
In previous chapters we have been concerned exclusively with quantities that are completely specified by their magnitude. These are called scalar quantities, or simply scalars. If they have dimensions, then these also must be specified, in appropriate units. Examples of scalars are temperature, electric charge and mass. In physical science one also meets quantities that are specified by both their magnitude (again in appropriate units) and their direction. Provided they obey the particular law of addition specified below, these are called vector quantities, or just vectors. Examples are force, velocity and magnetic field strength. In this chapter we will be concerned with the algebraic manipulation of vectors, their use in co-ordinate geometry and the most elementary aspects of their calculus. In Chapter 12 we will discuss in more detail the calculus of vectors and vector analysis.

8.1 Scalars and vectors

Because vectors depend on both magnitude and direction, a convenient representation of a vector is by a line with the direction indicated by an arrow anywhere along it, often at its end as shown in Figure 8.1a. The vector represented by the line OA is printed in bold face type a (or if hand-written, as or ). The magnitude of a is the length of the line OA and is a scalar. It is written |a| or a. Vectors are equal if they have the same magnitude and are parallel. Thus in Figure 8.1b, all three vectors a1a2 and a3 have the same magnitude and are parallel and hence are equal. However, in Figure 8.1c the vectors a1 and a4 have the same magnitude but are antiparallel and a1 = −a4, that is, reversing the direction of a vector while keeping its magnitude the same changes its sign.


Figure 8.1 Graphical representation of vectors.

The law of addition is same law that applies to displacements, in which points are moved in the direction of the vector by an amount that is equal to its magnitude. This yields the triangle law of addition, shown by the construction of Figure 8.2. Here the vector b is added to the vector a to yield the vector s = a + b. This law is central to the properties of vectors and their usefulness in physical science.


Figure 8.2 Addition of vectors.

8.1.1 Vector algebra

Scalars are manipulated by the rules of ordinary algebra, which we now call scalar algebra, that were discussed in Section 1.2.1. Vectors are manipulated by an analogous set of rules known as vector algebra, which we will explore in this chapter. We note that the rules differ from those of scalar algebra in several respects: for example, the commutative law of multiplication for scalars does not necessarily hold for vectors; also, if the product of two vectors is zero, this does not imply that one, or both, of them is necessarily zero.

We begin by looking at addition and subtraction of vectors. In Figure 8.2 we added vector b to vector a to obtain the vector s = a + b. As can be seen from Figure 8.3a, if we instead add a to b, we obtain the same result. In other words, addition obeys the commutative law

(8.1a) Unnumbered Display Equation

The triangle law is also referred to as the parallelogram law, because the construction of Figure 8.3a produces a parallelogram. Likewise, Figure 8.3b shows the construction for the difference d = ab, corresponding to adding the vector −b to a. As in the case of scalar algebra, subtraction is not commutative: abba. Also note that |s| ≠ |a| + |b| and |d| ≠ |a| − |b|. The magnitudes of s and d are found from Figure 8.3 by using the cosine rule derived in Chapter 2. These constructions may be extended to more than two vectors and one easily establishes the associative law

(8.1b) Unnumbered Display Equation

using the constructions of Figure 8.4.


Figure 8.3 Addition and subtraction of vectors.

images images

Figure 8.4 Constructions to show that s = a + (b + c) and s = (a + b) + c are identical. Note that the vertex P is not necessarily in the plane defined by the other three vertices.

Products of vectors will be discussed in Section 8.2. To complete this subsection, we consider the product λa of a scalar λ with a vector a. If λ > 0, this is defined to be a vector of magnitude λ|a| in the direction of a; and if λ < 0, it is defined to be a vector of length |λ||a| in the opposite direction to a, as illustrated in Figure 8.5. Division by a scalar λ is defined as multiplication by λ− 1 and in both cases the operations are associative and distributive, so that

(8.2a) Unnumbered Display Equation

(8.2b) Unnumbered Display Equation


(8.2c) Unnumbered Display Equation


Figure 8.5 The vectors a, 2a and −2a.

Finally, it is often useful to introduce the null vector 0, which has zero length, so that, for example,

numbered Display Equation

for any vector a. Vectors with unit magnitude, called unit vectors, also play a special role and are obtained by dividing a vector by its magnitude, a procedure called normalisation. Unit vectors in the same directions as ab, … are usually denoted ; thus .

