

absolute positioning, 285

Access denied error messages, 510

AccessDataSource control, 590-591


Accessibility Properties dialog, 210

color blindness, 223

designing for

alternative representation, providing, 210

frames pages, 209

general considerations, 210

hyperlinks, 208

overview, 208

ScreenTips, 208

style sheets, site viewable without, 210

tables, 209

frames, 209-210

hyperlinks, 208

overview, 207

Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 508, 207, 209

ScreenTips, 208

tables, 209

Vischeck software, 223

WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), 208

Workforce Investment Act, 207

Accessibility Checker, 219

Accessibility panel, 212-213

accessing, 211

Check Where section, 211

checking accessibility, 211

HTML reports, generating from, 214

overview, 211


errors displayed in, 211

generating, 214

manual checklist for, 211

warnings displayed in, 211

Show section, 211

Accessibility Properties dialog, 210

Accessibility Reports, 16, 219

Accessibility task panel, 212

correcting problems in, 213

Problem Details dialog, 212

Actions, behaviors implemented with, 348

Active FTP, 241

Active Server Pages (ASP), 585, 587

ActiveX Controls

Page Editor Options dialog options, 196

security setting for, 196

Address step (Wizard control), 441

Adobe Photoshop files, importing, 175

AdRotator control, 474, 476

advertisement file for, creating, 427, 429-430

creating a Web Form that uses, 427

Impression element, 427

Keyword element, 427

overview, 426-427

Web pages, creating, 427

XML coding for, 426

XML elements list, 426

Advanced tab (Site Settings dialog), 261-262

Delete Files button, 262

Ajax, 541

AJAX Library, 542, 549

adding client script to ScriptManager control, 551-552

creating client libraries, 550

<div> tags, 549

ASP.NET AJAX Framework

AJAX Control Toolkit, 543

client-side AJAX, 542, 549-552

forms, adding Ajax functionality to, 543, 545-548

overview, 542

ScriptManager control, 546-547

server-side AJAX, 542-543

server-side code, adding, 545-546

site and page, creating new, 543, 545

UpdatePanel control, 548-549

troubleshooting, 546

Web forms, adding functionality to, 543-544

ScriptManager control, 546-547

server-side code, 545-546

UpdatePanel control, 548

AJAX ASP.NET Control Toolkit, 543

AJAX Extensions, 542

AJAX Extensions controls, 420

AJAX Library, 542, 549

client libraries, creating, 550

client script, adding to ScriptManager control, 551-552

<div> tags, 549

alert method (JavaScript), 385

align attribute (HTML tables), 90, 92, 97


cell content (HTML tables), 103

text, 340

All Files reports, 264

alt attribute, 137

alternative representation, providing, 210

animation, 168

AnonymousTemplate view, 495

Appearance tab (Flash SWF Properties dialog), 167

AppearanceEditorPart control, 528

Application Options dialog box, 266

Apply New Style to Document Selection check box (Style Builder), 313

Apply Style option (Apply Styles task panel), 309

Apply Styles panel

overview, 16, 295-296

using, 307, 309-310

Apply Styles task panel (CSS), 295-296, 307

Apply Style option, 309

Attach Style Sheet option, 309

Delete option, 309

Go To Code option, 309

Manage Style Sheet Links option, 309

Modify Style option, 309

New Style Copy option, 309

New Style option, 309

Remove Class option, 309

Remove ID option, 309

Remove Inline Style option, 309

Remove Link option, 309

Select All x Instances option, 309

area number, 180

ASP (Active Server Pages), 585, 587

ASP.NET, 417

AdRotator control, 474, 476

AJAX Extensions controls, 420

Content Pages

.aspx file extension, 466

Content control, 468-470, 481

contents of, 470

creating, 468, 480-481

defining custom content, 480

overview, 468-469, 471

troubleshooting, 471, 478


accessing properties, 421-423

adding to Web pages, 422

AdRotator control, 426-427, 429-430

AdRotator control, XML elements list, 426

Calendar control, 431-435

declarative syntax, 424

inserting into Web pages, 421

list of, 424, 426

rendering, 420-421

Standard controls, 426-427, 429-437, 439-444

Wizard control, 435-437, 439-444

costs of using, 589

data access tools, 588

data source controls, 420

AccessDataSource control, 590-591

overview, 589-590

SiteMapDataSource control, 592

SqlDataSource control, 591

XmlDataSource control, 592

detail view, 605-606

DetailsView control, 605-606

disadvantage of using, 588

displaying data with

overview, 592

tabular form, 593-594, 597-598

editing data with

data source, configuring, 599

GridView control, configuring, 599

overview, 599

testing new page, 603

email, writing code for sending, 7-9 (online chapter)

Expression Web 3 support, 418

form validation

overview, 513

validation controls, 513-519, 521-524

formatting, 443

Forms authentication

adding users to, 504

configuring Authorization Rules, 504, 506

configuring websites for, 496-497, 499-500

enabling, 502

functions of, 579

GridView control, 593-594

creating master views, 603

sorting, 597-598

in Expression Web 3, 588

languages, choosing, 418

login controls, 420, 484

ChangePassword control, 488-492

CreateUserWizard control, 493-494, 511

Login control, 484-487

LoginName control, 488

LoginStatus control, 487-488

LoginView control, 495-496

PasswordRecovery control, 492-493

login systems, troubleshooting, 499, 510

Master Pages, 481

attaching Web Forms to, 468

<body> tags, 467

Content control, 466, 469

ContentPlaceHolder control, 466-467, 472

converting websites to, 481-482

creating, 466, 472, 474-475, 477-478, 480

Dynamic Web Template compared, 466, 471

existing site converted to Master Page site, 481-482

master file extensions, 466

navigation controls used with, 463

overview, 465-467

troubleshooting, 471, 478

Web Site development, 472, 474-475, 478-479

writing server-side code, 466

master view, 603

Menu control

adding, 450-451, 453

formatting, 453-455

overview, 448-449

test website created for, 449-450

Navigation controls, 420

.NET Framework 2.0, 581

passwords, storing, 492

personalization, 526, 536

sitemap file, 447-448

SiteMapPath control

formatting, 462-463

overview, 461

Standard controls, 421

TreeView control

formatting, 458-459, 461

overview, 455, 458

troubleshooting, 423, 591, 593

user controls, 526-527

validation controls, 420, 513,

adding to validation forms, 520-522, 4-7 (online chapter)

CompareValidator control, 514

Display property, 515

EnableClientScript property, 516

ErrorMessage property, 515

overview, 4 (online chapter)

