

access control webhooks

authentication webhook, using

authorization webhook, using

custom metrics, providing for horizontal pod autoscaling

employing 573

Kubernetes, extending with custom storage

adapter pattern 15

admission control webhook


advanced scheduling 151

anti-affinity 155

node affinity 155

node selector 151

pod affinity 155

taints 152, 153

tolerations 152, 153

alerting 448


reference link 400


versus dashboards

Alibaba ACK

URL 579

Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba container service for Kubernetes (ACK)

Amazon EBS 199, 200

Amazon EFS 200, 201

Amazon EKS

URL 579

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) 61

Amazon Web Services (AWS) 4

ambassador pattern 15

annotations 10


reference link 582

anti-affinity 155

API builder alpha

reference link 557


deprecating 92

API server

accessing 106

admission control plugins, using 113, 114

requests, authorizing 110, 112

users, authenticating 107, 108


pod security 118, 119

profiles, writing 119, 120

requisites 118

used, for protecting cluster 118


reference link 478

Application Container Image (ACI) 30

application error reporting 447

Argo CD

URL 585

Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) 112

authentication webhook


authorization webhook



reference link 425


used, for performing rolling updates 255, 256, 258

AWS App Mesh 490

URL 490

AWS EKS 61, 411, 412

AWS Fargate 61

AWS PrivateLink 61

Azure 62

Azure AKS 409, 410

Azure Container Instances 409, 410

Azure Container Instances (ACI) 409, 584

Azure data disk 203, 204

Azure file storage 204

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) 4, 62, 277

benefits 62


bane tool

reference link 119

bare-metal 579

bare-metal cluster

building, with KRIB

building, with Kubespray

building, with RKE

creating, considerations

creating, from scratch

creating, process

use cases

virtual private cloud infrastructure, using

blue-green deployments 89, 90

Bookinfo 495

installing 499, 500, 501, 503, 504


bridge plugin

reviewing 361, 363

bridges 325

broker 426


URL script

exploring 233

built-in objects



URL 489


cAdvisor 456


reference link 582

Calico project 337

canary deployments 90, 91

Candy 546

capacity planning 79, 80

Cassandra 229

configuration file 239, 240

connecting 239

custom seed provider 240

headless service, creating 242

Cassandra cluster

executing, in Kubernetes 228

reference link 228

Cassandra Docker image 231, 232 script, exploring 232 script, exploring 234, 235, 236, 237, 239

cattle versus pets 6

cbr0 326

CD foundation

reference link 585

centralized logging 451

cluster-level central logging 453

remote central logging 453

sensitive log information, dealing with 454


connecting, with CephFS 211

connecting, with RBD 209, 210, 211

using 209


used, for connecting Ceph 211

Ceph volumes

in Kubernetes 205

Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)

reference link 577

Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)

reference link 577

channels 426

chart dependencies

managing 308

managing, with requirements.yaml 309

special fields, utilizing in requirements.yaml 310, 311


creating 306

metadata files 308

templates and values, using 311

testing 314, 315

troubleshooting 314, 315

chart scope

chart values

Chart.yaml file 307

appVersion field 307

charts, deprecating 308

version field 307

CI/CD pipeline

deploying, for Kubernetes


reference link 581

Citadel 494

workflow, in Kubernetes 494, 495

Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) 325

client IP addresses

preservation, specifying 347

preserving 347


clusters 58

cloud controller manager

used, for extending Kubernetes 543

Cloud Controller Manager (CCM) 543

URL 543

Cloud Native Buildpacks

URL 585

Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)

