© Apress 2015

Michael Paluszek and Stephanie Thomas, MATLAB Recipes, 10.1007/978-1-4842-0559-4_2

2. MATLAB Style

Michael Paluszek and Stephanie Thomas2

(1)Princeton, New Jersey, USA

(2)Princeton Junction, New Jersey, USA

Electronic supplementary material: The online version of this chapter (doi: 10.​1007/​978-1-4842-0559-4_​2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.

This chapter provides guidelines and recipes for suggested style elements to make your code and tools more understandable and easier to use.

When structuring a function, we have specific guidelines. The comments should be clear and descriptive, and follow the formatting guidelines set by your institution. The same goes for naming conventions. In addition, we recommend supplying “built-in” inputs and outputs; that is, example parameters so the function can be completely executed without any input from the user. These additional demo forms should be listed with the different syntaxes that you create for the function.

Documenting your code goes beyond adding a header and some comments to your code. MATLAB now allows you to integrate HTML help into your toolboxes that displays in the browser along with MATLAB’s documentation. You can also use the publishing utility to create comprehensive technical reports. Incorporating these features into your style guidelines from the beginning will save you a lot of work when you want to release your toolbox to others.

2.1 Developing Your Own MATLAB Style Guidelines


Each engineer in your group has her own favorite naming and whitespace styles. When people work on each other’s code, you end up with a mishmash that makes the code more difficult to read.


Develop and publish your own style guidelines. MATLAB can help enforce some guidelines, such as tab sizes, in the preferences.

How It Works

We recommend the classic book, The Elements of MATLAB Style by Richard K. Johnson (Cambridge University Press, 2010), as a starting point for developing your own style guidelines. Many of the recommendations are generic to good coding practice across programming languages, and others are specific to MATLAB, such as using publishing markup syntax in your comments. The book addresses formatting, naming, documentation, and programming.

We deviate from the book’s recommendations in a few ways. For one, we prefer to capitalize the names of functions. This distinguishes your custom functions from built-in MATLAB functions in scripts. We also prefer to use single letter variables for structures, rather than long camel-case names. However, the key to clear MATLAB code, which is also emphasized in Johnson’s text, is to treat MATLAB code like compiled code. Be mindful of variable types, use parentheses even when MATLAB doesn’t explicitly require them, and write plentiful comments.

For instance, when a variable value is a double, indicate this with a decimal point. This avoids confusion that the parameter may be an integer.


length = 1;


length = 1.0;

In if statements, always use parentheses. If you ever want to port the code to another language in the future, this saves you time, and it makes the code clearer and easier to read for programmers versed in multiple languages.


if thisIsTrue && thatIsTrue


if (thisIsTrue && thatIsTrue)

You should always avoid “magic numbers” in your code, which are easy to use when quickly typing out a function to test a concept. This is a number value that is typed in, such as to a logical statement, instead of assigned to a variable. Take the time to define a properly named variable and add a comment with the source of the number.


if (value > 2.0 || value < 0.0)


if (value > minValue || value < maxValue)

With the advent of color-coding IDEs, such as MATLAB’s editor, adding a lot of whitespace to delineate code sections has fallen out of favor in style guidelines. Generally, one line of blank space is enough between blocks of code. We suggest adding an additional line of whitespace between the end of a function and the start of a subfunction. You shouldn’t put whitespace between lines of code that are closely related.

Some programmers prefer to align blocks of code on their equal signs. This can be helpful, especially when coding sets of equations from references. However, it can also be tedious to maintain when code is under active development. If you like this style, you may prefer to wait on adding the aligning space until the function has passed internal code review and is ready for release. In our code, we generally align on equals signs only within smaller blocks as delineated by comments or whitespace.

Consider the following:

% Initialization

myVar1 = linspace (0,1);

b = 1.0;

% Calculation

[result1, result2] = MyFunction(myVar1,b);

plotH = plot (myVar1,result2);

This could be aligned in multiple ways, such as:

% Initialization

myVar1 = linspace (0,1);

b = 1.0;

% Calculation

[result1, result2] = MyFunction(myVar1,b);

plotH = plot (myVar1,result2);

Or, if aligning across the blocks, as:

% Initialization

myVar1 = linspace (0,1);

b = 1.0;

% Calculation

[result1, result2] = MyFunction(myVar1,b);

plotH = plot (myVar1,result2);

In the code for this book, you will see the former, per-block style of alignment.

