List of Abbreviations

AA amino-acid compositions
AC accession number
ACC overall accuracy
ACR acrosome
AD adaptive decision
BLAST basic local alignment search tool
BR binary relevance
c-region C-terminal flanking region
CEL cell wall
CEN centrosome
CHL chloroplast
CM cell membrane
cTP chloroplast transit peptide
CYA cyanelle
CYK cytoskeleton
CYT cytoplasm
DLS distinct label set
EBI European Bioinformatics Institute
ECC ensembles of classifier chains
END endosome
ER endoplasmic reticulum
EU16 the 16-class eukaryotic dataset
EXP inferred from experiment
EXT extracellular
F1 F1-score
GapAA gapped amino-acid pair compositions
GO gene ontology
GOA gene ontology annotation database
GOL Golgi apparatus
h-region central hydrophobic region
HCYT host cytoplasm
HER host endoplasmic reticulum
HL Hamming loss
HMMs hidden Markov models
HNUC host nucleus
HUM12 the 12-class human dataset
HYD hydrogenosome
IDA inferred from direct assay
IEA inferred from electronic annotation
IMP inferred from mutant phenotype
IPI inferred from physical interaction
ISF inverse sequence-frequency
ISS inferred from structural and sequence similarity
LC label cardinality
LCA lowest common ancestors
LD label density
LOOCV leave-one-out cross validation
LP label powerset
LR logistic regression
LYS lysosome
MCC Mathew’s correlation coefficient
MEL melanosome
MIC microsome
MIT mitochondrion
mTP mitochondrial targeting peptide
n-region N-terminal flanking region
NE16 the 16-class novel eukaryotic dataset
NNs neural networks
NUC nucleus
OAA overall actual accuracy
OE11 the 11-class old eukaryotic dataset
OET-KNN optimized evidence-theoretic K-nearest neighbors
OLA overall locative accuracy
OLS ordinary least squares
OMCC overall Mathew’s correlation coefficient
PairAA amino-acid pair compositions
PDLS proportion of distinct label set
PER peroxisome
PLA plastid
PM plasma membrane
PseAA pseudo amino-acid compositions
PSFM position-specific frequency matrix
PSI-BLAST position-specific iterative BLAST
PSSM position-specific scoring matrix
RP random projection
RR ridge regression
RS relevance similarity
SEC secreted
SP signal peptide
SPI spindle pole body
SS semantic similarity
SVMs support vector machines
SYN synapse
TF term-frequency
TF-ISF term-frequency–inverse sequence-frequency
TLN total locative number
VAC vacuole
VC viral capsid
WAMCC weighted average Mathew’s correlation coefficient
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