, 517

ref argument 252, 253


absolute 217

circular 225

relative 217

regrouping shapes 370

relative references

changing to absolute 214

creating 217

in formulas 211213

religious holidays 508509

reminders 513


See also deleting

backgrounds from pictures 359360

password protection 147

restrictions 142144

slides 314326

tracked changes 132

Reply All message response 464

Reply message response 464

Reply with IM or Reply All with IM message response 466

Reply with Meeting message response 464

resize handles 202


Excel tables 202

pictures 352355

shapes 366

resolving addresses 430431

responding to comments 128130

responding to messages 464467

Restrict Editing pane 139


document access 144149

document actions 138144

styles 139142

reviewing comments 128130

revising content See editing

Revisions pane 124128

ribbon 69

adding commands 3334

creating custom groups 30, 33

creating custom tabs 30, 32

displaying tabs 15

hiding 1314

hiding/unhiding tabs 3031

moving commands 3031

removing commands 3031

renaming custom groups 3233

renaming custom tabs 32

resetting to default 34

ScreenTips 8

scrolling 12

unhiding 1415

Rich Text format 428

Right Indent marker 7677

Right Tab 81

Room Finder pane 519

rotating shapes 366

Rounded Rectangle picture frame style 376

row input cell 294

rows, worksheets

adding to tables 202, 204

grouping 275

hiding/unhiding 273

random, selecting from lists 246

restoring 273

sorting in worksheets 264


changing measurements 77

displaying 77

hiding 52

indent markers 76

tab stops 80



attachments to storage drives 457458

automatically 58

documents 59

files 5657

files in previous Office versions 55

files to OneDrive 57, 60

files to SharePoint 57

message drafts 441

presentations 59

workbooks 59

Scenario Manager 289292


See also data sets

adding comments 287

applying multiple 290291

creating 287, 289

creating from Solver 299

creating summary worksheets 292

defining values 288

displaying 289

editing 289290

Normal 291

removing 288

size limitations 291

summarizing 291

Schedule view calendar arrangement 529


appointments 504507

events 505, 510

meetings 518525

Scheduling Assistant 518, 520

screen clippings, capturing and inserting 372374

screen resolution 1314

Screenshot menu 372

ScreenTips 2324

ScreenTips, calendars 505

scrolling files 44

search filters 242243, 245


address books 437438

address lists 438

categories 486

folders 494

for holidays 509


restricting access using passwords 144149

scanning for viruses 456

security settings, messages 453


multiple shapes 366

pictures for editing 354

shapes for editing 366

selection filters 240, 244

sending messages 443

settings, files 53

shading paragraphs 79


See also graphics

connecting 371372

drawing and modifying 361371

formatting 367370

Text Box margins 364

Share pane 150151


saving files to 57

slide libraries 322

shortcut keys, categories 488

signatures 428

Simple Frame, Black picture frame style 376

Simple Frame, White picture frame style 376

simple graphics 351

creating a photo album 375380

drawing and modifying shapes 361371

editing and formatting pictures 356361

inserting, moving, and resizing pictures 352355

screen clippings 372374

Simple Markup view 122, 126

Simplex LP solver method 299

Skype for Business 504

slide libraries 322

Slide Show view 50

slide shows 412

Slide Sorter view 50


adding 314326

adding audio content 404410

adding video content 410415

animating objects 392

animation/transition indicator 394

audio playback controls 405

backgrounds 336346

building with animations 391392

copying 317324

deleting 324326

fitting to window 52

hiding 324326

importing 317324

inserting 316317

inserting audio clips 406

inserting video clips 413

moving video images 414

rearranging 329331

recording audio onto 406407

removing 314326

reordering animation effects 400

SMALL function 251

social media service, connecting to 20

Soft Edge Rectangle picture frame style 376

soft return 80


adding constraints 301302

adding to ribbon 300

creating scenarios 299

deleting constraints 303

editing constraints 302303

Evolutionary method 299

GRG Nonlinear method 299

identifying objective cell 300

identifying values to change 300

installing 298

integer programming 299

limiting values 299

opening 300

requiring binary number values 302

requiring integer values 302

requiring non-negative values 303

resetting model 303

saving results 299

selecting methods 303

Simplex LP method 299

solving methods 299

specifying result types 300

Sort & Filter 262268


categories 489

cell colors 264

data set rules 264, 268

data using custom lists 268270

default settings, Excel 268

Sort & Filter 262268

worksheet columns 264266

worksheet rows 264

spelling checks 133

spelling errors, hiding 23

splitting windows into panes 52

standard colors 344

standard themes, presentations 333

Start screens, enabling/disabling 23

status bar 1011, 15

STDEV.P function 249, 251

STDEV.S function 249, 251

sticky notes 490

strikethrough 87

style sets 98, 101


