

access approvals, Private Link service, 195

active FTP, Azure Firewall and, 86

active-active mode, Azure VPN gateway, 4142

Activity logs, 87

address space, 2, 12

algorithms, load balancing, 6061

alias record sets, 113116

AnyCast networking, 103

application FQDN traffic filtering, 81

architecture, Azure Bastion, 169170


multi-factor, 180

point-to-site VPN gateway connections, 4344

auto registration, 111112

using Azure CLI, 112

using Azure Portal, 112

using Azure PowerShell, 112

autoscaling, 23. See also scaling

availability zones, 6, 17, 36

Azure Firewall and, 79

Azure Load Balancer and, 6162

az network front-door create command, 163165

az network lb create command, 7273

az network private-dns link create command, 111

az network private-endpoint create command, 191192, 199

az network traffic-manager profile create command, 140141

az network vnet command, 12

Azure Activity Logs, 14

Azure AD (Active Directory), 179

Azure Application Gateway, 1516

best practices, 3334


back-end pools, 20

front-end IP addresses, 1920

health probes, 23

HTTP settings, 22

listeners, 2021

request routing rules, 2122


using Azure CLI, 3233

using Azure Portal, 2430

using Azure PowerShell, 3132

deployment options, 16

features, 1618

sizing and scaling, 23

TLS policy, 2324

Azure Bastion, 167

architecture, 169170

best practices, 179181

connecting to a VM using Azure Portal, 176179


using Azure CLI, 175176

using Azure Portal, 172175

using Azure PowerShell, 175176

disaster recovery, 171

features, 167168

limitations, 168169

peering, 171

permissions, 172

redundancy, 171

service requirements, 172

SKUs, 171

Azure CLI. See also commands

application gateway, creating, 3233

Azure Bastion service, creating, 175176

Azure Front Door service, setting up, 163165

Azure Load Balancer, creating, 7273

Azure Traffic Manager, setting up, 140141

Azure VPN gateway, creating, 53

creating a vNET, 12

DNS zones, creating, 108

linking a private DNS zone to a vNET, 111

private endpoints, creating, 191192

Private Link service, creating, 199

reverse DNS lookups, creating, 118

setting up auto registration, 112

Azure DNS, 103. See also DNS zones

best practices, 119121

DNS zones, 105

private, 105

public, 105

features, 103104

limitations, 104

queries, 119

RBAC and, 119120

resource locks, 120121

reverse DNS lookups, creating, 116

using Azure CLI, 118

using Azure Portal, 116118

using Azure PowerShell, 118

zone delegation, 119

Azure endpoints, 125. See also endpoints

Azure Firewall, 13, 77

active FTP support, 86

best practices, 100102

classic rules, 84


using Azure Portal, 8799

using Azure PowerShell, 99100

DNAT (destination NAT), 79

DNS proxy, 86

features, 78

forced tunneling, 83

infrastructure FQDNs, 82

IP groups, 82

logging, 86

Activity logs, 87

diagnostic logs, 87

firewall metrics, 86

Manager, 83

policies, 84

rule processing

for incoming traffic, 8485

for outbound traffic, 85

SNAT (source NAT), 7980

tags, 81

FQDN, 81

service, 82

Threat Intelligence, 83

traffic filtering, 80

application FQDN, 81

network, 80

web, 80

web categories, 82

Azure Front Door, 145

back ends, 147

back-end pools, 147

best practices, 165166

caching, 151153

dynamic content compression, 152

features, 145146

handling large volumes of traffic, 153

health probes, 148

integration with Azure DDoS Protection Basic, 153

logging, 165

performance counters, 165

protection against unwanted protocols, 153

query strings, 152

Rules Engine, 151

setting up

using Azure CLI, 163165

using Azure Portal, 154162

using Azure PowerShell, 162163

traffic routing, 148149

URL redirect, 149150

URL rewrite, 149

WAF security features, 154

wildcard domains, 151