certification 577

community and education 578

project curation 576, 577

significance 576

training 578

URL 576

cloud-provider interface 58

cloud providers 62

Chinese Alibaba Cloud


IBM Kubernetes Service

Oracle Container Service


Cloud Run

reference link 584


exploring, with Kubernetes dashboard 460

cluster autoscaler 408

installing 81, 83

cluster autoscaler (CA) 80

cluster capacity

container-native solutions, considering 277

elastic cloud resources, benefiting 274

managing 270

multiple node configurations, using 274

node types, selecting 270, 271

off cost and response time, trading 272, 274

scalable storage solution, selecting 272

selecting 270

cluster federation 366, 367

history, on Kubernetes 366

cluster federation, use cases 368

capacity overflow 368

Geo-distributing high availability 369

sensitive workloads 368, 369

vendor lock-in, avoiding 369

cluster-level central logging 453

cluster management commands 136

clusters 7

CNCF landscape

reference link 576

CNCFs CloudEvents specification

reference link 424

CNI plugin 329, 330, 331

skeleton, building 358, 359, 361

writing 354

compute resource quota 259

condition field 310


consuming, as environment variable 224, 225

creating 224

containerd 28

container-native solutions

considering 277

container networking interface (CNI) 542

Container Networking Interface (CNI) 327

container runtime 328

third-party plugin 328

container orchestration 3

container runtime 328

container runtime interface (CRI) 25, 26, 27


benefits 3, 4

coupled connectivity, with data stores 323

coupled connectivity, with queues 323

in cloud 4

interacting 322

registration service 322

self-registration 322


reference link 425

container storage interface (CSI) 542

Container Storage Interface (CSI) 12, 218, 219

continuous integration and deployment

Contiv 332

Contiv net plugin

capabilities 332

CoreV1API group

dissecting 533, 534

CRD components

admission plugin 83

recommender 83

updater 83

CRI-O 30

cron jobs

scheduling 168, 170

cross-cluster scheduling 376

curl 48

custimization commands 136

custom container runtimes

used, for extending Kubernetes 545

custom devices 582

custom hardware 582

custom metrics

providing, for horizontal pod autoscaling

custom metrics API

reference link 252

custom metrics API server

reference link

custom resources 545, 546

custom printer columns, adding 555, 556

finalizing 555

integrating 549, 551

unknown fields, dealing with 551, 553

custom resources definitions (CRD) 546

developing 546, 547, 549

custom resources definitions (CRDs) 493

custom scheduler

pod, assigning 566

preparing 565

custom storage

used, for extending Kubernetes



using, for redundant persistent storage 226

DaemonSet pods



reference link 478


versus alerts


migrating 91

data-contract changes

managing 91


updating 143

deployment commands 136

device plugins 543

Digital Ocean

URL 579

Digital Rebar Provision (DRP)

directed acyclic graph (DAG) 446

direct logging approach 451

directory structure

configuring 159, 161

distributed data-intensive apps 222

distributed hash table (DHT) 206, 229

distributed system design patterns 14

adapter pattern 15

ambassador pattern 15

multi-node patterns 16

sidecar pattern 15

distributed tracing 446

used, for detecting performance

used, for detecting root cause

with Jaeger 475, 476

DNS Provider 390

DNS records

versus shared environment variables 223

Docker 27, 28

Docker networking

versus Kubernetes networking model 320, 321

Docker networking model

versus Kubernetes networking model 321

Domain Name System (DNS) 370

durable node storage

with local volumes 180, 181

dynamic host path provisioner

reference link 294



URL 61

Elastic Block Store (EBS) 199

elastic cloud resources

benefiting 274

cloud quotas 275

instance autoscaling 274

regions, managing 275

Elastic container instances (ECIs)

Elastic Container Service (ECS) 59

Elastic File System (EFS) 200

Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) 4, 59, 277

Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Fluentd (EFK) 523


using, for intra-pod communication 176, 177, 178

enterprise storage

integrating, into Kubernetes 214

Envoy 489, 493

URL 489

error reports

versus logs

versus metrics

etcd 21

etcd3 282

gRPC, using instead of REST 282

leases, using instead of TTLs 282


state storage 282

watch implementation 282

etcd cluster

about 69

creating 73, 74

verifying 74

etcd operator

installing 71, 72, 73


reference link 544

event consumer 425

event consumer, types

Addressable consumer 425

Callable consumer 425

event delivery, modes

fan-out delivery 427

simple delivery 426

event registry 426

event source 425

event types 426

extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) 581

applications 581

external data stores

accessing, via DNS 223

accessing, via environment variables 223

External DNS Controller 390

external load balancer 345, 348

client IP addresses, preserving 347

configuring 346

configuring, via kubectl command 346

configuring, via service configuration file 346

IP addresses, finding 346

external service

separating 144

external services

exposing 149, 150


fan-out delivery 427

Fargate 411, 412

limitations 414

reference link 410

federation API server 373

federation controller manager 373

Fiber Channel (FC) 189


reference link 581


reference link 581

Fission 435, 436

experimenting 439, 440

URL 435

workflows 436, 438, 439

Flannel 335, 336

backends 336


out-of-tree volume plugins, using 217, 218

FlexVolume approach

advantages 218


as clustered container data volume manager 212, 214


URL 456


URL 454

using, for log collection 454


Function as a Service (FaaS) 585


using 312

Functions as a Service (FaaS)