RangeValidator control, 514

RegularExpressionValidator control, 514

SetFocusOnError property, 516

troubleshooting, 516

ValidationGroup property, 516

ValidationSummary control, 514

Web Forms

attaching to Master Pages, 468

creating, 418-419

website creation, 508, 510

Web Parts, 525

Web Parts controls

adding new, 536-537

AppearanceEditorPart control, 528

CatalogZone control, 528

creating a Web Parts page, 528-531

editing, 538-540

EditorZone control, 528

overview, 527-528

WebPartManager control, 527-528

WebPartZone control, 528

Web Parts page, 531-532, 534

Website login systems

login controls, 484, 486-496

membership site, creation of, 496-497, 499-500, 502, 504, 506-510

overview, 483

password requirements, modifying, 511-512

ASP.NET 2.0, 257

providers, 588

SqlDataSource control, 590

ASP.NET 3.5 Unleashed (Sams Publishing), 418

ASP.NET Ajax, 541

AJAX Control Toolkit, 543

AJAX Extensions, 542

AJAX Library, 542, 549

adding client script to ScriptManager control, 551-552

creating client libraries, 550

<div> tags, 549

troubleshooting, 546

Web forms, adding functionality to, 543-544

ScriptManager control, 546-547

server-side code, 545-546

UpdatePanel control, 548

ASP.NET AJAX Framework

AJAX Control Toolkit, 543

client-side AJAX

client library, creating, 550

div tag added to form, 549

overview, 542

ScriptManager control, adding client script to, 551-552

using, 549

forms, adding Ajax functionality to, 543, 545-548

overview, 542

ScriptManager control, 546-547

server-side AJAX, 542-543

server-side code, adding, 545-546

site and page, creating new, 543, 545

UpdatePanel control, 548-549

ASP.NET Ajax in Action (Manning), 542

ASP.NET authorization settings, configuring, 500

ASP.NET Control Errors Visual Aid, 72

ASP.NET controls

AdRotator control

advertisement file for, creating, 427, 429-430

creating a Web Form that uses, 427

overview, 426-427

Calendar control

formatting, 431

overview, 431

properties, 432-435

list of, 424, 426

overview, 22, 419-420

placement of, 423

properties, 421-424

Standard ASP.NET controls

overview, 421

TextBox control, 421

troubleshooting, 422-423

Wizard control

creating a simple wizard, 437, 439, 441-443

overview, 435

steps in, 436

styles, formatting with, 443

ASP.NET Development Server, 422, 516

ASP.NET Impersonation, 507

ASP.NET Non-visual Controls Visual Aid, 72

ASP.NET page format, 49-50

ASP.NET Web Forms

creating, 418-419

language for, choosing a, 418

overview, 418

.aspx file extension (Content Pages), 466

Attach Dynamic Web Template dialog, 326-327

Attach Style Sheet dialog (CSS), 313


accessing and changing, 378-381

alt attribute, 137

overview, 134

Tag Properties panel used to set

creating a page, 136

overview, 136

setting tag properties, 137-138

troubleshooting, 137

audio, 171


basic authentication, 252

publishing, troubleshooting, 251-252

Windows Integrated Authentication, 252

Auto step type (Wizard control), 436

auto thumbnails

configuring, 163

creating, 162

AutoFormat feature, 99


Background section (Insert Table dialog), 99

background sound, 60

banner ad editable region, 325

banner advertisements, 426-427, 429-430

base href, 60

baseline browser selector (SuperPreview), 230

baseline value (table cells), 97

basic authentication, 251-252


actions used to implement, 348

Behaviors panel, using, 347-348

Call Script behavior, 349

Change Property behavior, 350, 352-353, 397-399

Change Property Restore behavior, 353

Check Browser behavior, 354, 363-364, 366

Check Plug-in behavior, 354

events used to implement, 348

Go To URL behavior, 355

Jump Menu behavior, 355

Jump Menu Go behavior, 356

layers and

interactivity for layers, adding, 397-400

overview, 395

Open Browser Window behavior, 357-358

overview, 19

paragraph, adding behaviors within a, 348-349

Play Sound behavior, 358

Popup Message behavior, 358

Preload Images behavior, 359, 379

Set Text behavior, 359, 361-362

Set Text of Frame behavior, 359

Set Text of Layer behavior, 361

Set Text of Status Bar behavior, 361

Set Text of Text Field behavior, 362

Swap Image behavior, 362, 379

Swap Image Restore behavior, 363, 379

Behaviors panel, 347-348

Behaviors task panel, 398

Berners-Lee, Tim, 90, 215

blank page, redirecting users with, 364

Block Selection Visual Aid, 70

Block Selectors (CSS), 286

BodyFileName field (MailDefinition property), 490

BOM (byte order mark), 63, 200

Bookmark feature, 86

bookmarks, HTML, 57

borders (tables), 92-93, 95

Borders section (Insert Table dialog), 99

bottom value (table cells), 97

Bradbury, Nick, 141

browser scripting, 367-368

Browser Size drop-down (SuperPreview), 231



backward compatibility, 217

defining, 216

designing for older browsers, 217

detecting, 363-364, 366

development of, 215

Mozilla compatible browsers, 368

quirks rendering mode, 219

schemas, 218

scripting, 367-368

Button dialog

Button tab, 338-339

Font tab, 339-340

Image tab

Create Hover Image check box, 341

Create Pressed Image check box, 341

Embossed Capsule button style, 342

Maintain Proportions check box, 341

Make the Button a GIF Image and Use a Transparent Background button, 342

Make the Button a JPEG Image and Use This Background Color button, 342

Button tab (Button dialog), 338-339

buttons, interactive. See interactive buttons

byte order mark (BOM), 63, 200


C# (programming language), 418

Calendar control

formatting, 431

overview, 431


CaptionAlign property, 432

DayNameFormat property, 432

FirstDayOfWeek property, 433

NextMonthText property, 433

NextPrevFormat property, 433

overview, 432

PrevMonthText property, 433

SelectedDate property, 433

SelectionMode property, 434

SelectMonthText property, 434

SelectWeekText property, 434

ShowDayHeader property, 434

ShowGridLines property, 434

ShowNextPrevMonth property, 434

ShowTitle property, 434

TitleFormat property, 435

UseAccessibleHeader property, 435

VisibleDate property, 435

Call Script behavior, 349

CaptionAlign property (Calendar control), 432

Capture Interfaces dialog, 255

cascade order, 302

cascading eternal style sheets, 279

cascading style sheets. See CSS

case-sensitivity and PHP scripts, 554

CatalogZone control, 528

Category list (Style Builder), 313

CC field (MailDefinition property), 490

Cell Properties dialog (Table menu), 103

cellpadding attribute (HTML tables), 92, 94

cells (HTML tables)

align attribute, 97

aligning content in, 97-98, 103

merging, 101

selecting, 101

valign attribute, 97-98

cellspacing attribute (HTML tables), 92-94

CGI (Common Gateway Interface), 556

Change Property behavior, 350, 352-353, 397-399

Change Property dialog (Behaviors task panel), 398

Change Property Restore behavior, 353

ChangePassword control

Common ChangePassword pop-up, 489

DisplayUserName property, 489

MailDefinition property, 490-491

overview, 488-489

PasswordHintText property, 492

PasswordRecoveryUrl property, 492

SuccessPageUrl property, 492

changeStatus function (JavaScript), 373

changeVisibility function (JavaScript), 377

Check Browser behavior, 354, 363-364, 366

Check Plug-in behavior, 354

Check Where section (Accessibility Checker feature), 211

child layers, 391

creating, 391-393

inserting into Web pages, 393

positioning, 392

renaming, 392

classes (CSS)

basic application of, 288-289

moving, 318

multiple classes, 290-291

pseudo-classes, 291

syntax of, 288

troubleshooting, 290, 292

client Ajax libraries, creating, 550

client-side AJAX

client library, creating, 550

div tag added to form, 549

overview, 542

ScriptManager control, adding client script to, 551-552

using, 549

client-side scripting

Document Object Model (DOM)

document object, 373-374

overview, 371-372

window object, 372-373

history of browser scripting, 367-368


adding JavaScript to a page, 369

as standalone code, 371

debugging, 385

external script file, linking to, 370-371

functions, 369

inline JavaScript, adding, 371

overview, 369

writing simple scripts, 374-384


Check Browser behavior code, editing, 364, 366

Dynamic Web Templates, 334, 336

Code Block item (PHP), 575

Code Block scripts (PHP), 575

Code Error icon (Code View), 217

code errors


doctype declarations, 218-219

overview, 217-218

schema, 218

invalid code, marking, 219

reports used to find, 219, 221, 223

code formatting, customizing, 82-84

code snippets

advantages of, 68

using, 63, 65

Code View

Bookmark, 86

Code Error icon, 217

code problems, identifying, 217-219

Compatibility Checker errors, troubleshooting, 222

Context menu, 85

Dynamic Web Templates, 330, 334, 336

formatting of code, customizing, 82-84

IntelliSense, 85

overview, 81

Page Editor Options dialog options, 196

PHP in

IntelliSense used with, 568, 570-571

overview, 567

syntax highlighting, 567-568

Quick Tag Tools, 84-85

codecs, 171

color blindness, 223

colspan attribute (HTML tables), 96-97

Column Properties dialog, 111-112

columns (HTML tables), 108-112

command prompt, 586

Comment item (PHP), 575

Comment scripts (PHP), 575

Comments (PHP), 554

Common Calendar Tasks pop-up, 431

Common ChangePassword Tasks pop-up (ChangePassword control), 489

Common Gateway Interface (CGI), 556

Common GridView Tasks pop-up, 599

Common Language Runtime, 581

common layout, need for, 465

Common Login Tasks pop-up (Login control), 484

Common LoginView Tasks pop-up (LoginView control), 496

Common PasswordRecovery Tasks pop-up (PasswordRecovery control), 493

CompareValidator control, 514

comparison browser selector (SuperPreview), 230


Accessibility Reports, 219

backward compatibility, 217

code errors

doctype declarations, 218-219

invalid code, marking, 219

overview, 217-218

reports used to find, 219, 221, 223

schema, 218

code problems, identifying, 217-219

Compatibility Reports, 220-221

CSS Reports, 220

defining, 216

development of, 215

doctype declarations

Compatibility Checker dialog, 221

configuring, 220

Expression Web 3 compatibility features

code problems, identifying, 217-219

invalid code, marking, 219

overview, 217

reports used to find errors, 219, 221, 223

invalid code, marking, 219, 221

older browsers, designing for, 217

schemas, 218, 220

of Web browsers, 216, 217

troubleshooting, 222

Compatibility Checker, 221-222

Compatibility Checker dialog

Code View errors, troubleshooting, 222

Compatibility pane, 221

Compatibility Reports, accessing, 221

Run Check Based on Doctype Declaration in Page if Available check box, 221

Compatibility pane (Compatibility Checker dialog), 221

Compatibility Reports, 17, 220-221

Complete step type (Wizard control), 436

compliancy standards for websites, 16

Configure Editors tab, 65, 67


ASP.NET authorization settings

Edit Rule dialog, 500

Authorization Rules (ASP.NET Forms authentication), 504, 506

auto thumbnails, 163

doctype declarations (XHTML), 220

HTML tables

columns, 109-112

rows, 109-112

publishing destinations, 245

schemas (Web browsers), 220

site reports, 265


ASP.NET Forms authentication, 496-497, 499-500

Microsoft Expression Development Server, 506-508

confirmation page displayed after sending email, 10 (online chapter)

contact forms,

code for sending, 7-9 (online chapter)

confirmation page, 10 (online chapter)

creating, 2-3 (online chapter)

overview, 1 (online chapter)

validating, 4-7 (online chapter)

Content control (Content Pages), 466, 468-470, 481

Content Pages (ASP.NET)

