That’s All Folks!

We are now at the end of the journey. At the part where, in a movie, the voice-over kicks in, recapping the events and foretelling adventures to come. But in reality your microformats journey isn’t over. It is just beginning.

You now know everything you need to enrich your content with micro-formats:

• The global benefits of semantics and structured data, like SEO and extensible publishing

• The specific benefits of each microformat, from search to improved user experiences with downloadable business cards and calendars

• Each and every property and subproperty for 20 microformats, drafts and all

• Practical POSH examples you can apply to your own content or just use for inspiration

• Authoring tools for different microformats to make your life easier and spare your fingers any extra work at the keyboard

I also hope you’ve recognized the beauty of microformats, their simplicity, and their power.

Half the Battle

You have the knowledge—now what do you do with it?

First and foremost, take a look at your content and identify where microformats make sense. And then publish those microformats.

Also focus on your markup; come up with your own POSHy examples. Don’t muddy your microformats with crap markup. Semantic metadata and semantic markup make an excellent couple.

You can also get involved with and help the microformats initiative:

• Talk about microformats. Advocate them. Evangelize them. Pick an action verb about communication and do that with microformats.

• Pick something from the Microformats Wiki to-do list ( and do it.

• Get into the “machines” business and develop a tool for microformats.

• Subscribe to and participate in the microformats mailing lists (

If you are nodding your head, palms sweaty with the anticipation of putting all you’ve learned to work, eager to see what you can do and how you can contribute, then I have but one thing left to say to you:

Welcome to the Microformats Are Way F’n Cool Club!

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