8.1.2 Components of vectors: Cartesian co-ordinates

A useful representation of vectors is obtained by using Cartesian co-ordinates, defined with respect to a right-handed set of axes, as shown in Figure 1.9 and again in Figure 8.7a. Then, using the triangle law of addition, an ordinary vector a can always be written as the sum

numbered Display Equation

of three vectors axayaz parallel to the x-, y- and z-axes, respectively, as shown in Figure 8.7b. If we now introduce three unit vectors ijk in the x, y and z directions, respectively, then

numbered Display Equation


(8.3a) Unnumbered Display Equation


(8.3b) Unnumbered Display Equation

as can be seen by applying Pythagoras' theorem twice to Figure 8.7b.


Figure 8.6 Construction to prove the parallelogram relation.


Figure 8.7 Decomposition into Cartesian components.

The vectors i, j and k are called the basis vectors of the Cartesian system1 and axay and az are called the components of the vector a in the x, y and z directions.2 They are useful because they enable a vector a to be defined completely by its components without the necessity of drawing a diagram to specify its direction. They also enable equations involving vectors to be expressed as three equations for their components. This is analogous to the situation we met in Chapter 6 for complex variables, where an equation involving complex quantities could be written as two equations involving real variables. For example, the sum s of two vectors a and b, where

numbered Display Equation

is, using (8.1) and (8.2),

numbered Display Equation

so the three equations for the components are

numbered Display Equation

In Section 1.3.2, a point in a plane was specified by its x and y co-ordinates, defined as its projections onto the x- and y-axes. The description extends directly to three dimensions when a point in space P(x, y, z) is specified by three co-ordinates in the same way. However, in many applications it is useful to describe it using a position vector r, which translates the origin to a point P, as shown in Figure 8.8. This can be decomposed into its components in exactly the same way as the vector a of Figure 8.7, when one obtains

(8.4a) Unnumbered Display Equation

In other words, the components of the position vector are just the Cartesian co-ordinates (x, y, z), and its magnitude, or length,

(8.4b) Unnumbered Display Equation

is just the distance of the point P from the origin of the co-ordinate system.


Figure 8.8 Definition of a position vector.

Another way of representing P is in terms of the angles its position vector makes with the x, y and z-axes. In Figure 8.9a, r is the position vector of the point P(x, y, z), with components x, y and z along the three axes and Figure 8.9b shows the three angles α, β, and γ that r makes with the x, y and z-axes, respectively. The ratios x: y: z are called the direction ratios of r and

(8.5a) Unnumbered Display Equation

are its direction cosines. It follows from (8.4b) and (8.5a) that

(8.5b) Unnumbered Display Equation

and the unit vector is given by

(8.5c) Unnumbered Display Equation

in Cartesian co-ordinates.


Figure 8.9 Direction ratios and direction cosines.

So far, we have considered basis vectors i, j, k that are unit vectors at right angles to each other. However, cases sometimes occur, in crystallography for example, where it is advantageous to use basis vectors a, b, c, that do not satisfy these criteria. This is possible because, for any three non-zero vectors a, b, c, which are not parallel to the same plane, one can always write an arbitrary vector r in the form

(8.6a) Unnumbered Display Equation

where λ, μ, ν are uniquely determined real numbers.

To prove this result, we use the construction of Figure 8.10. The line OO′ has a position vector r. The lines OA, OB and OC are parallel to a, b and c, respectively. Taken in pairs, these three lines then define planes parallel respectively to the planes defined by the pairs of vectors (a, b), (b, c) and (ca). By the law of addition,

numbered Display Equation

where λ, μ and ν are real numbers. To show they are unique, we assume that r can be written

(8.6b) Unnumbered Display Equation


Figure 8.10 Construction to prove the result (8.6a).

Then subtracting (8.6a) from (8.6b) gives

numbered Display Equation

But the left-hand side is a vector parallel to a, whereas the right-hand side is a vector parallel to the plane (b, c). Since a, b and c are all non-zero and not all parallel to the same plane, this result can only be true if

numbered Display Equation

Thus λ = λ′ and similarly, μ = μ′ and ν = ν′.

