
As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.


$regex operator

options 133

2D geospatial index 233

2dsphere geospatial index 233


accumulators 190

accumulators stages 191

ACID properties

atomicity 149

consistency 149

durability 152

exploring 148

isolation 150

Active Directory (AD) 78

Active Record (AR) 111

administration tasks, with mongo shell

about 62, 63

collMod, using 64, 65

compact 63, 64

currentOp() 64

killOp() 64

Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) 322


use case 199-213

aggregation expressions 144, 145

aggregation framework

about 37, 72

need for 176

SQL commands, mapping to 72

versus MapReduce 73

aggregation operators

about 178

aggregation pipeline stage 178

expression string operator 185, 186

literal expression operator 184

miscellaneous operator 185

object expression operator 185

text expression operator 186

timestamp expression operator 187

trigonometry expression operator 187, 188

type expression operator 188, 189

aggregation options

about 176

single-purpose aggregation methods 177

aggregation pipeline

limitations 198

optimizing 199

aggregation pipeline expression operators

about 180

array operators 181

Boolean operators 180, 181

comparison operators 181

date operators 183, 184

set operators 181

aggregation pipeline stage

$addFields 178

$bucket 178

$bucketAuto 178

$collStats 178

$count 178

$densify 179

$documents 179

$facet 179

$fill 179

$geoNear 179

$graphLookup 179

$group 179

$indexStats 179

$limit 179

$listSessions 179

$lookup 179

$match 179

$merge 179

$out 179

$project 179

$redact 179

$replaceRoot 179

$replaceWith 180

$sample 180

$search 180

$searchMeta 180

$set 180

$setWindowFields 180

$skip 180

$sort 180

$sortByCount 180

$unionWith 180

$unset 180

$unwind 180

about 178

aggregation stage operators 178

aggregation stages 144

ahead of time (AOT) 303

Amazon DocumentDB 365, 366

Amazon DocumentDB SLA

reference link 366

Amazon Web Services (AWS) 76, 296, 414

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 4

Apache ActiveMQ 322

Apache Hadoop 324

Apache Kafka 323

Apache Lucene 225

Apache Lucene technology

URL 302

Apache Software Foundation (ASF)

Apache Hadoop 324

Apache Spark 324, 325

Apache Spark

about 324, 325

versus Hadoop MapReduce 326

application design

about 401

defensive coding 410, 411

read performance, optimizing 408

schema design-less 402

application design, anti-patterns

about 407

bloated documents anti-pattern 408

case-insensitive queries, without matching indexes anti-pattern 408

massive arrays anti-pattern 407

unnecessary indexes anti-pattern 407, 408

application design, patterns

about 402

approximation pattern 407

attribute pattern 402

bucket pattern 406

computed pattern 405

extended reference pattern 406

outlier pattern 406

polymorphism 404

schema versioning pattern 405

subset pattern 405

tree traversal pattern 403, 404

application programming interface (API) 53, 304

approximation pattern 407

arbiter node 343

array operators 182, 183

Association of Computer Machinery (ACM) 4

Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability (ACID)