Another consideration with whitespace is tab sizes. Some guidelines recommend larger tabs of four or eight spaces, arguing that MATLAB code is rarely deeply nested. We routinely write a lot of deeply nested code, so our internal guideline is for two spaces. When you set the tab size in the MATLAB preferences and set it to insert spaces for tabs, you can use the Smart Indent features to easily highlight and update code blocks. Figure 2-1 shows the tab preferences pane in MATLAB R2014b, on a Mac.

Figure 2-1. Tab preferences with size of 2 and spaces option checked

We prefer to use uppercase for function names (MyFunction), specifically to distinguish them from the lowercase function names of the built-in MATLAB functions. Otherwise, we use camel case (myVariableName) for variables; we often use a single letter or very short names for structures. For index variables, we tend to use k to avoid confusion with the variables i and j and their association with imaginary numbers. We follow the standard convention of capitalizing constant names; for example, for the Earth’s gravitational constant, MU_EARTH.

In other words, you need to establish naming conventions for the following:

  • Function names

  • Variable names

  • Structure names

  • Index variables

  • Constants

Additional naming conventions might include standard prefixes or suffixes for certain types of files or variables. One example is using the letters “RHS” in the name of a function that provides dynamics for integration; that is, the right-hand side of the equations when the derivatives are on the left. The word “Demo” is helpful in the name of a script that demonstrates a particular function or feature. You should be consistent about the order of variable name elements. For example, if r means radius and the second element is the name of the planet, then use R_EARTH and R_MOON. Don’t make the second MOON_R. The order should be consistent throughout your code base.

Further rules could address the names of boolean variables or the use of verbs in function names. The most important step is to create and write down a set of conventions for your organization, or create some function templates so that your engineers write consistent code.

The following guidelines are used throughout this book:

  • Naming Naming guidelines.

  • Function names Use camel case for function names with the first letter capitalized. The first word is ideally an action verb or “RHS”.

  • Script names If the script is a demo of a particular function or set of functions, append “Demo” to the name.

  • Variable names Use camel case for variable names with a lowercase first letter.

  • Constants Use uppercase to identify constants.

  • Variable name length Most variable names should be at least three characters. Exceptions include commonly used data structures, index variables, and when replicating equations from a text where single letter variable names are standard and easily recognizable to someone in the field.

  • Index variables When using a single index variable, use k; when using two, j and k; for additional variables, use l, m.

  • Doubles Always use a decimal point when typing out a double value.

  • Magic numbers Avoid magic numbers in your code; prefer the use of a variable to specify a number.

  • Comments Always add a comment describing the source or rationale for a hard-coded number in your code.

  • If statements Always use parentheses around the conditional portion of IF statements.

  • Tabs Use a tab size of two spaces and set MATLAB to insert spaces for tabs. Use Smart Indent to enforce consistent tabs before committing files.

  • Blank lines Use one blank line between most code sections and two blank lines between subfunctions.

  • Alignment Align code on the equal sign only within the code block (as separated by blank lines).

Guidelines for function headers are addressed in the next recipe.

2.2 Writing Good Function Help


You look at a function a couple months (or years) after you wrote it, or a colleague wrote it, and find it has only one cryptic comment at the top. You no longer remember how the function works, what it was supposed to do, or exactly what your comment means.


Establish a format for your function headers and stick to it. Use the publishing markup to enable you to generate good-looking documentation from the m-file.

How It Works

Write the header for your function at the top, using the publishing markup. This means that the very first line should start with a section break, %%, and include the name of your function, as that will be the title of the published page. This line should also include a one-sentence summary of the function; this must be in the first non-empty comment line of the file, which is also termed the H1 line. This summary can be used automatically by MATLAB when generating Contents.m files for your folders and by the lookfor function, which searches files on the path for keywords.