.aspx file extension, 466

Content control, 468-470, 481

contents of, 470

creating, 468, 480-481

custom content, defining, 480

overview, 468-469, 471

troubleshooting, 471, 478

ContentPlaceHolder control, 466-467, 472

Context menu (Code View), 85

Contradicting Width checkbox, 111

controls (ASP.NET). See also specific controls

declarative syntax, 424

HTML controls versus, 421

properties, 421-423

rendering, 421

Web pages

adding to, 422

inserting into, 421

ControlToValidate property, 515, 521


images, 159-160

Login controls to templated controls, 484-485

websites to Master Page sites, 481-482

Cookie variable (PHP), 573

corrupt temporary files, 262

CreateUserIconUrl property (Login control), 486

CreateUserText property (Login control), 486

CreateUserWizard control, 493-495, 511

DisableCreatedUser property, 494

LoginCreatedUser property, 494

PasswordRegularExpression property, 494

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). See also CSS tools

absolute positioning, 285

application of, methods for, 279

Apply Styles task panel, 295-296, 307

Apply Style option, 309

Attach Style Sheet option, 309

Delete option, 309

Go To Code option, 309

Manage Style Sheet Links option, 309

Modify Style option, 309

New Style Copy option, 309

New Style option, 309

Remove Class option, 309

Remove ID option, 309

Remove Inline Style option, 309

Remove Link option, 309

Select All x Instances option, 309

arranging styles, 318

ASP.NET, formatting, 443

Attach Style Sheet dialog, 313

benefits of, 276-277

Block Selectors, 286

cascading order, 302


basic application of, 288-289

moving, 318

multiple classes, 290-291

overview, 288

pseudo-classes, 291

syntax of, 288

troubleshooting, 290, 292

code formats, 282

CSS ID, 303

CSS Properties task panel, 297-298, 310

Show Alphabetized List option, 310

Show Categorized List option, 310

Show Set Properties on Top option, 310

Summary option, 310

CSS Reports, 220

CSS Reports dialog, 315

Custom AutoFilter dialog, 317

Errors tab, 316

Usage tab, 317

CSS Reports task panel, 298-299

development of, 275

DIV, centering a, 293

editing code with Quick Tag Editor, 152


pseudo-elements, 292

troubleshooting, 290

Embedded Style sheets, 279-280

External Style sheets, 279

formatting, 278

formatting content with, 280-284

HTML compared, 276-278

HTML selectors, 281

inheritance, 302

Inline styles, 279-280, 288

Link Style Sheet dialog, 296, 313, 315

Manage Styles task panel, 296, 301-302

Categorize by Element option, 303-304

Categorize by Order option, 303

Categorize by Type option, 304

Display Selected Style Preview menu, 306

Separate Grouped Selectors option, 306

Show All Styles option, 304

Show Styles Used in Current Page option, 304

Show Styles Used on Selection option, 304-305

Master Pages reports, 265

menus, 448

overview, 275-278

positioning content

absolute positioning, 285

images, 286-287


:first-letter pseudo element, 292

:first-line pseudo element, 292

overview, 292

Quick Tag Selectors, 286

selectors, 281

Style Builder, 312

Apply New Style to Document Selection check box, 313

Category list, 313

creating styles, 312-313

Selector drop-down, 312

styles, creating, 312-313

syntax used in, 281

troubleshooting, 305, 310

Web pages, 278

CSS Display:none Visual Aid, 72

CSS IDs, 303

CSS Mode setting, formatting text in, 52-53

CSS Properties panel

overview, 297

Summary button, 311

using, 310-311

CSS Properties task panel, 297-298, 310

Show Alphabetized List option, 310

Show Categorized List option, 310

Show Set Properties on Top option, 310

Summary option, 310

CSS Reports

accessing, 315

errors, checking for, 316-317

overview, 18

usage, checking, 317

CSS Reports dialog, 315

Custom AutoFilter dialog, 317

Errors tab, 316

overview, 298

Usage tab, 317

CSS Reports task panel, 298-299

CSS styles, arranging, 318

CSS tab (Page Editor Options dialog), 197, 199

CSS tools

Apply Styles panel, 16

overview, 295-296

using, 307, 309-310

Attach Style Sheet dialog, 313

CSS Properties panel

Summary button, 311

using, 310-311

CSS Reports

accessing, 315

errors, checking for, 316-317

usage, checking, 317

CSS Reports dialog, 298

Link Style Sheet dialog

overview, 296

using, 313, 315

Manage Style panel

Options menu, 303-304, 306

overview, 15, 296

using, 301-303, 305-306, 318

overview, 14

Properties panel, 297

Style Builder, 14

overview, 299

using, 312-313

style management with

Apply Styles panel, 307, 309-310

Attach Style Sheet dialog, 313

CSS Properties panel, 310-311

importing styles, 314

Link Style Sheet dialog, 313, 315

Manage Styles panel, 301-303, 305-306, 318

overview, 300-301

Style Builder, 312-313

CSS-based page layouts, 50

CSS: The Definitive Guide (O’Reilly Publishing), 282

curly braces, 185

Custom AutoFilter dialog, 299, 317


code formatting, 82-84

Dynamic Web Templates, 328, 330

HTML tables, 99

Ruler and Grid feature, 76


aligning content in cells, 103-104

overview, 99-100

rows and columns, adding and deleting, 108

selecting and merging cells, 101-102

width of table, adjusting, 105-106

CustomValidator control, 514


dash character, 181

data access. See also ASP.NET

ASP.NET tools, 588

historical background, 587

in Expression Web 3, 588

.NET Framework tools, 589

overview, 23

PHP tools, 589

Data controls (ASP.NET), 420

data source controls (ASP.NET)

AccessDataSource control, 590-591

overview, 589-590

SiteMapDataSource control, 592

SqlDataSource control, 591

XmlDataSource control, 592


fields, adding new, 415

forms (HTML) results, saving, 413-414

saving HTML form results to, 413-414

updating, 415

DataFile property (AccessDataSource control), 591

DataSourceMode property (AccessDataSource control), 591

DayNameFormat property (Calendar control), 432

debugging JavaScript, 385

Deep Zoom

images, inserting, 170

overview, 21

default content for editable regions, 327

Default Fonts tab (Page Editor Options dialog), 197

Default Page Encoding drop-down (Language tab), 262

Delete Files button (Advanced tab), 262

Delete option (Apply Styles task panel), 309

DeleteQuery property (AccessDataSource control), 591

deleting columns/rows from HTML tables, 108

deleting files, 262

delimiters (PHP), 553

dependencies, 271

Dependency Checking drop-down (Export Web Package dialog), 271

deprecated attributes, HTML tables, 90

deprecated HTML, 91

design surface, 8

Design View

interactive buttons, editing, 344

multiple layers, selecting in, 394

overview, 70

page size, adjusting, 79, 81

PHP in, 566

Quick Tag Selector in, 143-144

Ruler and Grid feature

customizing, 76

Grid, using, 76

overview, 74

Ruler, using, 74

Tracing Image feature, 76, 78

Visual Aids

accessing, 70

ASP.NET Control Errors, 72

ASP.NET Non-visual Controls, 72

Block Selection, 70

CSS Display:none, 72

Empty Containers, 71

Formatting Marks, 73

Margins and Padding, 71

overview, 70

Template Region Labels, 73

Visible Borders, 71

designing for accessibility

alternative representation, providing, 210

frames pages, 209

general considerations, 210

hyperlinks, 208

overview, 208

style sheets, site viewable without, 210

tables, 209

destination Web location for importing website, 43

DestinationPageUrl property (Login control), 486

detail views, 605-606

DetailsView control, 605-606

Development computer, 239


flyout menus, 372

menu system, 449

menus, 372

DHTML Menu Builder, 345

digital certificates, 274

DisableCreatedUser property (CreateUserWizard control), 494

disk-based sites

advantages of, 46

creating, 30-32

overview, 29

Display property, 515

displaying data with ASP.NET, 592, 593-594, 597-598

DisplayRememberMe property (Login control), 486

DisplayUserName property (ChangePassword control), 489

dithering, 153

<div> tag. See also layers

AJAX Library, 549

overview, 387, 549

positioning, 387

DIV, centering a, 293

doctitle, 335

doctitle editable region, 322

doctype declarations (XHTML), 200

code problems, identifying, 218

configuring, 220

missing declarations, quirks of, 219

overview, 218-219

troubleshooting, 219

Document Object Model (DOM)

document object, 373-374

overview, 371-372

window object, 372-373

DOM highlighting (SuperPreview), 228

DOM tab (SuperPreview), 231

Draw Layer button (Layers task panel), 388

Draw Layout Cell tools, 114

Draw Layout Table tools, 113

Draw Table feature (Tables Toolbar), 109

DropDownList control, 543-544, 546

drpMusicGroup control, 546, 549

dynamic content

behaviors, 19

Deep Zoom, 21

interactive buttons, 19

layers, 20

Photoshop content, 21

video, 21

Dynamic DNS, 257

dynamic pseudo-classes, 291

Dynamic Web Templates

Attach Dynamic Web Template dialog, 327


overview, 325

to existing page, 325, 327

to new page, 327

code examples, 334-336

code for, 334, 336

comments, 249

creating, 322-324

customizing, 328, 330

detaching, 334

doctitle region, 322

editable regions, 324-325

adding, 331-332

providing default content, 327

remapping, 333

renaming, 332

resolving mismatched regions, 332

editable regions, adding, 324

FrontPage Server Extensions and, 329

functions of, 322

Master Pages compared, 466, 471

master.dwt files, 300

modifying, 328, 330

overview, 12, 322

page layouts, 322-324

reports, 264

troubleshooting, 332

updating all pages, 329

updating selected pages, 329

Web pages

attaching to, 325-327

detaching from, 330

websites, updating, 328-329


echo statement (PHP), 554, 575

Edit Rule dialog, 500

editable regions

adding, 324

bannerad, 325

default content for, 327

described, 322

doctitle, 322

Dynamic Web Templates, 324-325

adding, 331-332

providing default

content, 327

remapping, 333

renaming, 332

resolving mismatched regions, 332

maincontent, 325

management of, 331-332, 334

mismatched editable regions, resolving, 332, 334

new editable region, adding, 331

renaming an existing editable region, 332


with ASP.NET

data souce, configuring, 599

GridView control,

configuring, 599

overview, 599

testing new page, 603

interactive buttons, 344

with Quick Tag Editor, 145-146, 151

EditorZone control, 528

elements (CSS), 292

elements (XML), 426-427

else statement (PHP), 576


contact forms,

code for sending, 7-9 (online chapter)

confirmation page, 10 (online chapter)

creating, 2-3 (online chapter)

overview, 1 (online chapter)

validating, 4-7 (online chapter)

HTML form results saved to, 406-412

embedded style sheets (CSS), 279-280

EmbeddedObjects field (MailDefinition property), 490

Empty Containers Visual Aid, 71

EnableClientScript property, 516

ErrorMessage property, 515

Errors, reported in Accessibility Checker dialog, 211

escape character, 181


behaviors implemented with, 348

hooking, 134

onload event, 354

onmouseover events, 377-378

overview, 134

Tag Properties panel, events used with, 139-140

ExpandDepth property, 458

Export Web Package dialog

Dependency Checking drop-down, 271

Personal Web Package creation, 270

adding files to, 271

My Web Packages, 270

naming packages, 270

personalizing packages, 271

showing dependencies, 271

Show Dependencies button, 271

Expression Development Server (Microsoft), 580

ASP pages, 585

installing, 580

limitations of, 585

manually stopping, 583-584

Preview tab

For All Web Pages option, 582

For Only PHP and ASP.NET Web Pages option, 582

starting from command prompt, 586

support for, 581

troubleshooting, 583

website configuration, 506-508

Expression Web 3, 418

Expression Web Designer

overview, 239

removal of necessary code, 248

EXPRWD.EXE file, 192

Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML), 168

external script file, linking to, 370-371

External Style Sheets (CSS), 279


Failed to start monitoring... error messages, 510

FailureAction property (Login control), 486

FailureText property (Login control), 486


downloading, 557


on Vista, 557

on Windows Server 2008, 559

PHP enabled for IIS using, 560, 562

Fiddler debugging tool, 250, 252

file editors, configuring, 65-67

File Save dialog, 272

File System method of publishing, 240, 244

File System option (Import Site wizard), 41

files, importing, 51

FilterExpression property (AccessDataSource control), 591

FilterParameters property (AccessDataSource control), 591

find and replace

finding text, 181, 183

HTML rules used in, 187, 189

HTML tags, 189-190

overview, 179-180

queries, saving, 190

recent searches, editing and removing, 191-192

regular expressions, 180-181, 183

replacing text, 184, 186

source code, 182

Finish step (Wizard control), 443

:first-letter pseudo element, 292

:first-line pseudo element, 292

FirstDayOfWeek property (Calendar control), 433

FirstLetter property value (DayNameFormat property), 433

FirstTwoLetters property value (DayNameFormat property), 433

Flash movies, inserting, 165-167

Flash SWF Properties dialog

Appearance tab, 167

General tab, 168

overview, 166

Folder List, 7-8

font families, 53

font size, 54

Font tab (Interactive Button dialog), 339-340


Default Fonts tab (Page Editor Options dialog), 197

Font Families tab (Page Editor Options dialog), 203

interactive buttons, 339-340

for loop, 383

form controls (HTML)

list of, 403

overview, 402

troubleshooting, 408, 410

form field validation

adding JavaScript validation function, 382-383

call added to JavaScript function, 384

creating the form to validate, 381

overview, 381, 515

validating the form fields, 383-384

Form Properties dialog

Confirmation Page tab, 410

Email Results tab, 409-410

File Results tab, 407-408

overview, 406

Saved Field tab, 412

Saving Results dialog, 407

Send To Database option, 406, 408, 413-414

Send To option, 406-407

Send To Other option, 406

form validation with ASP.NET

creating a validated form

adding form validation, 519, 521-522

creating form, 517-518

overview, 517

testing form, 523

overview, 513

troubleshooting, 516

validation controls

adding to forms, 520-522

CompareValidator control, 514

creating a validated form, 517-519, 521-523

CustomValidator control, 514

Display property, 515

EnableClientScript property, 516

ErrorMessage property, 515

overview, 513

properties, common, 515-516

RangeValidator control, 514

RegularExpressionValidator control, 514

RequiredFieldValidator control, 514

SetFocusOnError property, 516

validation groups, 523-524

ValidationGroup property, 516

ValidationSummary control, 514

validation groups, 523-524

Form variable (PHP), 572

forms, 1 (online chapter). See also contact forms

FormatString property (LoginName control), 488


ASP.NET, 443

Calendar control, 431

CSS, 278

HTML, 276-277

HTML tables, 99, 107

images, 156-158

Login control, 484

PasswordRecovery control, 492

tables in Expression Web 3, 107

Web pages, 278

websites, 280-284

Formatting Marks Visual Aid, 73

formatting text

font families, 53

font size, 54

how Expression Web 3 formats text, 51, 53

in CSS Mode setting, 52-53

overview, 51

forms (HTML)