about 4, 30

need for 152

atomic operations

data, modeling 30, 31

attribute pattern 402

audit case study

about 94

with audit log 96-100

with MongoDB CLI 94-96

with mongo shell 96-100

audit events 85, 87

audit filters 87

audit format 85-87

audit guarantee 88


about 84

setup, in MongoDB Atlas 88-91

setup, in MongoDB Enterprise Edition 85

versus logging 84

audit log

accessing 92, 93

database operations 90, 91


about 91

actions 91


about 264

client-server key-based authentication 264

localhost exception 265

server-server key-based authentication 264

username/password client-based authentication 264

authentication, with MongoDB

about 78

Enterprise Edition 78


backup and restore roles

backup 270

restore 270

backup options, cluster

backup, making of sharded cluster 260

cloud-based solutions 258

filesystem snapshots, using 259

mongodump, using 261

on-premises solutions 259

queuing system 262

raw files, copying 261

batch operations

about 109, 110

performing, with mongo shell 60-62

big data

about 319, 320

characteristics 320

data warehousing 324

landscape 320

message queuing systems 321

use case, with servers on-premises 327

Big O complexity chart

reference link 215

Bigtable 4

Binary JSON (BSON) 25, 78, 311, 332

bloated documents anti-pattern 408

Boolean operators 180, 181

Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF) 24, 402

broker 328

BSON schema

data types 312

BSON types

reference link 25

B-tree data structure

about 215

reference link 216

B-tree indexes

versus LSM indexes 281

B-tree misses

tracking 254

bucket pattern 406

built-in analyzers

keyword 303

language 303

simple 303

standard 303

whitespace 303

BulkWrite API

parameters 109, 110

BulkWrite interface 124, 125


Cacti tool 257

capped collections 13

case-insensitive queries

without, matching indexes anti-patterns 408

case insensitivity 227

case sensitivity 230-232

Cassandra 10

central processing unit (CPU) 412

certificate authority (CA) 76

chained replication 364

change streams

about 136, 137

advantages 137

approach 136

notes 141

production recommendations 141

replica sets 141

setup 137

sharded clusters 142

specification 140, 141

using 137-139

chunk administration, sharding

about 384

chunks, merging 388, 389

chunks, moving 385

default chunk size, modifying 385

jumbo chunks 386-388

read and write concern, setting 384

shards, adding 389

shards, removing 390, 391

client-server key-based authentication 264

client-side field-level encryption 284

cloud-first database 9

Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) 304

cloud options, replica set

about 365

Amazon DocumentDB 365, 366

Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB 366, 367

MongoDB Atlas 367


creating 297-301

monitoring 249

securing 264

setting up 296

cluster administration roles

clusterAdmin 270

clusterManager 269

clusterMonitor 270

hostManager 269

cluster backups

about 257, 258

EC2 backup and restore 262

incremental backups 263

options 258

clustered index 236

CockroachDB 286

command-line interface (CLI) 94, 309

Common Gateway Interface (CGI) 4

comparison operators 181

Compose 297

compound index

about 220

reusing 221

sorting with 220

computed pattern 405

conditional expressions 191

configuration settings

base URL 305

project ID 305

public API key 305

user 305

connections 253

consumer 328

Continuous Cloud Backups 258

count() method 177

create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) 53

cursors 253

custom aggregation expression operator 192

custom write concern 353



modeling, for atomic operations 30, 31

modeling, for Internet of Things (IoT) 36, 37

modeling, for keyword searches 35, 36

database administration roles

dbAdmin 269

dbOwner 269

userAdmin 269

database-as-a-service (DBaaS) 296, 365

data definition language (DDL) 161

data mapper pattern 47