Document inputs and outputs separately using section titles. Indicate the type or size of the variable and provide a description. Use two spaces between the comment sign % and the line to generate monospaced text for the input and output lists. Use the following keys to indicate variable type and size:

  • {} Cell array

  • (1,1) Scalar value

  • (:) String

  • (:,:) Matrix of variable size

  • (1,:) Row of variable length

  • (:,1) Column of variable length

  • (m,n) Matrix with row and column sizes (m,n) that must match other inputs or outputs

  • (.) Data structure

  • (:) Data structure array

  • (*) Function handle

Always include a copyright notice. Take credit for authoring your code! The standard is to start with the initial year that the function is created, and then add a range of years when you update the function, for instance, Copyright (c) 2012, 2014–2015. The “c” in parenthesis approximates the actual copyright symbol. After the copyright, the next line should state “All Rights Reserved”. Add a blank line between the main header and the copyright notice to suppress it from the command-line help display.

The following example shows a function that computes a dot product columnwise for two matrices. Note that this is still legible in the Command Window output of  help Dot, with the first % of the cell breaks suppressed. Use the * markup for a bulleted list. The output is always one row, which is indicated in the size key.

When published to HTML, this will appear as follows, ignoring the generated Contents section:

DOT Dot product of two arrays.


d = Dot( w, y )

d = Dot( w )


Dot product with support for arrays. The number of columns of w and y can be

  • Both > 1 and equal

  • One can be a single column and the other any number of columns

If there is only one input, the dot product will be taken with itself.


w (:,:) vector

y (:,:) vector


d (1,:) Dot product of w and y

See also


Finally, remember to describe any plots created or files generated; i.e. “side effects.” It’s also a good idea to identify whether a function uses persistent or global variables, which may require a clear command to reset. The following list summarizes the parts of the header, in order.

1. H1 line Start with a single line description of the function.

2. Syntax List the syntaxes supporter.

3. Description Provide a more detailed description. Describe any built-in demos, default values for parameters, persistent or global variables that users need to be aware of, and any “side effects,” including plots or files saved. Indicate whether a function will request input from the user.

4. Inputs List the inputs with a size/format key. Include units, if applicable.

5. Outputs List the outputs as is done with inputs.

6. See also List any related functions.

7. Reference If applicable, list any references.

8. Copyright Include a copyright notice. There should be a blank line between the rest of the header and the copyright notice.

2.3 Overloading Functions and Utilizing varargin


You want to reuse a section of code that you have written, but you may use it in different situations or extract additional data for it in some circumstances but not others.


You can overload functions in MATLAB easily and implicitly. varargin and varargout make it simple to manage variable length input and output lists.

How It Works

MATLAB allows you to overload a function in any way you would like inside the file that defines it. This applies to the inputs and the outputs. There is generally a trade-off between writing the clearest code you can, with a single calling syntax, and avoiding duplication of code. Perhaps there are intermediate variables that may be useful as outputs in some cases, or you want to provide backward compatibility with an older syntax. When creating libraries for numerical computations, there always seem to be additional syntaxes that are useful. We recommend the following when overloading functions:

  • Use varargin and varargout when possible and rename the variables with descriptive names as close to the top of the function as you can.

  • Be sure to clearly document all input and output variants in the header. Adding another optional input or output and neglecting to document it is the number-one reason for out-of-date headers.

  • Use comments to clearly identify what the outputs are when you are renaming them to match the function’s syntax, or use varargout.

  • Clear the function outputs if you are creating a plot and they are not needed, to avoid unnecessary printing to the command line.

The following example highlights use of these guidelines. We often use functions with a string “action” defining multiple input variations by name. This provides additional clarity beyond depending on input number or type to select an overloaded method.

2.4 Adding Built-in Inputs and Outputs to Functions


You would like to provide default values for some optional inputs or provide a short demonstration of how a function works.


Add built-in inputs and outputs to your function using an action input or nargin. This can include a full demo that calls the function and generates plots, as appropriate.

How It Works

Built-in inputs provide an example set of parameters that produce output. In many cases, we provide an input range that can create a plot demonstrating the computation performed in the function. In MATLAB, you must explicitly handle input options in the code, as you can’t add a default value in the function definition itself.

