Determinants, Vectors and Matrices

In Chapter 8, we introduced vectors as objects associated with a direction in everyday three-dimensional space and showed how they can be discussed using equations for their three components in a given reference frame. Here we shall show how to extend the number of components to define vectors in spaces of more than three dimensions. This leads to the introduction of matrices, which are two-dimensional arrays that enable vectors to be transformed into other vectors. The properties of matrices are discussed in detail and their uses illustrated in, for example, solving simultaneous linear equations. In the following chapter we continue the discussion of matrices, with applications to vibrating systems and to geometry. Firstly, however, we study related quantities called determinants, which will play a crucial role in this development.

9.1 Determinants

These occur in many contexts and we have already met examples in the discussion of vectors in Chapter 8. From (8.16b), the vector product of two vectors a and b in Cartesian co-ordinates has an x-component (aybzazby). Any four quantities aij(i, j = 1, 2) combined in this way can be written in the form of a square array, denoted by Δ2, called a determinant. This is written in the form

(9.1) Unnumbered Display Equation

where the quantities aij(i, j = 1, 2) are called the elements of the determinant. For example,

numbered Display Equation

The result, in this case − 5, is called the value of the determinant. It is important to note that the vertical bars in (9.1) do not mean that a modulus is to be taken, as this example confirms. Although we have used real numbers for the elements in this example, in general they can be algebraic expressions, real or complex, so the value of the determinant may also be real or complex expressions or numbers.

Determinants of larger dimensionality can also be constructed. Thus the 3 × 3 determinant

(9.2a) Unnumbered Display Equation

is defined as

(9.2b) Unnumbered Display Equation

Comparing this with (8.18), we see that the triple scalar product of three vectors a, b, c

(9.3a) Unnumbered Display Equation

is a determinant whose elements are the Cartesian components of the vectors. Likewise, comparing (9.2a) with (8.16a) shows that the vector product of two vectors a and b can also be written as a 3 × 3 determinant

(9.3b) Unnumbered Display Equation

The two compact forms (9.3a) (9.3b) are probably the easiest way of remembering the expressions (8.18) and (8.16a) for the triple scalar product and vector product, respectively.

Returning to (9.2b), we see that the terms in brackets on the right-hand side are themselves 2 × 2 determinants. Hence we can write

numbered Display Equation

where the determinants that occur on the right-hand side are examples of minors. In general, the minor mij of any element aij of Δ3 is the 2 × 2 determinant obtained by deleting all the elements in the ith row and jth column of Δ3. Therefore (9.2b) can be written

(9.4a) Unnumbered Display Equation

where the co-factor of any element aij is defined by

(9.4b) Unnumbered Display Equation

Equation (9.4a) is called the Laplace expansion along the first row of Δ3. For example, the minors of the elements along the first row of the determinant

(9.5) Unnumbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

so that (9.4a) gives

numbered Display Equation

Laplace expansions can be made along any row or column. For example, the expression in (9.2b) can be rearranged to give

numbered Display Equation

which is the Laplace expansion

numbered Display Equation

along the second row. Using this expansion for the determinant (9.5) gives

numbered Display Equation

in agreement with the value obtained by expanding along the first row. Alternatively (9.2b) can be written in the form

numbered Display Equation

which is a Laplace expansion along the third column.

The definition of a determinant can now be extended to integers n > 3 by generalising the Laplace expansion (9.4a) to any n. To do this, we first write an n × n array

(9.6a) Unnumbered Display Equation

where the elements are aij (i, j  = 1, 2, …, n) and the indices i and j again label the rows and columns, respectively. Then, by analogy with the expansion (9.4a) for 3 × 3 determinants, we define

(9.6b) Unnumbered Display Equation

where the minors mij are again the determinants obtained by deleting all the elements of the ith row and jth column, and the co-factors are given by (9.4b). Since the minors associated with the elements of an n × n determinant are (n − 1) × (n − 1) determinants, (9.6b) defines 4 × 4 determinants in terms of a sum of 3 × 3 determinants, and so on. Such higher order determinants are required in, for example, the solution of n simultaneous linear equations, as we shall see in Sections 9.1.2 and 9.4.4.

9.1.1 General properties of determinants

The evaluation of determinants using the Laplace expansion involves the arithmetical operations of addition, subtraction and multiplication, the number of which increases rapidly as the dimensionality of the determinant increases. The work involved can sometimes be reduced by exploiting a number of general properties of determinants that are given below.

Although these results hold in general, here we will only consider the case for 3 × 3 determinants. In this case it is convenient to define the totally antisymmetric symbol ϵijk as follows:

(9.7) Unnumbered Display Equation

where cyclic permutations were defined following (8.16b). Using (9.7), Eqs. (9.2a) and (9.2b) may be written

(9.8) Unnumbered Display Equation

where we have used a shorthand notation for a sum over three dummy indices i, j and k, which may each take the values 1, 2 and 3, i.e.

numbered Display Equation

The theorems are as follows.