characteristics 408

executing, on serverless computing 407


Galley 495


extending 401, 402

Gardener architecture 398

clusters, monitoring 399, 400

clusters, networking 399

cluster state, managing 398

control plane, managing 399

gardenctl CLI 400

infrastructure, preparing 399

machine controller manager, using 399

Gardener project

conceptual model 397, 398

terminology 396

URL 396

Gardener ring

GCE persistent disk 202, 203

generic commands 136

Giant Swarm

reference link 580

gibibyte (GiB) 183


endpoints, creating 206

pods, creating 208

using 206

GlusterFS Kubernetes service

adding 207

GlusterFS volumes

in Kubernetes 205

Google Anthos for GKE

reference link 579

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 4, 59

Google Cloud Run 414

reference link 580

Google GKE

URL 579

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) 59, 277

Google Kubernetes Engine on Coursera

reference link 578


reference link 400

URL 472

Grafana Loki

reference link 475


reference link 581



executing, in Kubernetes cluster 352

NodePort, utilizing 351

using, in load balancer provider 351

Heapster 67, 456

Helm 283

chart, creating 306

chart, customizing 298, 299, 300

charts, finding 287, 288

charts, managing 304

installation link 71

installation options 301

installation status, checking 293, 294, 295, 296, 298

installing 286

package, installing on Kubernetes cluster 291

release, deleting 303

release, rolling back 301, 302

release, upgrading 301, 302

repositories, adding 288, 289, 290

repositories, working with 303, 304

use cases 284

using 285

Helm 2

Tiller server, installing 286

used, for installing riff

Helm 2 architecture 284

Helm 2 components 284

Helm client 285

Tiller server 284

Helm 3 285

Helm client

installing 286

hierarchical cluster structures

with kustomization 158

high availability 79, 80

high availability, best practices

about 66

data, protecting 75

etcd cluster 69

Kubernetes cluster, creating 67, 68

Kubernetes cluster state, protecting 69

leader election, executing with Kubernetes 76, 77

nodes performance, creating 68, 69

staging environment, creating 77

testing 78, 79

high availability, concepts

about 64

hot swapping 64

idempotency 66

leader election 65

redundancy 64

self-healing 66

smart load balancing 65

High-Availability Proxy (HAProxy) 351

reference link 351

Higher-Order Behavior

employing 390

highly available (HA) clusters 45

horizontal pod autoscaler (HPA) 80, 248

autoscaling, with Kubectl 252, 253, 254

custom metrics 252

deploying 248, 249, 250

host cluster

configuring 380, 383

registering, with Kubernetes federation 383


using, for intra-node communication 178, 179, 180

hot swapping 64


URL 530

used, for filtering output 529, 531

using 530


installation link 48



advanced science

utilizing, for education

utilizing, in enterprise

Hue components

about 131

authorizer 132

external service 132

generic actuator 132

generic sensor 132

identity 132

user graph 131

user learner 133

user profile 131

Hue microservices

about 133

data stores 134

plugins 133

queue-based interactions 134, 135

serverless functions 134

stateless microservices 134

Hue platform

designing 129

evolving, with Kubernetes

identity 130, 131

managing, with Kubernetes 171

notifications 130

privacy 130, 131

scope, defining 130

security 130, 131

smart reminders 130

Hue-reminders service