Azure Load Balancer, 55

algorithms, 6061

availability zones, 6162

best practices, 7475


back-end pool, 57

front-end IP addresses, 57

health probes, 5758


using Azure CLI, 7273

using Azure Portal, 6270

using Azure PowerShell, 7172

deployment considerations, 56

features, 56

rules, 58

HA ports, 59

inbound NAT, 59

outbound SNAT, 60

Azure Log Analytics, 13

Azure Monitor, 14, 143144

Azure Front Door and, 165

logging, 86

Activity logs, 87

diagnostic logs, 87

firewall metrics, 86

Azure Policy, 14, 143, 166, 181

Azure Portal

alias record sets, creating, 113116

application gateway, creating, 2430

Azure Bastion service, creating, 172175

Azure Firewall, creating, 8799

Azure Front Door service, setting up, 154162

Azure Load Balancer, creating, 6270

Azure Traffic Manager, setting up, 134139

Azure VPN gateway, creating, 4652

creating a vNET, 811

DNS zones, creating, 106108

linking a private DNS zone to a vNET, 110

private endpoints, creating, 187190

Private Link service, creating, 195198

Real User Measurements, enabling, 141143

reverse DNS lookups, creating, 116118

setting up auto registration, 112

using Azure Bastion to connect to a VM, 176179

Azure PowerShell

application gateway, creating, 3132

Azure Bastion service, creating, 175176

Azure Front Door service, setting up, 162163

Azure Load Balancer, creating, 7172

Azure Traffic Manager, setting up, 139140

Azure VPN gateway, creating, 5253


New-AzBastion, 175176

New-AzDNSZone, 118

New-AzFirewall, 99100

New-AzFrontDoor, 162163

New-AzLoad Balancer, 7172

New-AzPrivateDNSVirtual NetworkLink, 112

New-AzPrivateDNSZone, 108

New-AzTrafficManager Profile, 139140

NewAzVirtualNetwork, 12

New-AzVirtualNetwork Gateway, 3132, 5253

New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection, 5253

New-AzVirtual NetworkLink, 190191, 199

creating a vNET, 12

DNS zones, creating, 108

linking a private DNS zone to a vNET, 111

private endpoints, creating, 190191

Private Link service, creating, 199

reverse DNS lookups, creating, 118

setting up auto registration, 112

Azure Private Link, 7, 183. See also Private Link service

best practices, 200

DNS configuration, 186

features, 183184

private endpoints, 184

features, 185

integration with Azure PaaS offerings, 184

integration with customer-owned services, 185

limitations, 185186

security and, 186

Azure Traffic Manager, 123

best practices, 141144

endpoints, 124125

Azure, 125

external, 125126

failover and recovery, 134

monitoring, 133

nested, 126

features, 123124

nested profiles, 126127

RBAC and, 141

Real User Measurements, enabling, 141143

setting up

using Azure CLI, 140141

using Azure Portal, 134139

using Azure PowerShell, 139140

traffic routing, 127128

geographic, 132

multi-value, 128

performance, 130131

priority, 128129

subnet-based, 128

weighted, 129130

Azure VPN gateway, 35

availability zone support, 79

best practices, 54

BGP and, 38

connection types, 3738


using Azure CLI, 53

using Azure Portal, 4652

using Azure PowerShell, 5253

deployment considerations, 3637

design concepts, 3637

ExpressRoute and, 4546

features, 3536

gateway SKUs, 37

gateway subnet, 38

local network gateways, 38

point-to-site VPN gateway connections, 43

authentication, 4344

Highly Available vNET-to-vNET, 45

supported protocols, 43

vNET-to-vNET connections, 44

redundancy, 39

site-to-site VPN gateway connections

active-active mode, 4142

HA in active-active mode, 42

High Availability in active-standby mode, 41

multi-site active-Active mode, 40

single-site active standby mode, 3940

zonal gateways, 46

zone-redundant gateways, 46

AzureActiveDirectory service tag, 7


back ends, 147

back-end pools, 1, 20, 57, 147