  1. The value of a determinant is unchanged by interchanging (called transposing) its rows and columns.

    This corresponds to the transformation aijaji for i, j equal to 1, 2 and 3. Using the notation in (9.8) and denoting the new determinant by ΔT3, this gives

    numbered Display Equation

    Rearranging the right-hand side gives

    numbered Display Equation

    It follows that theorems about rows also apply to columns, so it is sufficient to prove them only for the former.

  2. The sign of a determinant is reversed by interchanging any two of its rows (or columns).

    This result again follows directly from (9.8). For example, interchanging the first row and second column gives

    numbered Display Equation

    and using the definition (9.7),

    numbered Display Equation
  3. The value of a determinant is zero if any two rows (or columns) are identical.

    This follows immediately from the preceding result, because this interchange gives Δ3 = −Δ3 and hence Δ3 = 0.

  4. If the elements of any one row (or column) are multiplied by a common factor, the value of the determinant is multiplied by this factor.

    This follows trivially, because each term in (9.8) contains a single element from each row (or column).

    Using these theorems, a number of other useful results may be established as follows.

  5. If any two rows (or columns) have proportional elements, the value of the determinant is zero.
  6. If the elements of any row (or column) are the sums or differences of two or more terms, the determinant may be written as the sum or difference of two or more determinants.
  7. The value of a determinant is unchanged if equal multiples of the elements of any row (or column) are added to the corresponding elements of any other row (or column).

These properties can often be used to manipulate a determinant into a form that is easier to evaluate. For example, consider the determinant

numbered Display Equation

The elements of the first row are all multiples of 9, which can therefore be factored out to give

numbered Display Equation

Then by property (vii) we can add row 3 to row 1 without changing the value of the determinant, when we obtain

numbered Display Equation

because a determinant with two equal rows has a value zero [property (iii)].

In other cases, property (vii) can often be used to manipulate a determinant into a form where it has one or more zeros in a given row or column. Then if this row or column is used in the Laplace expansion, the number of arithmetic operations can be reduced considerably. Consider the evaluation of the determinant

numbered Display Equation

In this case, one way of proceeding is to add column 4 to each of columns 1 and 3, and add twice column 4 to column 2, when we obtain

numbered Display Equation

Making a Laplace expansion along the first row gives

numbered Display Equation

Then subtracting row 2 from row 1 gives

numbered Display Equation

The Laplace expansion is most suited for determinants of low dimensionality (i.e., small values of n) and where in numerical calculations the elements do not differ much in magnitude. For large-dimensional determinants, the final result may still be formed from the addition and subtraction of many terms, each of which is itself the product of several elements. In these cases there is a significant probability of inaccuracies being introduced in numerical calculations due to rounding errors, particularly if the elements differ considerably in magnitude. Special computer programs exist1 that address this problem, and are capable of evaluating determinants exactly.

9.1.2 Homogeneous linear equations

We have seen that determinants appear naturally when manipulating vectors. They also appear in the theory of simultaneous linear equations. If there are n simultaneous linear equations in n unknowns xi(i = 1, 2, …, n), they may be written in the general form,

(9.9) Unnumbered Display Equation

where the aij (i = 1, n ;  j = 1, n) and bj (j = 1, n) are constants. These equations are not necessarily compatible. In the general case where the bj are not all zero, the equations are called inhomogeneous, and their solution will be discussed in Section 9.4.4. In the simpler homogeneous case, where all the constants bj are zero, the equations are never inconsistent, because they always have a so-called trivial solution where all the xi are zero. But they may also have non-trivial solutions, where not all the xi are zero. Because the equations are linear and homogeneous, it follows that if a non-trivial solution exists for a particular set of values xi(i = 1, 2, …, n), then the set cxi(i = 1, 2, …, n), where c is a constant, is also a solution. Thus non-trivial solutions are characterised by the ratios x1 :  x2 : x3: ⋅⋅⋅: xn, rather than by unique values.

We will examine below how to find non-trivial solutions, using initially the example of n = 3, that is, the set of equations

(9.10) Unnumbered Display Equation

which has an associated determinant of coefficients

numbered Display Equation

The value of this determinant determines whether or not a non-trivial solution exists.

An obvious way to proceed is to use the third equation in (9.10) to give an expression for x3 in terms of x2 and x1, then substitute this into the other two equations and examine the two resulting equations in x1 and x2 to see if they have compatible solutions. However, this is algebraically rather cumbersome and rapidly becomes very tedious if one considers more than three equations.

Instead, we will use another method, in which the key result follows from the equation

(9.11a) Unnumbered Display Equation

obtained by multiplying the first equation in (9.10) by the co-factor A11, the second by A21, and the third by A31, and adding the three resulting equations together. The first term in brackets in (9.11a) is seen to be the Laplace expansion of Δ using the first column, and so has the value Δ. On comparing the second bracket with the first, we see that it is the Laplace expansion of a determinant in which the first column a11,  a21,  a31 of Δ has been replaced by a12,  a22,  a32. Hence

numbered Display Equation

because two columns are identical. The third bracket in (9.11a) vanishes for a similar reason, so that (9.11a) reduces to

(9.11b) Unnumbered Display Equation

and therefore x1 = 0 unless Δ = 0. Analogous arguments show that x2Δ = x3Δ = 0, so a necessary condition for a non-trivial solution to (9.10) is

