
  1. Absenteeism problem
  2. Activity
    1. autonation interactive sales scenario
    2. characteristics of good and poor interaction
    3. Cooking with Flair training
    4. Earthquake epicenter e-learning instruction
    5. Expedia phone-based customer service training
    6. instructional interactivity component of
    7. In Their Virtual Shoes training
    8. NYU Medical Center ICIS training
    9. POST LERT First Responder training
    10. POST LERT Recognizing and Reporting training
    11. Railroad Safety for Professional Drivers training
    12. short-order chef training
    13. Substance Abuse training
    14. supply chain training
    15. trapdoor hints model on
    16. What Does Glue Stick? training
    17. Who Wants to Be a Miller? training
    18. See also CCAF (context, challenge, activity, and feedback) framework
  3. ADDIE model (or ISD)
    1. advantages of successive approximation approach over
    2. description of the
    3. five phases of ISD or
    4. flawed process of the
    5. successive approximation approach superiority over
    6. successive approximation as alternative to
    7. true story on law book publisher training and poor experience with
  4. “A-ha!” experiences
  5. Airline mechanics training objectives
  6. Alessi, S. M.
  7. Allen Interactions
  8. Allen, M. W.
  9. Alpha SAM (Successive Approximations Model) version
  10. Andersen, D.
  11. Anderson, L.
  12. ARC's Motivational Model
  13. Attention
    1. as dimension of human motivation
    2. Keller's ARC's Motivational Model on
  14. Authentic tasks
    1. Earthquake epicenter e-learning instruction
    2. importance of having learners perform
    3. POST LERT First Responder training
  15. Authorware
    1. earthquake epicenter e-learning instruction created using
    2. WorldTutor
    3. ZebraZapps
  16. Autonation interactive sales scenario
  17. “Awareness goals,”
  19. Behavior, effect of motivation on
  20. Behavior change
    1. creativity role in e-learning projects for
    2. incentives for
    3. See also E-learning goals; Outcomes
  21. Bente, G.
  22. Bereiter, C.
  23. Berra, Y.
  24. Beta SAM (Successive Approximations Model) version
  25. Bio/CMI
  26. Biology Learning Demonstration Center
  27. Blakemore, S.
  28. Blended training
    1. improving performance environment with
    2. improving training outcomes with
  29. Bloom, B.
  30. Bloom's taxonomy
  31. Boggs, D.
  32. Bonk
  33. Boring e-learning instruction
    1. as being the most expensive training
    2. as not being effective instruction
    3. why it is deemed “acceptable,”
  34. Brain research
    1. instructional design guided by theory and
    2. problems when applying to instructional design
    3. providing insights for teaching
  35. Brainstorming learning experience design
  36. Breuer, J.
  37. Bruyckere, P. D.
  38. Business problems
    1. disguised competency problems
    2. importance of identifying the “real,”