8.2 Products of vectors

We continue the discussion of vector algebra by considering products of vectors. Since in physical science we are mainly concerned with scalar and vector quantities,3 it is useful to define two sorts of vector products: scalar products, which lead to scalars; and vector products, which lead to vectors.

8.2.1 Scalar product

Consider a particle that undergoes a linear displacement d under the action of a force F at an angle θ to the direction of the displacement. The component of F in the direction of d is Fcos θ and the product Fdcos θ is the work done by the force. The work done is a scalar and Fdcos θ is an example of a scalar product. More generally, the scalar product of two vectors a and b is defined as

(8.7) Unnumbered Display Equation

where θ is the angle between the directions of a and b. Because cosine is an even function, it is irrelevant in which direction the angle θ is measured. Because of the notation on the left-hand side of (8.7), the scalar product is also called the dot product of a and b. From the definition (8.7), we see that the commutative law

(8.8a) Unnumbered Display Equation

holds for scalar products, and if λ, μ are arbitrary scalars, then

(8.8b) Unnumbered Display Equation

Further, bcos θ is the projection of b onto the axis defined by a and acos θ is the projection of a onto the axis defined by b, so that (8.7) can be rewritten in the forms

numbered Display Equation

Taken together with the triangle law of addition shown in Figure 8.2, this implies the associative law

(8.8c) Unnumbered Display Equation

The algebraic laws (8.8) are similar to those of scalar algebra and

numbered Display Equation

just as for scalar multiplication. However, the inverse statement is not necessarily true, since a · b = 0 if cos θ = 0, that is, if the two vectors are at right angles. So a · b = 0 does not imply that either a or b is necessarily zero, i.e.

numbered Display Equation

This is a fundamental difference between scalar and vector algebra. If

(8.9) Unnumbered Display Equation

the vectors a and b are said to be orthogonal. Also, if a = b, then

(8.10) Unnumbered Display Equation

is the squared magnitude, or squared ‘length’, of the vector.

Applying the definition (8.7) to the three unit vectors i, j and k in the Cartesian system gives

(8.11a) Unnumbered Display Equation


(8.11b) Unnumbered Display Equation

The unit vectors i, j and k are both orthogonal and normalised and are referred to as an orthonormal set of basis vectors. If we now write the vectors a and b in terms of Cartesian co-ordinates, i.e.

numbered Display Equation

then using (8.8) and (8.11) gives

(8.12) Unnumbered Display Equation

8.2.2 Vector product

The vector product, also called the cross product, of two vectors a and b is written ab or a × b, (we will use the latter notation) and defined as

(8.13) Unnumbered Display Equation

where θ is the angle measured from the direction of a to that of b and is a unit vector perpendicular to the plane containing the two vectors in a direction determined by the ‘right-hand screw rule’ as shown in Figure 8.11. Because sin ( − θ) = −sin θ, it follows that changing the order of the factors in the product changes its sign, that is, the cross product is anti-commutative:

(8.14a) Unnumbered Display Equation

Note that

numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

In addition, the definition (8.13) leads to

(8.14b) Unnumbered Display Equation


(8.14c) Unnumbered Display Equation

by analogy with (8.8b) (8.8c) for scalar products.


Figure 8.11 Right-hand screw rule for vector products.

Applying the definition (8.13) to unit Cartesian vectors gives the useful results:

(8.15a) Unnumbered Display Equation


(8.15b) Unnumbered Display Equation

Note the order of the vectors ijk in (8.15a). If the order is different from this, a minus sign is required because of the anti-commutative property (8.14a), i.e.

numbered Display Equation

We can now evaluate the vector product of any two vectors in terms of their Cartesian components. Using (8.14) and (8.15) gives

(8.16a) Unnumbered Display Equation

The structure of this result is best brought out by relabelling i, j, k as so that the direction with which they are associated is explicit. The vector product (8.16a) then becomes

(8.16b) Unnumbered Display Equation

The sign of each term in (8.16b) is easily memorised by introducing the idea of a cyclic permutation, which is also useful in other contexts. A cyclic permutation of any three objects a, b, c in order abc is obtained by removing an object from the end of the sequence and placing it at the beginning, any number of times. Thus abc, cab and bca are cyclic permutations of abc, while acb, bac and cba are non-cyclic permutations. Using this, one sees that (8.16b) is the sum of six terms, each of which is itself the product of three terms, where:

  1. the suffices are all different; and (ii) the sign of the product is +1, or −1, depending on whether the order of the suffices is a cyclic permutation of x, y, z (i.e. xyzzxy or yzx) or a non-cyclic permutation (i.e. xzyyxz or zyx).