Ajax functionality added to, 543, 545-548

creating, 404-405

database updates, 415

form controls, list of, 403

hidden fields, 414, 416

hidden form fields, 416

overview, 401-402

saving form results to database, 413-414

saving form results to file or email, 406-410, 412

forms (HTTP), components of, 401

Forms authentication (ASP.NET)

adding users to, 504

configuring Authorization Rules, 504, 506

configuring websites for, 496-497, 499-500

enabling, 502

frame attribute (HTML tables), 95

frame layouts, 50

Frame Properties dialog, 121


accessibility, designing for, 209-210

alternative content for browsers not supporting, 123

borders, using, 128

browsers not supporting, 123

configuring, 121-122

deleting, 123

disadvantages of, 118

editing, 125

inline frames

inserting, 126

overview, 126, 128

targeting, 128

overview, 117

resizable, 128

restoring, 123

splitting, 122

targeting, 124

tips for using, 128-130

when not to use, 118

when to use, 117

frames pages

accessibility, designing for, 209

creating, 119-120

editing frames in, 125

overview, 117

frameset pages

configuring frames in, 121-122

creating, 119-120

nested framesets, removing, 130

From field (MailDefinition property), 491

FrontPage 97, 587

FrontPage Server Extensions, 404, 413

and publishing of content, 240

as publishing option, 241-243

configuring for your website, 242

defined, 241

Dynamic Web Templates and, 329

functionality, 243

HTML forms, 404

HTTP sites, 35

installation, 243

Server Message Language drop-down (Language tab, Site Settings dialog), 262

when to choose, 241

when to use, 241

FrontPage Server Extensions option (Import Site wizard), 40-41

FTP, 240

active, 241

as publishing option, 240-241

passive, 241

security issues, 240

FTP option (Import Site wizard), 39

FTP over SSL (FTPS), 32

FTP sites

advantages of, 45

creating, 33

opening, 32

overview, 32

FTPS option (Import Site wizard), 40

Full property value (DayNameFormat property), 433

full tags (PHP), 554

functions (JavaScript), 369

changeStatus function, 373

changeVisibility function, 377

described, 369

hideAllDivs function, 377

indexOf function, 384

swapImage function, 380

validateForm function, 384

writeDateTime function, 369, 371

functions (PHP), 556


General tab (Flash SWF Properties dialog), 168

General tab (Page Editor Options dialog), 193-196

ActiveX Controls options, 196

Assign Unique IDs to New Tables option, 194

Automatically Enclose Form Fields Within a Form option, 194

Automatically Switch Keyboard to Match Language of Surrounding Text option, 194

Code View options, 196

Make ID Unique on Paste option, 194

Paste Options button, 195

Prompt for Accessibility Properties when Inserting Images option, 195

Show Paste Options Buttons check box, 195

Spelling Options dialog, 195

Use <strong> and <em> when Using Bold and Italic Toolbar Buttons option, 194

General tab (Site Settings dialog), 259

General tab (Windows Media Player Properties dialog), 171-172

Generator and ProgID tags, 249

GIF format, 153-154

Go To Code option (Apply Styles task panel), 309

Go To URL behavior, 355

Google Analytics, 268

graphics. See also interactive buttons

converting images, 159-160

formatting images, 156-158

image maps, 163-164

importing Adobe Photoshop files, 175

inserting images, 154-155

page transitions, 176-177

properties, changing, 157-158

resizing images, 156-157

slicing, 76


configuring, 163

creating, 162

overview, 161

Web image formats

converting, 160

GIF format, 153-154

overview, 153

PNG format, 154

GridView control, 593-594

adding, 593

configuring, 594, 599

master views, creating, 603

sorting, 597-598

group number, 180


HelpPageIconUrl property (Login control), 486

HelpPageText property (Login control), 486

HelpPageUrl property (Login control), 486

hidden form fields, 416

hidden HTML form fields, 414, 416

hideAllDivs function (JavaScript), 377

hiding/showing Web page elements, 374-378

HomeSite, 141

hosting fees for video,

hosting websites, 256-257

hotspots (images), 163

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

accessibility reports, generating, 214

bookmark, 57

CSS compared, 276-278

deprecated HTML, 91

<div> tags, 387

find and replace, using HTML rules in, 187, 189-190

formatting, 276-277

form controls, 402

list of, 403

troubleshooting, 408, 410

Form Properties dialog

Confirmation Page tab, 410

Email Results tab, 409-410

File Results tab, 407-408

Saved Fields tab, 412


components of, 401

creating, 404-405

database updates, 415

form controls, list of, 403

hidden form fields, 414, 416

overview, 401-402

saving form results to database, 413-414

saving form results to file or email, 406-410, 412

leading whitespace, 249

limitations of, 275

optimization, 247, 249

publishing, HTML optimized during, 247, 249

Quick Tag Editor used to insert, 149-150

selectors, 281

standard ASP.NET controls versus, 421


adding columns, 108

adding rows, 108

aligning cell content, 103

cell attributes, 97-98

cells, 97-98

configuring columns, 109-112

configuring rows, 109-112

customizing, 99

deleting columns, 108

deleting rows, 108

deprecated attributes, 90

development of, 89

drawing, 109

formatting, 99, 107

inserting, 99

Layout Tables task panel, 113

merging cells, 101

overview, 89

rowspan atttribute, 96-97

selecting cells, 101

sizing, 105, 107

<table> tags, 90, 92-95

<td> (column) tags, 95-97

<tr> (row) tags, 95

HTTP, 242

HTTP authentication traffic, 251

HTTP option (Import Site wizard), 42-43

HTTP publishing, 249-250, 252, 256

HTTP sites

creating, 35, 37

creating a site using SSL, 37

overview, 33, 35

HTTPS protocol, 242


accessibility, designing for, 208

checking, 265

creating, 55

frames targeted by, 124

inline frames targeted by, 128

Insert Hyperlink ScreenTip dialog, 208

Manage Style Sheet Links option (Apply Styles task panel), 309

new window, opening in, 138

overview, 55

parameters for, 56

Remove Link option (Apply Styles task panel), 309

ScreenTips, 58, 208

targeting, 55

title attribute for, 58

to HTML bookmark, 57

Hyperlinks, reports, 265


IDC/HTX, 587

if statement (PHP), 575

IIS (Internet Information Services), 257

IIS 7 installation

on Vista, 557

on Windows Server 2008, 559

image formats, Web. See Web image formats

image maps, 163-164

Image tab (Button dialog)

Create Hover Image check box, 341

Create Pressed Image check box, 341

defined, 341

Embossed Capsule button style, 342

Maintain Proportions check box, 341

Make the Button a GIF Image and Use a Transparent Background button, 342

Make the Button a JPEG Image and Use This Background Color button, 342

image thumbnails

configuring, 163

creating, 162

overview, 161


adding, 380-381

adding to HTML tags, 380


creating, 163

Image tab (Button dialog)

Create Hover Image check box, 341

Create Pressed Image check box, 341

Embossed Capsule button style, 342

Maintain Proportions check box, 341

Make the Button a GIF Image and Use a Transparent Background button, 342

Make the Button a JPEG Image and Use This Background Color button, 342

interactive buttons, 341-342

maps, 163

positioning via CSS, 286-287

Preload Images behavior, 379

preloading, 379

Swap Image behavior, 379

Swap Image Restore behavior, 379

swapping, 367, 380


configuring, 163

creating, 161-162

troubleshooting, 162

ImageSet property, 458

imgObj variable, 380

Impersonation (ASP.NET), 507

Import Site wizard

accessing, 38

destination Web location, specifying, 43

File System option, 41

finishing the import process, 44

FrontPage Server Extensions option, 40-41

FTP option, 39

FTPS option, 40

HTTP option, 42-43

method for import, choosing, 38

overview, 38

SFTP option, 40

WebDAV option, 41

Import Web Package dialog, 272-274


Adobe Photoshop files, 175

files, 51

Personal Web Packages, 271-274

style sheets, 314

Web Packages, 272, 274

websites, 38-44

Impressions element, 429

Impressions XML element (AdRotator control), 427

Include Once script (PHP), 574

include statement (PHP), 573

indexOf function (JavaScript), 384

inheritance, 302

inline frames

inserting, 126

overview, 126, 128

targeting, 128

inline JavaScript, adding, 371

Inline styles (CSS), 279-280, 288, 309

Insert Hyperlink ScreenTip dialog, 208

Insert Layer button (Layers task panel), 388

Insert Rows or Columns dialog, 108

Insert Table dialog, 91

Background section, 99

Borders section, 99

Layout section, 99

Set As Default For New Tables check box, 90

Set section, 99

Size section, 99

inserting images, 154-155


FastCGI, 557, 559


in Vista, 557

in Windows 7, 557

in Windows Server 2008, 559

Microsoft Expression Development Server, 580


enabling PHP for IIS using FastCGI, 560, 562

Microsoft Expression Development Server configured for, 559

overview, 556-557, 559

InstructionText property (Login control), 486

IntelliSense, 85

PHP, used with, 568, 570-571

Quick Tag Editor and, 146

IntelliSense tab (Page Editor Options dialog), 203

interactive buttons, 337

aligning text, 340

Button dialog

Button tab, 338-339

Font tab, 339-340

Image tab, 341-342

configuring, 338

editing, 344

fonts in, configuring, 339-340

images in, configuring, 341-342

inserting, 338

overview, 19, 337

previewing, 339

removing, 344

saving, 343-344

scripting, 338

security, 338

styles, choosing, 338

troubleshooting, 344

uses for, 345

interactive menus, creating, 391-393

interactivity of layers, 397-400

interface elements

design surface, 8

Folder list, 7-8


dragging, 7

hiding, 6

overview, 5, 7

Tag Properties panel, 13

toggling between, 7

Status Bar, 9

Internet Information Services (IIS), 257

Internet Server Application Program Interface (ISAPI), 556

Internet service providers (ISPs), 257

invalid code, marking, 219, 221

IsBodyHtml field (MailDefinition property), 491


JavaScript, 139, 369

adding images to HTML tags, 380

adding JavaScript to a page, 369, 372

alert method, 385

as standalone code, 371

debugging, 385

Document Object Model (DOM)