    3. nonperformance
    4. performance environment
    5. performance-related
    6. understanding that most are performance problems
  39. Business problem solving
    1. e-learning opportunities for
    2. understanding limitations of training for
    3. See also Training
  41. Carlzon, J.
  42. Carnegie Mellon University
  43. Cavalier, R.
  44. CCAF (context, challenge, activity, and feedback) framework
    1. four basic steps in the
    2. gamification development using
    3. instructional interactivity using the
    4. instructional success strategy of
    5. parallel uses for entertainment games and SLGs
    6. POST LERT First Responder training using
    7. research findings on e-learning and
    8. See also Activity; Context; Feedback
  45. Challenge
    1. autonation interactive sales scenario
    2. characteristics of good and poor interaction
    3. Cooking with Flair training
    4. Expedia phone-based customer service training
    5. instructional interactivity component of
    6. In Their Virtual Shoes training
    7. NYU Medical Center ICIS training
    8. POST LERT First Responder training
    9. POST LERT Recognizing and Reporting training
    10. providing learners with
    11. Railroad Safety for Professional Drivers training
    12. short-order chef training
    13. on size fits all versus individualized
    14. Substance Abuse training
    15. supply chain training
    16. trapdoor hints model on
    17. What Does Glue Stick? training
    18. Who Wants to Be a Miller? training
  46. Clark, R.
  47. Cognitive skill-building
  48. Common instruction paradigm
  49. Competence. See Performer competence
  50. Computer-assisted instruction (CAI)
  51. Computer History Museum
  52. Computer-managed instruction (CMI)
  53. Confidence
    1. as dimension of human motivation
    2. Keller's ARC's Motivational Model on
  54. Constructivism theory
  55. Content
    1. e-learning and type of
    2. e-learning equation and presentation of
    3. game rules and strategies as learning
    4. guide learners to appropriate
    5. learner-constructed
    6. navigation that lets learners see organization of
    7. navigation that lets learners see the
    8. performance focus versus
    9. select the right one for each learner
    10. short-order chef training
  56. Content classification
    1. instructional strategies for each type of
    2. Merrill's work on
    3. SLGs application of
  57. Context
    1. autonation interactive sales scenario
    2. characteristics of good and poor interaction
    3. Cooking with Flair training
    4. Expedia phone-based customer service training
    5. instructional interactivity component of
    6. In Their Virtual Shoes training
    7. knowledge delivery versus authentic
    8. learning sequences and
    9. motivating learning and transfer skills using
    10. novelty versus reality of technology-led instruction and
    11. NYU Medical Center ICIS training
    12. POST LERT First Responder training
    13. POST LERT Recognizing and Reporting training
    14. Railroad Safety for Professional Drivers training
    15. Substance Abuse training
    16. supply chain training
    17. trapdoor hints model on
    18. use an appealing
    19. What Does Glue Stick? training
    20. Who Wants to Be a Miller? training
    21. See also CCAF (context, challenge, activity, and feedback) framework
  58. Control Data Corporation
  59. Cooking with Flair training
    1. context, challenge, activity, feedback used in
    2. “Do the Dip!” module of the
    3. test-and-tell method used in
  60. Corbett, A. T.
  61. Corrective Feedback Paradigm (CFP)
    1. description of the
    2. not for all instructional needs
    3. reusability of the
    4. spaced practice using the
    5. Who Wants to Be a Miller? training using the
  62. Covey, P.
  63. Creativity
    1. common design processes that may prohibit
    2. the divergence and utility nature of
    3. of e-learning projects for behavior change
    4. instructional design as art versus science debate over
  65. Delay judgment instruction
    1. asking learners why their answers are correct
    2. autonation interactive sales scenario example of
    3. motivating learners by
    4. valuable U-turns to provide learners
  66. Design. See E-learning instructional design
  67. Design specs
    1. functional prototypes preferred over
    2. true instructional interactivity not possible with
  68. Discovery learning model
    1. description of the
    2. POST LERT—Recognizing and Reporting training using the
    3. reusability of the
  69. Disguised competency problems
    1. outdated product designs
    2. poor morale
    3. tarnished reputation
    4. turnover and absenteeism
    5. undercapitalized operations
    6. unreliable equipment or tools
  70. Docebo
  71. “Do the Dip!” test-and-tell example
  72. Duffy, T. M.
  74. Earthquake epicenter e-learning instruction
    1. experience versus presentation example in
    2. learner activity in authentic context example of
    3. learner experience teaches the principle example of
    4. let the learner play example of
    5. page-turner versus page-turner with question examples of
  76. Einstein, A.
  77. E-learning
    1. as being about individual and organizational success
    2. as being fun
    3. blended training solutions to improve
    4. delivering lower costs and better learning
    5. high attribution rate of learners
    6. how it fits in with effective training
    7. learner motivation to learn versus to learn via
    8. smart
    9. you have choices in
    10. See also Instructional interactivity; Training; True training stories
  78. E-learning applications
    1. buyer alert regarding purchase of
    2. limited emphasis on learner motivation in
  79. E-learning benefits
    1. anticipated
    2. attributes of good e-learning and
    3. competitive positioning organization as
    4. infrastructure advantages as
    5. strategic advantages as
    6. tactical advantages as
    7. training delivery advantages as
  80. E-learning costs
    1. boring instruction is too expensive
    2. delivering better learning with less
    3. optimal training project to budget and
  81. The e-learning dream
  82. E-learning equation
  83. E-learning failure
    1. change is necessary to avoid
    2. counterfeit successes as driving
    3. the cycle of
    4. failing to define realistic goals as reason for
    5. to-do-list projects to avoid
    6. undercover operations as driving
    7. why we do things that we know will result in
    8. See also e-learning failure; e-learning success
  84. E-learning goals
    1. beware of “awareness goals,”