data migration

to WiredTiger 281

data modeling 25

data size operator 192

data source name (DSN) 315

data types

about 25, 26, 28

comparing 27, 28

ObjectId 29, 30

data warehousing 324

date operators 183, 184

defensive coding 410, 411

integrations, monitoring 412

delete operation

storage, considering 135, 136

detect failures 412

diacritical marks 232

diacritic insensitivity 227

digital bank, building with MongoDB

about 153

accounts, transferring 155-163

data, setting up 154, 155

Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) 177

directoryperdb option 252

disaster recovery (DR) 258, 398, 415

distinct() method 177

Docker Swarm 304


about 127

best practices 131

documents, creating 127

documents, deleting 128

documents, reading 129, 131

documents, updating 127, 128

Doctrine, annotations

reference link 48

Doctrine ODM 46, 48, 49

Document Metrics option 253

dropping index

about 218

compound index 220

embedded documents, indexing 219

embedded fields, indexing 218

DynamoDB 4


EC2 backup and restore 262

e-commerce application

demonstrating, with MongoDB 163-172

Elastic Block Store (EBS) 76

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) 300, 329


working 344-347

encrypted storage engine

about 282, 283

auditing 283, 284

key management 283, 284

replication 283, 284

end-to-end (E2E) 315, 416

enterprise data warehouse (EDW) 321

Enterprise Edition

Kerberos authentication 78

LDAP authentication 79

Enterprise Kubernetes Operator 304-307

enumerators (enums) 404

estimatedDocumentCount() method 177

European Union (EU) 298, 398

expression arithmetic operator 189, 190

expression operators 178

expression string operator 185, 186

extended reference pattern 406

extract, transform, load (ETL) 11, 72


fan-out queries 394

first-in, first-out (FIFO) 288, 328

first normal form (1NF) 24

flexible sync 309

foreign key (FK) 409

free cloud-based monitoring 256

free space

tracking 251

Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) 142


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 298

Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSSAPI) 265

geospatial index 232

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 296

Google File System (GFS) 324

Graphical User Interface (GUI) 91, 296



reference link 332

setting up 332-334

Hadoop MapReduce

versus Apache Spark 326

Hadoop-to-MongoDB pipeline

using 334

hash-based sharding 378

hashed index 227

HBase 10

HdfsCLI 334

hidden index 235

high availability

types 342

high availability (HA) 323, 401

horizontal scaling

about 370

advantages 370

disadvantages 370

hot server 342

HttpFS Hadoop API 334

Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) 103

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 415

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) endpoints 312


identifier (ID) 305

incremental backups 263

Incremental MapReduce

about 69, 70

data, setting up 69

troubleshooting 70-72


building 237

managing 237

indexes management

about 241

index names 241

limitations 242

index filter 237, 238

index internals 215-217

index intersection 244, 245

index types

about 234

2D geospatial index 233

2dsphere geospatial index 233

about 217, 225

case sensitivity 230-232

clustered index 236

dropping index 218

geospatial index 232

hashed index 227

hidden index 235

multikey index 221-224

partial index 228, 229

single-field index 217

text index 225-227

time-to-live (TTL) index 228

unique index 230

wildcard indexes 233

index usage

about 242

forcing 238-240

index intersection 244, 245

performance, improving 244

performance, measuring 242, 243

initial coin offering (ICO) 209

in-memory 285, 286

input/output operations per second (IOPS) 300


monitoring 412

International Components for Unicode (ICU) 231

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) 81

Internet of things (IoT)