(9.12) Unnumbered Display Equation

Furthermore, if we substitute

(9.13a) Unnumbered Display Equation

into (9.10), we see that the left-hand sides of the three equations (9.10) equal the three terms in brackets in (9.11a), which have all been shown to vanish for Δ = 0. Hence (9.13a) is the desired non-trivial solution and (9.12) is both a necessary and sufficient condition for it to exist. A similar argument shows that the solution can equally well be expressed in the form

(9.13b) Unnumbered Display Equation

In contrast to the direct method of solution, the above chain of reasoning can be extended in a straightforward way to solve n homogeneous linear equations for any integer n. The condition for a non-trivial solution then becomes

(9.14) Unnumbered Display Equation

and provided this is satisfied, the non-trivial solution is given by the co-factors, i.e.,

(9.15) Unnumbered Display Equation

Finally, we note that for the case n = 3, the homogeneous equations (9.10) have a simple geometrical interpretation if we interpret x1,  x2 and x3 as Cartesian co-ordinates x, y and z. On comparing to (1.51), we see that the three equations (9.10) are those of three planes passing through the origin. Hence the line of intersection of two of these planes, assuming they are not identical, will also pass through the origin. If this line lies in the plane described by the third equation, then any point on it is a solution to all three equations (9.10). In this case, there is a non-trivial solution given by (9.13a), which is indeed the equation of a straight line through the origin, as can be seen by comparing with (8.40). On the other hand, if it does not lie in the plane described by the third equation, then it just passes through that plane at the origin and there is no non-trivial solution to all three equations.

9.2 Vectors in n Dimensions

In Chapter 8, three-dimensional vectors were defined as mathematical quantities having magnitude and direction and satisfying the parallelogram law of addition. This approach is a geometrical one and is independent of the co-ordinate system. We also developed an algebraic approach using basis vectors (i, j, k) in the directions of the x, y, z axes of a three-dimensional Cartesian co-ordinate system. Any vector a could then be specified by its components ax, ay, az along the directions of the basis vectors, i.e.

numbered Display Equation

or equivalently a = (ax, ay, az). The basis vectors are not unique (for example, we could rotate the three axes through a fixed angle and use these new directions to define new basis vectors) but they are linearly independent. This means that there is no linear combination of them that vanishes, unless the coefficients are all zero. That is,

numbered Display Equation

only if

In the physical sciences it is common to encounter ordered sets of n quantities a = (a1, a2, …, an), b = (b1, b2, …, bn) etc., whose elements satisfy the same algebraic properties as the components of vectors. In particular, if we define their sums by

(9.16a) Unnumbered Display Equation

and multiplication by a scalar λ by

(9.16b) Unnumbered Display Equation

then they obey all the general rules (8.1), (8.2) deduced for vectors in Chapter 8. For this reason (a1, a2, …, an) and (b1, b2, …, bn) are referred to as the components of vectors a and b in an n-dimensional vector space. In addition, we can define a null vector 0, whose n components are all zero, so that for any vector a,

numbered Display Equation

9.2.1 Basis vectors

Implicit in the choice of the word ‘component’ to describe (a1, a2, …, an), (b1, b2, …, bn), etc. is the existence of a set of basis vectors, for example,

(9.17) Unnumbered Display Equation

so that

(9.18) Unnumbered Display Equation

in analogy to a = axi + ayj + azk for ordinary three-dimensional vectors. As for the case of ordinary vectors, the choice of basis vectors is not unique, and we can equally well expand the vector a in terms of any set of basis vectors ei(i = 1, 2, …, n), providing the latter are linearly independent, that is, provided that

(9.19a) Unnumbered Display Equation

has no solutions for the constants μi except

(9.19b) Unnumbered Display Equation

This ensures that none of the basis vectors can be expressed in terms of the others, and, in general, a vector space is said to be n-dimensional if it contains no linearly independent set of vectors within it with more than n members. Such a set of n linearly independent vectors is called a complete set. It also guarantees the uniqueness of the expansion (9.18). This is easily seen by writing

numbered Display Equation

and equating this to (9.18) gives

numbered Display Equation

which from (9.19) has no solution other than for all i = 1, 2, …, n. Of course the components (a1, a2, …, an) will depend on the particular basis vectors chosen, and (a1, a2, …, an) is said to be a representation of a in the basis ei(i = 1, 2, …, n).

In what follows, we will need to relate the components ai in a given representation (9.18) to the components ai in a representation

(9.20) Unnumbered Display Equation

defined with respect to a different set of basis vectors where e′i(i = 1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅, n). To do this, we note that any vector in the space can be written in the form (9.18), including the new basis vectors e′i . Hence we can write

(9.21a) Unnumbered Display Equation

where pij are numerical constants. On substituting (9.21a) into (9.20), we obtain

numbered Display Equation

This is only compatible with (9.18) for arbitrary vectors a if

(9.21b) Unnumbered Display Equation

which is the desired relation.