A physical example of a vector product is provided by considering a rigid body rotating with angular velocity , where the direction of corresponds to the axis of rotation. Consider a point P on the body with position vector r and angle θ between r and , as shown in Figure 8.12. The vector product is a vector of magnitude ωrsin θ and by the right-hand rule is in the plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation. Since rsin θ is the radius of the circle of rotation of P, this has the same magnitude and the same direction as the linear velocity v of P, that is, .


Figure 8.12 Angular velocity.

A second physical example is the torque, or moment, about a point O generated by a force F acting on an object at a point P, corresponding to a position vector r relative to O, as shown in Figure 8.13. This is given by

(8.17) Unnumbered Display Equation

where is a unit vector perpendicular to r and F that specifies the direction of . The magnitude of the torque is often written in the form τ = Fd where d = rsin θ is the perpendicular distance from O to a straight line through P in the direction of the force, as shown in Figure 8.13. This line is called the line of action of F. Now suppose instead that the same force acts at a different point P′. Then the torque is unchanged, provided that P and P′ lie on the same line of action, as shown in Figure 8.13 which represents the plane defined by the point O and the line of action of F. This is because

numbered Display Equation

by simple geometry, since remains a unit vector out of the plane and the magnitude of the torque is given by τ = Fr′sin θ′ = Frsin θ = Fd in both cases.


Figure 8.13 Diagram used to calculate the torque about a point O due to a force acting at a point P or a point P′ lying on the same line of action.


Figure 8.14  

8.2.3 Triple products

The product of a vector c with a vector product a × b can produce either a scalar c · (a × b) or a vector c × (a × b). The former is called a triple scalar product and the latter a triple vector product. We will discuss each in turn.

(i) Triple scalar product

If we start by expressing a vector product in terms of the components of its vectors using (8.16a) and then form the scalar product with c using (8.12), one obtains

(8.18) Unnumbered Display Equation

As in (8.16b), the sign of each term is +1(or −1) depending on whether the order of the suffices is a cyclic (or non-cyclic) permutation of x, y, z. This in turn implies that if we make a cyclic rearrangement of a, b and c, for example c · (a × b) → a · (b × c), the triple scalar product is unchanged; whereas if we make a non-cyclic rearrangement, for example c · (a × b) → a · (c × b), the sign of the triple scalar product is reversed. Introducing the shorthand notation

(8.19) Unnumbered Display Equation

leads to the results

(8.20) Unnumbered Display Equation

Furthermore, since a · (b × c) = (b × c) · a by (8.8a), we can use (8.19) to write

(8.21) Unnumbered Display Equation

Thus, provided the order is maintained, the dot and cross are interchangeable.

The triple scalar product has a simple geometrical interpretation, as shown in Figure 8.15. The vector (b × c) is perpendicular to the plane defined by b and c and with magnitude BCsin θ, equal to the shaded area. The scalar product with a is the product of this area with the projection of a along (b × c). Thus |a · (b × c)| is the volume of the parallelopiped with edges a, b and c. When the three vectors lie in a plane, the volume of the parallelepiped is zero. Hence the condition for three vectors to be coplanar is that their triple scalar product vanishes.

(8.22a) Unnumbered Display Equation

It also vanishes if any two of the vectors are identical.

(8.22b) Unnumbered Display Equation


Figure 8.15 Geometrical interpretation of a triple scalar product.

A physical example of a triple scalar product is the torque, or moment, about an axis (rather than about a point). Suppose F is a force acting at a point P and r is a displacement vector from a point Q to P as shown in Figure 8.16. Then, from (8.17), the torque about the point Q is given by . However, if the system is constrained so that it can only rotate about an axis OA, specified by the unit vector , as shown in Figure 8.16, then the relevant quantity is the component of in the direction of . This is called the torque about the axis . It is given by the triple scalar product and if we take to be along the z-axis, then

numbered Display Equation

Figure 8.16 Torque as a triple scalar product.