about 36

data, modeling 36, 37

Internet of Things (IoT) 9, 195, 321, 406

Internet Protocol (IP) 77

inter-process communication (IPC) 370

I/O operations per second (IOPS) 21

I/O wait 255


about 150

example 150

issues 150

levels 150

issues, in isolation

about 150

dirty reads 151

non-repeatable reads 151

phantom reads 151


Java ARchive (JAR) 332

Java Enterprise Edition (EE) 322

Java Message Service (JMS) 322

Java Native Interface (JNI) 334

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) 55, 302, 328, 402

JIRA tracker

reference link 22

JSON audit filter 91

JSON schema

URL 311

using 166

validation types and attributes 166

JSON Web Token (JWT) 311

jumbo chunks 386



setting up 328-331

Kerberos 265

Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) 85, 282

key performance indicators (KPIs) 315

keyword searches

data, modeling 35, 36


about 304

URL 304


Laravel 46

Last Observation Carried Forward 179

LDAP Proxy Authentication (LDAP SASL) 265

libhdfs 334

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 78, 296

literal expression operator 184

localhost exception 265

lock percentage 255

logarithmic time 215


about 84

versus auditing 84

logical replication 342

Logical Volume Manager (LVM) 259

log-structured merge (LSM) 281

low operational overhead 14

LSM indexes

versus B-tree indexes 281


man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks 76

many-to-many relationships 34, 35

mapped memory 251

MapReduce 4

MapReduce, mongo shell

about 66, 67

concurrency 68

Incremental MapReduce 69, 70

massive arrays anti-pattern 407

mean time between failures (MTBF) 258

megabyte (MB) 68

Memory Mapped Storage Engine version 1 (MMAPv1) 411

memory usage

about 250

monitoring, in WiredTiger 253

message queuing systems

about 321

Apache ActiveMQ 322

Apache Kafka 323

RabbitMQ 322

Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB 366, 367

Microsoft Azure SLA

reference link 367

Mike Hillyer’s blog

reference link 403

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) 9

miscellaneous operator 185

MMAPv1 7

model-view-controller (MVC) 24


about 148

authentication 78

authorization with 74, 75

commands and locks, usage 291

commands, for database lock 291, 292

configuration 15

connecting 37

connecting, with PHP driver 44-46

connecting, with Python 42

connecting, with Ruby 38

criticism 14, 15

evolution 5, 8

key characteristics 11, 12

locking 287-290

lock reporting 290

lock yield 290

read operations 31, 32

schema design 25

security tips 75

Spark clusters, querying 335

transactions background 148

URL 145

use cases 12, 14

using, as data warehouse 326, 327

versions 1.0 features 5

versions 1.2 features 5

versions 2 features 6

versions 3 features 7

versions 4 features 7

versions 5 features 8

MongoDB Atlas

about 367

audit, setting up 88-91

log files 93

monitoring metrics 250

MongoDB Atlas Data Lake

reference link 335

using 335, 336

MongoDB Atlas platform 296

MongoDB Atlas search

about 302

indexes, creating 302, 303

indexes, searching 302, 303

MongoDB Atlas Search 225

MongoDB Atlas Serverless 307

MongoDB Atlas tips 302

MongoDB Atlas tool installation

reference link 94

MongoDB best practices

about 15

for AWS 21

for replication 19

for security 20, 21

for sharding 20

for write durability 18, 19

operational best practices 15-17

schema design best practices 17, 18

MongoDB Charts 313

MongoDB CLI 94-96

MongoDB Cloud Manager

about 315

key features 315

MongoDB Compass 314

MongoDB Connector for Business Intelligence (MongoDB Connector for BI) 315

MongoDB CRUD operations

about 103

in Mongoid 110

PHP driver 120

smart querying 132

update operator 132

with Doctrine 127

with PyMODM 118

with Python driver 112

with Ruby driver 104

MongoDB driver methods

about 143

operators 143

MongoDB Enterprise Edition

audit, setting up 85

MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node (MEAN) 402

MongoDB for NoSQL developers

about 10

flexibility 11

flexible query model 11

native aggregation 11

schema-less model 11

MongoDB for SQL developers 9, 10

MongoDB Kubernetes Operator 304

MongoDB limitations

data integrity checks 411

data storage checks 411

document size limit 411

schema checks 411

MongoDB Management Service (MMS) 295, 315

MongoDB Monitoring Service (MMS) 315

MongoDB Ops Manager

about 316, 317

key features 316

MongoDB Query Language (MQL) 297, 335, 366

MongoDB Realm

about 307

Realm Application Services 310

Realm Sync 308

Realm Sync data model 309

Realm Sync mode 309

MongoDB, schema design

read-write ratio 25

MongoDB, security tips

auditing 77

communication, encrypting with TLS/SSL 75, 76

data, encrypting 76

firewalls and VPNs 77

network exposure, limiting 77

secure configuration options, using 77, 78

MongoDB Spark Connector

using 335

MongoDB Stable API 80-82

MongoDB tools

about 296

cluster, setting up 296, 297

MongoDB Atlas platform 296

MongoDB University

reference link 22

MongoDB user group

reference link 22

MongoDB view

about 197, 198

collation 197

pipeline 197

viewName 197

viewOn 197

MONGODB-x.509 264

mongodump tool 261


about 110

data, reading 110

documents, creating 112

documents, deleting 112

documents, updating 112

queries, scoping 111

Mongoid models

inheritance 41, 42

Mongoid ODM 39-41

mongo shell

about 96

authentication and authorization 74

MapReduce 66-68

scripting 57

scripting for 56

scripting for, versus direct use 57, 58

securing 73

using, for administration tasks 62, 63

using, for batch inserts 58, 59

using, for batch operations 60-62

using, for CRUD 54-56

mongosh shell

about 79

advantages 80

mongos process

about 393

find 394

find operator 393

limit operator 394

remove operator 395

skip operator 394

sort operator 394

update operator 395

mongostat command 257

mongotop command 257

monitoring tools

about 256

free cloud-based monitoring 256

on-premises tools 257

open source tools 257

SaaS-hosted tools 256

multikey index 221-224

Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) 276

Munin tool 257


Nagios tool 257

nested operations 107

network 253

network-level security 271

New Relic

URL 315

non-monotonic reads 351

Not only SQL (NoSQL)

about 4

evolution 4


object document mapping (ODM) 39, 104, 334, 402

object expression operator 185


about 29, 30

structure 29

object-oriented programming (OOP) 404

object-relational mapping (ORM) 9, 154, 402

ObjectRocket 297

one-to-many relationship 34, 35

one-to-one relationship 32-34

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) 342

on-premises tools 257

Open Authorization 2.0 (OAuth 2.0) 311

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) 315

open source tools 257


elevating 412, 413

operations log (oplog)