One convention that we find useful is to allow an empty matrix, [], to be entered for an input to use its default value. This allows you to request a default for one input, but provide values for subsequent inputs. The following example shows both a demo that creates a plot and a default value for a constant.

function output = MyFunction( variable, constant )

if (nargin == 0)

% perform demo

variable = linspace(0,100);

MyFunction( variable );



if (nargin < 2 || isempty (constant))

% default value of constant

constant = VALUE;


Notice that the built-in demo, which is performed when there are no inputs at all, calls the function itself and then returns. This makes the demo also a built-in test. The code to generate the built-in outputs, which could be a text report to the command line or a plot, generally comes at the end of the function. This enables you to create the built-in outputs with inputs that the user specifies, and not just the built-in inputs. For instance, there might be alternative values of the constant. Note that in the following output generation example, the name of the figure is specified, including the name of the function, which is exceedingly helpful if you routinely generate dozens of plots during your work.

... body of function with calculations ...

if (nargout==0)

% Default output is a plot

figure('Name', 'Demo of MyFunction')

plot(variable, output)

clear output



Assign a name to figures that you create. Include the name of the function or demo for clarity. The name will be displayed in the title bar of the figure and in MATLAB’s Windows menu.

Writing all of your functions this way has several advantages. For one, you are showing valid ranges of the variables up front, without requiring a reader to refer to a separate test function or demo in another folder. Having this hard data available every time you open the function helps keep your code and your comments consistent. Also, you have a test of the function, which you can easily rerun at any time right from the editor. You can publish the function with execution turned on, which performs the demo and includes the command-line output and plots right in the HTML file (or LaTeX or Word, if you so choose.) All of this helps reduce bugs and documents your function for other readers or yourself in the future.

Following this guideline, here is the general format followed for all functions in this book:

1. Detailed header

2. Copyright

3. Function definition

4. Default inputs

5. Function demo—that calls itself

6. Code body with calculations

7. Default output

Note that no final return statement is necessary.

In summary, the following usages of this function have been enabled by adding default inputs and outputs:

output = MyFunction( variable, constant );

output = MyFunction( variable ); % uses default value of constant

MyFunction; % performs built-in demo

MyFunction(variable, constant); % creates a plot for the given input

2.5 Smart Structuring of Scripts


You write a few lines of code in a script to test some idea. Can you figure out what it does a year later?


Treat your scripts like functions, and structure them well. Take the time to follow a template.

How It Works

A script is any collection of commands that you put in a file and execute together. In our toolboxes, we treat scripts as demos of our toolbox functions, and therefore as instructional. Here are some guidelines we recommend when creating scripts:

  • Create help Help headers are not just for functions; write them for your scripts too. In a year from now, will you remember what this script does? Will someone else in your company be able to understand it? Write a detailed description including a list of any files required or generated.

  • Use publishing markup Create cells in your scripts (using %%) to delineate sections. Write detailed comments after the section headings. Publish your script to HTML and see how it looks. You can even add equations using LaTeX markup or by inserting images.

  • Initialize your variables Take care to fully initialize your variables or you could have conflicts when you run multiple scripts in a row. This especially applies to data structures and cell arrays. See the recipes for data types in Chapter 1 for the correct way to initialize different variables.

  • Specify a directory for saved files Make sure that you are saving any data into a particular location and not just wherever the current directory happens to be.

Our scripts use the following pattern. Cell breaks are used between the sections.

1. Detailed header using publishing markup

2. Copyright notice

3. User parameters (meant to be changed between runs) are grouped at the top

4. Constants are defined

5. Initialize plotting arrays before loops

6. Perform calculations

7. Create plots

8. Store outputs in files, if desired

The following is a complete example, which can be executed.

%% DEMO This is a template for a script layout.

% A detailed description of the script includes and files loaded or

% generated and an idea of what data and plots will be created.

% We will calculate a sine or cosine with or without scaling of the input.

% The script creates one plot and saves the workspace to a file called

% Demo.mat.