9.2.2 Scalar products

The components of vectors need not be restricted to real quantities. Complex vectors in an arbitrary number of dimensions play an important role in, for example, quantum mechanics. Generalising the vectors and scalar variables to complex quantities does not alter any of the equations (8.1), (8.2) or (9.16)–(9.18), but does affect the definition of the scalar product. To distinguish this from the scalar product defined in Chapter 8 for three-dimensional vectors, we will use the notation (a, b) (also called the inner product in this context).

For the moment, we restrict ourselves to the basis (9.17), when the inner product of two vectors a = (a1, a2, …, an) and b = (b1, b2, …, bn) is defined to be

(9.22) Unnumbered Display Equation

It reduces to the scalar (dot) product defined in Chapter 8 for the case of real coefficients and ensures that the squared length

numbered Display Equation

remains real and positive. This leads to the basic properties

(9.23a) Unnumbered Display Equation

(9.23b) Unnumbered Display Equation

(9.23c) Unnumbered Display Equation

from which it follows that

(9.23d) Unnumbered Display Equation


(9.23e) Unnumbered Display Equation

where λ and μ are both in general complex constants. Note that these relations reduce to the corresponding relations (8.8a), (8.8b) and (8.8c) for the real vectors discussed in Chapter 8 when λ, μ and the vectors themselves are real. In particular, we see from (9.23c) that the scalar product is only commutative for real vectors.

We can now apply the general properties (9.23a)–(9.23e) to a general basis (9.18). In doing so, we will assume that the chosen basis satisfies the orthonormality relations [cf. (8.11)]

(9.24a) Unnumbered Display Equation

where δij is the Kronecker delta symbol, defined by

(9.24a) Unnumbered Display Equation

Then using (9.23) repeatedly we have

numbered Display Equation

using (9.24). Thus the expression (9.22) holds in all bases (9.18) provided the orthonormality relations (9.24) are satisfied. Furthermore, using (9.18) and (9.24) we have

numbered Display Equation

i.e. the vector a is given by

(9.25) Unnumbered Display Equation

9.3 Matrices and linear transformations

In this section we introduce matrices and discuss their role in transforming vectors into other vectors.

9.3.1 Matrices

Consider the set of linear simultaneous equations

(9.27) Unnumbered Display Equation

where the coefficients aij(i = 1, 2, …, m;  j = 1, 2, …, n) are constants. These equations determine m variables yi(i = 1, 2, …, m) in terms of n given variables xj(j = 1, 2, …, n), where the integers m and n are not necessarily equal. It is convenient to write (9.27) in a form that separates the variables xj from the coefficients aij as follows:

(9.28) Unnumbered Display Equation

This array of coefficients is called a matrix and the quantities aij are called the elements of the matrix. It is said to be of order m × n because it has m rows and n columns. The vertical arrays yi(i = 1, 2, …, m) and xj(j = 1, 2, …, n) are also matrices, in this case of order m × 1 and n × 1. They are referred to as column matrices, or column vectors. Likewise, matrices of order 1 × n are referred to as row matrices, or row vectors. On comparing (9.28) with (9.27), we see that each of the yi(i = 1, 2, …, m) is obtained by multiplying the element in the ith row of the m × n matrix by the numbers xj(j = 1, 2, …, n) in turn and adding, so that

(9.29) Unnumbered Display Equation

For example, if

numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

So far we have merely rewritten (9.27) in the different, but equivalent, form (9.28). The usefulness of this form results from developing rules for manipulating matrices directly. In doing this, it is convenient to denote matrices by upper-case bold Roman letters A, B, C, etc., with the exception that both row and column vectors are denoted by lower-case bold Roman letters a, b, c, etc. Thus, (9.28) may be written in the compact form

(9.30) Unnumbered Display Equation

Matrix algebra is then defined by the following rules.

  1. Equality

    Two matrices A, with elements aij, and B, with elements bij, are equal, if, and only if, they are of the same order m × n, and aij = bij for all i = 1, 2, …, m and j = 1, 2, …, n.

  2. Addition

    The sum S of two matrices A and B is defined if, and only if, they have the same order. The elements of S are then given by

    (9.31) Unnumbered Display Equation

    This leads directly to the commutative and associative laws

    (9.32a) Unnumbered Display Equation


    (9.32b) Unnumbered Display Equation


  3. Scalar multiplication

    If a matrix A is multiplied by a scalar quantity λ, then every element of A is multiplied by λ, i.e.

    (9.33) Unnumbered Display Equation

    If λ and μ are arbitrary constants, (9.31)–(9.33) lead to the associative and distributive laws

    (9.34a) Unnumbered Display Equation

    (9.34b) Unnumbered Display Equation


    (9.34c) Unnumbered Display Equation

    provided again that A and B are of the same order. In addition, we define null matrices 0 of any dimension, whose elements are all zero, so that

    (9.34d) Unnumbered Display Equation

  4. Matrix multiplication

    The product of two matrices AB is defined if, and only if, the number of columns in A is the same as the number of rows in B. Then, if A is an l × m matrix and B is an m × n matrix, the product AB is an l × n matrix whose elements are defined by

    (9.35) Unnumbered Display Equation

    for all i = 1, 2, …, l;   j = 1, 2, …, n. In other words, the element (AB)ik is obtained by multiplying each element of row i of A by the corresponding element of column k of B, and adding. For example, if

    (9.36a) Unnumbered Display Equation

    then AB is the 2 × 2 matrix

    (9.36b) Unnumbered Display Equation

    It is worth noting that, just as for the scalar products of ordinary three-dimensional vectors, . For example, if

    numbered Display Equation


    numbered Display Equation

    but neither A nor B is a null matrix.