Moreover, the result is independent of the choice of the point Q on the axis of rotation and the location of P on the line of action of the force. To see this, suppose r′ is a vector from another point Q′ on OA intersecting the line of the force F through P at P′, as shown in Figure 8.16, Then,

(8.23) Unnumbered Display Equation

But Q′Q is parallel to and PP′ is parallel to F, so these terms make no contribution to (8.23) and

(8.24) Unnumbered Display Equation

which proves the result.

(ii) Triple vector product

Since (b × c) is perpendicular to both b and c and a × (b × c) is perpendicular to (b × c), it follows that the triple vector product a × (b × c) must be co-planar with b and c. Hence

(8.25) Unnumbered Display Equation

where the unknown scalars α and β are conveniently determined by considering components, for example

numbered Display Equation

To do this, we introduce

(8.26) Unnumbered Display Equation

by (8.16). Using (8.16) again gives

numbered Display Equation

on substituting from (8.26) and rearranging. Adding and subtracting axbxcx from this equation then gives

numbered Display Equation

This can only hold for arbitrary vectors a, b, c if α = a · c and β = −a · b, so that (8.25) gives

(8.27) Unnumbered Display Equation

Equation (8.27) not only facilitates the evaluation of triple vector products, but it is also extremely useful in deriving general results. For example, using it, one easily verifies that

(8.28) Unnumbered Display Equation

while setting a = c in (8.27) gives

numbered Display Equation

Rearranging the latter gives

(8.29) Unnumbered Display Equation

which enables an arbitrary vector b to be expressed as a sum of vectors parallel to and perpendicular to a given vector a.

Finally, we consider triple vector products of the form (a × b) × c. Since vector products anti-commute, this is given by

(8.30) Unnumbered Display Equation

On comparing (8.30) with (8.27), we see that

(8.31) Unnumbered Display Equation

in general. In contrast to vector addition (8.1a) and (8.1b), vector products are not associative and in triple vector products the positions of the brackets are important.

A physical example of a triple vector product is the angular momentum of a particle of mass m fixed to the point P on a rigid body, as shown in Figure 8.12. By definition, the angular momentum L is given by

numbered Display Equation

We have seen that the velocity is related to the angular velocity by , so L is given by the triple vector product

(8.32) Unnumbered Display Equation

*8.2.4 Reciprocal vectors

In this section, we will use the properties of products of vectors described above to introduce the concept of reciprocal vectors. They enable the coefficients λ, μ, ν in the expansion (8.6a) of an arbitrary vector to be evaluated, as we shall show below. Reciprocal vectors play a central role in the theory of crystallography. This is because, by analogy with the expansion (8.6a), a crystalline substance may be described by a set of three non-coplanar lattice vectors a, b, c and the points on the lattice are given by the position vectors

numbered Display Equation

where in this case λ, μ, ν are integers. For example, if the crystal is monatomic, the lattice points could correspond to the positions of the atoms. In addition, the reciprocal vectors describe X-ray diffraction patterns.4

To find λ, μ, ν for a set of non-coplanar vectors a, b, c, we define a set of corresponding reciprocal vectors a′, b′, c′ by

(8.34a) Unnumbered Display Equation


(8.34b) Unnumbered Display Equation

Assuming such vectors can be identified, then on multiplying both sides of (8.6a) by a′, we immediately obtain

numbered Display Equation

by (8.34a) and (8.34b). Similar results applying for μ and ν, so that (8.6a) can be rewritten in the form

(8.35) Unnumbered Display Equation

It remains to obtain explicit expressions for a′, b′, c′. To do this, we note that since a′ · b = a′ · c = 0, a′ must be perpendicular to both b and c and hence parallel or antiparallel to b × c. This implies that

numbered Display Equation

where α is a constant. Substituting in the requirement a′a = 1 then gives α = [abc]− 1 and hence

(8.36a) Unnumbered Display Equation

Similar arguments, together with (8.21), give

(8.36b) Unnumbered Display Equation

where a · (b × c) ≠ 0, since the vectors are non-coplanar.

