
About the Author

image Chapter 1: Introducing MATLAB and the MATLAB Working Environment


Developing Algorithms and Applications

Data Access and Analysis

Data Visualization

Numerical Calculation

Publication of Results and Distribution of Applications

The MATLAB Working Environment

Help in MATLAB

image Chapter 2: Variables, Numbers, Operators and Functions


Vector Variables

Matrix Variables

Character Variables



Functions of Integers and Divisibility

Alternative Bases

Real Numbers

Functions with Real Arguments

Complex Numbers

Functions with Complex Arguments

Elementary Functions that Support Complex Vector Arguments

Elementary Functions that Support Complex Matrix Arguments

Random Numbers


Arithmetic Operators

Relational Operators

Logical Operators

Logical Functions

image Chapter 3: Control Systems

Introduction to Control Systems

Control System Design and Analysis: The Control System Toolbox

Construction of Models

Analysis and Design

Graphical Analysis of Models Using the LTI Viewer

Analysis of Models Using the Command Line

Compensator Design Using the SISO Design Tool

Compensator Design Using the Command Line

The Control System Toolbox Commands

LTI Model Commands

Model Feature Commands

Model Conversion Commands

Commands for Reduced Order Models

Commands Related to State-Spaces

Commands for Dynamic Models

Commands for Interconnecting Models

Response Time Commands

Frequency Response Commands

Pole Location Commands

LQG Design Commands

Commands for Solving Equations

image Chapter 4: Robust Predictive Control

Predictive Control Strategies: The Model Predictive Control Toolbox

ID Commands

Information Matrix Plotting Commands

Model Conversion Commands

Model Building Commands - MPC Mod Format

Control Design and Simulation Commands - MPC Step Format

Control Design and Simulation Commands - MPC Mod Format

Script Analysis Commands

Robust Control Systems: The Robust Control Toolbox

Optional Data Structure System Commands

Modeling Commands

Model Conversion Commands

Utility Commands

Commands for Bode Multivariate Graphics

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