adding to Styles gallery 101

applying 9798

built-in, applying to text 97103

defining custom numbers 95

fonts 85

live preview 98

modifying definitions 98

numbers 94

predefined 97

removing from Styles gallery 101

restricting 139142

Styles gallery 97

adding styles 101

removing styles 101

Styles pane

changing displayed styles 99100

displaying/hiding style previews 101

opening 99

options 100

Subject field 429, 432

subscript 88

SUBTOTAL function 245, 247248, 250

subtotal summaries 275


defining 271

groups 272273

hiding/showing details 274

removing 274

removing from data lists 275

Suggested Times list 521

SUM function 207, 247, 249, 251

SUMIF function 220

SUMIFS function 220

summary function, changing 203

summary worksheets 291292

superscript 88


tab characters 80, 82

tab leader 81

tab stops 8081, 8384

table_array argument 277

tables (Excel)

adding columns 202, 204

adding rows 202, 204

adding with Quick Analysis Lens 286

converting to cell ranges 205

creating using keyboard shortcut 202

creating with default formatting 204

defining 201205

entering values 202

excluding cells 202

expanding automatically 202

naming 203

overwriting format 202

renaming 205

resizing manually 202, 204

summarizing data 202

summary function 203

total row 203205

tabs 81, 83

Tabs dialog box, opening 82

task assignments 466

task lists, displaying on calendars 534


creating files from 41

finding 43

letters 162

previewing design 41

styles stored in 98

testing passwords 146


adding to shapes 362363

animating 386391

applying artistic effects 88

applying bold 87

applying built-in styles 97103

changing case 88

changing font color 88

changing fonts 87

changing font size 87

character formatting 8490

copying formatting 89

crossing out 87

effects 86

formatting 87

formatting as you type 96

highlighting 89

strikethrough 87

underlining 87

WordArt 86

Text Box margins, shapes 364

textures, slide backgrounds 338339, 343

themes 104

applying custom 107

applying from non-standard locations 107

applying to presentations 331336

built-in, applying to documents 106

changing default 107

changing in documents 104

color schemes 334

color sets 104

custom 105106, 108

effect style 335336

font sets 104, 334335

Office 19

saving 105

saving custom 107

standard 333

Themes gallery 104

thumbnails 9

time slots on calendars 505, 507

time zones on calendars

appointments 515

hiding controls 515

meetings 515

specifying 512

title bar 56

To field 429430, 432

toolbars, displaying 285

totals, adding with Quick Analysis Lens 286

tracer arrows 231, 233

tracked changes

accepting 131132

colors 119, 121

default formatting 119

displaying author of 131

displaying revision types 127

displaying time of 131

hiding 120

Microsoft accounts 126

moving sequentially among 128

preventing from turning off 121

rejecting all 132

removing selected changes 132

reviewing 130133

turning on/off 120

unlocking 122

user identification 24

trigger icons 404

triggering animations 398, 401


address lists 435

Auto-Complete List 434435

message addressing 434

multiple recipients 435

Twitter accounts, connecting to 19

two-variable data tables 293295

type argument 207


Unencrypted option 144

ungrouping shapes 370


Animation Pane 395

data list details 274275

gridlines 52

guides 52

paragraph marks 82

rulers 52

unique messages 476

unique values 276

unlocking change tracking 122

updates 21

uppercase 91

user interface 3

user names 2324


validation circles 255257

validation rules 255256


defining for cell ranges 255257

finding in data sets 253254

watching in ranges 234

variables, changing 293

VAR.P function 249, 251

VAR.S function 249, 251

versions (documents)

comparing 136137

control 137149

vertical spacing, paragraphs 72, 74

video clips

bookmarking 402403

embedded, full screen playback 414

embedding 411

formatting 411

inserting 410

inserting onto slides 413

inserting trigger bookmarks 411

linking to online video 410

managing 412

selecting embedded 414

sources 410

video images 414

video playback 411

video soundtracks, setting relative volume 415

viruses, scanning attachments 456

visual elements 351382

VLOOKUP formula 278

VLOOKUP function 220, 276279

voting buttons 466


Watch Window 232233

watches 232, 234

Web Layout view 48

websites, linking to 418

Week calendar arrangement 529

what-if analysis 286, 289


magnifying files 5152

splitting into two panes 52

switching 52

Word 2016

file extensions 54

file formats 54

views 48

WordArt 86

Work Week calendar arrangement 529, 534


closing 60

creating based on templates 42

opening 4647

recalculating 226

saving 59


adding validation rules 255

auditing 229231

filtering data in 240243

finding information in 276279

organization levels 273274

recalculating 226

selecting random rows 246

setting calculation options 226

sorting data 262270

summarizing data 247253

using VLOOKUP 279


YouTube accounts, connecting to 19


zooming 11, 5152

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