about 252, 309, 342

size, modifying 362, 363

oplog size 252

Oracle Corporation 4

order of magnitude (OOM) 327

outlier pattern 406


page eviction event 251

page fault event 250

page faults

about 250

tracking 254

Pareto principle of 80/20 406

partialFilterExpression filter

operators 229

partial index 228, 229

partition-based sync 309

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) 85

Percona Server for MongoDB 286, 287

Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) 132

personally identifiable information (PII) 284

petabytes (PB) 324

PHP driver

about 120

BulkWrite interface 124, 125

data, creating 120-123

data, deleting 120-123

documents, reading 126

documents, updating 126

used, for connecting to MongoDB 44-46

physical replication 342

Plain Old PHP Objects (POPO) 47

Platform as a Service (PaaS) 5

pluggable storage engines

about 275

client-side field-level encryption 284

encrypted storage engine 282, 283

in-memory 285, 286

Percona Server for MongoDB 286, 287

RocksDB 286

TokuMX 286

WiredTiger 275

point-in-time recovery (PITR) 316

polymorphism 404

prefix indexing 221

prevent failures 412

primary key (PK) 379

primary read preference 351

producer 328

Proof of Concept (POC) 9

publish/subscribe (pub/sub) 322


about 118

documents, creating 118

documents, deleting 119

documents, querying 119

documents, updating 118

PyMODM models

inheritance 44

PyMODM ODM 42, 44

PyMongo’s watch command

parameters 139, 140


used, for connecting to MongoDB 42

Python driver

about 112

data, creating 113, 114

data, deleting 113, 114

documents, finding 114-117

documents, updating 117


queryable encryption 142

query router 393


reading 255

writing 255


RabbitMQ 322

random-access memory (RAM) 415

range-based sharding 377

Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) 80

read performance

optimizing 408

read preference

about 351, 352

levels 351

read querying

consolidation 408-410

Realm Application Services

about 310

HTTPS endpoints 312

Realm functions 310

Realm GraphQL 310

Realm Studio 313

Realm triggers 310

Realm values 313

schemas 311, 312

static file hosting 313

user authentication 311

Realm data access rules 309

Realm functions 310

Realm GraphQL 310

Realm Studio 313

Realm Sync 308

Realm Sync data model 309

Realm Sync mode

about 309

best practices 309, 310

enabling 309, 310

Realm data access rules 309

Realm template apps

reference link 310

Realm triggers 310

Realm values 313

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 316

regular expression (regex)

about 404

using 132, 133

relational database management system (RDBMS) 215, 402

relational databases

schema design 24


many-to-many relationship 34, 35

modeling 32

one-to-many relationship 34, 35

one-to-one relationship 32-34

replica set

advantages 347

backing up 259

connecting to 357-360

creating 348-350

limitations 368

production considerations 357

read preference 351, 352

setting up 348

standalone server, converting into 348

use case 347, 348

write concern 352, 353

replica set administration

about 360

chained replication 364

flow control 365

initial sync 361

maintenance, performing 360, 361

oplog’s size, modifying 362, 363

replica set member, resyncing 362

replica set, reconfiguring 364

streaming replication 365

replica set members, priority settings

about 354

delayed replica set members 356, 357

hidden replica set members 355, 356

zero priority 354, 355

replica sets 252


architectural overview 343

elections, working 344-347

high availability 342

logical replication 342

monitoring 252

physical replication 342

replication lag 252

REpresentational State Transfer (REST) 415

REpresentational State Transfer (REST API) 305

resident memory size 251

resilient distributed datasets (RDDs) 325

RocksDB 286

role-based access control-based authorization

about 266-269

backup and restore roles 270

cluster administration roles 269, 270

database administration roles 269

roles, across databases 270

superuser roles 270, 271

user roles 269

role-based access control (RBAC) 336

roles, across databases

dbAdminAnyDatabase 270

readAnyDatabase 270

readWriteAnyDatabase 270

userAdminAnyDatabase 270

rolling index

building, on replica sets 240

building, on sharded environment 240, 241


used, for connecting to MongoDB 38

Ruby driver

about 104

batch operations 109, 110

data, deleting 109

data, reading 105, 106

data, updating 108

documents, creating 104

nested operations 107

operations, chaining in find() 106, 107

Ruby hashes 107

RVM installation

reference link 39


SaaS-hosted tools 256

Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism secure hashing algorithm 1 (SCRAM-SHA-1) 78