    To motivate the definition (9.35) and to derive another important relation, let us suppose the n-component column vector x in (9.30) is related to a p-component column vector z by

    (9.37a) Unnumbered Display Equation

    where B is an n × p matrix, so that

    (9.37b) Unnumbered Display Equation

    Substituting (9.37a) into (9.30) gives

    (9.38a) Unnumbered Display Equation

    On the other hand, substituting (9.37b) into (9.29), gives

    numbered Display Equation

    which, on comparing with (9.35), is seen to be

    numbered Display Equation

    Hence y = (AB)z and on comparing this with (9.38a), we finally obtain

    (9.38b) Unnumbered Display Equation

    From this we see that the position of the brackets is immaterial and we can write y = ABz without ambiguity. By a similar argument one can show that

    (9.39) Unnumbered Display Equation

    and so on. However, while the position of brackets in matrix products is not important, the order is crucial, since matrix multiplication is not in general commutative, that is, ABBA. This is obvious for the multiplication of a n × m matrix A and a m × n matrix B, because the products AB and BA have different dimensionalities, but it is also true even if n = m. Matrix multiplication is however distributive with respect to addition, i.e.

    (9.40a) Unnumbered Display Equation


    (9.40b) Unnumbered Display Equation

    but (9.40a) and (9.40b) are not in general identical.

9.3.2 Linear transformations

Column matrices are special cases of m × n matrices with n = 1 and are written with the second index suppressed, that is, we write them with a single row index. For example,

(9.41) Unnumbered Display Equation

With this convention, for any two column matrices a and b, (9.31) and (9.33) reduce to

(9.42a) Unnumbered Display Equation


(9.42b) Unnumbered Display Equation

These relations are identical to (9.16a) and (9.16b) used to characterise the components of an n-dimensional vector in Section 9.2. Similarly, the matrix relations (9.32)–(9.34) reduce to the vector relations (8.1) and (8.2) when applied to column matrices. Hence column matrices are with justification referred to as column vectors. The scalar product of a vector a with a vector b is also easily expressed in matrix notation, since the product of a row vector and a column vector of the same order n is given by

numbered Display Equation

Comparing this with (9.22), we see that in an orthogonal basis, the scalar product is

(9.43) Unnumbered Display Equation

where the row vector a† corresponding to the column vector a is defined by

(9.44) Unnumbered Display Equation

and is called the Hermitian conjugate of a for reasons that will become clear in Section 9.3.3.

Returning to (9.30), we now interpret the matrix A as a matrix operator that transforms an n-dimensional vector x into an m-dimensional vector y. By an operator we mean anything that acts on the object to its right, called the operand, to give a new object. Furthermore, it is easy to show, using (9.29) and (9.42) that

(9.45) Unnumbered Display Equation

where λ and μ are arbitrary constants and a, b are arbitrary vectors. Any operator that satisfies an equation of the form (9.45) is called a linear operator and, correspondingly, (9.30) is called a linear transformation. Another linear operator, which we will meet in Chapter 10, is the differential operator , which transforms a function f(x) into its derivative. Thus,

(9.46a) Unnumbered Display Equation

where the linearity condition

(9.46b) Unnumbered Display Equation

follows directly from (3.19).

Linear operators and transformations are widely used in mathematics and physical science. Here we shall confine ourselves to matrix operators. A simple example is provided by considering a position vector in two dimensions,

(9.47) Unnumbered Display Equation

When rotated through an angle θ, this gives a new position vector

numbered Display Equation

of the same length r, as shown in Figure 9.1. Using the trigonometric identities (2.36), we have

numbered Display Equation

and similarly

numbered Display Equation

Figure 9.1 The rotation of the two-dimensional vector (9.47) through an angle θ.

Hence in matrix notation,

(9.48) Unnumbered Display Equation

or equivalently,

(9.49) Unnumbered Display Equation

where the rotation matrix

(9.50) Unnumbered Display Equation

Finally, we consider the product of two transformation matrices A and B. Equation (9.38b) implies

numbered Display Equation

so that the transformation AB is equivalent to the operator B acting first, followed by the operator A. In other words, the operator on the right acts first, and if A acts before B, the appropriate operator is BAAB, since in general matrices do not commute.

9.3.3 Transpose, complex, and Hermitian conjugates

Given a matrix A with elements aij, it is useful to define three related matrices, as follows.

  1. The transpose of A, denoted AT, is obtained by interchanging rows and columns. An example is

    numbered Display Equation

    while the general relation is

    (9.51) Unnumbered Display Equation

    It follows from this that

    (9.52) Unnumbered Display Equation


    numbered Display Equation

    In general, the transpose of a product of matrices is the product of the individual transposed matrices taken in reverse order. Thus,

    numbered Display Equation

    and so on, which follows by repeated application of (9.52).