creating 146, 147

Hue workflows

automatic workflows 135

budget-aware workflows 135

human workflows 135

planning 135

Hyper Containers




IBM Cloud Kubernetes service

URL 579

IBM Kubernetes Service

idempotency 66

ingress 349

Ingress 150

Ingress DNS controller 390

IngressDNSRecord 390

init containers

employing, for orderly pod bring-up 173

inside-the-cluster-network components 171

internal service

deploying 145, 146

separating 144

Internet of Things (IoT) 584

intra-node communication

with HostPath 178, 179, 180

intra-pod communication

with emptyDir 176, 177, 178

IP addresses 324

IP Address Management (IPAM) 329

Istio 490

distributed tracing

incorporating, into Kubernetes cluster 491

installing 497, 498, 499

logs 520, 522, 523


minikube cluster, preparing 495

monitoring and observability 519

policies 515, 516, 517

security 508, 509

traffic management 504, 505, 507, 508

URL 490

Istio architecture 491, 493

Citadel 494

Envoy 493

Galley 495

Mixer 494

Pilot 493

Istio authentication 510

origin authentication 511

transport authentication 510

Istio authorization 511, 512, 513, 514

istio-certs 510

Istio identity 509

Istio PKI 510


Jaeger 477

distributed tracing 475, 476

installing 480, 481, 482

URL 477

Jaeger agent 479

Jaeger architecture 478, 479

Jaeger client 479

Jaeger collector 479

Jaeger Query 479

Java Management Extensions (JMX) 238


URL 585

Jenkins X

URL 585


cleaning up 168

executing, in parallelism 167, 168

launching 166


URL 530

used, for filtering output 529, 531

using 530


URL 388

JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) 511


k3d 52

installing 52

used, for creating cluster 53, 55, 56

used, for creating multi-node cluster 51

versus Minikube 57, 58

k3s 52

k9s tools

reference link 568

Keepalived Virtual IP (Keepalived VIP) 353


used, for visualizing service mesh


about 43

echo service, deploying with 48

installing 43

used, for creating multi-node cluster 43, 44, 45, 46

versus k3d 57

versus Minikube 57

Knative 415, 427

installing 428, 429

Knative, components

Knative Eventing 415

Knative Serving 415

Knative Configuration object 420, 422

Knative Eventing 415, 424

architecture 426, 427

Knative Eventing terminology

broker 426

channel 426

defining 424

event consumer 425

event registry 426

event source 425

event types 426

subscriptions 426

trigger 426

Knative, installing

reference link 428

Knative Revision object 424

Knative Route object 419

Knative service

deploying 430

invoking 431, 432

scale-to-zero option, checking in 432, 434

Knative Service object 416, 419

Knative Serving 415


reference link 570

used, for managing Kubectl plugins 570


reference link 572


reference link

used, for building bare-metal cluster


reference link


reference link 544, 556

Kube controller manager 21

kubectl 32

reference link 33


executing, with Python subprocesses 538, 540, 541

used, for autoscaling HPA 252, 254

Kubectl commands

overriding 572

Kubectl effectively

using 136

Kubectl plugins 572

creating 571, 572

implementing 568

managing, with Krew 570

namespace, for Krew plugins 573

naming 572

shebangs 572

writing 568

Kubectl programmatically

invoking 538

kubectl resource, configuration files

about 137

ApiVersion 138

container spec 138, 139

kind 138

metadata 138

spec 138


reference link 580, 585

KubeFed control plane 373