document object, 373-374

overview, 371-372

window object, 372-373

external script file, linking to, 370-371

form field validation, 381, 383-384

functions, 369

changeStatus function, 373

changeVisibility function, 377

hideAllDivs function, 377

indexOf function, 384

swapImage function, 380

validateForm function, 384

writeDateTime function, 369, 371

hiding/showing elements in Web pages, 374-378

historical background, 367

HTML tag attributes

accessing, 378

changing, 378-380


adding images, 380-381

preloading images, 379

swapping images, writing a function for, 380

inline JavaScript, 371

logic errors, 385

overview, 369

preloading images, 379

syntax errors, 385

troubleshooting, 381, 384

Web pages, adding to, 369

writing simple scripts

attributes, accessing and changing, 378-381

form field validation, 381-384

overview, 374

page elements, showing and hiding, 374-378

JScript, 367

Jump Menu behavior, 355

Jump Menu Go behavior, 356


Keyword XML element (AdRotator control), 427


Label control, 543

Language tab (Page Properties dialog), 62

Language tab (Site Settings dialog), 262

Default Page Encoding drop-down, 262

Server Message Language drop-down, 262

Layer ID column (Layers task panel), 388

Layer Visibility column (Layers task panel), 388, 395

Layer Z-Index column (Layers task panel), 388

layers, 388

adding content to, 389

behaviors and

interactivity for layers, adding, 397-400

overview, 395

child layers, 391

creating, 391-393

inserting into Web pages, 393

positioning, 392

renaming, 392

content added to, 389

ID, choosing, 389

interactive menus, creating, 391-393

interactivity, 397-400

Layers panel

inserting and formatting layers with, 388-393

visibility of layers, setting, 395

main Menu layer, 391-392

multiple layers, 394

overview, 20, 387-388

positioning, 391, 392, 394

ProdSubmenu, 392, 397-400

resizing, 390

SupportSubmenu, 400

uses of, 388

visibility of, setting, 395

z-index of, 388

z-order, 400

Layers panel

child layers, creating, 391-392

content added to layer with, 389

overview, 388

resizing layers with, 390

visibility of layers, setting, 395

Layers task panel

displaying, 388

Draw Layer button, 388

Insert Layer button, 388

Layer ID column, 388

Layer Visibility column, 388, 395

Layer Z-Index column, 388

navigating, 388


common layout, need for, 465

SuperPreview used to build, 237

SuperPreview used to preview

browsers, choosing, 232

generating previews, 233

overview, 232

rendering problems, fixing, 233-234, 236

layout design with tables

accessibility, 209

columns and rows configured with Layout tool, 109-111, 113

drawing tables with Table toolbar, 109

overview, 108

Layout Modes (SuperPreview), 228

Layout section (Insert Table dialog), 99

Layout Tables feature, 11

Layout Tables panel, 113, 115

Layout Tables task panel, 109, 113

Layout Tool, 109-113

lblDisplayGroup control, 549

lblDisplayGroup Label control, 546

link pseudo-classes, 291

Link Style Sheet dialog

overview, 296

using, 313, 315

Lists step (Wizard control), 442

LoggedInTemplate view, 495

logic errors, 385

Login control

built-in functionality of, 486

Common Login Tasks pop-up, 484

CreateUserIconUrl property, 486

CreateUserText property, 486

DestinationPageUrl property, 486

DisplayRememberMe property, 486

FailureAction property, 486

FailureText property, 486

formatting, 484

HelpPageIconUrl property, 486

HelpPageText property, 486

HelpPageUrl property, 486

InstructionText property, 486

LoginButtonImageUrl property, 486

LoginButtonText property, 486

LoginButtonType property, 486

Orientation property, 487

PasswordLabelText property, 487

PasswordRecoveryIcon property, 487

PasswordRecoveryText property, 487

PasswordRecoveryUrl property, 487

PasswordRequiredText property, 487

Remember Me check box, 484

RememberMeSet property, 487

RememberMeText property, 487

templated controls, converting to, 484-485

TextLayout property, 487

TitleText property, 487

UserName property, 487

UserNameLabelText property, 487

UserNameRequiredError property, 487

VisibleWhenLoggedIn property, 487

login controls, 484

ChangePassword control

Common ChangePassword pop-up, 489

DisplayUserName property, 489

LoginText property, 488

MailDefinition property, 490-491

PasswordHintText property, 492

PasswordRecoveryUrl property, 492

SuccessPageUrl property, 492

CreateUserWizard control, 493, 511

DisableCreatedUser property, 494

LoginCreatedUser property, 494

PasswordRegularExpression property, 494

Login control

Common Login Tasks pop-up, 484

converting to templated controls, 484-485

CreateUserIconUrl property, 486

CreateUserText property, 486

DestinationPageUrl property, 486

DisplayRememberMe property, 486

FailureAction property, 486

FailureText property, 486

formatting, 484

HelpPageIconUrl property, 486

HelpPageText property, 486

HelpPageUrl property, 486

InstructionText property, 486

LoginButtonImageUrl property, 486

LoginButtonText property, 486

LoginButtonType property, 486

Orientation property, 487

PasswordLabelText property, 487

PasswordRecoveryIcon property, 487

PasswordRecoveryText property, 487

PasswordRecoveryUrl property, 487

PasswordRequiredText property, 487

Remember Me check box, 484

RememberMeSet property, 487

RememberMeText property, 487

TextLayout property, 487

TitleText property, 487

UserName property, 487

UserNameLabelText property, 487

UserNameRequiredError property, 487

VisibleWhenLoggedIn property, 487

LoginName control, 488

LoginStatus control

LoginText property, 488

LogoutAction property, 488

LogoutImageUrl property, 488

LogoutPageUrl property, 488

LogoutText property, 488

overview, 487

LoginView control, 495, 496

PasswordRecovery control, 492

CommonPasswordRecovery Tasks pop-up, 493

formatting, 492

properties of, 493

web resources, 484

login systems, 483

ASP.NET Forms authentication

adding users to, 504

configuring Authorization Rules, 504, 506

configuring websites for, 496-497, 499-500

enabling, 502

Microsoft Expression Development Server

website configuration, 506-508

passwords, 511-512

security, 484

troubleshooting, 499, 510

website creation, 508, 510

LoginButtonImageUrl property (Login control), 486

LoginButtonText property (Login control), 486

LoginButtonType property (Login control), 486

LoginCreatedUser property (CreateUserWizard control), 494

LoginName control, 488

LoginStatus control

LoginText property, 488

LogoutAction property, 488

LogoutImageUrl property, 488

LogoutPageUrl property, 488

LogoutText property, 488

overview, 487

LoginView control, 495-496

lossless image format, 153


machine.config file, 512

MailDefinition property (ChangePassword control)

BodyFileName field, 490

CC field, 490

EmbeddedObjects field, 490

From field, 491

IsBodyHtml field, 491

Priority field, 491

Subject field, 491

maincontent editable regions, 325

maintenance of websites, 25

Manage Styles panel

Options menu, 303-304, 306

overview, 15, 296

using, 301-303, 305-306, 318

Manage Styles task panel (CSS), 296, 301-302

Categorize by Element option, 303-304

Categorize by Order option, 303

Categorize by Type option, 304

Display Selected Style Preview menu, 306

Separate Grouped Selectors option, 306

Show All Styles option, 304

Show Styles Used in Current Page option, 304

Show Styles Used on Selection option, 304-305

Managed Sites List, 32

Manual Checklist (Accessibility Checker dialog), 211

mapping editable regions, 333

maps (image), 163

Margins and Padding Visual Aid, 71

master file extensions, 466

Master Pages

Content control, 466, 469

ContentPlaceHolder control, 466-467, 472

creating, 472, 474-475, 477-478, 480

Dynamic Web Template compared, 466, 471

existing site converted to Master Page site, 481-482

master file extensions, 466

navigation controls used with, 463

overview, 465-467

reports, 264

server-side code, writing, 466

troubleshooting, 471, 478

Web Forms, attaching to, 468

website development, 472, 474-475, 478-479

websites, converting existing sites to, 481-482

master view (ASP.NET), 603

master.dwt file, 300

master.master, 474, 481

maxInvalidPasswordAttempts attribute (machine.config file), 512

membership site creation

configuration of site (IIS 5 or IIS 6), 497, 499-500

configuration of site (IIS 7)

ASP.NET support for, 500

authorization rules, configuring, 504, 507

forms authentication, enabling, 502

overview, 500

users, adding, 504

configuration of site (Microsoft Expression Development Server), 506, 508

overview, 496

Web pages, creating, 508-510

Menu control (ASP.NET)