    2. match instructional strategy to outcomes and
    3. problem of failing to define realistic
    4. process of transforming
    5. smart e-learning goal to change behavior
    6. typical ineffective strategy to reach performance goals
    7. understanding what really matters in training
    8. See also Behavior change; Outcomes
  85. E-learning guide for executives
    1. design versus technology
    2. differentiating the good and the bad
    3. three priorities for training success
    4. understanding e-learning as mean to training success
  86. E-Learning Guild's DevLearn conference (2009)
  87. E-learning instruction
    1. boring
    2. the failure cycle of
    3. optimal training project budget for
    4. practicality of delivering effective
    5. rationale for reduced quality of
    6. reviewing the different perspectives of
    7. the success cycle of
    8. understanding that entertaining doesn't equate good
    9. See also Instructional design
  88. E-learning instruction perspectives
    1. as instructional approach instead of delivery platform
    2. lack of e-learning expertise
    3. learning games
    4. low expectations of e-learning
    5. new mobile delivery options
    6. prevalence of e-learning
    7. social learning
  89. E-learning partnerships
    1. learner participation in
    2. management and e-learning developers
    3. subject-matter experts (SMSs) participation in
  90. E-learning solutions
    1. Autonation interactive sales scenario
    2. Operation Lifesaver's Railroad Safety for Professional Drivers training
    3. POST ALERT First Responder training
  91. E-learning success
    1. checklist for doing the right thing for
    2. the cycle of
    3. design as the means to
    4. essential resources for
    5. how counterfeit successes drive failures
    6. list of some of the factors for
    7. pillars of
    8. prerequisites to
    9. unrecognized contextual factors
  92. Emotion-arousing experiences
  93. Employees
    1. poor morale by
    2. providing incentives for good performance
    3. turnover and absenteeism of
    4. See also Learners
  94. Enhanced drill-and-practice model
    1. Corrective Feedback Paradigm (CFP) type of
    2. description of
  95. EPSSs (electronic performance support systems)
    1. description of
    2. instructional interactivity versus
    3. instruction applications of
  96. Equipment problems
  97. Evaluation
    1. of entertaining but ineffective training
    2. of functional prototypes
    3. Kirkpatrick's four-level model of
    4. measuring outcomes as part of
    5. SAM iterative design phase
    6. SAM iterative development phase
    7. Successive Approximations Model (SAM) component of
  98. Executives
    1. guide to good e-learning for
    2. needed for e-learning design
    3. See also Management
  99. Executive's e-learning guide
    1. design versus technology
    2. differentiating the good and the bad
    3. three priorities for training success
    4. understanding e-learning as mean to training success
  100. Expedia phone-based customer service training
  101. Expertise
    1. challenges with simulated outcomes for created
    2. comparing tell-and-test to the test-and-tell methods to achieve
    3. practice as necessary for developing
    4. subject-matter experts
  102. Extrinsic feedback
  103. Extrinsic learning games
    1. advantages of
    2. building on
    3. description of
    4. disadvantages of
    5. drill and practice versus instruction using
    6. game board of
    7. Jeopardy (TV game show) example of
    8. Outcome Rules of
    9. pros and cons of
    10. Rules of Play of
    11. See also Intrinsic learning games
  105. Failure. See e-learning failure
  106. Feedback
    1. autonation interactive sales scenario
    2. characteristics of good and poor interaction
    3. Cooking with Flair training
    4. Expedia phone-based customer service training
    5. extrinsic
    6. instructional interactivity component of
    7. In Their Virtual Shoes training
    8. key performance indicators (KPIs) providing authentic
    9. NYU Medical Center ICIS training
    10. POST LERT First Responder training
    11. POST LERT Recognizing and Reporting training
    12. provide learners with intrinsic
    13. Railroad Safety for Professional Drivers training
    14. real-world consequences versus didactic
    15. short-order chef training
    16. Substance Abuse training
    17. supply chain training
    18. trapdoor hints model on
    19. What Does Glue Stick? training
    20. Who Wants to Be a Miller? training
    21. See also CCAF (context, challenge, activity, and feedback) framework
  107. Field Guide (Sites and Green)
  108. First Principles of Instruction
  109. Functional prototypes
    1. designing learning experiences using
    2. evaluating your
    3. SAM iterative design phase
  111. Gagné, R.
  112. Gagné's Taxonomy of Learning Outcomes
  113. Game rules
    1. as content for learning
    2. how good games have good
    3. tic-tac-toe
    4. See also Outcome Rules; Rules of Play
  114. Games
    1. CCAF applied to
    2. the fundamentals of a good
    3. getting the fun back into learning using
    4. the ideas that learning can be a
    5. rules and strategies of good
    6. Sunny side Grill
    7. tic-tac-toe
    8. See also Learning games; Serious Learning Games (SLGs)
  115. Games of chance
    1. learning in
    2. as nonstrategic game
  116. Games of skill
  117. Game strategies
    1. description of