8.3 Applications to geometry

We have discussed some simple uses of vectors in describing geometry in earlier sections. We will continue that discussion here by considering straight lines and planes in more detail.

8.3.1 Straight lines

We will find the vector equation of a line through a given point A, with position vector a, in the direction of a given vector b, by reference to Figure 8.18. The position vector of any point P on the line is given by

numbered Display Equation

where s is the length of the line AP in units of |b|. By allowing the scale parameter to vary over all values − ∞ < s < ∞, we obtain the position vectors for all points on the line. Thus, as the parameter s varies, the equation

(8.37a) Unnumbered Display Equation

defines a straight line through the point A with position vector a in a direction of the vector b. It is often written in the standard form

(8.37b) Unnumbered Display Equation

where λ = s|b| and is a unit vector in the b-direction as usual. More generally, one can choose any point A on the line and b can be replaced by any vector that is parallel or antiparallel to . For example, consider the equation for a straight line through the two points C and D, with vectors c and d, respectively. Then we could take A = C and use b = dc to specify the direction of the line, so that (8.37) becomes

(8.38a) Unnumbered Display Equation

or we could take A = D and use b = cd, yielding

(8.38b) Unnumbered Display Equation


Figure 8.18 Construction of equation for a straight line.

These two equations (and others) describe the same straight line through C and D, although any given point on the line will correspond to a different value of s, depending on which form is used.

We turn now to Cartesian co-ordinates, in which

numbered Display Equation


(8.39) Unnumbered Display Equation

where cos α, cos β, cos γ are the direction cosines of . Substituting into (8.37a) then gives

numbered Display Equation

in an obvious notation. Eliminating s gives the two equations

(8.40) Unnumbered Display Equation

that are required to define a straight line in Cartesian co-ordinates in three dimensions.

As an example we will find the shortest distance from a point P to the line (8.37). This distance is the length d of the perpendicular from P to the line as shown in Figure 8.19a. If the position vector of P is p, then from the right-angled triangle,

(8.41a) Unnumbered Display Equation

where is a unit vector in the direction of the line and we have used the definition of the vector product. We can also find the shortest distance d′ between two arbitrary lines in the directions of the vectors a and b. Referring to Figure 8.19b, the line normal to both a and b is a × b and so a unit vector normal to both lines is

numbered Display Equation

Figure 8.19 Shortest distance between (a) a point and a line, (b) two lines.

Then if P is a point on the line in the direction a with position vector p and Q is a point on the line in the direction b with a position vector q, the line QP = (pq) and the minimum distance between the lines is the component of QP along the unit normal , i.e.

(8.41b) Unnumbered Display Equation

8.3.2 Planes

The above ideas can be extended to find the equation for a plane. Consider a plane defined by three non-collinear points A, B, C, with position vectors abc. Then any other point R with position vector r that lies in the plane can be written in the form

(8.42) Unnumbered Display Equation

as shown in Figure 8.20, where s and s′ are real parameters in the range − ∞ < ss′ < ∞. This expression can then be re-arranged in the more symmetric form

(8.43a) Unnumbered Display Equation

where α = 1 − ss′, β = s, γ = s′ satisfy

(8.43b) Unnumbered Display Equation


Figure 8.20 A point R in the plane defined by the points A, B, C, having position vectors abc, as given in (8.42). In the figure we have chosen the point R so that s and s′ are both less than 1.

Equation (8.42) is similar in form to (8.38) used to describe a straight line, except that two parameters s and s′ are needed to define a given point on a plane, as opposed to one for a straight line. However, a very useful alternative description is obtained by considering a plane through the point A that is perpendicular to a given vector n. Then a vector ra will be perpendicular to n if, and only if, the point r also lies in the plane. Hence

(8.44a) Unnumbered Display Equation

is the condition that r lies in the plane and (8.44a) corresponds to the same plane as (8.42) if we choose n = (b × c) or n = −(b × c). In Cartesian co-ordinates, this becomes

(8.45a) Unnumbered Display Equation

where α, β, γ are the direction ratios of n, i.e.