basic listener, 21

basic request routing rule, 21

Basic SKU, 37

best practices

application gateway, 3334

Azure Bastion, 179181

Azure DNS, 119121

Azure Firewall, 100102

Azure Front Door, 165166

Azure Load Balancer, 7475

Azure Private Link, 200

Azure Traffic Manager, 141144

Azure VPN gateway, 54

for designing and securing vNETs, 1214

BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), 6, 38


caching, Azure Front Door, 151153

CDNs (content delivery networks), 145

classic rules, 84


az network front-door create, 163165

az network lb create, 7273

az network private-dns link create, 111

az network private-endpoint create, 191192, 199

az network traffic-manager profile create, 140141

az network vnet, 12

Azure PowerShell

New-AzBastion, 175176

New-AzDNSZone, 118

New-AzFirewall, 99100

New-AzFrontDoor, 162163

New-AzLoad Balancer, 7172

New-AzPrivateDNS VirtualNetworkLink, 112

New-AzPrivateDNSZone, 108

New-AzTrafficManagerProfile, 139140

New-AzVirtualNetwork Gateway, 3132, 5253

New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection, 3132

New-AzVirtualNetworkLink, 190191, 199

conditional access policies, 180

connection types, VPN gateway, 3738


alias record sets, 113116

application gateway

using Azure CLI, 3233

using Azure Portal, 2430

using Azure PowerShell, 3132

Azure Bastion

using Azure CLI, 175176

using Azure Portal, 172175

using Azure PowerShell, 175176

Azure Firewall

using Azure Portal, 8799

using Azure PowerShell, 99100

Azure Load Balancer

using Azure CLI, 7273

using Azure Portal, 6270

using Azure PowerShell, 7172

Azure VPN gateway

using Azure CLI, 53

using Azure Portal, 4652

using Azure PowerShell, 5253

DNS zones

using Azure CLI, 108

using Azure Portal, 106108

using Azure PowerShell, 108

private endpoints

using Azure CLI, 191192

using Azure Portal, 187190

using Azure PowerShell, 190191

Private Link service

using Azure CLI, 199

using Azure Portal, 195198

using Azure PowerShell, 199

reverse DNS lookups, 116

using Azure CLI, 118

using Azure Portal, 116118

using Azure PowerShell, 118


using Azure CLI, 12

using Azure Portal, 811

using Azure PowerShell, 12

custom routes

BGP routes, 6

user-defined routes, 5


DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks, 13

default system routes, 34

deployment considerations

Azure Load Balancer, 56

Azure VPN gateway, 3637

vNET(s), 23

diagnostic logs, 87

disaster recovery, 8

Azure Bastion, 171

private endpoints and, 186187

DNAT (destination NAT), Azure Firewall and, 79

DNS proxy, 86

DNS zones, 106, 186. See also private DNS zones; public DNS zones

auto registration, 111112

using Azure CLI, 112

using Azure Portal, 112

using Azure PowerShell, 112


using Azure CLI, 108

using Azure Portal, 106108

using Azure PowerShell, 108

linking to vNETs, 109

using Azure CLI, 111

using Azure Portal, 110

using Azure PowerShell, 111

private, 105

public, 105

reverse DNS lookups, creating, 116

using Azure CLI, 118

using Azure Portal, 116118

using Azure PowerShell, 118

zone delegation, 119

dynamic content compression, 152


endpoints, 123, 124125. See also private endpoints

Azure, 125

external, 125126

failover and recovery, 134

monitoring, 133

nested, 126

private, 7, 184

disaster recovery and, 186187

features, 185

integration with Azure PaaS offerings, 184

integration with customer-owned services, 185

limitations, 185186

security and, 186

service, 7

ExpressRoute, 35, 4546

external endpoints, 125126



Azure Application Gateway, 1618

Azure Bastion, 167168

Azure DNS, 103104

Azure Firewall, 78

Azure Front Door, 145146

Azure Load Balancer, 56

Azure Private Link, 183184

Azure Traffic Manager, 123124

Azure vNET (virtual network), 12