    2. Serious Learning Games (SLGs)
    3. Sunny Side Grill game
    4. tic-tac-toe
  118. Game types
    1. games of chance
    2. games of skill
    3. learning in strategic games
    4. memory games
    5. strategic versus nonstrategic games
  119. Gamification
    1. caution about using
    2. CCAF framework used for
    3. issues to consider for using
    4. learning through
    5. ROI (return on investment) of
    6. serious e-learning versus
  120. Global positioning data (GPS)
  121. Gold SAM (Successive Approximations Model) version
  122. Green, A.
  123. Gunter, G. A.
  125. Hawking, S.
  126. Hippocratic oath
  127. Homeland Security. See POST LERT—Recognizing and Reporting training
  128. Hulshof, C. D.
  129. Human resources
    1. executives as essential
    2. list of those required for e-learning success
  131. IBM typewriters
  132. ICIS training. See NYU Medical Center ICIS training
  133. ICONOS
  134. Incentives
    1. different types of
    2. management and training partnership for success of
    3. performance improvement by combining penalties with
  135. Individualization
    1. e-learning as being about organizational and individual success
    2. practical solutions for achieving instruction
    3. selecting the right content for each learner
    4. on size fits challenge all versus
  136. Individualization continuum
    1. common instructional design paradigm rating on
    2. individualized instruction paradigm rating on
    3. remedial instruction paradigm rating on
    4. selective instruction paradigm rating on
  137. Individualization practical solutions
    1. comparing tell-and-test to the test-and-tell methods
    2. fixed content, variable learning
    3. fixed learning, variable time and content
    4. fixed time, variable learning
  138. Instruction
    1. complexity of effective
    2. EPSSs (electronic performance support systems) applications for
    3. extrinsic games drill and practice versus
    4. interactive
    5. novelty
    6. See also Technology-led instruction
  139. Instructional design
    1. art versus science debate over
    2. challenges of designing learning experiences
    3. checklist for what should be included in
    4. complexity of effective
    5. earthquake epicenter e-learning instruction example of
    6. essential resources to support
    7. how it can heighten or stifle motivation
    8. learner-constructed content is not substitute for
    9. as the means to success
    10. motivation related to priorities of
    11. potential problems when applying research results to
    12. as requiring study and practice for excellence
    13. selling it to the learner
    14. take a “design backward” approach to
    15. taking a pragmatic approach to
    16. technology versus the
    17. theory and research as a guide for
    18. See also E-learning instruction; Instructional design
  140. Instructional designers
    1. “A-ha!” experiences of
    2. design goal set by Manifesto for
    3. game-thinking vs. instruction-thinking by
    4. Hippocratic oath for
    5. quality obligations of
  141. Instructional design paradigms
    1. common
    2. individualized
    3. interactivity
    4. remedial
    5. selective
  142. Instructional frameworks
    1. Bloom's taxonomy
    2. cognitive activity and observable performance
    3. Gagné's Taxonomy of Learning Outcomes
    4. Keller's ARCS Motivation Model
    5. Merrill's First Principles of Instruction and content classification
    6. Sugrue's Content-performance Matrix
    7. theory and research as a guide for design
  143. Instructional interactivity
    1. activity component of
    2. CCAF framework applied to
    3. challenge component of
    4. context component of
    5. definition of
    6. e-learning environments and rehearsal through
    7. feedback component of
    8. good versus poor interaction components
    9. natural learning environments of
    10. pseudo
    11. questioning versus
    12. as the supernatural power of e-learning
    13. three-point checklist for good
    14. See also E-learning
  144. Instructional interactivity examples
    1. In Their Virtual Shoes training
    2. NYU Medical Center ICIS training
    3. Operation Lifesaver Railroad Safety training
    4. POST LERT—Recognizing and Reporting training
    5. Substance Abuse training
    6. Supervisor Effectiveness training
    7. Who Wants to Be a Miller? training
  145. Instructional interactivity paradigms
    1. discovery learning
    2. enhanced drill and practice/Corrective Feedback Paradigm (CFP)
    3. problem-solving investigation model
    4. storytelling model
    5. task model
    6. trapdoor hints model
  146. Instructional objectives
    1. acceptable verbs for behavioral
    2. airline mechanics training example of
    3. components of quality
    4. Expedia's example of meaningful and memorable
    5. how to better write motivating
    6. motivating learners through
    7. See also Learning
  147. Instructional strategies
    1. adapting e-learning to primary performance outcomes
    2. consideration of task and learner readiness
    3. fitting to targeted outcomes
    4. Merrill's content classification and corresponding
    5. performance goals and typical ineffective
    6. Seven Simple Success Strategies
    7. types of
  148. Instructional systems design (ISD). See ADDIE model (or ISD)
  149. Instruction perspectives
    1. e-learning and “everything has changed,”
    2. implications of new technologies
    3. the “nothing has changed,”