federation API server 373

federation controller manager 373


installing 378, 379, 380

Kubeless 441

implementing with 442

working, with serverless framework

Kubeless architecture 441

Kubeless function 441

Kubeless runtime 441

Kubeless triggers 442

Kubeless function 441

Kubeless runtime 441

Kubeless triggers 442

Kubeless UI


kubelet 24

Kubemark cluster

comparing, to real-world cluster

reference link

setting up

Kubemark tool

Kubenet 324, 326

MTU, setting 327

requisites 326, 327

kubens tool

reference link


reference link 464

Kubernetes 576

API objects, serializing with protocol buffers 282

API responsiveness, measuring

capabilities 2

centralized logging 451

Ceph volumes in 205

CI/CD pipeline, deploying for

cluster federation, history 366

component logs 449

configuration and deployment challenges 100

connecting 239

container logs 448, 449

cultural challenges 102

end-to-end pod startup time, measuring

enterprise storage, integrating 214

etcd3 282

extending, with cloud controller manager 543

extending, with controller pattern 544

extending, with custom container runtimes 545

extending, with custom storage

extending, with operator pattern 544

extending, with plugins 542

features 60

Fluentd, using for log collection 454

GlusterFS in 205

image challenges 99, 100

limits 278, 279

logging with 448

monitoring, with metrics server 457, 458

network challenges 97, 98

network policies, managing 122

node challenges 96, 97

on EC2 60

organizational challenges 102

overview 104

performance and scalability, improving 279

performance and scalability, measuring

Platform as a Service (PaaS) 580

pod and container challenges 101

pod lifecycle event generator (PLEG) 279, 280

pods security 116

process challenges 102

reads, caching in API server 279

scheduling, extention 545

secrets, storing in 126

security challenges 96

service accounts 104, 105

service accounts, managing 106


stateful applications 221

stateless applications 221

state, managing in 222

state, managing outside 222, 223

testing, at scale

upcoming trends 580

used, for collecting metrics 456, 457

used, for evolving Hue platform

used, for managing Hue platform 171

using, to build Hue platform 136

Kubernetes API

accessing, via Python client 532, 533

CoreV1API group, dissecting 533, 534

exploring 526, 527

exploring, with Postman 528

extending 541, 542

objects, creating 536, 537

objects, listing 536

objects, watching 537

Python subprocesses, used for executing Kubectl 538, 540, 541

used, for creating pod 531, 532

working with 525

Kubernetes APIs 16

Resource Categories 17

Kubernetes API server

aggregating 556, 557

Kubernetes architecture 7, 14

distributed system design patterns 14

Kubernetes Certified Service Provider (KCSP)

reference link 577

Kubernetes cli-runtime

reference link 572

Kubernetes cluster

APIs, deprecating 92

availability requisites 93

bare-metal cluster

best effort 93

blue-green deployments 89, 90

canary deployments 90, 91

cost 92

creating 67, 68

data consistency

data-contract changes, managing 91

data, migrating 91

design trade-offs 92

HAProxy, executing in 352

Helm package, installing on 291

Istio, incorporating into 491

live updates 83

maintenance windows 94

multi-node cluster 43

overview 31

performance 92

quick recovery 94

rolling updates 85, 86

single-node cluster 32

Site reliability engineering (SRE)