Azure VPN gateway, 3536

private endpoint, 185

file chunking, 152

filtering, threat intelligence-based, 83

forced tunneling, 83

FQDN tags, 81

front-end IP addresses, 1920

Azure Application Gateway, 1920

Azure Load Balancer, 57


gateway SKUs, 37

gateway subnet, 38

geo-filtering, 34, 165

geographic traffic routing, 132

global peering, 171

groupings, 81

infrastructure FQDNs, 82

IP groups, 82

tags, 81

FQDN, 81

service, 82

web categories, 82


hash-based algorithm, 6061

health probes, 23

Azure Application Gateway, 23

Azure Front Door, 148

Azure Load Balancer, 5758

High Availability in active-standby mode, Azure VPN gateway, 41

high-availability ports load-balancing rule, 59

HTTP, 22

HTTP/2 protocols, 18


IKEv2 VPN, 43

inbound NAT rules, 59

infrastructure FQDNs, 82

internal load balancer, 55

IP addresses

Azure Bastion, 172

front-end, 1920

IP groups, 82


Key Vault, 180

latency-based traffic routing, 148

listeners, 2021

load balancers, 1516, 148. See also Azure Application Gateway

algorithms, 6061

internal, 55

public, 55

rules, 58

HA ports, 59

inbound NAT, 59

outbound SNAT, 60

local network gateways, 38

logging, 86

Activity logs, 87

Azure Front Door, 165

diagnostic logs, 87

firewall metrics, 86

network traffic, 166


MFA (multi-factor authentication), 180

monitoring, endpoints, 133

multi-site active-Active mode, 40

multi-site listener, 21

multi-value traffic routing, 128


NAT (network address translation), 7, 59

nested endpoints, 126

nested profiles, 126127

network traffic filtering, 80

New-AzBastion command, 175176

New-AzDNSZone command, 118

New-AzFirewall command, 99100

New-AzFrontDoor command, 162163

New-AzLoad Balancer command, 7172

New-AzPrivateDNSV irtualNetworkLink command, 112

New-AzPrivateDNSZone command, 108

New-AzTrafficManagerProfile command, 139140

NewAzVirtualNetwork command, 12

New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway command, 3132, 5253

New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection command, 3132

New-AzVirtualNetworkLink command, 190191, 199

next-hop types, 35

non-zonal redundancy, 61

NSGs (network security groups), 6, 13


OpenVPN protocol, 43

optional system routes, 45

outbound SNAT rules, 60


path-based request routing rule, 21

path-based routing, 18

PAWs (privileged access workstations), 180

peering, 5

Azure Bastion, 171

vNET deployment and, 23

performance traffic routing, 130131

permissions, Azure Bastion, 172

point-to-site VPN gateway connections

authentication, 4344

Highly Available vNET-to-vNET, 45

vNET-to-vNET connections, 44


Azure Firewall, 84

-based VPNs, 37

conditional access, 180

TLS, 2324, 34

priority traffic routing, 128129, 149

private DNS zones, 105. See also DNS zones

auto registration, 111112

using Azure Portal, 112

using Azure PowerShell, 112


using Azure CLI, 108

using Azure Portal, 106108

using Azure PowerShell, 108

reverse DNS lookups, creating, 116

using Azure CLI, 118

using Azure Portal, 116118

using Azure PowerShell, 118

private endpoints, 7, 184


using Azure CLI, 191192

using Azure Portal, 187190

using Azure PowerShell, 190191

disaster recovery and, 186187

features, 185


with Azure PaaS offerings, 184

with customer-owned services, 185

limitations, 185186

security and, 186

Private Link service, 192194

access approvals, 195

connecting to, 194


using Azure CLI, 199

using Azure Portal, 195198

using Azure PowerShell, 199

High Availability, 195

limitations, 195

visibility options, 194195

profiles, nested, 126127

public DNS zones, 105, 113116. See also alias record sets

public load balancer, 55



DNS, 119

strings, 152

RBAC (role-based access control), 166