%% See also

% sin, cos

%% User parameters

param1 = 0.5;

nPoints = 50;

useSine = false;

%% Constants


%% Calculation loop

yPlot = zeros (2,nPoints);

x = linspace (0,4* pi ,nPoints);

for k = 1:nPoints

if (useSine)

y = sin ( [1.0;param1]*x(k) + MY_CONSTANT );


y = cos ( [1.0;param1]*x(k) + MY_CONSTANT );


yPlot (:,k) = y;


%% Plotting

figure ('Name', 'DEMO');

plot (x,yPlot);

%% Save workspace to a file

saveDir = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));

save (fullfile(saveDir, 'Demo'))

You can verify that the data is stored by clearing the workspace and loading the mat-file after the demo has run.

>> clear all

>> ScriptDemo

>> clear all

>> load Demo.mat

>> who

Your variables are:

MY_CONSTANT nPoints useSine y

k param1 x yPlot

2.6 Implementing MATLAB Command-Line Help for Folders


You have a set of folders in your code base and you would like users to easily navigate them as they can the built-in MATLAB library.


Placing Contents.m files in each folder can provide metadata for the contents of the folders, and this can be displayed on the command line.

How It Works

Command-line help isn’t just for functions and scripts. Folders can also have help in the form of a contents listing, which includes the function names and a single-line description of each. Toolboxes can also provide documentation in response to a ver command with a toolbox-level contents listing. This information is provided in a Contents.m file that consists entirely of comments.

The Contents Report can generate Contents.m files for you. It can also check and fix existing Contents.m files. It automatically uses the H1 line, or the first line of the header, in the function or script. Recipe 2-2 provided an example of a function header that includes this line. To read more and learn how to run the report on your operating system, see the MATLAB help topic “Create Help Summary Files.”

Version information isn’t limited to a single Contents file per toolbox; it is generated by a special line inserted into the top of any Contents.m file:

% Version xxx dd-mmm-yyyy

You can also add a descriptive line above the Version information and add subheadings to groups of files. For example, consider the output from the codetools directory included in MATLAB:

>> help codetools

Commands for creating and debugging code

MATLAB Version 8.4 (R2014b) 08-Sep-2014

Editing and publishing

edit - Edit or create a file

grabcode - Copy MATLAB code from published HTML

mlint - Check files for possible problems

notebook - Open MATLAB Notebook in Microsoft Word (on Microsoft

Windows platforms)

publish - Publish file containing cells to output file

snapnow - Force snapshot of image for published document

Directory tools

mlintrpt - Run mlint for file or folder, reporting results in browser

visdiff - Compare two files (text, MAT, or binary) or folders

As with the header of a function, there can be no blank lines in the Contents file, only comments. This is shown in an example in Chapter 6 of this book, the Double Integrator, where we added letters of the alphabet as section breaks.

% MATLAB/Ch06-DoubleIntegrator


% D

% DoubleIntegratorSim - Double Integrator Demo


% P

% PDControl - Design and implement a PD Controller in sampled time.

% PlotSet - Create two-dimensional plots from a data set .


% R

% RHSDoubleIntegrator - Right hand side of a double integrator .

% RungeKutta - Fourth order Runge-Kutta numerical integrator .


% T

% TimeLabel - Produce time labels and scaled time vectors

Figure 2-2 shows how to access the Contents Report for this folder from the Command Window.

Figure 2-2. Access the Contents Report on Double Integrator

The actual report is shown in Figure 2-3. You can see that there are links to edit the Contents.m file, such as for adding version information; fixing the spacing; or fixing all problems. The report detects if you have changed the H1 description line of the function and it conflicts with the text in the Contents file.

Figure 2-3. Completed Double Integrator contents report

2.7 Publishing Code into Technical Reports


You are creating a report based on some analysis you are doing in MATLAB. You are laboriously copying and pasting code snippets and figures into your report document. You discover a bug in your code, and you have to do it all over again...


The publishing feature in MATLAB allows you to run a script and automatically generate a document containing the results, including images of each figure generated and the code itself, with text and equations that you insert. These reports can be easily regenerated when you change your code.

