• agency work, benefits of, 29
  • applications for logo, 194
  • authenticity, 38–39, 213


  • Baby Giant Design Co., 30–35, 39
  • bartering, 47, 48
  • being yourself, 213
  • brand, definition of, 78
  • brand identity
    • building, 98–99
    • designers for, 77
  • brand strategists, 77
  • branding, definition of, 78
  • Brown, Sunni, 69


  • case studies
    • Don Cuervo, 166–169
    • Future Brewing, 178–181
    • Gogo Galactic, 182–185
    • Jungle Culture, 192–197
    • Pizza Rebellion, 156–159
    • Plastic Freedom, 152–155
    • Prince Jaguar, 174–177
    • Tom Ross, 186–191
    • Unincorporated Coffee Roasters, 160–165
    • Vexquisit, 170–173
  • clients
    • communicating with, 132–134, 142–145, 147, 158, 172, 213
    • how to gain, 46–48
    • language and, 133–134
    • negative, 147
    • presenting ideas to, 103
    • price/pricing structure and, 135–139
    • protections regarding, 124–129
    • red flags for, 148–149
    • when things go wrong, 142–145
    • working with, 123–149
  • collaboration, 107, 213
  • collectives, benefits of, 51
  • colors, 154
  • commissions, 51
  • confidence, building, 202
  • consistency, 38, 111, 201
  • context, showing logos in, 93, 100
  • control, maintaining, 131–132
  • creative growth, 110
  • creativity, 43
  • curiosity, 206, 213
  • custom type, creating, 94–97


  • delegation, 107
  • deliverables, variety of, 183
  • delivery dates/schedule, 75, 131
  • deposits, 125
  • design briefs, 127, 129
  • design school, to go or not go, 27
  • discovery call, 127–128
  • Don Cuervo, 166–169
  • drawing, 69–72


  • failure, as learning tool, 112–117
  • fonts, 78
  • free work, 48
  • friends, honest, 202
  • Future Brewing, 178–181


  • goals, 201, 203
  • Gogo Galactic, 182–185
  • graphic designers, 77
  • grids, 91
  • growth and longevity, 199–208


  • habits, 57–58
  • honest friends, 202
  • honesty, 38


  • ideas, defining and redefining, 90–93
  • Irelish Media, 29


  • Jungle Culture, 192–197


  • Karma Collective, 88–89


  • language, importance of, 133–134
  • Lincoln Design Co., 39
  • listening, importance of, 127, 175
  • logo design
    • building brand identities, 98–99
    • creating custom type, 94–97
    • defining and redefining ideas, 90–93
    • drawing and, 69–72
    • exercise for, 88–89
    • overview of, 75–85
    • presenting to clients, 103
    • tips for process, 103–117
  • logo designers, 77
  • logo marks, 78
  • logo type, 78. See also custom type, creating
  • logos
    • applications for, 194
    • definition of, 78
  • longevity, growth and, 199–208


  • Made by James, 36–41
  • Martin, James
  • biography of, 15–43
  • design education, 23–27
  • early years, 16–17
  • education, 19–21
  • first agency experience, 29
  • mindset, 61–65
  • mission statements, 135
  • monograms, 78
  • mood boards, 127


  • online presence, 47
  • outdoors, inspiration from, 16


  • passion, 55
  • patience, 55, 214
  • pencils, 71–72
  • pens, 72
  • personality, 55
  • photos, design process and, 91
  • Pizza Rebellion, 156–159
  • Plastic Freedom, 152–155
  • play, 208
  • positivity, 43
  • price/pricing structure, 131, 135–139
  • Prince Jaguar, 174–177
  • process
    • creating effective, 45–65
    • defining style and, 55
    • explaining, 131
    • importance of, 213
  • See also case studies
  • protecting yourself, 124–129


  • rapid prototyping, 83
  • rebranding process, 75, 164
  • referrals, 31, 33
  • relationships, 204–205, 213
  • research, 168
  • routine, 57–58
  • rulers, 72
  • rush fees, 139


  • saying yes, 50–51
  • self-doubt, 202
  • sharing, temporary, 202
  • simplicity, 201, 203
  • six-four-two scenario, 99
  • sizes, logos in multiple, 100
  • sketchbooks, 70, 72
  • sleep, 208
  • starting over, 90
  • statement of work (SOW), 125
  • style, finding your, 53–55
  • Stylescape, 127


  • takeaways, 213
  • temporary sharing, 202
  • terminology, 77, 78
  • timelines, 131, 139
  • to-do lists, 203
  • Tom Ross, 186–191
  • tools, 71–72
  • type, creating custom, 94–97
  • typefaces, 78
  • typography, 78


  • Unincorporated Coffee Roasters, 160–165


  • vectors, 78, 91
  • Vexquisit, 170–173
  • vulnerability, 38


  • word mapping, 79–82
  • work ethic, 17
  • work hours, 33
  • work process, 45–65
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