Azure DNS and, 119120

Azure Traffic Manager and, 141

Real User Measurements, 141143


Azure Bastion, 171

non-zonal, 62

VPN gateway, 39

zonal, 61

zone, 61

regional peering, 171

request routing rules

redirection support, 22

rewriting of HTTP headers and URLs, 22

reverse DNS lookups, creating, 116

using Azure CLI, 118

using Azure Portal, 116118

using Azure PowerShell, 118

route-based VPNs, 37

routing, 3

BGP routes, 6

default system routes, 34

NAT (network address translation), 7

next-hop types, 34

optional system routes, 45

path-based, 18

route selection, 6

user-defined routes, 5


Azure Firewall, order of processing, 8485

classic, 84

load balancing, 58

HA ports, 59

inbound NAT, 59

outbound SNAT, 60

request routing, 2122

redirection support, 22

rewriting of HTTP headers and URLs, 22

Threat Intelligence, 83

URL redirect, 149150

URL rewrite, 149

WAF (web application firewall), 17

Rules Engine, Azure Front Door, 151


scaling, 23, 171


Azure Front Door

integration with Azure DDoS Protection Basic, 153

protection against unwanted protocols, 153

WAF (web application firewall), 154

private endpoints and, 186

vNET, 7

segmentation, 7

service endpoints, 7

service tags, 78, 13, 82

services, Private Link, 7, 192194

access approvals, 195

connecting to a VM using Azure Portal, 194

High Availability, 195

limitations, 195

visibility options, 194195

session affinity, 149

setting up Azure Traffic Manager

using Azure CLI, 140141

using Azure Portal, 134139

using Azure PowerShell, 139140

site-to-site VPN gateway connections

active-active mode, 4142

HA in active-active mode, 42

High Availability in active-standby mode, 41

multi-site active-Active mode, 40

single-site active standby mode, 3940

sizing, 34


Azure Bastion, 171

gateway, 37

sizing and scaling, 23

v2, 34

SNAT (source NAT), Azure Firewall and, 7980

source IP affinity algorithm, 61

SSTP (Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP), 43

static VIP (virtual IP) assignment, 17

subnet-based traffic routing, 128

subnets, vNET deployment and, 2


tags, 81

FQDN, 81

service, 82

Threat Intelligence, 83

TLS policy, 2324, 34

traffic filtering, 80

application FQDN, 81

network, 80

web, 80

traffic redirection

Azure Application Gateway, 17

Azure DNS and, 104

request routing rules and, 22

traffic routing

Azure Front Door, 148149

geographic, 132

latency-based, 148

multi-value, 128

performance, 130131

priority, 128129, 149

session affinity, 149

subnet-based, 128

weighted, 129130, 149


URL redirect, 149150

URL rewrite, 149

user-defined routes, 5


v2 SKU, 34

virtual network service tags, 166

VirtualNetwork service tag, 8

visibility options, Private Link service, 194195

VMs (virtual machines), 1, 176179

VMSS (virtual machine scale sets), 1


availability zones, 6

best practices, 1214


using Azure CLI, 12

using Azure Portal, 811

using Azure PowerShell, 12

deployment considerations

address space, 2

peering, 23

subnets, 2

disaster recovery, 8

features, 12

gateway, 4

integrations for enhanced security, 7

linking to DNS zones, 109

using Azure CLI, 111

using Azure Portal, 110

using Azure PowerShell, 111

NAT (network address translation), 7

NSGs (network security groups), 6

peering, 5

routing, 3

BGP routes, 6

custom routes, 5

default system routes, 34

optional system routes, 45

user-defined routes, 5

security, 7

service tags, 78

VPN (virtual private network), 1, 37


WAF (web application firewall), 16, 154

web categories, 82

web-traffic filtering, 80

weighted traffic routing, 129130, 149

wildcard domains, 151



gateways, 46

redundancy, 61


delegation, 119

redundancy, 46, 61

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