How It Works

The publishing features allow you to generate HTML, LaTeX, Word, and PowerPoint documents from your code. These documents can display the code itself, as well as command-line output and plots. You can even capture snapshots of your figures during loops and include equations using LaTeX markup. Every programmer should become familiar with these features. The main features are highlighted shortly.

The very first section at the top of your file gives a title to the published document. The comments that follow in your header are published as discussed in Recipe 2-2. Having a good header is important since this can be displayed at the command line, up until the first blank line of your function. However, you can also add more sections, text, equations, and images throughout your code. MATLAB automatically generates a table of contents of all the sections, and inserts the generated plots and command-line output in each section.

You need to be careful about putting section breaks inside loops, since this produces a snapshot of any figures at every iteration. This could be a desired behavior if you want to capture the evolution of a figure, but it could also accidentally produce hundreds of unwanted images. The following is an example script created to demonstrate publishing.

Figure 2-4 shows this script in the publishing tab of the MATLAB editor, with the pop-up menu opened to access the publishing options.

Figure 2-4. Preparing to publish a script in the editor

There are a number of settings that apply to publishing. You can save a set of settings with a name and easily reuse it for all of your files. The default settings for code are to both evaluate it and include the source code in the published document, but these may be turned off independently. To create a technical memo from a script without including the source code itself, you set the “Include code” option to false. You can set maximum dimensions on figures and select the format: JPEG, PNG, bitmap, or TIFF. You can even specify a MATLAB expression for a function to include input arguments, rather than just running it as a built-in demo.

Figure 2-5 shows the settings window with PDF selected as the output type. Note the Save As... button, which allows you to save settings. We set the maximum width of the figure to 200 pixels to enable the memo to fit on one page, for the purposes of this book.

Figure 2-5. Editting the publish settings for a file

Figure 2-6 shows a LaTeX memo generated and compiled for the preceding listing, published without the code, with the figure generated in a loop. Note the table of contents, equation, and insertion of the graphic. We had to remove some extra vspace commands that MATLAB added to the LaTeX to fit the memo on one page.

Figure 2-6. Technical memo published to LaTeX and compiled to PDF

2.8 Integrating Toolbox Documentation into the MATLAB Help System


You would like to write a users’ guide and provide it with your toolbox.


If you write HTML help files, you can, in fact, include them with your toolbox when you distribute it, and the help will show up in MATLAB’s help browser.

How It Works

You are not limited to command-line help when providing documentation for your code or toolbox. MATLAB now provides an API for writing HTML documentation and displaying it to users in the help browser. You can write an entire HTML manual and include published versions of your demos.

In order to integrate your HTML help files into the MATLAB help system, you need to generate a few XML files. One provides a top-level table of contents for your toolboxes. Another provides a list of the demos or examples. The third identifies your product. The help topics to read are “Display Custom Documentation” and “Display Custom Examples.” The help for third-party products is displayed in a separate section of the MATLAB help browser, entitled “Supplemental Software.” The files you need to generate are listed in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1. Custom Documentation Files


Identify your documentation


Table of contents


Table of examples

The MATLAB documentation describes the XML tags that you need. It provides template documents. Comments can be included within the files using standard HTML comments with <!-- and -->.

The main purpose of the info.xml file is to provide a name for your toolbox, identify it as a toolbox or blockset, and provide a path to the remaining HTML documentation. The following is an example for our recipes code.

The table of contents file, helptoc.xml, must provide a listing of all the HTML files in your help. This is accomplished with a <tocitem> tag that can be nested. You generally provide a starting or main page for your toolbox, a “getting started” page, users’ guide pages, release notes, and further pages that list the functions provided. <tocitem>’s can have references to HTML anchors; they do not all need to refer to separate HTML files.

A small set of icons is included, which can be displayed in the help contents. Consider the following helptoc.xml.

This produces the contents listing in the help browser shown in Figure 2-7. The major icons to delineate the help sections are used. Anchor IDs are used for both features.html and function_categories.html. There is even a reference to an external web site. Note that this means you will have written the following HTML files:

  • index.html

  • getting_started.html

  • requirements.html

  • features.html

  • guide_intro.html

  • setup.html

  • data_processing.html

  • verification.html

  • test_failures.html

  • function_categories.html

  • function_1.html

  • function_2.html

  • ...