  2. The complex conjugate of a matrix A is denoted A* and has elements a*ij. Complex conjugation has no effect on the order in products, i.e.

    numbered Display Equation

    The Hermitian conjugate2 of a matrix A, written A†, is defined as the transpose of the complex conjugate matrix, or vice versa, i.e.

    (9.53a) Unnumbered Display Equation

    so that3

    (9.53b) Unnumbered Display Equation

    Since Hermitian conjugation involves a transpose, it also reverses the order of products, i.e.

    (9.54) Unnumbered Display Equation

    For a real matrix, the Hermitian conjugate is just the transpose.

9.4 Square Matrices

Matrices with the same number of rows and columns are called square matrices, and their dimension n = m is called their order. We discuss here some of the most important types of square matrices that will be required in later sections.

9.4.1 Some special square matrices

  1. Diagonal matrix

    A matrix A is diagonal if its elements aij are zero unless they lie on the leading diagonal i = j, so that aij = aiδij, where δij is the Kronecker delta symbol of (9.24b). The sum of the elements along this diagonal is called the trace, denoted Tr. As an exception to the general rule, diagonal matrices of the same order commute under multiplication, that is, AB = BA if A and B are both diagonal. An important example of a diagonal matrix is the unit matrix I defined by

    (9.55) Unnumbered Display Equation

    which has the property

    (9.56) Unnumbered Display Equation

    for any matrix A (not necessarily diagonal) of the same order.

  2. Symmetric and anti-symmetric matrices

    A matrix is symmetric if it satisfies the condition A = AT, i.e. aij = aji, and anti-symmetric (or skew symmetric) if A = −AT, i.e. aij = −aji, where AT is the transpose of A. Any matrix A may be expressed as the sum of a symmetric and an anti-symmetric matrix, by analogy with the decomposition of functions as the sum of symmetric and anti-symmetric functions, as discussed in Section 1.3.1. Thus

    numbered Display Equation

    where by construction the first bracket is a symmetric matrix and the second is anti-symmetric.

  3. Hermitian matrix

    A matrix is Hermitian, if it satisfies A = A†, where the dagger indicates the combined operation of complex conjugation and transposition, carried out in either order, that is, if aij = (aji)* = aij. If A† = −A, the matrix A is said to be anti-Hermitian (or skew Hermitian). Any complex matrix can be expressed as the sum of a Hermitian matrix and an anti-Hermitian matrix. Thus,

    numbered Display Equation

    where by construction the first bracket is a Hermitian matrix and the second is anti-Hermitian. A real, symmetric matrix is automatically Hermitian, because A† = AT in this case.

  4. Unitary matrix

    A matrix U is said to be unitary if it satisfies

    (9.57a) Unnumbered Display Equation

    If we make the unitary transformation

    numbered Display Equation

    on a vector x, then by (9.43) and (9.57a),

    numbered Display Equation

    so that the length of the vector is unchanged.

  5. Orthogonal matrix

    An orthogonal matrix O is a real unitary matrix. It therefore also leaves the length of a vector unchanged and (9.57a) becomes

    (9.57b) Unnumbered Display Equation

9.4.2 The determinant of a matrix

Given a square matrix A of order n, we can define an associated determinant by

(9.58) Unnumbered Display Equation

If , the matrix is said to be singular; if , then A is non-singular.

The properties of determinants have been summarised in Section 9.1. Since interchanging rows and columns leaves the value of the determinant unchanged, it follows that

(9.59a) Unnumbered Display Equation

Similarly, since , we have

(9.59b) Unnumbered Display Equation

for the Hermitian conjugate matrix A†. Multiplying a matrix by a scalar constant λ multiplies every element ai by λ, but since only one member of each row occurs in the determinant, we have

(9.60a) Unnumbered Display Equation

for a square matrix of order n. The determinant of a product of matrices is equal to the product of the determinants.

(9.60b) Unnumbered Display Equation

The proof of (9.60b) is rather lengthy and will not be reproduced here4. However, it follows from it that

(9.60c) Unnumbered Display Equation

and repeated application of (9.60b) leads to

(9.60d) Unnumbered Display Equation

for any number of matrices, independent of their order.

Equation (9.60b) also leads to useful results for unitary and orthogonal matrices. Specifically, from (9.57a) and (9.60b), we obtain

(9.61) Unnumbered Display Equation

Hence the determinant of a unitary matrix is either +1 or −1, and since an orthogonal matrix O is just a real unitary matrix, the same result applies to orthogonal matrices.

A simple example of an orthogonal matrix is the rotation matrix in two dimensions R(θ) described in (9.50). One sees that

numbered Display Equation

consistent with (9.61). In contrast, a matrix that generates a reflection in a given axis, for example

numbered Display Equation

so that x′ = −x, y′ = y, has determinant − 1. This behaviour is characteristic of rotations and reflections about any given axis.