scaling 13

scatter-and-gather operations 394

schema flexibility 13

schemaless 233

schema versioning pattern 405

secondary cold server 343

secondary hot server 343

secondary warm server 343

second normal form (2NF) 24

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 74, 414


auditing 271

best practice recommendations 272, 273

booting 413

checklists 415, 416

enabling 413, 414

servers, isolating 414, 415

special cases 271

server-server key-based authentication 264

set operators 181

sharded cluster

about 372

architecture 372

continuous deployment environment 373

development environment 373

staging environment 374

sharded data querying

about 393

hedged reads 395

performance comparison, with replica sets 396

query router 393

with Ruby 396


about 13

administration 379

chunk administration 384

data balancing 379-382

guidelines 374

limitations 392, 393

monitoring 379

need for 370

operations, using with 395

planning with 374

setting up 374

shard key, selecting 375

sharding recovery

about 397

config server 397

entire cluster 398

mongod process 397

mongos process 397

shard 398

sharding strategies

about 377

custom key sharding 379

hash-based sharding 378

location-based data sharding 379

range-based sharding 377

shard key

changing, for MongoDB v4.2 376

changing, for MongoDB v5.0 376

changing, prior to MongoDB v4.2 375

characteristics 377

considerations, for selection 377

high cardinality 377

low frequency 377

nonmonotonically changing values 377

selecting 375

Short Message Service (SMS) 315

Simple Storage Service (S3) 297

single-field index 217

single point of failure (SPOF) 296

single-purpose aggregation methods 177, 178

single-server system

characteristics 371

limitations 371

slot-based query execution engine (SBE) 243

smart querying

about 132

cursors, querying 134, 135

regular expressions, using 132, 133

results, querying 134, 135

storage, considering for delete operation 135, 136

software-as-a-service (SaaS) 296

solid-state drive (SSD) 254, 415

SQL mapping, to MongoDB

reference link 10

standalone server

converting, into replica set 348

standard output (stdout) 57

static file hosting 313

Structured Query Language (SQL)

about 4, 72, 297, 324

evolution 4

subset pattern 405

superuser roles

root 270

__system 271


terabytes (TB) 319

text expression operator 186

text index

about 225-227

case insensitivity 227

diacritic insensitivity 227

tokenization delimiters 227

third normal form (3NF) 24

time series collection

about 37, 195-197

expireAfterSeconds 196

granularity 196

metaField 196

timeField 196

timestamp expression operator 187

time-to-live (TTL)

about 6, 331

index 228

tokenization delimiters 227

TokuMX 286

topic 328


background 148

best practices 172, 173

limitations 172, 173

multi-document ACID transactions 172

Transport Layer Security (TLS) 302

tree traversal pattern 403, 404

trigonometry expression operator 187, 188

type conversion operator 194, 195

type expression operator

about 188, 189

accumulators 190

accumulators stages 191

conditional expressions 191

custom aggregation expression operator 192

data size operator 192

expression arithmetic operator 189, 190

type conversion operator 194, 195

variable expression operator 192

window operator 192-194


Unified Modeling Language (UML) 24

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) 302

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) 305

unique identifier (UID) 305, 323, 409

unique index 230

Universally unique ID (UUID) 312

unnecessary indexes anti-pattern 407, 408

update operator 132

user authentication 311

username/password client-based authentication 264

user roles

read 269

readWrite 269


variable expression operator 192

vertical scaling

about 370

advantages 370

disadvantages 370

virtual address 251

virtual machine (VM) 304

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) 296, 414

Virtual private networks (VPNs) 77


WebHDFS 334

wildcard index

about 233, 234

limitations 235

window operator 192-194


about 275

benefits 275

B-tree versus LSM indexes 281

checkpoints 276

collection-level options 279, 280

data compression 277

data migration to 281

document-level locking 276

journaling 276

memory usage 277, 278

memory usage, monitoring 253

performance strategies 280, 281

readConcern 278, 279

snapshots 276

working sets

about 251

calculations 255

write-ahead log (WAL) 152

write concern

about 352, 353

custom write concern 353


YAML Ain’t Markup Language (YAML) 76

Yet Another Resource Negotiator (YARN) 324


zettabytes (ZB) 319

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