(8.45b) Unnumbered Display Equation

and d = r · a. The latter parameter has a simple interpretation in the case that n is chosen to be a unit vector in the same direction as n. Then α, β, γ reduce to the direction cosines of (or n), satisfying [cf. Eq. (8.5)]

(8.46a) Unnumbered Display Equation


(8.46b) Unnumbered Display Equation

is the perpendicular distance from the origin to the plane, as can be seen from Figure 8.21a. The sign of d depends on which side of the plane the origin is situated relative to the direction of , where Figure 8.21a corresponds to the case d > 0.


Figure 8.21 Shortest distance between (a) the origin and a plane; and (b) an arbitrary point P and a plane.

To illustrate the use of (8.44), we will find the shortest distance from a point P, with position vector p, to the plane described by (8.44). Consider the vector (ap), where a is the position vector of any point A in the plane, as shown in Figure 8.21b. Its component normal to the plane, which is the distance to the plane, is

(8.47) Unnumbered Display Equation

where the sign will depend on the direction of (ap) relative to . The same result can be extended to a line r = c + s b that is parallel to the plane, that is, for which . Then the perpendicular distance from a point on the line to the plane will be independent of which point is chosen and so will again be given by (8.47), where P is now any point on the line and A is any point in the plane. However, if the line and the plane are not parallel, that is, if , the line will pass through the plane and the minimum distance is zero.

We will conclude by considering the problem of two intersecting planes, as shown in Figure 8.22. If the vectors p and q are normal to the planes 1 and 2 respectively, then the angle θ between them is given by

(8.48) Unnumbered Display Equation


Figure 8.22 Intersection of two planes.

which is also the angle of intersection of the two planes. For example, if the planes are

(8.49) Unnumbered Display Equation

then we can take

numbered Display Equation

giving θ = 99.6°. Finally, the line of intersection r of the two planes is contained in both planes, so that both equations (8.49) must be simultaneously satisfied, from which one obtains

numbered Display Equation

where s is a scalar parameter. So the co-ordinates of any point on the line are x = sy = 3s + 6, z = 8 − 5s and the vector equation of the line of intersection is

numbered Display Equation

8.4 Differentiation and integration

In this section we extend the ideas of differentiation and integration to vectors that depend on a continuously varying parameter s or t.

Differentiation of a vector a is defined in the same way as for a scalar. Thus, if a is a function of the scalar variable t, then

numbered Display Equation

assuming that the limit exists. If this is the case, then just as for the differentiation of a scalar function, a is said to be differentiable at the point. Similarly, the differential da of a vector is given by

numbered Display Equation

Both the derivative and the differential are vectors. In particular, they are not in general in the same direction as V itself. This is easily seen by writing a in components. For example, using rectangular co-ordinates,

(8.50) Unnumbered Display Equation

and so if a is a function of a variable t,

(8.51) Unnumbered Display Equation

and because the coefficients of the basis vectors are in general different in (8.50) and (8.51), the two vectors will have different directions. Similar results hold for higher derivatives.

Scalar and vector products are also differentiated by using the product rule. Thus,

numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

In the latter case, the order of the vectors must be strictly maintained. Triple products are dealt with by applying the product rule a second time. Thus, for the triple scalar product,

numbered Display Equation

and for the triple vector product,

numbered Display Equation

Again the order of the vectors must be maintained.

Integration of a vector, or an expression involving vectors (which may be itself be a vector or a scalar) with respect to a scalar is the inverse of differentiation. As for differentiation, it is important to remember that integrating an expression involving vectors (including the differential) does not change the character (either scalar or vector) of the expression and that the order of terms in a vector integrand must be maintained. In addition, in indefinite integrals the integration constant is a constant vector. That is, if

(8.52a) Unnumbered Display Equation


(8.52b) Unnumbered Display Equation

where a0 is an arbitrary vector, independent of t.

Problems 8

  1. Three vectors of lengths a, 2a and 3a meet at a point and are directed along the diagonals of the faces of a cube meeting at the point. Determine their sum in the form r = x i + y j + z k and find its magnitude.

  2. Use the vector law of addition to prove that the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect one another.

  3. If a0 and b0 are the position vectors of the points (1,2,3) and (3,2,1) relative to the origin, show that the lines corresponding to the vectors

    numbered Display Equation

    intersect and find the co-ordinates of the point of intersection.