9.4.3 Matrix inversion

We can now complete the discussion of matrix algebra. The operation of division by a matrix is not defined. However, if we can find a matrix D such that AD = DA = I, then D is called the inverse of A and is written A− 1, so that

(9.62) Unnumbered Display Equation

The analogy with division is then multiplication by A− 1, so that, for example,

numbered Display Equation

Equation (9.62) can only be satisfied if A and A− 1 are square matrices of the same order, while (9.60b) then implies

numbered Display Equation

so that a singular matrix (one having ) has no inverse, whereas a non-singular matrix does have an inverse. To find the inverse of a matrix A, we need a new matrix called the adjoint, denoted . This is defined as the transpose matrix of the co-factors of A. Thus for the n × n matrix A, with co-factors Aij corresponding to the element aij, the adjoint matrix is

(9.63) Unnumbered Display Equation

from which it follows that

(9.64) Unnumbered Display Equation

To see this, we note that for i = j, (9.64) is just the Laplace expansion of along row i; while for ij, it is the Laplace expansion of a matrix A′ which differs from A in that the jth row is replaced by the ith row. Thus we have arrived at the result that the matrix defined by has the property that AD = I and hence D can be identified with the inverse matrix A− 1, i.e.

(9.65) Unnumbered Display Equation

and AA− 1 = I. A similar argument gives A− 1A = I, and hence (9.62) is satisfied.

Using this result, it is easy to prove that

(9.66a) Unnumbered Display Equation


(9.66b) Unnumbered Display Equation


(9.66c) Unnumbered Display Equation

For a 2 × 2 matrix A, (9.65) reduces to

(9.67) Unnumbered Display Equation

but the evaluation of the inverses of matrices with higher dimensionality can be somewhat tedious. However the computational work needed can be reduced by a process called row reduction, or Gaussian elimination.

The three elementary operations used in row reductions are:

  1. Multiply any row by a non-zero constant;
  2. Interchange any two rows;
  3. Replace any row by the sum (or difference) of itself and any multiple of another row.

Since by the law of matrix multiplication, the identity AA− 1 = I involves only the rows of A and the columns of A− 1, it follows that the equality is preserved if one applies the same row reductions to A and the unit matrix; hence if a set of row reductions can be found which transform A to I, the same set will transform I to A− 1. For example, if

numbered Display Equation

then the row reduction r1r1 − 2r3 transforms the first row of A to (1, 0, 0), and when followed by the reduction r2r2r1 yields a unit matrix, as follows:

numbered Display Equation

Applying the same sequence of reductions to the unit matrix I gives

numbered Display Equation

so that

numbered Display Equation

The calculations involved in manipulating matrices of large dimensionality can be very tedious and in these cases useful computer programs exist, such as that referenced in footnote 1 in Section 9.1.1. Simpler, but effective, free programs may also be found on the internet.

9.4.4 Inhomogeneous simultaneous linear equations

The n simultaneous linear equations in n unknowns xi(i  =  1, 2, …, n) given in (9.9) are conveniently written in matrix form

(9.68a) Unnumbered Display Equation


(9.68b) Unnumbered Display Equation

The solution of (9.68) for the homogeneous case b = 0 was discussed in Section 9.1.3. Here we consider the inhomogeneous case, when b0. We will also start by assuming that A is non-singular so that A− 1 exists. Then the solution of (9.68) is

(9.69) Unnumbered Display Equation

and the solution is unique. The latter statement follows from assuming there are two solutions, x(1) and x(2), so that Ax(i)  =  bi(i = 1, 2). Then Ax(1) = Ax(2), and since A has an inverse, we may multiple by A− 1 to obtain x(1) = x(2), as required for the solution to be unique.

The solution of linear simultaneous equations by finding the inverse matrix A− 1 can be tedious and it is sometimes simpler to use an alternative method based on Cramer's rule, which we now discuss. We will again consider the set of equations (9.68a), which we will write in the form

(9.70) Unnumbered Display Equation

Multiplying the equation for bi by Aij and summing over i using (9.64), gives

(9.71) Unnumbered Display Equation

Hence, provided , and setting , (9.71) becomes

(9.72a) Unnumbered Display Equation

or equivalently,

(9.72b) Unnumbered Display Equation

where Δj is the determinant obtained by replacing the elements in the jth column of Δ by the elements of the column vector b. Equations (9.72a) and (9.72b) are the combined statement of Cramer's rule.

We now briefly consider the cases where A− 1 does not exist, that is, when There are two possibilities:

  1. If any of the determinants in the numerators of (9.72) are non-zero, then since the determinant in the denominator is , no finite solution to the set of equations exists. The equations are said to be inconsistent, or incompatible.
  2. If , but all the determinants in the numerators of (9.72) are also zero, then in general one can show that an infinity of solutions exists.

In the case of three simultaneous equations, these results have a simple geometrical interpretation. For n = 3, (9.68b) reduces to the three equations

numbered Display Equation

and if we interpret x1,  x2 and x3 as Cartesian co-ordinates x, y and z, on comparing to (1.51) we see that these are the equations of three planes. Assuming they are not identical, the first two planes will intersect in a straight line. There are then three possibilities. If the line lies in the plane described by the third equation, then any point on it is a solution to all three equations so that there is an infinite number of solutions. This corresponds to case (ii) above. Alternatively, if the line of intersection is parallel to, but not in, the third plane, there is no solution. This corresponds to case (i) above. Finally, if the line of intersection is not parallel to the third plane, it will pass through it at a single point, corresponding to a unique solution.