zero downtime

Kubernetes cluster federation

creating 380

Higher-Order Behavior, employing 390

managing 378

overrides, using 388

placement field, using to control 388, 389

propagation failures, debugging 390

Kubernetes, components

master components 20

node components 23

Kubernetes, concepts 6

annotations 10

cluster 7

labels 10

label selectors 11

master 9

names 13

namespaces 13, 14

nodes 7

pods 9

replica sets 12

replication controllers 12

secrets 13

services 11

StatefulSet 12, 13

volume 12

Kubernetes contrib

reference link 353

Kubernetes dashboard

used, for exploring cluster 460

Kubernetes extensions patterns 542

Kubernetes extensions points 542

Kubernetes FaaS frameworks 434, 435

Fission 435, 436


Kubeless 441


Kubernetes federation

API types, working with 385

auto-scaling 377, 378

basic concepts, defining 370

basics, learning 370

building blocks 370

data access 377

features 373

namespace 387

overview 374

resources 385, 386

resources status, checking 387

unit of work 375

used, for registering host cluster 383

Kubernetes federation, elements

policy 371

scheduling 371

status 371

Kubernetes GitHub repository

reference link 576

Kubernetes incubator project

reference link 182

Kubernetes ingress 324

Kubernetes networking model 318

external access 319

inter-pod communication (pod to pod) 318

intra-pod communication (container to container) 318

pod to service communication 319

versus Docker networking 320, 321

versus Docker networking model 321, 322

Kubernetes networking solutions 332

bridging, on bare metal clusters 332

Calico project 337

Contiv 332, 333

Flannel 335, 336

Open vSwitch (OVS) 333, 334, 335

Romana 337, 339, 340

Weave net 341

Kubernetes network plugin 324

bridges 325

CIDRs 325

Container Networking Interface (CNI) 327

IP addresses 324

Kubenet 326

Linux networking 324

maximum transmission unit (MTU) 326

netmasks 325

network namespaces 325

pod networking 326

ports 324

routing 325

subnets 325

Virtual Ethernet (veth) devices 325

Kubernetes network policy 342

CNI plugin 342

configuring 342

design 341

implementing 343

using 341

Kubernetes on Raspberry PI

reference link 580

Kubernetes plugins

custom scheduler, writing 559

writing 559

Kubernetes runtimes 24

container runtime interface (CRI) 25, 27

CRI-O 30

Docker 27, 28

Hyper Containers

rkt 30

Kubernetes scheduler

design 559, 560, 561

Kubernetes services

accessing, locally though proxy 48, 50

kube scheduler 23

Kubespray 67

used, for building bare-metal cluster


reference link 400

Kuma 490

URL 490


applying 161, 162

patching 163

staging namespace, kustomizing 163, 164

using, for hierarchical cluster structures 158


basics 158

URL 158


labels 10

label selectors 11

leader election 65

limit ranges

using, for default compute quotas 269, 270

Linen CNI plugin

reference link 333

Linkerd 489

Linkerd 2 489

URL 489

Linux networking 324

liveness probe

using, to ensure containers 171

using, to manage dependencies 172

load balancer provider

with HAProxy 351

load balancing options 343, 345

external load balancer 345

ingress 349

local volumes

using, for durable node storage 180, 181

location affinity 375

location affinity, requirements

loosely coupled 376

preferentially coupled 376

strictly coupled 375

strictly decoupled 376

uniformly spread 376

log aggregation 445, 448, 451

log collection strategy

direct logging approach 451

node agent approach 452

selecting 451

sidecar container 452

log format 445

logging 444

with Kubernetes 448


versus error reports

versus metrics

logs, key attributes

log aggregation 445

log format 445

log storage 445

log storage 445

long-running microservices

deploying, in pods 139

long-running processes

deploying, with deployments 142

long-running services

characteristics 407

executing, on serverless computing 406

loopback plugin 354, 355, 357, 358

reference link 355



single-node cluster, creating 34, 35


URL 490

managed Kubernetes platforms 579

master 9

master components

API server 449

controller manager 449

scheduler 449

master components, Kubernetes

API server 20

cloud controller managers 21, 22

DNS 23

etcd 21

Kube controller manager 21

kube scheduler 23

maximum transmission unit (MTU) 326

MetalLB 353

reference link 353

metrics 445

collecting, with Kubernetes 456, 457


versus error reports

versus logs

Microsoft AKS

URL 579

Minikube 33

reference link 33

used, for creating single-node cluster 32

versus k3d 58

versus KinD 57

minikube cluster

preparing, for Istio 495

minions 7

misc commands 136

Mixer 494

multi-cluster Ingress DNS

utilizing 390

multi-cluster scheduling

utilizing 392, 394, 396

multi-cluster Service DNS

utilizing 391, 392

multi-container pod challenges 101

multi-node cluster