  150. Insurance plans training story
  151. Integrated prototypes
  152. Interactivity. See Instructional interactivity
  153. Internal Revenue Service training
  154. In Their Virtual Shoes training
  155. Intrinsic feedback
    1. examples of extrinsic versus
    2. overview of
    3. providing learners with
  156. Intrinsic learning games
    1. action–consequence relationships in
    2. context situations and actions in
    3. description of
    4. Outcomes Rules of
    5. Rules of Play of
    6. See also Extrinsic learning games
  157. Investigation model
    1. description of the
    2. Substance Abuse training using the
  158. Islam, K.
  160. Jeopardy (TV game show)
  161. Jonassen, D. H.
  163. Kapp, K.
  164. Keller, J. M.
  165. Keller's ARC's Motivational Model
  166. Kenny, R. F.
  167. Key performance indicators (KPIs)
  168. Kirkpatrick's four-level model of training evaluation
  169. Kirschner, P. A.
  170. Knowledge delivery vs. authentic contexts
  171. Koedinger, K. R.
  172. Korn, E. R.
  173. Krathwohl, D.
  174. KTCA-TV's Newton's Apple (public TV show)
  176. Learner-constructed content
    1. don't discard good instructional design for
    2. increased increase in
  177. Learners
    1. attendance versus engagement by
    2. comparing typical and serious e-learning for
    3. don't baby your
    4. ensuring they are motivated to learn
    5. guide them to appropriate content
    6. having them perform multistep tasks
    7. high attrition rates of e-learning
    8. placing emphasis on motivation of
    9. putting them at risk as learning motivator
    10. recent
    11. selecting the right content for each
    12. selling excellent instruction to the
    13. smart e-learning partnership with
    14. strategy consideration of task and readiness of
    15. See also Employees; Motivation
  178. Learning
    1. contexts to stimulate
    2. examining the differing perspectives on
    3. game rules and strategies as content for
    4. games for getting the fun back into
    5. getting the fun back into
    6. the ideas that it can be game
    7. practice is necessary to
    8. social
    9. what we know about
    10. See also Instructional objectives; Outcomes
  179. Learning audience
    1. autonation interactive sales scenario
    2. Operation Lifesaver's Railroad Safety for Professional Drivers training
    3. POST LERT First Responder training
  180. Learning environments
    1. interactivity in the natural
    2. private versus social
  181. Learning experiences
    1. advisory on creating M&M&M
    2. challenges of designing
    3. characteristics of quality
    4. emotion-arousing
    5. how e-learning can deliver lower costs and better
    6. Successive Approximations Model (SAM) to create
    7. See also Meaningful, memorable, motivational (M&M&M) learning experiences
  182. Learning experiences design
    1. ADDIE model (or ISD) for
    2. alternatives for
    3. brainstorming for
    4. constraints challenge of
    5. functional prototypes for
    6. insights provided by unsuccessful
    7. prototypes for
    8. quick iterations to explore multiple design ideas for
    9. See also SAM (Successive Approximation Model)
  183. Learning games
    1. “edutainment,”
    2. extrinsic games
    3. intrinsic games
    4. instructional implications of
    5. overview of
    6. ROI (return on investment) of
    7. types of
    8. See also Games; Serious Learning Games (SLGs)
  184. Learning Management Systems (LMSs)
    1. Bio/CMI
    2. description of
    3. services offered to learners
    4. See also Navigation
  185. Learning objects. See Reusable learning objects (RLOs)
  186. Learning perspectives
    1. e-learning and “everything has changed,”
    2. implications of new technologies
    3. the “nothing has changed,”