adding, 450-451, 453


overview, 453

with AutoFormat feature, 453

with CSS styles, 454-455

overview, 448-449

test website created for, 449-450

merging cells in HTML tables, 101


overview, 25

removing, 31

Microsoft Access, 256

Microsoft Expression Development Server, 580

ASP pages, 585

command prompt, starting from, 586

how it works, 581, 583

installing, 580

limitations of, 585

ASP pages, no support for, 585

process identity, 584

remote access, lack of, 584

manually stopping, 583-584

overview, 579-580

PHP installation, configuring for, 559

Preview tab

For All Web Pages option, 582

For Only PHP and ASP.NET Web Pages option, 582

starting from command prompt, 586

stopping, 583

support for, 581

website configuration, 506-508

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, 484

Microsoft Web browsers, 216

Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0, 484

middle value (table cells), 97

minRequiredNonalphanumeric Characters attribute (machine.config file), 512

minRequiredPasswordLength attribute (machine.config file), 512

Modify Style option (Apply Styles task panel), 309

monitor resolution, 115

More Colors dialog, 475

Mosaic Web browser, development of, 215

movies, Flash, 165-167

Mozilla compatible browsers, 368


Deep Zoom images, inserting, 170

Flash movies, inserting, 165-167

overview, 165

serving video, 177

Silverlight applications, inserting, 168

Silverlight video, inserting, 169

video, web hosting fees for, 177

Windows Media, inserting, 171-172, 174

My Web Packages, 270


Name/E-mail step (Wizard control), 440


child layers, 392

editable regions, 332

Personal Web Packages, 270

sites, 259

Navigation controls (ASP.NET), 420

navigation systems

overview, 445, 447

sitemap file, 447-448

NavigationButtonStyle property (Wizard control), 443

nested framesets, removing, 130

nested rules, 188

.NET Framework

Common Language Runtime, 581

data access tools, 589

defining, 581

overview, 581

.NET Framework 2.0, 581

Netscape Web browsers, 216

New dialog, creating a Dynamic Web Template using, 323

New Style Copy option (Apply Styles task panel), 309

New Style option (Apply Styles task panel), 309

NextMonthText property (Calendar control), 433

NextPrevFormat property (Calendar control), 433

NodeIndent property, 459


Object Tag tab (Windows Media Player Properties dialog), 174

Offline site development, 239

Older Files reports, 264

onload event, 354

onmouseover events, 377-378

Open Browser Window behavior, 357-358

Organization 3 site template, 300

Orientation property (Login control), 487


page creation

ASP.NET pages, 49-50

CSS pages, 50

formats for, 47

frame layouts, 50

overview, 47

spell-checking, 58-59

Style Sheets, selection of, 50

Page Editor Options dialog, 193, 205

accessing, 193

Authoring tab, 199

AutoThumbnail tab, 197

Code Formatting tab, 197

Code Snippets tab, 202

Color Coding tab, 199

CSS tab, 197, 199

Default Fonts tab, 197

doctype declarations, configuring, 220

experimentation with, 205

Font Families tab, 203

General tab, 193-196

ActiveX Controls options, 196

Assign Unique IDs to New Tables option, 194

Automatically Enclose Form Fields Within a Form option, 194

Automatically Switch Keyboard to Match Language of Surrounding Text option, 194

Code View options, 196

Make ID Unique on Paste option, 194

Paste Options button, 195

Prompt for Accessibility Properties when Inserting Images option, 195

Show Paste Options Buttons check box, 195

Spelling Options dialog, 195

Use <strong> and <em> when Using Bold and Italic Toolbar Buttons option, 194

IntelliSense tab, 203

Picture tab, 201

Ruler and Grid tab, 202-203

schemas, configuring, 220

page elements, showing and hiding, 374-378

page encoding, troubleshooting, 267

page formats

ASP.NET pages, 49-50

CSS pages, 50

frame layouts, 50

overview, 47

Style Sheets, selection of, 50

page layouts, Dynamic Web Template used for defining, 322-324

Page Properties dialog box

accessing, 59

Advanced tab, 61

Custom tab, 61

Formatting tab, 61

General tab, 60

Language tab, 62

overview, 59

page size, adjusting, 79, 81

page transitions, 176-177

page views

Code View

Bookmark, 86

Context menu, 85

formatting of code, customizing, 82-84

IntelliSense, 85

overview, 81

Quick Tag Tools, 84-85

Design View

overview, 70

page size, adjusting, 79, 81

Ruler and Grid feature, 74, 76

Tracing Image feature, 76, 78

Visual Aids, 70-73

overview, 69

Split View, 87

uses for, 88


Apply Styles panel, 16

dragging, 7

hiding, 6

Manage Styles panel, 15

overview, 5, 7

Tag Properties panel, 13

toggling between, 7

Panning mode (SuperPreview), 228

paragraph, behaviors added within, 348-349

Parameters tab (Windows Media Player Properties dialog), 174

Passive FTP, 241

password requirements, modifying, 511-512

passwordAttemptWindow attribute (machine.config file), 512

PasswordHintText property (ChangePassword control), 492

PasswordLabelText property (Login control), 487

PasswordRecovery control

CommonPasswordRecovery tasks pop-up, 493

formatting, 492

properties of, 493

PasswordRecoveryIcon property (Login control), 487

PasswordRecoveryText property (Login control), 487

PasswordRecoveryUrl property (ChangePassword control), 492

PasswordRecoveryUrl property (Login control), 487

PasswordRegularExpression property (CreateUserWizard control), 494

PasswordRequiredText property (Login control), 487

passwords, modifying, 511-512

Personal Web Packages

adding files to, 271

digital certificates, 274

importing, 271-274

My Web Packages, 270

naming, 270

personalizing, 271

saving, 272

showing dependencies, 271

troubleshooting, 272

Photoshop content, 21


creating PHP pages

overview, 562-563

previewing PHP page, 563, 565

data access tools, 589

displaying server information, 576, 578

functions of, 579

Code Block scripts, 575

in Code View

IntelliSense used with, 568, 570-571

overview, 567

syntax highlighting, 567-568

Comments scripts, 575

Cookie variables, 573

in Design View, 566

displaying information, 576-578

echo statements, 554, 575

else statements, 576

FastCGI enablilng, 560, 562

Form variable, 572

if statements, 575

Include Once scripts, 574

include statements, 573


enabling PHP for IIS using FastCGI, 560, 562

Microsoft Expression Development Server configured for, 559

overview, 556-557, 559, 580

overview, 553


creating, 562

previewing, 563, 565

phpinfo() function, 576, 578

require statements, 574

require_once statements, 574

script options

Code Block item, 575

Comment item, 575

Cookie variable, 573

echo statement, 575

else statement, 576

Form variable, 572

if statement, 575

Include Once script, 574

include statement, 573

overview, 571

require statement, 574

require_once statement, 574

Session variable, 573

URL variable, 572

Session variables, 573

syntax of

case-sensitivity, 554

comments, 554

delimiters, 553

full tags, 554

functions, 556

overview, 553-554

program flow, 555-556

<script> tags, 554 tags, 554

short tags, 554

syntax highlighting, 567-568

variables, 554-555

troubleshooting, 565

URL variable, 572

versions of, 559

PHP 5 Unleashed (Sams Publishing), 556

phpinfo() function, 576, 578

Picture tab (Page Editor Options dialog), 201

Play Sound behavior, 358

PNG, 154

Popup Message behavior, 358


child layers, 392

with CSS

absolute positioning, 285

images, 286-287

<div> tags, 549

layers, 391, 392, 394

with Quick Tag Editor, 151

Preload Images behavior, 359, 379

Preview tab (Microsoft Expression Development Server), 582

Preview tab (Site Settings dialog), 260

preview URL (SuperPreview), 230

previewing PHP pages, 563, 565

PrevMonthText property (Calendar control), 433

Priority field (MailDefinition property), 491

Problem Details dialog (Accessibility task panel), 212

ProdSubmenu layer, 392, 397-400

“Professional Validation and More” (Blum), 514

program flow, 555

properties. See also specific properties

described, 350

image properties, changing, 157-158


dynamic pseudo-classes, 291

link pseudo-classes, 291

overview, 291

troubleshooting, 292


:first-letter pseudo element, 292

:first-line pseudo element, 292

overview, 292


configuring a publishing destination, 245

content missing after, 241

how it works, 245, 247

HTML optimized during, 247, 249

overview, 10, 239

server options for

File System, 244

FrontPage Server Extensions, 241-243

FTP, 240-241

overview, 240

WebDAV, 243-244

to storage devices, 239

troubleshooting, 241-242

authentication issues, 251-252

HTTP, 249-250, 252, 256

overview, 249-250

with Fiddler, 252

with Wireshark, 252, 255


queries, saving find and replace, 190

Quick Tag Editor

CSS code, making changes to, 152

editing a tag, 145-146

editing tag properties, 151

HTML, inserting, 149-150

IntelliSense and, 146

overview, 145

positioning options for CSS, 151

removing a tag, 148

when to use, 152

wrapping a tag, 150-151

Quick Tag Selector

in Design View, 143-144

overview, 142, 144

Quick Tag Tools, 84-85

overview, 14, 141-142

Quick Tag Editor

CSS code, making changes to, 152

editing a tag, 145-146

editing tag properties, 151

HTML, inserting, 149-150

IntelliSense and, 146

overview, 145

positioning options for CSS, 151

removing a tag, 148

when to use, 152

wrapping a tag, 150-151

Quick Tag Selector

in Design View, 143-144

overview, 142, 144

quirks rendering mode (browsers), 219


RangeValidator control, 514

recent searches, editing and removing, 191-192

Recent Sites menu option (File menu), 32

Recently Added Files report, 264-265

Recently Changed Files report, 264

regex. See regular expressions

Regular Expression Editor, 521

regular expressions

area number, 180

curly braces, 185

dash character, 181

escape character, 181

find and replace, 180-181, 183

group number, 180

serial number, 180

tagged expression, 185

RegularExpressionValidator control, 514

RegularExpressionValidators, 521

Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 508, 207, 209

remapping editable regions, 333

Remember Me check box (Login control), 484

RememberMeSet property (Login control), 487

RememberMeText property (Login control), 487

Remote Web Site Properties dialog, 242

Remove Class option (Apply Styles task panel), 309

Remove ID option (Apply Styles task panel), 309

Remove Inline Style option (Apply Styles task panel), 309

Remove Link option (Apply Styles task panel), 309


child layers, 392

editable regions, 332

replacing text, 184, 186



errors displayed in, 211

generating, 214

manual checklist for, 211

warnings displayed in, 211

Accessibility Reports, 16, 219

code errors, finding, 219, 221, 223

Compatibility Reports, 17, 220-221

CSS Reports, 18, 220

CSS Reports dialog (CSS), 315

Custom AutoFilter dialog, 317

Errors tab, 316

Usage tab, 317

overview, 10

problems found using, 219

sites, 263-268

All Files reports, 264

configuring, 265

Dynamic Web Templates, 264

Hyperlinks, 265

Master Pages, 264

Older Files reports, 264

Recently Changed Files reports, 264

saving, 267

Slow Pages, 265

Style Sheet Links, 265

Unlinked Files, 265

require statement (PHP), 574

require_once statement (PHP), 574

RequiredFieldValidator control, 514


images, 156-157

layers, 390

resolution (monitors), 115

RoleGroup Collection Editor, 496

RoleGroups, 496-497

row <tr> tags

overview, 95

rowspan attribute, 96-97

rows (HTML tables), 95-96

adding/deleting, 108

configuring, 109-112

Ruler and Grid feature

customizing, 76

Grid, using, 76

overview, 74

Ruler, using, 74

Ruler and Grid tab (Page Editor Options dialog), 202-203

Run Check Based on Doctype Declaration in Page if Available check box (Compatibility Checker dialog), 221


Sams Teach Yourself Regular Expressions in 10 Minutes (Sams Publishing), 180

Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 24 Hours, 3rd Edition (Sams Publishing), 591