Problems 9

  1. The vectors a, b, c, are given by

    numbered Display Equation

    Use determinants to evaluate a × b and b · a × c.

    1. Evaluate the determinant

      numbered Display Equation

      by using the Laplace expansion about (i) the third column and (ii) the first row.

    2. Use the general properties of a determinant, as stated in Section 9.1.2, to show that the determinant

      numbered Display Equation

      may be written

      numbered Display Equation

      and find its value.

  2. Simplify and hence evaluate the determinant

    numbered Display Equation
    1. Solve the equation

      numbered Display Equation
    2. Write the determinant

      numbered Display Equation

      as the product of factors that are linear in α, β, γ.

  3. The n × n determinant Δn is given by

    numbered Display Equation

    Establish a recurrence relation for Sn ≡ Δn + Δn − 1 and hence find an explicit formula for Δn

  4. Consider the two sets of homogeneous equations

    numbered Display Equation

    Determine whether these sets have non-trivial solutions for x, y, z and, if so, find them.

  5. Find the values of α for which the equations

    numbered Display Equation

    have a unique consistent solution and solve the equations for the larger of these values.

  6. Given two vectors a and b in an arbitrary number of dimensions, use the properties of the inner product and the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, (9.26), to prove:

    1. the parallelogram equality

      numbered Display Equation
    2. the triangle inequality |a + b | ≤ |a| + |b |.
  7. Consider the matrices

    numbered Display Equation
    1. Find A − 3B, AB   and BA.
    2. State which of the products ACCAADDACD and DC are defined and evaluate those that are.
    1. The three matrices

      numbered Display Equation

      called the Pauli spin matrices, form a ‘vector’ σ. Show that (σ · a)2 = a2 I, where a is an arbitrary real vector a = (ax,  ay,  az) and I is the 2 × 2 unit matrix.

    2. If the matrices M± are defined by M±Mx ± iMy, where

      numbered Display Equation

      show that the commutator [M+,  M] ≡ M+MMM+ = 2Mz.

  8. Write down the matrix operator corresponding to a rotation R(θ) through an angle θ about the z-axis in three dimensions, where positive θ corresponds to the x-axis moving towards the original y-axis. Use the form of this matrix to verify explicitly that

    numbered Display Equation

    and that

    numbered Display Equation
  9. The matrix operators corresponding to rotations Rx(θ) and Ry(θ) through an angle θ about the x and y axes are given by

    numbered Display Equation
    1. Show that the matrix corresponding to a rotation through θ1 about the x-axis, followed by a rotation through θ2 about the y-axis, is given by

      numbered Display Equation

      Do Rx1) and Ry2) commute?

    2. Write an expression for the inverse matrix R− 11, θ2) in terms of Rx(θ) and Ry(θ) and hence confirm explicitly the relation R− 1 = RT, which holds for any orthogonal matrix and show that in this case.
  10. The powers of a matrix X are defined by X2XX, X3XXX etc., while its exponential is defined as

    numbered Display Equation

    If A and B are square matrices: (a) find an expression for (A + B)3 in terms of the products of A and B and their powers; (b) derive a condition for the relation

    numbered Display Equation

    to be valid.

  11. Find the transpose, complex conjugate and Hermitian conjugate of the matrix

    numbered Display Equation
    1. Verify that the matrix

      numbered Display Equation

      is unitary.

    2. Express the matrix

      numbered Display Equation

      in the form AS + AAS, where AS is a symmetric matrix and AAS is an anti-symmetric matrix.

  12. Which of the matrices below are: (i) symmetric, (ii) orthogonal, (iii) unitary or (iv) Hermitian? Use the matrix that has none of these properties to construct (v) an anti-symmetric matrix and (vi) an anti-Hermitian matrix.

    numbered Display Equation
    1. If S is a symmetric matrix and A is an anti-symmetric matrix, show that .
    2. Prove that diagonal matrices commute with each other.
  13. Find the inverse of the matrix

    numbered Display Equation

    and check the answer by direct multiplication.

  14. Find the inverse of the matrix

    numbered Display Equation

    and hence solve the matrix equation

    numbered Display Equation
  15. Find by matrix inversion the solution of the equations

    numbered Display Equation
  16. Find the solution of the equations

    numbered Display Equation

    by Cramer's rule.

  17. The half-life τ of a radioactive atom is defined as the time it takes for half of a given quantity of atoms to decay. A sample consists of just two radioactive components A and B, both of which decay to gaseous products that rapidly disperse. The sample is weighed after 8 and 12 hours and is found to weigh 90 and 30 grams, respectively. If the half-lives of A and B are τa = 2 h and τb = 4 h, respectively, use Cramer's rule to calculate the amounts of A and B initially in the sample.

    1. For what values of the constants α and β do the simultaneous equations

      numbered Display Equation

      have a unique solution?

    2. Solve the equations for the case α = 2,  β = 3 by inverting the appropriate matrix.
    3. Comment on both the existence and uniqueness of solutions in the cases: (i)  α = 3, β = 6 ;  (ii)  α = 3, β = 2.


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