  187. Learning research
    1. instructional design guided by theory and
    2. on potential of learning games
    3. providing insights for teaching
  188. Leaving ADDIE for SAM: An Agile Model for Developing the Best Learning Experiences (Allen and Sites)
  189. Leaving ADDIE for SAM Field Guide (Sites and Green)
  191. Mager, R.
  192. Magic Keys. See Motivational Magic Keys
  193. Malone, T. W.
  194. Management
    1. incentives for good performance role of
    2. partnership between e-learner developer and
    3. See also Executives
  195. Manhattan Associates
  196. Manifesto. See The Serious eLearning Manifesto
  197. Mastery. See Expertise
  198. The Matrix (film)
  199. Mayer, R. E.
  200. Meaningful, memorable, motivational (M&M&M) learning experiences
    1. advisory on importance of designing
    2. how e-learning can provide
    3. instructional design of
    4. providing learners with
    5. using novelty to create
    6. See also Learning experiences
  201. Media prototypes
  202. Meleca, C. B.
  203. Memory games
    1. description of
    2. learning in
    3. as nonstrategic game
    4. You Don't Know Jack and Jeopardy examples of
  204. Merrill, D.,–
  205. Merrill's First Principles of Instruction and content classification
  206. Mico, B.
  207. Misguided training story
  208. Mitzel, H. E.
  209. M-learning
    1. impact of new mobile delivery options for
    2. mobile performance support versus
  210. Mobile delivery
    1. common questions and answersbout
    2. perspectives on impact of
  211. Moments of Truth (Carlzon)
  212. Moore
  213. Motivation
    1. dimensions of human
    2. effect on behavior by
    3. e-learning equation and
    4. ensuring learner's
    5. how e-learning design can heighten or stifle
    6. instructional design priorities related to
    7. Keller's ARC's Motivational Model on
    8. to learn versus motivation to learn via e-learning
    9. perception and
    10. persistence for learning tied to
    11. placing emphasis on learner
    12. See also Learners
  214. Motivational learning experiences
  215. Motivational Magic Keys
    1. 1: build on anticipated outcomes
    2. 2: put the learner at risk
    3. 3: select the right content for each learner
    4. 4: use an appealing context
    5. 5: have the learner perform multistep tasks
    6. 6: provide intrinsic feedback
    7. 7: delay judgment
  216. Multistep tasks
    1. importance of performing authentic
    2. motivating learners with
    3. Supervisor Effectiveness training use of
  217. Myers, G. A.
  219. Nass, C.
  220. National Food Service Management Institute
    1. Cooking with Flair training of
    2. Who Wants to Be a Miller training of
  221. National Science Foundation's Biology Learning Demonstration Center
  222. Navigation
    1. additional learner-interface ideas
    2. description and function of
    3. interactivity versus
    4. reusable
    5. services for learners
    6. WorldTutor
    7. ZebraZapps
    8. See also Learning Management Systems (LMSs)
  223. Navigational metaphors
    1. description and function of
    2. simplicity is best for
    3. some concerns about
  224. Navigation imperatives
    1. 1: let learners see what's here
    2. 2: let learners see how the content is organized
    3. 3: let learners see where they are
    4. 4: let learners go forward
    5. 5: let learners back up
    6. 6: let learners correct their errors
  225. Navigation (NYU Medical ICIS training)
    1. 1: let learners see what's here
    2. 2: let learners see how the content is organized
    3. 3: let learners see where they are
    4. 4: let learners go forward
    5. 5: let learners back up
    6. 6: let learners correct their errors
  226. Newton's Apple's Why Does Glue Stick? series
  227. Nonperformance problems
    1. e-learning opportunities for improving
    2. examples of
    3. understanding limitations of training to solve
  228. Nonstrategic games
    1. description of
    2. games of chance as
    3. strategic versus
    4. utility for learning
  229. Norris, B.
  230. Novelty instruction
    1. creating memorable experiences using
    2. drawing learner's attention using
    3. short-lived nature of
    4. supply chain training example of
    5. technology-led instruction reality versus
    6. when it can be a valuable tool
    7. Why Does Glue Stick?
  231. NYU Medical Center ICIS training
    1. navigation of the
    2. task model used for interactivity of the
  232. NYU Medical Center ICIS training navigation
    1. 1: let learners see what's here
    2. 2: let learners see how the content is organized
    3. 3: let learners see where they are
    4. 4: let learners go forward
    5. 5: let learners back up
    6. 6: let learners correct their errors
  234. Objectives. See Instructional objectives
  235. Ohio State University
  236. On-the-job training
    1. costs of
    2. e-learning failure due to undercover
  237. On-the-job training costs
    1. illustration of the stacked
    2. it's expensive
    3. it's risky
    4. it's slow
  238. Operation Lifesaver training. See Railroad Safety for Professional Drivers training
  239. Outcome Rules
    1. description of
    2. extrinsic games
    3. fund from discovering the
    4. games of chance
    5. intrinsic learning games
    6. memory games
    7. Serious Learning Games (SLGs)
    8. strategic game level-ups
    9. Sunny Side Grill game
    10. See also Game rules
  240. Outcomes
    1. adapting e-learning to primary performance
    2. blended training to improve e-learning
    3. creating expertise and challenges with simulated
    4. e-learning equation and edification (or e-learning outcomes)