Sams Teach Yourself XML in 10 Minutes (Sams Publishing), 592

Saved Fields tab (Form Properties dialog), 412

Saved Fields tab (Saving Results dialog), 412


HTML form results, 406-410

interactive buttons, 343

Personal Web Packages, 272

site reports, 267

Saving Results dialog

Confirmation Page tab, 410, 412

Email Results tab, 409-410

File Results tab, 407-408

Saved Fields tab, 412

schemas (Web browsers)

configuring, 220

overview, 218

screen resolution, 79

ScreenTips, 58, 208

Script comments, 249

script options for PHP

Code Block item, 575

Comment item, 575

Cookie variable, 573

echo statement, 575

else statement, 576

Form variable, 572

if statement, 575

Include Once script, 574

include statement, 573

overview, 571

require statement, 574

require_once statement, 574

Session variable, 573

URL variable, 572

<script> tags, 554


disabling, 338

history of, 367-368

JavaScript, 369

accessing HTML tag attributes, 378

adding images to HTML tags, 380

adding to Web pages, 369

alert method, 385

changing HTML tag attributes, 378-380

debugging, 385

DOM (Document Object Model), 372-374

form field validation, 381, 383-384

functions, 369

hiding/showing elements in Web pages, 374-378

inline JavaScript, 371

linking to external script files, 370-371

logic errors, 385

preloading images, 379

syntax errors, 385

troubleshooting, 381, 384

ScriptManager control, 542, 546-548, 551-552

ScriptManagerProxy control, 542

search. See find and replace

Section 508 (Rehabilitation Act of 1973), 207, 209

Secure HTTP (HTTPS) protocol, 242


ActiveX controls, 196

FTP, 240

interactive buttons, 338

login systems, 484

scripting, disabling, 338

website login systems

login controls, 484, 486-496

membership site, creation of, 496-510

overview, 483

password requirements, modifying, 511-512

wireless networks, 33

Select All x Instances option (Apply Styles task panel), 309

Select Style Sheet dialog (Apply Styles task panel), 282

SelectedDate property (Calendar control), 433

Selection mode (SuperPreview), 228

SelectionMode property (Calendar control), 434

SelectMonthText property (Calendar control), 434

Selector drop-down (Style Builder), 312

selectors, 281

SelectQuery property (AccessDataSource control), 591

SelectWeekText property (Calendar control), 434

Send To Database option (Form Properties dialog), 406, 408, 413-414

Send To option (Form Properties dialog), 406-407

Send To Other option (Form Properties dialog), 406

Separate Grouped Selectors option (Manage Styles task panel), 306

serial number, 180

Server Message Language drop-down (Language tab), 262

server options for publishing

File System, 244

FrontPage Server Extensions, 241-243

FTP, 240-241

overview, 240

WebDAV, 243-244

server-side AJAX, 542-543

server-side technologies, 579-580

serving video, 177

Session variable (PHP), 573

Set As Default For New Tables check box (Insert Table dialog), 90

Set section (Insert Table dialog), 99

Set Text behavior, 359, 361-362

Set Text of Frame behavior, 359

Set Text of Layer behavior, 361

Set Text of Status Bar behavior, 361

Set Text of Text Field behavior, 362

SetFocusOnError property, 516

SFTP option (Import Site wizard), 40

SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol), 32

Short property value (DayNameFormat property), 433

short tags (PHP), 554

Shortest property value (DayNameFormat property), 433

Show All Styles option (Manage Styles task panel), 304

Show Alphabetized List option (CSS Properties task panel), 310

Show Categorized List option (CSS Properties task panel), 310

Show Dependencies button (Export Web Package dialog), 271

Show section (Accessibility Checker feature), 211

Show Set Properties On Top option (CSS Properties task panel), 310

Show Styles Used in Current Page option (Manage Styles task panel), 304

Show Styles Used on Selection option (Manage Styles task panel), 304-305

ShowCheckBoxes property, 459

ShowDayHeader property (Calendar control), 434

ShowExpandCollapse property, 459

ShowGridLines property (Calendar control), 434

ShowLines property, 459

ShowNextPrevMonth property (Calendar control), 434

ShowTitle property (Calendar control), 434

SideBarButtonStyle property (Calendar control), 444

SideBarStyle property (Calendar control), 444

Silverlight 2 Unleashed (Sams Publishing), 168

Silverlight applications, inserting, 168

Silverlight video, inserting, 169

simple JavaScripts

attributes, accessing and changing, 378-381

form field validation, 381-384

overview, 374

page elements, showing and hiding, 374-378

Site development, offline, 239

site optimization

Accessibility Reports feature, 16

Compatibility Reports feature, 17

CSS Reports feature, 18

overview, 16

SuperPreview, 17

Site Settings dialog, 259

Advanced tab, 261-262

Delete Files button, 262

General tab, 259

Language tab

Default Page Encoding drop-down, 262

Server Message Language drop-down, 262

opening, 259

Preview tab, 260

Site Summary view

site reports, 263

sitemap file, 447-448

SiteMapDataSource control, 592

SiteMapPath control (ASP.NET)

formatting, 462-463

overview, 461


naming, 259

previewing, 260

reports, 263-268

All Files, 264

configuring, 265

Dynamic Web Templates, 264

Hyperlinks, 265

Master Pages, 264

Older Files, 264

Recently Changed Files, 264

saving, 267

Slow Pages, 265

Style Sheet Links, 265

Unlinked Files, 265

Size section (Insert Table dialog), 99


HTML tables, 105, 107

images, 162

layers, 390

slicing graphics, 76

Slow Pages reports, 265

Snapshot panel, 236

sound, background, 60

sound inserted into websites, 171

source code, 182

Special Edition Using ASP.NET (Que Publishing), 49

Special Edition Using HTML and XHTML (Que Publishing), 132, 218

Special Edition Using JavaScript (Que Publishing), 368, 416

spell-checking, 58-59

Split View, 87

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, 256

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition database, 510

SqlDataSource control, 590-591

SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), 32

SSL website creation with, 37

Standard ASP.NET controls, 420

AdRotator control, 426

creating advertisement files, 427, 429-430

creating Web pages, 427

Impression element, 427

Keyword element, 427

XML elements list, 426

Calendar control

CaptionAlign property, 432

DayNameFormat property, 432

FirstDayOfWeek property, 433

formatting, 431

NextMonthText property, 433

NextPrevFormat property, 433

PrevMonthText property, 433

properties of, 432-435

SelectedDate property, 433

SelectMonthText property, 434

SelectWeekText property, 434

ShowDayHeader property, 434

ShowNextPrevMonth property, 434

ShowTitle property, 434

SideBarButtonStyle property, 444

SideBarStyle property, 444

StepStyle property, 444

UseAccessibleHeader property, 435

HTML controls versus, 421

list of, 424, 426

Wizard control, 435-437, 439-443

Start step type (Wizard control), 436

Status Bar

code problems, identifying, 217-219

overview, 9

page size displayed in, 79

Step step type (Wizard control), 436

StepStyle property (Calendar control), 444

Style Application toolbar, 198

Style Builder (CSS)

Apply New Style to Document Selection check box, 313

Category list, 313

overview, 14, 299

Selector drop-down, 312

styles, creating, 312-313

using, 312-313

style management with CSS tools

Apply Styles panel, 307, 309-310

Attach Style Sheet dialog, 313

CSS Properties panel, 310-311

importing styles, 314

Link Style Sheet dialog, 313, 315

Manage Styles panel, 301-303, 305-306, 318

overview, 300-301

Style Builder, 312-313

Style Sheet Links reports, 265

Style Sheets

page creation with, 50

troubleshooting, 292

viewability of site without, 210

styles (CSS)

arranging, 318

creating, 312-313

styles.css, 279, 283

Subject field (MailDefinition property), 491


creating, 36

overview, 27

SuccessPageUrl property (ChangePassword control), 492

Summary button (CSS Properties panel), 311

Summary option (CSS Properties task panel), 310


baseline browser selector, 230

browser compatibility, 226-227

Browser Size drop-down, 231

comparison browser selector, 230

DOM highlighting, 228

DOM tab, 231

how it works, 226-227

interface, 228

Layout Modes, 228

layout previewed with

browsers, choosing, 232

generating previews, 233

overview, 232

rendering problems, fixing, 233-234, 236

layouts built with, 237

overview, 17, 225

Panning mode, 228

pointer modes, 228

preview URL, 230

Selection mode, 228

Snapshot panel used with, 236

Toggle Guide Visibility button, 228

Toggle Ruler Visibility button, 228

Toggle Thumbnail Visibility button, 228

versions of, 227

SupportSubmenu layer, 400

Swap Image behavior, 362, 379

Swap Image Restore behavior, 363, 379

swapImage function (JavaScript), 380

syntax for PHP

comments, 554

functions, 556

overview, 553-554

program flow, 555

variables, 554

syntax errors in JavaScript, 385

syntax highlighting (PHP), 567-568


Table AutoFormat dialog, 99

Table AutoFormat feature, 99

Table context menu, 99-100

Table menu, 99-106, 108

<table> tag

align attribute, 90, 92

cellpadding attribute, 92, 94

cellspacing attribute, 92, 94

frame attribute, 95

overview, 90

tables (HTML)

accessibility, designing for, 209

borders, 92-93, 95


align attribute, 97

aligning content in, 103

merging, 101

selecting, 101

valign attribute, 97-98


adding, 108

configuring, 109-112

deleting, 108


aligning content in cells, 103-104

overview, 99-100

rows and columns, adding and deleting, 108

selecting and merging cells, 101-102

width of table, adjusting, 105-106

deprecated attributes, 90

development of, 89

drawing, 109

in Expression Web 3

customizing tables, 99-106, 108

formatting tables, 107

inserting tables, 99

overview, 99

formatting, 99, 107

inserting, 99

layout design with

columns and rows configured with Layout tool, 109-111, 113

drawing tables with Tables toolbar, 109

overview, 108

Layout Tables panel used for, 113, 115

Layout Tables task panel, 113

monitor resolution design, 115

overview, 89

resolutions, designing for multiple, 115


adding, 108

configuring, 109-112

deleting, 108

Section 508 requirements for, 209

sizing, 105, 107

<table> tag

align attribute, 90, 92

cellpading attribute, 92, 94

cellspacing attribute, 92, 94

frame attribute, 95

overview, 90

<td> tag

colspan attribute, 96-97

overview, 95

rowspan attribute, 96

<tr> tag

overview, 95

rowspan attribue, 96-97

troubleshooting, 106

Tables toolbar, 109

tabular form for displaying data

GridView control

adding, 593

configuring, 594

sorting, 597-598

overview, 593

Tag Properties panel

events used with, 139-140

icons, 135

overview, 13, 132-134

setting tag attributes with

creating a page, 136

overview, 136

setting tag properties, 137-138

troubleshooting, 137

Show Alphabetized List button, 134

Show Categorized List button, 134

Show Set Properties on Top button, 134

Show Tag Properties button, 134

viewing properties with, 135

Web standards, compliance with, 140

tagged expression, 185

tags (HTML). See also specific tags

accessing via JavaScript, 378

changing via JavaScript, 378-380

Target Rule drop-down menu

An existing CSS element option, 53

Apply New Style option, 53

Inline Style option, 53

New Auto Class option, 53

New Auto ID option, 53

New Inline Style option, 53

using, 53

<td> tag

colspan attribute, 96-97

overview, 95

rowspan attribute, 96

Template Region Labels Visual Aid, 73

templated controls, converting Login controls to, 484-485

TemplatedWizardSteps, 439


Dynamic Web Templates

Attach Dynamic Web Template dialog, 327

attaching to Web pages, 325-327

code examples, 334-336

creating, 322, 324

creating page layouts, 322, 324

detaching to Web pages, 330

doctitle region, 322

editable regions, 324-325, 327, 331-333

functions of, 322

Master Pages (ASP.NET) versus, 465, 471

master.dwt files, 300

overview, 12

reports, 264

troubleshooting, 332

updating websites, 328-329

overview, 27-28

temporary files, corrupted files, 262

testing validation forms, 523


aligning, 340

find and replace

finding text, 181, 183

HTML rules used in, 187, 189

overview, 179-180

regular expressions, 180-181, 183

replacing text, 184, 186

source code, 182

Font tab (Button dialog), 339-340


Default Fonts tab (Page Editor Options dialog), 197

Font Families tab (Page Editor Options dialog), 203


font families, 53

font size, 54

how Expression Web 3 formats text, 51, 53

in CSS Mode setting, 52-53

overview, 51

TextBox control, 421

TextLayout property (Login control), 487

thumbnail images

configuring, 163

creating, 161-162

Timer control, 542

title attribute for hyperlinks, 58

TitleFormat property (Calendar control), 435

TitleText property (Login control), 487

Toggle Guide Visibility button (SuperPreview), 228

Toggle Ruler Visibility button (SuperPreview), 228

Toggle Thumbnail Visibility button (SuperPreview), 228


ASP.NET controls

AdRotator control, 426-427, 429-430

Calendar control, 431-435

list of, 424, 426

overview, 420

Standard ASP.NET controls, 421

Wizard control, 435-437, 439, 441-443

overview, 419


CSS tools

Apply Styles panel, 16

Manage Styles panel, 15

overview, 14

Style Builder, 14

Dynamic Web Templates, 12

Find and Replace tool, 12

Layout Tables feature, 11

Quick Tag Tools, 14

Tag Properties panel, 13

top value (table cells), 98


overview, 95

rowspan attribute, 96-97

Tracing Image feature, 76, 78

transparency, 154

TreeView control (ASP.NET)


