Phase 12: Customizing and initializing DB2 V11 subsystem
This chapter describes the post-installation tasks on the z/OS ServerPac target system to customize a DB2 V11 subsystem parameters. Then, this DB2 subsystem can be initialized from system console. Finally, some installation verification program (IVP) jobs are run, as needed, from the target system to verify that installation is done correctly. Clean up jobs are then run to remove System Specific Aliases (SSA) and other information.
This chapter includes the following topics:
15.1 Goals
Phase 12 features the following goals:
DB2 Post-Installation tasks: At this phase, we customize and initialize a DB2 subsystem.
Installation verification for DB2: Jobs are run at this stage to verify successful DB2 subsystem installation.
Completing the installation: These jobs perform installation cleanup, such as SSA removal, that is run after a successful installation of your DB2 subsystem.
Phase 12 is required to achieve Milestone 7: Load the DB2 subsystem. Where this phase occurs in the overall process is shown in Figure 15-1.
Figure 15-1 Phase 12 Milestone 7
15.2 Requirements
To continue with DB2 V11 ServerPac order installation on z/OS ServerPac system, we must provide an SMS environment for managing DB2 catalog and directory data sets. This SMS environment must include a data class for allocating the data sets in extended format and using extended addressability. RRS task is also required to be active.
15.2.1 Documentation
The following IBM publications provide relevant information during this phase:
ServerPac: Using the Installation Dialog, SA23-2278
ServerPac/DB2: Installing Your Order OSxxxxxx (documentation provided with your ServerPac order)
DB2 11 for z/OS Installation and Migration Guide, GC19-4056
15.2.2 Resources
We ensure that the following resources are available:
z13 server is installed with a logical partition (LPAR) running z/OS ServerPac system.
UNIX System Services task is active and hierarchical file system (HFS)/zFS can receive order contents.
TCP/IP and FTP tasks are properly set up and active.
Workstation with network connectivity to z/OS ServerPac system and ShopzSeries website is set up.
User ID and password are available to access z/OS ServerPac system.
Internet order delivery of ServerPac DB2 V11 is complete.
CustomPac installation dialog is installed.
TN3270 software is installed on workstation, such as IBM Personal Communications.
SMS environment is available to manage DB2 catalog and directory data sets.
RRS task is active.
15.2.3 Related document
The IBM publication z/OS Planning for Installation, GA32-0889, provides relevant information during this phase.
15.3 Performing post-installation tasks
We must perform the post-installation jobs that are described in this section after the SMP/E installation of DB2 V11 is complete. For more information, see Chapter 14, “Phase 11: ServerPac DB2 build” on page 237.
15.3.1 Running the DB2 Installation Dialog
The LOGDB2 job copies the ISPF logon procedure from the current ISPF CMD library to member ISPDB2T and updates ISPDB2T with the DB2 data set names in the library concatenations.
The ISRPRIM job copies a tailored version of the DB2 delivered panel (DSN8ISPM) to DB2 panel library. A new application is added to the ISR@PRIM panel and it is displayed when option P is selected from the Master Application menu.
The DB2PARM job starts the IEBUPDTE utility to add the following members to the PARMLIB data set:
The DSNTIDXA job copies the DSNTINST CLIST input member DSNTIDXA to member DSNTIDID and updates DSNTIDID with specific DB2 variables that are provided during the ServerPac DB2 installation.
The DSNTINST job copies a CLIST to data set xxxx.OS220220.SCPPCENU(DB2), where xxxx is the DB2 order high-level qualifier (HLQ); in our case, CPAC. This CLIST concatenates DB2 ISPF libraries to the current allocation, makes them available to TSO/E, and calls the DB2 DSNTINST CLIST.
15.3.2 Starting the CLIST
We complete the following steps to start the CLIST:
1. Exit the ServerPac installation dialog.
2. Check the region size (2 MB often is enough).
3. Start ISPF.
4. Select option 6 on the main ISPF panel.
5. Enter the following command:
6. Run the DB2 installation dialog.
Note: When DB2 is installed through the DB2 installation dialog, we do not add the job card. A job card is supplied automatically. When DB2 is installed outside of the DB2 installation dialog, a job card must be added.
The DB2 installation CLIST panel is displayed. Some of the values are preset by the DB2 installation dialog. We ensure that the following input parameters are used:
4 LIBRARY NAME PREFIX ===> xxxx, where xxxx is the DB2 HLQ
6 DATA SET NAME PREFIX ===> xxxx, where xxxx is the DB2 HLQ
9 OUTPUT MEMBER NAME ===> DSNTIDxx, where xx is any alphanumeric value except XA or VB.
This CLIST creates the customization jobs for the new DB2 subsystem. There are many required panels and parameters. We use the defaults to make it simple and change only those parameters that are required to fit the installation.
For more information about the DSNTINST installation CLIST, see DB2 11 for z/OS Installation and Migration Guide, GC19-4056.
15.3.3 Running the DB2 Installation Jobs
When the DSNTINST CLIST runs successfully, the DB2 installation jobs are created. These jobs can now be run to install the DB2 subsystem. For more information about submitting the installation jobs, see DB2 11 for z/OS Installation and Migration Guide, GC19-4056.
Before submitting the installation jobs, we must run job POSTINST to update these jobs with our variables and copy them to the installation dialog data set.