    5. e-learning strategies consideration of task and learner readiness
    6. fitting strategy to targeted
    7. Gagné's Taxonomy of Learning Outcomes
    8. match instructional strategy to desired
    9. measuring e-learning
    10. motivating by building on anticipated
    11. See also Behavior change; E-learning goals; Learning
  241. Outdated product design problem
  243. Page-turning mistake
  244. Paradigms. See Instructional design paradigms
  245. Part-task training
  246. PCD3 system
  247. Penalties
    1. performance improvement by combining incentives with
    2. when desired performance is unwittingly penalized with
  248. Perfetti, C.
  249. Performance environment
    1. blended training solutions to improve
    2. using training to fix the
  250. Performance goals
    1. adapting e-learning to outcomes of primary
    2. In Their Virtual Shoes training
    3. Operation Lifesaver's Railroad Safety for Professional Drivers training
    4. typical ineffective strategies for reaching
  251. Performance improvement
    1. combining penalties with incentives for
    2. the possibilities of training for
    3. providing incentives for
  252. Performance problems
    1. e-learning opportunities for solving
    2. misguided training as traditional approach to
    3. performer competency as cause of
  253. Performance supervisors
  254. Performer competency problems
    1. as cause of poor performance
    2. e-learning opportunities for improving
    3. understanding who needs training to improve
    4. when business problems are disguised as
  255. Performers (untrained) testing
  256. PLATO and the lights story
  257. PLATO system (1970s)
  258. Poor morale problem
  259. POST LERT First Responder training
  260. POST LERT Recognizing and Reporting training
  261. Practice
    1. Corrective Feedback Paradigm (CFP) spaced
    2. extrinsic games instruction versus drill and
    3. necessary to learning
    4. onetime events versus spaced
    5. putting learners at risk during
    6. short-order chef training
  262. Pre-flight safety checks training story
  263. Presentations
    1. earthquake epicenter e-learning example of experience vs
    2. emotion-arousing experiences instead of
    3. interactivity versus
    4. page-turning
  264. Private learning environments
  265. Problem-solving investigation model
    1. description of the
    2. Substance Abuse training using the
  266. Project planning tasks
  267. Prototypes
    1. functional
    2. integrated
    3. media
    4. SAM iterative design phase
    5. special-purpose
  268. Pseudo interactivity
    1. caution regarding
    2. EPSS versus instructional interactivity
    3. navigation versus interactivity form of
    4. presentation versus instruction form of
  269. Psychomotor skill building
  270. Pure Performance Alternative
  272. Questioning vs. interactivity
  273. Quinn, C. N.
  275. Railroad Safety for Professional Drivers training
    1. activity component of interactivity
    2. background of
    3. challenge component of interactivity
    4. context component of interactivity
    5. feedback component of interactivity
  276. Recent learner's design role
  277. Reeves, B.
  278. Relevance
    1. as dimension of human motivation
    2. Keller's ARC's Motivational Model on
  279. Remedial instruction paradigm
  280. Repurposing e-learning materials
  281. Reputation problem
  282. Research. See Learning research
  283. Resources
    1. caution against repurposing e-learning materials
    2. list of human
    3. reusable learning objects
    4. understanding the essential
  284. Reusability
    1. Corrective Feedback Paradigm (CFP)
    2. discovery learning model
    3. problem-solving investigation model
    4. reusable navigation
    5. task model
    6. trapdoor hints
  285. Reusable learning objects (RLDs)
    1. description and advantages of
    2. pros and cons of
    3. specificity versus applicability of
  286. Reusable navigation
  287. Roland Berger Strategy Consultants
  288. Rules of Play
    1. description of
    2. extrinsic games
    3. game of strategy and role of
    4. games of chance
    5. intrinsic learning games
    6. memory games
    7. Serious Learning Games (SLGs)
    8. strategic game level-ups
    9. Sunny Side Grill game
    10. See also Game rules
  290. SAM iterative design phase
    1. additional design task during the
    2. guidelines for additional design tasks during
    3. illustrated diagrams of the
    4. overview of the
    5. project planning task during the
    6. prototypes task during the
  291. SAM iterative development phase
    1. design proof task during the
    2. illustrated diagram of the
    3. overview of the
  292. SAM preparation phase
    1. illustrated figure of the
    2. overview of the
    3. the Savvy Start
  293. SAM (Successive Approximations Model)
    1. ADDIE model compared to
    2. alpha version of the
    3. applying the postulates of successive approximation to the
    4. beta version of the
    5. building learner-centered learning experiences using
    6. description of
    7. design component of the
    8. develop component of the
    9. evaluate component of the
    10. getting help and additional resources on
    11. gold release of the
    12. illustrated diagram of
    13. remember that no e-learning application is perfect when using
    14. as simple success strategy
    15. three-phases of the
    16. See also Learning experiences design; Simple Success Strategy
  294. SAM (Successive Approximations Model) phases
    1. illustrated diagram of the
    2. iterative design
    3. iterative development
    4. preparation
  295. Sandweiss, J. H.
  296. Satisfaction
    1. as dimension of human motivation
    2. Keller's ARC's Motivational Model on
  297. Scardamalia, M.
  298. Selective instruction paradigm
  299. Serious e-learning
    1. basic principles of
    2. building the
    3. comparison of typical e-learning and
    4. the essences of
    5. gamification versus
  300. The Serious eLearning Manifesto
    1. basic principles of serious e-learning in the
    2. description of the
    3. design values listed in the
    4. providing a goal to strive for instructional designers
  301. Serious Learning Games (SLGs)
    1. application as learning game
    2. CCAF applied to
    3. examining the potential of
    4. Gagné's Taxonomy of Learning Outcomes value for
    5. the intrigue of using
    6. Keller's ARC's Motivational Model value for
    7. Outcome Rules of
    8. ROI (return on investment) of
    9. Rules of Play of
    10. strategies of
    11. Sugrue's Content-performance Matrix for design of
    12. Sunny side Grill
    13. See also Games; Learning games
  302. Sheikh, K.
  303. Short-order chef training
  304. Simple Success Strategy
    1. 1: ask, would you want to learn from this?