    1. Two vectors a1 and a2 passing through the origin and with an angle θ between them, have direction cosines a, b, c and α, β, γ, respectively. Show that cos θ = aα + bβ + cγ.

    2. Find the angle between the position vectors (3, −4, 0) and ( − 2, 1, 0), and the direction cosines of a vector perpendicular to both.
  4. If AB is the diameter of a circle centre O and P is any point on the circumference, use vector methods to show that the angle subtended at P by the lines AP and BP is a right-angle.

    1. Show that the vectors

      numbered Display Equation

      form a right-angled triangle.

    2. Use the vector law of addition for the triangle of Figure 8.2 to prove the cosine law for a plane triangle.
  5. Find a unit vector that is perpendicular to both the vectors

    numbered Display Equation

    If a and b are two sides of a triangle, what is its area?

  6. If vi(i = 1, 2, 3, 4) are four vectors whose magnitudes are equal to the areas of the faces of a tetrahedron and whose directions are perpendicular to the faces in the outward direction, show that .

  7. The volume of a tetrahedron is given by

    numbered Display Equation

    Find the volume of the tetrahedron whose four vertices have the Cartesian co-ordinates A(1, 2, 3), B( − 2, 3, 1), C(2, 0, −3) and D( − 2, −1, 0).

    1. Evaluate the triple vector product a × (b × c), where

      numbered Display Equation
    2. A vector r satisfies the equations

    numbered Display Equation

    where a, b, c are fixed vectors, with a · c ≠ 0. Solve for r in terms of a, b, c.

  8. A particle of mass m is attached to a rigid body and is rotating as shown in Figure 8.12. If v is the velocity of r, and r and are perpendicular, use the results of Section 8.2.3 to show: (a) the magnitude of its angular momentum L is given by , where ; and (b) its acceleration a, given by is directed towards the centre of the circle with magnitude .

  9. A force F = 2i + 3j acts at a point P(3, 1, 3). Find the moment : (a) about the origin (0, 0, 0); (b) about the point A(1, −1, 2); (c) about the z-axis; (d) about the line from the origin to the point (0, 1, 1).

  10. Show that if a, b and c are an orthogonal set of vectors, then the reciprocal vectors a′, b′ and c′ are also an orthogonal set.

  11. If a′, b′ and c′ are reciprocal to the vectors a, b and c, then the definition (8.34) implies that a, b and c are reciprocal to a′, b′ and c′. Confirm this by showing that

    numbered Display Equation
    1. Construct the reciprocal vectors of a = 3ikb = j + kand c = i + 2j.
    2. In crystals that have the so-called ‘face-centred cubic’ structure, the positions of the atoms are often specified using the basis vectors

    numbered Display Equation

    where a is a constant depending on the interatomic spacing. Find the corresponding reciprocal vectors.

  12. If a, b, c and d are constant vectors, and λ and μ are scalar parameters, show that the lines v1 = a + λ c and v2 = b + μ d intersect if d · (b × c) = d · (a × c). Find the parameters λ and μ at the point of intersection in terms of a, b, c and d.

  13. Find the shortest distance from the point P(3, 2, 4) and the line that passes through the points A(1, 0, −1) and B( − 1, 2, 1). Find the point D on this line that is closest to P.

  14. Find the forms of the surfaces whose equations are: (a) |ra| = λ, (b) (ra) · a = 0, (c) , where a is the position vector of a fixed point (ax, ay, az), r is the position vector of a variable point (x, y, z), is a fixed unit vector and λ is a scalar constant.

  15. Find the equation in Cartesian co-ordinates for the plane perpendicular to the vector n = i − 2j − 3k and passing through a point A whose position vector is a = i + 3j − 4k. Find also the shortest distance from the origin to the plane.

  16. Find an equation in Cartesian co-ordinates for the plane determined by the points P1(1, −2, 2), P2(3, 2, −1), P3( − 1, 3, −1).

  17. Find the angle of intersection of the planes x + 2y + 3z + 4 = 0 and 2x + 3y + 4z + 5 = 0 and the equation of their line of intersection in vector form.

  18. Find a unit tangent vector to the curve defined by

    numbered Display Equation

    at the point where t = 2.

  19. Evaluate the integral

    numbered Display Equation


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