creating, with k3d 51, 53, 55, 56

creating, with KinD 43, 44, 45, 46

multi-node patterns 16

multiple node configurations

using 274

multi-user cluster


namespace pitfalls, avoiding

namespace, using for safe multi-tenancy

use cases


names 13

namespaces 13, 14

using, to limit access 156, 158

namespace-specific context

using 263

native CI/CD 585

Network Address Translation (NAT) 318

networking 581

network namespaces 325

network policies

cross-namespace policies 126

defining 123, 124, 125

egress network policy, limiting to external networks 125

managing 122

networking solution, selecting 123

secrets, using 126

node affinity 155

advantages 155

node agent approach 452

node components, Kubernetes

kubelet 24

proxy 23


reference link 400


utilizing 351


reference link

nodes 7

node selector 151

node types

selecting 270, 272

non-cluster components

inside-the-cluster-network components 171

mixing 170

outside-the-cluster-network components 170

Nuage networks VCS 335


object count quota 261


creating 536, 537

Kubectl programmatically, invoking 538

listing 536

watching 537

observability 444

alerting 448

application error reporting 447

dashboards 447

distributed tracing 446

logging 444

metrics 445

visualization 447

octant tools

reference link 568

off cost and response time

trading 272, 274

OpenAPI 526

OpenAPI V3

reference link 547

Open Container Initiative (OCI) 28

Open Service Broker API

reference link 557


reference link 580


reference link 579

OpenTracing 476

URL 476

OpenTracing, concepts 477

Span 477

Trace 477

Open Virtualization Network (OVN) 333

Open Virtual Networking (OVN) 328

reference link 333

Open vSwitch (OVS) 328, 333

key features 334, 335

operator framework

reference link 544

operator pattern

used, for extending Kubernetes 544

Operator pattern 585

Oracle Cloud

URL 579

Oracle Container Service

origin authentication 511

out-of-tree volume plugins

using, with FlexVolume 217, 218

outside-the-cluster-network components 170


using 388



detecting, with distributed tracing

Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) 190

persistent volume claims

applying 226

persistent volumes

access mode 183

capacity 183

claims, creating 185, 187

claims, mouting 188

creating 182

dynamically, provisioning 182

externally, provisioning 182

mount options 185

overview 175, 176

provisioning 181

raw block volumes 189, 190

reclaim policy 184

statically, provisioning 182

storage class 184, 191

storage classes 192

storage, demonstrating end to end 192, 194, 195, 196, 198, 199

volume mode 183

volume type 185

personally identifiable information (PII) 454

physical machines 3

Pilot 493


using 312

placement field

using, to control Kubernetes cluster federation 388, 389

Platform 9 PMK

reference link 580

Platform as a Service (PaaS) 2


used, for extending Kubernetes 542


assigning, to custom scheduler 566

creating, via Kubernetes API 531, 532

scheduling 563

verifying, with correct scheduler 567

pod affinity 155

pod lifecycle event generator (PLEG) 280

pod networking 326

pod readiness 174

pods 9

creating 139, 140

decorating, with labels 141

endpoints 322

interacting 322

long-running microservices, deploying 139

pod security

with AppArmor 118, 119

pod security policies (PSPs) 120, 121

authorizing, via RBAC 121, 122

pods security 116

cluster, protecting with AppArmor 118

ImagePullSecrets 116

private image repository, using 116

security context, specifying 117

ports 324


output, filtering with httpie and jq 529, 531

URL 528

using, to explore Kubernetes API 528

priority classes 262

private clouds 579

Prometheus 461

alertmanger 469, 470, 472

custom metrics, incorporating 469

features 461

installing 463, 464

interacting 465

kube-state-metrics, incorporating 465, 467

Loki, considering 475

metrics, visualizing with Grafana 472, 475

node exporter, utilizing 467

reference link 399

URL 461

Prometheus operator

reference link 463

propagation failures

debugging 390

protected health information (PHI) 454


setting up 526

public cloud Kubernetes platforms 579

public cloud storage, volume types 199

Amazon EBS 199, 200

Amazon EFS 200, 201

Azure data disk 203, 204

Azure file storage 205

GCE persistent disk 202, 203

public key infrastructure (PKI) 510

Python client

used, for accessing Kubernetes API 532, 533

Python client library

reference link 532

Python subprocesses

used, for executing Kubectl 538, 540, 541



benefits 323

downsides 323


creating 263, 265, 266, 268, 269

limit ranges, using for default compute quotas 269, 270

namespace-specific context, using 263

scopes 262

working with 263


Rados Block Device (RBD) 209

used, for connecting Ceph 209, 210, 211

Rancher k3S

reference link 580

Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE)