    2. 2: match instructional strategy to outcome goals
    3. 3: challenge awareness goals
    4. 4: design backward
    5. 5: think context, challenge, activity, feedback (CCAF)
    6. 6: think emotion-arousing experiences
    7. 7: use the Successive Approximation Model (SAM)
    8. See also SAM (Successive Approximations Model)
  305. Sites, R. H.
  306. Skills
    1. cognitive
    2. psychomotor
    3. soft
  307. Skills hierarchy
    1. don't start instruction at the bottom of the
    2. playing poker's partial
  308. Skills transfer
  309. Smart e-learning
    1. critical elements of
    2. importance of engaging in
  310. Smart e-learning elements
    1. adequate financial investment
    2. goal is to change behavior
    3. necessary partnerships
  311. Social learning
  312. Social learning environments
  313. Soft skill building
  314. South Dakota State University
  315. Special-purpose prototypes
  316. Storyboards
    1. description and applications of
    2. functional prototypes preferred over
    3. true instructional interactivity not possible with
  317. Storytelling model
    1. description of
    2. In Their Virtual Shoes training using the
    3. reusability of
  318. Strategic games
    1. learning in
    2. level-ups structure of
    3. nonstrategic versus
  319. Strategies. See Game strategies; Instructional strategies
  320. Subject-matter experts
    1. e-learning partnerships with
    2. needed for e-learning design
  321. Substance Abuse training
  322. Successive approximation method
    1. ADDIE model compared to
    2. advisory on finding champions to promote
    3. applying postulates to the SAM
    4. illustrated diagram of the
    5. introduction to the
    6. leadership required for organizational adoption of the
  323. Sugreu's Pure Performance Alternative
  324. Sugrue, B.
  325. Sunny Side Grill game
    1. advanced level strategies
    2. challenge levels of the
    3. game board of the
    4. learning aids
    5. Level 1 strategies
    6. level-ups of
    7. Outcome Rules
    8. overview of the
    9. Rules of Play
  326. Super Mario Bros. (game)
  327. Supervisor Effectiveness training
    1. activity component of interactivity
    2. analysis of the
    3. challenge component of interactivity
    4. context component of interactivity
    5. feedback component of interactivity
    6. introduction to
  328. Supply chain training
  329. Suzuki, K.
  330. Szabo, M.
  332. Target audience
    1. autonation interactive sales scenario
    2. Operation Lifesaver's Railroad Safety for Professional Drivers training
    3. POST LERT First Responder training
  333. Tarnished reputation problem
  334. Task model
    1. description of the
    2. NYU Medical Center ICIS training example of the
    3. reusability of
  335. Tasks
    1. Earthquake epicenter e-learning instruction
    2. instructional strategy consideration of
    3. motivating learner with perform multistep
    4. POST LERT First Responder training
    5. risk of part-task training
    6. Supervisor Effectiveness training use of multistep
  336. Taxonomy of Learning Outcomes
  337. Teacher design role
  338. Technology-led instruction
    1. computer-assisted instruction (CAI)
    2. computer-managed instruction (CMI)
    3. e-learning design versus the
    4. implications of
    5. novelty versus reality of
    6. the typing ball syndrome
    7. See also Instruction
  339. Tell-and-test method
  340. Test-and-tell method
    1. comparing tell-and-test method to
    2. cooking training example of
    3. “Do the Dip!” module using the
    4. starting context at the end using the
  341. Thalheimer, W.
  342. 3M Company, Inc.
  343. Tic-tac-toe game
    1. description of
    2. rules of
    3. strategies of
  344. To-do-list project problem
  345. Training
    1. attempting to solve performance problems with misguided
    2. blended
    3. don't drink the Kool-Aid on learner-constructed content for
    4. how e-learning fits in with effective
    5. incentives for good performance role of
    6. measuring outcomes of the
    7. on-the-job
    8. risk of part-task
    9. story on misguided pre-flight safety checks
    10. understanding what really matters in the
    11. See also Business problem solving; E-learning; specific training examples
  346. Training solutions
    1. autonation interactive sales scenario
    2. Operation Lifesaver's Railroad Safety for Professional Drivers training
    3. POST ALERT First Responder training
  347. Training success priorities
    1. 1: ensuring learners are highly motivated to learn
    2. 2: guide learners to appropriate content
    3. 3: provide meaningful andmemorable learning experiences
  348. Trapdoor hints model
  349. Trollip, S. R.
  350. True training stories
    1. on inadequate training application of ADDIE model
    2. misguided pre-flight safety checks training
    3. “ridiculous expectations” of insurance plans training
    4. unwittingly penalizing desired performance
    5. See also E-learning
  351. Turnover problem
  352. The typing ball syndrome
  354. Undercapitalized operations problem
  355. Unreliable equipment or tools problem
  356. Untrained performer design role
  358. Vick, E. H.
  360. Wheel of Fortune (TV game show)
  361. Who Wants to Be a Miller? training
  362. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (TV show)
  363. Why Does Glue Stick? novelty instruction
  364. Wolf, S. L.
  365. WorldTutor
  367. ZebraZapps
  1. description of
  2. earthquake epicenter e-learning instruction created using
  3. Sneak Peek feature of
  4. template with current place and progress reporting built in
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