The POSTINST job updates the DB2 INSTALL/IVP jobs and copies the updated SDSNSAMP members to the installation dialog library, SCPPSENU. After submitting job POSTINST, we must exit the installation dialog. When job POSTINST completes, we can restart the installation dialog and re-tailor our jobs.
Although the DSNTIJSS job is designed for use on systems that do not have an SMS environment, it can be used as a reference for adapting an environment. CLIST DSNTINST does not tailor this job. If we want to create an SMS environment for the DB2 catalog and directory data sets, we customize and run job DSNTIJSS that is supplied in the SDSNSAMP data set.
Note: Per the DB2 11 for z/OS Installation and Migration Guide, we must provide an SMS environment for managing DB2 catalog and directory data sets. The SMS environment must include a data class for allocating the data sets in extended format and for the use of extended addressability.
The DSNTIJIN job defines DB2 data sets and databases.
The DSNTIJUZ job defines DB2 initialization parameters. High-level Assembler is required.
The DSNTIJID, DSNTIJIE, and DSNTIJIF jobs are provided to initialize the DB2 catalog and directory data sets. Consider the following points:
Job DSNTIJID records the active log data set names to the BSDS, formats the active log data sets, and initializes the DB2 directory table spaces and indexes.
Job DSNTIJIE initializes the DB2 catalog table spaces and indexes (through the SYSGRTNS table space).
Job DSNTIJIF initializes the remaining DB2 catalog table spaces and indexes.
The DSNTIJMV job copies DB2 procedures to PROCLIB.
The DSNTIJVC job establishes the DB2/TSO environment. If fixed-block format CLIST libraries are used, read the job comments.
15.3.4 Initial start of z/OS
An initial program load (IPL) is required so that changes to logical PARMLIB are effective and to load the DB2 early code from the SDSNLINK load module library.
We complete the following steps:
1. IPL our z/OS residence as usual.
2. Reply to the message IEA101A SPECIFY SYSTEM PARAMETERS... as follows:
R 00,SYSP=(xx,DB),CLPA
where xx is the suffix of the IEASYSxx member we normally use to IPL our z/OS system, and DB indicates the IEASYSDB member, which contains DB2 specific requirements.
3. After we IPL z/OS, message DSN3100I is displayed on the system console, which indicates that DB2 is ready for the START command.
4. Start JES, VTAM, and TSO/E as usual.
5. Start DB2 from the system console with the following command:
Where (-) is the subsystem recognition character defined for DB2 during CustomPac installation dialog. We can choose another SRC.
If DB2 starts successfully, the series of RESTART messages we receive concludes with the following messages:
In addition to the normal address on our z/OS system, 2 - 5 new DB2-related address spaces start. These address spaces are ssnmMSTR and ssnmDBM1 (and possibly ssnmDIST, ssnmADMT, and irlmproc) where ssnm is the DB2 subsystem name, ssnmADMT is the DB2 administrative task scheduler procedure name, and irlmproc is the IRLM procedure name.
Note: When we start DB2 for the first time, we might receive message DSNT501I with reason code 00C900A6. The message implies tailoring the DB2 catalog is incomplete. This message can be ignored. Running job DSNTIJTC corrects the cause of this message.
Job DSNTIJTC starts the CATMAINT utility to tailor our DB2 catalog. To run DSNTIJTC, we must have installation SYSADM authority. Also, SMS must be active on the system where this DB2 subsystem is being installed. SMS must be configured to allocate all data sets for the DB2 catalog and directory in extended format and to use extended addressability.
This job runs program DSNUTILB, which must run from an authorized library. If data set custname.OS220220.SCPPLOAD is not authorized, we must edit job DSNTIJTC to delete this library from the JOBLIB concatenation.
Job DSNTIJTM creates default storage group, defines temporary work files, and binds DB2 REXX Language Support. The first time that we run DSNTIJTM, we might receive return code 12 for step DSNTIAS.
Jobs DSNTIJRW, DSNTIJRT, and DSNTIJRV are provided to set up DB2 supplied routines.
Consider the following points:
Job DSNTIJRW defines core WLM environments for DB2 supplied stored procedures and user-defined functions.
Job DSNTIJRT installs and configures DB2 supplied routines.
Job DSNTIJRV verifies the DB2 supplied routines.
If the RACF OPERCMDS class is active and a profile was defined for MVS.MCSOPER.*, the user ID that runs the DSNTIJRV job requires READ access.
For more information, see DB2 11 for z/OS Installation and Migration Guide.
The DSNTIJIC job creates an image copy of the DB2 catalog and directory. Although it is not required, it is important for backup purposes.
15.3.5 Initial program loading z/OS
An IPL is required only if SYS1.PARMLIB was changed since the previous IPL. Follow the instructions from the first IPL. Restart DB2 to clear initial error messages.
15.4 Installation verification for DB2
We log on to TSO/E with the user ID that features DB2 SYSADM authority. Start DB2 from the tailored ISPF procedure ISPDB2T, as shown in Figure 15-2.
Figure 15-2 Tailored ISPF procedure ISPDB2T
We run a simple SQL query, as shown in Figure 15-3.
Figure 15-3 Running simple SQL query
We run DSNTEJxx jobs to test our new DB2 subsystem, which depends on our installation because it is possible that some IVP jobs cannot run.
15.5 Completing the installation
We run the cleanup jobs after we verify that ServerPac/DB2 order was installed successfully.
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