reference link

used, for building bare metal cluster

Rancher RKE

reference link 580

raw block volumes 189

defining, with FC provider 189

readiness gates 174

ReadOnlyMany (ROX) 193

ReadWriteMany (RWX) 193

ReadWriteOnce (RWO) 193

real routable IP addresses, benefits

performance 337

scalability 337

visibility 338

reclaim policy

delete 184

recycle 184

retain 184

redundancy 64

redundant in-memory state

using 225

redundant persistent storage

DaemonSet, using 226

remote central logging 453

replica sets 12

replication controllers 12

Resource Categories 17

clusters 20

config and storage 19

Discovery and Load Balancing 18, 19

metadata 19

workloads API 18

resource quotas 262

enabling 259

requests and limits 263

resource quotas, types 259

compute resource quota 259

object count quota 261

storage resource quota 260


installing, with Helm 2

riff runtimes

core runtime

Knative runtime

streaming runtime

rkt 30

app container 30

role-based access control (RBAC) 61

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) 112

rolling updates

complex deployments 87

performing, with autoscaling 255, 256, 258

rolling updates 85, 86

Romana 337, 338, 340

Rook 215, 216

root cause

detecting, with distributed tracing

routing 325

runC 28 script

exploring 234, 235, 236, 237, 238


scalability 79, 80

scalable storage solution

categories 272

selecting 272

scarce resources

handling, with limits and quotas 258, 259

URL 585


reference link 581

secrets 13

creating 127

decoding 128

storing, in Kubernetes 126

using 126

using, in container 128

security 580

self-healing 66

sensitive log information

dealing with 454

sentry chart

reference link

serverless computing 584

about 405, 406

FaaS, executing 407

long-running services, executing 406

serverless framework

used, for working with Kubeless

serverless Kubernetes

AWS EKS 410, 412

Azure AKS 409, 410

Azure Container Instances 409, 410

cluster autoscaler 408

Fargate 410, 412

Google Cloud Run 414

in cloud 408

service catalog

reference link 557

utilizing 557, 558, 559

service-level agreements (SLAs)

service-level indicators (SLIs)

service-level objectives (SLOs)

Service Level Objectives (SLOs)

service load balancer 348

service mesh 483, 484, 486, 487, 582

AWS App Mesh 490

control plane 489

data plane 489

Envoy 489

Istio 490

Kuma 490

Linkerd 2 489

Maesh 490

selecting 489

visualizing, with Kiali

services 11

settings commands 136

shared environment variables

versus DNS records 223

sidecar container 452

sidecar container KEP

reference link 582

sidecar pattern 15

simple delivery 427

single-node cluster

checking 37, 38

creating 35, 36

creating, on macOS 34, 35

creating, on Windows 33, 34

creating, requisites 33

creating, with Minikube 32

examining, with dashboard 40, 43

running 38, 39

troubleshooting 36

single point of failure (SPOF) 323

Site reliability engineering (SRE)

smart load balancing 65

software-defined networking (SDN) 98

Software-Defined Networking (SDN) 335

Span 477


URL 510


URL 585


reference link

starter packs

advantage 306

stateful applications

in Kubernetes 221

StatefulSet 12, 13

components 226, 227, 228

used, to create Cassandra cluster 242

using 226

utilizing 226

StatefulSet YAML file

dissecting 242, 243, 244, 245, 246

stateless applications

in Kubernetes 221

Storage Area Network (SAN) 214

storage class 191, 192

storage classes 192

storage resource quota 260

subprocess 538

subscriptions 426


tags field 310

taints 152, 153


reference link 415

URL 585

templates files

pipelines and functions, using 312

writing 311, 312


Tencent Kubernetes engine (TKE)

Tencent TKE

URL 579

Terraform 399

Tiller server

installing, for Helm 2 286

installing, in cluster 287

Time to Live (TTL) 282

Token Controller 106

tolerations 152, 153

tooling 578

top-of-rack (ToR) 339

Trace 477

Traefic 353, 354


URL 490

transport authentication 510

trigger 426


HTTP trigger 435

Kubernetes watch trigger 435

Message queue trigger 435

Timer trigger 435

troubleshooting commands 136

troubleshooting problems


detecting, at node level

staging environments, advantage


unique ID (UID) 9


authenticating 107, 108

impersonating 110



feeding, from file

Velero 76

reference link 76

vertical pod autoscaler (VPA) 83

considering 83

limitations 83

veth0 326


reference link 33

Virtual Ethernet (veth) devices 325

Virtualized Cloud Services (VCS) 335

virtual kubelet

URL 410

virtual machines 3

virtual machines (VMs) 408

virtual machine (VM) 78

Virtual Redundancy Router Protocol (VRRP) 353

VMware Kubernetes academy

reference link 578

VMware PKS

reference link 580

volume 12

volume cloning 219

volumes 176

emptyDir, using for intra-pod communication 176, 177, 178

HostPath, using for intra-node communication 178, 179, 180

local volumes, using for durable node storage 180

projecting 216

volume snapshots 219



reference link 581

Weave net 341

webhook admission controller



used, for extending Kubernetes 544


single-node cluster, creating 33, 34

worker node components

Kubelet 449

Kube proxy 451

workloads API 18


zero downtime



URL 478

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