overview, 458

with CSS styles, 461

with ExpandDepth property, 458

with ImageSet property, 458

with NodeIndent property, 459

with ShowCheckBoxes property, 459

with ShowExpandCollapse property, 459

with ShowLines property, 459

overview, 455, 458


Ajax, 546

ASP.NET, 423, 591, 593

ASP.NET controls, 422-423

Code View, 222

compatibility, 222

Compatibility Checker dialog, 222

Content Pages (ASP.NET), 471, 478

CSS, 290, 305, 310

doctype declarations (XHTML), 219

Dynamic Web Templates, 332

Expression Development Server, 583

HTML form controls, 408, 410

HTML tables, 106

images, 162

interactive buttons, 344

JavaScript, 381, 384

login systems, 499, 510

Master Pages (ASP.NET), 471, 478

page encoding, 267

page transitions, 177

Personal Web Packages, 272

PHP, 565

publishing, 241-242

authentication issues, 251-252

HTTP, 249-250, 252, 256

overview, 249-250

with Fiddler, 252

with Wireshark, 252, 255

style sheets, 292

Tag Properties panel, 137

validation forms, 516


UNC (Universal Naming Convention) path, 244

Unlinked Files reports, 265

Unused Styles option (CSS Reports dialog, Errors tab), 316

UpdatePanel control, 542, 546, 548-549

UpdateProgress control, 542

UpdateQuery property (AccessDataSource control), 591


all pages, 329

databases, 415

modifying an attached page in Code View, 330

modifying Dynamic Web Templates, 328

selected pages, 329

websites, 328-330

URL variable (PHP), 572

Usage tab (CSS Reports dialog), 317

UseAccessibleHeader property (Calendar control), 435

user controls (ASP.NET), 526-527

UserName property (Login control), 487

UserNameLabelText property (Login control), 487

UserNameRequiredError property (Login control), 487


validateForm function (JavaScript), 384

validating forms

ASP.NET validation controls, 513

adding to forms, 520-522

CompareValidator control, 514

Display property, 515

EnableClientScript property, 516

ErrorMessage property, 515

RangeValidator control, 514

RegularExpressionValidator control, 514

SetFocusOnError property, 516

ValidationGroup property, 516

ValidationSummary control, 514

form creation, 517-518

changing form field ID, 519-520

testing forms, 523

troubleshooting, 516

validation groups, 523-524

validation controls (ASP.NET), 420, 513

adding to validation forms, 520-522, 4-7 (online chapter)

common properties, 515

CompareValidator control, 514

creating a validated form

adding form validation, 519, 521-522

creating form, 517-518

overview, 517

testing form, 523

CustomValidator control, 514

Display property, 515

EnableClientScript property, 516

ErrorMessage property, 515

overview, 513, 4 (online chapter)

properties, common

ControlToValidate property, 515

Display property, 515

EnableClientScript property, 516

ErrorMessage property, 515

overview, 515

SetFocusOnError property, 516

ValidationGroup property, 516

RangeValidator control, 514

RegularExpressionValidator control, 514

RequiredFieldValidator control, 514

SetFocusOnError property, 516

troubleshooting, 516

validation groups, 523-524

ValidationGroup property, 516

ValidationSummary control, 514

validation groups (ASP.NET), 523-524

ValidationGroup property, 516

ValidationSummary control, 514-515

valign attribute (HTML table cells)

baseline value, 97

bottom value, 97

middle value, 97

overview, 97

top value, 98

variables (PHP), 554-555

VB (Visual Basic), 418

Verisign, Inc., 274


Flash movies, 165-167

overview, 21

web hosting fees for, 177


Code View

Code Error icon, 217

identifying code problems, 217-219

modifying Dynamic Web Templates, 330

Page Editor Options dialog options, 196

troubleshooting Compatibility Checker errors, 222

Design View, 394

virtual private network (VPN), 33

Vischeck software, 223

visibility of layers, setting, 395

Visible Borders Visual Aid, 71

VisibleDate property (Calendar control), 435

VisibleWhenLoggedIn property (Login control), 487


FastCGI installation, 557

IIS 7 installation, 557

Visual Aids

accessing, 70

ASP.NET Control Errors, 72

ASP.NET Non-visual Controls, 72

Block Selection, 70

CSS Display:none, 72

Empty Containers, 71

Formatting Marks, 73

Margins and Padding, 71

overview, 70

Template Region Labels, 73

Visible Borders, 71

VTI (Vermeer Technologies Incorporated), 243


warnings, reported in Accessibility Checker dialog, 211

WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), 208

Web browsers


backward compatibility, 217

defining, 216

designing for older browsers, 217

overview, 216

development of, 215

frames not supported by, 123

history of, 215-216

by Microsoft, 216

by Netscape, 216

page transitions, 177

quirks rendering mode, 219

schemas, 218

scripting, 367-368

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), 208

Web Designer Tracing Image and interactive button attributes, 249

Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV), 41

Web Forms

creating, 418-419

language for, choosing a, 418

Master Pages, attaching to, 468

overview, 418

website creation, 508, 510

web hosting fees for video, 177

Web image formats

converting, 160

GIF format, 153-154

overview, 153

PNG format, 154

Web Packages

creating, 270, 272

dependencies, 271

files, adding, 271

importing, 272, 274

marketing, 274

overview, 269

Web pages

AdRotator control (ASP.NET), creating sites from, 427

Ajax functionality, adding to, 543-544

ScriptManager control, 546-547

server-side code, 545-546

UpdatePanel control, 548

ASP.NET controls

adding to, 422

inserting into, 421

Dynamic Web Templates

attaching to, 325-327

detaching to, 330

formatting, 278

hiding/showing elements, 374-378

JavaScript, adding, 369

layers, 388

adding content to, 389

adding interactivity to, 397-400

child layers, 391-393

choosing ID, 389

creating interactive menus, 391-393

mainMenu layer, 391-392

positioning, 391-392, 394

ProdSubmenu, 392, 397-400

resizing, 390

selecting multiple layers in Design View, 394

SupportSubmenu, 400

uses of, 388

visibility, 395

z-order, 400

Web Parts (ASP.NET), 525

Web Parts controls (ASP.NET)

adding new, 536-537

AppearanceEditorPart control, 528

CatalogZone control, 528

creating a Web Parts page, 528-531

editing, 538, 540

EditorZone control, 528

overview, 527-528

WebPartManager control, 527-528

WebPartZone control, 528

Web Parts page (ASP.NET) display modes

code added to change, 532, 534

overview, 531

user control used to set, 531-532

Web standards compliance, 140

web.config file, 49


and operating system, 244

and publishing of content, 240

as publishing option, 243-244

defined, 243

FrontPage Server Extensions used instead of, 244

using to publish your Expression Web Designer website, 244

WebDAV option (Import Site wizard), 41

WebPartManager control, 527-528

WebParts controls (ASP.NET), 420

WebPartZone control, 528

Website login systems

login controls

ChangePassword control, 488-492

CreateUserWizard control, 494-495

Login control, 484, 486-487

LoginName control, 488

LoginStatus control, 487-488

LoginView control, 495-496

overview, 484

PasswordRecovery control, 492-493

membership site creation

configuration of site (IIS 5 or IIS 6), 497, 499-500

configuration of site (IIS 7), 500, 502, 504, 507

configuration of site (Microsoft Expression Development Server), 506, 508

overview, 496

Web pages, creating, 508-510

overview, 483

password requirements, modifying, 511-512


Ajax functionality, adding to, 543-544

ScriptManager control, 546-547

server-side code, 545-546

UpdatePanel control, 548

creating, 9

deleting, 32

disk-based sites

advantages of, 46

creating, 30-32

overview, 29

formatting, 280-284

FTP sites

advantages of, 45

creating, 33

opening, 32

overview, 32

hosting, 256-257

HTTP sites

creating, 35, 37

creating a site using SSL, 37

overview, 33, 35

importing, 38-44

maintenance, 25

overview, 25

publishing, 10

reports, 10


creating, 36

overview, 27

templates, 27-28

tracking, 32

types of

choosing, 45-46

disk-based sites, 29-32, 46

FTP sites, 32-33, 45

HTTP sites, 33, 35, 37

overview, 29

updating, 328-329

Welcome step (Wizard control), 440

widths, adjusting in HTML tables, 105, 107

window object, 372-373

windowed elements, 400

windowless elements, 400

Windows Integrated Authentication, 251-252

Windows Media, inserting, 171-172, 174

Windows Media audio, 171

Windows Media Player Properties dialog

Advanced tab, 172-173

General tab, 171-172

Object Tag tab, 174

Parameters tab, 174

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), 5

Windows Server 2008, 559

wireless network security, 33


capturing of traffic on the network, 255

number of packets, 254

overview, 250

publishing, troubleshooting, 252, 255

using to troubleshoot HTTP publishing errors, 252

Wizard control (ASP.NET)

creating a simple wizard, 437, 439, 441-443

NavigationButtonStyle property, 443

overview, 435

steps for, 436

styles, formatting with, 443

wizards, creating, 437, 439

Address step, 441

Finish step, 443

Lists step, 442

Name/E-mail step, 440

Welcome step, 440

wizard.aspx, 437

WizardSteps, 439

Workforce Investment Act, 207

WorldWideWeb, 215

WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), 5

wrapping a tag with Quick Tag Editor, 150-151

writeDateTime function (JavaScript), 369, 371


XAML (Extensible Application Markup Language), 168


doctype declarations

configuring, 220

identifying code problems, 218

quirks of missing declarations, 219

troubleshooting, 219

overview, 218

XML elements

AdRotator control (ASP.NET), 426

Impression element

AdRotator control (ASP.NET), 427

Keyword element

AdRotator control (ASP.NET), 427

XML files, 407-408

XmlDataSource control, 592

XMLHttp, 541


z-index of layer, 388

z-order of layers, 400

z-position, 288

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