Figure 2-7. Custom toolbox table of contents

Clearly, generating a function list for a large toolbox by hand could be cumbersome. At PSS, we have functions to generate this XML automatically from a directory, using dir. You can use the functional form of publish to publish your functions and scripts to HTML automatically, as well.

The demos file is similar to the toc file in that it provides a nested list of demos or examples. There are two main tags: <demosection> and <demoitem>. Items can be m-files or videos. Published demos display a thumbnail for one of the figures from the demo, if any exist; the thumbnail image has the same name as the HTML file, but a different extension. The demos are completely independent from the HTML table of contents, and you can implement an examples listing without creating any other HTML help pages.

Here is a short example from our Cubesat Toolbox that includes a published demo called MagneticControlDemo.

Once you have created a set of HTML files, you can create a database that will allow MATLAB to search them efficiently. To do this, you use builddocsearchdb with a path to the folder containing your help files; that is, the same path you enter in your info.xml file. This function creates a subfolder called helpsearch containing the database. With this subfolder added to your help installation, users will get results from your documentation when they search in the Help browser.

2.9 Structuring a Toolbox


You have a jumble of functions and scripts that you would like to organize into a toolbox that you can distribute to others.


A previous recipe showed you how to create or generate Contents.m files for individual folders in your toolbox. You can also create a top-level Contents.m file. We describe our usual toolbox structure, including placement of these files.

How It Works

We have a fixed structure for our commercial toolboxes that is used by our build tools and testing routines.

  • Group-related functions together in folders

  • Place scripts in separate folders

  • Place script folders together in a Demos folder

  • Use the same name for the function folder and corresponding demos folder

  • Organize folder groups into Modules or Toolboxes

Once you create the help files, as described in the previous recipes, they will appear in the directory structure as shown next—not in literal alphabetical order. Note that the published demos are stored in the html directories within the demo folders. We do not display them all, but every folder should have its own Contents.m file.


| Contents.m

| Folder1

| | Contents.m

| | Function1.m

| Folder2

| | Function2.m

| Demos

| | Folder1

| | | Function1Demo.m

| | | html

| | Folder2

| | | Function2Demo.m

| | | html

| | CombinedDemos

| | | SuperDemo.m

| | | html

| Documentation

| | demos.xml

| | info.xml

| | ToolboxHelp

| | | helptoc.xml

| | | GettingStarted.html

| | | ...

You will note that there is a top-level Contents.m file within the Module, at the same level as the folders. MATLAB does not have any automated utility to make this for you. You can create one with a version line, the name of your toolbox, and any other information you would like displayed when the user types “help Module”; we generate a list of folders within the module using dir. Here is an example, noting that all lines in a Content.m file are comments:

% PSS Toolbox Folder NewModule

% Version 2015.1 05-Mar-2015


% Directories:

% Folder1

% Folder1

% Demos

% Demos/Folder1

% Demos/Folder1

Your toolbox module will now appear when the user types ver at the command. For example:

>> ver


MATLAB Version: (R2014b)

MATLAB License Number: 6xxxxx

Operating System: Mac OS X Version: 10.9.5 Build: 13F1066

Java Version: Java 1.7.0_55-b13 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server

VM mixed mode


MATLAB Version 8.4 (R2014b)

PSS Toolbox Folder NewModule Version 2015.1


This chapter reviewed style guidelines for writing MATLAB code and highlighted some differences between styles for MATLAB and other languages. When establishing guidelines for your own toolboxes, consider the features you may want to use, such as automatic generation of contents files, publishing your results to HTML or Microsoft Word, and even incorporating HTML help in the web browser. Also, take the time to create proper headers and initialization when you generate code to avoid unpleasant surprises down the road! Table 2-2 lists the code developed in the chapter.

Table 2-2. Chapter Code Listing




Dot product header example.


Example of a technical memo for publishing.


An internally overloaded function.


Demo template for a script layout.

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